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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A History of Station WRR: Pioneer in Municipally Owned Radio

Sachs, Robin Leslie 05 1900 (has links)
This study presents an overall history of WRR, the first municipally owned radio station and describes the problems it encountered by competing in a commercial Dallas market. The study marks the establishment of WRR in 1920 as a signal transmitter for the Dallas Fire Department, its transition to an entertainment station, the addition of WRR-FM, retirement of long-time Station Manager Durward J. Tucker, heavy financial losses, public complaints, format changes, and the sale of the station. A final chapter provides a summary and recommendations for further study, and concludes that WRR should have left the commercial market when its revenue and ratings began to decline.

Tailors and Sewing Threads : A case study of public-owned firm evolving in the Swedish society

Beaufils, Pierre, Vrbanjac, Dennis January 2016 (has links)
Background Understanding the benefits from the environment of municipally-owned energy firms in Sweden, through the perspective of the network theory, the triple helix model and knowledge transfer. Aim To construct a model describing the resources flowing within the network of relationships within the specific context of operations. Methodology The study is centred on a case company where two specific departments are put in focus: the energy recovery department and the business development. The case study aims to be descriptive, according to the data collected from interviews of relevant respondents. Findings - The benefits derived from a collaboration with a knowledge centre is the legitimate creation of exploitable innovation for the firm, as well as the creation/improvement of hybrid platforms where mobility of personnel is seen as a central communication factor. - When it comes to the income generating activities the main benefits that arose within the collaboration was the creation of opportunities for growth and business networks as such.- Power on influencing the context generates policies and favourable network oriented circumstances.

Komponentavskrivning enligt K3-regelverket : Hur identifierar fastighetsbolag komponenterna? / Component depreciation under the K3 regulatory : How do real estate companies identify the components?

Broberg, Anna Maria, Åkerberg, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
Problembakgrund och problemformulering: Komponentavskrivningar är en del av BFN:s allmänna råd som även kallas K3, vilket blev tvingande från och med år 2014. Vi har i denna komparativa studie behandlat hur familjeägda och kommunala fastighetsbolag tillämpar komponentmetoden, eftersom de kan ha olika skäl till förvaltning. Vi kom därför fram till följande problemformuleringar: Vilka kriterier har familjeägda respektive kommunägda fastighetsbolag vid identifieringen av antal komponenter? Hur förhåller sig dessa fastighetsbolag till begreppet rättvisande bild i samband med valet av antal komponenter? Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att utveckla en förklaringsmodell för vilka kriterier familjeägda respektive kommunägda fastighetsföretag beaktar vid urskiljning av antal komponenter enligt K3-regelverket. Metod: Studien har ett explorativt syfte eftersom området är outforskat. Studien har genomförts med en triangulering, där vi först gjorde en pilotstudie där vi tog reda på om fastighetsbolagen hade tillräckligt med kunskap för att svara på våra frågor. Därefter gjordes en kvalitativ undersökning med sju besöksintervjuer och en mailintervju. Analys och slutsats: Både familjeägda och kommunala fastighetsföretag beaktade långsiktigheten vid identifieringen av antal komponenter. Fastighetsbolagen har, på grund av den osäkerhet de har upplevt i samband med identifieringen av komponenter, i stor utsträckning följt branschorganisationernas rekommendationer. De kommunägda fastighetsbolagen har i större utsträckning samarbetat med andra fastighetsbolag i samband med indelningen av komponenter. Fastighetsföretagen upplever att den rättvisande bilden kommer att förbättras i framtiden då det skapas ett mer enhetligt tillämpningssätt av komponentmetoden. / Problem background and problem formulation: Component depreciation is part of BFN's general council also called K3, which became mandatory from the year 2014. In this comparative study we focus on how family owned and municipally owned real estate companies apply the component method, as they may have different motives to run their businesses. We therefore came up with the following problem formulations: In the identification of the number of components, what criteria do the family owned and municipally owned real estate companies have? How do these real estate businesses use the concept of true and fair view when selecting the number of components? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a model to explain which criteria family owned and municipally owned real estate companies takes into account when discriminating the number of components according to the K3 regulations. Method: Because the area is unexplored, the study has an exploratory purpose. The study was conducted with a triangulation, where we first did a pilot study to find out if the real estate companies had sufficient knowledge to answer our questions. This was followed by a qualitative study with seven interviews and one mail interview. Analysis and conclusion: Both family owned and municipal owned real estate companies consider the long-term aspects in the identification of number of components. The real estate companies have, because of the uncertainty they have experienced when identifying the components, widely followed the guidelines made by professional organizations. The municipally owned real estate companies have increasingly cooperated with other real estate companies when selecting the number of components. The real estate companies think that the concept of true and fair view will improve in the future as it creates a more uniform method of application of the component method.

