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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of how a customer relationship management programme can assist SAB Miller improve customer service to off-trade retailers in the Nelson Mandela Metropole

Dias, Ricardo January 2004 (has links)
A customer relationship management programme is a management tool that enables organisations to identify, satisfy and retain customers profitably by leveraging information technology. In addition to this the programme also links all the functional business units of the organisation together to operate as a single cohesive unit. This paper investigates whether or not SAB Miller should utilise a customer relationship management programme to provide off-trade retailers with world-class customer service. An important reason for this investigation is that the local beer market has experienced declining growth over the past few years. Furthermore SAB Miller which has had a monopoly in the South African beer market now faces increased competition in the premium segment of the beer market, which is experiencing growth and has good margins. In order to determine whether or not SAB Miller should institute a customer relationship management programme, a theoretical and empirical investigation was undertaken. The theoretical investigation provided a background to what components make up a customer relationship management programme and how these components are used to develop a customer relationship management strategic framework. Due to customer relationship management programmes not operating in isolation, the various key functions that support a customer relationship management programme were also introduced. Both the advantages and disadvantages of using such a programme were also introduced. The information technology aspects of the customer relationship management programme were also investigated. In terms of the empirical study it was determined that SAB Miller is not currently using a customer relationship management programme. The company, however, does make use of a tailored service package to segment their customers, to determine call frequencies by representatives, the financial needs of customers and what level of service to provide to customers. However, after conducting personal interviews with a sample of off-trade retailers in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality, it was determined that SAB Miller and Namibian Breweries Ltd (Brandhouse) provided very similar levels of service in terms of key functions supported by a customer relationship management programme. Therefore, by introducing a customer relationship management programme, SAB Miller could enhance their service levels and profitability to off-trade retailers in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality.

Examining public participation as a contributor to good governance: a local government perspective

Nkuntse, Tulani January 2016 (has links)
This study undertook to examine public participation as a contributor to good governance in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM), as part of the process of improving this Municipality’s governance. The main objectives of the study were to analyse the existing processes and arrangements for public participation in the NMBM; to examine the extent to which community participation influences decision-making; to investigate the factors that improve or lead to good governance in a municipal environment; to examine a framework for robust participation, in which communities are able to influence decisions that affect them; and to propose recommendations to potentially improve the Municipality’s governance. The triangulation research methodology was employed with emphasis on both the quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The sample comprised of two Ward Councillors, two selected Mayoral Committee members and 14 Ward Committee members. Questionnaires, with open and closed questions, were employed for the Ward Committee members and semi-structured interviews were conducted with both the Ward Councillors and the two Mayoral Committee members. Statistical procedures supplied by the NMMU Unit of Statistics were utilised to interpret and analyse the quantitative data to determine the results for data analysis. The qualitative data analysis involved thematic content analysis. The findings suggest that the current public participation processes are inadequate. The correlation of results further revealed that a significant negative relationship exists between the Ward Councillors, the Municipality and Ward Committee members. Despite various legislative prescriptions pertaining to public participation requirements in local government, the results suggest that the NMBM may be undertaking the public participation exercise for the sake of compliance and therefore it might not be a genuine exercise. The thesis proposes specific recommendations on how the NMBM can address the current shortcomings in terms of its public participation processes and strategies. Recommendations include significant civic education for the public to understand that being in a democratic country involves active participation in local affairs; more participatory initiatives need to be done to make the public aware of the role of Ward Committees and to invite people to apply to be on these Committees; recommendations also suggested that it would be crucial that Ward Committees are not used as a political platform to push political agendas, as this deters public participation. The NMBM needs to establish a monitoring and evaluation process to track their progress with public participation and develop and implement a public participation strategy and policy for enhanced public participation is also proposed in the thesis.

