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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A inflação e os Planos Cruzado e Real : uma análise institucionalista

Lopes, Herton Castiglioni January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva explicar a persistência e o fim da inflação no Brasil a partir de um enfoque institucionalista. Mais especificamente, faz uma análise dos Planos Cruzado e Real com base nos referenciais teóricos da Teoria da Regulação, do antigo institucionalismo de Veblen e da Nova Economia Institucional (NEI), com especial atenção à visão de Douglass North. A partir do referencial teórico da Teoria da Regulação, observa-se a contribuição das formas institucionais de estrutura nos anos 1980 e 1990 para a persistência e o fim da inflação. Do ponto de vista do institucionalismo vebleniano, observa-se que as formas institucionais de estrutura, na década de 1980, contribuíram para consolidar o que se denominou de hábito inflacionário, presente no Brasil ao longo de sua história, mas que ganhou maior relevância na segunda metade dessa década e início dos anos 1990. Frente a esse hábito, formado a partir de um ambiente de seleção e adaptação que ganha relevância mais significativa quando a incerteza aumenta, explicamos o resultado do Plano Cruzado, incapaz de eliminar o hábito compartilhado de reajustar preços. Fez-se necessária a adoção de uma série de transformações (formas institucionais) para a eliminação do hábito inflacionário e o sucesso do Plano Real, que continuaria a processar significativas transformações na economia nacional. Do ponto de vista da Nova Economia Institucional, trabalhamos o conceito de moeda como uma instituição fundamental nas economias de mercado. Nesse contexto, a configuração das formas institucionais e a formação do hábito inflacionário transformaram a moeda nacional em uma instituição ineficiente (que não cumpria adequadamente suas funções) que não desapareceu porque foram criados os mecanismos de indexação como complementares às suas funções. No esquema de mudança institucional de Douglass North, fica claro que o Plano Cruzado fracassou porque não foi capaz de alterar as crenças dos agentes, fruto de anos de convivência com uma economia inflacionária. Por outro lado, o Plano Real teve êxito porque, além de ter sido elaborado em um novo contexto de formas institucionais e de eliminação do hábito inflacionário, alterou a crença dos agentes em relação à moeda nacional em um momento em que a própria convivência com a inflação havia se tornado difícil. / This thesis aims at explaining the persistence and the end of inflation in Brazil from an institutionalist approach. More specifically, analyses the Cruzado and Real Plans based on the theoretical framework of the Theory of Regulation, Veblen‘s old institutionalism and the New Institutional Economics (NIE), with special attention to the vision of Douglass North. From the Theory of Regulation theoretical framework we observed the contribution of institutional forms of structure in the years 1980 and 1990 for the persistence and end of inflation. From the Veblenian institutionalism point of view, it is observed that the institutional forms of structure, in the 1980s, helped consolidate what was called inflationary habit. This is present in Brazil throughout its history but gained greater prominence in the second half of this decade and early 1990s. Facing this habit, formed from an environment of selection and adaptation that gains a more significant relevance when the uncertainty increases, we explain the result of the Cruzado Plan which was unable to eliminate the shared habit of readjusting prices. It was necessary to adopt a series of transformations (institutional forms) to eliminate the inflationary habit and to enable the success of the Real Plan, which would continue to handle significant changes in the national economy. From the perspective of the New Institutional Economics, we worked with the concept of money as a fundamental institution in market economies. In this context, the configuration of institutional forms and the formation of inflationary habit transformed the national currency in an inefficient institution (that did not fulfilled its functions properly) which did not disappeared because indexation mechanisms were created as complementary to its functions. In Douglass North scheme of institutional change, it is clear that the Cruzado Plan failed because it was not able to change the agents‘ beliefs, a result of years of living with an inflationary economy. On the other hand, the Real Plan was successful because, besides having been prepared in a new context of institutional forms and elimination of inflationary habit, changed the agents belief towards the national currency at a time when the coexistence with inflation itself had become difficult.

Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde kerk en die owerheid oor apartheid : 1948- 1991 - 'n kerkhistoriese studie

Tolmay, Barry John January 1994 (has links)
Die historiese wortels van apartheid is vasgele in die tydperk tussen 1652 en 1948. Die Ned. Geref. Kerk het vanaf die dertigerjare van die twintigste eeu die regering versoek om apartheid statuter uit te bou. Met die bewindsverandering in 1948 het 'n nuwe fase van meer as veertig jaar in Suid-Afrika aangebreek. Gedurende hierdie tydperk vind ons 'n hegte band tussen die owerheid en die Ned. Geref. Kerk. Die Ned. Geref. Kerk het in 1948 apartheid vanu it die Skri f geregverd i g en het sy profetiese getuienis daarmee sterk onder verdenking gebring. Die statutere implementering van apartheid het hierna gevolg. Die Ned. Geref. Kerk en die owerheid het hulle standpunte gegrond op die beginsel van voogdyskap. Hiervolgens was blankes die voogde van nie-blankes wat hulle tot mondigheid moet begelei. Na republiekwording is die tuislandbeleid ontwikkel sodat swartmense onafhanklikheid kon verkry. In die praktyk het swartes afhanklik en ondergeskik aan blankes gebly. In 1974 verskyn Ras, Volk en Nasie as amptelike beleidsdokument van die Ned. Geref. Kerk. Die Skriftuurlike begronding verdwyn en apartheid word om praktiese redes onderskryf. Die onluste van 1976 het 'n fase van kritiese evaluering van apartheid ingelei. Die regering het begin om toegewings oor apartheid te maak. As gevolg van die diep kloof tussen politieke oortuigings van Ned Geref. Kerklidmate was die vroee tagtigerjare 'n fase vol huiwering vir die Ned. Geref. Kerk oor apartheid. Die besluit tydens die Algemene Sinode van 1986 dat die Ned. Geref. Kerk "oop" is, was in beginsel 'n sprong weg van apartheid soos gereflekteer in die nuwe beleidsdokument, Kerk en Samelewing. In die fase tussen 1986 en 1991 vind die besliste ontstrengeling van apartheid plaas. Die Ned. Geref. Kerk en die owerheid het dus saam apartheid geimplementeer en saam daarvan weg beweeg. Die Ned. Geref. Kerk het met sy ondersteuning van apartheid en hegte band met die owerheid meegewerk om sy baie "bevoorregte" posisie ten opsigte van die owerheid ongedaan te maak. 'n Era is afgesluit en in die nuwe Suid-Afrika is daar nou 'n nuwe owerheid met nuwe vennote. Indien die Ned. Geref. Kerk nuwe geleenthede aangryp, kan sy Skriftuurlike opdrag, met 'n duidelike profetiese stem, 66k teenoor die owerheid, gehoor word. Die alternatief is 'n eensame pad ... / Thesis (DD)--University of Pretoria, 1994. / gm2014 / Practical Theology / Unrestricted

Vyf dogters van Eva skilder ‘n engel : die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou (Afrikaans)

