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O envelhecer na percepção de mulheres idosas solteiras e sem filhos: uestudo na perspectiva da psicologia analítica / Not informed by the authorLeopold, Adriana Mara 07 February 2018 (has links)
O processo de envelhecimento vem ganhando destaque em pesquisas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. A cronologização da vida é uma realidade em todas as sociedades, mas não necessariamente representa a ideia subjetiva que o indivíduo tem sobre o próprio envelhecimento. O aumento da expectativa de vida tem resultado em fenômenos como maior número de mulheres que vivem a fase da velhice e que têm dado um novo significado a essa experiência. As mulheres da pesquisa, que hoje são idosas, vivenciaram uma época em que o matrimônio e maternidade eram tidos como sinônimo de felicidade. Contudo, pouco se fala a respeito de mulheres que não seguiram tais padrões. Assim, foram realizadas entrevistas com quatro mulheres idosas solteiras e sem filhos, de idades entre 72 e 91 anos, a fim de verificar suas percepções de envelhecimento. A partir do relato das histórias de vida, verificou-se que, em relação a elas, o imaginário de uma velhice solitária e sem apoio não é válido. A família e a comunidade exercem uma rede de suporte informal que fornece atenção e suporte. O casamento não foi desejado e muitas vezes foi tratado como algo negativo. O trabalho revelou ser um marcador importante e garantia de subsídios na vida adulta e, após a aposentadoria, na velhice. Do ponto de vista simbólico, a Psicologia Analítica contribuiu para o entendimento subjetivo da experiência de envelhecimento. Imagens arquetípicas das deusas gregas auxiliaram na compreensão das diferentes formas de ser mulher em todas as etapas da vida / The aging process has been gaining prominence in research from several different fields of knowledge. The chronologization of life is a reality in all societies, but it does not necessarily represent the subjective idea that the individual has regarding his own aging. The increase in life expectancy has resulted in phenomena such as a higher number of elderly women, who have given new meaning to this experience. They lived through a time when marriage and maternity were synonymous to happiness. However, little is said about those women who did not follow these patterns. Therefore, interviews were conducted with four women, aged 72 to 91, in order to verify which is the perception of aging for these never-married, childless elders. From their life story accounts, one can perceive the notion of a solitary and forsaken old age does not apply to them. Marriage was not desired and was many times seen as something negative. Instead, work was an important livelihood marker both in adult life and in old age, after retirement. From a symbolic standpoint, analytical psychology contributed to the subjective understanding of the aging experience. Archetypical images of Greek goddesses helped comprehend the different ways of being a woman in all stages of life
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Letting Go and the Silence that Remains: The Effects of Translating Point-of-view from Text to Film in <em>The Remains of the Day</em> and <em>Never Let Me Go</em>Price, Jennifer L. 04 March 2011 (has links)
Kazuo Ishiguro's novels The Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go exhibit many of the same characteristics as his other works. Out of all of those works, however, only these two novels have been adapted to film as of yet. Because of Ishiguro's reliance on first-person narration and point-of-view his novels are particularly more problematic to adapt to screen. This phenomenon is partially due to the audio-visually dependent medium of film and the camera lens' limitations when it comes to exhibiting character interiority. Therefore, the effect of the translation to screen for both of these films is a shift in how the viewing audience responds to the characters as both characters and as human beings. This shift at times augments, expands, or changes the philosophical implications of Ishiguro's works. This paper explores those shifts and permutations and argues that they can ultimately lead to a more empathetic connection between the viewer and the characters in the stories.
