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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of diurnal phase on performance physiology and immune system

Tormey, Peter J. January 2017 (has links)
The circadian cycle, although seasonally adjusted, consists of two phases: a nocturnal period of darkness and a diurnal period of light. Many parameters of human physiology display either a nocturnal or diurnal peak as seen in athletic performance, immune, endocrine, physiology and cognitive function, respectively. The studies included in this thesis focused on the diurnal (morning or AM versus evening or PM) effect of high-intensity self-paced exercise on physiological and immunological measures and the influence of individual preference for activity or chronotype on these responses. Self-paced time-trials were completed in an environmental chamber (6°C) in the AM and PM and displayed a similar effect on physiological and biological parameters. Performance times were non-statistically quicker (P > 0.05) at PM. Physiological parameters heart rate, rate of perceived exertion, lung function and self-paced treadmill speed were not found to be statistically different at AM or PM trial (p > 0.05). Core body temperature (CBT), was significantly higher (p0.05). CD8+ T-lymphocyte cell-surface markers for naïve/senescence and differentiation (CD27CD45RA and CD27CD28) reported no diurnal difference between AM and PM exercise in experienced and experienced/recreational distance runners respectively (P > 0.05). However, a higher percentage of highly differentiated phenotypes were found in the recreationally active population. Neutrophils displayed a pronounced elevation in response to PM exercise with the mechanism driving this response unclear at this time. Cortisol concentration displayed less inflammatory responses in the morning compared to the evening with higher values pre, post and one-hour post AM trials. Chronotype showed no effect on physiology or biology at rest or in response to exercise. Chapter 4 presents data from a study that investigated diurnal physiology and immune response to high-intensity exercise in highly-trained men. Recreational and experienced endurance male runners at differing diurnal time-points were investigated in Chapter 5, while individual chronotype differences and circadian phase responses were explored in Chapter 6.In summary, it is concluded from this work that there was a lack of evidence showing a diurnal effect on running performance and subsequent immune response. Elevated circulating immune counts prior to exercise, irrespective of diurnal phase, appear to govern exercise-induced responses. The effect of high intensity exercise is subject to three distinct variables: the fitness status and experience of the individual completing the exercise, the time of day at which the exercise is undertaken, and the phase response of exercise at that point of the circadian cycle. No diurnal phase mediated a divergent effect on variables examined was observed at 09.00hrs and 17.00hrs. These time-points should be considered not sufficiently dissimilar to elucidate diurnal variation in trained and healthy males.

Avaliação da postura e do equilíbrio em crianças com enurese / Evaluation of posture and balance in children with enuresis