Strydom, Marina 28 April 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In die tyd waarin ons leef is daar 'n wêreldwye oplewing in spiritualiteit. Mense raak al meer bewus van die feit dat hulle ook spirituele wesens is. Desnieteenstaande vind baie mense, veral Christene, dit moeilik om hul spiritualiteit uit te leef, aangesien tradisionele geestelike dissiplines nie noodwendig hul behoefte genoegsaam aanspreek nie. In hierdie studie is daar ondersoek ingestel na die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns as geestelike dissipline in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou. Terapeutiese kuns, wat as 'n hibried van tradisionele kunsterapie beskou kan word, het anders as kunsterapie 'n estetiese eindproduk ten doel nie, maar sou ook terapeuties van waarde kon wees. Die effek van 'n estetiese eindproduk op die skepper van die werk kan nie onderskat word nie. Estetika kan 'n belangrike element wees in die ervaring van God. Die estetiese aard van terapeutiese kuns staan daarom in diens van die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit. Dit is juis hierdie blootstelling aan skoonheid en ander estetiese ervarings wat 'n persoon se emosies kan transendeer en blootstel aan die groter, aangrypende realiteit van God. Die teologiese vertrekpunt waarvan hierdie navorsing uitgaan is gegrond in postfundamentele teologie met klem op bemagtigende, profeties-bevrydende, feministies-kontekstuele praktiese teologie. Die werkswyse wat die navorsing onderlê is die narratiewe benadering wat tuiskom binne sosiaal konstruksionisme. Daar word spesifiek gefokus op kwalitatiewe, feministiese, deelnemende navorsingsmetodologie. Die navorsing handel oor die verhaal van die Vyf Dogters van Eva, ek en vier mede-navorsers, wat deur die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns gesoek het na 'n manier om kuns in te span in die uitlewing van ons spirituele identiteit. Die waarde van hierdie navorsing is veral geleë in die feit dat dit gehandel het oor die werklike lewensverhale van vyf vroue en hul belewenis van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van hul spiritualiteit. Die uitkoms van die navorsing is dus allesbehalwe 'n blote hipotese. Dit is "ervaarde werklikheid", wat hopelik ook vir ander van waarde sal kan wees. Alhoewel dit in hierdie studie duidelik word dat kuns en spirituele identiteit allesbehalwe onversoenbare terme is, bestaan daar steeds die persepsie in die kerk dat daar spanning tussen die kerk en kuns bestaan. Om hierdie rede word daar aandag gegee aan die verhaal van kuns in die kerk sedert die vroegste tyd, om sodoende te probeer verstaan waar hierdie spanning vandaan kom. Daar word ook gesoek na nuwe maniere om die verhouding tussen kuns en die kerk te beskou. Die veld van kunsterapie word ondersoek en daar word ondersoek ingestel na die treffende verband tussen kunsterapie en die narratiewe benadering. Daar word ook aandag gegee aan die vrou se unieke belewenis van haar spiritualiteit en geloofsontwikkeling, asook na spirituele identiteit, om sodoende verdere Iig te werp op die potensiele verhouding tussen kuns en geloof. Die belang van die ontwikkeling van 'n unieke simboolsisteem vir elke individu bestaande uit simbool, metafoor en ritueel in die beoefening van kuns as geloofsdissipline geniet ook aandag. ENGLISH: Recently there has been a worldwide revival in spirituality. People increasingly perceive themselves as spiritual beings. Yet lots of people, especially Christians, find it difficult to realise their spirituality. Traditional spiritual disciplines do not address this need sufficiently. In this research the use of therapeutic art as spiritual discipline in the realisation of spirituality in the young adult woman has been investigated. Therapeutic art, which can be seen as a hybrid of traditional art therapy, differs from art therapy in that it aims to achieve an aesthetic end product - yet it can be experienced as therapeutic. Although therapeutic art underlines the importance of aesthetics, it does not undermine the therapeutic process. The effect of an aesthetic end product on its creator can not be under estimated. Therapeutic art enhances the realisation of spiritual identity as its aesthetic quality serves as a means of experiencing God. It is this exposure to beauty and other aesthetic experiences that transcends an individual's emotions and exposes him/her to the greater, poignant reality of God. The theological basis of the research is grounded in postfoundational theology, focusing on empowering, prophetic-liberating, feministic-contextual practical theology. The research method is rooted in the narrative approach as found in social constructionism. Specific emphasis is placed on qualitative, feministic and participatory action research methodology. The research tells the story of the Five Daughters of Eve, myself and four co¬researchers, who use therapeutic art in search of the realisation of our spiritual identity. The research is not aimed at generalising outcomes. The outcome of the research is of specific value, due the fact that the true life stories of five women and their experience of therapeutic art in the realisation of their spirituality is highlighted. The outcome of the research is not only a hypothesis - it is based on 'experienced reality' that aims to serve as a contextual framework for others in search of the realisation of their spiritual identity. Research findings clearly support the fact that art and spiritual identity are not irreconcilable ideas. The relationship between the church and art are often perceived as strenuous. As point of departure, it is attempted to create an understanding for the narrative of the church and art. A common basis of understanding is required to fully comprehend the reason for this tension. As far as the relationship between the church and art is concerned, a search is undertaken towards new ways of understanding. The art therapy field is examined and used as basis for explanation. Research focuses on the connection between art therapy and the narrative approach. The unique experience of women's spirituality and faith development, as well as spiritual identity in relation to the potential relationship between art and faith are exposed. Inquiry is conducted in the importance of a unique system of symbols, consisting of symbol, metaphor and ritual in the pursuit of art as spiritual discipline. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Finansiële bestuur in die nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasie

