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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Não-normalidade multivariada e multicolinearidade em análise de trilha na cultura de milho / Non-normality multivariate and multicollinearity in path analysis in corn

Toebe, Marcos 16 February 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The path analysis allows evaluation of the direct and indirect effects of the explicative variables on variable of interest, through the breakdown of the correlation coefficients. In order to make the results obtained through the path analysis reliable, some assumptions must be met. Thus, the objectives of this study were to verify the normality and the multicollinearity interference in the corn path analysis and compare alternative methods for estimating the path coefficients. Data from 44 trials of corn cultivars was used, carried out in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, between the crop years 2002/03 and 2004/05. In each cultivar, of each trial, were measured (number of days until the male flowering, plant height, ear insertion height, relative position of the ear, number of plants, number of ears and prolificacy) and the main variable (grain yield). For each trial, descriptive statistics were calculated and univariate and multivariate normality diagnoses were conducted using the Shapiro-Wilk test and the Shapiro-Wilk multivariate generalized by Royston test, respectively. Thereupon, in the trials data that did not present a normal distribution, a transformation of the data by the Box-Cox family of transformations was carried out. The correlation coefficients between the seven explicative variables (correlation matrix X'X) and the correlation coefficients of each explicative variable with the grain yield (correlation matrix X'Y) were calculated for the original and transformed data. Then, the multicollinearity was diagnosed in the correlation matrix X'X, using four methods: variance inflation factor, tolerance, the condition number and the matrix determinant. Finally, the path analysis was performed, using the normal equations system X X �� = X Y, in three forms: traditional path analysis, path analysis under multicollinearity and traditional path analysis, with elimination of variables. The data transformation, to obtain multivariate normality, contributes to the degree of multicollinearity decrease and in the stabilization of the direct effects in path analysis with high degree of multicollinearity. The high degrees of multicollinearity adverse effects in the estimation of the direct effects in path analysis are larger than the multivariate non-normality. The traditional path analysis, with elimination of variables, is more appropriate than the path analysis under multicollinearity. / A análise de trilha permite avaliar os efeitos diretos e indiretos de variáveis explicativas sobre a variável de interesse, por meio do desdobramento dos coeficientes de correlação. Para que os resultados gerados pela análise de trilha apresentem confiabilidade adequada, alguns pressupostos devem ser atendidos. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: verificar a interferência da não-normalidade multivariada e da multicolinearidade em análise de trilha na cultura de milho e, comparar métodos alternativos de estimação dos coeficientes de trilha. Foram utilizados dados de 44 ensaios de competição de cultivares de milho, conduzidos no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos agrícolas de 2002/03 e 2004/05. Em cada cultivar, de cada ensaio, foram mensuradas sete variáveis explicativas (número de dias até o florescimento masculino, estatura de plantas, altura de inserção da espiga, posição relativa da espiga, número de plantas, número de espigas e prolificidade) e a variável principal (produtividade de grãos). Para cada ensaio, foram calculadas estatísticas descritivas e realizado o diagnóstico de normalidade uni e multivariada, por meio dos testes de Shapiro-Wilk e de Shapiro-Wilk multivariado generalizado por Royston, respectivamente. A seguir, nos dados dos ensaios que não apresentaram distribuição normal, foi realizada a transformação dos dados com a utilização da família de transformações Box-Cox. Para os dados originais e os dados transformados, foram calculados os coeficientes de correlação entre as sete variáveis explicativas (matriz de correlação X X) e os coeficientes de correlação de cada variável explicativa com a produtividade de grãos (matriz de correlação X Y). A seguir, foi realizado o diagnóstico de multicolinearidade na matriz de correlação X X, por meio de quatro métodos: fator de inflação de variância, tolerância, número de condição e determinante da matriz. Por fim, foi realizada a análise de trilha, com a utilização do sistema de equações normais X X �� = X Y, por três formas: análise de trilha tradicional, análise de trilha sob multicolinearidade e análise de trilha tradicional, com eliminação de variáveis. A transformação de dados, a fim de obter a normalidade multivariada, contribui para a redução do grau de multicolinearidade e na estabilização das estimativas dos efeitos diretos em análise de trilha com alto grau de multicolinearidade. Os efeitos adversos do alto grau de multicolinearidade na estimativa dos efeitos diretos de análises de trilha são maiores que a não-normalidade multivariada. A análise de trilha tradicional, com eliminação de variáveis, é mais adequada que a análise de trilha sob multicolinearidade.

