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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposed theories of education for effective teaching and learning when using Web2.0 technology in distance education

Dimmick-Touw, Michelle 12 1900 (has links)
The research in this dissertation of limited scope aimed to identify theories of education for effective teaching and learning when using Web2.0 technology in distance education. The rationale for such a study is based on the premise that, globally, the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is bringing about a rapid technological growth and innovative information communication technology (ICT) tools which are utilised in distance education. The increase in connections across the globe has also seen an increase in online learning as the barriers of time and space have been bridged. These advances in technology have a direct impact on the education system which needs to experience a similar exponential development in the guiding theories for universities offering distance learning using Web2.0 technology. Qualitative research methods were used to conduct an integrative literature review of the most utilised pedagogical theories over time. The pedagogical principles were applied to the requirements for effective online teaching and learning to develop a guideline to determine which pedagogical principles and combinations are therefore applicable to 21st century distance education. The finding is that no one pedagogical theory researched in this study can be isolated to be applied to online learning, but rather that a combination – in varying degrees – will support an effective online teaching and learning environment. A document analysis was conducted to understand the current guidelines provided for e-learning in selected South African universities. This analysis indicated that there is much room for development to separate the traditional classroom policies from the online learning policies at higher education institutions. Summaries of applications and tools for effective online learning were presented, along with recommendations for developments within the field and for further research. / Die navorsing in hierdie verhandeling van beperkte omvang, is uitgevoer om opvoedkundeteorieë vir doeltreffende onderrig en leer wanneer Web2.0-tegnologie in afstandsonderrig gebruik word, te identifiseer. Die beweegrede vir sodanige studie is gebaseer op die uitgangspunt dat die aanbreek van die Vierde Nywerheidsomwenteling wêreldwyd aanleiding gee tot snelle tegnologievooruitgang en innoverende hulpmiddele vir inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) wat in afstandsonderrig gebruik word. Die toename in verbindings oor die wêreld heen het ook ʼn toename in aanlynleer meegebring, aangesien hindernisse ten opsigte van tyd en ruimte oorbrug is. Hierdie vooruitgang in tegnologie het ʼn direkte impak op die opvoedingstelsel, wat soortgelyke eksponensiële ontwikkeling in die rigtinggewende teorieë vir universiteite wat afstandsleer deur middel van Web2.0-tegnologie aanbied, moet ervaar. Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes is gebruik om ʼn geïntegreerde literatuuroorsig uit te voer van die pedagogiese teorieë wat oor tyd die meeste gebruik is. Die pedagogiese beginsels is toegepas op die vereistes vir doeltreffende aanlynonderrig en -leer om ʼn riglyn te ontwikkel ten einde te bepaal watter pedagogiese beginsels en kombinasies dus betrekking het op afstandsonderrig in die 21ste eeu. Die bevinding is dat geen pedagogiese teorie wat in hierdie studie ondersoek is, uitgesonder kan word vir toepassing op aanlynleer nie, maar eerder dat ʼn kombinasie – in wisselende mate – ʼn doeltreffende omgewing vir aanlynonderrig en -leer sal ondersteun. ʼn Dokumentontleding is gedoen om insig te verkry rakende die huidige riglyne vir e-leer wat by uitgesoekte Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite gegee word. Die ontleding het getoon dat daar baie ruimte vir ontwikkeling is om die tradisionele klaskamerbeleide te skei van die aanlynleerbeleide by hoëronderwysinstellings. Opsommings van aansoeke en hulpmiddele vir doeltreffende aanlynleer is voorgehou, sowel as aanbevelings vir ontwikkelings op die studieterrein en vir verdere navorsing. / Kolu phando lungenamhlaba ubanzi kakhulu kujoliswe ekufumaniseni iingcingane zemfundo zokufundisa nokufunda kwabo bafunda bekude besetyenzisa isixhobo sobuchwepheshe beintanethi esibizwa ngokuba yiWeb2.0. Intsusa yolu phando iphuma kuluvo lokuba iNguqukazi Yorhwebo Yesine, i-4IR idala ukukhula okungummangaliso kwimisebenzi yezobuchwepheshe kunye nokuqanjwa kwezixhobo zobuchwepheshe bonxibelelwano lolwazi ezisetyenziswa ngabafundi abafunda bekude. Likhulile inani labantu abaqhagamshelanayo kwihlabathi liphela kwaye oku kunyuse inani labafundi abafunda bekude besebenzisa i-intanethi, ngenxa yokuba iphelisiwe imida yexesha kunye nendawo yokufundela. Ezi ndlela zintsha ziqanjwayo kwezobuchwepheshe zinefuthe elithe ngqo kwinkqubo yezemfundo, nedinga ukukhuliswa kweengcingane zokufundisa kwiiyunivesithi ezifundisa abafundi abafunda bekude, besebenzisa ubuchwepheshe beWeb2.0. Kuye kwasetyenziswa indlela yophando ngokuzathuza (qualitative) ekuphengululeni uncwadi olungezona ngcingane zokufundisa zisetyenziswe kakhulu ngexesha elithile. Kusetyenziswe iinqobo zokufundisa eziyimfuneko ekufundeni nasekufundiseni ngeintanethi okusebenzayo, ukwenzela ukufumanisa ukuba zeziphi ezona zifanelekileyo kwimfundo yabakude kule nkulungwane yama-21. Kufunyaniswe ukuba akukho ngcingane yokufundisa inokusebenza yodwa ekufundiseni ngeintanethi, koko kunokusetyenziswa umxube – ngokushiyana kwemigangatho yawo – ukuze kuxhaswe imiba yokufundisa abafundi abahleli emakhaya bejongene neekhompyutha zabo. Kwenziwe uhlalutyo lwemibhalo ekhoyo ukuze kuqondisiswe ukuba zeziphi izikhokelo ezikhoyo zemfundo esebenzisa izixhobo zobuchwepheshe kwiiYunivevisithi ezichongiweyo zaseMzantsi Afrika. Olu hlalutyo lubonakalise ukuba usemninzi umhlaba ekufanele ukuba unyathelwe ukuze kwahlukaniswe imigaqo nkqubo yesiqhelo yokufundela egumbini lokufundela naleyo yokufunda ngeintanethi kumaziko emfundo ephakamileyo. Kuziswe ngaphambili izishwankathelo zeendlela zokusebenza kunye nezixhobo zokufunda okusebenzayo kubafundi abafunda bekude, kwacetyiswa kwakhona iindlela zokuphuhlisa neminye imiba ekusafanele ukuba kuphandwe ngayo. / Institute for Open and Distance Learning (IODL) / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)

Teachers' experiences of the inclusion of learners with diverse barriers to learning in an ordinary foundation phase classroom / Ilwazi elihlangabezana nabotitjhere lokha ngokufakaw kwabafundi abaneenkhinyabezo ezahlukahlukeneko zokufuna etlassini yesikolo esijayelekileko sebanga elisisekelo / UlwaziI othisha abahlangabezana nalo ohlelweni lwemfundo oluhlanganisa ndawonye abafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene eziphazamisa ukufunda kwigumbi elejwayelekile lokufunda kwibanga lesikole eliyisisekelo / Tshenzhelo dza vhadeddzi dza u katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho kha kilasirumu zwayo ya vhuimo ha fhasi

