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An Ode to the Four RulersMilne, James Alexander 08 1900 (has links)
This composition is a single-movement chamber work and has a total duration of approximately fourteen and one-half minutes. The instrumentation of the piece includes two Eb alto saxophones, two Bb tenor saxophones, two Bb trumpets, tenor trombone, bass trombone, four narrators, piano, double bass, trap set, triangle and chimes. The entire work is organized durationally through the use of eight simultaneous, independent click tracks. This information provides the tempos and is sent to the performers via headphones.
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Autobiographical Accounts of Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease: Obituaries of the Living Dead?Stanley, Daina 14 November 2013 (has links)
The thesis was designed to gain insight into how Alzheimer’s disease influences selfhood from first-personal accounts of illness. The focus of the study was narrowed further by concentrating on the autobiographies of individuals diagnosed with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s disease (EOAD). The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the autobiographies of individuals with EOAD with the aim of understanding their selfhood. In this thesis I argue that, Alzheimer’s disease may influence a change in self, however, the self is not lost entirely. This thesis draws on the philosophical conception of narrated self as it allows for one perpetually constructed self, whereby a change in self does not necessarily mean the self is lost entirely. Through an interpretive analysis of six autobiographical accounts of Alzheimer’s, this thesis demonstrates that Alzheimer’s disease influences a loss of sense of self but that autobiography enables individuals with Alzheimer’s to (re)construct self.
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Autobiographical Accounts of Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease: Obituaries of the Living Dead?Stanley, Daina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis was designed to gain insight into how Alzheimer’s disease influences selfhood from first-personal accounts of illness. The focus of the study was narrowed further by concentrating on the autobiographies of individuals diagnosed with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s disease (EOAD). The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the autobiographies of individuals with EOAD with the aim of understanding their selfhood. In this thesis I argue that, Alzheimer’s disease may influence a change in self, however, the self is not lost entirely. This thesis draws on the philosophical conception of narrated self as it allows for one perpetually constructed self, whereby a change in self does not necessarily mean the self is lost entirely. Through an interpretive analysis of six autobiographical accounts of Alzheimer’s, this thesis demonstrates that Alzheimer’s disease influences a loss of sense of self but that autobiography enables individuals with Alzheimer’s to (re)construct self.
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Analýza času jako narativní kategorie ve staroseverských ságách / Analysis of time as a narrative category in Old Norse sagasKrálová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to set up characteristic attributes of saga time structure and with concern to these to show how the Old Norse people understood time. Main attention is concentrated on the time structure of the family sagas. First, it is shown the principal of the dating in saga and how it differs from the principal of dating in annal and chronicle. I proceed to deal with the most common time indications to appear in saga and their role in the storytelling. The focus point of this thesis is a comparison of narrated time and time of narration. To support this intention, I use the three concepts of Gerard Genette - duration, order and frequency. Based on the duration concept, I try to investigate why extensive time leaps abound in sagas and what on the other hand appears to have been given some extra author's attention. According to the order concept, a question is discussed to what extent the saga holds the chronological composition. Within the frequency concept, it is compared how many times an event occurs to how many times it is narrated. In the following chapters the time structure of the kings'sagas and the legendary sagas is discussed. The crucial difference between the time structure of these and the structure of family saga is established. There is a conclusion to each chapter,...
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Dissecting the feminine. Representations of female consciousness in Marie Darrieussecq's 'A brief stay with the living' and Jacinta Halloran's 'Dissection': An analysis of narrative voice.Halloran, Jacinta, jhallora@bigpond.net.au January 2009 (has links)
Volume One, the adult literary novel, Dissection, is a portrayal of the inner world of Anna McBride, a female GP who has been sued for medical negligence. The novel spans the three-month period prior to Anna's mediation meeting with a young male patient, now the plaintiff, and his mother. Central to the writing of Dissection is the rendering of the consciousness of a woman who, in the wake of what she perceives to be a grave error of judgement, unflinchingly questions her worth and her relationships with others. Volume Two, the exegesis, examines various literary techniques (autonomous monologue, narrated monologue and communal narration) used in the representation of the consciousness of female characters in Marie Darrieussecq's 'A brief stay with the living' and Jacinta Halloran's 'Dissection'. With reference to the work of narratologists, Susan Lanser and Dorrit Cohn, these literary techniques are analysed in the context of two contemporary novels that seek to represent women's inner lives.