Einführung in die Ökonometrie

Huschens, Stefan 30 March 2017 (has links)
Die Kapitel 1 bis 6 im ersten Teil dieses Skriptes beruhen auf einer Vorlesung Ökonometrie I, die zuletzt im WS 2001/02 gehalten wurde, die Kapitel 7 bis 16 beruhen auf einer Vorlesung Ökonometrie II, die zuletzt im SS 2006 gehalten wurde. Das achte Kapitel enthält eine komprimierte Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse aus dem Teil Ökonometrie I.

Assessing Macroeconomic factors' influence on the Swedish real estate company stock market - A multiple linear regression analysis / Bedömning av makroekonomiska faktorers påverkan på svenska fastighetsaktier - En multipel linjär regressionsanalys

Löfman, Axel, Jia, Kay January 2022 (has links)
Investing in public real estate stocks can diversify a stock portfolio due to the nature of these companies. The industry is generally less sensitive to economic downturns and spikes in inflation are offset by increased real estate property and rent prices. Nevertheless, measures of the wider economy could be used as predictors of the real estate stock market.  This thesis attempts to model the Swedish real estate stock market with the index SX35PI (Stockholm Real Estate PI) using the fundamental economic factors and repo rate. Data was collected and formatted to a monthly interval for the period February 2012 to December 2021. This resulted in an exponential multiple regression model that used all the regressors that explained 95.7% of the variation in SX35PI, and an alternative autoregressive forecasting model that explained 82.3% of the variation in SX35PI. / Investeringar i fastighetsbolag kan diversifiera en aktieportfölj tack vare dessa bolags karaktär. Denna industri är nämligen mindre känslig för ekonomiska nedgångar och minskad efterfråga samt plötsliga ökningar i inflationen som vägs upp av ökningar i fastighetspriser och hyror. Aktiemarknaden för fastighetsaktier kan modelleras med makroekonomiska mått. Denna rapport försöker modellera aktiemarknaden för svenska fastighetsbolag med fundamentala ekonomiska mått samt reporäntan. Data samlades och transformerades för att få datapunkter varje månad under februari 2012 till december 2021. Resultatet blev en exponentiell multipel regressionsmodell som använde alla förklarande variabler vilka förklarade 95.7% av variationen i SX35PI, och en alternativ autoregressiv modell som förklarade 82.3% av variationen i SX35PI.

Modeling Patterns of Transactions after Companies Implementation of Getswish AB’s Payment Service / Modellering av transaktionsmönster efter företagsimplementering av Getswish AB:s betalningstjänst

