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Da Pinacoteca ao Museu: historicizando processos museológicos / From the art gallery to the museum: a history of museological processes.Cláudia Regina Alves da Rocha 15 August 2014 (has links)
O Museu Nacional de Belas Artes e sua documentação museológica constituem o principal objeto de estudo desta pesquisa, que procura investigar em suas origens, junto à Academia Imperial de Belas Artes/Escola Nacional de Belas Artes, as ações de tratamento documental que essas instituições utilizaram. Partindo da premissa de que a criação do Museu Nacional de Belas Artes deuse no século XIX, a pesquisa tem por objetivo mapear as proximidades e distanciamentos, sob o enfoque documental, entre tais instituições. / The National Museum of Fine Arts and its museological documentation are the aim of this research, which investigates its originis by the identification of the documentation processes developped at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, renamed National School of Fine Arts. Considering that the creation of the National Museum of Fine Arts emerged from the debates on the foundation of an Art Gallery inside the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts in the 19th century, this research explores the similarities and differences between these institutions from the point-of-view of the documentation of their collections.
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A Casa do Bandeirante como espaço museológico (1954-1964) / The Bandeirante House as museum space (1954-1964)Andréa Maria Zabrieszach Afonso dos Santos 26 August 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo abordar historicamente a construção física e simbólica da Casa do Bandeirante, um museu evocativo da época das bandeiras. Ela foi inaugurada em 1955, no encerramento das comemorações do IV Centenário da Cidade de São Paulo, tendo sido sua restauração realizada sob responsabilidade da comissão organizadora desses festejos. Primeira das \"casas históricas\" pertencente à Prefeitura Municipal, compõe o atual acervo arquitetônico do Museu da Cidade. Este projeto analisa o período que se estende de 1954 a 1964, durante a primeira fase do museu, sob a direção de Paulo Camilher Florençano, quando o espaço fora projetado para ser um cenário do modo de vida paulista durante o período colonial. Naquele momento a Casa do Bandeirante tratava heroicamente o \"ciclo das bandeiras\", mitificando-o, a partir de uma exposição por meio do period room, eixos conceituais da exposição que lá esteve até 1978. São objetivos desta dissertação compreender e analisar o processo conceitual e institucional de criação da Casa do Bandeirante pela Prefeitura de São Paulo, através da Comissão do IV Centenário da Cidade de São Paulo, problematizar a primeira montagem curatorial, com a formulação de uma identidade paulista calcada no mito sertanista e seus referenciais museológicos, a formação e o perfil de seu acervo de peças históricas. / This dissertation aims to approach, historically, the physical and symbolic construction of The Bandeirante House, an evocative museum of the time of \"bandeiras\" (former Brazilian settlers). It was inaugurated in 1955, at the end of the celebrations of the IV Centenary of the City of São Paulo, with its restoration being carried out under the responsibility of the organizing committee of those festivities. The first of the \"historical homes\" belonging to the city hall, it is part of the current architectural collection of São Paulo\'s city museums. The time covered in this project extends from 1955 to 1964, during the first period of the Museum, under the direction of Paul Camilher Florençano, when this cultural space was designed to present a scenario of the way of living in São Paulo during the colonizer period. At that moment, The Bandeirante House conceived heroically the \"Bandeirante Cycle\", dealing with as a myth by the presentation of an exhibition by period room, conceptual guidelines of the exhibition held until 1978. The goals of this dissertation are to analyze the conceptual and institutional creating process of the Bandeirante House, to understand and document its acquisition policy and to discuss the first long term exhibition of the institution, based the \"sertanista myth\" and its museum references.
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The current paper aims to focus a museum exhibition developed from the investigation
about the history of Júlio de Castilhos Museum from 1960 to 1980. The museum speeches
and the performances that determined the museum imagination about its history and also about
its symbols were assessed in the research. The history of Júlio de Castilhos Museum from
1960 until 1980, which used to be unknown until these days, has become object of evaluation
by the museum historical field and by the subjects who manage the institution. These members
have been politically linked to the museum and influenced by a historical and political context.