Pereira, Rita Pavione Rodrigues 16 February 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O equilíbrio é a capacidade de um indivíduo em controlar seu corpo no espaço e mantê-lo estável, mesmo quando submetido a algum tipo de perturbação. A postura se refere ao alinhamento dos segmentos corporais com o mínimo de estresse e tensão sobre os músculos e ligamentos, mantendo condições adequadas para realizar os movimentos. A integração do sistema neuromuscular é necessária para manter o equilíbrio, a postura, bem como a função miccional adequada. Várias alterações, incluindo, genética, hormonal, comportamental, distúrbios do sono, déficits sensoriais e neuromotores são associados à enurese noturna; em nossa prática clínica, observamos também uma alteração consistente na postura nessas crianças. Como a postura e o sistema de controle de equilíbrio são fortemente ligados, este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a postura e o equilíbrio em crianças e adolescentes com enurese noturna. Material e métodos: O estudo incluiu crianças e adolescentes com idades entre 7 e 16 anos; 65 com diagnóstico de enurese noturna monossintomática (ENM); 46 com enurese noturna não monossintomática (ENNM) pareadas em idade com 60 crianças assintomáticas (CTRL). Os participantes foram subdivididos em faixas etárias: A (7-11 anos de idade) e B (12-16 anos de idade). Integração sensorial e ajuste postural compensatório foram utilizados para inferir o equilíbrio, que foi avaliado utilizando uma plataforma de força eletrônica (100 Hz) para calcular a área do deslocamento do centro de pressão (COP). O COP é o ponto resultante da ação de forças verticais aplicados sobre a placa de força. A integração sensorial foi avaliada com o participante em pé, em uma tentativa de 60 segundos para cada uma das quatro condições sensoriais: (1) olhos abertos, superfície estável; (2) olhos fechados, superfície estável; (3) olhos abertos, superfície instável; (4) olhos fechados, superfície instável. O ajuste postural foi avaliado usando um cinto de tração posterior com uma carga equivalente a 4% de peso corporal, sendo esta liberada de maneira inesperada, de modo a produzir uma perturbação postural que foi observada durante os 8 segundos subsequente. A postura foi avaliada colocando marcos anatômicos reflexivos sobre a espinha ilíaca ântero-superior (ASIS), a espinha ilíaca póstero-superior (EIPS), o trocânter maior (GT) e o maléolo lateral (LM). Uma fotografia foi adquirida enquanto o participante permaneceu parado. Os ângulos foram obtidos a partir de conexões dos marcadores, utilizando o software para avaliar as seguintes variáveis: ante/retroversão da pelve e ante/retropulsão da pelve. A mobilidade do quadril foi medidas utilizando a goniometria manual. Resultados: Os grupos ENM e ENNM não apresentaram diferenças nas quatro condições sensoriais avaliadas. Deste modo continuamos seguimos a análise apenas com um grupo enurético comparado a um grupo controle. O GE/A apresentou maior área de deslocamento do COP em relação ao GC/A nas quatro condições sensoriais, enquanto o GE/B nas condições sensoriais 1, 2 e 4 quando comparado ao GC/B. Na avaliação do ajuste postural não houve diferença entre os grupos GE e GC para os subgrupos A e B mostrando que reagiram da mesma forma à perturbação. Embora tenha reagido igualmente à perturbação como averiguado em t1, o grupo GE/A comportou-se diferentemente do GC/A praticamente em todos os demais tempos. Em relação à postura e, mobilidade do quadril os grupos GE apresentou anteversão pélvica acentuada e extensão do quadril diminuída quando comparados ao GC em ambas faixas etárias. Conclusão: Crianças enuréticas apresentaram alterações no equilíbrio, na postura e, na mobilidade do quadril em relação à crianças do grupo controle / Introduction: Balance is the ability of an individual to control their body in space keeping it stable, even when submitted to any type of disturbance. Posture refers to the alignment of the body segments with minimal stress and strain on the muscles and ligaments, maintaining proper conditions to perform movements. The integration of the neuro-muscular system is required for maintaining balance, posture and for adequate voiding function. Various alterations, including the genetic, hormonal, behavioral, sleep disturbances, neuro-motor and sensory deficits are associated with nocturnal enuresis in children; in our clinical practice, we have observed a consistent alteration in their posture. Because posture and the balance control system are strongly connected, this study aimed to investigate posture and balance in children and adolescents with nocturnal enuresis. Material and methods: The study included children and adolescents aged between 7-16 years, 65 with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (ENM); 46 with non-monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (ENNM) and 60 asymptomatic children (CTRL). The participants were divided into two age subgroups: A (7-11 years old) and B (12-16 years old). Sensory integration and compensatory postural adjustment were used to infer the balance that was assessed using an electronic force plate (100 Hz) to calculate the area of the center of pressure (COP) displacement. The COP is the point that results from the action of vertical forces projected onto the force plate. Sensory integration was analyzed using a 60-second trial with the participantes standing under four conditions: (1) eyes open, stable surface; (2) eyes closed, stable surface; (3) eyes open, unstable surface; (4) eyes closed, unstable surface. Postural adjustment was assessed using a posterior belt traction with 4% of body weight and unexpected release of it to produce a controlled postural perturbation followed by adjustments observed during 8 seconds. Posture was assessed by placing reflective anatomical landmarks on the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS), the greater trochanter (GT) and the lateral malleolus (LM). A photograph was acquired while the subject stood quietly. The angles were obtained from landmark connections using software to assess the following posture variables: pelvis ante/retroversion and pelvis ante/retropulsion. The hip mobility was measured using goniometry. Results: ENM and ENNM groups not showed difference in the four sensorial conditions. Thus we still follow the analysis with a only enuretic group compared to a control group (CG). The EG/A showed a greater area of COP displacement compared to the GC/A in all sensorial conditions, while EG/B in sensorial conditions 1, 2 and 4 when compared with CG/B. In the evaluation of postural adjustment no difference between EG and CG for subgroups A and B showing that reacted the same way to the disturbance. Although it has also responded to the disturbance as ascertained at t1, the EG/A behaved differently from GC/A virtually all other times. Regarding posture an hip mobility the EG and CG showed higher angles of pelvic anteversion and lower hip extension than CG. Conclusions: Enuretic children showed alterations in balance, posture with forward inclination of the pelvis, diminished mobility of hip and lower flexibility of spine

