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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nidogen-1 and Nidogen-2 in healthy human cartilage and in late-stage osteoarthritis cartilage / Nidogen-1 und Nidogen-2 in gesundem humanem Knorpel und in den späten Stadien der Osteoarthritis

Krügel, Jenny 31 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Nidogen-2 in der Pathogenese Kollagen IV-assoziierter Nephropathien bei zusätzlicher Podocin-Mutation / Nidogen-2 in the pathogenesis of collagen IV-related nephropathies with additional podocin mutation

Prinz, Carolin Susanne 16 November 2016 (has links)
Kollagen IV assoziierte Nephropathien sind hereditäre Erkrankungen, die die glomeruläre Basalmembran betreffen. Homozygote Aberrationen des COL4A3- oder des COL4A4-Gens zeigen wie X-chromosomal dominant vererbte Mutationen des COL4A5-Gens das klinische Bild des Alport-Syndroms mit frühzeitigem terminalem Nierenversagen. Heterozygote COL4A3-Mutationen sind ursächlich für die benigne familiäre Hämaturie. Ein zusätzlicher Polymorphismus in Nphs2, welches das Schlitzmembranprotein Podocin kodiert, könnte hierbei zu einem aggravierten Krankheitsverlauf führen. Um diese These zu überprüfen, ist eine Analyse des glomerulären Filters, bestehend aus glomerulärer Basalmembran, der zwischen den Podozytenfüßen liegenden Schlitzmembran und Kapillarendothel notwendig. Nidogen-2 ist als Verbindungsprotein essenzieller Bestandteil der glomerulären Basalmembran. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen des Proteins in der Basalmembran COL4A3 heterozygoter Mäuse mit zusätzlichem Podocin-Polymorphismus wichen stark von denen bei einfach COL4A3 heterozygoten Tieren ab. Es ergeben sich daher anhand von Nidogen-2 Hinweise, dass eine Mutation in Nphs2 den Krankheitsverlauf Kollagen IV assoziierter Erkrankungen modifizieren könnte.

Die Bedeutung der glomerulären Basalmembrankomponente Nidogen-1 bei podozytären Erkrankungen der Niere / The significance of the glomerular basement membrane component nidogen-1 in podocytic kidney diseases

Spieker, Christine 12 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.


Carrara, Nicholas W. 01 January 2018 (has links)
In the developing embryo, the timely fusion of opposing epithelial sheets into one uniform layer denotes the completion of several developmental events. Failure of this epithelial sheet fusion event (ESF) within the choroid fissure (CF) is associated with the congenital disorder Ocular Coloboma, and is one of the leading causes of pediatric blindness. A requirement for a highly coordinated dismantling of the basement membrane (BM) to allow for fusion to occur is undoubted, however the underlying mechanisms of this process are poorly understood. Due to its BM crosslinking capabilities, I have hypothesized that the regulation of nidogen plays a crucial role in the disassembly of the BM prior to ESF. Whole mount in situ hybridization for all four BM components has revealed that expression of nidogen decreases prior to that of other BM components. Additionally, preliminary IHC data has revealed nidogen and collagenIV deposition within the CF. Further, knock-down of nidogen1a and 1b, or the expression of dominant negative nidogen1b resulted in gross morphological, as well as BM organization defects in developing eyes. Together, these data suggest that nidogen plays a role in regulating the integrity of the BM of the eye and may play a role in its disassembly prior to ESF.

Distinct contributions of ECM proteins to basement membrane mechanical properties in Drosophila

Töpfer, Uwe, Santillán, Karla Yanín Guerra, Fischer-Friedrich, Elisabeth, Dahmann, Christian 01 March 2024 (has links)
The basement membrane is a specialized extracellular matrix (ECM) that is crucial for the development of epithelial tissues and organs. In Drosophila, the mechanical properties of the basement membrane play an important role in the proper elongation of the developing egg chamber; however, the molecular mechanisms contributing to basement membrane mechanical properties are not fully understood. Here, we systematically analyze the contributions of individual ECM components towards the molecular composition and mechanical properties of the basement membrane underlying the follicle epithelium of Drosophila egg chambers. We find that the Laminin and Collagen IV networks largely persist in the absence of the other components. Moreover, we show that Perlecan and Collagen IV, but not Laminin or Nidogen, contribute greatly towards egg chamber elongation. Similarly, Perlecan and Collagen, but not Laminin or Nidogen, contribute towards the resistance of egg chambers against osmotic stress. Finally, using atomic force microscopy we show that basement membrane stiffness mainly depends on Collagen IV. Our analysis reveals how single ECM components contribute to the mechanical properties of the basement membrane controlling tissue and organ shape.