It has made this museum a historical one. By analyzing and exhibiting the museum collections
at that time, it was perceived a permanent game between the memory will and the intention of
reflecting its history. What happened at Júlio de Castilhos Museum from 1960 until 1980 can
be seen under the view of the imprecision of a museum, estate and cultural policy from
ideological federal and state instances. This is apparent when there is a discussion about the
frequent line changes of the activities developed by the museum as its managers changed. It
was also noticed when there were losses or imminent losses of entire collections of weapons or
other items due to negligence or default. This institution has been closed many times because
of infra-structure problems like lack of financial resources and investments occluded by media
and populist events. This is the history shown in the exhibition. / O presente estudo tem como foco central uma exposição museológica desenvolvida a
partir da investigação sobre a historicidade do Museu Julio de Castilhos no tempo histórico
social de 1960-1980. Conferi na pesquisa os discursos museológicos produzidos, as práticas, as
representações constituídas naquele período e que determinaram uma imaginação museal
(CHAGAS, 2009) a respeito da Instituição, sobre a história construída nela, e sobre seus
semióforos. A historicidade do Museu Julio de Castilhos naqueles anos de 1960-1980, até então
desconhecida, procurou averiguar, revelar e tornar acessível ao campo museológico e
historiográfico que, os sujeitos sociais que administraram a Instituição, estiveram politicamente
enraizados, engajados e influenciados de um contexto histórico e político, e isso influenciou o
balizamento do Museu Julio de Castilhos como museu histórico. Analisadas as coleções
musealizadas e expostas na época, percebi que há um permanente jogo entre a vontade de
memória e a intenção de refletir sobre a História. O que aconteceu no Museu Julio de
Castilhos nos anos 1960-1980, pode ser visto pela perspectiva da imprecisão de uma política
cultural, patrimonial e museológica das instancias federal e estadual e que ao mesmo tempo
estiveram ideologizadas. Isso fica claro quando se pondera a respeito das frequentes alterações
de linha nas atividades desenvolvidas pelo Museu, logo que mudavam as diretorias. Também
pode ser vista pela ameaça, e a efetiva perda das coleções de armas. Descuido, negligencia,
fechamentos constantes da Instituição, decorrentes de problemas na infraestrutura, carência de
investimentos e recursos, são problemas escondidos com a realização de eventos midiáticos e
populistas, na Instituição. Essa constituiu a história comunicada pela exposição.
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Role muzeí ve vzdělávání dospělých / The Role of Museums in Adult EducationHercogová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The theses is focused on the topic of museums and their role in adult education and learning. It provides a basic overview of the development of museums and their educational role in history. A special attention is also paid to adults as a specific target group of the museum education, their specifics in terms of the leisure education and the educational process. It is also devoted to the educational offer of museums in the field of formal and non-formal education and informal learning. A part of the thesis is a qualitative survey that focuses on the educational offer of selected museums and to what extent the specifics of adults are taken into account by the staff in the area of the museum education. Key words museum, museum education, adult, adut education, leisure education, non-formal education, informal learning
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Préserver et transmettre les collections de la nation : les conservateurs des musées de province sous la IIIe République / Preserving and dissemening knowledge : curatord of french provincial museums during the third republicMasson, Geraldine 05 November 2016 (has links)
La IIIe République offre une vocation didactique au musée institué en lieu d'enseignement qui édifie le citoyen républicain. Le régime fédère un réseau muséal dont l'objectif est la suppression des multiples musées de province au bénéfice des seuls musées français gardiens des collections nationales. En même temps qu'elle contribue au courant historiographique actuel de renouvellement de l'histoire des collections par l'approche de ses acteurs, cette étude des 263 conservateurs des musées de province, inspectés dans le cadre de la Commission extra-parlementaire des musées de province de 1905, aboutit à leur inscription dans le processus de professionnalisation des conservateurs de musée. Pour ses acteurs de la patrimonialisation, préserver