Análise da microarquitetura do sono (padrão alternante cíclico) na polissonografia de crianças com enurese noturna monossintomática / Sleep microstructure analysis (Cyclic Alternating Pattern) in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis

Leticia Maria Santoro Franco Azevedo Soster 08 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A enurese noturna (EN) é considerada como a eliminação de urina no período noturno, de forma involuntária, em indivíduos com cinco ou mais anos de idade em pelo menos duas noites no mês até todas as noites. EN pode ser do tipo monossintomática, quando ocorre na ausência de outros sintomas, ou não monossintomática, na presença de sintomas de vesicais diurnos. Apesar de historicamente conhecida com uma desordem psiquiátrica, a EN monossintomática está incluída na Classificação Internacional dos Transtornos de 2012 como uma parassonia podendo ocorrer em qualquer fase do sono, porém predominantemente no sono não REM. Está comumente associada a hiperatividade vesical, produção excessiva de urina e falha em acordar após o enchimento vesical. Apesar de ocorrer no sono, a avaliação do sono pelos padrões usuais falhou em encontrar justificativa para este processo patológico. A análise da microestrutura do sono é uma ferramenta mais refinada e precisa que pode auxiliar na busca do mecanismo neurofisiológico que justifica este processo. Objetivo: Analisar os padrões de microarquitetura de sono atrvés do Padrão alternante Cíclico (CAP) nas crianças com EN monossintomática para melhor compreensão das bases neurofisiológicas da EN. Metodologia: Trinta e seis crianças sendo, 22 enuréticos e 14 controles com idade variando entre sete e 17 anos de idade, que satisfizeram os critérios de inclusão, foram submetidas a triagem clínica e laboratorial, avaliados quanto aos aspectos do sono, com uso de diários de sono, das escalas de Berlin, Sleep Scale for Children (SDSC) e Escala de Sonolência de Epworth e posteriormente submetidos ao de estudo polissonográfico completo de noite inteira, com a avaliação do CAP. Resultados: As escalas de sonolência e de Berlin não evidenciaram anormalidades, o SDSC evidenciou apneia em 11/22 (50%), hiperidrose em 2/22 (9%) e transtorno da transição vigília-sono, do despertar e do início e manutenção de sono em 1/22 (4,5%) cada. A análise da estrutura do sono mostrou maiores números de despertares (p < 0,001) e de sono N2 (p=0,0025) além de maior quantidade de sono N3 (p < 0,0001) do que nos controles. A microestrutura do sono evidenciou aumento da fase A1 (p=0,05), porém de forma mais contundente, redução das fases A2 e A3 (p < 0,0001), mesmo com a taxa de CAP igual à dos controles normais.Conclusão: Crianças com EN possuem sono com comorbidades (avaliado pelo SDSC) e menos fases CAP A2 e A3, significando uma redução no seu mecanismo de despertar e que ainda não havia sido demonstrado num estudo de PSG com análise das variáveis comuns. Este é o primeiro estudo que demonstra tal fenômeno / Introduction: Nocturnal enuresis (NE) is defined as the lack of nocturnal urine control, in individuals with five or more years old for at least two nights in a month, but up to every night. EN can be monosymptomatic (ENM), when it occurs in the absence of other symptoms or non monosymptomatic in the presence of diurnal renal symptoms. Although historically known as a psychiatric disorder, ENM is included in the International Classification of Sleep Disorders 2012 as a parasomnia. It can occur at any sleep stage but predominantly in non-REM sleep. EN is commonly associated to bladder hyperactivity, excessive urine production and/or failure to wake up after bladder filling. Despite the occurrence in sleep, standard sleep evaluation has failed to find abnormalities. The analysis of sleep microstructure is a refined and more accurate tool that can help find the neurophysiological mechanism underlying this process. Purpose: To evaluate sleep microarchitecture through Clyclic Altenating Pattern (CAP) analysis in children with monosymptomatic NE and provide a better understanding of the neurophysiological basis of EN. Methods: After IRB approval, 36 children, 22 with NE and 14 controls aged between seven and 17 years old who met the inclusion criteria were submitted to clinical and laboratory screening, evaluated for aspects of sleep, using sleep logs, Berlin Questionnaire (BQ), Sleep Scale for Children (SDSC) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and submitted to a full polysomnographic study, with evaluation of CAP. Results: ESS and BQ evidenced no abnormalities, the SDSC showed mild sleep apnea in 11/22 (50%), hyperhidrosis in 2/22 (9%) and disorder of the sleep-wake transition, awakening and initiation and maintenance sleep in 1/22 (4.5%) each. Analysis of sleep macrostructure showed higher numbers of awakenings (p < 0.001) and N2 sleep (p = 0.0025) as well as greater amount of sleep N3 (p < 0.0001) when compared to controls. Sleep microstructure showed an increase in A1 phase (p = 0.05), and reduction of A2 and A3 (p < 0.0001). CAP rate was the same for both enuretic and controls. Conclusion: Children with EN may present sleep comorbidities (measured by SDSC) and less A2 and A3 CAP phases, meaning a reduction in its wake regulation. This is the first study to acknowledge this phenomenon

