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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Native versus non native : A comparison of React Native and Angular NativeScript to native mobile applicationsParallelism in Node.js applications

Lawler Karvonen, Timothy January 2017 (has links)
The traditional or the native way to develop mobile applications is to use Java for Android and Objective-c or Swift for iOS. The native way is favored by many since the code and the functionality is optimized for the platform. An- other way to develop mobile applications is to do it the non-native way, with a programming language or technique not made for the platform. This approach has for long been frowned upon due the limited hardware access and perfor- mance loss. React Native and NativeScript offers mobile application develop- ment in a non-native way said full access to the native platforms API using JavaScript all from a single code base. The aim of this thesis has been to de- velop and compare four proof of concept applications of which two are devel- oped natively for Android and iOS and the other are developed using the non- native React Native and NativeScript. The comparison is based on three as- pects: accessing the device’s native hardware and APIs based on what the com- pany Dewire requires from mobile applications, the performance difference on the respective platform and code reusability cross platform. There is no big dif- ference between React Native and NativeScript when comparing native access and everything that was accessible on the native implementation was accessible on the non-native implementation. Based on the performance measurements, React Native falls behind NativeScript. NativeScript handles long lists better than React Native. Lastly a discussion is presented regarding code reusability when developing non-native applications along with some experienced best practices when doing so.

Parâmetros físico-químicos, polínicos e determinação de elementos-traço do mel de Meliponinae (Hymenoptera: Apidae) / Physico-chemical parameters, polinic and determination of trace elements in honey Meliponinae (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Andreia Santos do Nascimento 11 April 2014 (has links)
O estudo teve como objetivo contribuir com a caracterização do mel das abelhas sem ferrão, especificamente a caracterização botânica e físico-química de maneira a fornecer subsídios para programas e medidas de incremento da atividade meliponícola. Foram definidos como locais de estudo municípios do Paraná (Bandeirantes, Cornélio Procópio e Guaraqueçaba), Santa Catarina (Saltinho do Canivete/Mafra) e São Paulo (Icém). As amostras, composta por 250 mL de mel, foram obtidas diretamente com os meliponicultores de acordo com o pico de produção melífera de cada região no período compreendido entre abril a dezembro de 2011 e abril a dezembro de 2012. Os parâmetros físico-químicos analisados foram: hidroximetilfurfural, pH, acidez, condutividade elétrica, cinzas, umidade, cor, açúcares redutores, sacarose e atividade diastásica. Para determinação dos elementos-traços foi utilizada a técnica de Voltametria de Redissolução Anódica de Pulso Diferencial. A análise polínica foi realizada seguindo o método padrão de acetólise e em seguida submetidas as análises quantitativas (contagem consecutiva de até 1.000 grãos de pólen/amostra) e qualitativas. Quanto aos parâmetros açúcares redutores, sacarose, hidroximetilfurfural e cinzas as amostras de mel de meliponíneos atendem aos pré-requisitos da legislação vigente. Já os parâmetros umidade e atividade diastásica divergiram. Este fato aponta a necessidade de criação de uma legislação especifica para mel das abelhas nativas levando em consideração o elevado número de espécies e suas características diferenciadas. A determinação dos elementos-traços (Cd, Cu, Pb e Zn) indica que as amostras de mel de abelhas sem ferrão apresentam concentrações não prejudiciais a saúde humana. Com análise polínica verificou-se diversidade de espécies vegetais utilizadas por essas abelhas sendo, a família Fabaceae (Caesalpinioideae, Faboideae e Mimosoideae) a que apresentou maior riqueza de tipos polínicos, seguida de por Asteraceae, Myrtaceae e Solanaceae. / The study aimed to contribute to the characterization of honey from stingless bees, specifically botany and physico-chemical characterization in order to provide support for programs and measures to increase the meliponícola activity. Were defined as study sites municipalities of Paraná (Bandeirantes, Cornélio Procópio e Guaraqueçaba), Santa Catarina (Saltinho do Canivete/Mafra) and São Paulo (Icém). The samples, consisting of 250 mL of honey, were obtained directly from the beekeepers in accordance with the peak honey production in each region for the period April to December 2011 and from April to December 2012. The physicochemical parameters analyzed were: hydroxymethylfurfural, pH, acidity, electrical conductivity, ash, moisture, color, reducing sugars, sucrose and diastase activity. For determination of trace elements technique anodic stripping voltammetry differential pulse was used. Pollen analysis was performed following the standard acetolysis method, and then subjected to quantitative analysis (row count to 1.000 pollen grains/sample) and qualitative. As for the parameters reducing sugars, sucrose, hydroxymethylfurfural and ash samples of honey from stingless bees meet the prerequisites of the current legislation. Have the parameters humidity and diastase activity diverged. This fact points out the need to create specific regulations for honey from native bees taking into account the high number of species and their different characteristics. The determination of trace elements (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) indicates that samples of honey from stingless bees exhibit concentrations not harmful to human health. With pollen analysis it was found diversity of plant species used by these bees being the family Fabaceae (Caesalpinioideae, Faboideae and Mimosoideae) presented the highest richness of pollen types, followed by Asteraceae, Myrtaceae and Solanaceae.

