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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A miséria inconfessa em cada um de nós: uma análise das relações entre os folhetins de Nelson Rodrigues com o suporte jornalístico / The unconfessed misery in each one of us: an analysis of the relations between Nelson Rodrigues' newspaper serials and journalistic support

Moreira, Fernanda Maffei 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-03-15T13:34:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Maffei Moreira.pdf: 2767921 bytes, checksum: 0c1029bf0a5be02be50ee795605e1979 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-15T13:34:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Maffei Moreira.pdf: 2767921 bytes, checksum: 0c1029bf0a5be02be50ee795605e1979 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Nelson Rodrigues is the maximum representative figure of Brazilian modern theater. Although his most remarkable and famous productions were in the theater area, the playwriter had contributed significantly for the literature with other genres such as novels, tales, chronicles, sentimental consultant and newspaper serials. This research has its focus on the study of his newspaper serials works , examining the relation of the newspaper serials with the journal support. For this, two newspaper serials have been selected for analysis: Minha vida, from 1946, written by the pseudonym of Suzana Flag, published on the magazine A Cigarra, and A mulher que amou demais, from 1949, written by the pseudonym of Myrna, published on the carioca newspaper Diário da Noite e Última Hora. The choice of these two newspaper serials is the fact that they are two productions of Nelson Rodrigues with two feminine pseudonyms. The theoretical foundation includes studies about the literary production of Nelson Rodrigues as the ones of R. Castro (1992), Rodrigues (1986), Rodrigues (2012), and both theoretical and critical essays about the newspaper serial, based on the works of Meyer (1996) and from Serra (1997). Among the authors that deal with the relation between journalism and literature, we found Costa (2005), Bulhões (2006), Brito (2007) and Pena (2013). Were also consulted interviews and texts released on specialized websites. As for the methodology, the analysis of the two pseudonyms of Nelson Rodrigues, Suzana Flag and Myrna, is accomplished starting of consideration on elements of the newspaper serial genre as thriller, cliffhanger, incident, climax and outcome, as well as the way how newspaper serials were constructed and the repercussion/acceptance of the public.The comparative analyses between the two newspaper serials searches to correlate similar or different characteristics such as narrative, plot, time, space, characters and themes. Adding to these aspects, we investigate how the relation with the journal support had influenced the building of the newspaper serials / Nelson Rodrigues é o representante máximo do teatro moderno brasileiro. Embora sua produção mais marcante e conhecida tenha sido no campo teatral, o dramaturgo contribuiu de forma significativa para a literatura com outros gêneros como romances, contos, crônicas, consultório sentimental e folhetim. A presente pesquisa tem por foco o estudo de sua obra folhetinesca, examinando a relação de seus folhetins com o suporte jornal. Para tal, foram selecionados para análise dois folhetins: Minha vida, de 1946, escrita sob o pseudônimo de Suzana Flag, publicada na revista A Cigarra, e A mulher que amou demais, de 1949, escrita sob o pseudônimo de Myrna, publicada nos jornais cariocas Diário da Noite e Última Hora. A escolha desses dois folhetins deve-se ao fato de que são duas produções de Nelson Rodrigues com pseudônimos femininos diferentes. A fundamentação teórica inclui estudos sobre a produção literária de Nelson Rodrigues como os de R. Castro (1992), Rodrigues (1986), Rodrigues (2012), e ensaios teóricos e críticos sobre o folhetim, com base nas obras de Meyer (1996) e de Serra (1997). Dentre os autores que tratam das relações entre jornalismo e literatura, encontram-se Costa (2005), Bulhões (2006), Brito (2007) e Pena (2013). Foram também consultados entrevistas e textos divulgados em sites especializados. Quanto à metodologia, a análise dos dois pseudônimos de Nelson Rodrigues, Suzana Flag e Myrna, é realizada a partir de considerações sobre elementos do gênero folhetim como suspense, gancho, peripécia, clímax e desfecho, bem como sobre a forma como foram construídos os folhetins e a repercussão/aceitação do público. A análise comparativa entre os dois folhetins busca correlacionar características semelhantes ou distintas como narrativa, enredo, tempo, espaço, personagens e temas. Somando a esses aspectos, investiga-se como a relação com o suporte jornal influenciou na construção dos folhetins