Standing Balance and Spatiotemporal Aspects of Gait Are Impaired Upon Nocturnal Awakening in Healthy Late Middle-Aged and Older Adults

McBean, Amanda L., Najjar, Raymond P., Schuchard, Ronald A., Hall, Courtney D., Wang, Cheng-Ann, Ku, Ban, Furman, Joseph M. 15 November 2016 (has links)
Study Objectives: Nocturnal awakenings may constitute a unique risk for falls among older adults. We describe differences in gait and balance between presleep and midsleep testing, and whether changes in the lighting environment during the midsleep testing further affect gait and balance. Methods: Twenty-one healthy, late middle-aged and older (64.7 ± 8.0 y) adults participated in this repeated-measures design consisting of four overnight laboratory stays. Each night, participants completed baseline visual acuity, gait, and balance testing. After a 2-h sleep opportunity, they were awakened for 13 min into one of four lighting conditions: very dim white light (< 0.5 lux); dim white light (∼28.0 lux); dim orange light (∼28.0 lux); and white room-level light (∼200 lux). During this awakening, participants completed the same sequence of testing as at baseline. Results: Low-contrast visual acuity significantly decreased with decreasing illuminance conditions (F(3,45) = 98.26, p < 0.001). Our a priori hypothesis was confirmed in that variation in stride velocity and center of pressure path length were significantly worse during the mid-sleep awakening compared to presleep baseline. Lighting conditions during the awakening, however, did not influence these parameters. In exploratory analyses, we found that over one-third of the tested gait and balance parameters were significantly worse at the midsleep awakening as compared to baseline (p < 0.05), and nearly one-quarter had medium to large effect sizes (Cohen d ≥ 0.5; r ≥ 0.3). Conclusions: Balance and gait are impaired during midsleep awakenings among healthy, late middle-aged and older adults. This impairment is not ameliorated by exposure to room lighting, when compared to dim lights.

Naktinės temperatūros inversijos įtaka oro teršalų koncentracijai mieste / Nocturnal temperature inversion in the influence of air pollutans in urban

