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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Desenvolvimento de metodologia analítica específica e seletiva para a determinação do nitrato de econazol em cremes / Development of a specific and selective analytical methodology for the determination of econazole nitrate in creams

Angel Arturo Gaona Galdos 18 April 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizaram-se provas de identificação qualitativa e quantitativa do nitrato de econazol (matéria-prima); ensaios de caracterização térmica do nitrato de econazol, excipientes e formulação farmacêutica (creme), assim como desenvolvimento de metodologia analítica específica e seletiva para a quantificação do nitrato de econazol na formulação farmacêutica de creme. A caracterização térmica dos excipientes foi realizada usando-se a Termogravimetria (TG). Para a caracterização térmica do nitrato de econazol e da formulação foram empregadas a Termogravimetria, a Termogravimetria Derivada (TG/DTG) e a Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC). Na caracterização térmica da formulação foram identificados e quantificados dois tipos de água com interações diferentes com a matriz. No desenvolvimento da metodologia específica utilizou-se a eletroforese capilar em zona, método linear com concentrações entre 80 e 120 µg mL-1, com coeficiente de correlação de 0,9995; precisão calculada como desvio padrão relativo (DPR) menor de 2%; exatidão do método comprovada mediante teste de recuperação, obtendo-se valores de 100±2,5%; limites de detecção e quantificação 1,853 µg.mL-1 e 5,617 µg.mL-1, respectivamente, comprovando-se também que o método é robusto. No desenvolvimento da metodologia seletiva foram usadas a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com eluição em gradiente (CLAE) e a eletroforese capilar pelo método da cromatografia eletrocinética micelar (MEKC). Nestes métodos foram separados o nitrato de econazol, as impurezas relatadas na literatura do nitrato de econazol (4-álcool clorobenzílico, alfa-2,4-diclorofenil-1 H¬imidazol-1-etanol) e os conservantes presentes na formulação (metilparabeno e propilparabeno). O método seletivo desenvolvido por CLAE foi linear para todas as moléculas, com coeficientes de correlação maiores de 0,99. A precisão calculada para o nitrato de econazol como DPR foi menor de 2%; a exatidão para o nitrato de econazol foi comprovada mediante teste de recuperação, obtendo-se valores de 100±2%; comprovou-se também que o método é robusto e que poderia ser aplicado para a quantificação de cada um destes cinco compostos. No método seletivo desenvolvido por MEKC se obteve tempo menor em comparação ao método por CLAE. / In this work, were performed qualitative and quantitative identitication econazole nitrate (raw material); thermal characterization of econazole nitrate, excipients and formulation (cream). There also were developed and validated specific and selective analytical methodology for quantitative determination of econazole nitrate in creams. The thermal characterization of drug product excipients was performed using the Thermogravimetry (TG). For the thermal characterization of econazole nitrate drug and their formulation were used the Thermogravimetry, Derivative Thermogravimetry (TG/DTG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). From cream formulation were identified and quantified two kinds of water which have different interactions with matrix. As regards lo developing of specific methodology was used the capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). The method was linear, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9995 in the concentration range of 80 to 120 µg.mL-1 of econazole nitrate, precision calculated as relative standard deviation (RSD) was less than 2%, accuracy calculated percentage of recovery for commercial sample was of 100 ± 2.5%, detection and quantitation limits were 1.853 µg.mL-1 and 5.617 µg.mL-1, respectively. The CZE method showed to be robust. For developing of selective methodology were used high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with gradient elution, and micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) methods. Econazole nitrate, related impurities the drug (4-Chlorobenzyl alcohol, alpha-2,4-dichlorophenyl-1H - imidazole-1-ethanol) and preservatives (methylparaben, propylparaben) present in the drug product were separated. The HPLC method was linear for all analytes, the correlation coefficients were higher than 0.99. The precision for nitrate econazol in terms of RSD was less than 2%, the percentage of recovery for commercial sample of econazole nitrate was 100±2%, the method is robust and could be applied for the quantitation of the five substances cited above. With the MEKC method developed the five substances were separated less time comparated with HPLC method.

Seleção de plantas resistentes e de fungicidas para o controle da "morte prematura" do maracujazeiro, causada por Nectria haematococca e Phytophthora parasitica. / Selection of resistant plants and fungicides for the control of passion fruit "premature death", caused by Nectria haematococca and Phytophthora parasitica.