Análise e estimação da estrutura a termo da taxa de juros com abordagem bayesiana

Queiroz, Lucas Oliveira Caldellas de January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa e modela a Estrutura a Termo das Taxas de Juros objetivando ao teste da Hipótese das Expectativas(HE) na ponta curta da curva de juros e a uma aplicação da teoria de Markowitz (1952) no mercado de renda fixa utilizando a estrutura proposta por Caldeira, Moura e Santos (2015). Para estes fins foram utilizados dados dos contratos futuros de 1 dia dos depósito interbancários (DI1) negociados na BMF interpolados em maturidades fixas, sendo utilizados em base semanal quando do teste da HE e em base diária para a construção dos portfólios de mínima variância. Os resultados encontrados para o teste da HE sugerem a invalidade da teoria, uma vez que o prêmio de risco é se mostra ajustável a um modelo GARCH-M e, portanto, variante no tempo. Os portfólios de mínima variância ajustados nas versões irrestrita e restrita (duration máxima de 1 ano) se mostraram consistentes, tendo superado quase a totalidade dos fundos analisados. O portfólio de mínima variância irrestrito obteve o maior Índice de Sharpe no período analisado. / This work analyzes and model the Term Structure of Interest Rates seeking testing Expectation Hypothesis in the short end of the Yield Curve and to apply the portfolio theory to the fixed income context using the framework proposed by Caldeira, Moura e Santos (2015). We used a database of constant maturities interbank deposits’s future contracts. The results suggest Expectation Hypothesis doesn’t hold and risk premium could be modeled by a GARCH-M framework, being time variant. The bond portfolio optimized were, in general, consistent with high sharpe ratio relative to other funds and beated the chosen benchmark during the period analyzed.

Visual trauma: Representations of African bodies in the 1983 Contre Apartheid Exhibition

Petersen, Charlise January 2018 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA (English) / After the 1976 student uprising, South Africa entered a period of increased violent state repression. The struggle against apartheid also became increasingly globalised, as can be seen in the UN resolution and the rise of various international anti-apartheid organisations. My thesis looks at the various ways in which art was used as a response to the crisis of late apartheid in the 1980s, focusing on a landmark international exhibition, the Art Contre Apartheid exhibition which opened in Paris on 1983. It examines the context and history of the Art Contre Apartheid collection, and follows its path to its current location at the Mayibuye Archive at the University of the Western Cape, where it mostly languishes in packing crates. My research locates its analysis of the works in broader debates around art and politics during the struggle years in South Africa, but also to highlights the continuities and contrasts between international responses to apartheid, and local struggle art produced in the period surrounding the launch of the exhibition. Some of most compelling works of art in the collection depict the human form, and register acts of torture. The analysis focuses specifically on depictions of a fragmentation and dismemberment of the human body. Drawing on Elaine Scarry's argument about the limitations of language as an adequate response to trauma, my research develops an analysis of these works that demonstrates how the body becomes a privileged site in which violent political contestations are made visible. The thesis also deals extensively with the 'absence of form', which highlights the various instances in the ACA collection where abstract art was used as a signifier of pain, and thus the unspeakable effects of apartheid.

Sobre árvores e moscas : um perfil biográfico de Nelson Papavero e sua contribuição para a biologia comparada brasileira

Sant'Anna, Bruna Klassa Cardoso January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Charles Morphy Dias dos Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2013

The Argus: Mandela, the road to freedom / Mandela: the road to freedom

Cruywagen, Dennis, Drysdale, Andrew 06 February 1990 (has links)
Months were spent researching and preparing this four-part series on the dramatic events surrounding NELSON MANDELA, the life-term prisoner who has cast a larger than life shadow on South African politics. Staff writer DENNIS CRUYWAGEN travelled extensively to interview at first hand — or by other means, where necessary — those stalwart ANC veterans who were convicted in the Rivonia Treason Trial and jailed with Mandela. He talked, too, to members of the Mandela family, politicians, lawyers and many others who were close to or knowledgeable about the ANC leader. Official records and other sources on the life and times of Nelson Mandela were also consulted. Compiling the vast amount of information sometimes led to unusual situations. For instance, Mrs Winnie Mandela, always pressed for time, was interviewed — not in her home in Diepkloof, Soweto, as arranged but in a hired car in a Johannesburg traffic jam while following a vehicle driven by her driver. She was late for another appointment. Drawn from various sources this series sets out to reconstruct an overview of 25 years and more of political and personal drama, passion and poignancy. / Supplement to The Argus, Tuesday February 6 1990 / Exclusive Part 1

