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Macht. Wissen. Teilhabe.: Sammlungsinstitutionen im 21. JahrhundertHoins, Katharina, von Mallinckrodt, Felicitas 26 October 2015 (has links)
Macht, Wissen, Teilhabe – diese Begriffe sind für die Entwicklung von Sammlungsinstitutionen im 21. Jahrhundert zentral. Wie können Museen und Bibliotheken ihre Rolle als Vermittler, Bewahrer und Produzenten von kulturellem Wissen neu denken? Welche Rolle spielen ihre Besucherinnen und Besucher? Wer kann in einer globalisierten und digitalen Welt Deutungsmacht ausüben? Die Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis reflektieren aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven, wie sich Museen und Bibliotheken in diesem Spannungsfeld positionieren. So befassen sich Karl-Siegbert Rehberg, Horst Bredekamp, Lambert Wiesing und Wolfgang Ullrich grundlegend mit Praktiken des Sammelns, Zeigens und Ausstellens. Ursula Rao, Stefanie Mauksch und Sarah Fründt gehen auf die besondere Rolle von Ethnologischen Museen ein, während Susanne Wernsing und Cindy Denner aus kuratorischer Perspektive neue Wege der Wissensproduktion in Ausstellungen beschreiben.
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Interpreting Access: A History of Accessibility and Disability Representations in the National Park ServiceMeldon, Perri 02 July 2019 (has links)
This thesis illustrates the accomplishments and challenges of enhancing accessibility across the national parks, at the same time that great need to diversify the parks and their interpretation of American disability history remains. Chapters describe the administrative history of the NPS Accessibility Program (1979-present), exploring the decisions from both within and outside the federal agency, to break physical and programmatic barriers to make parks more inclusive for people with sensory, physical, and cognitive disabilities; and provide a case study of the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site (HOFR) in New York. The case study describes the creation of HOFR as a house museum and national historic site, with a particular focus on the history of the site’s accessibility features; considers existing barriers; and makes recommendations for programmatic changes to improve the experience for disabled and nondisabled visitors. By collaborating with and learning from nearby organizations by and for people with disabilities, HOFR can serve as a model for other historic house museums in how to effectively interpret “disability stories.” Contemplating how the National Park Service has interpreted the histories and heritage of other historically marginalized communities through theme studies, on-site interpretation, and public history scholarship yields lessons for how best to interpret disability history and depict nuanced representations of the varied disability communities living in the U.S. The inclusion of “disability stories” and representation of people with disabilities in the past will help foster deeper connections with and welcome diverse visitors to the parks.
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Katolické katedrály v Evropě a reprezentace kulturního dědictví prostřednictvím mobilních aplikací / Catholic Cathedrals in Europe and Representation of Heritage via Mobile ApplicationsMazur, Ekaterina January 2021 (has links)
Representation of heritage via digital and online tools gains more attention from culture professionals and the general public. Mobile applications allow museums to reach wider audiences, make heritage more accessible for people with special needs and provide content in various forms. Catholic cathedrals, being the sites with great tourism potential and rich historical and cultural legacy, also create their mobile applications in several languages. This research aims to answer the question of how mobile applications contribute to the representation of the heritage of religious sites. The case studies are the mobile applications of Notre-Dame, Milan, Florence and Cologne cathedrals. The visual and textual content and the design of the applications are analyzed to explore how heritage meets religious and secular needs. As a result, it was possible to identify patterns used by the cathedrals' management and application developers when generating religious heritage content in this technologic framework. Besides, practical suggestions on improvement of the technical layout and narrative practices are made. Keywords: religious heritage, heritage representation, mobile applications, digital museum, tourism, museum communication, UNESCO 2
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Håll i, håll ut… men håll er borta! : Krishanteringen hos ishockeyföreningar och museer under en rådande pandemikris / Persevere, endure… but mind the distance! : Crisis management in ice hockey clubs and museums during an ongoing pandemic crisisGustafsson, Viktor, Svensson, Sven Filip, Söderström, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Håll i, håll ut... men håll er borta! - Krishanteringen hos ishockeyföreningar och museer under en rådande pandemikris Författare: Viktor Gustafsson, Filip Svensson, Marcus Söderström Program: Ekonomprogrammet, inriktning redovisning/ekonomistyrning Handledare: Thomas Karlsson Examinator: Petter Boye Institution: Ekonomihögskolan på Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar Inledning: Den pågående coronapandemin har medfört flera typer av restriktioner som avståndshållning och antal personer som får samlas i allmänna sammankomster. Det har medfört att idrotts- och kulturverksamheter har påverkats negativt ekonomiskt och har fått ekonomiskt stöd från staten. För ishockeyföreningar har det inneburit att publikantalet har begränsats och matcher har ställts in. För museer har restriktionerna resulterat i stängda eller begränsade publika verksamheter. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en ökad förståelse av krishantering hos ishockeyföreningar och museer under en pågående pandemi. Tillsammans med tidigare forskning och våra fynd avser vi att konstruera en modell som illustrerar åtgärderna som organisationerna har vidtagit. Metod: För att besvara syfte och forskningsfråga har vi använt oss av en abduktiv ansats. Genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre ishockeyföreningar och fyra museer samlades empiriskt material. Empirin analyserades och tolkades med hjälp av tidigare forskning om krishantering för att uppfylla syftet. Slutsats: Vi kom fram till att organisationerna inte genomförde några åtgärder innan krisen. Under krisen har organisationerna genomfört nedskärningar, åtgärder för att dämpa smittspridningen och ökat användningen av digitala verktyg. Flera av åtgärderna har gett lärdomar som medför att vissa åtgärder överlever efter krisen och kan skapa nya framtida strategier. / Abstract Title: Persevere, endure… but mind the distance! - Crisis management in ice hockey clubsand museums during an ongoing pandemic crisis Authors: Viktor Gustafsson, Filip Svensson, Marcus Söderström Programme: Business administration and Economics Programme, specialization in Accounting and Management Control Advisor: Thomas Karlsson Examiner: Petter Boye Institute: School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University in Kalmar Introduction: The ongoing corona pandemic has brought various forms of restrictions such as social distancing and the maximum number of people allowed to gather in crowds. This has resulted in negative economic impact among sports and cultural organizations who have received financial support from the government. For ice hockey clubs this has meant that the number of attendances allowed has been restricted and ice hockey games have been cancelled. For museums, the restrictions have resulted in either closed or restricted public operations. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of crisis management among ice hockey clubs and museums during an ongoing pandemic. By combining the findings of this paper with former research we have the intention to create a model that illustrates the responses that the organizations have made. Method: To achieve the purpose and answer the research question we used abductive reasoning. By conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews with three ice hockey clubs and four museums we gathered empirical evidence. The gathered evidence was analyzed and interpreted by using former research about crisis management to fulfill the purpose. Conclusion: We found that the organizations did not conduct any responses before the crisis. During the crisis the organizations conducted retrenchment responses, responses aimed to mitigate the spread of the corona virus and increased the use of digital tools. Several of the responses have resulted in some responses surviving after the crisis and could create new strategies in the future.
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La photographie documentaire à l'épreuve du modernisme au "Museum of Modern Art" de New York (1937-1970) / Documentary photography faced with the challrnge of modernism at the New York Museum of Modern Art (1937-1970)Barrere, Laetitia 21 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée aux questions de réception et d'institutionnalisation de la photographie documentaire et de la photographie de reportage à partir de 1937 jusqu'aux années 1970 au Museum of Modem Art (MoMA) de New York. Le premier chapitre revient sur la genèse et les enjeux de l'instauration de la straight photography comme canon d’une tradition esthétisante du médium et éclaire l’influence de la critique formaliste dans l'émergence d'un modernisme documentaire, exemplifié par la production de Walker Evans. De nombreux photographes dont les pratiques ne correspondaient pas aux idéaux de perfection technique de la straight photography ont de exclus des circuits de légitimation institutionnelle, en particulier les membres de la Photo League de New York. La photographie documentaire urbaine, développée en dehors de la doxa moderniste, fait l'objet du deuxième chapitre de cette étude. A. cet égard, une attention particulière est consacrée à l'œuvre critique d'Elizabeth McCausland, principale porte-parole de la fonction sociale de la photographie. Le troisième chapitre se concentre sur la période de l’après-guerre. Dans ce nouveau contexte, les Américains sont à la recherche de nouveaux canons artistiques, qu'ils trouvent dans la photographie de reportage française, dont Henri Cartier-Bresson représente le chef de file. Ce chapitre dévoile les intérêts diplomatiques du modernisme dans les échanges transatlantiques avec la France, ainsi que ses intérêts économique à travers l'exemple d'André Kertész dont l'exposition au MoMA suscite l'envol de sa cote sur le marché naissant de la photographie dans les années 1970. / This thesis is dedicated to questions of reception and institutionalization of documentary photography and reportage photography from 1937 through to the 1970s at the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). The first chapter looks at the development and objectives of the advent of straight photography as a canon or an aestheticizing tradition of the medium, and sheds light on the influence of formalist criticism in the emergence of a form of documentary modernism, exemplified by the works of Walker Evans. Many photographers whose practices do not correspond to the ideals of technical perfection of straight photography were excluded from the circuits of institutional legitimization, particularly the members of the New York Photo League, Urban documentary photography, developed outside of the modernist doxa will be the subject of the second chapter of this study. In this respect, particular attention is paid to the critical work of Elizabeth McCausland, a major spokesperson for the social function of photography. The third chapter focuses on the post-war period. ln this new context. The Americans were looking for new artistic canons, which they found in French reportage photography, with Henri Cartier-Bresson leading the fray. Finally, this chapter reveals the diplomatic interests of modernism in Transatlantic exchanges with France, as well as its economic interests, taking André Kertész, as an example, whose exhibition at MoMA caused his works to suddenly rise in value on the inchoate photography market of the 1970s.