et transmettre les collections muséales, signifie appliquer la vocation didactique du musée, lieu d'enseignement corollaire de l'école. Il s'agit notamment de dispenser, au musée, une leçon d'histoire locale se rattachant à l'écriture de l'histoire de la nation. Empreints d'une conscience patrimoniale acérée, et profondément impliqués dans les sociabilités artistiques locales, les conservateurs de musées de province œuvrent dans l'intérêt des collections se confortant à de nombreuses contraintes tant budgétaires que matérielles ou politiques. Leurs méthodes de travail, adaptées aux nouvelles exigences de l'Administration des Beaux-Arts se spécialisent à un moment où, s'élabore la science des musées dite « muséologie ». Leur expérience est alors reconnue par l'ensemble des conservateurs des musées de province et des Musées nationaux. Le conservateur des musées de province républicains est un conservateur de musée professionnel. / The Third Republic enabled French museums to become a place of cultural education similar to that of schools. A national, federated network of museums was established for national collections of art in the early 20th Century, during the rise of provincial museums. The French state sought to display a self-legitimizing, civic-mindedness and to teach lessons of history of the Nation and national heritage to its citizens. More than an institutional history of the rise of provincial museums, this study demonstrates the involvement of the curators of provincial museums in the development of that policy and shows how it led to the creation of an organized profession. Utilizing the report of the parliamentary commission for French museums created in 1905, 263 curators in charge of state sponsored long-term loans were identified and studied. Involved in the safeguarding of patrimony, they belonged to numerous provincial academies and local scholarly societies. At the museum, they provided a local history lesson related to French national history. They had to cope with locally specific issues, particularly financial restrictions and local politics, but succeeded in fashioning a new way of working that was agreed to by ail colleagues in provincial institutions as well as French national museums, such as the musée du Louvre, when museology was created.
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Planning, creating, and evaluating eMuseums: a step by step handbook for museum professionalsBaillargeon, Tara Jean January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Gerald D. Bailey / The purpose of this study was to create a handbook that would support museum professionals through the stages of planning, creating, and evaluating a user-centered eMuseum. Planning, Creating, and Evaluating eMuseums: A Step by Step Handbook for Museum Professionals was developed using the research and development methodology (R&D) developed by Borg and Gall (1989). The seven steps in the R&D cycle used in this study included: 1) research analysis and proof of concept, 2) product planning and design, 3) preliminary product development, 4) preliminary field testing, 5) revision of the prototype, 6) main field testing, and 7) revision of the final product. A prototype of the handbook was developed and then evaluated by experts in digital libraries or museum informatics in the preliminary field test. Revisions were made to the handbook based on their feedback. The handbook was then distributed to museum professionals for the main field test. Feedback from the main field test was used to create the final product.
Major conclusions from the study were:
1. There was a need for a handbook to guide museum professionals through the steps of developing an eMuseum. Museum leaders indicated a desire to create a stronger online presence for their museums, but did not know how to begin the process.
2.The handbook was most useful to museum professionals. Originally, the handbook was intended for an audience broadly defined as "information professionals", which included both library and museum professionals.
3.Museum leaders and community stakeholders could partner to create eMuseums. Stakeholders included educators who wanted to use eMuseums to incorporate standards-based curriculum into their classroom or graduate students in education looking for collaborative projects to advance their study.
4.Finding new ways to reach audiences was important to museum leaders. Museum leaders were aware that the majority of their visitors expected to find information about their museum on the Internet and wanted to find ways to reach these audience members.
5.Museum professionals found resources listed in the book to be useful. The handbook worked effectively as a reference guide for creating an eMuseum.
