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A study of Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say), biotypes and resistance in wheats in MoroccoEl Bouhssini, Mustapha January 1986 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1986 E42 / Master of Science / Entomology
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The DressmakersLange, Shara K. 01 January 2011 (has links)
THE DRESSMAKERS, a feature-length documentary, contrasts the slow pace of artisanal clothes-making with the fast pace of the competitive textiles industry in Morocco, inviting a re-examination of the values represented by the clothing that people wear. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1204/thumbnail.jpg
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A Moroccan Remains a MoroccanLange, Shara K. 01 January 2011 (has links)
A MOROCCAN REMAINS A MOROCCAN contrasts old and new methods of clothes-making and situates Morocco in its multi-dimensional position among ancient, colonial, post-modern, and global influences. Themes of class, gender, and identity are the backdrop to stories about unique characters and the varieties of clothing that they make. The changing characteristics of clothing are a metaphor for the transformations happening both on the surface and to the infrastructure of Moroccan culture and economics.
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A Moroccan Remains a MoroccanLange, Shara K. 01 January 2012 (has links)
A MOROCCAN REMAINS A MOROCCAN contrasts old and new methods of clothes-making and situates Morocco in its multi-dimensional position among ancient, colonial, post-modern, and global influences. Themes of class, gender, and identity are the backdrop to stories about unique characters and the varieties of clothing that they make. The changing characteristics of clothing are a metaphor for the transformations happening both on the surface and to the infrastructure of Moroccan culture and economics.
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L'étape marocaine des self-made migrants. La recherche d'une émancipation économique et sociale par la mobilité. / The Maroccan stage of self-made-migrants mobility. Towards a social and economic emancipation.Madrisotti, Francesco 10 July 2018 (has links)
’appuyant sur une ethnographie d’environ cinq ans, effectuee entre 2010 et 2015 dans la ville de Tanger, l’enquete presentee ici interroge les formes de mobilité et les pratiques économiques mises en place par des migrants originaires de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et exclus des circuits de la mobilité privilégiée. Je décris ces individus comme des self-made-migrants qui, ne disposant pas des moyens économiques, administratifs et relationnels leur permettant d'accéder aux cir-cuits de la mobilité privilégiée, construisent, par le bas, une mobilité transnationale et subalterne réalisée par étapes et contournements de frontières. Cette mobilité se configure comme un projet et est conçue par les migrants comme un moyen pour “chercher leur vie”, a savoir pour chercher de manière autonome de nouvelles opportunités et une émancipation économique et sociale et s'imposer ainsi comme les acteurs de leur destin. Cette quête est orientée moins par une desti-nation precise que par la volonte de “sortir” et de circuler dans un ailleurs indefini et ouvert qui devient le catalyseur des imaginaires de réussite de ces migrants. Cette mobilité se réalise par étapes, à travers des découvertes, des explorations, des allers-retours : les migrants inventent ainsi étape après étape des parcours singuliers en reformulant constamment leurs itinéraires en fonction des contraintes et des opportunités qui se présentent. À travers mon enquête j'explore la relation existant entre cette forme de mobilité transnationale subalterne et des pratiques économiques de la mobilité et de la débrouille que les migrants in-ventent et développent afin d'alimenter leur trajectoire. Ces pratiques relèvent d'une économie de la pauvreté, caractérisée par des revenus extrêmement modestes et aléatoires et par un manque complet de toute forme de protection. Je montrerai que ces pratiques s'ancrent dans les marges de l'économie régulière et se greffent sur d'autres formes de mobilités qui se croisent et s'imbriquent dans la région tangéroise : des mobilités touristiques et commerciales notamment. Ces pratiques sont en outre transposables et peuvent être déclinées de manière inédite lors des étapes futures des itinéraires de ces self-made-migrants. Ces self-made-migrants sont donc les acteurs d'une mobilité subalterne qui se fonde sur des pratiques économiques de la débrouille qui leur permettent de circuler sur des territoires