Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ukufunda""
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A framework for the integration of online learning in distance education / Tlhako ya kopantsho ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go boithutikgole / Uhlaka lokudidiyelwa kokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabangaGani, Faiza 11 1900 (has links)
Online learning through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) features in institutions of higher education globally. If integrated successfully online learning holds many benefits. Research however has highlighted that the focus of online learning is often on the technology, while pedagogical considerations are neglected. As such online learning has not yielded significant changes from a pedagogical perspective. The impetus of this study was driven by the need to find approaches of integrating pedagogically sound online learning in distance education (DE). The study employed a case study research design, and was qualitative in nature. Questionnaires, interviews and documents informed the case study. The findings of the study reveal that online learning should be purposefully planned. In light of the findings, the study presents a framework for the integration of online learning in DE. The framework is built on the concept of awareness and argues that online learning should depart from three types of awareness, i.e. lecturer, student and institutional. The framework is entrenched in theory from both DE and online learning and offers direction for stakeholders at various levels of DE higher education institutions in terms of integrating online learning. / Boithuti ka inthanete ka tšhomišo ya theknolotši ya tshedimošo le kgokagano (ICT) bo hlaga ka go dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana lefaseng ka bophara. Ge e le gore di kopantšwe ka katlego, boithuti ka inthanete bo na le mehola ye mentši. Le ge go le bjalo, dinyakišišo, di bontšhitše gore nepišo ya boithuti ka inthanete gantši e ka go theknolotši, mola ditlhoko tša mokgwathuto di hlokomologilwe. Ka fao, boithuti ka inthanete ga se bo tšweletše diphetogo tša go bonagala go tšwa go kgopolo ya mokgwathuto. Tlhohleletšo ya dinyakišišo tše e laolwa ke nyakego ya go hwetša mekgwa ye e kopantšwego ye e kwagalago ya thuto ya boithuti ka inthanete le boithutikgole (DE). Dinyakišišo di šomišitše tlhamo ya dinyakišišo ya tshekatsheko ya maemo, gomme ka tlhago e be e le tša boleng. Mananeopotšišo, dipoledišano le dingwalwa di tsebagaditše tshekatsheko ya maemo . Diphihlelelo tša dinyakišišo di utolla gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go beakanywa ka maikemišetšo. Go ya ka diphihlelelo, tlhako e hlagišwa ke kopanyo ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go DE. Tlhako ye e theilwe godimo ga kgopolo ya temošo le go hlagiša gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go tšwa go mehuta ye meraro ya temošo, k.g.r. mofahloši, baithuti le dihlongwa. Tlhako ye e hlalošwa ka botlalo ka go teori go tšwa go DE le boithuti ka bobedi ka inthanete gomme e fa taetšo go baamegi maemong a go fapafapana a dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana ya kgole go ya ka boithuti ka inthanete. / Ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ngokusebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bolwazi nokuxhumana (i-ICT) kuyinto ekhona ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme emhlabeni wonke. Uma kudidiyelwe ngempumelelo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kunemihlomulo eminingi. Kodwa-ke, ucwaningo luqhakambise ukuthi ukugxila ekufundeni ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kuvame ukuba mayelana nobuchwepheshe, bese kuthi okuphathelene nezindlela zokufundisa kunganakwa. Kanjalo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha akuzanga noshintsho oluningi maqondana nezindlela zokufundisa. Isisusa salolu cwaningo kwaba ngukukhuthazwa yisidingo sokuthola izindlela zokudidiyela izindlela zokufundisa ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ezisebenzayo kwezemfundo yamabanga (i-DE). Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise uhlobo lokucwaninga olubheka izindawo ezithile okugxilwa kuzo kanti luwuhlobo olubheka imininingwane yezinto ezikhona ezingamaqiniso. Amaphephamibuzo, izingxoxiswano kanye nemiqulu yikona okwaholela ocwaningweni olugxila ezindaweni ezithile. Okwatholakala kulolu cwaningo kwaveza ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kumele kuhlelwe ngendlela. Ngenxa yokutholakele, uhlaka luhlinzekelwa ukuba kudidiyelwe ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabanga. Uhlaka lwakhiwe ngomqondo wokuqwashisa futhi lubeka phambili ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana kwekhompuyutha kufanele kusukele ezinhlobeni ezintathu zokuqwashisa, kuthisha wasenyuvesi, kumfundi nakwisikhungo. Uhlaka lugxile emqondweni wezinzululwazi wakona kokubili imfundo yamabanga nokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha futhi luhlinzeka umhlahlandlela kwabathintekayo emazingeni ahlukahlukene ezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme yamabanga maqondana nokudidiyela ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha. / Educational Studies / Ph. D. (Education)
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Curriculum and practice to develop critical thinking competencies in first-year students / Kurrikulum en praktyk om kritiese denke in eerstjaarstudente te ontwikkel / Ukusebenzisa ikhayityhulam ngenjongo yokuphuhlisa ukucinga nzulu kubafundi bonyaka wokuqalaGoode, Heather Ann 23 October 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / Critical thinking competencies are not only seen as crucial for success in higher
education, but also for future personal and workplace success. These competencies
are commonly cited as a graduate attribute or goal of higher education, and resulting
research has tended to focus on exploring and measuring the development of critical
thinking competencies in students within higher education. However, few researchers
have explored the curriculum and practice of academic staff within higher education
in relation to their influence on developing critical thinking competencies in students,
or how they theorise about the development of these competencies as part of their
professional practice.
Within the South African context, there is a perception of a decline in the development
of critical thinking competencies within the secondary school system. This has
informed policy imperatives to improve access and success in South African higher
education through additional support for students, as well as through research into the
first-year experience.
Within a constructivist paradigm, and adopting a qualitative approach, this study takes
the first year of higher education as its context in order to explore the curriculum,
assessment, pedagogical and andragogical practices of academic staff designed to
develop critical thinking competencies in first-year students. The aim is to explore how
academic staff construct their theory and practice in order to contribute to the
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in South African Higher Education.
