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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biblical studies : a thematic multi-cultural and multi-religious perspective

Pailman, Kenneth David 28 October 2015 (has links)
M.Ed. (Subject Didactics) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Nie-verbale kommunikasie in 'n multi-kulturele onderrigkonteks

Du Plessis, Johanna Jacoba 07 September 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / During the political dispensation of separate development, differentiation between cultural groups was based on skin colour (racial criteria), and contact between these different groups was inhibited by law. The same applied for the educational system - even the training of teachers was aimed at monocultural education. The present political dispensation provides for a multicultural educational situation where learners are admitted to a school, regardless of race, language, or culture. Language and cultural differences between teacher and learner may lead to problems in classroom communication. Communication entails verbal as well as nonverbal communication which can be distinguished, but not separated from one another, and an understanding of both contributes to effective facilitation of learning and acquisition of skills. Nonverbal communication, however, takes place on an unconscious, non-intentional level, and it is this aspect of communication which may lead to major misunderstandings in the classroom. Black learners in large numbers are admitted to schools where the educational context is predominantly white. Considering the limited contact which used to exist between the different racial groups, and the monocultural training of some teachers, the question has arisen as to how teachers as educators experience the nonverbal communication of black learners. As this research is aimed at gaining insight into the world of experience of these teachers, a qualitative approach has been used. Collection of data was done by means of in-depth (phenomenological) interviews and direct observation, and the data was analised by means of an inductive-descriptive method (the constant comparative method of data analysis).

A pro-active approach to the training of language teachers in a multicultural society

Paola, Riana (H.J.) 28 August 2012 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / This thesis explores some issues relating to the sociolinguistic situation in South Africa, attending especially to language variety and language attitudes. The focus is on the teaching of language, specifically English, and on the relevant education of language teachers in a multicultural country such as South Africa. In school systems such as the South African education system which has for many years provided real access to education and power for a limited group of students only, the demands of modern society for greater language and cultural knowledge imply radical adjustments to literacy teaching and the training of language teachers. In the first chapter of the study, comments relating to conducting and reporting 'scientific research' are made, referring to the ideas of some philosophers of science and to qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Issues relating to language and society, language varieties and attitudes are reviewed in the second chapter. Chapter Three investigates traditional language teaching programmes and language awareness programmes and deliberates whether the latter could possibly influence language attitudes. Chapter Four contains the empirical section of this study. Firstly, the attitudes of several groups of English teacher trainees towards the use of four varieties of South African English in education were assessed. Thereafter, each group of trainees participated in a group discussion and lecture given by myself, the researcher. The lectures and discussions aimed at raising awareness of language varieties, especially as they relate to language learning at school level, and of questions of standard and evaluation and how they influence teachers and students. Then, the same attitude assessment questionnaire was administered to measure the attitudes of the post-test sample towards the use of the same four varieties of South African English. The data collected and impressions gained from observation of the respondents and the researcher's participation in the research situation were analysed and interpreted with the help of statisticians. The results of the pre-test and post-test were compared to determine if the attitudes towards the varieties of English had changed between the two administrations of the questionnaire. Following analysis and interpretation of the research results, Chapter Five explores the field of language teacher education and proposes a framework for a curriculum that would be relevant for the training of language teachers in South Africa. The chapter makes some suggestions as to how language awareness and critical language studies that extend to a critical awareness of genre could contribute to the effective preparation of language teachers.

