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"By Any Means Necessary:" The League for Human Rights Against Nazism and Domestic Fascism, 1933-1946Abrams, Scott D. 19 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Aspekter på den italienska fascismen : texter och tolkningarNencioni, Giuseppe January 1998 (has links)
Initially an attempt is made to present an overview of the interpretations of the meaning of Fascism. In a presentation of the views of Renzo De Felice and Zeev Sternhell the opinions of the latter are highlighted. It appears that Stemhell's conclusions better explain Italian Fascism, as well as Nazism, although Sternhell has not extensively described Nazism. His conclusions can also be used to illustrate the fact that most characteristics of Nazism and Fascism were identical, something which De Felice denies. This also applies to anti-Semitism. Then follows an analysis of the origin of the Fascist ideology, and it is stated that this ideology, both in Germany and in Italy originated in the "frn-de-siècle crisis", the anti-positive climate which existed at the end of the 19th century. This climate included a reaction against what was regarded as "decadence". It is maintained that amongst a number of Italian and German intellectuals there existed a number of similar ideas, such as for instance contempt for monetary economy, pacifism, intellectualism, the calm bourgeois life, liberalism, democracy and socialism. In the same environments violence and youth started to be glorified, and finally the modern world was accused of being egotistical and without ideals. It is in this environment that the core of Nazi- Fascism is to be found, a core to which other elements were later added. In later chapters Fascist agricultural policy is discussed in relation to earlier Italian cultural tendencies which had placed great importance on agricultural society. It is pointed out that agricultural policy was an important part of the Fascist ideology. Finally Mussolini's ideas on this subject are described, and it is maintained that the myth of the citizen/small scale farmer/soldier in ancient Rome became, in all important aspects, a part of the agricultural ideology of Fascism. It is shown here that this idea is in harmony with the general philosophy of Fascism. Subsequently, an overview of corporativism and its predecessors in Italian history are presented. Here it is stated that corporativism was a corner-stone of Fascist ideology. Thereafter the basic principals of corporativism are described as well as its tangible contents, and some important suggestions for interpretation are presented. The role of corporativism during the short period that the Italian Socialist Republic existed, is also a subject for discussion. Although this republic was scarcely of any military, economic or political importance, it was not without interest from an ideological point of view, taking into consideration the ideas it presented concerning working life. Finally, in a chapter describing the International University of Perugia, the manner in which Fascist ideology was implemented in concrete situations within the educational sector is investigated. The public support for Fascism appears to have been almost unanimous, but at the same time mostly of a formal nature. If a general conclusion can be drawn from this study, it is that Fascism and its ideology were in reality only of minor importance to education at the university level. In the conclusion it is stated that, despite the obvious contradictions, Fascism had a relatively complete; ideology, which was quite closely related to Nazism. / digitalisering@umu
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How One Writes, Makes, Markets a Movie and How an Audience Reads the Movie: Two Biographical Films of Hitler as a Case StudyYeh, Nick Chi-Shu J. 01 January 2012 (has links)
According to John Lukacs, German people's views on Hitler and Nazism once got examined right after the fall the Third Reich in the 1950s but this subject has lost its appeal since then. How do Germans nowadays, specifically those young ones raised in the "New Germany" after the fall of the Berlin Wall, think of Hitler and their country's Nazi legacy? This dissertation is to explore how six young Germans growing up in the new "unified Germany" interpret two films' representations of Hitler and Nazism.
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L'image du nazisme et de la Shoah dans les manuels d'histoire allemands, britanniques, belges francophones et français publiés depuis 1950 (étude comparative) / Presentation of Nazism and Holocaust in German, English, French-speaking Belgium and French history textbooks, published since 1945 up today, for pupils, 14-16 years old (comparative study)Lécureur, Bertrand 30 October 2010 (has links)
Comment la période nazie et la Shoah ont-elles été présentées dans les manuels d’histoire de fin de premier cycle de l’enseignement secondaire, publiés de 1950 à nos jours, en Allemagne, au Royaume-Uni, en Belgique francophone et en France ? Une étude comparative de leur contenu sera proposée, en accordant une place centrale à l’évolution de celui-ci et à l’apport, tant de la recherche historique que des différents événements ayant composé l’actualité de ces sujets depuis plus de cinquante ans. Alors que l’opinion publique européenne évoque fréquemment le profond mutisme sur la période nazie et la Shoah jusqu’à la fin des années quatre-vingts, les manuels d’histoire offrent, dès les années cinquante, un ensemble d’informations aux élèves de 14 à 16 ans, en Allemagne en particulier. Ces éléments de connaissance, certes lacunaires et imparfaits au départ, apparurent donc très tôt, rompant le silence, avant d’être considérablement augmentés et précisés à la fin du vingtième siècle. À l’échelle de notre étude, une nette différence quantitative et qualitative se dessine entre le solide contenu des manuels allemands et français, à un degré moindre toutefois, et les ouvrages britanniques, nettement plus limités sur notre sujet, les publications scolaires wallonnes ayant été très rares durant le dernier quart du vingtième siècle. / We can wonder how the nazi period and the Shoah have been presented in the history textbooks for secondary schools which have been published since 1950 in Germany, in the United Kingdom, in French-speaking Belgium and in France.We will compare their contents, by underlining the evolution of this content and the influence of the historic researches as well as the various events which have been topical over the last fifty years. Whilst the European public opinion often mentions the deep silence about this nazi period and the Shoah up to the late nineties, German textbooks provided pupils, aged 14 to 16, with important information, from the fifties. Although incomplete and imperfect at the beginning, this knowledge was quickly offered and broke the silence before being dramatically increased and more precise at the turn of the century. As far as quantity and quality are concerned, there is a sharp contrast between the German and French textbooks and the British ones which deal much less with this topic. As for Walloon textbooks, they were scarce from the seventies to 2000.