Análise da dispersão das populações nativas americanas: uma abordagem genético-fisiográfica / Dispersion analysis of the native american populations: a genetic-fisiographyc approach

Tatiana Ferreira de Almeida 06 May 2011 (has links)
Até recentemente, o povoamento das Américas era visto como um produto de uma expansão em linhas paralelas do norte para o sul do continente. Sob este cenário, os sítios arqueológicos dos primeiros americanos deveria obedecer um gradiente cronológico seguindo a mesma lógica, independente de sua longitude. Recentemente, no entanto, especialistas começaram a reconhecer que certas características dos diferentes biomas poderiam favorecer diferentes taxas de expansão populacional. Beaton (1991), por exemplo, sugeriu que as expansões humanas em escala continental seriam mais condicionadas às características do ambiente (biomas) de que a distâncias geográficas lineares, ideia esta, também suportada por Dixon (2001). Neste estudo foi testada a hipótese de Beaton e Dixon, aplicada às Américas, investigando se a estrutura genética dos nativos americanos atuais é influenciada pelos biomas que elas ocupam. Para fazer isso, três diferentes tipo de matrizes foram construídas baseadas em dados de DNA mitocondrial e microssatélites de grupos de nativos americanos: uma, formada por distâncias genéticas (Fst) entre as populações, outra formada pelas distâncias geográficas entre as mesmas populações em quilômetros, e uma última formada pelas distâncias fisiográficas. Essas matrizes foram comparadas pela correlação de Pearson seguida de testes de Mantel e parciais de Mantel. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que em geral os diferentes biomas não tiveram um papel significativo na estruturação genética das populações nativas americanas, ao menos como estão distribuídas hoje. / Until recently, the settlement of the Americas was seen as the product of a \"bow wave\" human expansion from north do south. Under this scenario, the archaeological sites of the first americans should obey a chronological gradient following the same logic, independent of their longitude. Recently, however, specialists began to recognize that certain characteristics of different biomes could have favored different rates of demic expansion. Beaton (1991), for instance, suggested that human expansions in continental scales are much more conditioned by the ecological attributes of the macro environmental zones (biomes) involved than by linear geographic distances, an idea also spoused by Dixon (2001). In this study we test Beaton´s and Dixon´s ideas, as applied to the Americas, by investigating if the genetic structure of recent native american populations is influenced by the biomes they occupy. In order to do this, three different kinds of matrices were constructed based on the frequency of mtDNA and microsatelites from native american groups: one formed by the genetic distances (Fst) among the populations, a second one formed by the geographic distances among the same populations in kilometers, and a last one formed by their \"physiographic\" distances. These matrices were compared by Pearson´s correlation followed by Mantel and partial Mantel tests. The results obtained showed that in general the different biomes did not play a significant role in the native american genetic structuring, at least as they are distributed today.