Amaya Scott, Jakob, Skålberg, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is a case study in collaboration with the company Getswish AB. GetswishAB provides the mobile application and payment service Swish with the purpose ofdelivering smooth money transfers for individuals and companies in Sweden. About80 percent of the Swedish population are connected to Swish, and the majority seethe service as an apparent part of everyday life. This work studies a small part of alltransactions that take place daily between individuals and companies. Specifically, thispaper examines which factors affect the Swish transaction amount (TA) to companieswithin five different industries. The five industries studied are: Sports, leisure,and entertainment activities; Restaurant, catering, and bar activities; Retail trade,except for motor vehicles and motorcycles; Trade and repair of motor vehicles andmotorcycles; and Telecommunications. In combination with descriptive analysis andseasonality studies, a multiple linear regression model is used to evaluate patternsin the amount transferred to companies within the various industries. The responsevariable is the daily aggregated TA and the seven responding regressors examined are:i) The number of employees of the company, ii) The revenue of the company, iii) Thedate for registration to Swish service for companies, iv) The age of the customers, v) Thegender of the customers, vi) The number of transactions, and vii) The transaction date.The estimated parameters for each regressor are studied to evaluate correlations withthe TA. This thesis states that it is possible to construct a model from the regressorsanalyzed, which can predict the amount with an explanation degree of above 85% forfour of the five industries. The model constructed for the motor vehicle industry nevergives satisfactory results and must be further investigated to conclude. / Detta examensarbete är en fallstudie i samarbete med företaget GetSwish AB.GetSwish AB tillhandahåller mobilapplikationen och betaltjänsten Swish, vars syfteär att leverera smidig pengaöverföring för privatpersoner och företag i Sverige. Idagär cirka 80 procent av Sveriges befolkning anslutna till Swish och majoriteten sertjänsten som en självklar del av vardagen. Detta arbete kommer dock endast fokuserapå en liten del av alla transaktioner som dagligen sker mellan privatpersoner ochföretag. Specifikt undersöker denna rapport vilka faktorer som påverkar Swishstransaktionsbelopp till företag inom fem olika branscher. De fem branschernasom studeras är: Sport-, fritids- och nöjesverksamhet; Restaurang-, catering ochbarverksamhet; Detaljhandel utom med motorfordon och motorcyklar; Handelsamt reparation av motorfordon och motorcyklar; och Telekommunikation. Ikombination med en deskriptiv analys och säsongsstudier skapades en multipel linjärregressionsmodell för att utvärdera mönster i transaktionsbeloppet från kund tillföretag inom de olika branscherna. Responsvariablen är det dagliga aggregeradebeloppet och de förklarande variablerna som undersöktes var: antalet anställda,omsättning, datum för registrering till Swish för företag, kundernas ålder och könsamt antal transaktioner och transaktionsdatum. De skattade parametrarna förvarje regressor studerades för att utvärdera magnitud samt positiva eller negativakorrelationer med beloppet. Denna rapport visar att det är möjligt att konstrueraen modell från de analyserade regressorerna som kan förutsäga beloppet med enförklaringsgrad på över 85% för fyra av de fem branscherna och kan användas föratt förutspå beloppen på de dagliga transaktionerna. Modellen som konstruerats förfordonsindustrin gav aldrig tillfredsställande resultat och bör undersökas vidare innanslutsatser dras.

Pénalisation et réduction de la dimension des variables auxiliaires en théorie des sondages / Penalization and data reduction of auxiliary variables in survey sampling