Batman: En musikalisk berättelse : En analys av filmerna Batman: The Movie, Batman och The Dark Knight

Bohlin, Benjamin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera hur filmmusiken har använts i Batman: The Movie (1966), Batman (1989) och The Dark Knight (2008). Att se en narrativ användning och beskrivning av Batman samt hur upplevelsen av filmen ändras när man ser den utan musik. Kompositörerna till filmerna är, för Batman: The Movie (1966) Nelson Riddle, till Batman (1989) är det Danny Elfman och till The Dark Knight (2008) är kompositörerna Hans Zimmer och James Newton Howard. Filmerna analyserats från ett multimodalt perspektiv och delar in filmmusiken i filmmusikens berättarfunktioner framtagna av Johnny Wingstedt Scenerna har setts på flera gånger både med och utan musik för att få fram musikens roll och betydelse. En scen per film analyseras. Scenerna är valda på så sätt att de beskriver Batman som karaktär på ett bra sätt. Scenerna beskrivs tydligt och en analys görs innan det avslutas med en konklusion. Scenerna jämförs sedan med varandra för att se likheter och skillnader.

Beveridgeův-Nelsonův rozklad a jeho aplikace / Beveridge-Nelson decomposition and its applications

Masák, Štěpán January 2015 (has links)
In this work we deal with the Beveridge-Nelson decomposition of a linear process into a trend and a cyclical component. First, we generalize the decom- position for multidimensional linear process and then we use it to prove some of the limit theorems for the process and its special cases, processes VAR and VARMA. Further, we define the concept of cointegration and introduce the po- pular VEC model for cointegrated time series. Finally, we show a method how to deal with infinite sums appearing in calculation of the Beveridge-Nelson decom- position and apply it to real data. Then we compare the results of this method with approximations using partial sums.


NILTON PEREIRA SILVA 24 May 2017 (has links)
[pt] Em seu romance O casamento, Nelson Rodrigues desloca sua experiência na dramaturgia para os limites da literatura, levando as palavras, a partir de sua materialidade, a operar encenações na narrativa ficcional. Daí surge a noção de teatralidade caracterizadora de uma escrita de sensações com inegável vigor e impacto. Tal prática artística explora a linguagem verbal para que esta presentifique o corpo ausente dos protagonistas e arme um jogo sintático planejado para produzir movimento, ritmo, imagens visuais, táteis e sonoras. Assim, o leitor vivencia a trama durante a experiência marcante de leitura do texto. Diante disso, investiga-se a influência da teatralidade tanto na estrutura do romance como no experimento da sintaxe frasal de um tipo de texto lítero-dramático que Nelson inventa, onde o sentido ultrapassa as fronteiras da linguagem e educa a sensibilidade do corpo-leitor para experimentar a força viva dessa escrita. / [en] In his novel The Wedding, Nelson Rodrigues moves his experience in playwriting to the boundaries of literature making the words to perform dramatizations in the fictional narrative. Hence the notion of theatricality that characterizes a kind of writing of sensations with undeniable force and impact rises. Such artistic practice explores verbal language so that it is able to recover the absent body of the protagonists and set a syntactic game planned to produce movement, rhythm, visual, sound and tactile images. Thus, the reader experiences the plot during the remarkable experience of reading. Therefore, this dissertation investigates the influence of theatricality on the structure of the novel as well as the experiment of phrasal syntax of a type of literary-dramatic text that Nelson invents, in which the meaning transcends the boundaries of language and educates the sensitivity of the body-reader to experience the power of this alive writing.