Kasikako, Similo 25 April 2021 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Ndebele, Zulu and Venda / The study aimed to explore teachers’ experiences and to discover challenges encountered by mainstream teachers in the inclusion of learners with diverse barriers to learning in the Foundation Phase mainstream classrooms in the Vaal, Gauteng region. The study provides strategies that can be utilised by the teachers to enhance inclusive education practice in mainstream classrooms. Ten teachers were purposively selected from five mainstream primary schools with two participants from each school. All participants were grade three Foundation Phase teachers. Data were collected through in-depth interviews that enabled the researcher to delve deeply and find rich and relevant information for the study. For triangulation purposes, the researcher made use of document analysis as a second method of collecting data for this study. The study followed a qualitative data analysis method which derived the information from the perceptions of the informants and formed significant themes. The study revealed that teachers are challenged greatly by a lack of knowledge and skills to address diverse learning disabilities adequately; initial training that is ineffective in dealing with learners with diverse barriers to learning; a gap of knowledge that exists between theory and practice; a lack of adequate resources; poor infrastructure; large numbers of learners in a class; a lack of support from District Based Support Teams; and an inflexible curriculum. The study recommends collaborated teaching where teachers learn from each other; peer teaching; teacher exchange programmes; curriculum modification that caters for learners with barriers to learning; and workshop training that focuses on practical skills that will enhance inclusive education in mainstream schools. / Irhubhululo belinqophe ukuphenya ilwazi elihlangabezana nabotitjhere kanye nokuveza iintjhijilo ezihlangabezana nabotitjhere bomkhakha wefundo omkhulu lokha nakufakwa abafundi abaneenqabo ezahlukahlukeneko eziphazamisa ukufunda ematlasini weSigaba esisiSekelo (Foundation Phase) eLigwa (Vaal), esiyingini esise-Gauteng. Irhubhululo linikela amano lawo angasetjenziswa botitjhere ukuqinisa ihlelo lefundo efaka woke umfundi ematlasini womkhakha wefundo omkhulu. Abotitjhere abalisumi bakhethwe ngehloso eenkolweni zomkhakha omkhulu, eenkolweni ezihlanu zamabanga aphasi, kanti zinabadlalindima ababili abavela kuzo zohlanu iinkolo. Boke abadlalindima bekubotitjhere abaphuma kuGreyidi 3 wesikolo esisesiGabeni esisiSekelo. Idatha ibuthelelwe ngokusebenzisa iinhlolombono ezidephileko ezisize umrhubhululi bona angene atjhinge bese athole ilwazi lesifundo elinothileko nelifaneleko. Ngokulandela iinzathu zokusebenzisa iindlela ezinengi zokubuthelela idatha, umrhubhululi usebenzise ihlelo lokutsenga umtlolo (document analysis) njengendlela yesibili yokubuthelela idatha yaleli rhubhululo. Irhubhululo lilandele indlela yokutsenga enamathele kwingcoco, mayelana nokuhlukanisa ngeengaba kwedatha etloliweko, okuyidatha leyo umcwaningi ayisusele emiqondweni yabadlalindima begodu yakha iindikimba eziqakathekileko. Irhubhululo liveze ukuthi abotitjhere bahlangabezene neentjhijilo eziqakathekileko ezimalungana nokulandelako: Ukutlhayela kwelwazi namakghono ukulungisa ngokwaneleko iinkhinyabezo zokukhubazeka ezihlukahlukeneko; ibandulo lokuthoma elingasebenzi kuhle malungana nokuqalana nabafundi abanokukhubazeka okusiqabo eziphazamisa ukufunda; isikhala selwazi esikhona phakathi kwethiyori kanye nokwenza; ukutlhayela kwemithombo eyaneleko; umthangalasisekelo omumbi; imbalo ephezulu yabafundi abagcwele ngetlasini; ukutlhayela kwesekelo elivela eenqhemeni ezidzimelele kudistriki; kanye nekharikhyulamu e ngatjhugutjhugulukiko. Irubhululo lincoma ihlelo lokufundisa elitjhebisanako, lapho abotitjhere bafunda komunye; ukufundisana kwabafundi; amaphrogremu wokutjhentjhisana ngabotitjhere; ukutjhugululwa kwekarikhyulamu efaka abafundi abaneenqabo ezibavimbela ukufunda; kanye nesifundobandulo esiqale ekufundiseni amakghonofundwa wokusebenza azokusiza ukuqinisa ihlelo lefundo efaka woke umfundi eenkolweni zomkhakha wefundo omkhulu. / Ucwaningo beluhlose ukuphenya izinto ezihlangabezana nothisha kanye nokuveza izinselele ezihlangabezana nothisha abakwingxenye enkulu yemfundo kanti kuxutshwa phakathi abafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene eziphazamisa ukufunda emagunjini okufunda aseSigabeni esiyisiSekelo (Foundation Phase) ngase-Vaal, esifundeni sase-Gauteng. Ucwaningo lunikeza amasu angasetshenziswa wothisha ukuqinisa uhlelo lwemfundo oluxuba wonke umfundi emagunjini okufunda. Othisha abayishumi bakhethwe ngenhloso kwizikole zemfundo esebangeni eliphansi, kanti abadlalindima ababili bavela kuzo zonke lezo zikole. Bonke abadlalindima abangothisha ababekwiGreyidi 3 ye-Foundation Phase. Idatha yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezijulile ezasiza umcwaningi ukuba agxile ngokujulile futhi athole ulwazi olunothile nolufanele lwalesi sifundo socwaningo. Ngenhloso yokusebenzisa izindlela eziningi zokuqoqwa kwedatha, umcwaningi wasebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya umbhalo njengendlela yesibili yokuqoqa idatha yalolu cwaningo. Ucwaningo luye lwalandela uhlelo lokuhlaziya idatha olugxile kwingxoxo (qualitative data analysis method), mayelana nokwehlukanisa ngezigaba kwedatha ebhalwe phansi, okuyidatha umcwaningi ayisusele kwimiqondo yabadlalindima kanti futhi iye yakha izindikimba ezisemqoka. Ucwaningo luveze ukuthi othisha bahlangabezene nezinselelo ezisemqoka mayelana nalokhu okulandelayo: ukusweleka kolwazi kanye namakhono okulungisa ngokwanele izihibhe eziphazamisa ukufunda; ukuqeqeshwa kokuqala okungenamthelela omuhle ekubhekaneni nabafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene zokufunda; isikhala solwazi esikhona phakathi kwethiyori kanye nalokho okuyizenzo eziphathekayo; ukusweleka kwemithombo yolwazi eyanele; ukwentuleka kwemithombo eyanele; ingqalasizinda engathokozisi; inani eliphezulu labafundi emagumbini okufunda; ukusweleka koxhaso oluvela kumaqembu axhasayo esifundazwe; kanye nohlelo lwemfundo oluqinile. Ucwaningo luncoma uhlelo lokufundisa olusebenzisanayo, lapho othisha bafunda komunye; ukufundisana kwabafundi; izinhlelo zothisha zokuphakelana ngolwazi; ukuguqulwa kwekharikhyulamu efaka abafundi abanezihibhe ezibaphazamisa ukuthi bafunde; kanye nezinhlelo zokuqeqeshwa eziphokophele kuqeqesho lwamakhono okukhombisa ngezenzo, okungamakhono azoqinisa uhlelo lwemfundo oluxuba wonke umfundi kwizikole zengxenye yomkhakha wemfundo omkhulu. / Ṱhoḓisiso yo livhiswa kha u wanulusa tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi na u wanulusa khaedu dzine dza ṱangana na vhadededzi vhane vha funza kha zwikolo zwa vhagudiswa vha re na tshumelo dzo khetheaho musi vha tshi katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho kha u guda kha Vhuimo ha Fhasi kiḽasini dza vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khethea ngei Vaal, kha dzingu ḽa Gauteng. Ṱhoḓisiso yo ṋetshedza zwiṱirathedzhi zwine zwa nga shumiswa nga vhadededzi u khwinisa maitele a pfunzo nyangaredzi kiḽasini dza vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. Vhadededzi vha 10 vho nangwa ho sedzwa vhukoni u bva kha zwikolo zwa phuraimari zwiṱanu zwa vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. Vhadzheneleli vhoṱhe vho vha vhadededzi vha Gireidi ya 3 ya Vhuimo ha Fhasi. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho ine ya konisa muṱoḓisisi u ṱoḓisisa nga vhudzivha na u wana mafhungo o pfumaho o teaho kha ngudo. Kha ndivho tharu, muṱoḓisisi o shumisa u saukanya ḽiṅwalwa sa ngona ya vhuvhili ya u kuvhanganya data ya ṱhoḓisiso iyi. Ngudo yo tevhedza ngona ya u saukanya ya khwanthithathivi data, u ya nga khethekanyo ya data yo ṅwalululwaho ye muṱoḓisisi a i bvisa kha kuvhonele kwa vhadzheneleli na u vhumba thero dza ndeme. Ṱhoḓisiso yo wanulusa uri vhadededzi vha tshenzhela khaedu dza ndeme musi zwi tshi ḓa kha zwi tevhelaho: u sa vha na nḓivho na zwikili u amba nga ha zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho nga nḓila yo teaho, vhugudeli thangeli vhu songo teaho kha u shumana na vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho; phambano ya nḓivho ine ya vha hone vhukati ha thiori na nyito; ṱhahelelo ya zwishumiswa zwo teaho; ṱhahelelo ya themamveledziso; tshivhalo tshinzhi tsha vhagudiswa kiḽasini; u sa wana thikhedzo u bva kha thimu dza thikhedzo dza tshiṱiriki; na kharikhuḽamu ine ya thivhela u swikelela ṱhoḓea dzo fhambanaho dza vhagudiswa. Ngudo yo themendela tshumisano kha u funza, hune vhadededzi vha guda u bva kha muṅwe, pfunzo ya thangana ya murole, mbekanyamushumo dza u tshintshisana ha vhadededzi; u khwinisa kharikhuḽamu dzine dza katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda; na vhugudisi ha u pfumbudzwa ho sedzaho kha zwikili zwine zwa ḓo khwinisa pfunzonyangaredzi kha zwikolo zwa vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

A framework for the integration of online learning in distance education / Tlhako ya kopantsho ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go boithutikgole / Uhlaka lokudidiyelwa kokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabanga

Gani, Faiza 11 1900 (has links)
Online learning through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) features in institutions of higher education globally. If integrated successfully online learning holds many benefits. Research however has highlighted that the focus of online learning is often on the technology, while pedagogical considerations are neglected. As such online learning has not yielded significant changes from a pedagogical perspective. The impetus of this study was driven by the need to find approaches of integrating pedagogically sound online learning in distance education (DE). The study employed a case study research design, and was qualitative in nature. Questionnaires, interviews and documents informed the case study. The findings of the study reveal that online learning should be purposefully planned. In light of the findings, the study presents a framework for the integration of online learning in DE. The framework is built on the concept of awareness and argues that online learning should depart from three types of awareness, i.e. lecturer, student and institutional. The framework is entrenched in theory from both DE and online learning and offers direction for stakeholders at various levels of DE higher education institutions in terms of integrating online learning. / Boithuti ka inthanete ka tšhomišo ya theknolotši ya tshedimošo le kgokagano (ICT) bo hlaga ka go dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana lefaseng ka bophara. Ge e le gore di kopantšwe ka katlego, boithuti ka inthanete bo na le mehola ye mentši. Le ge go le bjalo, dinyakišišo, di bontšhitše gore nepišo ya boithuti ka inthanete gantši e ka go theknolotši, mola ditlhoko tša mokgwathuto di hlokomologilwe. Ka fao, boithuti ka inthanete ga se bo tšweletše diphetogo tša go bonagala go tšwa go kgopolo ya mokgwathuto. Tlhohleletšo ya dinyakišišo tše e laolwa ke nyakego ya go hwetša mekgwa ye e kopantšwego ye e kwagalago ya thuto ya boithuti ka inthanete le boithutikgole (DE). Dinyakišišo di šomišitše tlhamo ya dinyakišišo ya tshekatsheko ya maemo, gomme ka tlhago e be e le tša boleng. Mananeopotšišo, dipoledišano le dingwalwa di tsebagaditše tshekatsheko ya maemo . Diphihlelelo tša dinyakišišo di utolla gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go beakanywa ka maikemišetšo. Go ya ka diphihlelelo, tlhako e hlagišwa ke kopanyo ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go DE. Tlhako ye e theilwe godimo ga kgopolo ya temošo le go hlagiša gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go tšwa go mehuta ye meraro ya temošo, k.g.r. mofahloši, baithuti le dihlongwa. Tlhako ye e hlalošwa ka botlalo ka go teori go tšwa go DE le boithuti ka bobedi ka inthanete gomme e fa taetšo go baamegi maemong a go fapafapana a dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana ya kgole go ya ka boithuti ka inthanete. / Ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ngokusebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bolwazi nokuxhumana (i-ICT) kuyinto ekhona ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme emhlabeni wonke. Uma kudidiyelwe ngempumelelo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kunemihlomulo eminingi. Kodwa-ke, ucwaningo luqhakambise ukuthi ukugxila ekufundeni ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kuvame ukuba mayelana nobuchwepheshe, bese kuthi okuphathelene nezindlela zokufundisa kunganakwa. Kanjalo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha akuzanga noshintsho oluningi maqondana nezindlela zokufundisa. Isisusa salolu cwaningo kwaba ngukukhuthazwa yisidingo sokuthola izindlela zokudidiyela izindlela zokufundisa ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ezisebenzayo kwezemfundo yamabanga (i-DE). Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise uhlobo lokucwaninga olubheka izindawo ezithile okugxilwa kuzo kanti luwuhlobo olubheka imininingwane yezinto ezikhona ezingamaqiniso. Amaphephamibuzo, izingxoxiswano kanye nemiqulu yikona okwaholela ocwaningweni olugxila ezindaweni ezithile. Okwatholakala kulolu cwaningo kwaveza ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kumele kuhlelwe ngendlela. Ngenxa yokutholakele, uhlaka luhlinzekelwa ukuba kudidiyelwe ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabanga. Uhlaka lwakhiwe ngomqondo wokuqwashisa futhi lubeka phambili ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana kwekhompuyutha kufanele kusukele ezinhlobeni ezintathu zokuqwashisa, kuthisha wasenyuvesi, kumfundi nakwisikhungo. Uhlaka lugxile emqondweni wezinzululwazi wakona kokubili imfundo yamabanga nokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha futhi luhlinzeka umhlahlandlela kwabathintekayo emazingeni ahlukahlukene ezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme yamabanga maqondana nokudidiyela ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha. / Educational Studies / Ph. D. (Education)