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Pro- and Anti-Capitalism : in Wall Street and Wall Street. Money Never SleepsLi, Xu January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims at comparatively analyzing the representation of financial capitalism in Wall Street (1987) and Wall Street. Money Never Sleeps (2010) with focusing on exploring in which ways the films promote/criticize the financial capitalism they portray. Theoretical approaches concerning film theories are mainly through ideological analysis, and supplemented by structuralist and semiotic theories. As methods used in data gathering and analyzing, basic film content analyses are principally applied through illustrating with film contents extracted from the films in qualitative and comparative ways in order to describe and distinguish the ideological positions of pro- and anti-capitalism in the two films. The results show an interesting fact that positions from the villain to the moral center are symbolized by both different characters separately and the key character (Gorden Gekko) alone. The analysis also shows that both of the films promote capitalism of freedom, which inspire people to work hard and create property for society, and criticize it of greed and immorality. However, Wall Street II is not nearly as merciless as the original, and it seems more fascinated than critical.
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Chaotic Environment and Child Behavior Problems: A Comparative Study of High-Conflict Never Married and Divorcing ParentsJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: Never married parents (NMPs) are a burgeoning population within the Family Court system. However, there is no empirical research on these parents' separation process, though the neighboring literature purports that NMPs are more at risk for negative child wellbeing outcomes than their divorcing counterparts. This study investigated child behavior problems in high conflict litigating never married families by assessing four salient issues collectively termed chaotic environment: economic strain, lack of social support for the parents, parental repartnering, and family relocation, which included parent changing residence and child changing schools. They were then compared to divorcing parents. It was hypothesized that NMPs would experience higher levels of chaotic environment, and subsequent increases in child behavior problems than divorcing parents, but that the relationship for NMPs and divorcing parents would be the same with each of the chaotic environment variables. This study found the contrary. NMPs only had significantly higher mean scores on lack of social support for fathers and marital status did not predict child behavior problems. Both economic strain and child changing schools predicted child behavior problems for both mothers and fathers. Two interaction effects with mothers were found, indicating that the more a never married mothers repartnered and/or changed her residence, the more behavior problems her child had, while divorcing mothers experiencing the converse effect. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Counseling Psychology 2011
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Describing and understanding patient safety incidents in primary care dentistry and building consensus on 'never events'Ensaldo Carrasco, Eduardo January 2018 (has links)
Introduction: In recent decades, there has been considerable international attention directed towards minimising healthcare-associated harm and improving the safety of hospital care. More recently, this attention has broadened to include primary medical care. In 2002, the World Health Assembly recognised the issue of inadequate levels of patient safety as a major threat to global public health. In the following years, many countries have developed national strategies for the measurement, monitoring and prevention of patient safety incidents (PSIs) and their outcomes. Experience accumulated from secondary care has shown that the initial steps for understanding patient safety include the systematic identification of the most frequent and most harmful threats. However, the safety profile of primary care dentistry remains poorly investigated. As a result, current evidence cannot provide reliable estimates of the types of PSIs in primary care dentistry, the causes of these incidents, or the associated disease burden caused by such incidents. In medicine, improvements in patient safety were achieved at a national level by developing a shared conceptual understanding, the standardisation of terminology and through preventive initiatives such as the introduction of a national incident reporting and learning system. In the United Kingdom (UK), the England and Wales’ National Reporting Learning System (NRLS) has been an important source of insight, from the perspectives of the reporter, into understanding why PSIs occur. This initiative has led to the implementation of