Phenomenological case study research methods, which draw on data collection
through semi-structured interviews and document analysis, enabled a better
understanding of the lived experience of academic staff within private higher education. Academic staff, as research participants, were able to describe deliberate
actions taken in their teaching practices to facilitate the development and assessment
of critical thinking competencies. The findings revealed that academic staff – while
having no coherent, well-articulated construction of critical thinking competencies –
feel that such competencies are essential for academic and future life success. This
not only affirmed previous research reviewed, but aligned to the inclusion of explicit
and implicit references to critical thinking competencies found in the curriculum and
assessment documents. Recommendations for professional development responded
specifically to these findings. / Kritiese denkvaardighede word nie net as wesentlik vir sukses in hoër onderwys
beskou nie, maar ook vir toekomstige sukses, op persoonlike vlak en in die werkplek.
Hierdie bevoegdhede word algemeen aanvaar as dié van ‘n gegradueerde of as
oogmerk in hoër onderwys. Gevolglik was ondersoeke geneig om te fokus op die
verkenning en meting van die ontwikkeling van kritiekedenkbevoegdhede by studente
binne die hoër onderwys. Min navorsers het egter die kurrikulum en praktyk van
akademiese personeel binne die hoër onderwys met betrekking tot hul invloed op die
ontwikkeling van kritiekedenkbevoegdhede in studente verken nie, of hoe hulle
teoretiseer oor die ontwikkeling van hierdie bevoegdhede as deel van hul
professionele praktyk.
Binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is die persepsie dat die ontwikkeling van
kritiekedenkbevoegdhede binne die sekondêreskoolstelsel afneem. Dit het bygedra
tot beleidsimperatiewe om toegang en sukses in die Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys
te verbeter deur bykomende ondersteuning aan studente te gee, asook deur die
eerstejaarervaring te ondersoek.
Binne ‘n konstruktivistiese paradigma, en deur gebruik te maak van ‘n kwalitatiewe
benadering, neem hierdie studie die eerste jaar van hoër onderwys as konteks ten
einde die kurrikulum, assessering, pedagogiese en andragogiese praktyke van
akademiese personeel wat ontwerp is om kritiekedenkbevoegdhede by
eerstejaarstudente te verken. Die doel is om na te volg hoe akademiese personeel hul
teorie en praktyk saamstel ten einde by te dra tot die Kundigheid in Onderrig en Leer
in Suid-Afrika se Hoër Onderwys. Fenomenologiese gevallestudienavorsingsmetodes
wat steun op die inwin van data deur middel van semigestruktureerde onderhoude en
dokumentontleding, het gelei tot beter begrip van die geleefde ervaring van
akademiese personeel binne privaat hoër onderwys. Akademiese personeel, as
navorsingsgenote, kon optrede beskryf wat doelbewus in hul onderrigpraktyke
geneem word om die ontwikkeling en assessering van kritiekedenkbevoegdhede te
fasiliteer. Die bevindinge het getoon dat akademiese personeel – sonder koherente,
goed geartikuleerde konstruksie van kritiekedenkbevoegdhede – voel dat sulke
vaardighede wesentlik is vir akademiese en toekomstige sukses in die lewe. Dit het
nie net vorige navorsing bevestig nie, maar gestrook met die insluiting van eksplisiete
en implisiete verwysings na kritiekedenkbevoegdhede binne die kurrikulum- en
assesseringsdokumente. Aanbevelings vir professionele ontwikkeling het spesifiek op
hierdie bevindinge reageer. / Ubuchule bokucinga nzulu abubonwa kuphela njengecebo elibalulekileyo
lokuphumelela kwimfundo ephakamileyo, bukwabonwa njengecebo lokuphumelela
komntu kwizinto zakhe nakwindawo axelenga kuyo. Obu buchule bukholisa
ukuchazwa njengenjongo yemfundo ephakamileyo, kwaye uphando lweziphumo
luthande ukugxininisa ekuqwalaseleni nasekulinganiseleni ukuphuhliseka
kwezakhono zokucinga nzulu kubafundi bemfundo ephakamileyo. Noxa kunjalo,
bambalwa abaphandi bolwazi abakhe baqwalasela ukusetyenziswa kwekharityhulam
ngabahlohli bemfundo ephakamileyo malunga nefuthe ekuphuhliseni izakhono
zokucinga nzulu kubafundi, okanye iingcingane zophuhliso lokuphuhliseka kwezi
zakhono njengenxalenye yomsebenzi wabo.
Kwimeko yoMzantsi Afrika kukho imbono yokuba ziyaphelelwa izakhono zokucinga
nzulu kwinkqubo yemfundo yezikolo zeesekondari. Oku kukhokelele ekusekeni
iinkqubo zempumelelo kwimfundo ephakamileyo ngokunika inkxaso
eyongezelelekileyo kubafundi, nangokuphanda ngamava abafundi abakunyaka
Ngokujonga kwinkalo ethi imfundo yinkqubo yokusebenza, nangokusebenzisa indlela
yophando lomgangatho, esi sifundo sithatha unyaka wokuqala wemfundo
ephakamileyo njengemeko nendawo yokuqwalasela ukusetyenziswa
kwekharityhulam, uhlolo, ukufundiswa kolutsha nasebekhulile ngabahlohli
ekuphuhliseni izakhono zokucinga nzulu kubafundi bonyaka wokuqala. Injongo
kukuqwalasela ukuba abahlohli bayiqulunqa njani ingcingane nokusebenza ukuze
kuncediswe kubungcali bokufundisa nokufunda kwimfundo ephakamileyo yoMzantsi
Afrika. Iindlela zophando zeemeko ezithile, ezifumana iinkcukacha zolwazi
ngokuqhuba udliwano ndlebe oluphantse lwangqongqo, nangokuphengulula imibhalo, kwanceda ukuba kuqondakale ngcono amava abahlohli bemfundo ephakamileyo
yabucala. Abahlohli abangabathathi nxaxheba kuphando baye bakwazi ukuchaza
izenzo ezingqalileyo ezenzelwe ukuphuhlisa nokuhlola izakhono zokucinga nzulu.