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Die Gleichschaltung und Entnazifizierung der Wörterbücher Das Beispiel der Wörter „Art“, „Blut“ und „Rasse“ und ihrer Komposita im Meyers-Konversations-Lexikon und im zweisprachigen deutsch-französischen Larousse (1925-1971)Labbé, Cindy 04 1900 (has links)
Étude de certains mots du vocabulaire typiquement nazi (« Art » (espèce), « Blut » (sang) et « Rasse » (race) ainsi que leurs composés) dans les dictionnaires de langue allemande (spécialement le Meyers Konversations-Lexikon) et les dictionnaires bilingues allemand/français (Larousse) pour la période 1925-1971 (apparition de nouveaux mots, redéfinitions de mots déjà existants dans les dictionnaires sous l’ère nazie et leur disparition et/ou redéfinition après 1945) / A study of certain words in the typically Nazi vocabulary ("Art" (species), "Blut" (blood), "Rasse" (race) and their compound nouns) in German-speaking dictionaries (Meyers Konversations-Lexikon) as well as in bilingual French-German dictionaries (Larousse) for the time period, 1925-1971 (apparition of new words, redefinitions of pre-existing words during the Nazi era as well as their disappearance and/or redefinition after 1945).
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La nazification de l'Allemagne perçue à travers la presse alsacienne francophone (1933-1939)Durand St-Georges, Caroline 05 1900 (has links)
À l'aube des années 1930, l'Alsace partage un passé trouble avec la France et l'Allemagne. Alors que la région est redevenue française après la Première Guerre mondiale en 1919, Paris éprouve de la difficulté à la réintégrer à la République, parce qu'il ne comprend pas que les quarante ans de l'Alsace au sein du Reich allemand ont bouleversé la vie régionale aux niveaux politique, culturel, religieux et linguistique. La France ne perçoit pas le particularisme des populations retrouvées et leur volonté de conserver les valeurs qui leur sont chères. L'autonomisme alsacien des années 1920 et la répression du mouvement par les autorités françaises mettent à mal les relations entre Paris et Strasbourg.
Alors que le début des années 1930 se déroule sur ce fond de tensions, l'arrivée d'Adolf Hitler au pouvoir en 1933 en Allemagne modifie radicalement la donne. Le présent mémoire s'interroge sur la perception par la presse alsacienne francophone de la montée du nazisme en Allemagne, de 1933 à 1939. L'Alsace remet-elle en question son allégeance à une France qui démontre des signes de faiblesses et qui ne comprend pas la région ou préfère-t-elle une Allemagne forte et stable? En consultant des journaux de différentes orientations politiques et religieuses, soit Les dernières nouvelles de Strasbourg, Le nouvelliste d'Alsace, Le Lorrain et L'éclair de l'Est, nous avons analysé l'opinion de la presse alsacienne sur les événements allemands des années 1930.
Il apparaît évident que la presse francophone n'est pas en faveur d'un retour avec le Reich. Néanmoins, l'allégeance à la France n'est pas aussi nette que le laisse croire l'historiographie à ce sujet. Jusqu'en mars 1938, la presse alsacienne francophone ne revendique pas de statut particulier, insatisfaite qu'elle est des options qui s'offrent à elle, autant du côté de la France que de l'Allemagne. Le point de vue de la région change régulièrement. Alors que Hitler attire tous les regards en 1933, la situation politique instable en France ainsi que les décisions du Front populaire sont le point de mire pour la presse alsacienne francophone à partir de 1936. Ce n'est que lorsque la guerre semble inévitable qu'elle se range derrière la République française. / At the dawn of 1930s, Alsace shares a troubled past with France and Germany. While the region came again under French rule after the First World War in 1919, Paris has difficulty integrating Alsace in the Republic, because it does not understand that forty years of German control upset the region's life at the political, cultural, religious and linguistic levels. France does not perceive the sense of identity of the population and its will to preserve its values. The Alsatian separatism of the 1920s and the repression of the movement by the French authorities damage the relations between Paris and Strasbourg.