Cinema e literatura: o trânsito intersemiótico em “Bonitinha, mas ordinária”, de Nelson Rodrigues

MARIA, João Leno Pereira de 28 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Irvana Coutinho (irvana@ufpa.br) on 2017-03-16T15:58:12Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_CinemaLiteraturaTransito.pdf: 8295484 bytes, checksum: a0096a6b5b06127b17e99e72b4ed4fff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Irvana Coutinho (irvana@ufpa.br) on 2017-03-16T15:58:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_CinemaLiteraturaTransito.pdf: 8295484 bytes, checksum: a0096a6b5b06127b17e99e72b4ed4fff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-16T15:58:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_CinemaLiteraturaTransito.pdf: 8295484 bytes, checksum: a0096a6b5b06127b17e99e72b4ed4fff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-28 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A literatura e o cinema, campos de produção sígnica distintos, cuja relação torna-se possível em virtude (entre tantas possibilidades) da visualidade impressa em ambas as modalidades textuais, permite ao texto literário a sua transformação em películas. Não é de hoje que o cinema se utiliza de outras artes ou outros signos para a construção, reconstrução, criação e recriação fílmica. Na contemporaneidade, esse processo a que se convencionou chamar de tradução intersemiótica ocorre de forma incomum: se antes o cinema se valia da literatura como hipotexto, desta vez, a literatura vale-se do cinema para sua criação narrativo-verbal. Nosso corpus de análise será os filmes “Bonitinha, mas ordinária”, dirigido por J.B. de Carvalho, Braz Chediak e Moacir Góes, baseados na peça teatral homônima do dramaturgo Nelson Rodrigues. / Literature and cinema, sign production, whose relation becomes possible because (among other many possibilities) of Visuality printed in both textual modes, allows the literary text transformation movies. Today is not that the film uses other gear or other signs for the construction, reconstruction, creation and filmic recreation. In contemporary times, this process is called of intersemiotic translation, is so unusual: If before the cinema if value of literature as hipotexto, this time, the literature is the cinema for its creation-verbal narrative. Our corpus analysis of the films will be "cute but ordinary", directed by JB de Carvalho, Braz Chediak and Moacir Goes, based on the play's namesake playwright Nelson Rodrigues.

Effects of Oral and Silent Reading on the Reading Comprehension Performance of Left Hemisphere-damaged Individuals

Akers, Paul K. 09 February 1995 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not the method of reading (either aloud or silently) would affect the reading comprehension performance of left hemispheredamaged (LHD) and non-brain-damaged (NBD) subjects across inference levels using the Nelson Reading Skills Test (NRST) (Hanna, Schell, & Schreiner, 1977). The experimental group was comprised of fifteen subjects who had suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) to the left hemisphere of the brain. Subjects were selected after they had demonstrated an adequate level of function on the Short Porch Index of Conununicative Ability (SPICA) (DiSimoni, Keith, & Darley, 1980), to perform the tasks required in this study. Subjects were then randomly assigned to either "left hemispheredamaged aloud reading" or "left hemisphere-damaged silent reading" subgroups. The non-brain-damaged (NBD) control group consisted of fifteen individuals with no known history of neurological impairment. Control group subjects were also randomly assigned to either the "non-brain damaged aloud reading" subgroup or the "non-brain damaged silent reading" subgroup. All subjects were administered the revised version of the Nelson Reading Skills Test (NRST) (1977), Form 4 of Level B. NRST test questions can be grouped into three categories representing literal, translational, and high levels of inference. Subjects were required to read five paragraphs and answer thirty-three questions pertaining to the reading material by pointing to the correct answer from a list of four choices. Subjects were allowed to refer back to the paragraph when attempting to answer test questions. Results revealed total NRST performance to be significantly better for NBD subjects. Within both experimental and control groups, no significant difference was found to exist between the test scores of the oral and silent reading subgroups. The research data did not reflect the expected error pattern of most errors occurring on high inference level questions and fewest errors on literal inferences for either group of subjects.