trans-nationaux et alimenter ainsi leur quête d'émancipation économique et sociale. Mots-clés : self-made-migrants, migration, mobilité transnationale, économie de la mobilité, économie de la débrouille, émancipation économique et sociale, étape, Maroc. / Based on an ethnographic field, made between 2010 and 2015 in the Tangier city, this research seeks to find out how the West African moves excluded of the circuits of the mainstream migration, and the economical practices they use in order to move. I describe these individuals as the self-made-migrants, whom not having access to the economical, administrative and social resources to move, they create by they own means, a transnational and subordinate mobility made by stages and border circumventions. This mobility is understood as a project, and a way to “seek their life”. For them, this expression means to look autonomously new social and economic opportunities to become the main character of their destiny. This quest is not lead by the destination but by the will of “going out” and move in an indefinite elsewhere, which becomes the catalyst of the imaginations of success of these migrants. This mobility is made by stages, through discoveries, explorations, and roundtrips. The migrants create, step by step, singular journeys by constantly reformulating the itinerary, in order to respond to the opportunities and the difficulties they found on their quest. In this research I explore the relationship between this transnational subordinated mobility and the economical practices created by the migrants in order to continue the trip. These economical strategies take part of the economics of poverty, defined by lowest and random incomes, and by a lack of protection. I’ll show that these strategies are link to the regular economy and are related to other forms of mobility found in the Tangier region. These strategies are also easy to transpose and adapt to other contexts in other steps of the journey. The self-made migrants are the actors of a subordinated mobility based on a precarious economy that nonetheless allows them to continue their transnational journey and their pursuit of an economic and social emancipation. Key Words: self-made-migrants, migration, transnational mobility, economics of the mobility, precarious economy, social and economic emancipation, stage, Morocco.
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Estimation de la mortalité attribuée au tabac au Maroc / Estimation of tobacco attributable mortality in MoroccoTachfouti, Nabil 08 December 2014 (has links)
Introduction : Le tabac constitue la première cause de décès évitable dans le monde. Le Maroc constitue un bon modèle pour l’étude de la mortalité liée au tabagisme dans un pays en transition épidémiologique. Dans ce pays, les différentes études menées sur le tabagisme ont montré que sa prévalence chez les adultes a évolué de 17,2% en 2000 à 18,5% en 2006. Mais, peu de données existent sur les conséquences du tabac sur l’état de santé de la population Marocaine notamment en matière de décès prématurés. L’objectif de ce travail est d’estimer la mortalité globale liée au tabac au Maroc. Méthodes : Nous avons choisi le modèle SAMMEC (Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Morbidity, and Economic Cost) qui est une application conçue par les center of Disease Control (CDC). Le principe de cette méthode se base sur le calcul de la fraction attribuable au tabagisme (FAT) qui est la proportion des décès lié au tabac parmi l’ensemble des décès due à une maladie. Les données nécessaires pour cette modélisation sont : - Les risques relatifs (RR) de décès pour les fumeurs et les ex-fumeurs par rapport aux non- fumeurs. Ces RR ont été recueillis à partir de l’étude «American Cancer Society’s Cancer Prévention Study II (CPS-II)». -La fréquence de la consommation du tabac : les proportions des fumeurs, des anciens fumeurs et des non fumeurs ont été tirées à partir de l’étude MARTA; - Les causes de mortalité : il s’agit de 19 maladies liées au tabac regroupés en trois groupes de pathologies : les maladies cardio-vasculaires, les maladies de l’appareil respiratoire et les cancers. Ces données ont été recueillies à partir des déclarations de décès au niveau des bureaux communaux d’hygiène de la région de Casablanca durant l’année 2012. Elles ont été ensuite extrapolées sur la population Marocaine. Au terme du recueil, nous avons pu utiliser le modèle pour estimer la mortalité liée au tabac chez les personnes âgées de 35 ans et plus par sexe, et tranche d’âge.Résultats : La mortalité attribuable au tabac (MAT) durant l’année 2012 chez la population Marocaine âgée de 35 ans et plus est estimée à 4359 décès ; 3835 chez les