Along with the tension of the 1930s, Adolf Hitler's arrival to power in 1933 in Germany radically modified the situation. The thesis examines how the French-speaking Alsatian press perceived the rise of Nazism in Germany from 1933 to 1939. Did Alsace question its allegiance to France, a country that demonstrated signs of weaknesses, and did not clearly understand Alsace? Or did it prefer a strong and stable Germany? By consulting newspapers of various political and religious orientations, such as Les dernières nouvelles de Strasbourg, Le nouvelliste d'Alsace, Le Lorrain et L'éclair de l'Est, the thesis analyzes the opinion of the Alsatian press on the German events in the 1930s.
The French-speaking press was not in favour returning to the Reich. Nevertheless, the allegiance to France was not as clear as the historiography leads us to believe on this matter. Until March 1938, the French-speaking Alsatian press did not claim particular status, even if it was dissatisfied with the options available, as much on the side of France as on the side of Germany. The region's point of view changed regularly. While Hitler caught everyone's attention in 1933, the unstable political situation in France as well as the choices of the Popular Front are the target for the French-speaking Alsatian press from 1936. It was only when the war seemed inevitable that it lined up behind the French Republic.
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Postavy emigrantů ve dvou německých románech (Der Umbruch oder Hanna und die Freiheit od Alice Rühle-Gerstel a Die Straße des Verrats od Hanse Natonka) / Characters of the Emigrants in two German Novels (Der Umbruch oder Hanna und die Freiheit written by Alice Rühle-Gerstel and Die Straße des Verrats written by Hans Natonek)Chalupníčková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: The characters of the emigrants in two German novels (Der Umbruch oder Hanna und die Freiheit by Alice Rühle-Gerstel and Die Straße des Verrats written by Hans Natonek) AUTHOR: Lucie Chalupníčková DEPARTMENT: of Germanic Studies SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Viera Glosíková, CSc. ABSTRACT: This diploma thesis focuses on the main characters in two novels: Die Straße des Verrats and Der Umbruch oder Hanna und die Freiheit. The protagonists are anti-fascist emigrants living during the 1930s. The theme is examined in the context of german literature since 1933. The attention is focused on Prague as an exile centre (a shelter for german emigrants). The theoretical part of this diploma thesis is dedicated to the outline of the exile of the antifascists after 1933. Subsequently, the main part analyses the emigrant characters (mainly the protagonists of these novels). Moreover, their destiny, which is connected to Prague, is described. KEYWORDS: emigration, Nazism, Communism, Jews, the exile centre Prague
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Lasar Segall e a perseguição ao modernismo: arte degenerada na Alemanha e no Brasil / Lasar Segall and the persecution of modernism: degenerate art in Germany and BrazilCaires, Daniel Rincon 04 June 2019 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o discurso de repúdio à arte moderna, conforme este se manifestou em relação à obra do artista russo-brasileiro Lasar Segall (1889-1957). A singular trajetória deste artista, que viveu e produziu na Europa e no Brasil, permite que se observe e compare as retóricas dos refratários ao modernismo em diferentes lugares e épocas. Na busca pelas matrizes conceituais dessa mentalidade, recuou-se a observação para as décadas finais do século XIX, momento em que se consolidaram algumas formas novas de se compreender o fenômeno estético, amparadas na ótica positivo-cientificista, assim como categorias pejorativas de qualificação do modernismo, como a de degeneração. Atenção especial foi conferida à análise da política cultural do regime nacional-socialista, que empreendeu a partir de 1937 uma ação contra a arte degenerada, responsável por expurgar dos museus públicos alemães uma grande quantidade de obras de arte moderna, e por exibir em exposições difamatórias um conjunto delas, entre as quais, algumas de Lasar Segall. No Brasil, observou-se as relações entre o Estado Novo e a arte moderna, em especial no monitoramento de seus artífices pelos órgãos de repressão política. / This dissertation analyzes the discourse of repudiation of modern art, as manifested about the work of Russian-Brazilian artist Lasar Segall (1889-1957). The unique trajectory of this artist, who lived and produced in Europe and Brazil, allows comparisons of refractory discourses about modernism in different places and times. In the search for the conceptual matrices of this rhetoric, the observation returned to the final decades of the nineteenth century, when some new forms of understanding the aesthetic phenomenon consolidated, supported by the positive-scientificist view, as well as pejorative categories of qualification of the modernism, such as \"degeneration.\" Special attention was given to the analysis of the cultural policy of the National Socialist regime, which from 1937 on undertook an \"action against degenerate art\", responsible for purging a large number of modern works of art from the German public museums, and for exhibiting in defamatory exhibitions a group of them, including some of Lasar Segall. In regards to the Brazilian case, the research dedicated attention to the relations between the Estado Novo and modern art, especially in the monitoring of its artificers by the organs of political repression.
