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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fastläggning av arsenik i en anoxisk akvifär med nollvärt järn i nanostorlek : Uppföljning av ett pilotskaleförsök / Remediation of arsenic in an anoxic aquifer using zero valent iron nanoparticles : follow-up of a pilot study

Niclas, Holmgren January 2023 (has links)
Förorenad mark är ett problem som kan hota ekologiska värden samt skada människors hälsa. Det finns flera åtgärder för föroreningar både ex-situ och in-situ. På senare tid har användningen av nollvärt järn som in-situ åtgärd studerats, men har inte använts tidigare i Sverige. Denna studie innefattar ett pilotförök i fält där en in-situ injektering av nollvärt järn i nanostorlek (nZVI) i Hjältevad, Eksjö kommun. Där bedrev dåvarande Televerket en impregneringsanläggning för telefonstolpar där de använde koppar, krom och arsenik (CCA) som efter ett läckage i en lagringstank förorenade grundvattnet på platsen.  Innan denna studie visade skak och kolonnförsök att tillsats av nZVI till jordprover från Hjältevad minskade koncentrationen av både total arsenik och arsenit med över 90 %. Syftet med pilotförsöket var att undersöka hur långt nZVI skulle spridas i akvifären och om arsenikhalten och grundvattenkemin påverkades på samma sätt av nZVI injekteringen som i labbförsöken.  Dynamiska grundvattenprovtagningar utfördes innan behandlingen för att kunna karakterisera grundvattnet i försöksytan. I ett inledande försök uppskattades spridningen av en 5 g/L nZVI slurry med tillsatt 0,75 g/L polyakrylsyra som injekterades med direct push teknologi. Spridningen av en nZVI injektering undersöktes genom mätning av elektrisk konduktivitet samt genom att observera färgen på grundvattnet. En spridning av nZVI mellan 0,6 och 1,5 m observerades och influensradien ökade med djupet i försöksytan samt visar på större vertikal utbredning vid grundare djup. Preferentiellt flöde kunde ses och överlappande injekteringspunkter behövs för en heltäckande utbredning. Pilotförsöket omfattade fem injekteringspunkter som borrades med 2 m avstånd vid källtermen. Sex nya grundvattenrör installerades uppströms och nedströms injektionspunkterna. Vattenprover togs under 4 månader där grundvattenkemiska parametrar som pH, EH, total As, trevärd As, och Fe koncentrationer mättes. Arsenikhalten låg runt 1700 µg/L innan behandlingen och har inte minskat 4 månader efter injektering av nZVI. I grundvattenrören närmast injekteringspunkterna fanns en tendens till ökad totalhalt och andel arsenit. Möjliga orsaker diskuteras och en hypotes är att lägre temperatur i akvifären jämfört med labbförsök förklarar lägre reaktivitet för nZVI. / Soil contamination poses ecological risks and enhances risks for human exposure to chemical in many areas of the world. Various ex-situ and in-situ soil remediation strategies have therefore been developed. The in-situ use of zero-valent iron sorbents is a relatively new strategy that has not yet been used in the field in Sweden. The current study involves a pilot study of an in-situ inejction of nano-scale zerovalent iron (nZVI) in a contaminated site in Hjältevad, Eksjö municipality. The former Swedish State-owned telephone compmnay operated a plant where telegraph poles were impregnated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) that leaked into the groundwater following a tank rupture.   Batch and column tests done prior to the current study in the lab showed that addition of nZVI to sediment sampled from the aquifer reduced the dissolved concentrations of total arsenic as well as arsenite with more than 90 %. The aim of this pilot test was therefore firstly to investigate to investigate whether the same reduction could be obtained in the field.  Dynamic groundwater sampling was carried out before the pilot test to characterize hydrology and chemistry of the aquifer. A 5 g/L nZVI slurry was injected using direct push technology initially in one injection well to investigate spread of nZVI by measuring electrical conductivity and observing the color of the groundwater. The measured electrical conductivity and color observation showed a spread of nZVI between 0.6 and 1.5 m. The radius of influence increased with depth in the test zone and shows greater vertical spread at shallower depths. Preferential flow could be seen and overlapping injection points are thus needed for a complete coverage of the source zone. Five injection well were then drilled into the source zone at a distance of 2 m. New groundwater wells were installed downstream from the source zone where samples were taken over a period of 4 months in which chemical parameters such as pH, EH, total As, trivalent As, and Fe concentrations were measured. Arsenic concentrations were 1700 µg/L before the treatment and this concentration as well as other measured groundwater paramters did not decrease significantly during the 4 months monitoring period. In the groundwater wells closest to the injection points, the concentration of total and trivalent arsenic increased significantly. Possibly reasons are discussed and it is hypothesized that the lower aquifer temperature in the field comapred to the lab experiments may explain the lower nZVI reactivity.