hommes et 524 chez les femmes. La MAT représente 11,9% de la mortalité globale chez la tranche d’âge concernée par l’étude (personnes âgées de 35 ans et plus) ; 18,2% cher les hommes et 3,4 % chez les femmes. La MAT représente 66,4 % des décès par cause respiratoire, 53,9% de la mortalité par cancer et 13,7% des décès par maladies cardiovasculaires. La MAT est dominé par les décès par les cancers qui en représentent 48,4%, suivi des maladies cardiovasculaires qui en représentent 31,8% et celles de l’appareil respiratoire par 18,7%. Chez les hommes, les cancers représentent 49,8% de la MAT, les maladies cardiovasculaires en représentent 31,7% et celles de l’appareil respiratoire en représentent 18,5%. Chez les femmes, les cancers en représentent 38,5% suivi des maladies cardiovasculaires (31,8%) et celles de l’appareil respiratoire (29,7%). Discussion : Les chiffres alarmants du coût du tabagisme en termes de mortalité suggèrent l’urgence de sensibiliser davantage les décideurs politiques. Ces derniers seront menés à mettre en place une stratégie de lutte basée sur une politique prévention plus adaptée à cette situation épidémiologique et en mesure d’épargner un énorme fardeau au pays. / Background : To establish the impact of tobacco smoking on mortality is essential to define and monitor public health interventions in developing countries. In Morocco, smoking prevalence has increased from 17.2% to 18.5% between 2000 and 2006. Moreover, no updated estimates are available on smoking attributable mortality (SAM). The aim of this study is to estimate the number of smoking attributable deaths in Morocco. Methods : The Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Morbidity and Economic Costs (SAMMEC) software was used to estimate the smoking attributable mortality for the year 2012. Smoking and ex-smoking prevalence’s of Moroccan’s aged 35 years or older were obtained from the national survey on tobacco “MARTA” data. Mortality data were drawn from the Mortality declaration registries in Casablanca region and extrapolated on Moroccan population. Results : Of total 36548 deaths recorded in Morocco in 2012 among person aged 35 years and older, 4359 were attributed to smoking in the three groups of selected causes; 3835 men’s and 524 women’s. Smoking accounted for 11.9% of all deaths; 18.3 % in men, and 3.4 % in women. Cancer was the most frequent cause, responsible for 50.7% (2112 deaths) of all smoking attributable deaths, followed by cardiovascular diseases (30.7%:1338 deaths) and respiratory diseases (19.6%: 864 deaths). Conclusion : Tobacco use caused one out of five male deaths. Four leading causes (lung cancer, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and chronic airways obstruction) accounted for for 64.2% of all SAM; 65.0% among men and 61.6% among women’s. Overall, there is still a 5 high burden of tobacco-related deaths in Germany which leads to considerable costs for the German health system and economy. Effective and comprehensive actions must be taken in order to slow this epidemic in Morocco.
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An Assessment of the Competitiveness of the Moroccan Tourism Industry: Benchmarking ImplicationsYasin, Mahmoud, Alavi, Jafar, Koubida, Sallem, Small, Michael H. 01 March 2011 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine practices, realities and opportunities relevant to Moroccan tourism. In the process, the competitiveness of this vital economic sector is assessed. Based on this examination, relevant, benchmarking implications are identified and advanced to policy makers. Design/methodology/approach – The shiftshare technique is utilized to analyze tourist arrivals, from different regions of the world, to Morocco, Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt. The shiftshare analysis is utilized to understand the existing competitive position of Morocco in relation to her main competitors. Findings – The results of the shiftshare analysis revealed that Morocco has not performed as well as the rest of the competitors in the benchmark group. This was attributed, in part, to focusing on markets with less potential for growth. Research limitations/implications – The shiftshare technique utilized in this study is a diagnostic tool. Thus, more research is needed to uncover the dynamic relationships relevant to the competitive position of Moroccan tourism. Practical implications – The findings of this study have clear benchmarking implications to Moroccan policy makers, as they pursue a more comprehensive and systematic tourism strategy. Originality/value – The applied research presented in this article is consistent with the increasing significance of global tourism.