Okufunyanisiweyo kwadulisa ukuba abahlohli – lo gama bengenasakhelo
sibambekayo nesinokuchazwa gca sezakhono zokucinga nzulu – bayaqonda ukuba
ezi zakhono zingundoqo kwimpumelelo kwezemfundo nakubomi obuzayo. Oku
akwanelanga nje ukungqina okuvezwe luphando lwangaphambili, koko kongeze
kosele kuthethwa ngqo okanye mayana, kwimibhalo yekharityhulam nohlolo, malunga
nezakhono zokucinga nzulu. Iingcebiso zophuhliso zisabele ngqo koko
kufunyanisiweyo. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil.(Education in the subject Curriculum Studies)
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Strategies to support sustained learning in open distance and e-learning in a South African contextTafirenyika, Nancy 30 October 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / The worldwide growth of open distance and e-Learning cannot be denied, nor can it remain unnoticed. In the South African setting, which is the focus of this study, the increasingly high demand for higher education has also led to the development of distance education. However, the throughput rate for this mode of education has been consistently unimpressive for over a decade and this has led to high dropout rates. There is cause for concern regarding how best to assist students and improve throughput. Therefore, this research has focused on identifying strategies that can be incorporated to support sustained learning in South African ODeL. It considers issues such as the social inequalities, previous disadvantages, and ICT affordances that characterise South African ODeL students.
This research took a qualitative research approach, using a case study that was conducted as a dissertation of limited scope. The aim was to unveil the best approaches that could be incorporated in South African ODeL in order to support sustained learning. The study attempted to understand such strategies, based on students' perceptions and reflections on their experiences while studying first-level modules in distance education. The case for this research study was the University of South Africa (UNISA), where eight student participants were interviewed, using semi-structured interviews to collect data.
The findings of this study revealed that there are some readily available resources that the institution and instructors can use to promote sustained learning and improve student throughput. This research recommends frequent student surveys to discover student needs and the challenges that they experience. It also recommends improved communication with students, provision of financial aid, development of open educational resources (OERs), ensuring rapid delivery of study material, and the use of different methods of delivering learning content.
It is important to note that the findings of this dissertation are of limited scope and cannot be generalised to the issues affecting the majority of South African ODeL students – this because the study was carried out at one institution and involved just one module and eight participants. However, these findings have the potential to enlighten ODeL stakeholders as to matters affecting some of their students. The findings could also provide valuable information for future large-scale research. / Ukudlondlobala kohlelo kohlelo lwemfundo evulekile nokufunda kude kanye nohlelo lwe-inthanethi akunakuphikiswa, futhi angeke kwathathwa sengathi akunakiwe. Ngokwesizinda seNingizimu Afrika, esiyindikimba yalolu cwaningo, izinga elikhulayo lokufuneka kwemfundo ephakeme nakho sekuholele ekukhuleni kwemfundo yokufunda ukude.Yize-kunjalo, izinga legalelo lalolu hlelo lwemfundo kudala lubonakala lungeluhle esikhathini esingaphezu kweminyaka eyishumi kanti lokhu sekuholele ekutheni kwehle izinga labafundi abayeka ukufunda. Kunomnako mayelana nendlela nokuthi abafundi bangancedwa kangcono kangakanani ukuze bathuthukise izinga labo lokusebenza. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo selugxile ekutholeni amasu lawo angasetshenziswa ukuxhasa imfundo esimelele ohlelweni lwe-ODeL lwaseNingizimu Afrika. Lokhu kufaka izindaba ezinjengokungalingani komphakathi, ukuncishwa kwamathuba esikhathini esedlule, kanye nokwazi ukukhokhela uhlelo lwe-ICT okuwuhlelo oluyinsika kubafundi bohlelo lwe-ODeL eNingizimu Afrika. Lolu cwaningo lulandele indlela yocwaningo eyencike kwizinga lengxoxo (qualitative), ngokusebenzisa ucwaningo lotho olwenziwa njengedezetheshini enobukhulu obunqunyiwe. Inhloso kwaye kuwukuveza izindlela ezingcono ebezingafakwa kwi-ODeL yaseNingizimu Afrika, ukuxhasa imfundo imfundo esimelele. Ucwaningo beluzama ukuzwisisa amasu anjalo, asuselwa phezu kwemiqondo yabafundi kanye nokubheka ulwazi lwabo kube ngakolunye uhlangothi bafunda omojuli besigaba sokuqala sohlelo lwemfundo yokufunda kude. Ucwaningo lotho lwalesi sifundo lwenziwa eNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Afrika (UNISA), lapho abafundi abayisishiyagalombili befakwa imibuzo yenhlolovo, ngokusebenzisa inhlolovo yesakhiwo sikanxambili ngenhloso yokuqoqa idatha. Ulwazi olutholwe yilolu cwaningo luye lwaveza ukuthi kunemithombo elungisiwe esesimeni esifanele engasetshenziswa yiziko kanye nabayaleli ukuthuthukisa uhlelo lokufunda olusimelele kanye nokuthuthukisa umsebenzi wabafundi. Lolu cwaningo luncoma amasaveyi enziwa njalo abafundi ukubona izidingo zabafundi kanye nezinselelo abafundi abahlangabezana nazo. Ucwaningo luphinda futhi luncoma uhlelo oluhle lokuxhumana nabafundi, ukuhlinzekwa ngosizo lwezimali, ukuthuthukiswa kwemithombo yemfundo evulekile (OER), ukuqinisekisa kohlelo olusheshayo lokuhlinzekwa. ngomatheriyeli wokufunda, kanye nokusebenzisa izindlela ezahlukene zokwethula indikimba yokufundwayo.
Kubalulekile ukukhumbula ukuthi ulwazi olufunyenwe lwedizetheshini wulwazi oluncane olubekelwe imingcele kanti lolu lwazi angeke lwafaniswa nodaba oluthinta iningi labafundi base-ODeL yaseNingizimu Afrika – lokhu kungenxa yokuthi ucwaningo lwenziwa kwiziko elilodwa futhi lwaxuba umojuli owodwa kanye nabadlalindima abayisishiyagalombili. Yize-kunjalo, lolu lwazi olutholakele lunethuba lokukhanyisela abasebenzisani njengezinto ezithinta abanye babafundi. Ulwazi olutholakele belunganikeza ulwazi olusemqoka mayelana nocwaningo olubanzi olungenziwa esikhathini esizayo. / Wêreldwyd het oopafstand- en e-leer groei ervaar wat nie ontken kan word of ongesiens kan bly nie. In die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, wat die fokus van hierdie studie is, het die toenemende vraag na hoër onderwys ook tot die ontwikkeling van afstandsonderrig gelei. Die slaagsyfer vir hierdie vorm van onderrig is egter al vir langer as ʼn dekade deurlopend onindrukwekkend, en dit het tot hoë uitsaksyfers gelei. Daar is rede tot kommer rakende die beste maniere om studente by te staan en die slaagsyfer te verbeter. Die fokus van hierdie navorsing was daarom op die identifisering van strategieë wat geïnkorporeer kan word om volgehoue leer in Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer te ondersteun. Die volgende kwessies is ondersoek: die sosiale ongelykhede, benadeling in die verlede, en IKT-status wat met Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer-studente geassosieer word.
ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg; ʼn gevallestudie wat uitgevoer is, is in die verhandeling van beperkte omvang gebruik. Die doel was om die beste benaderings te bepaal wat in Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer geïnkorporeer kan word om volgehoue leer te ondersteun. Tydens die studie is daar gepoog om sodanige strategieë te verstaan op grond van studente se persepsies en hul refleksie op hul ervarings terwyl hulle eerstejaarmodules deur afstandonderrig studeer het. Die geval wat in hierdie navorsing bestudeer is, is dié van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa), waar daar semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met agt studentedeelnemers gevoer is om data in te samel.
Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het getoon dat daar geredelik beskikbare hulpbronne is wat deur die instelling en die onderriggewers ingespan kan word om volgehoue leer te bevorder en die studente se slaagsyfers te verbeter. Op grond van hierdie navorsing word aanbeveel dat opnames gereeld onder studente gemaak word om hulle behoeftes en uitdagings te bepaal. Verdere aanbevelings sluit in verbeterde kommunikasie met studente, voorsiening van finansiële steun, ontwikkeling van oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne, versekering van spoedige lewering van studiemateriaal, en die gebruik van verskillende metodes om leerinhoud te lewer.
Dit is belangrik om te besef dat die bevindinge van hierdie verhandeling beperk in omvang is en nie veralgemeen kan word om die kwessies in te sluit wat die meerderheid van Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer-studente raak nie – aangesien die studie by een instelling uitgevoer is en slegs een module en agt deelnemers behels het. Hierdie bevindinge het egter die potensiaal om vir oopafstand- en e-leer-belanghebbers lig te werp op kwessies wat sommige van hul studente raak. Die bevindinge kan ook waardevolle inligting vir toekomstige grootskaalse navorsing oplewer. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Open Distance Learning)
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Group investigation : a teaching approach for Life Orientation in selected Northern Cape secondary schools / Uphando lweqela : indlela yokufundisa izifundo ngobomi kwizikolo ezikhethiweyo kwiPhondo loMntla Koloni / Groepondersoek : ʼn onderrigbenadering vir Lewensoriëntering in uitgesoekte sekondêre skole in die Noord-KaapSeherrie, Aloysius Claudian 23 February 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / The main aim of this study was to explore the extent to which teachers use group investigation as a teaching approach for Life Orientation in selected secondary schools in the Northern Cape Province in South Africa. Group investigation (GI) as a cooperative learning teaching approach is based on the philosophical principles of John Dewey who believed that schools had the responsibility of capturing learners’ interests, to expand and develop their horizons and to assist them in responding appropriately to new ideas and influences. Group investigation, a particular cooperative learning strategy, is based on the pragmatic paradigm that suggests that learners construct and apply knowledge as they interact with one another in a teacher-learner environment.
This study was adopted in a concurrent triangulation mixed methods research design to be conducted concurrently. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analysed separately but simultaneously, the findings converged in the conclusion in order to respond to the research question. Convenient and purposive sampling was employed to select teachers and learners as participants in this study. Data were collected in the social setting where teachers employed group investigation as a teaching strategy with learners in cooperative working groups participating in learner-centred activities. The researcher used face-to-face interviews, focus group interviews, classroom observations as well as document analysis to collect data. The findings of this study revealed that teachers tend to display adequate content and pedagogical knowledge for the teaching of Life Orientation. However, the findings established that there is a need for novice teacher development in the interpretation and application of the content. Furthermore, group investigation has indicated that learners developed group skills easily, learn to work cooperatively in groups and that learners can depend on each other for the groups’ success. This study recommends that group investigation as a teaching approach be incorporated in the Life Orientation curriculum and that this needs to be shown in the lesson planning of teachers. The importance in the body of knowledge regarding teaching approaches and the academic value of the subject, Life Orientation as a fundamental subject, is indispensable within the FET curriculum. / Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal in watter mate onderwysers groepondersoek as ʼn onderrigbenadering vir Lewensoriëntering in uitgesoekte sekondêre skole in die Noord-Kaapprovinsie gebruik. Groepondersoek as ʼn koöperatiewe leer- en onderrigbenadering is gegrond op die filosofiese beginsels van John Dewey, wat geglo het dat skole die verantwoordelikheid het om leerders se belange te akkommodeer, om hul horisonne te verbreed en te ontwikkel en om hulle by te staan om gepas op nuwe idees en invloede te reageer. Groepondersoek, ʼn spesifieke koöperatieweleerstrategie, is gegrond op die sosiaal-interpretivistiese-konstruktivistiese paradigma wat suggereer dat leerders kennis konstrueer en toepas wanneer hulle met mekaar interaksie het in ʼn onderwyser-leerder-omgewing.
Hierdie studie is in ʼn konkurrente triangulering- gemengdemetodenavorsingsontwerp aangepak – om samelopend maar afsonderlik uitgevoer te word. Kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data is afsonderlik ingesamel en ontleed, maar terselfdertyd is die resultate gekonvergeer in die gevolgtrekking om die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord.