The design and effects of a catch-up reading intervention for grade 5 teachers and learners in Namibia

Liswaniso, Belden 04 1900 (has links)
Summaries In English, Xhosa and Afrikaans / The aim of this study was to carry out a reading comprehension intervention to empower teachers with knowledge and strategies for teaching reading, with the ultimate goal of improving the low reading comprehension of Upper Primary learners in Grade 5. The intervention was carried out for about four months, in which teachers were provided with teaching and learning resources, guidance on how to utilise the resources, and coaching on instructional practices. The intervention involved two control and two intervention schools. A modest interventionist approach was applied in which the six quality criteria for formative assessment as proposed by Nieveen (2007) were adopted to guide the study. The study was carried out in three phases. Phase 1 was concerned with the context and problem identification in which the relevance of the study, the first quality criterion, was addressed. A baseline study was conducted and the results showed that learners had low decoding and reading comprehension skills. The baseline study also revealed that teachers and principals had limited knowledge about reading and comprehension and how to teach them, and the schools were poorly resourced. Considering the low reading levels and academic performance of the learners, there was a need to improve the learners’ reading comprehension levels through teacher empowerment to enhance their literacy practices and change their attitudes. The study was underpinned by two theories of change, namely Guskey’s (1986, 2002) theory of teacher change and Fishbein’s (2000) Integrative Model of Behaviour Prediction. Phase 2 was concerned about the design, development and implementation of the intervention in which four quality criteria were addressed: the consistency, expected practicality, actual practicality, and the expected effectiveness of the intervention. Phase 3 addressed the actual effectiveness of the intervention, and the analysis of the pre- and post-intervention scores showed that the intervention schools improved significantly more than the control schools in decoding tests. The results also showed that the grade-appropriate age groups (10 and 11-yearolds) performed significantly higher than the older learners, and that girls had a slightly better performance than boys in all the assessments. The findings suggest that quality teaching and learning can happen if teachers receive ongoing support to enhance their instructional practices. / Injongo yolu phando ibe ikukuqhuba umsebenzi wokungenelela kufundo ngokuqiqa kwanokuqonda intsingiselo equlethwe kumagama abhaliweyo, ukuze kuxhotyise ootitshala ngezakhono nangeendlela emabafundise ngazo abafundi, khon’ukuze bakwazi ukufunda nokuqonda okubhaliweyo. Eyona nto lujonge kuyo olu phando, kukukhuphula izinga lesakhono sokufundwa kwamagama abhaliweyo ngabafundi bebanga lesi-5, ukuze bafunde ngomoya wengqiqo nokuqonda intsingiselo yoko bakufundayo. Olu phando lulungenelelo olwaaqhutywa isithuba esingangeenyanga ezine, apho ootitshala baanikwa izixhobo zokufundisa, kunye nemigaqo yokusetyenziswa kwazo, baza baqeqeshelwa ukumilisela imiyalelo yokwenza oko bakufundisiweyo. Olu phando lubandakanya amaqela amabini ezikolo. Elokuqala, lelezikolo ezimbini apho abafundi bebandakanywe kuphando njengokuba benjalo. Oko kuthetha ukuthi, aba bafundi abanalo ifuthe longenelelo esingalo esi sifundo. Elesibini, lelezikolo ezimbini ekwenziwe kuzo ungenelelo. Xa kwakuqhutywa olu phando, kwaasetyenziswa uhlobo longenelelo oluzothileyo (i-modest intervention approach). Kulapho kwaaphakanyiswa khona ukuba kusetyenziswe imigaqo emithandathu ekumgangatho ophezulu, apho kuqhutywa uvavanyo olusekwe phezu kweentlobo-ntlobo zeemvavanyo, ngokwengcebiso kaNieveen (2007). Olu phando lwaaqhutywa kwizigaba ezintathu. Kwisigaba soku-1, lwalujongene nokubona ingxaki kunye neemeko eyenzeka phantsi kwazo, Kulapho olu ngenelelo lufuneka khona, nalapho umgangatho ophezulu nowokuqala waathi waphicothwa ngokubanzi. Isiseko sophando saaqhutywa, zaza iziphumo zaso zabonisa okokuba izinga lesakhono sokufunda kwabafundi liphantsi ngokubhekiselele kufundo lwamagama abhaliweyo, kuba bengenaso isakhono sokuhlalutya ngokupheleleyo instingiselo yamagama abhaliweyo, nesakhono sokufunda amagama ngomoya wengqiqo. Isiseko sophando sikwadize okokuba iititshala neenqununu azinalwazi luphangaleleyo malunga nendlela ekufundwa nekuhlalutywa ngayo amagama izivakalisi kunye neentetho ezibhaliweyo. Kananjalo, isiseko sophando sikwadize okokuba iititshala neenqununu azinazo izakhono zokufundisa abafundi ukufunda nokuhlalutya okubhaliweyo ngengqiqo, kwaye izikolo ziswele izixhobo zokukhuphula izinga lokufunda okubhaliweyo ngabafundi. Ngelokuthathela ingqalelo amazinga aphantsi ngokubhekiselele kwizakhono zabafundi ekufundeni amagama abhaliweyo, nakwimpumelelo yabafundi kwizifundo zabo ngokubanzi, kwaabakho imfuneko yokokuba kuphuculwe amazinga ekufundwa ngawo ngabafundi xa befunda okubhaliweyo. Ngokolu phando, konke oku kuyakwenzeka ngokuthi kuxhotyiswe ootitshala ngezakhono zokuphucula indlela abaqhuba ngayo xa befundisa abafundi ukubhala nokufunda okubhaliweyo, ukuze kananjalo batshintshe indlela ababona ngayo. Olu phando luxhaswe ngemibono emalunga notshintsho, nekuyimibono yeengcali ezimbini, u-Guskey’s (1986, 2002) ngombono wakhe osihloko sawo sithi “Utshintsho kwititshala” ‘Teacher change’ kunye no-Fishbein’s (2000) ngombono wakhe omalunga nokuphicotha ngokubanzi indlela zokutshintsha okanye ekunokwakhiwa ngazo izimilo okanye indlela ezithile zokuziphatha (NgesiNgesi yi-“Integrative Model of Behaviour Prediction). Isigaba sesi-2 sasijongene noku kulandelayo: izicwangciso zokungenelela kwingxuba kaxaka ethe yaphawulwa kolu phando, ukusebenzisa olu phando njengelinge lokungenelela ekukhuphuleni izinga lokufunda okubhaliweyo, nasekumiliseleni olu ngenelelo kwinkqubo zokufundisa okubhaliweyo. Kwesi sigaba kuyakuphicothwa ngokwemigqaliselo emine ekudidi oluphezulu ekuyile ilandelayo: Ungenelelo lwenziwa rhoqo okanye ngamaxesha athile; kulindeleke ukuba lwenzeke kangakanani olu ngenelelo? Kanti lona eneneni lwenzeke kangakanani? Utshintsho olulindelekileyo ngenxa yolu phando olungenelele kwingxaki ekhoyo yezinga eliphantsi lokufundwa kwamagama okanye okubhaliweyo ngokubanzi. Kwisigaba sesi-3, kuphicothwe kwabekwa elubala eyona nto iye yenzeka okanye umahluko oye wabonakala ngenxa yolu ngenelelo xa abafundi befunda amagama abhaliweyo. Ukuze kubonakale oku, kuphicothwe amanqaku athathwe phambi kokuba kungenelelwe nasemva kokuba kungenelelwe. Laa manqaku aye abonakalisa okokuba kwizikolo ebekwenziwe kuzo uphando longenelelo, inqanaba lokufunda amagama abhaliweyo ngomoya wokutolika ngengqiqo, likhuphuke ngaphandle kwamathandabuzo, laba ke ngoko libhulele amasaka ezo zikolo bezingakhange zichatshazelwe lungenelelo. Iziphumo zolu phando zikwabonakalisa okokuba amaqela abafundi (abaminyaka ili-10 ne-11 leminyaka ubudala) ngokwamabanga abakuwo esikolweni ngokufanelekileyo, bababhulele amasaka abafundi abadala kunabo ngeminyaka xa kuthelekiswa amanqaku angokufunda ngengqiqo. Ngaphezu koko, amanqaku amantombazana abe bukhuphuka xa kuthelekiswa nawamakhwenkwe kuyo yonke imisebenzi yokuvavanywa kwabo. Iziphumo zophando zibonakalisa okokuba ukufundisa nokufunda okusemgangathweni kungenzeka xa iititshala zisoloko zifumana inkxaso engagungqiyo ukuze zikwazi ukukhuphula nokuphucula imisebenzi yabo yemihla ngemihla, yokufundisa abafundi. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n leesbegripsintervensie uit te voer om onderwysers te bemagtig met kennis en strategieë vir leesonderrig, met die uiteindelike doel om die lae leesbegrip van Hoër Primêre leerders in graad 5 te verbeter. Die intervensie is vir ongeveer vier gedoen maande, waarin onderwysers onderrig- en leerhulpbronne, leiding oor hoe om die hulpbronne te benut, en afrigting oor onderrigpraktyke voorsien is. Die intervensie het twee beheer- en twee intervensieskole behels. 'N Beskeie intervensionistiese benadering is toegepas waarin die ses kwaliteitskriteria vir formatiewe assessering, soos voorgestel deur Nieveen (2007), gebruik word om die studie te lei. Die studie is in drie fases uitgevoer. Fase 1 het gehandel oor die konteks en probleemidentifisering waarin die relevansie van die studie, die eerste kwaliteitskriterium, aangespreek is. 'N Basisstudie is uitgevoer en die resultate het getoon dat leerders oor lae vaardighede beskik oor dekodering en leesbegrip. Die basisstudie het ook aan die lig gebring dat onderwysers en skoolhoofde beperkte kennis gehad het oor lees en begrip en hoe om dit te onderrig, en dat die skole nie genoeg hulpbronne gehad het nie. Met inagneming van die lae leesvlakke en akademiese prestasie van die leerders, was dit nodig om die leerders se leesbegripsvlakke te verbeter deur bemagtiging van onderwysers om hul geletterdheidspraktyke te verbeter en hul houding te verander. Die studie is ondersteun deur twee teorieë oor verandering, naamlik Guskey (1986, 2002) se teorie oor onderwyserverandering en Fishbein (2000) se integrerende model van gedragsvoorspelling. Fase 2 was besorg oor die ontwerp, ontwikkeling en implementering van die intervensie waarin vier kwaliteitskriteria aangespreek is: die konsekwentheid, verwagte praktiese, werklike praktiese en die verwagte effektiwiteit van die intervensie. Fase 3 het die werklike effektiwiteit van die intervensie behandel, en die ontleding van die voor- en na-intervensie-tellings het getoon dat die intervensie-skole aansienlik meer verbeter het as die beheerskole in dekoderingstoetse. Die resultate het ook getoon dat die graadtoepaslike ouderdomsgroepe (10 en 11-jariges) beduidend hoër presteer as die ouer leerders, en dat meisies in al die assesserings effens beter presteer as seuns. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat gehalte-onderrig en -leer kan gebeur as onderwysers deurlopend ondersteuning kry om hul onderrigpraktyke te verbeter. / Linguistics and Modern Languages