Theron, Shirley Marlene 11 1900 (has links)
Finansiele bestuur word aile~ as die taak van finansiele bestuurskundiges beskou. By nie-winsgerigte organisasies raak dit egter dikwels die verantwoordelikheid van niefinansiE! Ie personeel of bestuurslede uit 'n ander opleidingsagtergrond. Maatskaplike werkers, een van die vemaamste diensprofessies betrokke by nie·w;nsgerigte welsynsorganisasies, beskik nie noodwendig oor hierdie bestuursvaardighede nie. Hierdie studie kan bydra tot maatskaplike werkers en ander nie-finansiele personeel se verbeterde kennis en insig van sleutelaspekte van finansiele bestuur. Dit kan terselfdertyd ook finansiele bestuurders sensitiseer vir die eiesoortig-gekompliseerde eise van finansiele bestuur op die terrein van nie-winsgerigtheid, waar die fokus op diensfewering eerder as finansiile gewin, val. Dit konseptualiseer algemene bestuursfunksies en finansiele risikofaktore binne die konteks en eiesoortigheid van nie-winsgerigte flnansiAie bestuur. Hierdie kennis kan moontlik die gaping tussen die. bestuursvaardighede van finansiele- en nie-finansiele bestuurders help oorbrug en die sukses en voortbestaan van nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasies bevorder deur die kwaliteit van bestuursinsette te verbeter. / Financial management is commonly regarded to be the field of financial managers. In the case of non-profit or voluntary organisations it often becomes the responsibility of non-financial personnel or members of management from other educational backgrounds. Social workers involved in non-profit organisations rendering welfare services do not necessarily have the required financial management skills. This study can provide social workers and other non-financial personnel with information to better their understanding on key issues concerning financial management. It can also sensitise financial managers towards the uniquely complicated demands on financial management in the non-profit environment, where the focus falls on service delivery rather than on financial gain. It conceptualises management principles as well as financial risk factors in the distinct context of non-profitable financial management. This knowledge could probably aid in bridging the gap between the management skills of financial and non-financial managers and thus promote the success and sustainabUity of non-profit organisations by improving the quality of input by management. / Social work / M.Diac. (Maatskaplike werk (Bestruur)

Finansiële bestuur in die nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasie

Theron, Shirley Marlene 11 1900 (has links)
Finansiele bestuur word aile~ as die taak van finansiele bestuurskundiges beskou. By nie-winsgerigte organisasies raak dit egter dikwels die verantwoordelikheid van niefinansiE! Ie personeel of bestuurslede uit 'n ander opleidingsagtergrond. Maatskaplike werkers, een van die vemaamste diensprofessies betrokke by nie·w;nsgerigte welsynsorganisasies, beskik nie noodwendig oor hierdie bestuursvaardighede nie. Hierdie studie kan bydra tot maatskaplike werkers en ander nie-finansiele personeel se verbeterde kennis en insig van sleutelaspekte van finansiele bestuur. Dit kan terselfdertyd ook finansiele bestuurders sensitiseer vir die eiesoortig-gekompliseerde eise van finansiele bestuur op die terrein van nie-winsgerigtheid, waar die fokus op diensfewering eerder as finansiile gewin, val. Dit konseptualiseer algemene bestuursfunksies en finansiele risikofaktore binne die konteks en eiesoortigheid van nie-winsgerigte flnansiAie bestuur. Hierdie kennis kan moontlik die gaping tussen die. bestuursvaardighede van finansiele- en nie-finansiele bestuurders help oorbrug en die sukses en voortbestaan van nie-winsgerigte welsynsorganisasies bevorder deur die kwaliteit van bestuursinsette te verbeter. / Financial management is commonly regarded to be the field of financial managers. In the case of non-profit or voluntary organisations it often becomes the responsibility of non-financial personnel or members of management from other educational backgrounds. Social workers involved in non-profit organisations rendering welfare services do not necessarily have the required financial management skills. This study can provide social workers and other non-financial personnel with information to better their understanding on key issues concerning financial management. It can also sensitise financial managers towards the uniquely complicated demands on financial management in the non-profit environment, where the focus falls on service delivery rather than on financial gain. It conceptualises management principles as well as financial risk factors in the distinct context of non-profitable financial management. This knowledge could probably aid in bridging the gap between the management skills of financial and non-financial managers and thus promote the success and sustainabUity of non-profit organisations by improving the quality of input by management. / Social work / M.Diac. (Maatskaplike werk (Bestruur)

Nonparametric estimation of the off-pulse interval(s) of a pulsar light curve / Willem Daniël Schutte