Gerieflikheid- en doelbewuste steekproefneming is gebruik om onderwysers en leerders te kies om aan die navorsing deel te neem. Data is ingesamel in die sosiale situasie waar onderwysers groepondersoeke as ʼn onderrigstrategie aangewend het, met leerders wat in koöperatiewe werksgroepe aan leergesentreerde aktiwiteite deelneem. Die navorser het persoonlike onderhoude, fokusgroeponderhoude, klaskamerwaarnemings sowel as dokumentontleding gebruik om data in te samel. Die bevindings van die studie het getoon dat onderwysers geneig is om voldoende inhoud en pedagogiese kennis vir die onderrig van Lewensoriëntering te toon, terwyl daar ʼn behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van nuweling-onderwysers se interpretasie en toepassing van die inhoud is. Daarbenewens het die groepondersoeke ook gewys dat leerders maklik groepvaardighede ontwikkel, leer om koöperatief in groepe te werk, en dat hulle op mekaar kan staatmaak vir die sukses van die groep. Hierdie studie beveel aan dat groepondersoeke as ‘n onderrigstrategie in die Lewensorientering kurrikulum geïnkorporeer moet word en dat dit in die lesbeplanning van die onderwysers aangedui moet word. Die belangrikheid van kennis met verwysing na die onderrrigstrategieë en die akademiese waarde van die vak, is Lewensorientering as ‘n fundamentele vak onvervangbaar binne die VOO kurrikulum. / Injongo ephambili yesi sifundo kukuqwalasela ukuba ootitshala bayisebenzisa kangakanani indlela yokufundisa yophando lweqela kwizifundo ngobomi ekuthiwa yiLife Orientation kwizikolo zesekondari ezikhethiweyo kwiPhondo loMntla Koloni. Uphando lweqela, njengecebo lokufunda nokufundisa ngokubambisana lusekelwe kwiinqobo zefilosofi kaJohn Dewey, owayekholelwa ekubeni izikolo zinoxanduva lokudlwengula umdla wabafundi, zinabise amathuba olwazi, zibancedise ekusabeleni ngokufanelekileyo kwizimvo neempembelelo ezintsha. Uphando lweqela, nolulicebo lobulumko lokusebenza ngokubambisana, lusekelwe kwiingcinga zokwakha intsingiselo ngokusebenzisana, le nto kuthiwa yisocial interpretivist-constructivist paradigm ngolwimi lwesiNgesi. Ezi ngcinga zithi abafundi bazakhela ulwazi, balusebenzise xa besebenzisana kuloo ndawo bafundela kuyo.
Esi sifundo siqhutywe ngokusebenzisa iindlela zophando ezixubeneyo neziqhutywa ngaxeshanye lo gama zahlukene. Kuqokelelwe, kwaphengululwa idatha ngokwahlukeneyo ngokobuninzi bayo ngaxeshanye nangokokucinga nzulu ngayo, okufunyanisiweyo kwadityaniswa esiphelweni ngenjongo yokuphendula umbuzo wophando. Isampulu yophando yakhethwa ngononophelo nangendlela enokusebenza lula xa kwakukhethwa ootitshala nabafundi abaza kuba ngabathathi nxaxheba kwesi sifundo. Idatha yaqokelelwa kwimeko yezentlalo apho ootitshala babesebenzisa uphando lweqela njengecebo lokufundisa, apho abafundi babesebenza ngokwamaqela ancedisanayo kwimisebenzi yezifundo zabo. Umphandi waqhuba udliwano ndlebe nomntu ngamnye, udliwano ndlebe namaqela achaphazelekayo, waqwalasela okwenzeka eklasini, waphengulula nemibhalo ekhoyo xa wayeqokelela idatha. Okufunyaniswe kwesi sifundo kwadiza ukuba ootitshala babonisa ulwazi olwaneleyo ngeziqulatho neendlela zokufundisa izifundo ngobomi okanye iLife Orientation, lo gama sikho sona isidingo sokuphuhlisa izakhono zootitshala abatsha ekutolikeni nasekusebenzeni ngeziqulatho zezi zifundo. Ngaphezu koko, uphando lweqela lubonise ukuba izakhono zabafundi zokusebenza ngamaqela ziphuhla lula, bafunda ukusebenzisana bengamaqela kwaye bafunda ukwazi ukuxhomekeka omnye komnye ukuze iqela liphumelele. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / Ph. D. (Curriculum Studies)
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The perception of faculty members of Namibian open distance learning institutions on the use of open educational resourcesKaripi, Edwig 24 July 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Venda / Open educational resources (OER) is a new innovation coined to bridge the educational divide by way of providing free quality learning resources. Consequently, this study explored the perception of the faculty members of the Namibian open and distance learning institutions on the use of OER as a pedagogical approach. This study was prompted by the presumption that if ODL institutions adopt open educational resources to replace costly textbooks, an increased number of the Namibian population could access education in the equitable manner. The study focused on faculty members from the three public ODL institutions in Namibia, namely, the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), University of Namibia (UNAM)-Centre for Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) and Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST)-Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL).
The following integrated theories were adopted to underpin this study: Transformative Learning Theory, Heutagogy Learning Theory, Cognitive Learning Theory and Social Learning Theory, Constructivism Learning Theory, Connectivism Theory and the Diffusion of Innovations Theory. The theories were compared to the findings to assess their applicability.
This is a qualitative case underpinned by an interpretivist paradigm. Data were collected through interviews, non-participant observations and document analysis, and analysed through the inductive approach. The results of this study showed inconsistency between the perception of the faculty members and the use of OER within the ODL institutions in Namibia. Although the faculty members displayed positive attitudes towards the use of OER, very little has been achieved in the use of OER within the institutions for the benefit of the Namibian ODL students. The study identified challenges that impede the adoption of OER at institutional level, such as lack of institutional policies, lack of awareness, technological factors, as well as management support. The study further crafted strategies to address challenges, including the OER design based on the Diffusion of Innovation Model. The study advanced recommendations for consideration by the institutions and the faculty members as well as suggestions for future research. The knowledge contribution made by this PhD is the proposed OER design for adoption by the ODL institutions to facilitate the use of OER by faculty members. / Ubuchule bokufunda ekuthiwa yiOpen Educational Resources (OER) licebo elitsha lokunikezela simahla ngemithombo yokufunda esemgangathweni, nelenzelwe ukukhawulelana nobunzima bokushiyashiyana emfundweni. Esi sifundo siphonononge indlela abacinga ngayo abahlohli bamaziko emfundo aseNamibia avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude (iiODL), ngokusetyenziswa kweOER njengendlela yokufundisa. Esi sifundo sisuswe kukucingela ukuba xa amaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude enokusebenzisa izixhobo zokufunda ezivulekileyo endaweni yokusebenzisa iincwadi ezibiza imali eninzi, linganda inani labantu abanokuxhamla imfundo ngokulinganayo. Esi sifundo sigxininise kubahlohli bamaziko amathathu kawonkewonke, angawemfundo evulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude eNamibia, angala - iNamibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), iUniversity of Namibia (UNAM) - Centre for Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) kunye neNamibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) - Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL).