The development of an incapacity management framework for an Open Distance Learning institution in South Africa / Die ontwikkeling van 'n onbekwaamheidsbestuurraamwerk vir ’n opeafstandsonderriginstelling in Suid-Afrika / Ingqubomgomo yokunqundwa kokuthuthukiswa kokuphatha kohlaka lwemfundo evulelekile yesikhungo esifundisa ngokwasekhaya eNingizimu Afrika

Van Staden, Petrus Jacobus Nicolaas 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The study was conducted within the interpretive research paradigm. Anchored in organisational justice theory, the study explored the incapacity management practices at an open distance learning (ODL) institution in South Africa. A qualitative research methodology, which applied a case study design, was used in this study. A purposeful sample of 16 (N=16) participants was chosen based on their experiences, knowledge and understanding on the topic of incapacity management. Semi-structured interviews were used as the primary data collection method, and documents were used as a secondary data collection source for triangulation purposes. The data analysis and reporting of the participants’ lived experiences drew on the thematic analysis technique. At theoretical level, the study provided insight into the notions of incapacity management in the workplace; the regulatory obligations in managing incapacity; and lastly, reasonable practices to accommodate incapacity. The literature review confirmed that an effective incapacity management framework should have four main dimensions, namely a supportive institutional culture; a policy and procedure providing for incapacity management practices; provisions for reasonable accommodation; and a multidisciplinary approach. From the empirical phase it emerged that although the literature presupposes a healthy institutional culture to ensure well-managed incapacity in the workplace, the current institutional culture at the institution under study was negative. This study also found several challenges relating to incapacity management in the ODL institution, namely a lack of knowledge and understanding of incapacity management due to the absence of a policy and procedure; a lack of understanding of the incapacity condition; and a lack of reciprocal communication among the key role players. The findings also demonstrated that reasonable accommodation practices could be improved and that the management of incapacity in the workplace requires a multidisciplinary approach. The study proposes an incapacity management framework for the ODL institution that encompasses the identified prerequisites and challenges. The study also added insights to the human resource management body of knowledge, especially knowledge of the management of incapacity due to ill health in the workplace, with specific reference to the ODL institution. / Hierdie studie is binne die interpretiewe navorsingsparadigma uitgevoer. Geanker in organisatoriese geregtigheidsteorie, ondersoek hierdie studie die onbekwaamheidsbestuurpraktyke by 'n opeafstandsonderriginstelling in Suid-Afrika. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie wat 'n gevallestudie-ontwerp toegepas het, is in hierdie studie gebruik. 'n Doelgerigte steekproef van 16 (N=16) is gekies op grond van hulle ervarings, kennis en begrip van die onderwerp van onbekwaamheid bestuur. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gebruik as die primêre data-insamelingsmetode, en dokumente is gebruik as ’n sekondêre data-insamelingsbron vir trianguleringsdoeleindes. Tematiese ontledingstegniek is aangewend in die data-ontleding en -verslagdoening van die deelnemers se geleefde ervarings. Op teoretiese vlak, het die studie insig gebied in die opvattings van onbekwaamheidsbestuur in die werkplek; die regulatiewe verpligtings in onbekwaamheidsbestuur; en laastens, redelike praktyke om die onbekwaamheid te akkommodeer. Die literatuuroorsig het bevestig dat 'n effektiewe onbekwaamheidsbestuurraamwerk vier hoofdimensies moet hê, naamlik 'n ondersteunende kultuur in die instelling; ’n beleid en prosedure wat voorsiening maak vir onbekwaamheidsbestuurspraktyke; redelike akkommodasie; en 'n multi-dissiplinêre benadering. Uit die empiriese fase het dit geblyk dat alhoewel die literatuur 'n gesonde institusionele kultuur vooronderstel wat onbekwaamheid in die werkplek effektief bestuur, die bestaande institusionele kultuur by die instelling wat bestudeer is, negatief was. Hierdie studie het bevind dat daar verskeie uitdagings is wat verband hou met onbekwaamheidsbestuur in die opeafstandsonderriginstelling, naamlik 'n gebrek aan kennis en begrip van onbekwaamheidsbestuur as gevolg van die gebrek aan 'n beleid en prosedure; 'n gebrek aan begrip van die onbekwaamheidstoestand; en 'n gebrek aan wedersydse kommunikasie tussen die sleutelrolspelers. Die bevindings het ook getoon dat redelike akkommodasie praktyke verbeter kan word en dat die bestuur van onbekwaamheid in die werkplek 'n multi-dissiplinêre benadering vereis. Die studie stel 'n onbekwaamheidsbestuurraamwerk vir die opeafstandsonderriginstelling voor wat die geïdentifiseerde voorvereistes en uitdagings insluit. Die studie het ook insig gebied in die menslikehulpbronbestuur-kennisgeheel, veral kennis oor die bestuur van onbekwaamheid in die werkplek te wyte aan swak gesondheid, met spesifieke verwysings na die opeafstandsonderriginstelling. / Ucwaningo lwaqhutshwa ngokocwaningo womgomo wokuhumusha. Yakhelwe phezulu kwethiyoriyezobulungiswa, ucwaningo lwagxila ekunqundweni kwezindlela zokuphatha ezaziwa ngokuthi ukufunda okuvulelekile ngezobuchwepheshe okuthiwa yi-ODel esikhungweni saseNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningo oluyindlela yokuklama oluphathelene nesimo, okuyinto esetshenziselwa ukufunda ngocwaningo lwesiqephu esithile, luye lwasetshenziswa. Kuye kwenziwa isampule olubalulekile lapho kuye kwakhethwa abantu ababebambe iqhaza abayishumi nesithupha (N=16) olwabe lwakhelwe phezulu kwesipiliyoni, ulwazi kanye nokuqonda ngodaba lokunqundwa kokuphatha. Izinhlolokhono ezihleliwe ezingaphelele ziye zasetshenziswa ngendlela yukuqoqa izibalo zangempela, kwabuye kwasetshenziswa imiqulu yemithombo yokuqoqwa kwedatha yesibili ukuqinisekisa okuhlosiwe. Ukuhlaziywa kwemininingwane kanye nokubika ebantwini abambe iqhaza ngezinto abahlangabezana nazo ezimpilweni zabo ix kwadala ukulethwa kokuhlaziya kwamasu okuhlaziya ezingqikithi ezithile. Ezingeni lesayensi, ucwaningo lusinikeza ukuqonda imibono yokunqundwa kokuphatha emsebenzini; izibopho zokulawula ukunqunda kokuphathwa; okokugcina,izindlela ezamukelekile zokubhekana nokunqundwa kokuphathwa. Ukubuyekezwa kwemibhalo kuqinisekise ukuthi uhlaka olusebenzayo lokunqundwa kokuphatha kumele kube nezinhlangothi ezine, okunguyisiko lokusekela izikhungoinqubomgomo nenqubo yokuhlinzeka izindlela zokunqunda ukuphatha; ukuhlinzeka izindlela ezamukelekile; kanye nenqubo ezihlukene yezifundo. Kusukela esigabeni somqondo wesasayensi kuye kwavela ukuthi nakuba imibhalo igcizelela isiko elihle neliphilasayo lemfundo ukuqinisekisa ukunqundwa kokuphatha kahle emsebenzini, isiko olukhona manje ezikhungweni alulungile. Ucwaningo luye lwathola ukuthi ziningi izingqinamba ezihambisa nokunqundwa kokuphatha ukufunda okuvulelekile ngezobuchwepheshe kuyizikhungo okuthiwa yi-ODL, okungabi khona kolwazi kanye nokuqonda mayelana nokunqundwa ukuphatha okudalwa ukungabikhona kwengqubomgomo nezingqubo ezithile; ukungaqondi izimiso zokunqunda; kanye nokuntuleka kokuxhumana ngokuvumelana phakathi kwabantu abadlala indima ebalulekile. Okuye kwatholakala kuye kwakhombisa ukuthi izindlela ezamukelekile zingathuthukiswa nokuthi ukunqundwa kokuphatha emsebenzini kudinga inqubo ehlukene yezifundo. Ucwaningo luhlongaza ingqubomgomo yokunqundwa kokuphatha kwezikhungo zemfundo evulelekile okuthiwa yi-ODL ezohlanganisa izinto ezidingekayo nezinselelo ezikhona. Ucwaningo lubuye lwafaka ukuqonda kokuba khona kwabantu abazoba umgogodla wolwazi abazoqashwa, kakhulukazi kulwazi lokunqunda ukuphatha okuzodalwa ukungabi esimweni esihle ngempilo emsebenzini, kakhulukazi uma kubhekiswa ekufundeni okuvulelekile ezikhungweni ezaziwa ngokuthi yi-ODL. / Human Resource Management / D. Com. (Business management)