Investigations Into The Bulk Single Crystals, Nano Crystal Composites And Thin Films Of Ferroelectric Materials For Pyroelectric Sensor Applications

Satapathy, Srinibas 07 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, the results pertaining to various investigations carried out on Triglycine sulphate (TGS) single crystals, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films, lithium tantalate (LT)/PVDF nanocomposites and LT thin films are presented with emphasis on the characteristics that are crucial for their use in pyroelectric sensors. TGS single crystals (size 68 x 45 x 42 mm3), which have high pyroelectric coefficients, were grown by slow cooling method using newly designed platform technique based crystal growth work stations. The problem of slow growth rate along c-direction was overcome by placing (010) oriented seeds on the platform. The grown TGS crystals were used for the fabrication of the laser energy meter and temperature sensor. One drawback of TGS is its low Curie temperature (490C). As a consequence when the operating temperature approaches the Curie temperature, the crystals start depolarizing owing to the movement of domains. As a result the linearity of the devices gets affected and restricts the use of TGS. Therefore pyroelectric materials possessing higher Curie temperatures and larger pyroelectric coefficients than that of TGS are desirable. LT in single crystalline form having Curie temperature of ≈6000C has already been in use for pyroelectric device applications. However, growing stoichiometric LT single crystal is very difficult. On the other hand PVDF polymer films (Tc≈1800C) have low pyrolectric coefficients and difficult to pole electrically. Therefore efforts were made to prepare LT/PVDF nanocrystal composites to increase the pyroelectric coefficient of PVDF and to reduce the poling field. Nanoparticles of LT were prepared using sol-gel route. Spherical nanoparticles of size 20-40nm were prepared from sol by adding oleic acid to it. These nanoparticles were characterized using XRD, TEM, DSC and Raman spectroscopy. PVDF films with large percentage of β-phase (ferroelectric phase) were fabricated from solutions prepared using dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) solvent. PVDF films (30µm thick), embedded with 20-40nm sized nanocrystallites of LT were fabricated to utilize them for pyroelectric sensor applications. The ferroelectric and pyrolectric properties of nano composite films were studied for sensor applications point of view. As a replacement for the single crystals of LT in pyroelectric sensors, investigations were carried out on oriented LT thin films. The studies on LT thin films yielded promising results which could be exploited for pyroelectric sensor applications.

Analysis of dispersion and propagation of fine and ultra fine particle aerosols from a busy road

Gramotnev, Galina January 2007 (has links)
Nano-particle aerosols are one of the major types of air pollutants in the urban indoor and outdoor environments. Therefore, determination of mechanisms of formation, dispersion, evolution, and transformation of combustion aerosols near the major source of this type of air pollution - busy roads and road networks - is one of the most essential and urgent goals. This Thesis addresses this particular direction of research by filling in gaps in the existing physical understanding of aerosol behaviour and evolution. The applicability of the Gaussian plume model to combustion aerosols near busy roads is discussed and used for the numerical analysis of aerosol dispersion. New methods of determination of emission factors from the average fleet on a road and from different types of vehicles are developed. Strong and fast evolution processes in combustion aerosols near busy roads are discovered experimentally, interpreted, modelled, and statistically analysed. A new major mechanism of aerosol evolution based on the intensive thermal fragmentation of nano-particles is proposed, discussed and modelled. A comprehensive interpretation of mutual transformations of particle modes, a strong maximum of the total number concentration at an optimal distance from the road, increase of the proportion of small nano-particles far from the road is suggested. Modelling of the new mechanism is developed on the basis of the theory of turbulent diffusion, kinetic equations, and theory of stochastic evaporation/degradation processes. Several new powerful statistical methods of analysis are developed for comprehensive data analysis in the presence of strong turbulent mixing and stochastic fluctuations of environmental factors and parameters. These methods are based upon the moving average approach, multi-variate and canonical correlation analyses. As a result, an important new physical insight into the relationships/interactions between particle modes, atmospheric parameters and traffic conditions is presented. In particular, a new definition of particle modes as groups of particles with similar diameters, characterised by strong mutual correlations, is introduced. Likely sources of different particle modes near a busy road are identified and investigated. Strong anti-correlations between some of the particle modes are discovered and interpreted using the derived fragmentation theorem. The results obtained in this thesis will be important for accurate prediction of aerosol pollution levels in the outdoor and indoor environments, for the reliable determination of human exposure and impact of transport emissions on the environment on local and possibly global scales. This work will also be important for the development of reliable and scientifically-based national and international standards for nano-particle emissions.