Audenytė, Kristina 14 June 2010 (has links)
Dažniausiai inversijos sąlygos pavojingos miestams/ didmiesčiams, kurių didžiausias teršalų kiekis išmetamas dienos metu, o naktį teršalams išsisklaidyti trukdo inversijos reiškinys, kuris išsilaiko iki paryčių. Todėl yra svarbu kuo aiškiau apibrėžti inversijos sąlygų susidarymo priežastis ir išanalizuoti šio reiškinio įtaką miesto taršai. Taigi šіo dаrbo tіkѕlаѕ – nuѕtаtytі temperаtūroѕ іnverѕіјoѕ dėѕnіngumų įtаkа oro teršаlų ѕklаіdаі Kаuno mіeѕte. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai: nuѕtаtytі temperаtūroѕ іnverѕіјoѕ dėѕnіngumą pаroјe ѕkіrtіngаіѕ metų lаіkаіѕ, tuomet іšаnаlіzuotі temperаtūroѕ іnverѕіјoѕ įtаką teršаlų koncentrаcіјаі іr ѕtаtіѕtіškаі įvertіntі ryšіnę prіklаuѕomybę tаrp šіų rodiklių, taip pat įvertіntі kіtų meteorologіnіų rodiklių įtаką temperаtūroѕ іnverѕіјoѕ formаvіmuіѕі beі teršаlų pаѕіѕkіrѕtymuі kartu įvertinant oro teršalų koncentracijų ribinių verčių dinamiką 2006-2008 metais. Pagrindinis darbo metodas - duomenų analizė ir jų statistinių sąryšių kiekybinis įvertinimas. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo kad, naktinės temperаtūroѕ іnverѕіјoѕ reіškіnyѕ Kаuno mіeѕte pаѕіreіškіа bet kurіuo metų lаіku іr ѕkіrіаѕі tіk vertіkаlаuѕ temperаtūroѕ grаdіento аmplіtudė. Taip pat nustatytos teigiamos vidutinio stiprumo teršalų koncentracijos priklausomybės nuo temperatūros inversijos išskyrus SO2. Be to nustatyta, kad KD10 koncentracija 2006 -2008 metų kovo pabaigoje ir balandžio pradžioje pasiekia didžiausią lygį ir viršija leistiną paros koncentracijos vertę, kai NO2 koncentracija ore... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Most inversion conditions dangerous cities / cities with the highest emissions of pollutants during the day and night to disperse pollutants prevents inversion phenomenon, which exists to morning. It is important to clarify the reasons for the formation of inversion conditions and analyze the impact of the phenomenon of urban pollution. The main thesis goal is to identify temperature inversions conditions and its impaction to the spread of pollutant Main tasks: identify temperature inversion phenomenon in different cycles of year, then calculate temperature inversion and pollutants correlation plus to analyze the concentration amount of pollutants in 2006- 2008 years. The method used for this investigation is the analysis of the data correlations calculation. The investigation revealed that temperature inversion exist on all cycles of year and detectable on night. Also the positive dependence of pollutant concentration to temperature inversion is detected, with the exception of SO2. In addition, it was found that the concentration of KD10 exceeded maximum values on 2006 -2008 in the end of March and beginning of April. What is more, NO2 concentration in air exceeds its level a several times a year and this is the signal for our health.

Blood glucose and nocturnal blood pressure in African and Caucasian men : the SABPA study / L. Lammertyn