The promotion of nation-building values in multicultural secondary schools

Singh, Nandkissor 31 January 2004 (has links)
The South African educational system has undergone many changes since 1994. The integration of previously segregated education departments has made it possible for different cultures to be in the same classroom. However, it is the researcher's view that the vast majority of learners in multicultural secondary schools do not exit the system with the skills and attitudes needed to contribute positively to nation-building. This is borne out by the fact that many learners continue to prefer the company and assistance of their own cultural groups for work in class and out of class. Incidents of racial conflict, religious intolerance and cultural discrimination are reported among learners from time to time. The researcher believes that the basis for creating a new society, that is free of fear and discrimination, lies in the imparting and assimilation of nation-building values at multicultural secondary schools. A qualitative method of research was employed as it lent itself to naturalistic inquiry, detailed thick description, inquiry of depth and direct quotations to capture people's personal perspectives and experiences. An extensive literature study of nation-building, nation-building values and multicultural education was conducted. The empirical study was conducted at a local multicultural secondary school. Research techniques such as observation, interviews, completion of an open-ended questionnaire and discussions were used. The researcher was able to ascertain the values that underpin nation-building; the factors that militate against the promotion of nation-building values and strategies that can be used to promote these values at multicultural secondary schools. He has made significant proposals to the Department of Education, which should be carefully considered. Ultimately, the promotion and assimilation of nation-building values at multicultural secondary schools should lead to a progressive and peaceful nation. / Educational Studies / (D.Ed.(Psychology of Education))

The viability of music as a viable subject at secondary school level

Jacobs, Gail Suzan 02 1900 (has links)
The study of music has long been seen as élitist in South African education, a ‘talent’ subject rather than an academic one. The country’s political history has played a significant role in this perception. Under the apartheid government, education in the arts was considered appropriate only for gifted, mostly white, students and a grossly inequitable distribution of resources placed the study of music beyond the reach of most students. The ANC government has declared educational reform a priority, but faces enormous challenges in redressing inequities of the past. This study examines the relevance and academic rigour of music curricula past and present, in the light of political influences; and the challenges that face schools and education departments in sustaining growth and development of music as an academic subject, accessible to all at senior secondary school level. / Music / M. Mus.

A self study of curriculum design for the teaching and learning of isiZulu as an additional language in primary schools in the Maye babo! series

Soni, Sumithra Jaysooklal 10 September 2012 (has links)
Thesis in compliance with the requirements for the Doctor's Degree in Technology: Language Practice, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / This autoethnographic self study tracks my new ways of knowing in the various roles I play from daughter (passive recipient) to curriculum designer (active analytical composer). It retells my journey in the teaching profession at a school in Durban, in South Africa. The story occurs during a period when schools were racially desegregated in order to address the anti-apartheid policies that were prevalent prior to the first democratic elections in 1994. The story captures the challenges I faced during the transformation era in education and how I went about addressing two of the main challenges I faced: 1. Cultural diversity in racially desegregated schools. 2. Teaching isiZulu as an additional language as a pioneer, non- mother tongue teacher of learners with mixed abilities in an environment deprived of resources in terms of mentorship, and teacher/learner resource material. This study reveals how the challenges I experienced were, in retrospect, the disguised opportunities that led to my growth from teacher to textbook writer. It gives an account of the “behind the scenes making”, of the Maye babo! series, with a view to offer an exemplar for curriculum development. The study uses autoethnography (Ellis 2004) as a method to bring to life the teaching of isiZulu as an additional language in South Africa. It defines some of the difficulties experienced by teachers during a transformation era in education. In this study I clarify the relationship between Outcomes Based Education and the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), as well as where the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) is located within the NCS. More importantly, I use the tacit knowledge gained from intuition and experience to demonstrate how these policies can be applied in the classroom to achieve effective learning, an aspect often ignored in in-service teacher education. Readers (particularly teachers) will resonate with the experiences described in the stories, and, in so doing, gain a better understanding of themselves and their teaching practices; this might provide the much needed optimism amongst teachers, and might motivate and inspire them to grow professionally. The personal benefit in writing this thesis is that it renewed my place in the academic world, and more importantly, it has satisfied my quest for self realisation. Through personal exploration, questions such as who am I? and how did I become? reveal my evolvement. This project has been a soul satisfying and enriching journey. It is hoped that this study will in some way contribute to the transformation in education process in post liberation South Africa.