Mineração em terras indigenas : caso terra indigena Roosevelt / Mining in native people lands

Curi, Melissa Volpato 11 November 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Hildebrando Herrmann / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T12:31:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Curi_MelissaVolpato_M.pdf: 2088217 bytes, checksum: ab408a2619ee4d63cf4f804da0a908bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: O objetivo principal desse trabalho é fazer uma análise jurídica sobre a mineração em terras indígenas para que se possa colaborar com a implementação legal sustentável sobre a matéria. Nesse sentido, sob a ótica do desenvolvimento sustentável, serão levados em consideração os fatores sociais, ambientais e econômicos relacionados com a atividade minerária em terras indígenas para que se obtenham subsídios fundamentados para a proposta de regulamentação do assunto. A mineração em terras indígenas possui um tratamento diferenciado por nosso ordenamento jurídico, pois para que esta ocorra, como prevê o artigo 231, § 3°, da Constituição Federal, haverá a necessidade de autorização do Congresso Nacional, ouvidas as comunidades afetadas e ficando garantida a estas uma participação nos resultados da lavra. Apesar dos longos anos de discussão, ainda hoje não houve uma manifestação definitiva do Congresso Nacional devido, principalmente, ao conflito de interesses que a matéria suscita. O objeto de estudo é a Terra Indígena Roosevelt dos povos Cinta Larga, que compõe uma das quatro aldeias do Parque Indígena Aripuanã, situado entre os Estados de Rondônia e Mato Grosso. Nos últimos anos, a área tem sido palco de muitos conflitos entre garimpeiros e indígenas pela disputa de diamantes na região. O conflito na TI Roosevelt, caracterizado pela entrada ilegal de não índios nas terras dos povos Cinta Larga para a espoliação dos recursos minerais existentes, é um fato atual decorrente de uma continuidade histórica, que denuncia a realidade de diversas outras terras indígenas no país. A ausência de políticas públicas eficazes, aliada ao preconceito e discriminação da sociedade em geral, faz com que o a problemática se perpetue e denuncie a crise de valores e percepção de nossa sociedade ocidental, que não respeita a diversidade cultural e o meio ambiente físico, colocando em risco a existência de vida no planeta / Abstract: The main objective of this work is to perform a legal analysis of mining in native people lands in order to collaborate with the sustainable legal implementation of the matter. In this sense, under the view of sustainable development, it will be taken in consideration the social, environmental and economical factors related to mining activities in native people lands, in order to obtain fundamented subsidies for the regulation proposal of the subject. The Mining in native people lands has a differentiated treatment by our legal system, therefore so that this occur, as is predicted by the article 231, § 3º, of the Federal Constitution, it will be necessary the National Congress' s authorization and hearings from the affected communities, being guaranteed to them a participation in the results of the exploration. Despite many years of discussions, nowadays a definite manifestation from the National Congress has not happened yet, mainly due to conflicts of interests that the subject excites. The object of study is the Native People Land Roosevelt of the Cinta Larga people, which composes one of the four areas of the Native People Park Aripuanã, situated between the States of Rondônia and Mato Grosso. In the past years, the area has been a place of many conflicts between miners and native people in the quarrel for diamonds in the region. The conflict in the Native People Land Roosevelt, characterized by the illegal entrance of non-natives in the lands of the Cinta Larga people for the spoliation of the existing mineral resources, is a decurrent current fact of a historical continuity, that denounces the reality of many other native lands in the country. The absence of effective publics politics, allied to the prejudice and discrimination of the society in general, allow the perpetuation of the problem and expose the value and perception crisis of our western society, that don't respect cultural diversity and the physical environment, putting in risk the existence of life in the planet / Mestrado / Administração e Politica de Recursos Minerais / Mestre em Geociências