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Språkintroduktion som mellanrum : Nyanlända gymnasieelevers erfarenheter av ett introduktionsprogram / Language introduction as a third space : Newly arrived students'experiences of an introductory program in upper secondary schoolBomström Aho, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Den här licentiatuppsatsen behandlar berättade erfarenheter av att vara elev på Språkintroduktion. Programmet är ett av fem introduktionsprogram i den svenska gymnasieskolan och tar emot nyanlända ungdomar i åldrarna 16 till 19 år. Utbildningen på Språkintroduktion har en tyngdpunkt på svenska språket samt andra ämnen som eleverna har behov av att studera. Sålunda ska undervisningen organiseras utifrån varje elevs förutsättningar och behov. Studien bygger på intervjuer med språkintroduktionselever. Analysen fokuserar följaktligen 22 elevers berättade erfarenheter av att vara elever på Språkintroduktion. Elevernas berättelser blir ett sätt att förstå hur deras erfarenheter av programmet flätas samman med tidigare skol- och arbetslivserfarenheter liksom med tankar om framtiden. I resultaten presenteras tre teman som framträder i berättelserna. Det första temat gäller samtliga elever och behandlar erfarenheten av att inte kunna svenska. Det andra temat innefattar vissa elever och synliggör två elevidentiteter som särskilt framträder. Den första av dem handlar om att gå från att vara en högpresterande elev till att vara nybörjare och den andra om att gå från att vara en elev med kort eller ingen skolbakgrund till att äntligen vara elev. Slutligen handlar det tredje temat om hur Språkintroduktion tar form som ett mellanrum.
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Språkintroduktion som mellanrum : Nyanlända gymnasieelevers erfarenheter av ett introduktionsprogram / Language introduction as a third space : Newly arrived students' experiences of an introductory program in upper secondary schoolAho, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Den här licentiatuppsatsen behandlar berättade erfarenheter av att vara elev på Språkintroduktion. Programmet är ett av fem introduktionsprogram i den svenska gymnasieskolan och tar emot nyanlända ungdomar i åldrarna 16 till 19 år. Utbildningen på Språkintroduktion har en tyngdpunkt på svenska språket samt andra ämnen som eleverna har behov av att studera. Sålunda ska undervisningen organiseras utifrån varje elevs förutsättningar och behov. Studien bygger på intervjuer med språkintroduktionselever. Analysen fokuserar följaktligen 22 elevers berättade erfarenheter av att vara elever på Språkintroduktion. Elevernas berättelser blir ett sätt att förstå hur deras erfarenheter av programmet flätas samman med tidigare skol- och arbetslivserfarenheter liksom med tankar om framtiden. I resultaten presenteras tre teman som framträder i berättelserna. Det första temat gäller samtliga elever och behandlar erfarenheten av att inte kunna svenska. Det andra temat innefattar vissa elever och synliggör två elevidentiteter som särskilt framträder. Den första av dem handlar om att gå från att vara en högpresterande elev till att vara nybörjare och den andra om att gå från att vara en elev med kort eller ingen skolbakgrund till att äntligen vara elev. Slutligen handlar det tredje temat om hur Språkintroduktion tar form som ett mellanrum.
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Obraz venkovanství v české a polské próze 60. let 20. století (interpretace vybraných literárních děl) / View of rurality in Czech and Polish prose in 1960s (interpretation of selected literary works)Bramborová, Marcela January 2016 (has links)
The subject matter of this thesis is the presentation of a typology of rural imagery based on a thematic and interpretative analysis of Polish and Czech literary texts from the 1960s with respect to the ongoing changes made to the original romantic-realist concept of the rural novel. The analysis of specific literary works (Sekyra by Ludvík Vaculík, Smuteční slavnost by Eva Kantůrková, and Čas kopřiv by Josef Knap from Czech literature, and, from Polish literature, Opadaný sad by Wiesław Myśliwski, the novels Na slunci by Julian Kawalec and … až budeš králem, až budeš katem… by Tadeusz Nowak) permits us to create a basic register of elements of rural narrativity which, however, Czech and Polish literatures have different perspectives on. Through this dichotomy we present typical narratives contained in the Czech and Polish rural novel of the given period. The subsequent interpretative analysis of the texts takes inspiration from contemporary narratology with special attention to the narrator and time categories, and by extension to the interplay of these categories with individual themes, symbols and topoi.
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Kerrottu identiteetti organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissaRuopsa, L. (Leena) 09 March 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to meet the need to have a better understanding of identity construction in the context of organizational change. With my narrative research, I add my voice to those researchers who appreciate language playing a key role in the formation of social reality, individual’s cognitive structure and sense of self. The question of how the participants in the study narrate themselves within the context of organizational change has guided conducting the study.