Lammertyn, Leandi January 2010 (has links)
Motivation Hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus are common in the black population of South Africa. The literature also shows that elevated blood glucose concentrations can lead to an increase in blood pressure and a blunted decline in nocturnal blood pressure. Therefore, the motivation for this study was to determine if blood glucose may play a role regarding the blunted nocturnal decline in blood pressure in African and Caucasian men. Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between a blunted nocturnal decline in blood pressure and blood glucose in African and Caucasian men. Methodology A comparative population study was preformed that consisted of 202 school teachers (101 African and 101 Caucasian) between the ages of 25–60 years from the North West Province, South Africa. Subjects were excluded if their body temperature was elevated, had a dependence or abuse of psychotropic substances, were regular blood donors and/or vaccinated in the previous three months. Ambulatory systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were measured. Blood samples from the antebrachial vein were collected in sodium fluoride tubes to determine the serum glucose level and glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) percentage. Estimated average glucose (eAG) was determined from the percentage HbA1c by means of a regression formula. Means and proportions were compared by standard t–test and the chi–square test, respectively. Pearson correlations were used to determine unadjusted associations and multiple regression analysis to determine adjusted associations between variables. Results and Conclusion African men had an elevated HbA1c (p<0.001), eAG (p<0.001), nighttime SBP (p<0.001) and DBP (p<0.001). These results remained similar when non–dipping African and Caucasian men were compared. The Africans also smoked more (p=0.012), consumed more alcohol (p=0.049), had a higher percentage of non–dippers (p=0.054), HIV infected subjects (p<0.001) and a larger number of subjects that used anti–hypertensive medication (p=0.049). The unadjusted analysis showed positive correlations between all the blood pressure measurements and serum glucose, HbA1c and eAG in the African non–dipper men. While in the non–dipper Caucasian men, only daytime SBP and nighttime SBP (22:00–06:00) correlated positively with serum glucose, HbA1c and eAG. Furthermore, when viewing the relationship between carotid intima–media thickness (CIMT) and the blood pressure measurements in the African population, only nighttime (00:00– 04:00) SBP (r=0.581, p<0.001) and DBP (r=0.566, p<0.001) showed positive associations. After adjustments were made for age and body mass index the associations between the various blood pressure measurements and blood glucose disappeared in the non–dipper Caucasian men. However, in the non–dipper African men both nighttime (22:00–06:00) SBP and (00:00– 04:00) SBP showed positive correlations with serum glucose, HbA1c and eAG. After full adjustments (age, BMI, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, C–reactive protein and baroreceptor sensitivity) were made, nighttime (00:00–04:00) SBP was the only measure of blood pressure that correlated positively with HbA1c (p=0.069) and eAG (p<0.001) in the nondipper African men. No significant relationships were found for Caucasian men. Furthermore, to determine if the association between nighttime (00:00–04:00) SBP and eAG were independent of CIMT, we adjusted for CIMT. By doing so the positive association between SBP and eAG remained significant in the non–dipper African men (R2=0.617; =0.438; p=0.008) and nonsignificant in the non–dipper Caucasian men (R2=0.423; =0.169; p=0.33). However, the relationship between CIMT and eAG disappeared when we adjusted for SBP, suggesting that the SBP and eAG relationship drives CIMT. In conclusion, the association between the early morning SBP (00:00–04:00) and the blood glucose in non–dipping African men suggests that the blunted decline in nocturnal blood pressure during the early morning hours is associated with chronically elevated blood glucose. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Physiology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Blood glucose and nocturnal blood pressure in African and Caucasian men : the SABPA study / L. Lammertyn

Lammertyn, Leandi January 2010 (has links)
Motivation Hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus are common in the black population of South Africa. The literature also shows that elevated blood glucose concentrations can lead to an increase in blood pressure and a blunted decline in nocturnal blood pressure. Therefore, the motivation for this study was to determine if blood glucose may play a role regarding the blunted nocturnal decline in blood pressure in African and Caucasian men. Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between a blunted nocturnal decline in blood pressure and blood glucose in African and Caucasian men. Methodology A comparative population study was preformed that consisted of 202 school teachers (101 African and 101 Caucasian) between the ages of 25–60 years from the North West Province, South Africa. Subjects were excluded if their body temperature was elevated, had a dependence or abuse of psychotropic substances, were regular blood donors and/or vaccinated in the previous three months. Ambulatory systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were measured. Blood samples from the antebrachial vein were collected in sodium fluoride tubes to determine the serum glucose level and glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) percentage. Estimated average glucose (eAG) was determined from the percentage HbA1c by means of a regression formula. Means and proportions were compared by standard t–test and the chi–square test, respectively. Pearson correlations were used to determine unadjusted associations and multiple regression analysis to determine adjusted associations between variables. Results and Conclusion African men had an elevated HbA1c (p<0.001), eAG (p<0.001), nighttime SBP (p<0.001) and DBP (p<0.001). These results remained similar when non–dipping African and Caucasian men were compared. The Africans also smoked more (p=0.012), consumed more alcohol (p=0.049), had a higher percentage of non–dippers (p=0.054), HIV infected subjects (p<0.001) and a larger number of subjects that used anti–hypertensive medication (p=0.049). The unadjusted analysis showed positive correlations between all the blood pressure measurements and serum glucose, HbA1c and eAG in the African non–dipper men. While in the non–dipper Caucasian men, only daytime SBP and nighttime SBP (22:00–06:00) correlated positively with serum glucose, HbA1c and eAG. Furthermore, when viewing the relationship between carotid intima–media thickness (CIMT) and the blood pressure measurements in the African population, only nighttime (00:00– 04:00) SBP (r=0.581, p<0.001) and DBP (r=0.566, p<0.001) showed positive associations. After adjustments were made for age and body mass index the associations between the various blood pressure measurements and blood glucose disappeared in the non–dipper Caucasian men. However, in the non–dipper African men both nighttime (22:00–06:00) SBP and (00:00– 04:00) SBP showed positive correlations with serum glucose, HbA1c and eAG. After full adjustments (age, BMI, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, C–reactive protein and baroreceptor sensitivity) were made, nighttime (00:00–04:00) SBP was the only measure of blood pressure that correlated positively with HbA1c (p=0.069) and eAG (p<0.001) in the nondipper African men. No significant relationships were found for Caucasian men. Furthermore, to determine if the association between nighttime (00:00–04:00) SBP and eAG were independent of CIMT, we adjusted for CIMT. By doing so the positive association between SBP and eAG remained significant in the non–dipper African men (R2=0.617; =0.438; p=0.008) and nonsignificant in the non–dipper Caucasian men (R2=0.423; =0.169; p=0.33). However, the relationship between CIMT and eAG disappeared when we adjusted for SBP, suggesting that the SBP and eAG relationship drives CIMT. In conclusion, the association between the early morning SBP (00:00–04:00) and the blood glucose in non–dipping African men suggests that the blunted decline in nocturnal blood pressure during the early morning hours is associated with chronically elevated blood glucose. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Physiology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