Assessing the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale

Botha, Jo-Anne 02 1900 (has links)
This research project examined the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). The study assessed the construct validity and reliability of the scale as a measure of adult learner self-directedness for diverse groups of adult learners in the South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE) context. The study also assessed whether the factorial structure of the ALSDS was equivalent for adult learners across gender, race and age groups. Furthermore, the study assessed whether the various socio-demographic groups differed significantly on the sub-scale dimensions of the ALSDS; and explored whether a range of socio-biographical factors predicted adult learner self-directedness. This doctoral study has extended the student’s initial exploratory master’s study on the development and factorial structure of the ALSDS that involved a stratified random sample (N = 1 102) of ODeLHE adult learners. The secondary data set involved a random subsample of n = 747 of the original master’s sample data set. Exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM), exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed a three-factor solution for the ALSDS, with 15 items loading onto the three factors. The results provided evidence of the construct (convergent and discriminant) validity and internal consistency reliability of the three-factor ALSDS, including the construct equivalence of the scale’s factorial structure across the gender, race and age groups. Significant differences between age, race and gender groups were observed regarding the scale sub-dimensions. The study advances theory on adult learner self-directedness in ODeLHE contexts and contributed evidence of the validity and reliability of a shortened version of the ALSDS as a useful measure of adult learner self-directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also highlighted. Practically, the study highlighted assessing adult learners’ success orientation in ODeLHE, active academic activity and strategic utilisation of resources as aspects of enhancing their self-directedness. Support practices should be considered for especially females, black Africans and younger learner cohorts. ODeLHE practices should also consider learners’ mark for English, gender, access to library, number of modules and who students support financially as factors influencing learners’ level of self-directedness. / Abstract/summary in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / Die navorsingsprojek het die psigometriese eienskappe van die selfgerigtheidskaal vir die volwasse leerder (ALSDS) ondersoek. Die studie het die konstruk-geldigheid en -betroubaarheid van die skaal geassesseer as 'n maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders vir diverse groepe van volwasse leerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse ope, afstands- en e-leer-hoëronderwyskonteks (ODeLHE). Die studie het ook geassesseer of die fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS gelykstaande was vir volwasse leerders oor geslags-, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Verder het die studie geassesseer of die verskeie sosiodemografiese groepe beduidend verskil het op die subskaal-dimensies van die ALSDS en ondersoek of 'n reeks sosiobiografiese faktore selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders voorspel het. Hierdie doktorale studie het uitgebrei op die student se aanvanklike verkennende meesterstudie oor die ontwikkeling en fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS wat 'n gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproef van ODeLHE-volwasse leerders behels het (N = 1 102). Die sekondêre datastel het 'n ewekansige substeekproef behels van n = 747 van die oorspronklike meestersteekproef-datastel. Verkennende strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, verkennende faktorontleding en bekragtigende faktorontleding het 'n driefaktor-oplossing vir die ALSDS onthul, met 15 items wat op die drie faktore gelaai is. Die resultate verskaf bewyse van die konstruk (konvergerende en diskriminerende) geldigheid en interne konsekwentheid en betroubaarheid van die driefaktor-ALSDS, insluitende die konstruk-ekwivalensie van die skaal se fakulteitstruktuur oor die geslags, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Beduidende verskille tussen ouderdoms-, rasse- en geslagsgroepe is waargeneem rakende die skaalsubdimensies. Die studie bevorder teorie oor selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders in ODeLHE-kontekste en dra bewyse van die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van 'n verkorte weergawe van die ALSDS as 'n nuttige maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders. Psigometriese tekortkomings wat in toekomstige navorsing hanteer kan word, is ook beklemtoon. Prakties gesproke beklemtoon die studie die assessering van volwasse leerders se sukses-oriëntering in ODeLHE, aktiewe akademiese aktiwiteit en strategiese gebruik van hulpbronne as aspekte om hul selfgerigtheid te bevorder. Ondersteuningspraktyke moet oorweeg word vir veral vroue, swart Afrikaners en jonger leerderkohorte. ODeLHE-praktyke moet ook leerders se punt vir Engels, geslag, toegang tot 'n biblioteek, aantal modules en wie studente finansieel ondersteun, oorweeg as faktore wat leerders se vlak van selfgerigtheid beïnvloed. / Le projekthi yocwaningo, ihlola ama-psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). Ucwaningo luhlola i-construct validity nokuthembeka kwe-scale njengendlela yokukala i-adult self-directedness kumaqembu ehlukene abafundi abadala kwisimo semfundo evulekile lapho abantu abafunda bekude esibizwa nge-South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE). Ucwaningo lubuye lwahlola nokuthi ngabe isimo ngamaqiniso e-ALSDS siyalingana yini kubafundi abadala kumaqembu obubili, bezinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye nabantu beminyaka ehlukene. Kanti futhi okunye, ucwaningo, luhlola ukuthi ngabe amaqembu emikhakha ehlukene ngokwe-sociodemographic ehlukene kakhulu maqondana nama-dimention e-ALSDS acutshungulwayo ukuthi ngabe ama-range emibandela yama-sociodemographic abonelela noma aqagela inqubo ye-adult leaner self-directedness. Lolu cwaningo lweziqu ze-doctoral study lubheke nocwaningo lokuqala lwabafundi be-masters ngentuthuko yesakhiwo se-factoral structure ye-ALSDS ebandakanye amasampuli akhethwe nje ngaphandle kokukhetha noma ukubeka imibandela ethize, okwaziwa nge-stratified random sample ye (N = 1 102) yabafundi abadala be-ODeLHE. Isethi ye-data yesekondari yona ibandakanya i-random subsample of n = 747 yesethi ye-data yabafundi bokuqala be-masters. I-Exploratory structural equation modelling, i-exploratory factor analysis kanye ne-confirmatory factor analysis eziveze izixazululo ezintathu ngama-ALSDS kuma-ayithemu angu 15 afakelwe kuma-factor amathathu. Imiphumela iveza ubufakazi be-construct (i-convergent and discriminant) validity kanye ne-internal consistency reliability yama-factor amathathu e-ALSDS abandakanya i- ix construct equivalence ye-scale's factorial structure, ukunqamuleza kumaqembu ngobulili, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye neminyaka yobudala ehlukene. Umehluko osemqoka phakathi kweminyaka yobudala, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye namaqembu eminyaka ehlukene uye wabonakaka maqondana ne-scale sub-dimensions. Ucwaningo luqhubela phambili ithiyori kwizimo zabafundi zokuziqhuba ngokufunda ezibizwa i-adult learner self-directedness kwi-ODeLHE, kanti futhi ithela esivivaneni kwi-reliability ye-version efinyeziwe ye-ALSDS njengesikali esiwusizo kwi-adult learner self-directedness. Okuyizihibe nge-psychometric okufanele kubhekwane nakho ngocwaningo lwangekusasa, kuye kwavezwa kwagqanyiswa. Ngokubonakala ngendlela ebambekayo, ucwaningo lugqamise ukuhlolwa kwempumelelo yabafundi abadala kwi-ODeLHE, umsebenzi omatasatasa we-akhademiki kanye nokusetshenziswa ngendlela yamasu abambekayo kwemithombo njengengxenye yokuthuthukisa i-self-directedness. Izinkambiso zokusekela kumele zibonelelwe, ikakhulukazi kwabesimame, abamnyama bama-Afrika kanye nabafundi abasebasha. Izinkambiso ze-ODeLHE kumele zibonelele namamaki abafundi olimi lwesiNgisi (i-English), ubulili, ukufinyelela emalayibhrari, inani lama-module kanye nokuthi ngabe abafundi bondla obani ngokwezimali njengemibandela enomthelela kwinqubo yokuthi abafundi bakwazi ukuziqhubela phambili ngokwenqubo ye-self-directedness. / Business Management / D.Com. (Business Management)

Curriculum and practice to develop critical thinking competencies in first-year students / Kurrikulum en praktyk om kritiese denke in eerstjaarstudente te ontwikkel / Ukusebenzisa ikhayityhulam ngenjongo yokuphuhlisa ukucinga nzulu kubafundi bonyaka wokuqala