Schutte, Willem Daniël January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is the development of a nonparametric sequential estimation technique for the off-pulse interval(s) of a source function originating from a pulsar. It is important to identify the off-pulse interval of each pulsar accurately, since the properties of the off-pulse emissions are further researched by astrophysicists in an attempt to detect potential emissions from the associated pulsar wind nebula (PWN). The identification technique currently used in the literature is subjective in nature, since it is based on the visual inspection of the histogram estimate of the pulsar light curve. The developed nonparametric estimation technique is not only objective in nature, but also accurate in the estimation of the off-pulse interval of a pulsar, as evident from the simulation study and the application of the developed technique to observed pulsar data. The first two chapters of this thesis are devoted to a literature study that provides background information on the pulsar environment and -ray astronomy, together with an explanation of the on-pulse and off-pulse interval of a pulsar and the importance thereof for the present study. This is followed by a discussion on some fundamental circular statistical ideas, as well as an overview of kernel density estimation techniques. These two statistical topics are then united in order to illustrate kernel density estimation techniques applied to circular data, since this concept is the starting point of the developed nonparametric sequential estimation technique. Once the basic theoretical background of the pulsar environment and circular kernel density estimation has been established, the new sequential off-pulse interval estimator is formulated. The estimation technique will be referred to as `SOPIE'. A number of tuning parameters form part of SOPIE, and therefore the performed simulation study not only serves as an evaluation of the performance of SOPIE, but also as a mechanism to establish which tuning parameter configurations consistently perform better than some other configurations. In conclusion, the optimal parameter configurations are utilised in the application of SOPIE to pulsar data. For several pulsars, the sequential off-pulse interval estimators are compared to the off-pulse intervals published in research papers, which were identified with the subjective \eye-ball" technique. It is found that the sequential off-pulse interval estimators are closely related to the off-pulse intervals identified with subjective visual inspection, with the benefit that the estimated intervals are objectively obtained with a nonparametric estimation technique. / PhD (Statistics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Participatory communication for social change and stakeholder relationships : challenges faced by social development NPOs and their corporate donors in South Africa / Louise Isabel van Dyk

Van Dyk, Louise Isabel January 2014 (has links)
In recent years the ideas of good governance and the responsibility of corporate South Africa to contribute to the society in which they operate have become an undeniable part of organisational conception. Indeed, South Africa is considered to be a leader in the field of corporate governance internationally. Forming part of governance practices is Corporate Social Investment (CSI) whereby corporate organisations contribute to causes and societal groupings in need of financial and other assistance. Among these societal groupings that receive support from CSI activities are non-profit organisations (NPOs) that rely on funding from their corporate donors for survival. Based on the exchange of funding and a shared attempt at social development, a relationship between the two parties emerges. From the perspective of the stakeholder theory, corporate organisations, through their CSI activities, and NPOs are stakeholders of each other and a positive relationship between them could strengthen their individual and collective goals. This study explored and described the relationship between corporate donors and recipient NPOs in order to understand the state of the relationship and to critically consider the way in which the relationship is defined, described and measured. First, the relationship was explored by means of partially structured interviews based on well-known relationship indicators where it appeared that the relationship is not only fraught with negative perceptions from both sides, but also where the relationship indicators used to explore the relationship were not entirely suited for the specific context of this relationship. The negative perceptions and inappropriate relationship indicators formed the basis of a theoretical inquiry of literature on CSI, stakeholder relationships and participatory development communication. Subsequently, the partially structured interviews and the literature review informed the design of two corresponding survey questionnaires that could test both findings quantitatively. The results of validity and reliability testing confirmed the qualitative finding that a contextualised measurement is suited for this relationship. A mix of existing and newly formulated items grouped in contextual elements and redefined relationship indicators was used to describe the relationship. A combined analysis of qualitative and quantitative results indicated that the relationship is not as negative as the qualitative research might have suggested (possibly a result of contextualised measurement); but that very specific relational challenges are present and it is suggested that these challenges need a realistic approach of which accurate description is a starting point. The research contributes twofold with the first contribution being a clearer understanding of the relationship between corporate donors and recipient NPOs and the second being a set of redefined and contextualised relationship indicators with which to define and measure this relationship. / PhD (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

A legal framework for the promotion of renewable energy in South Africa through fiscal instruments / Michél Coetzer