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Macht, Wissen, Teilhabe: Die Henry Arnhold Summer School 2014 diskutierte über Museen und Bibliotheken im 21. JahrhundertBemme, Jens, Bürger, Thomas 26 November 2014 (has links)
Nach der Dresden Summer School 2012 (Von der Vitrine zum Web 2.0, vgl. BIS Jg. 5, H.4, Dez. 2012, S. 220–227) widmete sich auch die zweite von Henry Arnhold (New York) geförderte Summer School im September 2014 der Entwicklung der Sammlungsinstitutionen Bibliothek und Museum. Wieder hatte die TU Dresden im Rahmen des DRESDEN-concept unter der Leitung von Prof. Hans Vorländer 23 Doktoranden und Postdoktoranden aus fünf Ländern eingeladen, um hinter die Kulissen der SLUB Dresden, der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden einschließlich der Ethnographischen Sammlungen in Dresden und Leipzig, des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums und des Militärhistorischen Museums der Bundeswehr zu schauen.
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Galerijní a muzejní edukace na prvním stupni ZŠ / Gallery and museum education in primary schoolLišmanová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
In thesis I focus on the current position of art gallery and museum education, which is influenced by science disciplines pedagogy and museology. In the theoretical part, on the basis of specialized literature, I define terms related to the theme of the work (gallery/museum pedagogy and educator, gallery/museum educator position within the institution, General educational program etc.). I am seeking further possibilities of cooperation and limits of cooperation of an elementary school with galleries/museums as institutions that have educational potential. Didactic work is based on qualitative research, which mainly uses the methods of open coding of videos from executed programs. My intention is to compare the differences and similarities in the implementation of educational programs between the 1st and 5th grade. Based on defined objectives I evaluate their implementation in accordance with educational programs, which are crucial for cooperation of galleries and schools. The focus is mainly on the conception, implementation and reflection of a three-phase educational program. The didactic part also reveals a possible link to the interdisciplinary relations. In the creative part of the thesis, I compile a topic of an authoring book, on the theme of the exhibition of Květa Pacovská: Maximum Contrast.
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Factores determinantes de la calidad de servicio que tienen mayor influencia en la satisfacción de visita a los museos de historia en Lima Metropolitana / Determining factors of the quality of service that has the greatest influence on the satisfaction of visiting museums of history in Metropolitan LimaArias Lora, Mellamie Saira, Chacón Padilla, Ángela 20 July 2019 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación nos centramos en identificar y analizar los factores determinantes de la calidad de servicio que influyen en la satisfacción de visita a los museos de historia de Lima Metropolitana. Nuestro propósito, principalmente, fue el de impulsar la presencia competitiva de los museos en el mercado actual. Cabe señalar que la información relacionada con los museos de historia en nuestro país es escasa desde la perspectiva de investigación científica. Sin embargo, existen tesis de grado que no se han tomado como referencia en esta investigación. Para tal fin, utilizamos una metodología no experimental y mediante la técnica de la encuesta, se formuló un cuestionario estructurado basado en el modelo SERVPERF adaptado a museos y se entrevistó a un total de 385 visitantes de 4 museos de historia limeños. En consecuencia, se llegó a establecer que las variables de la calidad del servicio que más influyen en la satisfacción de visita a museos son los elementos tangibles y de empatía; aunque también se dio relevancia a la capacidad de respuesta y a la comunicación. / In this research work, we focus on identifying and analyzing the factors that determine the quality of service that influence the satisfaction of visiting museums of history in Metropolitan Lima. Our purpose, mainly, was to promote the competitive presence of museums in the current market. It should be noted that information related to museums in our country is scarce from the perspective of scientific research. However, there are degree thesis that have not been taken as reference in this investigation. For this purpose, we used a non-experimental methodology and, using the survey technique, a structured questionnaire was formulated based on the SERVPERF model adapted to museums and a total of 385 visitors from 4 Lima museums of history were interviewed. Consequently, it was established that the variables of the quality of service that most influence the satisfaction of visiting museums are the tangible elements of empathy; however, responsiveness and communication were also important. / Tesis
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The Swedish Holocaust Museum Between the Physical and the Virtual : A Perspective on the Importance of the Physical and Pedagogical in Virtual MuseumsSimu, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