Goode, Heather Ann 23 October 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / Critical thinking competencies are not only seen as crucial for success in higher education, but also for future personal and workplace success. These competencies are commonly cited as a graduate attribute or goal of higher education, and resulting research has tended to focus on exploring and measuring the development of critical thinking competencies in students within higher education. However, few researchers have explored the curriculum and practice of academic staff within higher education in relation to their influence on developing critical thinking competencies in students, or how they theorise about the development of these competencies as part of their professional practice. Within the South African context, there is a perception of a decline in the development of critical thinking competencies within the secondary school system. This has informed policy imperatives to improve access and success in South African higher education through additional support for students, as well as through research into the first-year experience. Within a constructivist paradigm, and adopting a qualitative approach, this study takes the first year of higher education as its context in order to explore the curriculum, assessment, pedagogical and andragogical practices of academic staff designed to develop critical thinking competencies in first-year students. The aim is to explore how academic staff construct their theory and practice in order to contribute to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in South African Higher Education. Phenomenological case study research methods, which draw on data collection through semi-structured interviews and document analysis, enabled a better understanding of the lived experience of academic staff within private higher education. Academic staff, as research participants, were able to describe deliberate actions taken in their teaching practices to facilitate the development and assessment of critical thinking competencies. The findings revealed that academic staff – while having no coherent, well-articulated construction of critical thinking competencies – feel that such competencies are essential for academic and future life success. This not only affirmed previous research reviewed, but aligned to the inclusion of explicit and implicit references to critical thinking competencies found in the curriculum and assessment documents. Recommendations for professional development responded specifically to these findings. / Kritiese denkvaardighede word nie net as wesentlik vir sukses in hoër onderwys beskou nie, maar ook vir toekomstige sukses, op persoonlike vlak en in die werkplek. Hierdie bevoegdhede word algemeen aanvaar as dié van ‘n gegradueerde of as oogmerk in hoër onderwys. Gevolglik was ondersoeke geneig om te fokus op die verkenning en meting van die ontwikkeling van kritiekedenkbevoegdhede by studente binne die hoër onderwys. Min navorsers het egter die kurrikulum en praktyk van akademiese personeel binne die hoër onderwys met betrekking tot hul invloed op die ontwikkeling van kritiekedenkbevoegdhede in studente verken nie, of hoe hulle teoretiseer oor die ontwikkeling van hierdie bevoegdhede as deel van hul professionele praktyk. Binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is die persepsie dat die ontwikkeling van kritiekedenkbevoegdhede binne die sekondêreskoolstelsel afneem. Dit het bygedra tot beleidsimperatiewe om toegang en sukses in die Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys te verbeter deur bykomende ondersteuning aan studente te gee, asook deur die eerstejaarervaring te ondersoek. Binne ‘n konstruktivistiese paradigma, en deur gebruik te maak van ‘n kwalitatiewe benadering, neem hierdie studie die eerste jaar van hoër onderwys as konteks ten einde die kurrikulum, assessering, pedagogiese en andragogiese praktyke van akademiese personeel wat ontwerp is om kritiekedenkbevoegdhede by eerstejaarstudente te verken. Die doel is om na te volg hoe akademiese personeel hul teorie en praktyk saamstel ten einde by te dra tot die Kundigheid in Onderrig en Leer in Suid-Afrika se Hoër Onderwys. Fenomenologiese gevallestudienavorsingsmetodes wat steun op die inwin van data deur middel van semigestruktureerde onderhoude en dokumentontleding, het gelei tot beter begrip van die geleefde ervaring van akademiese personeel binne privaat hoër onderwys. Akademiese personeel, as navorsingsgenote, kon optrede beskryf wat doelbewus in hul onderrigpraktyke geneem word om die ontwikkeling en assessering van kritiekedenkbevoegdhede te fasiliteer. Die bevindinge het getoon dat akademiese personeel – sonder koherente, goed geartikuleerde konstruksie van kritiekedenkbevoegdhede – voel dat sulke vaardighede wesentlik is vir akademiese en toekomstige sukses in die lewe. Dit het nie net vorige navorsing bevestig nie, maar gestrook met die insluiting van eksplisiete en implisiete verwysings na kritiekedenkbevoegdhede binne die kurrikulum- en assesseringsdokumente. Aanbevelings vir professionele ontwikkeling het spesifiek op hierdie bevindinge reageer. / Ubuchule bokucinga nzulu abubonwa kuphela njengecebo elibalulekileyo lokuphumelela kwimfundo ephakamileyo, bukwabonwa njengecebo lokuphumelela komntu kwizinto zakhe nakwindawo axelenga kuyo. Obu buchule bukholisa ukuchazwa njengenjongo yemfundo ephakamileyo, kwaye uphando lweziphumo luthande ukugxininisa ekuqwalaseleni nasekulinganiseleni ukuphuhliseka kwezakhono zokucinga nzulu kubafundi bemfundo ephakamileyo. Noxa kunjalo, bambalwa abaphandi bolwazi abakhe baqwalasela ukusetyenziswa kwekharityhulam ngabahlohli bemfundo ephakamileyo malunga nefuthe ekuphuhliseni izakhono zokucinga nzulu kubafundi, okanye iingcingane zophuhliso lokuphuhliseka kwezi zakhono njengenxalenye yomsebenzi wabo. Kwimeko yoMzantsi Afrika kukho imbono yokuba ziyaphelelwa izakhono zokucinga nzulu kwinkqubo yemfundo yezikolo zeesekondari. Oku kukhokelele ekusekeni iinkqubo zempumelelo kwimfundo ephakamileyo ngokunika inkxaso eyongezelelekileyo kubafundi, nangokuphanda ngamava abafundi abakunyaka wokuqala. Ngokujonga kwinkalo ethi imfundo yinkqubo yokusebenza, nangokusebenzisa indlela yophando lomgangatho, esi sifundo sithatha unyaka wokuqala wemfundo ephakamileyo njengemeko nendawo yokuqwalasela ukusetyenziswa kwekharityhulam, uhlolo, ukufundiswa kolutsha nasebekhulile ngabahlohli ekuphuhliseni izakhono zokucinga nzulu kubafundi bonyaka wokuqala. Injongo kukuqwalasela ukuba abahlohli bayiqulunqa njani ingcingane nokusebenza ukuze kuncediswe kubungcali bokufundisa nokufunda kwimfundo ephakamileyo yoMzantsi Afrika. Iindlela zophando zeemeko ezithile, ezifumana iinkcukacha zolwazi ngokuqhuba udliwano ndlebe oluphantse lwangqongqo, nangokuphengulula imibhalo, kwanceda ukuba kuqondakale ngcono amava abahlohli bemfundo ephakamileyo yabucala. Abahlohli abangabathathi nxaxheba kuphando baye bakwazi ukuchaza izenzo ezingqalileyo ezenzelwe ukuphuhlisa nokuhlola izakhono zokucinga nzulu. Okufunyanisiweyo kwadulisa ukuba abahlohli – lo gama bengenasakhelo sibambekayo nesinokuchazwa gca sezakhono zokucinga nzulu – bayaqonda ukuba ezi zakhono zingundoqo kwimpumelelo kwezemfundo nakubomi obuzayo. Oku akwanelanga nje ukungqina okuvezwe luphando lwangaphambili, koko kongeze kosele kuthethwa ngqo okanye mayana, kwimibhalo yekharityhulam nohlolo, malunga nezakhono zokucinga nzulu. Iingcebiso zophuhliso zisabele ngqo koko kufunyanisiweyo. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil.(Education in the subject Curriculum Studies)

An evaluation of the effectiveness of the integrated tutor model in open and distance learning: a case of Unisa