Teachers' perceptions of language diversity at multicultural primary schools in Gauteng

Ramlall, Preleena 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa has eleven official languages. In this diverse context teaching is a complex issue. In the light of this statement, the aims of this study were to • ascertain teachers’ perceptions of language diversity in multicultural primary schools in Gauteng; • determine their views on the factors that impact on the acquisition of English as a second language; and • make recommendations on how teachers can best be supported to teach multicultural classes. The study adopted a quantitative approach. A questionnaire was used to gather data, which was completed by 60 teachers from three Gauteng primary schools. Significant conclusions include, that not all teachers are aware of the language policies. Most are in favour of English being taught from Grade one; believed the parents preferred their children to be educated in English, and were divided in their support of using mother tongue languages. Finally, recommendations were made, emanating from the study. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Socio-Education)

n Taalbeleid om veeltaligheid aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te bevorder

Jacobs, Johannes Daniel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment is based on the principles of the sociolinguistic theory. Exponents of the sociolinguistic theory focus on the social dimension of language. They argue that language planning is part of social change, and as such it is subjected to the rules of social change. Language planning does not take place in a vacuum and therefore, the exponents of the sociolinguistic theory also focus on the broader societal factors such as the economic, political, demographic and psigological factors that influence language planning during the planning phase. This study investigates the manner in which the University of Stellenbosch dealt with multillingualism through its language policy. In this regard the investigation aims to establish whether the University of Stellenbosch is doing enough in terms of its language policy to promote multilingualism through developmental programmes, in order to make the university more accessible for non-Afrikaans speakers from the community it serves. This study also investigates the historic background of the university and nationalism in dealing with the lingusitic and Afrikaans character of the University. In this regard the focus is on the role of Afrikaner Nationalism, the role it played in the language policy, and also how it influenced the broader political goals of nation building and reconciliation. Against this backdrop a critical analysis is made of the language policy of the University of Stellenbosch based on the provisions of the constitution and language ideological models. Lastly this study aims to make recommendations for a language policy at Stellenbosch University which will promote multilingualism, by recognising all the official languages, through this the university will be more accessible for non-Afrikaans speakers, especially those in the Western Cape. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werkstuk is gebaseer op die beginsels van die sosiolinguistiese teorie. Voorstanders van die sosiolinguistiese teorie plaas die fokus op die sosiale aard van taal. Taalbeplanning is deel van sosiale verandering, en is as sulks onderhewig aan die reëls van sosiale verandering. Taalbeplanning geskied nie in 'n vakuum nie, en daarom fokus voorstanders van die sosiolinguistiese teorie ook op die breër sosiale faktore soos die ekonomiese, politieke, demografiese en psigologiese faktore wat taalbeplanning beinvloed tydens die beplanningsfase. Hierdie studie is 'n ondersoek na die wyse waarop veeltaligheid aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch hanteer word. In hierdie verband word ingegaan op die kwessie of die Universiteit van Stellenbosch in terme van sy taalbeleid, genoeg doen om veeltaligheid deur ontwikkelingsprogramme te bevorder sodat die universiteit meer toeganklik kan wees vir nie-Afrikaanssprekendes uit die gemeenskap wat dit dien. Die studie ondersoek ook die historiese agtergrond van die universiteit en nasionalisme in die hantering van die taal- en Afrikaanse karakter van die universiteit. In dié verband word spesifiek gefokus op die rol van Afrikanernasionalisme, asook die wyse waarop die breër politieke strewes van nasiebou en versoening die formulering van die universiteit se taalbeleid beïnvloed het. Teen hierdie agtergrond word 'n kritiese analise gedoen van die taalbeleid van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch aan die hand van die bepalings van die grondwet en taalideologiese modelle. Laastens word aanbevelings gemaak vir 'n taalbeleid aan die US wat veeltaligheid sal bevorder deur erkenning te gee aan alle amptelike tale veral in die Wes-Kaap sodat die US meer toeganklik kan wees vir nie-Afrikaanssprekendes.

