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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Career Re-training Experience of Professional Immigrants to Canada: An Existential Perspective

McInnes, Taylor 19 July 2012 (has links)
New professional immigrants, who come to Canada with significant education and work experience, often find themselves underemployed after immigration. As a result, many immigrants undergo some form of re-training post-immigration. This study was a sub-study of a larger Canada Research Chair project exploring the career development and re-training experiences of new professional immigrants to Canada. This particular study focused on exploring such experiences from an existential perspective. Within a qualitative research framework, 10 semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with new professional immigrants to Canada. A grounded theory approach was adopted for data analysis. Several themes emerged and key findings, including participants’ relationship with the core existential concepts of death, freedom, and meaning are introduced. Results also compare how existential considerations were related to participants’ level of career satisfaction in Canada. Results have theoretical implications for career and vocational psychology and implications for practice, including professional and self-helping.

The Career Re-training Experience of Professional Immigrants to Canada: An Existential Perspective

McInnes, Taylor 19 July 2012 (has links)
New professional immigrants, who come to Canada with significant education and work experience, often find themselves underemployed after immigration. As a result, many immigrants undergo some form of re-training post-immigration. This study was a sub-study of a larger Canada Research Chair project exploring the career development and re-training experiences of new professional immigrants to Canada. This particular study focused on exploring such experiences from an existential perspective. Within a qualitative research framework, 10 semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with new professional immigrants to Canada. A grounded theory approach was adopted for data analysis. Several themes emerged and key findings, including participants’ relationship with the core existential concepts of death, freedom, and meaning are introduced. Results also compare how existential considerations were related to participants’ level of career satisfaction in Canada. Results have theoretical implications for career and vocational psychology and implications for practice, including professional and self-helping.

Tensions Along the Path Towards Mental Health Literacy for New Immigrant Mothers: Perspectives on Mental Health and Mental Illness

Montgomery, Natalie D. 07 April 2014 (has links)
New immigrants to Canada are identified as a vulnerable population in mental health and, as a result, organizations are signaling the need to enhance their mental health supports. The research uses focus groups and questions based on the messaging of a Canadian school mental health program to understand how new immigrant mothers interpret and develop key aspects of their mental health literacy and how they attain parent empowerment. A thematic assessment of the knowledge, interpretation, action and decision-making of the study participants (n=7), all recent immigrants to Canada and mothers of high school students, shows that new immigrant mothers are prepared to follow a path towards mental health literacy. At the same time, however, there are barriers that can block progression towards mental health literacy for this audience. These findings are supported by three umbrella themes: the first main theme “home as haven” espouses maternal roles in mental health maintenance such as protector and communicator, the second main theme “knowledge versus suspicions of mental health and mental illness” represents informed views and support of mental illness and myths and illusions of mental illness, and the third main theme, “additional barriers to mental health literacy” includes the hardships of immigration and fear of knowledge. The study concludes that new immigrant mothers appreciate the importance of fostering mental health understanding and discussion with their children at the same time that they encounter obstacles to the advancement of their mental health literacy. This study is relevant to the field of communication in that it demonstrates the experience of new immigrant mothers as a secondary audience in mental health programming. As the caregivers of their children, they are in position to enforce the messages and health maintenance behaviours of a school-based mental health program aimed at adolescents.

Tensions Along the Path Towards Mental Health Literacy for New Immigrant Mothers: Perspectives on Mental Health and Mental Illness

Montgomery, Natalie D. January 2014 (has links)
New immigrants to Canada are identified as a vulnerable population in mental health and, as a result, organizations are signaling the need to enhance their mental health supports. The research uses focus groups and questions based on the messaging of a Canadian school mental health program to understand how new immigrant mothers interpret and develop key aspects of their mental health literacy and how they attain parent empowerment. A thematic assessment of the knowledge, interpretation, action and decision-making of the study participants (n=7), all recent immigrants to Canada and mothers of high school students, shows that new immigrant mothers are prepared to follow a path towards mental health literacy. At the same time, however, there are barriers that can block progression towards mental health literacy for this audience. These findings are supported by three umbrella themes: the first main theme “home as haven” espouses maternal roles in mental health maintenance such as protector and communicator, the second main theme “knowledge versus suspicions of mental health and mental illness” represents informed views and support of mental illness and myths and illusions of mental illness, and the third main theme, “additional barriers to mental health literacy” includes the hardships of immigration and fear of knowledge. The study concludes that new immigrant mothers appreciate the importance of fostering mental health understanding and discussion with their children at the same time that they encounter obstacles to the advancement of their mental health literacy. This study is relevant to the field of communication in that it demonstrates the experience of new immigrant mothers as a secondary audience in mental health programming. As the caregivers of their children, they are in position to enforce the messages and health maintenance behaviours of a school-based mental health program aimed at adolescents.