Kusetyenziswe ezi ngcingane zihlangeneyo zilandelayo njengezisekelo zokukhokela esi sifundo: Ingcingane Yokufunda Okuhambelana Nenguqu (Transformative Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuziqhuba Komfundi (Heutagogy Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuqiqa Neyemfundo Esekelwe Kwezentlalo (Cognitive Learning Theory and Social Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuzakhela Ukuqonda (Constructivism Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngoncedo Lobuchwepheshe (Connectivism Theory) kwakunye nengcingane Yokufunda Ngokunwenwa Kobuchule (Diffusion of Innovations Theory). Ezi ngcingane ziye zathelekiswa nokufunyanisisweyo ngenjongo yokukhangela ukuba zingasebenziseka kusini na. Kusetyenziswe indlela yophando ngokuzathuza nokutolika izimvo ezahlukeneyo. Iinkcukacha zolwazi okanye idatha yaqokelelwa ngokuqhuba udliwano ndlebe nabathatha inxaxheba, ukuqwalasela abangathathi nxaxheba nokuphengulula imibhalo ukuze kudalwe ingcingane entsha. Iziphumo zesi sifundo zivelise ukungahambelani phakathi kwengcinga yabahlohli nokusetyenziswa kweOER kumaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude eNamibia. Nangona abahlohli bebonakalisa uthakazelelo ngokusebenzisa iOER, kuncinci kakhulu okwenziweyo malunga nokusebenzisa iOER kumaziko emfundo ekuncedeni abafundi baseNamibia kumaziko avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude. Esi sifundo sichonge imingeni ethibaza ukusetyenziswa kweOER kumaziko emfundo, mingeni leyo ifana nokungabikho kwemigaqo nkqubo, ukungabikho lwazi, imiba yobuchwepheshe kwakunye nentswela nkxaso yabalawuli. Kuqwetywe amacebo obuchule okulwa nemingeni, macebo lawo aquka ukuqulunqwa kweOER esekelwe kwingcingane Yokunwenwa Kobuchule. Kunikwe iingcebiso nezimvo ezinokuqwalaselwa ngamaziko emfundo nabahlohli ngophando olusenokulandela olu. Igalelo lolu phando luyilo olucetywayo lweOER olunokwamkelwa ngamaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude ukuze kukhuthazwe ukusetyenziswa kweOER ngabahlohli. / Zwiko zwa nnyi na nnyi zwa pfunzo (OER) ndi vhubveledzi vhuswa ha u ḓisa khethekanyo ya pfunzo nga u ṋetshedza wo vhofholowa zwiko zwa u guda zwa ndeme. Ngudo heyi yo wanulusa mbonalo ya miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini a Namibia ya zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo yo vulelwaho nnyi na nnyi ya u guda u kule (ODL) nga ha u shumisa OER sa nḓila ya pfunzo. Ngudo heyi yo ṱuṱuwedzwa nga u humbulela ha uri arali zwiimiswa zwa ODL zwo ṱanganedza OER u thivha bugu dza u gudisa dzine dza ḓura, tshivhalo tshi re nṱha tsha vhathu vha Namibia vha nga swikelela pfunzo nga nḓila i linganaho. Ngudo yo sedza kha u bva kha zwiimiswa zwa nnyi na nnyi zwa ODL zwa Namibia, zwine madzina azwo avha Gudedzi ḽa Namibia ḽa u Guda ha Nnyi na nnyi (NAMCOL), Yunivesithi ya Namibia (UNAM) – Senthara ya Nnyi na nnyi, u Guda u kule na nga Lubuvhisia (CODeL) na Yunivesithi ya Saintsi na Thekhinoḽodzhi ya Namibia (NUST) Senthara ya nnyi na nnyi ya u Guda ha Tshoṱhe (COLL).
Thyeori dzo ṱanganelaho dzi tevhelaho dzo shumiswa u tikedza ngudo iyi: thyeori ya u guda ine vhagudiswa vha ṱalutshedza na u tshenzhela zwipfi zwavho, thyeori ya u ta u guda ha iwe muṋe, thyeori ya u guda ya kuhumbulele na thyeori ya u guda ya matshilisano, thyeori ine ya dzhiela nṱha nḓivho na kupfesesele kwa vhagudiswa kha tshenzhemo yavho phanḓa ha musi vha sa athu u ya tshikoloni, thyeori ya u pfesesa u guda nga didzhithala na thyeori ine ya ṱalutshedza phimo ya mihumbulo miswa na kuphaḓalele kwa thekhinoḽodzhi. Thyeori dzo vhambedzwa na mawanwa u gaganya u tea hadzo.