Generalized Bathtub Hazard Models for Binary-Transformed Climate Data

Polcer, James 01 May 2011 (has links)
In this study, we use a hazard-based modeling as an alternative statistical framework to time series methods as applied to climate data. Data collected from the Kentucky Mesonet will be used to study the distributional properties of the duration of high and low-energy wind events relative to an arbitrary threshold. Our objectiveswere to fit bathtub models proposed in literature, propose a generalized bathtub model, apply these models to Kentucky Mesonet data, and make recommendations as to feasibility of wind power generation. Using two different thresholds (1.8 and 10 mph respectively), results show that the Hjorth bathtub model consistently performed better than all other models considered with coefficient of R-squared values at 0.95 or higher. However, fewer sites and months could be included in the analysis when we increased our threshold to 10 mph. Based on a 10 mph threshold, Bowling Green (FARM), Hopkinsville (PGHL), and Columbia (CMBA) posted the top 3 wind duration times in February of 2009. Further studies needed to establish long-term trends.

Étude comparative de la réactualisation du motif de la vanité dans la pratique artistique contemporaine

Philippon, Anne 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire porte sur la réactualisation de la vanité dans la pratique contemporaine. L'objectif principal est de définir et d'examiner les tenants et les aboutissants de la vanité contemporaine en général et celle pratiquée par les artistes en particulier. La démarche empruntée pour ce mémoire examine le développement de la vanité depuis le XVIIe siècle ainsi que les différents enjeux qui sous-tendent cette stratégie de représentation. Cette étude est divisée en trois chapitres. Le premier chapitre définit les fondements de la vanité historique en se questionnant sur les différents liens qui unissent les arts au thème de la mort. Le deuxième chapitre traite des mutations historiques, sociales, politiques et économiques, et questionne la portée et les enjeux contemporains des figures proposant une apologie du réel, du vécu et du banal. La question de l'autoréflexivité est abordée et met en lumière les contradictions et les paradoxes de la vanité. Le troisième chapitre met l'accent sur une analyse comparative entre les vanités historiques et contemporaines, en vue de comprendre comment les œuvres s'interpellent et se répondent entre elles. L'objectif qui se profile derrière cette étude comparative est de relever les ressemblances et les dissemblances entre les vanités d'hier et celles d'aujourd'hui. Les assises de la vanité sont les mêmes, mais de nouveaux éléments élargissent son répertoire en raison notamment de l'apparition de nouveaux médiums comme ceux de l'installation et de la vidéo. La vanité n'est pas réductible à la représentation d'une image spécifique, par exemple un crâne, elle se vit maintenant à travers l'expérience du déplacement et de la représentation de l'image en mouvement. Les grands conflits mondiaux qui ont ébranlé le XXe siècle ont modifié fondamentalement les conceptions vis-à-vis de la vie et de la mort. La vanité constitue une référence indéniable pour comprendre la nature de ces changements en reflétant les idées véhiculées par la société et la politique. Les travaux de Jean-François Lyotard sur la culture postmoderne jouent un rôle important dans ce regard porté sur les enjeux propres à notre rapport à la nature, à la société et à la culture. Cette étude est une mise en perspective de la vanité contemporaine et réexamine la vanité historique à travers ses avatars contemporains. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : nature morte, vanité historique, vanité contemporaine, Nelson Henricks, Patrick Bernatchez, Spring Hurlbut

Parks in public parking : empowering community members to reintegrate nature into the city

Southam, Theresa 16 September 2010 (has links)
This research explores how community leaders could use Corbett’s Spectrum of Environmental Ideologies (2006) to analyze the ideologies of communication campaigns before adopting one into a community. In this research, a mixed age class of elementary students and local artisans created two “parks” in public parking spaces and participated in an arts contest in Nelson, BC. This action research used analytic coding to reflect on participants’ relationship with nature based on their response to: international Park(ing) Day and Transition Nelson. Additionally, participant recommendations for greening Nelson’s downtown core were compared with four models of social change for generating ecocentric solutions. Ecocentric solutions stem from the belief that humans and nature are interdependent. Found to be key were nurturing participants’ nascent ecocentric values and investigating the campaign materials deeply. Additionally building motivation, exploring alternatives, problem-solving, partnerships and improved organizational communication are important elements of social change.

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