patient safety oriented policies to monitor and reduce cases of healthcare-associated harm. Examples of such policy initiatives include national guidelines and national safety recommendations to encourage the reporting of serious reportable events called ‘never events’ (NEs). These are defined as serious, preventable PSIs that should not occur if the available preventive measures are implemented. At a national level, serious incidents and NEs must be reported to the NRLS and/or other reporting systems. However, little is known about NEs in dentistry as wrong-tooth extractions are the only currently defined NE that has a clear application in dentistry. Although surgical NEs, such as wrong-site surgery and wrong implants may be related to dental procedures, these overlap with procedures conducted in secondary care. As a result, there is no agreed list of NEs for primary care dentistry. The overall aim of my PhD was to explore patient safety, its concepts, including error and harm, and how these can help to create an understanding of the types of PSIs that occur in primary care dentistry, their contributory factors and their consequences. In addition, I also aimed to identify NEs with the greatest need and opportunity for future intervention strategies, in order to improve patient safety in primary care dentistry. Methodology and methods: My PhD was conducted in three phases. For the first phase, I conducted a systematic scoping review of the empirical evidence published over a 20-year period (1994-2014). To achieve this, I searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for articles reporting incidents that could have or did result in unnecessary harm from primary dental care. I also extracted and synthesised data on the types and frequencies of PSIs (including NEs) and adverse outcomes. Then, for the second phase, I undertook an exploratory sequential mixed-methods evaluation, which involved the qualitative exploration and analysis of a weighted-by-year randomised sample (n=2,000) of the most severe incident reports from primary care dentistry submitted to the England and Wales’ NRLS. This approach generated three coding frameworks, aligned to the International Classification for Patient Safety developed by the World Health Organization, for i) the classification of incidents, ii) contributor y factors and iii) incident outcomes. These coding frameworks informed the quantitative analysis, during which myself together with a trained second coder, applied codes to deconstruct the narrative of these patient safety incident reports whilst retaining the meaning of the report. To assess inter-rater reliability, Cohen’s Kappa statistic was calculated for the primary incident type which was defined as “the incident that resulted in the outcome experienced by the patient.” Finally, for the third phase, I undertook an electronic Delphi exercise to achieve international agreement on NEs for primary care dentistry. The results obtained from Phases 1 and 2 were used to identify candidate NEs. I then invited an international panel of 41 experts to complete two rounds of questionnaires; 32 (78%) agreed to participate and completed the first round, and 29 (91%) completed the second round. I provided anonymised controlled feedback between rounds and used a cut-off of 80% agreement to define consensus. The results from the first stage built the evidence base for the second and third phases. Likewise, the results from the second phase further informed the third and final stage of my PhD. Results: I undertook a systematic scoping review which demonstrated: a) there were considerable differences in definitions for terms used to describe patient safety, b) that a range of populations had been studied, and c) that major differences in sampling strategies exist between studies. The main five PSIs I identified were errors in i) diagnosis/examination, ii) treatment planning, iii) communication, iv) procedural errors and v) the accidental ingestion or inhalation of foreign objects. However, little attention has been paid to wider organisational factors such as problems within the physical environment, scheduling (e.g. errors in managing appointments) and patient access, management and lines of responsibility. Also there is very little evidence of interest in researching into the influence of policies for either quality or patient safety assurance. The retrieved evidence was used to build a conceptual literature-derived model of patient safety risks in primary care dentistry. This model helped to bring structure to the analysis of the 1,456 patient incident reports that were eligible for analysis out of a total of 2,000. These reports described incidents across the preoperative (40.3%; n=587), intra-operative (56.1%; n=817) and post-operative (3.6%; n=52) clinical stages of care delivery. Further analysis showed the more frequently reported incidents were related to a) delays in treatment (333/1,456; 22.9%), b) procedural errors (220/11,456; 