Heyi ndi ngudo ya khwaḽithethivi yo khwaṱhisedzwaho nga tshiedziso tsha saintsi ya matshilisano. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu, u sedza hu si na u dzhenelela na u saukanya maṅwalo, na u saukanya nga kuitele kwa u humbula. Mvelelo dza ngudo heyi dzo sumbedza u sa vha na thevhekano ya zwithu vhukati ha kuvhonele kwa miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini na u shumiswa ha OER kha zwiimiswa zwa ODL ngei Namibia. Naho miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini yo sumbedza vhuvha ha vhuḓi kha u shumiswa ha OER, ho swikelelwa zwiṱuku kha u shumiswa ha OER kha zwiimiswa hu tshi itelwa u vhuelwa ha matshudeni a ODL a Namibia. Ngudo yo topola khaedu dze dza thithisa u ṱanganedzwa ha OER kha ḽeveḽe ya tshiimiswa, u fana na ṱhahelelo ya mbekanyamaitele dza tshiimiswa, ṱhahelelo ya tsivhudzo, zwiṱuṱuwedzi zwa thekhinoḽodzhi, na thikhedzo ya ndangulo. Zwiṱirathedzhi zwo bveledzwa u amba nga ha khaedu, hu tshi katelwa na nyolo ya OER zwo ḓi sendeka nga muanḓadzo wa nḓisedzo ya tshiedziso tsha vhubveledzi. Themendelo dza u dzhiela nṱha nga zwiimiswa na nga miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini na khumbudzo kha ṱhoḓisiso dza tshifhingani tshiḓaho zwo itwa. U shela mulenzhe ha nḓivho ho itwaho nga ngudo iyi ndi u kumedza nyolo ya OER uri i ṱanganedzwe nga zwiimiswa zwa ODL u thusa u shumiswa ha OER nga miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional studies)
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Factors influencing ICT implementation in inclusive primary schools in Manzini region, Eswatini / Timbangela letinemtselela ekufezekiseni kusetjentiswa kwelwatiso nekuchumana ngetebuchwepheshe etikolweni temabanga laphansi letifundza wonkhe wonkhe letisesigodzini sakaManzini, Eswatini / Dintlha tse di susumetsang tsenyotirisong ya ict kwa dikolong tsa poraemari tse di akaretsang kwa kgaolong ya Manzini, Eswatini / Izimbangela ezinomthelela ekwethulweni kwezobuchwepheshe okubandakanya izikole zamabanga aphansi kusifunda saseManzini, EswatiniSimelane, Thembekile Innocentia 15 December 2020 (has links)
As rapid technological development constantly drives and reshapes the economy, it is vital for
learners and teachers to be highly proficient in the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT). The data collected revealed that the barriers to ICT integration can be
viewed as deprivation to both teachers and learners, especially those with diverse disabilities
and learning difficulties. ICT implementation is therefore more than just change driven by
technology. It is an opportunity to assist everyone, including people from all income groups,
policy-makers and leaders to support converging technologies to create a more inclusive and
humane future.
The research was designed as a case study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted, lesson
observations were undertaken and qualitative questionnaires were administered as methods of
data collection. The research population included principals and ICT teachers in the Manzini
Region. The sample was made up of two principals and 13 teachers. The data was transcribed
and presented as raw data and thereafter analysed thematically. The data collected was analysed
The findings of the study were that the factors influencing ICT implementation in inclusive
primary schools in Eswatini included a lack of skills and knowledge from teachers; the lack of
teaching and learning time allocated to ICT; insufficient teaching and learning materials; a lack
of motivation and an insufficient number of teachers. Other factors included the lack of support
and collaboration from principals and the Government of Eswatini.
In view of the above factors, some recommendations were made, namely, that the Ministry of
Education should reintroduce ICT in all inclusive primary schools. The schools that offer ICT
should consider increasing the time allocated for ICT and enhance Continuous Professional
Development (CPD) for ICT teachers. They should also provide for learners with diverse
disabilities and learning difficulties a variety of teaching materials such as assistive devices to
enhance teaching and learning. / Njengaloku kutfutfuka ngekushesha kwetebuchwephesHe kuchubeka kucondzisa futsi
kwakhA kabusha nemnotfo, kumcoka kutsi bothishela nebafundzi babe nelikhono
leliphakeme lekusebentisa Lwatiso neKuchumana ngeTebuchwepheshe (i-ICT).
Ledatha legcogciwe ivete kutsi tihibe tekuhlanganisa i-ICT tingabukwa njengekuncisha
bothishela nebafundzi, ikakhulu kubafundzi labaphila nekukhubateka
lokwehlukahlukene kanye nebulukhuni ekufundzeni. Kufezekiswa kwekusetjentiswa
kwe-ICT ngako-ke kungetulu kwekutsi nje kuchutjwa ingucuko yetebuchwepheshe,
kodvwa kulitfuba lekusita wonkhe umuntfu, lokufaka ekhatsi bantfu lababuya kuwo
onkhe emacembu etemnotfo, labo lababhala tinchubomgmo nebaholi, kutsi basekele
kuhlanganiswa kwetebuchwepheshe kute kudaleke likusasa lelifaka lonkhe luntfu.
Lolucwaningo luhlelwe njengesifundvolucwaningo lwesehlakalo. Kubanjwe emainthaviyu
buso nebuso, kwentiwa sifundvo sekucaphela kanye nemaphephambuto
elizingasimo njengetindlela tekugcogca idatha. Linanibantfu lalolucwaningo lifaka
ekhatsi bothishelanhloko kanye nabothishela labafundzisa i-ICT eSigodzini sakaManzini
Eswatini. Lesamphuli yakhiwa bothishelanhloko lababili kanye nabothishela laba-13.
Ledatha yabhalwa yetfulwa njengaloko injalo ingakahlutwa kwase kutsi-ke emva
kwaloko yahlatiywa ngekwengcikitsi. Ledatha leyagcogcwa yahlatiywa
Lokutfolwe ngulesifundvolucwaningo kutsi timbangela letinemtselela ekufezekiseni
kusetjentiswa kwe-ICT etikolweni temabanga laphansi letifaka wonkhe wonkhe
Eswayini, kufaka ekhatsi kuswelakala kwemakhono nelwati kubothishela; sikhatsi
sekufundzisa nekufundza lesinganeli lesiphakelwa kufundziswa kwe-ICT; ticukatsilwati
tekufundzisa nekufundza letingakaneli; kubete umdlandla kanye nelinani lelingakaneli
labothishela. Lenye imbangela kungabikhona kwekusekelwa nekuhlanganyela lokuvela
kubothishelanhloko nakuhulumende weleSwatini.
Ngekubuka letimbangela letingenhla, kwentiwe-ke letincomo letilandzelako: Litiko
Letemfundvo kufanele kutsi liphindze letfule i-ICT kuto tonkhe tikolo temabanga
laphansi letifundzisa wonkhe wonkhe, tikolo letifundzisa i-ICT kufanele kutsi tikubheke
kwengetwa kwesikhatsi sekufundzisa i-ICT kanye nekwenta ncono Kutfutfukiswa Ngalokuchubekako Kwebungcweti (i-CPD) kubothishela labafundzisa i-ICT, kantsi futsi
letikolo kufanele tinake nebafundzi labaphila nekukhubateka lokwahlukahlukene
nebulukhuni bekufundza ngekutsi banikwe ticukatsilwati tekufundzisa letahlukahlukene
njengetisetjentiswa tekusita kute kwentiwe ncono kufundzisa nekufundza. / Jaaka lebelo la tlhabololo ya thekenoloji le tswelela go tsamaisa le go bopa ikonomi sešwa, go botlhokwa gore barutwana le barutabana ba nne le bokgoni jo bo kwa godimo mo tirisong ya Thekenoloji ya Tshedimosetso le Tlhaeletsano (ICT). Data e e kokoantsweng e senotse gore dikgoreletsi tsa kgokaganyo ya ICT di ka bonwa e le tlhaelo mo barutabaneng le barutwaneng, bogolo segolo barutwana ba ba nang le bogole jo bo farologaneng le mathata a go ithuta. Ka jalo, tsenyotirisong ya ICT ga se fela diphetogo tse di tsamaisiwang ke thekenolooji; ke tšhono ya go thusa mongwe le mongwe, go akarediwa batho go tswa ka ditlhopheng tsotlhe tsa lotseno, badiradipholisi le baeteledipele, go tshegetsa dithekenoloji tse di kopanang go tlhama isago e e akaretsang e bile e le molemo.