Institutional or not? : Municipally-Owned Enterprises’ Quest forLegitimacy among Stakeholders andConflicting Goals

Elfgren, Oscar, Persson, Magdalena January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: While research on state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have been lagging, even less can be found on municipally-owned enterprises (MOEs). The authors intend to use literature covering SOEs and apply them on MOEs in an analogue fashion. This study aims to uncover similarities and differences between the two aforementioned types of public ownership and contribute to the field of MOEs. This would allow for future researchers of MOEs to know in what way previous findings on SOEs is accurate and where extra caution must be placed. The authors will also consider the implications of institutional theory and how this can be used to understand the reality MOEs find themselves in. Design/methodology/approach: The authors has employed a qualitative approach where eleven MOEs have been interviewed. All of the eleven enterprises were located in the Swedish province of Värmland. The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured fashion and the analysis was achieved through a mix of selective and open coding. Findings: Enterprises matched expectations from stakeholders, where higher demands were met with greater social care and lower expectations facilitated a business approach. Furthermore, enterprises viewed their owners as the most important stakeholders and were willing to make decisions that favored them, even if other stakeholder groups disbenefit from this. Furthermore, a combination of actively searching for legitimacy and relying on institutional theory was employed by the MOEs, which could possibly contribute to institutional theory. Research limitations/implications for future research: Further research into these matters are of interest to build on the understanding of SOEs and apply them to MOEs. It is suggested to conduct a study including MOEs of greater size, as most organizations included in this study were too small to ‘successfully’ implement non-acquiescence matters such as decoupling and mission drift. Furthermore, a case-study of a single organization would perhaps shed some light on this matter, as this study’s focus on eleven enterprises has a bit of a tendency to only scratch the surface.

Hållbarhetsredovisning i kommunala och privata bostadsbolag / Sustainability reporting in municipally and privately-owned housing companies