15.1%), c) medication-related adverse incidents (160/1,456; 11.0%), d) equipment failure (90/1,456; 6.2%) and e) errors in obtaining or processing x-rays (87/1,1456; 6.0%). Only 5.3% (77/1,456) of the incidents resulted in harmful outcomes. Of the 77 incidents that resulted in a harmful outcomes (n=77; 5.3%), around half were due to wrong tooth extractions (37/77; 48.1%) and resulted in unnecessary procedures. Three out of the 1,456 incidents (0.2%) resulted in death. Data from the scoping review and the mixed-method analysis informed a list of 42 candidate NEs. I further sought and achieved international consensus for 23 of these NEs. These were related to routine assessment, and pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative stages of dental procedures. Conclusions: The findings from my PhD have revealed that patient safety research in dentistry is mostly descriptive and poorly organised with various approaches to defining and measuring PSIs and their outcomes. This poor organisation of patient safety research also includes differing study designs and patient populations studied. The evidence-based conceptual framework from the systematic scoping review, and coding frameworks from analysis of PSI reports selected from a national database, can bring structure to future work by providing a robust approach to classifying PSIs, their contributory factors and outcomes. / My research findings also show that PSI reports are an important source of information that can generate important insights about patient safety in primary care dentistry. The mixed-method analysis of PSI reports showed that most incidents in primary dental care do not result in harm. PSIs that resulted in harmful outcomes more frequently occurred intra-operatively. My findings also reveal that unsafe care in dentistry is not limited to human error, but can also be ascribed to the presence of other administrative or organisational flaws that contribute to the reported incidents. Future initiatives to improve and research clinical practice should focus on improving administrative processes to reduce delays in treatment. Also, the reduction of procedural errors through the standardisation of x-rays, medication prescription and other clinical procedures is needed. Lastly, I have constructed the first comprehensive international list of NEs for primary care dentistry. I believe my findings, including the list of NEs, can provide an evidence-base which will encourage researchers to further expand the patient safety research and development agenda in dentistry, as well as encouraging decision-makers and professional bodies to translate my findings into quality improvement strategies.
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O envelhecer na percepção de mulheres idosas solteiras e sem filhos: uestudo na perspectiva da psicologia analítica / Not informed by the authorAdriana Mara Leopold 07 February 2018 (has links)
O processo de envelhecimento vem ganhando destaque em pesquisas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. A cronologização da vida é uma realidade em todas as sociedades, mas não necessariamente representa a ideia subjetiva que o indivíduo tem sobre o próprio envelhecimento. O aumento da expectativa de vida tem resultado em fenômenos como maior número de mulheres que vivem a fase da velhice e que têm dado um novo significado a essa experiência. As mulheres da pesquisa, que hoje são idosas, vivenciaram uma época em que o matrimônio e maternidade eram tidos como sinônimo de felicidade. Contudo, pouco se fala a respeito de mulheres que não seguiram tais padrões. Assim, foram realizadas entrevistas com quatro mulheres idosas solteiras e sem filhos, de idades entre 72 e 91 anos, a fim de verificar suas percepções de envelhecimento. A partir do relato das histórias de vida, verificou-se que, em relação a elas, o imaginário de uma velhice solitária e sem apoio não é válido. A família e a comunidade exercem uma rede de suporte informal que fornece atenção e suporte. O casamento não foi desejado e muitas vezes foi tratado como algo negativo. O trabalho revelou ser um marcador importante e garantia de subsídios na vida adulta e, após a aposentadoria, na velhice. Do ponto de vista simbólico, a Psicologia Analítica contribuiu para o entendimento subjetivo da experiência de envelhecimento. Imagens arquetípicas das deusas gregas auxiliaram na compreensão das diferentes formas de ser mulher em todas as etapas da vida / The aging process has been gaining prominence in research from several different fields of knowledge. The chronologization of life is a reality in all societies, but it does not necessarily represent the subjective idea that the individual has regarding his own aging. The increase in life expectancy has resulted in phenomena such as a higher number of elderly women, who have given new meaning to this experience. They lived through a time when marriage and maternity were synonymous to happiness. However, little is said about those women who did not follow these patterns. Therefore, interviews were conducted with four women, aged 72 to 91, in order to verify which is the perception of aging for these never-married, childless elders. From their life story accounts, one can perceive the notion of a solitary and forsaken old age does not apply to them. Marriage was not desired and was many times seen as something negative. Instead, work was an important livelihood marker both in adult life and in old age, after retirement. From a symbolic standpoint, analytical psychology contributed to the subjective understanding of the aging experience. Archetypical images of Greek goddesses helped comprehend the different ways of being a woman in all stages of life
