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Análise do relacionamento da Casa das Copiadoras com seus clientes em projetos de solução para reprodução de imagemSilva, Ednilson Pissolato da January 2006 (has links)
Atualmente uma empresa não pode contar simplesmente com um bom produto ou serviço, pois a grande concorrência existente no mercado possui bons produtos e bons serviços, todos relativamente equivalentes em tecnologia e preço. Este fato possibilita aos consumidores mudarem de fornecedor pela simples questão de preço, não se opondo em desfazer um relacionamento a qualquer momento, ou manter fidelidade com uma determinada marca ou serviço. Desta forma a conquista de novos clientes poderia ser uma boa opção, se não fosse o alto custo que uma empresa precisa empregar para estas novas conquistas. O cenário atual leva as empresas a focarem suas estratégias na retenção de clientes para poderem obter lucro em suas operações comerciais. O fato é que a retenção de clientes torna-se mais importante que a atração de novos clientes. O Marketing de Relacionamento surge desta nova visão que passa a olhar muito mais para a satisfação das necessidades e desejos dos clientes e não somente a trabalhar com a preocupação da venda de algum produto. Este trabalho tem como finalidade analisar o relacionamento da empresa Casa das Copiadoras com seus clientes, para que através deste estudo possa-se perceber a existência, ou não, de um relacionamento consistente entre as partes e os motivos que levam a sustentação deste relacionamento. Para alcançar os objetivos esperados optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa que tem como característica principal prover a compreensão do problema em questão com maior precisão, identificar cursos relevantes de ação e obter dados adicionais para que se possa desenvolver uma abordagem definitiva da situação-problema. / Nowadays a company can not only count with a good product or service, for competition existing in the market holds good products and good services, all equivalent in technology and price. This fact makes possible to consumers change from suppliers because of prices not opposing themselves to break connections any moment or maintain fidelity with some mark or service. This way conquer new clients could be a good option if it wouldn’t be the high cost that company needs to invest to this new conquests. The present scenery leads companies to focus their strategies to retain clients and obtain profit in their commercial operations. Retain clients is more important than attract new ones. This is a fact. Relation marketing emerges from this new vision that sticks to client’s satisfactions and necessities and desires and not only works the preoccupation to sell some products. This work wants to analyze the relation between Casa das Copiadoras company and its clients for through this study could understand the existence, or not, of a consistent relation between both parts and the reasons that leads to this relation. To reach the wanted objectives a qualitative approach was chosen. Its principal characteristic is to provide the comprehension of the problem identify important directions of actions and get additional data to develop a definitive boarding of the situation problem.
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Análise do relacionamento da Casa das Copiadoras com seus clientes em projetos de solução para reprodução de imagemSilva, Ednilson Pissolato da January 2006 (has links)
Atualmente uma empresa não pode contar simplesmente com um bom produto ou serviço, pois a grande concorrência existente no mercado possui bons produtos e bons serviços, todos relativamente equivalentes em tecnologia e preço. Este fato possibilita aos consumidores mudarem de fornecedor pela simples questão de preço, não se opondo em desfazer um relacionamento a qualquer momento, ou manter fidelidade com uma determinada marca ou serviço. Desta forma a conquista de novos clientes poderia ser uma boa opção, se não fosse o alto custo que uma empresa precisa empregar para estas novas conquistas. O cenário atual leva as empresas a focarem suas estratégias na retenção de clientes para poderem obter lucro em suas operações comerciais. O fato é que a retenção de clientes torna-se mais importante que a atração de novos clientes. O Marketing de Relacionamento surge desta nova visão que passa a olhar muito mais para a satisfação das necessidades e desejos dos clientes e não somente a trabalhar com a preocupação da venda de algum produto. Este trabalho tem como finalidade analisar o relacionamento da empresa Casa das Copiadoras com seus clientes, para que através deste estudo possa-se perceber a existência, ou não, de um relacionamento consistente entre as partes e os motivos que levam a sustentação deste relacionamento. Para alcançar os objetivos esperados optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa que tem como característica principal prover a compreensão do problema em questão com maior precisão, identificar cursos relevantes de ação e obter dados adicionais para que se possa desenvolver uma abordagem definitiva da situação-problema. / Nowadays a company can not only count with a good product or service, for competition existing in the market holds good products and good services, all equivalent in technology and price. This fact makes possible to consumers change from suppliers because of prices not opposing themselves to break connections any moment or maintain fidelity with some mark or service. This way conquer new clients could be a good option if it wouldn’t be the high cost that company needs to invest to this new conquests. The present scenery leads companies to focus their strategies to retain clients and obtain profit in their commercial operations. Retain clients is more important than attract new ones. This is a fact. Relation marketing emerges from this new vision that sticks to client’s satisfactions and necessities and desires and not only works the preoccupation to sell some products. This work wants to analyze the relation between Casa das Copiadoras company and its clients for through this study could understand the existence, or not, of a consistent relation between both parts and the reasons that leads to this relation. To reach the wanted objectives a qualitative approach was chosen. Its principal characteristic is to provide the comprehension of the problem identify important directions of actions and get additional data to develop a definitive boarding of the situation problem.