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'How do I speak about the past?" Bernhard Schlink and the genre of VaterliteraturWheeler, Alexandra-Mary 11 September 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanties, English Literature, 2013 / This dissertation functions as an exploration of German author Bernhard Schlink’s
engagement with the genre of Vӓterliteratur (Literature about Fathers). By examining how
Schlink has used adaptations of this genre in his novels The Reader (1998), Homecoming (2009)
and short story Girl with Lizard (2002), this project will attempt to ascertain the extent to which
one can view these texts as part of a new wave of father writing that has emerged in the German
post-unification space. The question dominating this research project and contained in the first
part of the title: “How do I speak about the Past”, implies that part of this research will examine
Schlink’s portrayal of the second-generation’s attempt to understand and give voice to their
experiences in postwar Germany. As such, my work engages with the emergence of
Vӓterliteratur as being the result of an incomplete attempt by second-generation Germans to
confront Germany’s national traumatic past during the 1968 Student Movement. However, while
Schlink’s work demonstrates a familiarity with the content, structure and themes present in the
first wave of Vӓterliteratur he appears to rewrite these into a fictionalised format, demonstrating
the continued need in German society to work through the past.
In many respects the texts selected for analysis in this dissertation deviate from the
traditional conventions found within the earlier father novels, and interestingly appear to
emphasise the previously marginalised role of women both during and postwar. What I will
demonstrate is that while Schlink’s work makes use of the conventions found in Vӓterliteratur,
and by doing so explores the postwar relationships between fathers and sons, it also indirectly
engages with the experiences of German women and their own perpetration of, or suffering as a
result of the patriarchal attitudes present in, Nazism. Through this dual portrayal (the presence of
both men and women) Schlink gives a new perspective to the complexities of German postwar
life as seen through the eyes of the second-generation.
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Filiation et écriture de l'Histoire chez Patrick Modiano et Monika Maron / Filiation and the writing of history in the works of Patrick Modiano and Monika MaronMaurud Müller, Hélène 03 April 2009 (has links)
Ce travail se propose d´étudier le rapport entre la filiation et l´écriture de l´Histoire chez deux écrivains contemporains : le Français Patrick Modiano et la romancière allemande Monika Maron. Chez ces auteurs, le « roman familial » constitue un accès privilégié à l´Histoire. Après avoir replacé les deux écrivains dans leurs paysages littéraires respectifs et précisé des notions utiles comme l´autobiographie, l´autofiction et le roman familial, le travail s´attache à dégager les figures de la filiation dans les deux œuvres en confrontant les données biographiques à leurs transpositions romanesques. Une étude des structures narratives montre ensuite que le passé et l´Histoire n´interviennent pas seulement au niveau thématique mais influencent jusqu´à la forme du récit. Un intérêt tout particulier est porté aux modalités d´une écriture de l´Histoire qui se révèle complexe, entre objectivité historique, fantasme et fiction. L´approche par la filiation confère à l´écriture de l´Histoire une forte dimension mémorielle. La question de l´identité se pose alors en termes d´héritage familial et historique. En cela, Patrick Modiano et Monika Maron s´inscrivent dans l´ensemble plus large d´une littérature « générationnelle » de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. / This study deals with the relationship between filiation and the writing of history in the works of two contemporary authors, the French author Patrick Modiano and the German novelist Monika Maron. Both authors approach history mainly through family romance. First, the two authors are situated in their respective literary environment, and some key notions are developed in detail, such as autobiography, autofiction, and family romance. On that basis, the fictional characters that bear marks of filiation are portrayed by confronting biographical facts with their fictional transpositions. A subsequent analysis of narrative structures reveals that the past and history do not only have an impact on contents, but also on the form of the narrative. Special attention is paid to the way history is told, which turns out to be complex, oscillating between historical objectivity, fantasy, and fiction. The access to history through family romance empha! sizes the memorial aspect of the writing of history. Consequently, personal identity is defined in terms of heritage, both family heritage and historical heritage. In this respect, Patrick Modiano and Monika Maron belong to an entire school of writing, the “generational literature” of the second half of the 20th century.
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