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Sibling Legacy:Stories about and Bonds Constructed with Siblings Who Were Never KnownCameron Meyer, Marcella 02 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Caractérisation transcriptomique de l’hétérogénéité des lésions à potentiel malin et des carcinomes épidermoïdes HPV-négatifs de la cavité orale / Transcriptomic heterogeneity of oral premalignant lesions and HPV-negative oral squamous cell carcinomasFoy, Jean-Philippe 22 May 2018 (has links)
La morbi-mortalité élevée des carcinomes épidermoïdes de la cavité orale (CECO), qui peuvent se développer à partir de lésions orales à potentiel malin (LOPM), rend indispensable le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. Le décryptage de l’hétérogénéité moléculaire aux différentes étapes de la carcinogénèse orale pourrait permettre de personnaliser les stratégies thérapeutiques de prévention et de traitement de ces cancers. Notre objectif était de caractériser l’hétérogénéité transcriptomique des LOPM et des CECO.Nous avons d’abord défini des signatures transcriptomiques associées aux changements histologiques de la carcinogénèse orale observés dans le modèle murin induit par le 4-NQO, montrant la pertinence de l’analyse de la dynamique temporelle du transcriptome pour améliorer la prévention des CECO. Cependant, ce modèle ne représentant qu’un sous-groupe particulier des CECO, nous avons ensuite étudié l’hétérogénéité inter-lésionnelle des LOPM en identifiant deux sous-types transcriptomiques principaux nommés « classical » et « immunological », qui sont caractérisés par différents biomarqueurs de risque de CECO.Au stade invasif, nous avons également étudié l’hétérogénéité transcriptomique des CECO HPV-négatifs entre les patients non-fumeurs non-buveurs (NFNB) et les patients fumeurs buveurs (FB). Le microenvironnement immunitaire était la principale différence biologique entre NFNB et FB, suggérant un bénéfice accru des immunothérapies chez les NFNB. Le profil transcriptomique de réponse antivirale observé dans les CECO des NFNB pourrait être en faveur de leur origine virale. En conclusion, l’hétérogénéité transcriptomique des LOPM et CECO suggère de personnaliser les stratégies thérapeutiques des patients porteurs de ces lésions / Oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), which may develop from oral premalignant lesions (OPL), are associated with a substantial morbidity and mortality. A better understanding of the molecular heterogeneity at different steps of oral carcinogenesis may help to refine prevention and treatment strategies of patients suffering from OPL and OSCC. Our goal was to decipher transcriptomic hetereogeneity of OPL as well as OSCC. Using the 4-NQO murine model of oral carcinogenesis, we first identified transcriptomic signatures that characterized the dynamics of gene expression changes through different stages of disease progression, and that could be relevant for refining prevention strategies. Because this model represents only a subgroup of patients suffering from OSCC, we then investigated inter-OPL molecular heterogeneity. We identified two distinct gene expression subtypes, which were named classical and immunological and were characterized by different biomarkers of cancer risk. At invasive steps, we investigated transcriptomic heterogeneity between HPV-negative OSCC from never-smoker never-drinker (NSND) and smoker drinker (SD) patients. The immune microenvironment was the main biological difference between OSCC from NSND and SD, suggesting higher clinical benefit of immunotherapies in OSCC from NSND. The antiviral gene expression profile of OSCC from NSND could suggest a viral origin.In conclusion, we investigated transcriptomic heterogeneity of OPL as well as OSCC, that could help to refine their prevention and treatment strategies