The effect of selected cultural and initiative activities on the attitude of first year students towards ethnicity in a multicultural institution

Roux, Charl J. (Charl Jacobus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1994 the Durban College of Education, that used to be an all white Afrikaans-medium institution, changed to a multicultural institution with Afrikaans and English as medium of instruction. The author, other lecturers and teachers of all races have not been educated to teach from a multicultural perspective and due to stereotyping and prejudices which were still dormant, a great need arose to address the cultural diversity of the college. This diversity lead to differences in culture, which lead to conflicts and may even have been responsible for poor academic achievements. As a lecturer at the Durban College of Education, the author became interested in whether selected initiative and cultural activities could foster a positive self-concept and a positive attitude towards other students of the same ethnic group, as well as towards students of other ethnic groups. The author agreed with De Klerk and Labuschagne (1995) that cultural differences have a great impact on the life, personal development and academic achievements of the students at a multicultural institution of higher education. The author also believes that students should be guided (Wasserman, 1997) in how to perceive themselves and other students of all ethnic groups. This will assist them. to achieve a successful academic career (Greyling, 1997) without wrong perceptions, stereotyping and prejudices (Van der Walt, 1991). The subjects for this study (N=127) were all first year students at the Durban College of Education. The group was comprised of black students (n=24); white English speaking students (n=58); white Afrikaans-speaking students (n=34) and Indian students (n=11) (see table 3 page 43). A pre-test was administered to determine the initial status of the subjects. An intervention programme followed and a post-test was administered directly after the intervention programme (see chapter 4). A follow-up test was administered three months later to determine the influence of the daily college routine on the self-concept and attitude towards ethnicity of the subjects. A control group (N=30) also completed the three questionnaires. The control group did not follow the intervention programme. Adolescent Sport Self-concept Scale of Smith (in Paterson 1991) and an ethnic attitude scale, was administered. The ethnic attitude scale was based on the ethnic attitude scales used by Paterson (1991) and Pretorius (1978). This ethnic attitude scale was adapted to adhere to the needs of this study. The data were computerised; at-test statistic and a Duncan's multiple range test were applied to determine if there were significant differences. By comparing the results of the experimental group with that of the control group, it was evident that after the intervention programme, there was a significant positive change (p<O.01) not only in the self-concept of the first year students, but also in the attitude of these students towards students of the same ethnic group, as well as towards students of other ethnic groups. The same results were evident after the three-month period in which no special treatment had been administered. To ensure similar positive effects in the future, a follow-up programme, similar to the intervention programme, would be necessary. The intervention programme accordingly served its purpose as part of the orientation programme well. There are, however, many changes to be made to suit the needs and requirements of other institutions that would wish to use similar programmes. The dynamic interaction of energetic facilitators is essential. If possible, the facilitators should come from the student body to create more interaction within the student community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Durbanse Onderwyskollege wat voorheen 'n inrigting vir Afrikaanssprekende blankes was, het in 1994 na 'n multikulturele inrigting verander met beide Afrikaans en Engels as voertale. Die skrywer, baie ander dosente en onderwysers van alle rasse is tans nog nie geskool om vanuit multikulturele perspektiewe te onderrig nie. 