大台北地區公共圖書館越南籍新住民服務之研究 / A study of new vietnam immigrant services in Taipei area public libraries

林宜慧, Lin, Yi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣受到全球化的影響,跨國婚姻遽增;自2005年起,新住民已成為臺灣的第五大族群。作為資訊服務業之一的公共圖書館,應肩負促進不同文化間對話、交流的使命,並因應當代多元文化社會民眾的需求,推行多元文化服務的各項措施。 本研究目的在探討越南籍新住民本身的資訊需求及圖書館推行新住民服務之現況,並研擬出大台北地區公共圖書館新住民服務之建議方針。透過深度訪談法,瞭解越南籍新住民資訊需求及使用圖書館之經驗,並採用個案研究法,分析館方新住民服務現況、困境、未來規畫及新住民到館使用之情形。 經研究顯示,在越南籍新住民資訊需求方面,語言溝通資訊與臺灣生活有關之常識資訊是越南籍新住民最主要的生活資訊需求,而人際網路及網際網路是最常解決資訊需求的管道;在使用圖書館經驗上,大部分受訪者皆使用過臺灣的圖書館,首次到館之新住民主要是藉由親朋好友引介或為了陪同家人等外在因素而使用圖書館;對於常利用圖書館之越南籍新住民而言,會使用圖書館多起因於增進自我知能;反之,對於不常使用圖書館之新住民而言,除了圖書館本身路程遙遠、交通不便外,阻礙因素尚包含圖書館本身之館藏、人員、空間、宣傳行銷四面向。 目前大台北地區公共圖書館所推行之新住民服務包含提供多語言圖書、期刊、報紙及視聽資料之館藏資源;舉辦閱讀推廣活動及多元文化推廣活動,前者包含影展、書展、參訪及利用教育,後者包含展覽、文化講座、劇場、語言學習、電腦研習等;實行專線諮詢、電子郵件或書面形式之參考服務;建置多語言館藏書目資料、圖書館網頁專區或多語言介面之電腦設備。但服務上主要困境為缺乏專業語言人力、無法順利傳達給新住民相關訊息及經費不足等問題。 由研究結果歸納,建議未來國內公共圖書館推行新住民服務時,可由新住民服務政策、館藏資源、推廣活動、行銷推廣、人力資源等面向著手進行,以提升館方服務品質;最後,亦針對政府機關、學校機構、圖書館主管單位及社福機構四所與圖書館相關單位提出建議,由圖書館本身與大環境相互配合,才可以使得服務更臻完善。

外籍配偶通譯人員訓練成效之評估 / An Evaluation on the Training Effect of Foreign Spouse Interpreter in Taiwan