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Juan José Saer e o paradoxo necessário ou uma poética da (i)mobilidade em Nadie nada nunca / Juan Jose Saer and the necessary paradox or A poetic of imobility in Nadie nada nuncaJulián Miguel Barbero Fuks 22 May 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação promove uma leitura da obra Nadie nada nunca (1980), do escritor argentino Juan José Saer, em função das hipóteses sobre a morte do romance e a impossibilidade de narrar. Tomando o paradoxo como elemento fundamental de qualquer romance contemporâneo, identifica o paradoxo específico dessa obra na alternância entre impossibilidade de movimento e revolução contínua da matéria. Cada um desses preceitos assumidos pelo livro resulta em uma poética própria poética da imobilidade e poética da mobilidade ambas aliando-se para converter a obra em uma seqüência de enigmas e interrogações, prenhe de auto-referências e ambigüidades. Um universo próprio que se basta em sua infinidade complexa e obscura, e que desse modo ganha status de objeto autônomo do mundo, propondo uma possível resposta ao impasse em que se encontram a narrativa e a representação / This dissertation suggests an interpretation of the novel Nadie nada nunca (1980), written by the Argentine Juan José Saer, according to the multiple hypotheses about the death of the novel and the impossibility of narrative. Taking paradox as an essential element of any contemporary novel, the dissertation identifies the specific paradox of this work in the alternation between the impossibility of movement and the continuous revolution of matter. Each of these precepts assumed by the book results in a poetics a poetics of immobility and a poetics of mobility both of which combine in order to convert the novel into a sequence of enigmas and inquisitions, filled with selfreferences and ambiguities. A universe of its own that is self-sufficient in its complex and obscure infinity, and therefore achieves a status of an autonomous object of the world, offering a possible answer to the impasse confronted by narrative and representation
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Movimento estudantil e repressão judicial: o regime militar e a criminalização dos estudantes brasileiros (1964-1979) / Student movement and the performance of the accusation and the defense in the judgments: the military regime and the ciminalization of the Brazilian students (1964-1979)Gusson, Claudia Maria 02 April 2008 (has links)
Durante os anos de 1964 a 1985, o regime militar brasileiro combateu os militantes contrários ao governo instaurado. O movimento estudantil teve grande representação nas lutas políticas e sociais, nesse contexto, tornou-se importante nos quadros da oposição. O governo fez uso de diversos aparatos para conter a ação dos estudantes, tais como a instauração de processos judiciais contra manifestações estudantis consideradas subversivas. Este estudo pretende apresentar o perfil dos estudantes processados pelo regime militar, assim como o desempenho da acusação e da defesa nos julgamentos, com base em processos arquivados pelo Projeto Brasil Nunca Mais (BNM), que tratam da ação estudantil. O acervo do Projeto é composto pela duplicação e análise dos processos procedentes do Superior Tribunal Militar (STM), pertinentes aos anos de 1964 a 1979. A análise revelou que, aos olhos do Ministério Público, o estudante processado era subversivo e aliado a grupos de esquerda que pretendiam a derrubada do governo, ao passo que, para a defesa, era vítima da própria ingenuidade. Conforme o desempenho do procurador e do advogado, o juiz auditor determinava que o estudante era ou subversivo, ou um cidadão que poderia voltar a viver integrado de maneira construtiva na sociedade. / From 1964 until 1985, when Brazil remained under military control, political prisoners were detained by government to be sued and convicted. The student movement, during the military regime had great representation in the political struggles and became an important opposition against the military regime that took power in April 1964. This research intends to present the profile of the students sued for the military regime and how was the performance of the accusation and the defense in the judgments. This research is based mainly on the military court proceedings of actual trials, which were secretly photocopied by lawyers associated with the Catholic Church and analyzed by a team of researchers, the daring Project known as \"Brazil: Never Again\" (BNM). The project turned out public duplicate archives containing complete record of Brazils military courts. This was achieved by bringing together the most of official legal proceedings of practically the political cases tried in Brazilian military courts between April 1964 and March 1979, specifically those that reached the Supreme Military Court. The analysis of legal proceedings demonstrated that, according to the Public Military Ministrys point of view, the sued student was subversive and allied the leftist organizations to the resistance to that regime. On the other hand, the lawyer for the defense saw the student was a victim of its proper weakness. Depending on the performance of the accusation and the defense, the student could be judged either subversive or a citizen capable to live integrated in useful way in the society.
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