'n Groot behoefte het ontstaan om die kulturele diversiteit van die kollege aan te spreek aangesien stereotipering en vooroordele nog steeds onder die studente voorgekom het. As 'n dosent aan die Durbanse Onderwyskollege, het die skrywer gewonder of uitgesoekte inisiatiewe en kulturele aktiwiteite 'n positiewe verandering in die houding van die eerstejaarstudente teenoor die self, teenoor studente van dieselfde etniese groep, sowel as studente van ander etniese groepe sal hê. Die skrywer stem saam met De Klerk en Labuschagne (1995) dat kulturele verskille 'n groot uitwerking op die lewe, persoonlike ontwikkeling en akademiese prestasie van studente het. Hy glo ook dat studente gelei moet word (Wasserman, 1997) in hul beskouing van hulself en studente van alle rasse, sodat hul akademiese loopbaan nie skade moet lei onder verkeerde persepsies, stereotipering en vooroordele nie. Hierdie verskille kan ly tot swak akamiese prestasies (Greyling, 1997) en kulturele konflik (Van der Walt, 1991). 'n Voortoets is afgeneem om die aanvanklike houding van die proefpersone te bepaal. Die proefpersone van die eksperimentele groep het onmiddellik na die voortoets 'n intervensieprogram gevolg. Direk na die intervensieprogram is In natoets afgeneem om die invloed van die intervensieprogram te bepaal. 'n Verdere opvolgtoets is drie maande na die intervensieprogram afgeneem om te bepaal hoe blywend die veranderde houding van die proefpersone was. Die - proefpersone (N=127) was almal eerstejaarstudente aan die Durbanse Onderwyskollege en het bestaan uit; swart studente (n=24), blanke (Engelssprekende) studente (n=58), blanke (Afrikaanssprekende) studente (n=34) en Indiër studente (n=11). 'n Kontrole groep (N=30) het ook die drie toetse afgelê. Hulle het nie die intervensieprogram gevolg nie. Die toetse was in die vorm van 'n vraelys wat gebaseer is op die Selfkonsepskaal van Coopersmith (1967) asook die Adolesente Sport-selfkonsepskaal van Smit (in Paterson, 1991). Die vraelys het ook 'n aangepaste etniese houdingskaal ingesluit wat op die vraelyste van Paterson (1991) en Pretorius (1978) gebaseer is. Hierdie houdingskaal is spesiaal aangepas om aan die spesifieke behoeftes van hierdie studie te voldoen. Die data is deur 'n rekenaar verwerk. 'n T-toets en Duncan se veelvuldige omvangtoets is aangewend om enige beduidende verskille te bepaal. Deur die resultate van die eksperimentele met die resultate van die kontrole groep te vergelyk, het aan die lig gekom dat daar 'n beduidende (p<O.01) positiewe verandering in die selfkonsep, en in die houding teenoor etnisiteit van die proefpersone in die eksperimentele groep was. Die positiewe verandering was na die drie-maandetydperk na die intervensieprogram nog steeds sigbaar. Na aanleiding van die resultate van hierdie studie, het die program sy doel as deel van die oriëntasieprogram van die eerstejaarstudente aan die Durbanse Onderwyserskollege gedien. Daar behoort egter baie veranderinge aangebring te word ten einde die program te verbeter, sou enige ander inrigtings soortgelyke programme wil gebruik. Eie inisiatiewe en kulturele aktiwiteite moet gebruik word om aan hulle spesifieke behoeftes te voldoen. Die sukses van so 'n program sal van die dinamiese en energieke aanbieding van die fasiliteerders afhang. Die fasiliteerders moet verkieslik vanuit die studente leierskorps kom om sodoende die verhouding in die studentegemeenskap te versterk.