Patlisiso e rulagantswe jaaka thutopatlisiso e e lebelelang kgetsi. Go dirilwe dipotsolotso tsa namana, go nnile le kelotlhoko ya dithuto mme go dirisitswe dipampiripotsoloto tse di lebelelang mabaka jaaka mekgwa ya go kokoanya data. Setlhophasegolo sa patlisiso se akareditse bagokgo le barutabana ba ICT kwa Kgaolong ya Manzini kwa Eswatini. Sampole e ne e dirwa ke bagokgo ba le babedi le barutabana ba le 13. Data e ne ya gatisiwa mme ya tlhagisiwa e le data e e sa fetolwang mme morago ya lokololwa go ya ka meono. Data e e kokoantsweng e lokolotswe go ya ka mabaka.
Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso e nnile gore dintlha tse di tlhotlheletsang tsenyotirisong
ya ICT mo dikolong tsa poraemari tse di akaretsang kwa Eswatini di akaretsa tlhaelo ya
bokgoni le kitso mo ntlheng ya barutabana; nako e e sa lekanang ya go ruta le go ithuta
e e rebolelwang ICT; dimatheriale tse di sa lekanang tsa go ruta le go ithuta; tlhaelo ya
thotloetso le palo e e sa lekanang ya barutabana. Ntlha e nngwe e nnile tlhaelo ya
tshegetso le tirisanommogo go tswa mo bagokgong le puso ya Eswatini.
Ka ntlha ya dintlha tse di fa godimo, go dirilwe dikatlenegiso tse di latelang: Lefapha la
Thuto le tshwanetse go itsese sešwa ICT mo dikolong tsotlhe tsa poraemari tse di
akaretsang, dikolo tse di tlamelang ka ICT di tshwanetse go akanya ka go oketsa nako
e e rebolelwang ICT le go tokafatsa Tlhabololo e e Tswelelang pele ya Seporofešenale
(CPD) ya barutabana ba ICT, mme dikolo tseno di tshwanetse gape go akanyetsa
barutwana ba ba nang le bogole jo bo farologaneng le mathata a go ithuta ka go ba
tlamela ka dimatheriale tse di farologaneng tsa go ithuta di tshwana le didiriswa tse di
thusang go tokafatsa go ruta le go ithuta. / Njengoba intuthuko yezobuchwepheshe esheshayo iqhubeka nokugqugquzela
nokwakha kabusha umnotho, kubalulekile ukuthi abafundi nothisha babe nekhono
eliphezulu ekusebenziseni Ulwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana.
Imininingwane eqoqiwe iveze ukuthi izithiyo ekuhlanganisweni zoLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana zingabhekwa njengokuncishwa amathiba
kothisha nabafundi, ikakhulukazi abafundi abanokukhubazeka okuhlukahlukene
nobunzima bokufunda. Ukuqaliswa koLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana
kungaphezu nje koshintsho oluqhutshwa ezobuchwepheshe; kuyithuba lokusiza wonke
umuntu, kufaka phakathi abantu abavela kuyo yonke imikhakha yabaholayo, abenza
izinqubomgomo kanye nabaholi, ukusekela ubuchwepheshe obuhlanganayo ukudala
ikusasa eliyinhlanganisela futhi elinobuntu.
Ucwaningo lwakhiwe njengesifundo esiwucwaningo lwesigameko. Kwenziwa
inhlolokhono noma zingxoxo ubuso nobuso, kwenziwa ukubhekwa kwezifundo futhi
kwenziwa nemibuzo esezingeni elifanele njengezindlela zokuqoqa imininingwane.
Abantu abafakwe ocwaningweni babandakanya othishanhloko kanye nothisha boLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana esifundeni saseManzini eSwatini. Isampula
yayenziwe kothishanhloko ababili nothisha abayi-13. Idatha yabhalwa futhi yethulwa njengedatha engahlungiwe futhi ngemuva kwalokho yahlaziywa ngokulandelana.
Imininingwane eqoqiwe yahlaziywa ngokufanele.
Okutholakele kulolu cwaningo ngukuthi izinto ezinomthelela ekusebenzeni koLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana ezikoleni zamabanga aphansi ezibandakanya
bonke abantu eSwatini zibandakanya ukuntuleka kwamakhono nolwazi kothisha;
isikhathi esinganele sokufundisa nokufunda esabelwe uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe
Kwezokuxhumana izinto zokufundisa nokufunda ezinganele; ukungabi nogqozi kanye
nenani elinganele lothisha. Enye yezimbangela ukungabikho kokwesekwa
nokusebenzisana kothishanhloko nohulumeni wase-Eswatini.
Ngenxa yalezi zinto ezingenhla, kwenziwa izincomo ezilandelayo: uMnyango
Wezemfundo kufanele uphinde ufake uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana
kuzo zonke izikole zamabanga aphansi ezibandakanyekayo, izikole ezifundisa uLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana kufanele zicabangele ukukhulisa isikhathi
sokufundisa esabelwe uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana futhi
zithuthukise Ukuthuthukiswa Okuqhubekayo Kwezobuchwepheshe kothisha boLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana, futhi lezi zikole kufanele futhi zihlinzeke
izitshudeni ezinokukhubazeka okuhlukahlukene nobunzima bokufunda ngendlela
yezinhlobonhlobo zezinto zokufundisa ezinjengamathuluzi okusiza ukuthuthukisa
ukufundisa nokufunda. / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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