Coetzer, Michél January 2014 (has links)
South Africa‟s current energy sector places undue reliance on fossil fuels to fulfil the country‟s energy requirements. The use of these non-renewable energy resources are unsustainable, as millions of tonnes of harmful emissions are released and estimates are made that these resources will be depleted within the next 100 years. Therefore the country has to source alternative energy resources. Renewable energy resources (for example solar energy) are considered to release little or no harmful by-products and have an infinite supply. Therefore the South African government has to promote the use of renewable energy as part of its commitments to address climate change and to ensure sustainable energy resources. Some of the most popular regulatory tools that a state uses to control human behaviour, is through command-and-control instruments and fiscal instruments. The latter promotes behavioural changes by rewarding desired behaviour which ultimately advances the user‟s own best interest. Because of the nature of renewable energy governance, energy users can not be forced or compelled through commandand- control instruments to use renewable energy. They should rather be encouraged or persuaded to use this form of energy through market-based instruments. This is also the central hypothesis of this dissertation. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the South African legal regime makes provision to promote the use of renewable energy resources through fiscal instruments. Therefore the various energy-related white papers, policy papers and legislation will be analysed. This study found that South Africa‟s legal regime only partly makes provision to promote the use of renewable energy resources through fiscal instruments. The policy part of the legal regime is fairly well developed, but the statutory regime lacks detail and in its current form, environmental/energyrelated legislation does not fully correspond with the lofty objectives of the policy framework. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Cloning and evaluation of expression of the open reading frames of a South African G9P[6] rotavirus strain encoding rotavirus structural proteins VP2 and VP6 in bacteria and yeast / Louisa Aletta Naudé

Naudé, Louisa Aletta January 2015 (has links)
Rotavirus infection causes severe gastroenteritis, affecting all children under the age of five regardless of hygiene or water quality. The currently licensed vaccines succeeded in reducing diarrhoea worldwide, but they still have shortcomings, especially the efficacy of the vaccines in developing countries. One of the main reasons for this can be due to the difference in strains, since the strains used to develop the currently licensed vaccines (RotaTeq and Rotarix) were selected from strains circulating in the developed world (G1, G2, G3 and G4), while the main strains present in Africa (G8, G9 and G12) were not included. A second shortcoming of the currently licensed vaccines is the cost of these vaccines. The vaccines are very expensive and most developing countries cannot afford the vaccines as well as the fact that the manufacturing companies cannot produce enough vaccines for all the countries. An attractive alternative to the currently licensed rotavirus vaccines is the non-live vaccine candidate, virus-like particles, which can provide a possible cheaper, safer and efficacious alternative or complement the currently licensed vaccines. Therefore, in this study a South African G9P[6] rotavirus strain, RVA/Humanwt/ ZAF/GR10924/1999/G9P[6], was used to determine whether or not co-expression of the structural proteins VP2 (genome segment 2) and VP6 (genome segment 6) was possible in bacteria and yeast. The South African GR10924 G9P[6] neonatal strain was previously obtained from a stool sample and the nucleotide consensus sequence was determined for both genome segment 2 (VP2) and genome segment 6 (VP6). Bacterial codon optimised coding regions or open reading frames were used in this study. The open reading frames (ORFs) of the genome segments encoding, VP2 and VP6, were cloned into the expression vector pETDuet-1, which allows for the simultaneous expression of two genes in bacteria. The ORF of genome segment 6 was purchased from GeneScript and the ORF of genome segment 2 was obtained from Dr AC Potgieter (Deltamune (Pty) Ltd R&D, South Africa). Compatible restriction enzyme sites were used to sub-clone the ORF of the bacterial codon optimised genome segments into the expression vector. Only the expression of the VP6 protein in bacteria was observed with Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE. The ORFs encoding VP2 (genome segment 2) and VP6 (genome segment 6) of the wild type GR10924 G9P[6] strain were cloned into the wide range yeast expression system vector, pKM173, which allows for the simultaneous expression of more than one gene. Several yeast strains were used in this study namely Kluyveromyces marxianus, Kluyveromyces lactis, Candida deformans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Yarrowia lipolytica, Arxula adeninivorans, Hansenula polymorpha and Debaryomyces hansenii. Expression of both proteins was not detected in the several yeast strains, as seen with western blot analysis. DNA extractions were done on two colonies of each yeast strain that were used for western blot analysis to evaluate successful integration into the yeast genomes. Only a few of the colonies contained either both of the genome segments or only one of the two genome segments of interest. To summarise, the simultaneous expression of VP2 and VP6 from rotavirus GR10924 G9P[6] was not successful in bacteria or yeast, but it was possible to soluble express the bacterial codon optimised GR10924 G9P[6] VP6 in bacteria using the pETDuet-1 as expression vector. / MSc (Biochemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Towards a brand value model for the Southern Africa Tourism Services Association / Marna Laurens