Volksdans as komponent van die liggaamlike opvoedingprogram binne 'n multikulturele Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap

Damon, Eleanor Denise, Cyster, Eleanor Denise 11 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd.) -- Stellenbosch University, 1995. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African education is facing a big dilemma. Teachers, curriculators and students are confronted with the issue of multiculturalism because of the establishment of one education department. Equality in education has to oe offered to all citizens and implemented by all teachers. In moving from a monocultural to a multicultural approach, all teaching spheres would necessarily be affected. Re-evaluation, change and an improvementclre required and these reconstructive measures be geared towards breaking down isolation, fragmentation and mistrust within the diverse South African society. Through a literature study, some perspectives on the problematic nature of the current teaching program will be addressed. Various perspectives on multiculturalism serves as a framework for argumentation about the viability of such an approach. The contribution of the school subject, Physical Education, towards harmony and solidarity, will be established. The focus will be on one of the dance components, Folk Dancing, and in what way it can assist the process of socialization for the creation of a sense of national unity. The orientation to this study will be done in chapter one. In chapter two the current problematic conditions within education serve as a background for the total dilemma in which the South African teaching profession are outlined. The different problems surrounding the school sUbject, Physical Education, are discussed, which were a direct result of the fragmentation of the previous education system. The needs of the multicultural community are not met entirely in the current Physical Education syllabi. In chapter three the different perspectives on multicultural education are given and the experiences that countries like Australia, Britain, the United States of America and Namibia had with the implementation of multicultural education to serve their multicultural societies. The school needs to serve the community. That is why the process of planning the total educational practice needs to be reviewed as to the relevancy of the school curriculum in order to serve the needs of the community. In chapter four the place of Physical Education in the school curriculum is established and the role that Folk Dancing has to play in order to serve as means to foster social harmony, respect and tolerance. In chapter five a cultural composition needs to be done in order to establish what the multicultural community in South Africa consists of, what the different majority cultural groups are and what research already has been attempted in the documentation of the different South African cultural folkdances. The need is then to develop a program which will cover the twelve years of schooling in order to, serve as an interim program to create a bettfJr understanding between the differ']nt cultural groups of the country. In the final chapter conclusions and recommendations will be put forward to enable future study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwys staan voor 'n groot dilemma. As gevolg van die daarstelling van 'n enkele departement van onderwys word kurrikuleerders, leerlinge sowel as die onderwysers gekonfiOnteer met die kwessie van multikulturalisme. Gelyke onderwys word i10U aan aile landsburgers verskaf en moet deur aile onderwysers ge"implementeer word. Die oorskakeling vanaf 'n monokulturele na 'n multikulturele benadering in die onderwys sal aile vlakke van die onderwys noodwendig affekteer. Herevaluering, verandering en verbetering is tans aan die orde van die d~g, omdat rekonstruktiewe optrades die isolasie, fragmentering en wantroue van die verskillende gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika kan aanspreek. Hierdie studie is hoofsaaklik daarop gemik om, deur middel van Iiteratuurstudie, orientering te verskaf rondom die huidige onderwysproblematiek. Die verskillende perspektiewe van multikulturele onderwys dien as raamwerk waarbinne daar oor die werkbaarheid van so In benadering geargumenteer word. Verder word daar ondersoek ingestel na die bydrae van die skoolvak, Liggaamlike Opvoeding, in die herstel van harmonie en eenheid. Die fokus val veral op een van die danskomponente, Volksdans en in watter mate laasgenoemde deur middel van die proses van sosialisering In sin vir nasionale eenheid kan bewerkstellig. Die orientering ten opsigte van die studie geskied in hoofstuk een waarin die probleme random die skoolvak Liggaamlike Opvoeding beskryf word wat veraorsaak is as gevolg van die fragmentasie in die onderwys. In hoofstuk twee word die huidige onderwysproblematiek uiteengesit wat dien as agtergrond vir die totala dilemma waarin die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwys hom tans bevind. Die behoeftes van die multikulturele gemeenskap word nie voldoende verreken in die huidige sillabusse nie omdat die gemeenskappe toenemend aan die verander is. Hoofstuk drie ondersoek die verskillende perspektiewe rondom multikulturele onderwys en die ondervinding van enkele lande 5005 Australia, Die Verenigde State van Amerika, Brittanje en Namibia ten opsigte van multikuiturele onderwys en die multikulturele samestelling van hul gemeenskappe. Die skool gee uitvoering aan die behoeftes van die gemeenskap. Dit is daarom dat die kurrikuleringsproses van die totale onderwyspraktyk onder die loep geneem word asook die relevansie van die skoolkurrikulum ten opsigte van die genoemde behoeftes. In hoofstuk vier word die plek van Liggaamlike Opvoeding en die Volksdansafdeling binne die totale opvoedingsprogram beskryf am aan te dui watter rol gespeel word am sosiale harmonie, respek en verdraagsaamheid te verstewig. In hoofstuk vyf word die multikulturele aard van die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap deur middel van In kulturele samestelling blootgelA. In Volksdans-program verskaf moontlike variasies om voorsiening te maak vir multikulturalisme en kultuuruitruiling. In die slothoofstuk word gevolgtrekkings en acmbevelings ten opsigte van die studie gemaak.

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