De la communication acoustique au sein du groupe : contraintes et mécanismes / Acoustic communication within a group : constrains and mechanisms

Brunel, Odette 10 December 2012 (has links)
Chez les insectes où les males chantent en chorus, l’interférence locale de signaux impose des contraintes majeures à des femelles qui doivent évaluer les mâles individuellement. Les mâles subis des difficultés pour évaluer la compétitivité de leurs voisins et pour montrer clairement aux femelles les caractéristiques de leurs propres chants. J’ai analysé différents aspects de cette problématique chez deux espèces acoustiques : chez la sauterelle ephippiger et une pyrale nocturne qui émettent leurs signaux au sein de regroupements. Nos expériences ont mis en évidence certains mécanismes comportementaux permettant aux femelles de localiser les meuliers males et d’autres permettant aux mâles de se communiquer efficacement et percevoir leur environnement acoustique. / In acoustic insects where males sing in choruses, local signal interference may present major difficulties for females evaluating and individual males. Males too may be prevented from assessing the competitivity of their neighbors as well as from advertising the characteristics of their own signals to females in a clear manner. Moreover, the background noise from local signals may prevent both sexes from perceiving other sounds in the environment, e.g. predator cues. I studied these problems at several levels in two acoustic insect species: in which males broadcast their advertisement songs while remaining in dense clusters. The experiments revealed behavioral mechanisms with which females can identify favored males and others with which males can communicate effectively.

Escala temporal da turbulência para escoamento noturno acima da copa de uma floresta tropical úmida na amazônia / On the turbulence temporal scale for nocturnal flow above a tropical rainforest in amazonia

Campos, Jose Galucio 12 September 2008 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / The LBA (Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere in Amazônia) project has been using the eddy covariance technique since 1998 to continuously monitor the surface fluxes of energy, water vapor and carbon over Amazônia. The results obtained up to now indicate high level of uncertainties, especially regarding the role of the Amazonian ecosystem to the global carbon budget. Besides the problems related with the Eddy measure system (systematic error and nighttime stable conditions), there is an important factor associated with the averaging time scale or time window used by the scientific community to determine the surface fluxes. This work focuses on the determination of the nocturnal turbulence time scale for long term surface fluxes (carbon, energy and water) over the Amazon rainforest. We used the multi-resolution decomposition technique to project the signal into several time scales and determine when the spectral and co-spectral gap occurred. This technique permitted evaluating and separating the real contribution from turbulent and mesoscale fluxes to the total nocturnal surface fluxes. Our results indicate that the nighttime turbulence time scale is near 100 seconds. It suggests that the time averaging commonly used to calculate nocturnal surface fluxes (30 minutes), needs to be revised. Besides, our results show that, when the mesoscale flux contributions were included, the total nocturnal surface flux was generally underestimated. / Desde 1998 o projeto LBA (Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere in Amazônia) vem monitorando continuamente os fluxos de energia, água e carbono na Amazônia utilizando o sistema de Covariância dos Vórtices (CV). Os resultados obtidos até agora apresentam um alto grau de incerteza, especialmente no que diz respeito ao papel do ecossistema amazônico no ciclo global do carbono. Além desses problemas relacionados com as medidas do sistema CV (erros sistemáticos e durante condições estáveis), um outro fator extremamente importante está relacionado com a escala de tempo janela de tempo usada pela comunidade científica para determinar os fluxos de superfície. Este trabalho consiste no esforço inicial em determinar essas escalas para as transferências noturnas (carbono, energia e água) para séries de longo prazo sobre a floresta Amazônica. Nós utilizamos a técnica de multiresolução para projetar o sinal em várias escalas de tempo e determinar quando ocorre a falha coespectral. Esta técnica permite avaliar a real contribuição da turbulência, bem como da mesoescala para o fluxo noturno total. Nossos resultados indicam que a escala de turbulência noturna (comprimento da falha) foi em media 100 s. isto sugere que a escala comumente empregada, que é de 30 min, deve ser revisitada, sobretudo para o sítio estudado. Além disso, os resultados mostram que quando adicionamos a contribuição de mesoescala ao fluxo total, em geral, isto provoca subestimativa das transferências noturnas.