Bergman, Niklas, Umaganthan, Darsen January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hållbarhetsredovisning har blivit en viktigare del för de svenska företagen vilket visas i den signifikanta ökningen av omfattningen och kvaliteten av hållbarhetsredovisningen som har skett den senaste tiden. Ett flertal studier har tidigare studerat sambandet mellan hållbarhetsredovisningen och faktorer som storlek, branschtillhörighet och synlighet. Det finns däremot en avsaknad på studier av sambandet mellan faktorer som ledningens syn på hållbarhetsredovisning, företagskultur, ägarform och hållbarhetsredovisningens omfattning. Kommunala och privata bostadsbolag är exempel på bolag där ägandeformen skiljer sig åt och en studie med dessa bolag kan därmed bidra till forskningsområdet. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att jämföra privata och kommunala bostadsbolags omfattning av hållbarhetsredovisning Metod: Denna kvantitativa studie utförs genom en deduktiv ansats där hypoteser formuleras utifrån befintliga teorier. Genom en innehållsanalys av sekundärdata bestående av årsredovisningar och hållbarhetsredovisningar från 30 kommunala och 30 privata bostadsbolag operationaliseras omfattningen av hållbarhetsrapportering. Datan används sedan som underlag till OLS-regression. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att ägandeformen har en påverkan på omfattningen av hållbarhetsredovisning i form av ett signifikant positivt samband mellan kommunalt ägande av bostadsbolag och omfattningen av hållbarhetsredovisning. Utav måtten storlek, lönsamhet, risk och jämlikhet så visar endast storlek ett signifikant samband med omfattningen av hållbarhetsredovisning. Det går därmed att konstatera ägandeformen är en viktig faktor att ta i beaktande vid undersökningar av hållbarhetsredovisningar / Introduction: Sustainability reporting has become an important aspect for Swedish companies, which has been shown by the significant increase of the magnitude and quality sustainability reports as of late. A considerable amount of previous studies has examined the relationship between variables such as size, industry affiliation and visibility with the extent of sustainability reports. Managerial attitudes, company culture and ownership are however factors which are less researched when related to the extent of reported sustainability. Studies can thereby be made on municipally and privatelyowned housing companies, seeing as the ownership differs between the two organizations, in order to contribute to the field of research. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare the extent of reported sustainability in municipally and privately-owned housing companies. Method: This quantitative study is executed through a deductive approach in which hypotheses are formulated through existing theories. The extent of reported sustainability is operationalized through a content analysis on secondary data consisting of annual reports and sustainability reports collected from 30 municipally and 30 privately owned housing companies. The collected data is then analysed with OLS- regression analysis. Conclusion: The results of the study show a correlation between the variable ownership and the extent of reported sustainability in the form of a significant positive correlation between municipally owned housing companies and the extent of reported sustainability. Out of the measures; size, profitability, risk and equality which were tested in the study, only size showed a significant correlation with the extent of reported sustainability. The study thereby concludes that ownership is an important variable to take into consideration when studying sustainability reports.

Sortering, samhälle och sociala medier : En kvalitativ fallstudie av ett kommunägt företags kommunikation på Facebook / Recycling, Society and Social Media : A qualitative case study of a municipally-owned company's Facebook communication

Marjamäki, Petra January 2016 (has links)
Title: Recycling, society and social media: a qualitative case study of a municipally-owned company’s Facebook communication. The aim of the study has been to, through a case study of a company’s Facebook communication create understanding for how the medium may be used as communication channel in order to achieve effective, engaging communication with the company’s Facebook followers. The company Stormossen is a municipally-owned waste disposal company located in Kvevlax, Finland. The study uses a mix of the theoretical perspectives intentionalism and hermeneutics, in that its aim is to look at both sides of the communication process - the sender and the receiver - thus gaining a comprehensive picture of the research problem. The theoretical frame is made up of theories on new media logic and social media, participation, communication strategies and social communication. Two methods are applied in the case study, an informant interview with a key person at the company and a qualitative content analysis of the company’s official Facebook page. A total of 133 status updates were selected for analysis, mainly focusing on examining the content, mode of communication and the followers’ interaction and communication on the page. The main results of the study have shown that the company has not fully adapted to the new media logic in their Facebook communication. The communication strategy used is mainly an inside-strategy with emphasis being placed on organizational targets and the one-way distribution of information about the company and its services, with limited attempts to involve and initiate dialogue with the followers. These findings are in line with earlier research on how companies use social media. The company also has an unclear picture of who their followers are and why they would be interested in interacting with the company on Facebook. The followers on the other hand are mainly passive, and their motive for communication can be explained with the need for self-presentation. In order to create content and communication that the followers find relevant and want to interact with and share, the company has to actively work to adapt more to the new media logic. Facebook should be used both as a way of making information available but also for networking with and inviting followers to participation and dialogue, thus making themselves useful to the followers in order to build a good reputation and effective communication. Key words: Social media, Facebook, web 2.0, social communication/social marketing, civic information, communication strategy, social media-strategy, new media logic, participation, communication model, case study, qualitative study, Stormossen, municipally-owned company

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