Rôle de la cathepsine S dans le remodelage de la membrane basale et régulation de son activité par des glycosaminoglycanes / Role of cathepsin S in basement remodelling and regulation of its enzymatic activity by glycosaminoglycans

Sage, Juliette 04 December 2012 (has links)
Le renouvellement de la membrane basale et de la matrice extracellulaire lors de processus physiologiques ou pathologiques (réparation tissulaire, angiogenèse, inflammation, cancer) fait intervenir de nombreuses protéases dont les cathepsines à cystéine. Après avoir étudié leur localisation dans l’épiderme à proximité de la jonction dermo-épidermique et leur sécrétion par les kératinocytes, nous avons montré la capacité de la cathepsine S à dégrader efficacement les principales protéines de la membrane basale (laminine, collagène IV, perlécan) et plus particulièrement le nidogène-1, qui est essentiel à l’organisation architecturale de la membrane basale via de multiples interactions avec les autres constituants. Parmi plusieurs glycosaminoglycanes présents dans la matrice extracellulaire, le chondroïtine 4-sulfate est capable de se complexer avec la cathepsine S, via trois sites potentiels de fixation dont un au niveau de son site actif, et d’inhiber son activité enzymatique de façon dose-dépendante. L’expression et l’activité de la cathepsine S au niveau de l’épiderme diminuent au cours du vieillissement cutané, alors que l’expression du nidogène-1 reste stable. La cathepsine S jouerait donc un rôle important aux côtés d’autres protéases dans le remodelage de la membrane basale. / Basement membrane (BM) and extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover during physiological or pathological events (tissue repair, angiogenesis, inflammation, cancer) involves numerous proteases including cysteine cathepsins. Cathepsins expression in skin epidermis near dermal-epidermal junction and their secretion by keratinocytes were first analyzed. We showed that cathepsin S degrades efficiently main BM components (laminin, type IV collagen, perlecan) and particularly nidogen-1 that is essential for BM architecture. Among several glycosaminoglycans present in ECM, chondroïtin 4-sulfate is able to form a stable complex with cathepsin S. Three predicted binding sites including one closed to its active site were identified. Further, C4-S inhibits cathepsin S activity in a dose-dependent manner. The expression and activity of cathepsin S in epidermis are decreased upon skin aging while nidogen-1 expression remains unchanged. Cathepsin S besides other proteases may play an important role in BM remodeling.

Έκφραση της λαμινίνης και της εντακτίνης κατά την ανάπτυξη του πρώϊμου εμβρύου / Expression of laminin and entactin during development of the early embryo

Σταυρίδης, Βασίλης 24 June 2007 (has links)
Οι εξωκυττάριες ουσίες παράγονται από τα κύτταρα, εκκρίνονται από αυτά και αλληλεπιδρώντας τόσο μεταξύ τους όσο και με τα κύτταρα ρυθμίζουν πολλές αναπτυξιακές πορείες. Μελετήσαμε τη χρονική και τοπική εμφάνιση των mRNAs της εντακτίνης και της λαμινίνης, γλυκοπρωτεϊνών των εξωκυττάριων ουσιών, στο πρώϊμο έμβρυο όρνιθας. Χρησιμοποιήσαμε την τεχνική της in situ υβριδοποίησης, που κατέδειξε διαφορική έκφραση της εντακτίνης και των αλυσίδων της λαμινίνης σε ξεχωριστούς κυτταρικούς πληθυσμούς και όργανα σε διαφορετικά στάδια ανάπτυξης του εμβρύου. Επίσης μελετήσαμε την χρονική και τοπική κατανομή του πολυπεπτι- δίου της εντακτίνης από το στάδιο του μοριδίου ως την αρχή της οργανογένεσης με τις τεχνικές του ανοσοφθορισμού και της ανοσοκατακρήμνισης. Ανιχνεύσαμε την παρουσία της εντα-κτίνης ήδη από το στάδιο του όψιμου μοριδίου. Με τη χρήση αντισωμάτων για την εντακτίνη μελετήσαμε το ρόλο της κατά την ανάπτυξη του πρώϊμου εμβρύου. Στα αποτελέσματά μας φάνη-κε οτι η εντακτίνη είναι απαραίτητη για το σωστό προσανατο-λισμό των κυττάρων καθώς μεταναστεύουν κατά την γαστριδίω-ση. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την αναστολή του σχηματισμού του εμβρυϊκού άξονα. / The extracelular matrix is a complex cell product which regulates many developmental processes. We used specific antisense RNA probes for the laminin α1, β1 and γ1 chains and for entactin, two extracellular matrix glycoproteins, to study the tissue specific and temporal patterns of their mRNAs in the early chick embryo. Our work employing in situ hybridization, showed strong signals of the laminin and of entactin mRNAs at the morula stage and differential express-ion of these mRNAs in the forming embryonic tissues and organs in the developing chick embryo. We also studied the time of appearance and subsequent distribution of the entactin polypeptide using immunofluorescence and immunopre-cipitation from the morula stage up to the early organogene-sis in the chick embryo. The first presence of entactin was detected at the late morula stage and showed differential expression in the various cell populations in the develop- ing embryo. To study the role of entactin in the major cell-ular migrations during gastrulation we used blocking anti- bodies in set of functional studies. Entactin seemed to be essential for the directional migrations of cells during gastulation and the embryonic axis was not formed in the embryos treated with the anti-entactin antibodies.

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