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Ampliación del Museo de Arte de LimaCabrera-Osorio, Luis-Francisco January 2017 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal explorar y definir los lineamientos de las intervenciones contemporáneas en edificios históricos, y servir de guía para la elaboración de un programa de ampliación para el Museo de Arte de Lima. / Tesis
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Rodinovo muzeum v Paříži a jeho význam pro kulturní cestovní ruch Francie / Rodin museum in Paris and its impact on cultural tourism in FranceKmínková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis treats the importance of a particular cultural institution, i.e. Rodin museum, for cultural tourism in France. In the theoretical part, it deals with cultural tourism in general, tourism and culture in France, and finally it associates those two in cultural tourism in France. Then it concentrates on the tourism of Paris. In the practical part, a deep analysis of Rodin museum is elaborated. All discovered facts were used to compose a SWOT analysis and recommendations.
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Museus e Coleções Universitários: Por que Museus de Arte na Universidade de São Paulo? / University museums and collections: why art museums at the University of São Paulo?Adriana Mortara Almeida 11 September 2001 (has links)
Essa tese trata do perfil dos museus universitários - sua origem, desenvolvimento e perfil atual -, com ênfase para os museus de arte. Procura definir o que seria um museu universitário modelo e busca identificar o quanto desse modelo existe na prática. Descreve a formação e as características dos museus da Universidade de São Paulo e dos museus universitários de arte no Brasil. Analisa a coleção e o museu de arte da Universidade de São Paulo - Coleção de Artes Visuais do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros e Museu de Arte Contemporânea - diante do modelo proposto para museus universitários. E finalmente, discute a necessidade da Universidade de São Paulo possuir ou não essas coleções de arte. / This thesis addresses the profile of university museums - their origin, development and current profile with emphasis on art museums. It attempts to define what a model university museum should be and to compare it to the existing situation. It describes the foundation and characteristics of the University of São Paulo museums and of university art museums in Brazil. It analyses the art collection and the University of São Paulo art museum - Visual Arts Collection of the Brazilian Studies Institute and the Contemporary Art Museum - in comparison to the university museum model proposed. And finally it discusses the need for those art collections in the University of São Paulo.
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”Ett nationalromantikens ’wonderland’” : Användandet av autenticitetsbegreppet i samband med ombyggnationen av NationalmuseumHolmbom, Anna January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate how the meaning of the concept of authenticity has been used in arguments about the reconstruction of Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, Sweden. The museum, which opened for the first time in 1866, was closed for restoration, renovation and other engagements during 2013-2018. After the reopening, a debate took place in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. In the debate there were people who argued that the reconstruction had erased the museum’s history and replaced it with modern design. Other people argued that the reconstruction had made the building more true to its history as older reconstructions had distorted the original building. The main source material for the present study consists of a final report of the project made by the National Property Board, selected debate articles from the debate on the reconstruction in Svenska Dagbladet, and an interview and two mail conversations that have been made with persons involved in the project. Through argumentation analysis, arguments from the final report, the debate in Svenska Dagbladet, the interview and the mail conversations have been analyzed. The arguments selected from the source material are arguments that either indicate that the authenticity has been preserved or that the authenticity has not been preserved. The thesis does not intend to determine whether the reconstruction of Nationalmuseum has preserved the authenticity or not, it is the argumentation about this issue that is to be investigated. The reason is that the perception differs between different people, different contexts and different views. The analysis shows that the arguments claiming that the authenticity has not been preserved above all relate to the building's younger reconstructions with its additions that were removed during the current reconstruction. Some debaters argue that the building's younger history also has a value that should be protected. In the end it comes down to what kind of authenticity one intends to preserve. In the project, the experience values have been prioritized before the material values, which indicates that the authenticity from a material perspective may have decreased while the functional authenticity of the building has increased. The arguments that favour that the authenticity has been preserved are primarily based on the view that great emphasis has been placed on the preservation of the building's cultural-historical value. During the project one has also been inspired by the building's original drawings made by the building's architect Friedrich August Stüler, which indicates that the authenticity of the original building has been strengthened. The thesis ends with a final discussion where the result of the analysis is presented in relation to the theoretical framework of the thesis. This is done in order to answer the research questions. The main research question for the thesis has been; "How has the meaning of authenticity been presented in the final report, in the debate and by people who have worked with the reconstruction of Nationalmuseum?”.
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