Utvärdering av hybrida ramverk för mobil applikationsutveckling mot småföretag

Edström, Christoffer, Jalsing, Jacob January 2017 (has links)
Mobilindustrin är under ständig förändring vilket har lett till en fragmenterad marknad somsmåföretag har haft svårt att etablera sig i. Småföretag har haft problem med att utvecklakvalitativa applikationer till olika mobila plattformar. Anledningen är att det varitresurskrävande att utveckla native applikationer till flera plattformar och underhålla flerakodbaser. Till följd av detta har mindre företag oftast valt att utveckla webbapplikationer för attleverera tjänster som når ut till många konsumenter. Hybrida ramverk har på senare år etableratsig som en potentiell lösning för att utveckla mobila applikationer med högre prestanda ochfunktionalitet än webbapplikationer och samtidigt möjliggjort för utvecklare att dela kod mellanolika plattformar. I denna studie intervjuades anställda på tre mindre företag för att identifierakrav som småföretag anser vara viktiga vid val av ramverk för applikationsutveckling. Utifrånkraven jämfördes tre hybrida ramverk för att ta reda på vilket som passar småföretag. Resultatenvisade att småföretag är olika med varierande behov och att det inte finns ett specifikt ramverksom passar alla. Däremot konstaterades det att alla tre hybrida ramverk som jämfördes i studienvar tillräckligt sofistikerade att implementeras som potentiella lösningar. Med det sagt ärhybrida ramverken inte kompromisslösa. Applikationer som utvecklas med hybrida ramverkuppnår ännu inte samma prestanda som native applikationer och är inte plattformsoberoende isamma grad som webbapplikationer. / The mobile industry is constantly changing, which has led to a fragmented market that smallbusinesses have difficulties to successfully establish in. Small businesses have had problemswith developing qualitative applications for different mobile devices. The main reason is theresource intensive process to develop native applications for multiple platforms andmaintaining the different codebases. Thus, smaller companies have usually chosen to developweb applications to deliver services to a more widespread target audience. Hybrid frameworkshave established themselves as a potential solution for developing mobile applications withhigher performance and functionality than web applications, while allowing developers to sharecode between platforms. In this study, employees of three smaller companies were interviewedto identify shared requirements held by small businesses to select a framework for applicationdevelopment. Based on the requirements, three hybrid frameworks were compared with thepurpose to identify which one was most suitable for small businesses. The results showed thatsmall businesses are different with varying needs and that there is no specific framework thatsuits all companies. On the other hand, it was found that all three hybrid frameworks comparedin the study were sufficiently developed to be implemented as potential solutions. With thatsaid, hybrid frameworks are not without flaws. Applications developed with hybrid frameworksdoes not yet achieve the same level of performance as native applications and is not platformindependent to the same extent as web applications.

Aboriginal representations in the Canadian news media: A socio-semiotic analysis of the media representation of Aboriginals in the Caledonia land dispute and of its relevance for the understanding of the identity of this group in Canadian society

Graydon, Jody January 2008 (has links)
This thesis addresses the issue of aboriginal representations in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and Canadian Television (CTV) news coverage of the Caledonia land dispute. The theoretical framework derives from the scholarly work done in the field of media and minority studies. The methodology that will be used to address the issue of aboriginal representations in the media is a socio-semiotic analysis of news clips generated by the CBC and CTV. The medium of television was selected for analysis because of its reliance on sound and image to convey meaning, which allows for a visual and a conventional textual analysis of how the aboriginal identity is represented by the media coverage of aboriginal land claim disputes. The results of this study suggest a possible biased representation of the aboriginal identity, one which is primarily based on their status as a minority within Canada.