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A seleção das estratégias de crescimento e entrada em novos negócios : um estudo de casos na indústria petroquímica / The selection of new businesses strategies : one case study in the petrochemical industryMarcos Paixão Garcez 24 November 2005 (has links)
Nas décadas de 50 e 60, muitas empresas norte-americanas iniciaram um processo intensivo de diversificação de negócios, principalmente não relacionada, devido à disponibilidade de capital e forte regulação antitruste, atingindo seu ápice no final da década de 60 e gerando o surgimento de conglomerados corporativos gigantes. Nos anos 70, após muitas diversificações mal sucedidas e desinvestimentos, Rumelt (1974) creditou à diversificação relacionada melhores resultados que a não relacionada. Iniciou-se a tendência de retorno à especialização, no entanto se carecia de um modelo que descrevesse como otimizar as diversificações não relacionadas, muitas vezes importantes do ponto de vista estratégico, o que foi contemplado no modelo de Roberts e Berry (1985). Estes autores desenvolveram a caracterização das diferentes alternativas de crescimento bem como em que situações cada qual é recomendada, propondo a seleção de modalidades estratégicas ótimas de crescimento e entrada em novos negócios segundo o grau de novidade e familiaridade com tecnologias e mercados, contemplando assim as escolhas mais indicadas para as diversificações com diferentes graus de relacionamento, incluindo Desenvolvimentos Internos de Produtos e Mercados, Aquisições, Licenciamentos, Internal Ventures, Joint-Ventures, Venture Capital e Educational acquisitions, cada qual mais indicada em função dos fatores críticos da seleção, ou seja, o nível de recursos disponíveis, competências e conhecimento disponíveis nas dimensões de tecnologia e mercado, retorno e prazo de retorno, risco envolvido, aderência estratégica, grau de diversificação almejado e envolvimento gerencial da empresa mãe. No entanto, embora desde então venha sendo recomendado na literatura, os próprios autores recomendaram que o modelo fosse validado em pesquisas de maior abrangência de episódios e em diferentes contextos industriais, já que realizaram o estudo acessando 14 episódios em uma empresa americana com diversificação de negócios. Assim, o objetivo principal do estudo é analisar a validade do modelo proposto por Roberts&Berry, em um universo mais abrangente de pesquisa, para isso realiza-se uma pesquisa utilizando o estudo de casos da Odebrecht Química, com histórico de grande crescimento e diversificação e pertencente à indústria petroquímica brasileira, que representa 8,0 % do PIB industrial do Brasil. São analisados 30 episódios de crescimento e diversificação em profundidade. Identificam-se e caracterizam-se as modalidades de crescimento e entrada em novos negócios da empresa-caso nos últimos vinte anos; verifica-se a adequação destas ao modelo; identificam-se os fatores determinantes da seleção, e identificam-se os fatores críticos determinantes do desempenho destas escolhas. Foram utilizadas entrevistas em profundidade e questionários semiestruturados para a coleta de dados primários e análise documental para a obtenção de dados secundários. Como resultados da pesquisa, verifica-se que os episódios analisados apresentaram forte aderência à matriz de familiaridade de Roberts & Berry, sendo que 87 % dos bem sucedidos se encontravam na modalidade sugerida pela matriz e 100 % dos mal sucedidos se constituíam em modalidades não recomendáveis em face da familiaridade apresentada no momento da seleção. De forma a validar o modelo, acessaram-se os constructos teóricos implícitos na matriz - fatores motivadores da seleção e fatores determinantes do desempenho - com os dados empíricos dos episódios, com o que se conclui pela validade do modelo no setor industrial. Adicionalmente, como refinamento do modelo, propôs-se o enquadramento de novas modalidades não contempladas no modelo original, como fusões e aquisições com integração vertical para trás. Finalmente, analisa-se o caso de parcerias tecnológicas, sugerindo-se o provável enquadramento no modelo, a ser verificado em pesquisas subsequentes. Contribui-se tanto do ponto de