Shehzad, Muhammad Ahmed 12 October 2012 (has links)
Les enquêtes par sondage sont utiles pour estimer des caractéristiques d'une populationtelles que le total ou la moyenne. Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'étude detechniques permettant de prendre en compte un grand nombre de variables auxiliairespour l'estimation d'un total.Le premier chapitre rappelle quelques définitions et propriétés utiles pour lasuite du manuscrit : l'estimateur de Horvitz-Thompson, qui est présenté commeun estimateur n'utilisant pas l'information auxiliaire ainsi que les techniques decalage qui permettent de modifier les poids de sondage de facon à prendre encompte l'information auxiliaire en restituant exactement dans l'échantillon leurstotaux sur la population.Le deuxième chapitre, qui est une partie d'un article de synthèse accepté pourpublication, présente les méthodes de régression ridge comme un remède possibleau problème de colinéarité des variables auxiliaires, et donc de mauvais conditionnement.Nous étudions les points de vue "model-based" et "model-assisted" dela ridge regression. Cette technique qui fournit de meilleurs résultats en termed'erreur quadratique en comparaison avec les moindres carrés ordinaires peutégalement s'interpréter comme un calage pénalisé. Des simulations permettentd'illustrer l'intérêt de cette technique par compar[a]ison avec l'estimateur de Horvitz-Thompson.Le chapitre trois présente une autre manière de traiter les problèmes de colinéaritévia une réduction de la dimension basée sur les composantes principales. Nousétudions la régression sur composantes principales dans le contexte des sondages.Nous explorons également le calage sur les moments d'ordre deux des composantesprincipales ainsi que le calage partiel et le calage sur les composantes principalesestimées. Une illustration sur des données de l'entreprise Médiamétrie permet deconfirmer l'intérêt des ces techniques basées sur la réduction de la dimension pourl'estimation d'un total en présence d'un grand nombre de variables auxiliaires / Survey sampling techniques are quite useful in a way to estimate population parameterssuch as the population total when the large dimensional auxiliary data setis available. This thesis deals with the estimation of population total in presenceof ill-conditioned large data set.In the first chapter, we give some basic definitions that will be used in thelater chapters. The Horvitz-Thompson estimator is defined as an estimator whichdoes not use auxiliary variables. Along with, calibration technique is defined toincorporate the auxiliary variables for sake of improvement in the estimation ofpopulation totals for a fixed sample size.The second chapter is a part of a review article about ridge regression estimationas a remedy for the multicollinearity. We give a detailed review ofthe model-based, design-based and model-assisted scenarios for ridge estimation.These estimates give improved results in terms of MSE compared to the leastsquared estimates. Penalized calibration is also defined under survey sampling asan equivalent estimation technique to the ridge regression in the classical statisticscase. Simulation results confirm the improved estimation compared to theHorvitz-Thompson estimator.Another solution to the ill-conditioned large auxiliary data is given in terms ofprincipal components analysis in chapter three. Principal component regression isdefined and its use in survey sampling is explored. Some new types of principalcomponent calibration techniques are proposed such as calibration on the secondmoment of principal component variables, partial principal component calibrationand estimated principal component calibration to estimate a population total. Applicationof these techniques on real data advocates the use of these data reductiontechniques for the improved estimation of population totals

Institutional influence on the manifestation of entrepreneurial orientation: A case of social investment funders

Onishi, Tamaki 11 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Linking the new institutionalism to entrepreneurial orientation (EO), my dissertation investigates institutional forces and entrepreneurial forces—two contradicting types of forces—as main effects and moderating effects upon practices and performance of organizations embedded in the institutional duality. The case chosen observes unique hybrid funders that this study collectively calls social investment funders (SIF), which integrate philanthropy and venture capital investment to create and implement a venture philanthropy model for a pursuit of their mission. A theoretical framework is developed to propose regulative and normative pressures from two dominant institutions governing SIFs. Original data collected from 146 organizations are scrutinized by moderated multiple regressions for two empirical studies: Study 1 for effects on SIFs’ venture philanthropy practices, and Study 2 for effects on SIFs’ social and financial performance. Multiple imputations, diagnostic analyses, and several post hoc analyses are also conducted for robustness of data and results from multiple regression analyses. Results from these analyses find that EO and venture capital institutional forces both enhance SIFs’ venture philanthropy practices. A hypothesis postulated for a negative relationship between the nonprofit status and venture philanthropy practices is also supported. Results from moderated regression analyses, along with a subgroup and EO subdimension analyses, confirm a moderating effect between EO and the nonprofit status, i.e., a regulative institutional pressure. A positive relationship is found in EO- financial performance, but not in EO-social performance. While support is lent to hypotheses posited for a social/financial performance relationship with donors’/investors’ demand for social outcomes, and with the management team’s training in business, the overall results remain mixed for Study 2. Nonetheless, this dissertation appears to be the first study to theorize and test EO as a micro-level condition enabling organizations to strategically shape and resist institutional pressures, and it reinforces that organizations’ behavior is not merely a product of their passive conformity to environmental forces, but of the agency, also. As such, this study aims to contribute to scholarly efforts by the “agency camp” of the new institutionalism and EO, answering a call from the leading scholars of both EO (Miller) and the new institutionalism (Oliver).

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