The data for the study consists of 12 individuals’ narration in the contexts of various organizational changes. In this study organizational change means the social constructions the participants have constructed in their narration. Decided by the top management, in actual reality these organizational changes have been associated with personnel effects and negotiations complying with the co-operation act. I studied the narrated identity construction utilizing positioning, categorizing and expectation as analytical concepts in reading. The reading of the narrated data had six stages.
In the last reading stage I sought answers as to how the main characters of the stories, Juha, Marjut and Arja, narrate the relation to themselves and the relation to others within the context of organizational change. I have used a narrative form for two reasons. Firstly, in order to deepen my own understanding as to how and why the narrated identity is constructed as it is. Secondly, with a narrative study, I have been able to expose the dynamic nature in the construction of context and identity more clearly than with a traditional research text. The readings of narrative data preceding my narrative writing have, however, affected the construction of my chosen three stories, the method of writing them, the chosen citations and interpretation.
This study will lead to a better understanding of how an individual’s self is constructed in relation to others in the organization where the individual works. My study suggests that, due to its open nature, an organizational change increases the individual’s need to narrate the individual’s self, who I am, how I have become me and what my possible future selves will be like. The study discloses needs lying in the background of the narration in the context of organizational change; the need to raise self-esteem, to maintain the feeling of command and control, to hold on to the moral order, to decrease uncertainty and to maintain continuity. In addition to this, the study uncovers the struggle for one’s own identity. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän tutkimuksen tehtävänä on vastata tarpeeseen ymmärtää nykyistä paremmin identiteettien rakentumista organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissa. Liityn kerronnallisella tutkimuksellani niiden tutkijoiden joukkoon, jotka ajattelevat kielellä olevan keskeisen merkityksen sosiaalisen todellisuuden, yksilön tiedollisten rakenteiden ja itseymmärryksen muotoutumisessa. Kysymys siitä, miten tutkimukseen osallistuvat kertovat itsensä organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissa, on ohjannut tutkimuksen tekemistä.
Tutkimusaineisto on koostunut 12 henkilön kerronnasta eri organisaatiomuutosten konteksteissa. Organisaatiomuutoksella on tässä tutkimuksessa tarkoitettu niitä sosiaalisia konstruktioita, joita tutkimukseen osallistuvat ovat rakentaneet kerronnassaan. Reaalisessa todellisuudessa nämä organisaatiomuutokset ovat olleet ylimmän johdon päättämiä, niihin on liittynyt henkilöstövaikutuksia ja yhteistoimintalain mukaisia neuvotteluja. Olen tutkinut kerrotun identiteetin rakentumista käyttäen luennassa positiointia, kategorisointia ja odotusta analyyttisina käsitteinä. Kerrotun aineiston luenta on ollut kuusivaiheinen.
Viimeisessä luentavaiheessa olen hakenut vastauksia siihen, miten tarinoiden päähenkilöt Juha, Marjut ja Arja kertovat suhteen omaan itseensä ja suhteen toisiin organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissa. Olen käyttänyt tarinallista muotoa kahdesta syystä. Ensinnäkin syventääkseni omaa ymmärrystäni siitä, miten ja miksi kerrottu identiteetti rakentuu kerrotunlaiseksi. Toiseksi olen saanut tarinamuotoisella esittämisellä perinteistä tutkimustekstiä selkeämmin esille kontekstin ja identiteetin rakentumisen dynaamisen luonteen. Valitsemieni kolmen tarinan rakentamiseen, niiden kirjoittamisen tapaan, valittuihin sitaatteihin ja tulkintaan ovat kuitenkin vaikuttaneet tarinoiden kirjoittamista edeltäneet kerronnallisen aineiston luennat.
Tämä tutkimus lisää ymmärrystä siitä, miten yksilön minuus rakentuu suhteessa toisiin organisaatiossa, jossa hän työskentelee. Tutkimuksessani ehdotan, että organisaatiomuutos lisää avoimen luonteensa vuoksi yksilön tarvetta kertoa minuuttaan, sitä kuka minä olen, miten olen tullut minuksi ja millaisia ovat mahdolliset tulevat minuuteni. Tutkimus tuo esiin ne tarpeet, jotka organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstissa ovat kerronnan taustalla; tarve kohottaa itsetuntoa, säilyttää hallinnan ja kontrollin tunnetta, pitää kiinni moraalijärjestyksestä, pienentää epävarmuutta ja ylläpitää jatkuvuutta. Lisäksi näkyviin tulee taistelu oman identiteetin puolesta.
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