Ntuli, Cynthia Hlekwase Smangele 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Sotho / The provision of education through an open and distance learning (ODL) mode calls for institutions of higher learning to provide support services that can respond to students’ needs and expectations, and impact positively on their learning experiences. Tutorial support is one of the pillars of student support services which contribute to the academic success of students in this academic context. The use of technology has led institutions of higher learning to change the way support is provided to students by integrating online learning to reach students who cannot attend traditional face-to-face (F2F) tutorials at a specified time and venue. The University of South Africa (Unisa) responds to these global changes by integrating F2F and online services to support its students through the integrated tutor model (ITM) which seeks to address the learning needs and expectations of students. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this ITM. The study was guided by a social constructivist theory of learning supported by connectivism, empathy theory and Salmon’s five stage model of e-learning. The fundamental theory of social constructivism is based on the assumption that learning is constructed in a social setting before individuals engage with knowledge. The experiences of individuals play a big role in the construction of knowledge hence it is crucial to acknowledge their prior knowledge. Students who are supported through the ITM in the six Unisa regional service centres and the Unisa staff involved in the implementation of the ITM participated in the study. A purposive sampling technique was used to select these participants. A random sampling technique was also used to sample students to complete a questionnaire. Qualitative data were collected through individual and focus group interviews and documents analysis. The findings of this study reveal that the ITM is not quite ffective as it partly meets the students’ needs and does not meet students’ expectations. This is because Unisa offers students’ needs such as F2F and online tutor support for some modules. However, students’ expectations in terms of receiving teaching by tutors, provision of assignment aswers to students, fully fledged resource provision in the learning centres and receiving technical support from tutors are not met. In light of the findings, the study contributes to the ITM by identifying and filling its gaps using the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) model of evaluation. The improvements will assist Unisa to relook at the ITM to intensify its support for students to fully meet their needs and expectations. / Uhlelo lokuhlinzeka ngemfundo olusebenzisa uhlelo oluvulekile nohlelo lokufunda ukude (ODL) linxusa amaziko emfundo aphakeme ukuthi anikeze anikeze izinsiza ezixhasayo ezingabhekana nezidingo nezinhloso ezilindelwe kubafundi kanti futhi zinomthelela omuhle ohlelweni lwabo lokufunda. Uxhaso lweThuthoriyali ngolunye lwezinsika zemisebenzi yokuxhasa abafundi olunegalelo kwimpumelelo yabafundi kwezemfundo kulesi sizinda sezemfundo. Ukusetshenziswa kobuchepheshe sekuholele amaziko emfundo ephakeme ukuba aguqule indlela abafundi abaxhaswa ngayo – ngokuhlanganisa uhlelo lokufunda nge-inthanedi ukufinyelela abafundi abangeke bakwazi ukuya kumathuthoriyali okuhlangana nabafundi ngobuso nobuso (F2F) ngesikhathi kanye nendaweni enqunyiwe.. INyuvesi yaseNingizimu Afrika (Unisa) ibhekene nalezi zinguquko zomhlaba ngokuhlanganisa uhlelo lwe-F2F kanye nezinsiza zohlelo lwe-inthanedi ukuxhasa abafundi bayo ngokusebenzisa imodeli ehlanganisiwe yamatjhutha (ITM) efuna ukwanelisa izidingo zokufunda kanye nezinhloso ezilindwe abafundi. Ucwaningo beluqonde ukuhlola ukusebenza kahle kohlelo lwa le ITM. Ucwaningo belulandela ithoyori ebizwa nge-social constructivist theory of learning ngokuxhaswa ukuxhumana (connectivism), i-empathy theory kanye nemodeli yokufunda kaSalmon yezigaba ezinhlanu. Ithiyori yokuqala yokwakhiwa komphakathi isuselwa phezu komqondo wokuthi ukufunda kwakheka ngaphansi kwesizinda sabantu ngaphambi kokuthi abantu bahlangane nolwazi. Ulwazi abantu abahlangabezana nalo ezimpilweni zabo ludlala indima esemqoka ekwakhiweni kolwazi, kanti-ke kubalulekile ukwamukela ulwazi lwabo lwangaphambilini. Abafundi abaxhaswa ngohlelo lwe-ITM ezikhungweni ezisebenzayo eziyisithupha zezifunda kanye nabasebenzi ababandakanyeka ekusetshenzisweni kwe-ITM bazibandakaye kulolu cwaningo. Indlela yesampuli enezinhloso isetshenziselwe ukukhetha labadlalindima, kanti ngakwenye ingxenye indlela yokuksampula yinoma ngubani isetshenzisiwe ukusampula abafundi ukuba baqede umbhalo wemibuzo. Idatha eyencike kwingxoxo iqoqwe ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo zabantu kanye namaqembu aqondiwe kanye nokuhlaziywa kwemibhalo. Ulwazi olutholakele lwalolu cwaningo luveza ukuthi i-ITM ayisebenzi kahle njengoba yanelisa izidingo zabantu ngokwesigamu, kodwa lolu hlelo lwe-ITM alufinyeleli izinhloso zabo ezilindelwe. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi i-Unisa ifeza izidingo ngokuhlinzeka, isibonelo, ngohlelo lokufundisa lwe-F2F kanye nohlelo lwe-inthanedi lwamatshutha uma kunesidingo sabanye omojuli. Yize-kunjalo, izimpokophelo ezilindelwe ngabafundi mayelana nokuhlinzekwa ngemfundo eyethulwa ngamatshutha, ngokunikezwa izimpendulo zama-asayimenti kubafundi, ngokusebenzisa imithombo eqotho ezikhungweni zokufunda kanye nokuthola uxhaso lwesithekinikhali oluvela kumatshutha akuyona imisebenzi efeza lokhu. Ngokolwazi olutholakele, ucwaningo lufaka igalelo kwi-ITM ngokwehlukanisa kanye nokuvala izikhala zalo ngokusebenzisa i-Context. I-Input, uHlelo kanye noMkhiqizo (CIPP) okuyimodeli yokuhlola. Izintuthuko zizonceda i-Unisa ukuba ibuyekeze i-ITM ukuqinisa uxhaso lwayo kubafundi ukuze kufezwe izidingo kanye nezinhloso zabo ezilindelwe. / Kabo ya thuto ka mokgwa wa go ithuta ga phatlalatša le ga kgole (ODL) o ipiletša go dihlongwa tša thuto ya godimo go fana ka ditirelo tša thekgo tšeo di ka kgonago go arabela dinyakwa le dikemelo tša baithuti le go ama gabotse maitemogelo a bona a go ithuta. Thekgo ya dithutišo ke ye nngwe ya dikokwane tša ditirelo tša thekgo ya baithuti tšeo di tsenyago letsogo go katlego ya baithuti ka mo seemong se sa thuto. Tšhomišo ya theknolotši e dirile gore dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana go fetoša ka fao thekgo e fiwago ka gona go baithuti – ka go kopanya go ithuta inthaneteng gore go fihlelele baithuti bao ba sa kgonego go tsenela dithutišo tša setlwaedi tšeo baithuti ba kopanago le bafahloši (F2F) ka phapošing ya bofahloši. Yunibesithi ya Afrika Borwa (Unisa) e arabela ditlhohlo tše tša lefase ka bophara ka go kopanya F2F le ditirelo tša inthaneteng go thekga baithuti ba yona ka go diriša mokgwa wa go ruta wo o kopantšwego (ITM) wo o nyakago go rarolla dinyakwa le dikemelo tša go ithuta tša baithuti. Dinyakišišo di ikemišeditše go sekaseka go šoma gabotse ga ITM ye. Dinyakišišo di hlahlilwe ke teori ya kago ya setšhaba mabapi le go ithuta yeo e thekgwago ke tirišo ya theknolotši thutong, teori ya go naganela ba bangwe le mokgwa wa Salmon wa dikgato tše hlano tša go ithuta. Teori ya motheo ya kago ya setšhaba e theilwe go kwešišo ya gore go ithuta go agwa ka seemong sa setšhaba pele ga ge batho ba ka hwetša tsebo. Maitemogelo a batho a raloka tema ye bohlokwa ka go kago ya tsebo, ke ka lebaka leo go le bohlokwa go lemoga tsebo ya bona ya peleng. Baithuti bao ba thekgwago ka ITM ka disenthareng tša Unisa tše tshela tša ka dileteng le baithuti bao ba kgathago tema ka phethagatšong ya ITM ba tšere karolo ka mo dinyakišišong. Mokgwa wa go dira sampole ka maikemišetšo o šomišitšwe go kgetha bakgathatema ba, mola mokgwa wa go dira sampole ka sewelo o šomišitšwe go dira sampole ya baithuti go tlatša dipotšišo tša dinyakišišo. Tshedimošo ya boleng e kgobokeditšwe ka go botšiša batho ba nnoši le dihlopha dipotšišo gomme gwa dirwa le tshekatsheko ya dingwalwa. Dikutollo tša dinyakišišo tše di utolla gore ITM ga e šome gabotse kudu go fihlelela dinyakwa tša baithuti ebile ga e fihlelele dikemelo tša bona. Se ke ka lebaka la gore Unisa e hlokometše dinyakwa tša baithuti ka go fana ka, go fa mohlala, F2F le thekgo ya baithuti ya inthaneteng go dimotšule tše dingwe. Le ge go lebjale, dikemelo tša baithuti mabapi le go amogela go rutwa ke bafahloši, go fa baithuti dikarabo tša diasaenemente ke bafahloši, kabo ya methopo ka botlalo ka disenthareng tša thuto le go amogela thekgo ya sethekniki go tšwa go bafahloši ga di fihlelelwe. Go lebeletšwe dikkutollo tše, dinyakišišo di tsenya letsogo go ITM ka go tseba le go tlatša dikgoba ka go diriša mokgwa wa tshekatsheko wa Seemo, Tšweletšo, Tshepedišo le Setšweletšwa (CIPP). Dikaonafatšo tše di tla thuša Unisa go lekodišiša ITM go maatlafatša thekgo ya yona go baithuti gore e fihlelele dinyakwa le dikemelo tša bona ka botlalo. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Strategies to support sustained learning in open distance and e-learning in a South African context

Tafirenyika, Nancy 30 October 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / The worldwide growth of open distance and e-Learning cannot be denied, nor can it remain unnoticed. In the South African setting, which is the focus of this study, the increasingly high demand for higher education has also led to the development of distance education. However, the throughput rate for this mode of education has been consistently unimpressive for over a decade and this has led to high dropout rates. There is cause for concern regarding how best to assist students and improve throughput. Therefore, this research has focused on identifying strategies that can be incorporated to support sustained learning in South African ODeL. It considers issues such as the social inequalities, previous disadvantages, and ICT affordances that characterise South African ODeL students. This research took a qualitative research approach, using a case study that was conducted as a dissertation of limited scope. The aim was to unveil the best approaches that could be incorporated in South African ODeL in order to support sustained learning. The study attempted to understand such strategies, based on students' perceptions and reflections on their experiences while studying first-level modules in distance education. The case for this research study was the University of South Africa (UNISA), where eight student participants were interviewed, using semi-structured interviews to collect data. The findings of this study revealed that there are some readily available resources that the institution and instructors can use to promote sustained learning and improve student throughput. This research recommends frequent student surveys to discover student needs and the challenges that they experience. It also recommends improved communication with students, provision of financial aid, development of open educational resources (OERs), ensuring rapid delivery of study material, and the use of different methods of delivering learning content. It is important to note that the findings of this dissertation are of limited scope and cannot be generalised to the issues affecting the majority of South African ODeL students – this because the study was carried out at one institution and involved just one module and eight participants. However, these findings have the potential to enlighten ODeL stakeholders as to matters affecting some of their students. The findings could also provide valuable information for future large-scale research. / Ukudlondlobala kohlelo kohlelo lwemfundo evulekile nokufunda kude kanye nohlelo lwe-inthanethi akunakuphikiswa, futhi angeke kwathathwa sengathi akunakiwe. Ngokwesizinda seNingizimu Afrika, esiyindikimba yalolu cwaningo, izinga elikhulayo lokufuneka kwemfundo ephakeme nakho sekuholele ekukhuleni kwemfundo yokufunda ukude.Yize-kunjalo, izinga legalelo lalolu hlelo lwemfundo kudala lubonakala lungeluhle esikhathini esingaphezu kweminyaka eyishumi kanti lokhu sekuholele ekutheni kwehle izinga labafundi abayeka ukufunda. Kunomnako mayelana nendlela nokuthi abafundi bangancedwa kangcono kangakanani ukuze bathuthukise izinga labo lokusebenza. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo selugxile ekutholeni amasu lawo angasetshenziswa ukuxhasa imfundo esimelele ohlelweni lwe-ODeL lwaseNingizimu Afrika. Lokhu kufaka izindaba ezinjengokungalingani komphakathi, ukuncishwa kwamathuba esikhathini esedlule, kanye nokwazi ukukhokhela uhlelo lwe-ICT okuwuhlelo oluyinsika kubafundi bohlelo lwe-ODeL eNingizimu Afrika. Lolu cwaningo lulandele indlela yocwaningo eyencike kwizinga lengxoxo (qualitative), ngokusebenzisa ucwaningo lotho olwenziwa njengedezetheshini enobukhulu obunqunyiwe. Inhloso kwaye kuwukuveza izindlela ezingcono ebezingafakwa kwi-ODeL yaseNingizimu Afrika, ukuxhasa imfundo imfundo esimelele. Ucwaningo beluzama ukuzwisisa amasu anjalo, asuselwa phezu kwemiqondo yabafundi kanye nokubheka ulwazi lwabo kube ngakolunye uhlangothi bafunda omojuli besigaba sokuqala sohlelo lwemfundo yokufunda kude. Ucwaningo lotho lwalesi sifundo lwenziwa eNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Afrika (UNISA), lapho abafundi abayisishiyagalombili befakwa imibuzo yenhlolovo, ngokusebenzisa inhlolovo yesakhiwo sikanxambili ngenhloso yokuqoqa idatha. Ulwazi olutholwe yilolu cwaningo luye lwaveza ukuthi kunemithombo elungisiwe esesimeni esifanele engasetshenziswa yiziko kanye nabayaleli ukuthuthukisa uhlelo lokufunda olusimelele kanye nokuthuthukisa umsebenzi wabafundi. Lolu cwaningo luncoma amasaveyi enziwa njalo abafundi ukubona izidingo zabafundi kanye nezinselelo abafundi abahlangabezana nazo. Ucwaningo luphinda futhi luncoma uhlelo oluhle lokuxhumana nabafundi, ukuhlinzekwa ngosizo lwezimali, ukuthuthukiswa kwemithombo yemfundo evulekile (OER), ukuqinisekisa kohlelo olusheshayo lokuhlinzekwa. ngomatheriyeli wokufunda, kanye nokusebenzisa izindlela ezahlukene zokwethula indikimba yokufundwayo. Kubalulekile ukukhumbula ukuthi ulwazi olufunyenwe lwedizetheshini wulwazi oluncane olubekelwe imingcele kanti lolu lwazi angeke lwafaniswa nodaba oluthinta iningi labafundi base-ODeL yaseNingizimu Afrika – lokhu kungenxa yokuthi ucwaningo lwenziwa kwiziko elilodwa futhi lwaxuba umojuli owodwa kanye nabadlalindima abayisishiyagalombili. Yize-kunjalo, lolu lwazi olutholakele lunethuba lokukhanyisela abasebenzisani njengezinto ezithinta abanye babafundi. Ulwazi olutholakele belunganikeza ulwazi olusemqoka mayelana nocwaningo olubanzi olungenziwa esikhathini esizayo. / Wêreldwyd het oopafstand- en e-leer groei ervaar wat nie ontken kan word of ongesiens kan bly nie. In die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, wat die fokus van hierdie studie is, het die toenemende vraag na hoër onderwys ook tot die ontwikkeling van afstandsonderrig gelei. Die slaagsyfer vir hierdie vorm van onderrig is egter al vir langer as ʼn dekade deurlopend onindrukwekkend, en dit het tot hoë uitsaksyfers gelei. Daar is rede tot kommer rakende die beste maniere om studente by te staan en die slaagsyfer te verbeter. Die fokus van hierdie navorsing was daarom op die identifisering van strategieë wat geïnkorporeer kan word om volgehoue leer in Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer te ondersteun. Die volgende kwessies is ondersoek: die sosiale ongelykhede, benadeling in die verlede, en IKT-status wat met Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer-studente geassosieer word. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg; ʼn gevallestudie wat uitgevoer is, is in die verhandeling van beperkte omvang gebruik. Die doel was om die beste benaderings te bepaal wat in Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer geïnkorporeer kan word om volgehoue leer te ondersteun. Tydens die studie is daar gepoog om sodanige strategieë te verstaan op grond van studente se persepsies en hul refleksie op hul ervarings terwyl hulle eerstejaarmodules deur afstandonderrig studeer het. Die geval wat in hierdie navorsing bestudeer is, is dié van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa), waar daar semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met agt studentedeelnemers gevoer is om data in te samel. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het getoon dat daar geredelik beskikbare hulpbronne is wat deur die instelling en die onderriggewers ingespan kan word om volgehoue leer te bevorder en die studente se slaagsyfers te verbeter. Op grond van hierdie navorsing word aanbeveel dat opnames gereeld onder studente gemaak word om hulle behoeftes en uitdagings te bepaal. Verdere aanbevelings sluit in verbeterde kommunikasie met studente, voorsiening van finansiële steun, ontwikkeling van oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne, versekering van spoedige lewering van studiemateriaal, en die gebruik van verskillende metodes om leerinhoud te lewer. Dit is belangrik om te besef dat die bevindinge van hierdie verhandeling beperk in omvang is en nie veralgemeen kan word om die kwessies in te sluit wat die meerderheid van Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer-studente raak nie – aangesien die studie by een instelling uitgevoer is en slegs een module en agt deelnemers behels het. Hierdie bevindinge het egter die potensiaal om vir oopafstand- en e-leer-belanghebbers lig te werp op kwessies wat sommige van hul studente raak. Die bevindinge kan ook waardevolle inligting vir toekomstige grootskaalse navorsing oplewer. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Open Distance Learning)