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The Distribution, Composition, and Formation of Sahara Desert Microbialites From the Base of the Meski Plateau, outside Erfoud, MoroccoFaulkner, Sean 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Seven distinctly different museum-quality concretionary morphotypes of elongate, spheroidal, banded, botryoidal, columnar, rosette, and speleothem in regolith at two small sites at the base of the Meski Plateau near Erfoud, Morocco are described. Although most are isolated hand samples, the largest concretions are meter-sized blocks. Not one sample resembles any surrounding outcrop or bedrock. The barite rosettes formed first via periodic mixing of Ba2+/SO42- saturated solutions. They provided nuclei for cyclical precipitation-based concentric concretion development. The speleothem formed via precipitation from a carbonate-saturated solution in a large void within porous sandstone. The sand concretions formed when calcite precipitated around grains in unconsolidated quartz sands with cyclic fluctuation of Ca2+/CO32- saturated ground water. Petrographic analyses, stable isotope data, sample morphology, coupled with light and scanning electron microscopy indicate that microbial processes induced the periodic cement precipitation that produced the unique concretions.
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Proposed curriculum for the first bachelor of science in occupational therapy program in MoroccoNafai, Said 09 November 2015 (has links)
The Kingdom of Morocco is a country with a fast growing economy. The country is similar in size to California and has a population of about 33 million (United Nations, 2015). Despite this, Morocco does not have a degree program in occupational therapy. In fact, less than 1,000 registered rehabilitation therapists are available for the entire population (United Nations, 2012). Many of these registered therapists are physical therapists, and most are foreigners or Moroccans educated abroad. There is an urgent need for competent and well-trained rehabilitation workers, including occupational therapists. This project plans to begin a rigorous domestic bachelor’s degree that follows the American model in occupational therapy education. Currently, only six programs approved by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) exist in the Arabic speaking world and they are taught in English using predominantly American textbooks. One in Kuwait, three in Jordan, and one in Palestine. There is just one OT program in Tunisia, which is an associate member of WFOT and its program is taught in French. In addition, there are three occupational therapy programs in English in Saudi Arabia that started in 2010 and have not yet been approved by WFOT.
Morocco, a mere seven hour flight from New York City, hopes to capitalize upon the successful models set forth in U.S. programs and echoed in other Middle Eastern countries. That said, this proposed Moroccan occupational therapy education curriculum intends to create its own identity to specifically address the needs of the Moroccan population. This project will present a programmatic blueprint for a domestic Moroccan occupational therapy curriculum and give all of its background, cultural influences, and challenges. / 2017-11-04T00:00:00Z
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The Perennial Crisis in MoroccoJudah, Semi Hasen Abed 01 January 1956 (has links) (PDF)
Morocco occupies an unrivalled position in North Africa. It faces both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean and thus dominates the Strait of Gibraltar, the gate into the Mediterranean, end, thus, ultimately, into the Red Sen. and the Indian Ocean..
The area of Morocco.is about 172,104 sq. miles, or about 20,000 sq. miles larger than California. The basic population is Berber, or pre-Arab, but has been Arabized to varying degrees. All population figures for North Africa are estimates because no accurate census of the Moslem population has been made. However, the approximate figure is bine million. According to the Etude demographics et social, "It would be fruitless to give for the Moslem population a picture similar to that for the non-Moslem population. The registration for birth and death has been very incomplete."
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