A matemática e o ensino noturno : desvendando as relações na busca pelo sentido de aprender

Santana, José Robson Silva 21 March 2012 (has links)
The mathematics education is presented through an incessant search of finding ways to enable student learning. The objective of this research is based on the assumption of that the sense of learning a discipline, especially the mathematical, has contributed to consolidate a research field that fosters new ways of conceiving it. Therefore, in order to analyze the sense of learning mathematics for students of the nocturnal period in a fundamental school, this research delights in a study founded on the theory of Relationship with the Know developed by Bernard Charlot. For systematization of this research have been used as theoretical reference, in adition the Charlot (2000, 2005), studies by Silva (2008, 2009), Bachelard (2007), Giordan (2007), Fonseca (2007), Carvalho (2001), Marques (2009), Abdalla (2004), Lorenzato (2010) and others. It is a study of case with quantitative and qualitative approaches, which uses as an instrument of data collection questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. In this research, there are issues concerning relations with nocturnal teaching and math, when they seek the learning. The data show that young people enter to night school as a consequence of diurnal activities; however, they have satisfactory relationship with the school and the nocturnal turn. These students see the school as an institution that provides social mobility, learning, socialization and entertainment. The relationships with Mathematics are acceptable and pleasurable. They consider an important discipline; however, refer to the Elementary Mathematic, putting little relation to part of abstract. Furthermore, the data argue that one must learn mathematics as a discipline necessary for the future. / A educação matemática apresenta-se através de uma busca incessante de encontrar meios que possibilitem a aprendizagem do aluno. O objetivo deste trabalho parte do pressuposto de que o sentido de aprender uma disciplina, em específico a Matemática, contribui para consolidar um campo de pesquisa que fomente novas formas de concebê-la. Sendo assim, a fim de analisar o sentido de aprender Matemática para os alunos do período noturno de uma escola de ensino fundamental, esta pesquisa deleita-se num estudo pautado na teoria da Relação com o Saber desenvolvida por Bernard Charlot. Para a sistematização desta pesquisa, foram utilizados como referencial teórico, além de Charlot (2000, 2005), estudos de Silva (2008, 2009), Bachelard (2007), Giordan (2007), Fonseca (2007), Carvalho (2001), Marques (2009), Abdalla (2004), Lorenzato (2010) e outros. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas, que utiliza como instrumento de coleta de dados questionários e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Nesta pesquisa, encontram-se questões referentes às relações com o ensino noturno e a Matemática, ao se buscar o aprender. Os dados revelam que os jovens adentram a escola noturna como consequência das atividades diurnas; contudo, apresentam relação satisfatória com o turno e com a escola. Os alunos observam-na como uma instituição que proporciona a ascensão social, a aprendizagem, a socialização e o entretenimento. As relações com a Matemática são aceitáveis e prazerosas, consideram uma disciplina importante, porém, referem-se à Matemática elementar, colocando pouca relação com a parte abstrata. Além disso, os dados afirmam que se deve aprender Matemática, como disciplina necessária para o futuro.

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