vista teórico, trazendo novas evidências sobre a decisão estratégica em empresas de enfoque tecnológico, como do ponto de vista prático, através da avaliação de um modelo de grande interesse empresarial. / In the fifties and the sixties, several American companies started an intensive business diversification process, mainly of the unrelated diversification, in order to face the new environment characterized by capital abundance and strengthen of antitrust regulation issues. This has generated the emerging of giant corporate conglomerates. In the seventies, after a lot of non-profitable diversifications and consequents divestitures episodes, Rumelt (1974) noticed that the companies which had adopted related diversification showed better profit results than those which had adopted the unrelated diversification, and these facts generated a new trend towards the specialization. However, there was a lack of a prescriptive model dealing with the unrelated diversification very important many times for reaching the strategic and long term goals- the one that could describe the best conditions necessary to adopt and optimize the results of these kinds of growth strategies. It was contemplated in the Roberts and Berry (1985) model. These authors presented the characterization of the alternative growth strategies including Internal Product Developments, Internal Market Developments, Acquisitions, Licensings, Internal Ventures, Joint Ventures, Venture Capital and Educational Acquisitions. as well as the optimum situations for selecting each one, according to the relative degree of existing newness and familiarity with technologies and markets, and also depending on the critical selection factors, such as the level of available resources, the abilities and knowledge available in the technology and market dimensions, financial returns over invested capital and break-even time, involved risks, strategic fit, degree of diversification and corporate involvement of the parent company. Although this model has been recommended in the literature since then, its own authors had suggested that it was validated in different industrial contexts and by assessing a wider array of episodes they studied 14 episodes in a diversified American company. Thus, the main aim of the study is to analyze the validity of the Roberts and Berry model in a wider research extension, assessing the empirical data obtained through a case study of a big and diversified Brazilian company, Odebrecht Química, leader in the petrochemical sector, which represents 8% of Brazilian industrial GDP. It analyzes in depth 30 growth and diversification episodes occured in the last 20 years, carrying out the episodes descriptions and characterizations, verifying the adequacy to the model, describing the critical factors for selecting the entry strategies and finally considering the influence of these factors in the performance levels reached. In-depth interviews and a semi-structured questionnaire were used for collecting primary data and document analysis was used for obtaining secondary data. The findings show that empirical data fitted very well to the familiarity matrix, reaching 87 % adherence to the model in the succesful episodes located in regions recommended by the matrix, and 100 % adherence in the incompatible episodes - located in diverse regions recomended by the matrix. In order to validate the theoretical model, the constructs were accessed, as the determinant factors for selecting the strategy and the critical factors of performance. The results allow the conclusion by the validity of the model in the sector analyzed. Additionally, as possible refinements suggested for the model, the inclusion and positioning in the model of the merger strategies and acquisitions with up-stream vertical integration strategies are provided. Finally, a framework to technological partnership strategies is proposed, to be verified in subsequent researches. This study aims to contribute on one hand, from the theoretical point of view, bringing new evidences in the theory of strategic management of technology, as well as from the practical point of view, through the evaluation of a tool for supporting better strategic decisions.