王志豪, Wang, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
剛到臺灣的新移民,首先會碰到的即是生育保健的相關事宜,包括健康檢查、登入基本資料等;而懷孕後,期間的孕期保健、產檢等都需要至衛生所或健康服務中心諮詢與檢查;待嬰兒出生後,有關新生兒的預防注射、產後的照顧或副食品的添加等,亦需要專業與完善的生育保健措施與資源。然而公衛護士或醫生在接觸的過程中,語言不通常常是最大的阻礙。另外,隨著新移民與外籍人士的增加,法院、檢調單位或是第一線的警察單位碰到所涉及之涉外案件,言語間的傳遞亦非常重要,因司法所涉及攸關當事人權利重大,司法案件所生之法律效力更是差之毫釐失之千里,故對於雙方間的意思表示清楚,才不會造成誤解以致憾事發生。據此,外籍配偶生育保健通譯人員與司法通譯人員所扮演的角色就非常關鍵,而也因此兩類所涉及較為專業,故需要較為專業的訓練,本研究即在分析此二類通譯人員的訓練成效。 分析之模型參考Kirkpatrick的四階層評估模型、Brinkerhoff六個階段評鑑模式,以及國內TTQS對於訓練機構評核指標項目標準。據此模型,利用深度訪談生育保健與司法的訓練機構以及外籍配偶通譯人員,分析通譯人員之學習與其學習移轉後行為的效果以及訓練機構對於訓練需求掌握、設計、實施和監控的回饋機制,最後將兩項評估的結果綜合分析,導出訓練成效。 深度訪談對象分為訓練機構與通譯人員,生育保健之訓練機構因統一由衛生局開辦訓練,故訪談對象為承辦台北市衛生局訓練有十年之久的賽珍珠基金會,通譯人員則包含有在衛生所與間康服務中心服務的新移民;司法訓練單位則分別訪談公部門與民間單位,公部門為高等法院,民間訓練機構為南洋台灣姐妹會,另外,通譯人員為目前有在地方法院擔任特約通譯的新移民。 分析結果本研究認為,生育保健通譯人員訓練成效上,稍微不足,在工作的回饋上可以掌握通譯人員的需求,然而因疏忽訓練上的回饋機制,故在訓練設計上可能無法有效解決學習上的困境;司法通譯人員則分別就法院與民間機構的培訓作訓練成效的評估,法院的訓練成效不顯著,因缺乏對於訓練實施上學習與行為的監控,導致無法有效的掌握訓練需求,而因訓練的設計係由法規範所訂,亦無法有效的再設計課程以符合通譯人員的期待。民間機構的整體的訓練成效則較顯著,在課程上透過活躍的分組情境模擬演練,以及定期的工作會議,重新設計更符合通譯人員需求與期待的課程。另外,透過訪談的整理,本研究發現影響訓練成效的因素有三,分別是個人、老師以及費用。 最後,本研究建議訓練單位之課程應分為職前初階課程與在職進階課程,而課程專業名詞的部分,應與各國的在台辦事處確認無誤後,將常見的專有名詞放入課程中。對於訓練的回饋機制應需掌握,並且輔以受服務之新移民的滿意度調查,才能有效監控訓練成效。另外,外籍配偶通譯人員有其重要性與專業性,盼政府相關單位尊重通譯人員,對於費用與課程應更提升。如此,才能營造良好的溝通環境,培養以及留住通譯人才。 / New immigrants will encounter issues related to reproduction health and judicature when they are married to Taiwan, the language barrier is often the biggest obstacle. For it relates to the interests of new immigrant, foreign spouse interpreters play a critical role. However, a lot professional knowledge is involved in these two fields, so the foreign spouse interpreters need more professional training. And this study is trying to evaluate the effect of their training. This study takes Four Level Evaluation Model by Kirkpatrick, Brinkerhoff Model by Brinkerhoff as well as Taiwan TTQS as reference evaluation model. According to this model, using in-depth interviews with training institutions and foreign spouse interpreters, Analyses the interpreter's learning process, behavior after learning and also the training institute’s feedback mechanisms regarding to understanding, design, execution and monitor of training needs. Finally, the two results of a comprehensive analysis derived an evaluation on the training effect. The results of this study conclude that reproduction health interpreters’ training effect is slightly insufficient, because of lack of the training feedback. And judicial interpreters are divided to Court and private training institution. Training effect of the Court is not significant, because of the lack of training implement monitoring, including learning and behavior. In contrast, the private training institution helps students learn through situational simulation exercises in the curriculum, regular staff meetings are set as well to redesign more in line with the needs and expectations interpreter courses, so the training effect is significant. Finally, this study suggest that:1. Training institutions should be divided into elementary courses and advanced courses; 2. Training institutions should confirm common proper nouns with other countries office in Taiwan; 3. Training institutions should master training feedback and supplemented by new immigrants service satisfaction survey, in order to effectively monitor the effect of training; 4. Respect for the professionalism of the foreign spouse interpreter by improving the pay and courses, for it is the only way to create a good communication environment and retain talent interpreters.

政策行銷之研究─以臺北市新移民照輔政策為例 / The Research of Public Policy Marketing: Case Study in Taipei City Immigration Policy

吳盈瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
公部門服務的主要目標在於創造公共價值,公共政策制定過程重視民眾的偏好選擇,是民主社會基本價值之所在。因此,公共政策的執行除了強調政策方案制定的合理性與課責性外,政府主動積極地「行銷」政策,以贏得民眾對其認同,十分重要。 政策行銷是「以議題為中心,以政策為本位」,從而可能會涉及到不同的組織,以達成政策目標或政治價值。政府愈來愈重視民眾的需求,為期政策制定符合民眾實際需要,政府要具有「公民導向」的觀念,為公民服務。本研究以臺北市新移民照顧輔導政策為中心,探討該方案施行之相關要素,包括政策目標、政策資源、政策夥伴、行銷通路、行銷策略和政策評估等項,藉以了解臺北市政府有關新移民照顧輔導政策方案之內涵,探討相關行銷作為對新移民照顧輔導工作推動的影響。 本研究以公部門政策行銷概念為面向,分析近年來臺北市新移民照顧輔導政策之推動情形。主要目的在了解臺北市政府的政策行銷作為,對新移民生活適應的可能影響。透過文獻分析並佐以訪談內容發現,未來臺北市政府在新移民照顧輔導政策的推行上,對新移民資訊取得之可近性以及社會大眾對多元文化精神之尊重及移民社會觀念之倡導是行銷政策成敗的關鍵,並應藉由與民間團體良好的互動,共同達成族群融合、健康城市的目標。