Laurens, Marna January 2013 (has links)
Over recent years, the concept of brand value has increasingly gained prominence in a variety of contexts. This is primarily due to a brand’s ability to increase profits through a promise of value delivered to customers, which makes it a valuable intangible asset to organisations. A brand’s value can, however, only be managed properly if it is measured and understood so as to ensure optimal growth and survival in an ever-changing, volatile marketplace. This realization has prompted investigations into the assessment of the financial value of a brand in both business/marketing research and practice. However, contrary to customary brands such as products or services, the Southern Africa Tourism Services Association (SATSA) is a uniquely fused brand, since it operates as a non-profit, member-driven organisation in the private sector of the Southern African inbound tourism industry. This intricate brand structure inevitably necessitates a more specific premise and subsequent measure of brand value, since it cannot be confined to financial value alone. In the light of this, the main purpose of this study was to develop a brand value model for SATSA to examine the value created by this brand and how it is experienced by its members. To date, the majority of research endeavours have focused on the financial value of a brand. Given the essence of this organisation, brand value ought to encompass a range of aspects other merely financial value. The recent downtrend in membership numbers also highlights the need for determining the value members derive from this specific organisation. Knowledge regarding the brand’s value can serve as a means to improve the current value proposition, thereby enabling an increase in satisfaction and loyalty, growth in membership, and overall organisational sustainability. However, research in brand value specifically for non-profit, member-driven organisations such as SATSA, and in the South African tourism industry is particularly limited. In addition to the latter, no formal measuring instrument currently exists whereby brand value can be measured in such a unique context. It is therefore essential for an organisation such as SATSA to identify specific dimensions of brand value and, to determine which dimensions are most likely to influence members’ perceptions of value by examining the relationships between dimensions, to enable maximum leverage of the brand. Therefore, to achieve the above mentioned and the goal of this study, a comprehensive review of the marketing and tourism/non-profit literature was performed, subsequent to which the research was conducted in two phases. The first phase focused on the construction of a measuring instrument to identify the key aspects that contribute to brand value. Expert knowledge, opinion and consensus were obtained relating to the appropriateness of items to be included in the questionnaire. Based on the latter and the literature review, a total of 53 items were deemed acceptable to measure brand value in this particular context. These items formulated in phase 1 were then included in the final questionnaire and measured together with questions pertaining to the business profile of members in phase 2. Phase 2 focused on analysing brand value from members’ perspective. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed online to all members included in the SATSA database (n=718). A total of 268 questionnaires were completed. To address the goal of this study, selected statistical techniques were employed. Two separate factor analyses were performed on the brand value and brand equity dimensions respectively, which revealed reliable and valid factors, and were used as constructs in the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis to develop the model. Other statistical techniques included correlations, ANOVAs, and an independent t-test to examine the influence of selected business profile aspects on brand value. The results of the study confirmed that brand value for organisations such as SATSA is, in fact, multifaceted. Brand value in this context therefore consists of financial value, professional trust value, organisational value, network value, social engagement value, in conjunction with brand equity, which is important for developing and sustaining the brand. Professional trust value was also revealed to be a major facet of SATSA’s brand value that requires attention on various levels. The contributions of this research are threefold: From a theoretical point of view, this study is one of the first to identify multiple aspects that specifically contribute to brand value for a non-profit member-driven organisation in the context of tourism, and even more so in a South African context. The development of this model is thus a significant contribution to literature and can be further analysed and tested by other researchers. Secondly, from a methodological point of view, this study sets a benchmark in South African tourism brand value research by designing a reliable questionnaire that measures multiple value aspects for the first time in this context; as well as the construction of a model that captures multiple facets of brand value and reveals unique relationships between specific facets of brand value and brand equity. Thirdly, from a practical perspective the research indicated the current status of SATSA’s brand value, and also equips SATSA with a model that enables them to effectively manage brand value and realise what specifically contributes to increased brand value levels for this organisation. This model can also be tested for organisations with similar brand structures, but also for profit-driven organisations. The information obtained from this study can be applied to conduct a comprehensive assessment of brand value for non-profit, member-driven organisations in the South African tourism industry to encourage value-based management and enable a more proficient value offering. This should lead to optimal member satisfaction, growth in membership numbers and the continuous sustainability of such organisations in South Africa given the competitive operational environment. / PhD (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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