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Remittances and the level of small and madium sized enterprise start-upsGlommen Andersson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis within economics is examining the impact that remittances could have on the level of new small and medium sized enterprise start-ups. Remittances could be seen as a capital flow and would therefore increase the level of new SME start-ups but is this really the case? A model is developed with a panel data set over 45 countries all across the globe over a two year period. Six businesses environment variables are included in the regressions to see how the businesses environment affects the level of new SME start-ups. This model is also used when testing if the relationship between remittances and the level of new SMEs are stronger in the middle income countries than in the lower income countries. The descriptive statistics shows that both remittances and the number of new SME`s have increased from 2003 to 2005. The level of new SME`s have increased with a larger percentage share in the middle income countries relative to low income countries. The results from this thesis are somewhat difficult to interpret. Although there seems to be the case that remittances are not affecting the level of new SME start-ups when including all the countries in the same regression. As the countries are divided into two groups one can see a stronger relationship between remittances and the level of new SME started in the low income countries than in the middle income countries. One can also see that credit right and the cost of starting a new business is strongly related to the level of new SME.
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Toward a Theoretical Model of the Principal Determinants of Country-Level EntrepreneurshipBaker, David Lee 16 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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ROT-avdrag ur ett småföretagarperspektiv : en studie av hur de nya reglerna med fakturamodellen uppfattas / Renovation deduction from a small business perspective : a study of how the new rules with the invoice system is perceivedBerg, Sandra, Wannes, Rebecca January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund och problemdiskussion:</strong> ROT-avdraget står för Reparation och underhåll, Ombyggnad och Tillbyggnad och är en skattereduktion för privatpersoner på upp till 50 % av arbetskostnaden. Systemet har funnits i flera omgångar och det har skett en del förändringar. Den 1 juli 2009 infördes fakturamodellen vilken innebär att privatpersoner får skattelättnaden direkt vid köpet av tjänsten, det vill säga, kunden betalar endast hälften av arbetskostnaden till säljaren. Därefter får säljaren själv begära resterande belopp från Skatteverket. Fakturamodellen och dess system har varit ett hett diskussionsämne under den senaste tiden om huruvida den påverkar samhällsaktörer positivt eller negativt. Det har från småföretagens sida lyfts fram flera risker och problem med de nya reglerna.</p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur fakturamodellen och dess system uppfattas av småföretag. Syftet är också att ta reda på hur småföretag uppfattar att fakturamodellen förhåller sig till regeringens målsättning om att minska den administrativa bördan för mindre företag samt hur modellen går i linje med ROT-avdragets syfte att minska svartarbetet och öka efterfrågan inom byggsektorn.</p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> Denna uppsats bygger på en kvalitativ metod där intervjuer varit det centrala. Av totalt sju genomförda intervjuer har fem gjorts med småföretag inom byggbranschen. En intervju har genomförts med en redovisningskonsult samt en intervju med en rättslig expert på Skatteverket.</p><p><strong>Resultat: </strong>Studiens resultat tyder på att småföretagens administrativa börda har ökat avsevärt sedan fakturamodellens införande. Dessutom påverkas olika näringsgrenar olika mycket av modellen. Regerings syfte med ROT-avdraget gynnas av fakturamodellen då svartarbetet minskat och efterfrågan av tjänster har ökat. Införandet av fakturamodellen kunde dock ha gjorts bättre och studien tyder på att informationen har varit bristfällig.</p> / <p><strong>Background and problem discussion:</strong> For the purpose of this study, “ROT-avdrag” is translated into Renovation deduction. It is a tax reduction for individuals of up to 50 % of the cost of labour for repair and maintenance, and renovation and expansion costs. This system has been in use at several occasions, undergoing some changes. The new invoice system was introduced 1st of July 2009 which means that the customer deducts the tax at the point of purchase of the service. In other words, the costumer will only pay half the cost of labour to the seller. Consequently, it is now the seller who is required to request the outstanding sum straight from the Tax Office. The new model and its system has been a hot topic of whether it affects societal actors positively or negatively. Small businesses have highlighted several risks and problems with the new rules.</p><p><strong>Aim: </strong>The aim of this study is to examine how the invoice system is perceived by small businesses. It also aims to find out how small businesses perceive that the invoice system relates to the Government’s target of reducing the administrative burden on small businesses, and also to see how the invoice system complies with the target of the Renovation deduction, which is to reduce illegal employment and increase demand in the construction sector.