臺北市女性新移民公民參與之研究 / The study of female New immigrants' citizen participation in Taipei City

欉俊杰, Tsung, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
公民參與可謂是當代民主政治的核心概念,它並非是一句空泛的口號或名詞,而是真切、實在地遍佈在人們的日常生活之中,舉凡社區關懷、集會遊行、陳情抗議、選舉投票等皆屬之。而公民參與的重要性,可歸納有四:提供政府治理的正當性、更加順遂推動公共政策、促成公共利益的形成,以及促進社會的安定與和諧。隨著民主政治的蓬勃發展,國人對公共利益的追求與實踐,公民參與課題將愈發重要。 新移民是臺灣新興的一類族群,大多以婚姻關係進入我國社會,並且以女性居多。長久以來,民眾對於新移民的議題,只著重在生活適應、子女教育等議題上,對於公民參與課題的關注,相對較少。本研究以臺北市女性新移民為研究對象,採以文獻分析法、深度訪談法,以公民參與概念建構臺灣社會與新移民的關係,探討臺北市女性新移民的公民參與情形,並期能提供可行的具體建議。 / Civic participation is the core concept of contemporary democratic politics. It is not a vague slogan or noun, but something real and all over people’s daily life, such as community care, assembly and parade, petitions and protests, elections. The importance of civic participation generalize to four factors which are offering legitimacy of government govermance, promoting public interests and promoting social stability and harmony. Because democratic politics is flourishing and people chase and practice public interests, the subjective of civic participation is more and more important. New immigrant is an emerging group. Most of them join our society through marriage and most of them are female. People focus on life adaption and children education more than civic participation for a long time. The object of this study is female new immigrants in Taipei city. Using document analysis and in-depth interview construct the relationship with Taiwan society and new immigrants by the concept of civic participation and research the circumstance of female new immigrants’ civic participation in Taipei. Hope to provide concrete and feasible recommendations.

Autochtones et nouveaux immigrants, une communauté de destin?

Filah, Malik 04 1900 (has links)
Quel est l’état des relations entre les Autochtones et les nouveaux immigrants au Canada ? Existe-t-il une communauté de destin entre les populations nouvellement arrivées au Canada et les premiers peuples qui y étaient présents avant l’arrivée des colons européens ? Au-delà de leur différence, existe-t-il des similarités historiques, culturelles ou spirituelles entre ces deux groupes ? Ce sont les questions auxquelles se propose de répondre ce travail de recherche en se focalisant sur les mariages mixtes entre Autochtones et nouveaux immigrants. Après être revenus sur l’historique des relations entre ces deux entités et leur évolution jusqu’à nos jours, et avoir présenté les problématiques et les concepts liés à la notion de couple mixte, nous analyserons les extraits de différents d’entretiens réalisés avec des membres d’unions entre Autochtone et nouveaux immigrants ainsi que leurs enfants, afin de dégager des éléments de réponse relative à nos questionnements et tenter d’établir des faits concernant ce type d’unions. Ce travail de recherche se focalisera moins sur les couples en tant que tels que sur le ressenti qu’ils inspirent à leur entourage et aux communautés auxquelles ils appartiennent. De nombreux points seront abordé dans ce mémoire, notamment la question de la rencontre, celle de l’éducation des enfants ou encore les stratégies interculturelles mises en place par les membres de ces couples pour surmonter les éventuelles difficultés auxquelles ils doivent faire face dans leur vie quotidienne. / What is the state of relationships between Aboriginal people and new immigrants in Canada? Is there a community of destiny between the newly arrived populations in Canada and the first peoples who were there before the arrival of European settlers? Beyond their difference, are there historical, cultural or spiritual similarities between these two “groups”? These are the questions to be answered in this research by focusing on mixed marriages between Aboriginal and recent immigrants. After reviewing the history of the relations between these two entities and their evolution until today, and presenting the issues and concepts related to the notion of mixed couple, we will analyze the samples of various interviews with members of mixed unions between Aboriginal people and new immigrants and their children, in order to find some answers to our questions and to try to establish facts concerning this type of unions. This research work will focus less on couples as such than on the feelings they inspire in their entourage and the communities to which they belong. Many points will be expressed in this memoir, especially the question of the meeting, of the education of the children or the intercultural strategies put in place by the members of these couples to overcome the possible difficulties that they have to face in their daily life.