Group investigation : a teaching approach for Life Orientation in selected Northern Cape secondary schools / Uphando lweqela : indlela yokufundisa izifundo ngobomi kwizikolo ezikhethiweyo kwiPhondo loMntla Koloni / Groepondersoek : ʼn onderrigbenadering vir Lewensoriëntering in uitgesoekte sekondêre skole in die Noord-Kaap

Seherrie, Aloysius Claudian 23 February 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / The main aim of this study was to explore the extent to which teachers use group investigation as a teaching approach for Life Orientation in selected secondary schools in the Northern Cape Province in South Africa. Group investigation (GI) as a cooperative learning teaching approach is based on the philosophical principles of John Dewey who believed that schools had the responsibility of capturing learners’ interests, to expand and develop their horizons and to assist them in responding appropriately to new ideas and influences. Group investigation, a particular cooperative learning strategy, is based on the pragmatic paradigm that suggests that learners construct and apply knowledge as they interact with one another in a teacher-learner environment. This study was adopted in a concurrent triangulation mixed methods research design to be conducted concurrently. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analysed separately but simultaneously, the findings converged in the conclusion in order to respond to the research question. Convenient and purposive sampling was employed to select teachers and learners as participants in this study. Data were collected in the social setting where teachers employed group investigation as a teaching strategy with learners in cooperative working groups participating in learner-centred activities. The researcher used face-to-face interviews, focus group interviews, classroom observations as well as document analysis to collect data. The findings of this study revealed that teachers tend to display adequate content and pedagogical knowledge for the teaching of Life Orientation. However, the findings established that there is a need for novice teacher development in the interpretation and application of the content. Furthermore, group investigation has indicated that learners developed group skills easily, learn to work cooperatively in groups and that learners can depend on each other for the groups’ success. This study recommends that group investigation as a teaching approach be incorporated in the Life Orientation curriculum and that this needs to be shown in the lesson planning of teachers. The importance in the body of knowledge regarding teaching approaches and the academic value of the subject, Life Orientation as a fundamental subject, is indispensable within the FET curriculum. / Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal in watter mate onderwysers groepondersoek as ʼn onderrigbenadering vir Lewensoriëntering in uitgesoekte sekondêre skole in die Noord-Kaapprovinsie gebruik. Groepondersoek as ʼn koöperatiewe leer- en onderrigbenadering is gegrond op die filosofiese beginsels van John Dewey, wat geglo het dat skole die verantwoordelikheid het om leerders se belange te akkommodeer, om hul horisonne te verbreed en te ontwikkel en om hulle by te staan om gepas op nuwe idees en invloede te reageer. Groepondersoek, ʼn spesifieke koöperatieweleerstrategie, is gegrond op die sosiaal-interpretivistiese-konstruktivistiese paradigma wat suggereer dat leerders kennis konstrueer en toepas wanneer hulle met mekaar interaksie het in ʼn onderwyser-leerder-omgewing. Hierdie studie is in ʼn konkurrente triangulering- gemengdemetodenavorsingsontwerp aangepak – om samelopend maar afsonderlik uitgevoer te word. Kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data is afsonderlik ingesamel en ontleed, maar terselfdertyd is die resultate gekonvergeer in die gevolgtrekking om die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord. Gerieflikheid- en doelbewuste steekproefneming is gebruik om onderwysers en leerders te kies om aan die navorsing deel te neem. Data is ingesamel in die sosiale situasie waar onderwysers groepondersoeke as ʼn onderrigstrategie aangewend het, met leerders wat in koöperatiewe werksgroepe aan leergesentreerde aktiwiteite deelneem. Die navorser het persoonlike onderhoude, fokusgroeponderhoude, klaskamerwaarnemings sowel as dokumentontleding gebruik om data in te samel. Die bevindings van die studie het getoon dat onderwysers geneig is om voldoende inhoud en pedagogiese kennis vir die onderrig van Lewensoriëntering te toon, terwyl daar ʼn behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van nuweling-onderwysers se interpretasie en toepassing van die inhoud is. Daarbenewens het die groepondersoeke ook gewys dat leerders maklik groepvaardighede ontwikkel, leer om koöperatief in groepe te werk, en dat hulle op mekaar kan staatmaak vir die sukses van die groep. Hierdie studie beveel aan dat groepondersoeke as ‘n onderrigstrategie in die Lewensorientering kurrikulum geïnkorporeer moet word en dat dit in die lesbeplanning van die onderwysers aangedui moet word. Die belangrikheid van kennis met verwysing na die onderrrigstrategieë en die akademiese waarde van die vak, is Lewensorientering as ‘n fundamentele vak onvervangbaar binne die VOO kurrikulum. / Injongo ephambili yesi sifundo kukuqwalasela ukuba ootitshala bayisebenzisa kangakanani indlela yokufundisa yophando lweqela kwizifundo ngobomi ekuthiwa yiLife Orientation kwizikolo zesekondari ezikhethiweyo kwiPhondo loMntla Koloni. Uphando lweqela, njengecebo lokufunda nokufundisa ngokubambisana lusekelwe kwiinqobo zefilosofi kaJohn Dewey, owayekholelwa ekubeni izikolo zinoxanduva lokudlwengula umdla wabafundi, zinabise amathuba olwazi, zibancedise ekusabeleni ngokufanelekileyo kwizimvo neempembelelo ezintsha. Uphando lweqela, nolulicebo lobulumko lokusebenza ngokubambisana, lusekelwe kwiingcinga zokwakha intsingiselo ngokusebenzisana, le nto kuthiwa yisocial interpretivist-constructivist paradigm ngolwimi lwesiNgesi. Ezi ngcinga zithi abafundi bazakhela ulwazi, balusebenzise xa besebenzisana kuloo ndawo bafundela kuyo. Esi sifundo siqhutywe ngokusebenzisa iindlela zophando ezixubeneyo neziqhutywa ngaxeshanye lo gama zahlukene. Kuqokelelwe, kwaphengululwa idatha ngokwahlukeneyo ngokobuninzi bayo ngaxeshanye nangokokucinga nzulu ngayo, okufunyanisiweyo kwadityaniswa esiphelweni ngenjongo yokuphendula umbuzo wophando. Isampulu yophando yakhethwa ngononophelo nangendlela enokusebenza lula xa kwakukhethwa ootitshala nabafundi abaza kuba ngabathathi nxaxheba kwesi sifundo. Idatha yaqokelelwa kwimeko yezentlalo apho ootitshala babesebenzisa uphando lweqela njengecebo lokufundisa, apho abafundi babesebenza ngokwamaqela ancedisanayo kwimisebenzi yezifundo zabo. Umphandi waqhuba udliwano ndlebe nomntu ngamnye, udliwano ndlebe namaqela achaphazelekayo, waqwalasela okwenzeka eklasini, waphengulula nemibhalo ekhoyo xa wayeqokelela idatha. Okufunyaniswe kwesi sifundo kwadiza ukuba ootitshala babonisa ulwazi olwaneleyo ngeziqulatho neendlela zokufundisa izifundo ngobomi okanye iLife Orientation, lo gama sikho sona isidingo sokuphuhlisa izakhono zootitshala abatsha ekutolikeni nasekusebenzeni ngeziqulatho zezi zifundo. Ngaphezu koko, uphando lweqela lubonise ukuba izakhono zabafundi zokusebenza ngamaqela ziphuhla lula, bafunda ukusebenzisana bengamaqela kwaye bafunda ukwazi ukuxhomekeka omnye komnye ukuze iqela liphumelele. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / Ph. D. (Curriculum Studies)

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