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> This essay is based on a qualitative approach in which interviews have been a central part. Of a total of seven completed interviews, five have been made with small businesses in the construction industry. One interview has been conducted with an accounting consultant and one interview with a legal expert from the Tax Office.</p><p><strong>Results: </strong>The result indicates that small businesses´ administrative burden has increased substantially since the invoice system was introduced. Furthermore, different industries are differently affected by the system. The Government´s target with the Renovation deduction has been benefited by the invoice system sinces illegal employment has been reduced and demand for services has increased. The introduction of the invoice system, however, could have been better; the study indicates that the information have been inadequate.</p>
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ROT-avdrag ur ett småföretagarperspektiv : en studie av hur de nya reglerna med fakturamodellen uppfattas / Renovation deduction from a small business perspective : a study of how the new rules with the invoice system is perceivedBerg, Sandra, Wannes, Rebecca January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: ROT-avdraget står för Reparation och underhåll, Ombyggnad och Tillbyggnad och är en skattereduktion för privatpersoner på upp till 50 % av arbetskostnaden. Systemet har funnits i flera omgångar och det har skett en del förändringar. Den 1 juli 2009 infördes fakturamodellen vilken innebär att privatpersoner får skattelättnaden direkt vid köpet av tjänsten, det vill säga, kunden betalar endast hälften av arbetskostnaden till säljaren. Därefter får säljaren själv begära resterande belopp från Skatteverket. Fakturamodellen och dess system har varit ett hett diskussionsämne under den senaste tiden om huruvida den påverkar samhällsaktörer positivt eller negativt. Det har från småföretagens sida lyfts fram flera risker och problem med de nya reglerna. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur fakturamodellen och dess system uppfattas av småföretag. Syftet är också att ta reda på hur småföretag uppfattar att fakturamodellen förhåller sig till regeringens målsättning om att minska den administrativa bördan för mindre företag samt hur modellen går i linje med ROT-avdragets syfte att minska svartarbetet och öka efterfrågan inom byggsektorn. Metod: Denna uppsats bygger på en kvalitativ metod där intervjuer varit det centrala. Av totalt sju genomförda intervjuer har fem gjorts med småföretag inom byggbranschen. En intervju har genomförts med en redovisningskonsult samt en intervju med en rättslig expert på Skatteverket. Resultat: Studiens resultat tyder på att småföretagens administrativa börda har ökat avsevärt sedan fakturamodellens införande. Dessutom påverkas olika näringsgrenar olika mycket av modellen. Regerings syfte med ROT-avdraget gynnas av fakturamodellen då svartarbetet minskat och efterfrågan av tjänster har ökat. Införandet av fakturamodellen kunde dock ha gjorts bättre och studien tyder på att informationen har varit bristfällig. / Background and problem discussion: For the purpose of this study, “ROT-avdrag” is translated into Renovation deduction. It is a tax reduction for individuals of up to 50 % of the cost of labour for repair and maintenance, and renovation and expansion costs. This system has been in use at several occasions, undergoing some changes. The new invoice system was introduced 1st of July 2009 which means that the customer deducts the tax at the point of purchase of the service. In other words, the costumer will only pay half the cost of labour to the seller. Consequently, it is now the seller who is required to request the outstanding sum straight from the Tax Office. The new model and its system has been a hot topic of whether it affects societal actors positively or negatively. Small businesses have highlighted several risks and problems with the new rules. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine how the invoice system is perceived by small businesses. It also aims to find out how small businesses perceive that the invoice system relates to the Government’s target of reducing the administrative burden on small businesses, and also to see how the invoice system complies with the target of the Renovation deduction, which is to reduce illegal employment and increase demand in the construction sector. Method: This essay is based on a qualitative approach in which interviews have been a central part. Of a total of seven completed interviews, five have been made with small businesses in the construction industry. One interview has been conducted with an accounting consultant and one interview with a legal expert from the Tax Office. Results: The result indicates that small businesses´ administrative burden has increased substantially since the invoice system was introduced. Furthermore, different industries are differently affected by the system. The Government´s target with the Renovation deduction has been benefited by the invoice system sinces illegal employment has been reduced and demand for services has increased. The introduction of the invoice system, however, could have been better; the study indicates that the information have been inadequate.
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