The creation of a new Holocaust museum in Sweden has sparked discussion regarding placement, how to make it accessible, and how to make that accessibility equal between the physical and virtual. The National Historical Museums of Sweden was given the task to open the Swedish Holocaust Museum in Stockholm 10 month after they were appointed the task (Regeringskansliet 2021b). This and receiving less than half of the funds requested for the project lead to the museum not being able to open with a physical space but will be a purely digital space on the official website when opened (ibid.; Hörmark 2022). The museum will then gradually gain a physical space (Annika 2022). Academic research on a new Holocaust museum and their implementations of virtual and digital tools has not been found, therefore this thesis aims to fill that gap with the aid of the previous research. The thesis examines the current available material for the not yet opened Swedish Holocaust Museum through qualitative methods. The pre-process entailed gathering available reports and public discussions, getting into contact with the staff at the National Historical Museums of Sweden and limiting the scope of the thesis. Interviews were conducted with three employees and observations were conducted on two testimony AI by Dimensions in Testimony. The post-process was transcribing, analysing, and categorizing the material under different themes. Throughout the process, academic research has continuously been read and implemented. The analysis was conducted on the importance of the location of the museum and the public discourse on whether the museum ought to be located in Malmö or Stockholm. It also analyses the expected contents of the website, being the testimony AI and the interactive timeline through a pedagogical perspective. The website will only include the Dimensions in Testimony AI as well as five items and their description when it launches. Finally, the expected website contents were analysed through the potential of being a virtual museum. The thesis found that the importance of the location might have been mediated by putting emphasis on accessibility through the website. Both the testimony AI and the timeline are pedagogically rich but comes with some technical difficulties. The website has great potential in becoming a virtual museum and should be viewed as such. The thesis also found that interactions between the physical and virtual space might increase the perceived authenticity of the virtual museum and generate more interest.
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Discoveries made in darkness : Extending the threshold to the Kaknäs towerKalmaru, Arvid January 2015 (has links)
This project developed from an idea of light and darkness to a very personal study of architectural interests and fears. It began with a notion that today, in Western cultures especially, the focus on light as being something separate and more desired than darkness may cause an adverse imbalance. I decided to work with a strong physical context that required specificity and to find a program that enabled me to find out more about myself in relation to architecture. SITE: Norra Djurgården, Stockholm, Sweden. The radio- and television tower at the site is 175 meter high and was drawn by Bengt Lindroos and Hans Borgström in the 1960's. In front of the tower there is a big, square shaped parking lot. Designed from strict geometries set by the architects it makes a clear figure viewed in plan, however it lacks definition when experienced on ground level. PROGRAM:There are many places in urban areas with extrovert qualities but not as many where the architecture provides support for introvert excursions. One project goal was to develop a structure that is able to function as a simple background, framing the visitor. A museum is usually anonymous in that sense but then the displayed work makes us focus on something external. As a typology, the labyrinth is perfect for just framing people, but it is also known for evoking anxiety and stress. INTERVENTION:By designing an open-air complex with no dead ends, the project provide the site with a new approach to the tower for pedestrians as well as an enhanced recreational pathway that unite with the existing fabric of paths and walkways. / Projektet utvecklades från en idé om ljus och mörker till en mycket personlig undersökning av arkitektoniska intressen och rädslor. Det började med en föreställning om att dagens, och inte minst västvärldens fokus på ljuset som något separat och mer önskat än mörkret kan orsaka en ogynnsam obalans. Jag bestämde mig för att arbeta med en stark fysisk kontext som krävde specificitet och att hitta ett program som gjorde det möjligt för mig att ta reda på mer om mig själv i relation till arkitektur. PLATS: Norra Djurgården, Stockholm, Sverige. Radio- och tv-tornet på platsen är 175 meter högt och ritades av Bengt Lindroos och Hans Borgström på 1960-talet. Framför tornet finns en stor, kvadratisk parkeringsplats. Utformad inom strikta geometriska regler som fastställts av arkitekterna bildar den en tydlig figur sedd i plan, men den saknar skärpa när man upplever den på plats. PROGRAM: Det finns många urbana platser med extroverta egenskaper men inte så många där arkitekturen ger stöd för introverta utflykter. Ett mål med projektet var att utveckla en struktur med funktionen av en enkel bakgrund vilken ramar in besökaren. Ett museum är vanligtvis anonymt i det avseendet men de utställda verken får oss då att fokusera på något yttre. Som typologi är labyrinten perfekt för inramning av personer, men labyrinten är också känd för att framkalla ångest och stress. INTERVENTION: Genom att utforma ett utomhuskomplex utan återvändsgränder, ger projektet platsen ett nytt sätt för gående att närma sig tornet samt en förbättrad gångväg som förenas med det befintliga nätverket av stigar och gångar.
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