Aboriginal women claiming rights through writing: A comparative analysis of selected texts

Baillargeon, Christine January 2009 (has links)
Aboriginal women and their concerns are largely underrepresented in most political arenas in Canada. In order for their preoccupations to be adequately addressed by governing bodies, these must first be identified and better understood. An exploration of how Aboriginal women resist and challenge oppression is thus needed. In this thesis, I examine a selection of academic works, authored by three prominent Aboriginal women activists in Canada: Sharon Donna McIvor, Patricia A. Monture and Kim Anderson. Their writings address the multiple injustices faced by Aboriginal women. The authors' methods for claiming individual and collective rights range widely, from awareness spreading, to reviving traditional ways, to taking legal action. They all express the difficulties and contradictions they face as indigenous women, though they diverge in their opinions concerning possible solutions. This, as well as their decisions to label themselves feminists or not, is perhaps due to their personal backgrounds and histories.

The association between persistent organic pollutants, type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance in two First Nations communities in Northen Ontario

Pal, Shinjini January 2009 (has links)
Recent evidence suggests an association between persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and type 2 diabetes. In two First Nations communities of high wild food consumption, specific objectives were formulated to: (1) compare POP levels between diabetics and non-diabetics; (2) investigate the association between POPs and insulin resistance in non-diabetics; and (3) determine the effects of POPs on certain inflammatory markers. Results indicated significantly higher age-adjusted plasma concentrations of some POPs in diabetics as compared to non-diabetics. Body mass index was found to be the most significant predictor of insulin resistance. There was a positive association of Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF)-alpha with oxychlordane and mono/di-ortho substituted polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Positive associations were detected between adiponectin and mono/di-ortho substituted PCBs as well as some pesticides. Results indicate that diabetics have higher levels of some POPs than non-diabetics. In non-diabetics, POPs are unrelated to insulin resistance although some are positively associated with inflammatory markers.

'Ideal Vehicles': Medallic Circuitry in Nineteenth-Century Portraits of Native Americans

Gabrielsen, Natalia Marie, Gabrielsen, Natalia Marie January 2017 (has links)
I examine the mobility and circulation of peace medals featured in nineteenth-century portraiture of Native Americans through the lens of object-oriented ontology. This research strives to establish a different perspective for considering nineteenth-century portraiture of Native Americans by situating the works through the framework of materiality and circulation. By applying this approach to a series of portraits of Native Americans with peace medals, my research seeks to define issues of movement and power within the transient, fluctuating space of the nineteenth-century American frontier. To accomplish this, I trace the production and distribution of peace medals within paintings widely viewed at the time, as well as the movement of groups and individuals involved with transporting and receiving the medals. Tracking these objects and their mechanisms of movement within the visual culture of the nineteenth century, indicating not only the thing itself but also its processes of production and movement, reveals a dimension of specificity to pictorial narratives, even as the exhibited artworks promoted generalized ideals regarding Indian policy through their circulation. I follow the peace medals’ logistics of production and transit to underscore issues of value and currency on the American frontier, highlighting the ways in which peace medals and the artwork depicting them participated in narratives of Native displacement.

Effects on performance and usability for cross-platform application development using React Native

Hansson, Niclas, Vidhall, Tomas January 2016 (has links)
A big problem with mobile application development is that the mobile market is divided amongst several platforms. Because of this, development time gets longer, more development skills are needed and the application gets harder to maintain. A solution to this is cross-platform development, which allows you to develop an application for several platforms at the same time. Since September 2015 the cross-platform framework React Native, created by Facebook, has been available for public use. This thesis evaluates React Native, for both Android and iOS, in regards to performance, platform code sharing as well as look and feel. An application was developed for both platforms, one version using the native language and one version using React Native. The different versions were compared through automated test scenarios to evaluate performance, manual code review for platform code sharing and with a user study to evaluate the look and feel. The results show promise as the user study shows that the React Native versions of the application have similar user experiences as their native counterparts without significantly affecting performance. The results also show that for the specified application about 75% of the React Native code could be used for both platforms, while it was easy to add platform-specific code.

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