新移民子女學習態度與策略對學習成就影響之研究 / The research about learning attitude and strategy of new immigrants' children which influence their learning achievement

葉柳眉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討臺北縣、市國民中學新移民子女學習態度與策略及學習成就之指標、內涵與現況,進一步建構預測分析的模式,再依研究結果提出建議。 為達上述目的,本研究係採取文獻分析法及問卷調查法進行研究, ,並以編製之「新移民子女學習態度與策略對學習成就影響問卷」為主要研究工具,以探討不同背景(包含學校所在地、性別、母親、家庭)之新移民子女其學習態度與策略對學習成就之影響;進一步以97學年度臺北縣、市國民中學新移民子女國三學生為實施調查之對象,問卷共計發出600份,回收410 份,有效問卷402份,可用率67%,調查結果應用SPSS12.0統計套裝軟體進行分析,問卷資料以平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析,以及積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行處理。並根據研究結果提出具體建議,提供學校行政單位、國中教師及未來研究之參考。 茲針對研究發現,歸納本研究之結論,敘述如下: 一、新移民子女學習態度與策略及學習成就的指標、內涵與現況 (一)新移民子女學習態度與策略包括學習動機、學習興趣、學習習慣、學習方法、學習信心、學習焦慮、學習過程、自我測驗八個向度,其整體、分向度得分均為中程度,其中以自我測驗得分最高。 (二)新移民子女學習成就包括國文領域、作文、英文領域、數學領域、自然領域、社會領域、總成績、PR值、最煩惱的領域、最感興趣的十個向度,其整體、分向度的得分,除PR值分向度為中程度外,其餘皆為中低程度。 二、不同背景變項在新移民子女學習態度與策略及學習成就之差異情形 (一)不同背景變項在新移民子女學習態度與策略的得分方面:研究發現在性別、母親教育程度、母親中文程度、家庭學習環境等方面有顯著差異,但在學校所在地、母親國籍上則無顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在新移民子女學習成就的得分方面:研究發現在學校、母親教育程度、母親中文程度、家庭學習環境等方面有顯著差異,但在性別、國籍上則無顯著差異。 三、新移民子女學習學習態度與策略及學習成就的相關情形 整體新移民子女學習態度與策略和其整體學習成就間呈現中度正相關,學習成就各分向度中,則以PR值和新移民子女學習態度與策略總量表的相關程度最高。 四、新移民子女學習學習態度各向度對學習成就的預測情形 新移民子女學習態度與策略之學習習慣、學習信心及學習興趣三向度對整體新移民子女學習成就的聯合預測力最佳。 / The purpose of this research is to discuss the targets and present situation of learning attitude , strategy and achievement of new immigrants’ children in Taipei city and Taipei county. According to the document analysis, we provide some suggestion. In order to reach this goal ,literature analysis and the questionnaire survey were used in this research. The samples of students were selected from the third grade of junior high schools with new immigrants’ children. All of the 600 questionnaires were distributed with 410 returned and 8 nullities. With the effective questionnaire of 402, All data had been dealt and analyzed by SPSS for Windows 10.0, descriptive statistics, three-way ANOVA and canonical correlation analysis. and the results obtained as follows: (1) the targets and present situation of learning attitude , strategy and achievement of new immigrants’ children a. the targets of learning attitude and strategy of new immigrants’ children including learning motivations, learning interests, learning habits, learning methods, learning confidence, learning anxiety, learning procedure , self-testing. All items are average and self-testing is the highest. b. Learning achievement including Chinese, writing, English, math, science, society, grades, PR’s value, annoying subject, interesting subject. All items are below average except PR’s value, which is in the average. (2) Different background influence the learning attitude, strategy and achievement of new immigrants’ children a. according to the research, the gender, the educational background of mother, the Chinese degree of mother, learning environment, have significant influence on learning attitude and strategy. b. the educational background of mother, the Chinese degree of mother,the learning environment, have significant influence on learning achievement. (3) Correlated situation between learning attitude , strategy and achievement of new immigrants’ children The whole learning attitude and strategy have positive reference to learning achievement . Among the learning achievement ,PR value is the most significant to attitude and strategy. (4) The forecast of learning attitude to learning achievement Learning habits, learning confidence, and learning interests are the best parts to learning achievement of new immigrants’ children.

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