[pt] O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a maneira pela qual a cidade e o cotidiano do Rio de Janeiro da década de 50 são representados por Nelson Rodrigues nas crônicas de A vida como ela é e de Pouco amor não é amor publicadas, respectivamente, no jornal Última Hora e no Jornal da Semana - FLAN, e em três tragédias cariocas: A falecida (1953), Os sete gatinhos (1958) e Boca de ouro (1959). Considerando-se que as peças de Nelson se aproximam do trágico grego apenas no que diz respeito a determinados temas e elementos, uma vez que o gênero trágico sofreu transformações ao longo dos séculos, levando a discussões acerca da possibilidade de uma tragédia moderna, este estudo procura, em um primeiro momento, investigar o conceito de tragédia na escrita rodrigueana e o modo como ele pode ser entendido nas peças situadas no Rio de Janeiro, diferenciando-se das peças míticas e psicológicas. Parte-se da premissa que a partir de A vida como ela é e de Pouco amor não é amor Nelson transitou das tragédias universais para as tragédias cariocas. Além da abordagem de temas recorrentes em sua obra como amor, morte, sexo, traição, jogo e imprensa, o autor experimentava, nessas crônicas, novos personagens e conflitos, valendo-se de uma linguagem coloquial, mais próxima à fala cotidiana carioca. Dessa forma, após uma análise dessa nova escrita rodrigueana, busca-se investigar como o espaço urbano carioca - zona sul, zona norte, centro e subúrbio - não serve apenas como cenário, mas delineia situações e conflitos dos personagens nas três tragédias cariocas estudadas. / [en] The aim of this investigation is to analyse the way in which the city and the daily life of 1950 s Rio de Janeiro are represented by Nelson Rodrigues in A vida como ela é and Pouco amor não é amor, published in the 1950 s in the newspapers Última Hora and Jornal da Semana - FLAN, respectively, and in three Carioca tragedies: A falecida (1953), Os sete gatinhos (1958) and Boca de ouro (1959). Considering that Rodrigues s plays can only be related to Greek tragic drama with regard to certain themes and elements, since the tragic genre underwent changes throughout centuries, leading to discussions on the possibility of a modern tragedy, this investigation first attempts to examine the concept of tragedy in Rodrigues s writing and the way in which it can be perceived in the plays located in Rio, differently from his mythical and psychological plays. It is assumed that since Rodrigues s short stories from A vida como ela é and Pouco amor não é amor, the writer moved from universal tragedies to Carioca tragedies. Besides the approach to recurring themes in his work such as love, death, sex, betrayal, game and the press, the writer experimented with new characters and conflicts in these short stories, using a more colloquial language closer to daily carioca speech. Thus, after an analysis of this new Rodriguean writing, an investigation is carried out into how the Carioca urban area - south zone, north zone, downtown and suburbs – is not only suitable as a setting, but also outlines situations and conflicts of characters in the three Carioca tragedies studied.

Exploring HIV and AIDS workplace programmes in the tourism industry of Nelson Mandela Bay

Mahlangeni, Iviwe January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore and describe HIV and AIDS workplace programmes and policies (WPPs) in the tourism industry of Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) in South Africa. This study adopted a quantitative and qualitative approach, in other words, a mixed approach. The reason for using more than one method of inquiry was to obtain a deeper understanding of the tourism industry of NMBM in terms of examined behaviour, and of the meaning of occurrences in the industry. To gather qualitative data concerning HIV and AIDS programmes, key informant stakeholders in the tourism industry at global, national, provincial, and local levels were identified to conduct in-depth interviews. These respondents were selected using the non-probability sampling method of quota sampling. This is a type of stratified sampling in which the selection of the strata within the sample is not random, but rather is typically left to the discretion of the interviewer (Wienclaw, 2015). One respondent for each level of the industry was selected, resulting in four key informant stakeholders participating in the qualitative research component of this study. The initial criterion for participation in the quantitative portion for this study was that tourism businesses based in NMBM must be able to produce robust evidence of HIV and AIDS WPPs. The researcher selected the probability sampling method of stratified random sampling with proportional allocation. This technique considers the known characteristics of the population (Wienclaw, 2015). A database of tourism businesses was obtained from the local tourism organisation, who are members of the governing body for local tourism. This database was cleaned, to eliminate any data that did not meet the participation criterion for the study. Ten per cent of the total number of businesses in the cleaned database were sampled. The simplest approach to sampling is to merely randomly select from the population by, for example, having a computer choose names at random from a list, or by selecting names from a hat (Wienclaw, 2015). Therefore, every fifth business listed on the sampled database was selected to participate. Unfortunately, surveys tend to have notoriously low return rates, and people are frequently reluctant to give out information over the phone. This was also the case for most of the tourism businesses in the sample. When emailed or telephoned, they refused to participate for various reasons. Some stated that HIV does not affect their business; others reported that their businesses were too small and therefore they could not afford to implement these programmes. Some businesses were hearing about the WPP for the very first time, while several others responded with simple disinterest in participating. The findings of the study are that although tourism is viewed as an important industry that contributes to the economy, tourism businesses do not include any intervention programmes with which to respond to the threat of HIV and AIDS to their businesses. Additionally, there is neither leadership nor support from any level of the tourism industry, to create a conducive environment for the adoption of HIV and AIDS WPPs by tourism businesses. The primary reason for the lack of uptake of these programmes is ignorance across cascading levels of the tourism industry, which includes tourism businesses. Additionally, a number of perceived barriers, such as size of business, are cited as the reasons why tourism workplaces in the NMBM fail to participate in HIV and AIDS WPPs. It is anticipated that this study will create further awareness of HIV and AIDS WPPs, in an industry that seems to have limited knowledge about such programmes. This study will also provide guidance regarding the requirements to implement effective HIV and AIDS WPPs.