Spectro-microscopic investigation of Fe-oxide based model catalysts and instrumental development

Genuzio, Francesca 03 June 2016 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht Fe-Oxid-Systeme mit Hilfe einer Kombination aus Mikroskopie (LEEM, Röntgen PEEMs), Beugung (LEED) und Spektroskopie (XPS) und berichtet über die elektronenoptische Entwicklung adaptiver Optiken und Aberrationskorrekturen für einen elektrostatischen abbildenden Energieanalysator. Experimentell untersuchten wir Magnetit und Hämatit Dünnschichten. Ihre Kristallstruktur, Stöchiometrie sowie deren Oberflächenterminierung können durch spezielle Herstellungsverfahren eingestellt werden. Unter Ausnutzung der Echtzeit-Beobachtung mit Mikroskopie, Beugung und Spektroskopie untersuchten wir (a) die Oberflächenmodifikationen von Fe3O4 und α-Fe2O3-Dünnschichten durch Fe Ablagerung; (b) die reversible Phasenumwandlung Fe3O4 ↔ α-Fe2O3 unter verschiedenen Oxidationsbedingungen; (c) die Bildung der metastabilen γ-Fe2O3-Phase und (d) die Wechselwirkung von Fe3O4 und α-Fe2O3 Oberflächen mit unterstützten Pt-Nanopartikeln. Es wurde ein Algorithmus entwickelt, um den LEEM Bildkontrast für inhomogene 2D Oberflächen zu simulieren. Abschließend wird das Design eines Energiefilter-System vorgestellt, das in ein PEEM/LEEM Mikroskop der neuen Generation eingebaut werden wird. Das System basiert auf dem gleichen Abbildungsprinzip wie der magnetische Ω-Filter, der erfolgreich im aktuellen SMART Mikroskop eingesetzt wird. Das neue Instrument zielt auf die Verbesserung der Orts- und Energieauflösung im XPEEM (5 nm und 70 meV). Die Mehrzahl der möglichen Aberrationen zweiter Ordnung wird durch die intrinsische Symmetrie selbstkompensiert. Die Wirkung der anderen Aberrationen wird durch ein geeignetes Design der Verzögerungs- und Beschleunigungsoptiken kombiniert mit einer optimierten Passenergie reduziert. Darüber hinaus kompensieren zusätzliche Hexapole die restlichen dominierenden Aberrationen, wodurch eine Orts- und Energieauflösung besser als 2 nm bzw. 75 meV erreicht wird. / This work presents the investigation of Fe-oxide systems, combining microscopy (LEEM, X-PEEM), diffraction (LEED) and spectroscopy (XPS), and the electron-optical development of adaptive optics and aberration corrections for an electrostatic imaging energy analyzer. Experimentally, we studied magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (α-Fe2O3) thin films. Their crystal structure, stoichiometry as well as their surface termination can be tuned by special preparation procedures. Taking advantage of real time observation with microscopy, diffraction and spectroscopy, we investigated (a) the surface modifications of Fe3O4 and α-Fe2O3 thin films by Fe deposition; (b) the reversible phase transformation Fe3O4 ↔ α-Fe2O3 under different oxidation conditions; (c) the formation of the metastable γ-Fe2O3 phase and (d) the interaction of Fe3O4 and α-Fe2O3 surfaces with supported Pt nanoparticles . An algorithm was developed to simulate the LEEM image contrast for inhomogeneous 2D surfaces. The possible application to experimental data and the limitation will be discussed. Finally, the design of an energy filtering system is presented, which will be implemented in a new generation PEEM/LEEM microscope. The system bases on the same imaging principle as the magnetic Ω-filter, successfully implemented in the actual SMART microscope. The new instrument aims for the improvement of lateral and energy resolution in X-PEEM (5 nm and 70 meV, respectively). The majority of the possible second order aberrations are self-compensated by intrinsic symmetry. The effect of the other aberrations is reduced by an adequate design for the deceleration-acceleration optics in combination with optimized pass energy. Furthermore, additional hexapole multipoles compensate for the residual dominating aberrations, yielding in the lateral resolution and energy resolution better than 2 nm and 75 meV, respectively.

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