An analysis of the reliability of the 22kV distribution network of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Lamour, Bernhardt Gustave January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation is a systematic study of the 22kV Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) electricity power distribution network reliability evaluation and improvements to be applied. Reliability evaluation of electric power systems has traditionally been an integral part of planning and operation. Changes in the electricity utility, coupled with aging electrical apparatus, create a need for more realistic techniques for power system reliability modelling. This work presents a reliability evaluation technique that combines set literature and evaluation criteria. In analysing system reliability, this research takes into account the reasons for many outages and voltage dips and seeks to find mitigating approaches that are financially justified. The study analyses the power system in terms of the methodology developed, using power system reliability techniques, power quality evaluation, protection analyses and evaluating the network against maintenance interventions and programs, manpower availability and weather conditions contributing to the outages. In evaluating the power system various techniques are used to determine if the power network operates within the NRS standards, namely, reliability calculations, testing of protection equipment, interrogation of power quality instruments and modeling the network on Digsilent. This study will look at all the important factors influencing power system reliability, analysing the network in terms of the methodology and recommend improvements.

An analysis of perceptions and attitudes to the study of IsiXhosa at tertiary level: NMMU a case study

Somhlahlo, Ruby Xoliswa January 2009 (has links)
This study is about the analysis of perceptions and attitudes concerning the study of isiXhosa at tertiary level Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) in Port Elizabeth. The objective of this study is to investigate negative attitudes of African students with special reference to isiXhosa. Chapter One looks at the objectives of the research, the research problem, and its theoretical framework, as well as the literature review, the significance of the study, the research methods and definition of terms. Chapter Two deals with language planning and the current negative attitudes towards African languages, with special reference to isiXhosa. Chapter Three deals with status planning, the teaching of isiXhosa, language maintenance and multilingual education policy. Chapter Four discusses corpus planning, the role that Xhosa educators and students should play in the development of the language. Chapter Five discusses acquisition planning, the attitudes towards isiXhosa language and the maintenance of the language. Chapter Six concludes the study by presenting the summary and recommendations for the future research.

An analysis of how university management and administration staff deal with the social, cultural, economic and political differences that exist between urban and rural first year male students: an NMMU case study

Tswane, Silvesta Sisonke January 2013 (has links)
This study is a qualitative review to identify factors impacting on the management of student development and support at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in a developing country. For the purpose of the study student development and support includes all developmental and supportive services and interventions for rural and urban students within an institution of higher learning, regardless of the current structuring of the functions. The study first contextualises the scenario of a developing country in terms of the socio-economic, political, higher education, labour and other factors that set the scene for student development and support and then continues with a systematic exposition of factors that have direct relevance and impact on the future of student development and support. A systematic investigation of NMMU by means of interviews with student affairs professionals make it possible to identify factors that have direct relevance and impact on the future management and provision of student development and support. The result of the study is a construction of the specific factors identified on the international, national and institutional levels as well as the intricate relationships between rural and urban students. This research provides a potential framework for future management and provision of strategic focus areas for student development and support functions within NMMU and higher education in a developing country to ensure that it effectively positions the function within higher education as a key component of the core agenda.

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