Ivan Herman Fischer 28 January 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar métodos de inoculação de Nectria haematococca e Phytophthora parasitica e idades de Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa suscetíveis à infecção; avaliar a ocorrência de damping-off e podridão de colo do maracujazeiro em solo infestado; avaliar o comportamento de diferentes Passsifloraceas e genótipos de maracujazeiro amarelo aos respectivos patógenos; realizar testes de controle químico in vitro, tratamento químico erradicante em solo infestado e tratamento químico curativo em P. edulis f. flavicarpa para os respectivos patógenos. Inoculações no colo das plantas de P. edulis f. flavicarpa proporcionaram maiores níveis de doença comparadas às inoculações no sistema radicular, previamente ferido. Os resultados sugerem que N. haematococca seja um patógeno que penetra através de ferimentos. A mortalidade foi maior quando a inoculação foi realizada em plantas mais jovens e quando os patógenos N. haematococca e P. parasitica estavam em associação. Dentre as 17 espécies de Passiflora avaliadas para resistência aos patógenos, as espécies P. nitida, P. laurifolia e P. alata apresentaram as menores médias de lesões de N. haematococca, enquanto que para P. parasitica foram as espécies P. suberosa, P. foetida e P. morifolia as menos afetadas. Passiflora sidaefolia, P. edulis f. flavicarpa e P. edulis f. edulis foram as mais suscetíveis a ambos os patógenos, com sintomas que culminaram com a morte de plantas. Os genótipos de P. edulis f. flavicarpa mais resistentes a N. haematococca foram os procedentes de Morretes (PR) e a variedade Maguari e de Sapucaí (SP), enquanto que para P. parasitica foram os genótipos de Morretes (PR), Jaboticabal (SP) e LE13P2 (IAC) os menos afetados. A variedade Sul-Brasil e o genótipo de Livramento (BA) foram altamente suscetíveis a ambos os patógenos, com sintomas que culminaram com a morte de plantas. No teste de fungitoxidade in vitro avaliou-se a eficiência dos fungicidas na inibição do crescimento micelial de N. haematococca e P. parasitica. Na dose 100 ppm somente prochloraz inibiu totalmente o crescimento micelial de N. haematococca e nenhum produto inibiu acima de 82 % o crescimento de P. parasitica. Os fungicidas prochloraz, thiabendazole, thiram+thiabendazole, carbendazim, triflumizole e captan exerceram controle erradicante em solo infestado com N. haematococca, inibindo a incidência da doença em plantas com seis semanas pós-germinação. O mesmo foi observado com os produtos kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb, mancozeb, cymoxanil+maneb e oxicloreto de cobre para P. parasitica. Os fungicidas testados em tratamento curativo inibiram o desenvolvimento da doença com melhores resultados quando aplicados dois dias após a inoculação, comparado a sete dias. Os fungicidas prochloraz e carbendazim destacaram-se por evitar a morte de plantas inoculadas com N. haematococca e os fungicidas kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb e cymoxanil+maneb apresentaram eficiência semelhante entre si e superior a fosetyl- Al no controle de P. parasitica. / The objectives of the present work were to evaluate methods of inoculation of Nectria haematococca and Phytophthora parasitica and ages of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa which are susceptible to infection; to evaluate the damping-off and collar rot of passion fruit plant in infested soil; to evaluate the behavior of different Passsifloraceas and yellow genotypes of passion fruit to the respective pathogens; to carry out tests of chemical control in vitro, eradicative chemical treatment in infested soil and curative chemical treatment in P. edulis f. flavicarpa for the respective pathogens. Inoculations in the collar zone of P. edulis f. flavicarpa plants provided higher levels of disease when compared to the inoculations in the radicular system previously wounded. The results suggest that N. haematococca is a pathogen that penetrates through wounds. Mortality was higher when the inoculation was carried out in younger plants and when both pathogens were together. Amongst the 17 species of Passiflora tested for resistance to the pathogens, P. nitida, P. laurifolia, and P. alata showed the lowest average of N. haematococca lesions, while P. suberosa, P. morifolia, and P. foetida were the least affected species by P. parasitica. Passiflora sidaefolia, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, and P. edulis f. edulis were the most susceptible to both pathogens, showing symptoms that culminated with the death of the plants. The most resistant genotypes of P. edulis f. flavicarpa to N. haematococca were those from Morretes (PR), Maguari variety, and those from Sapucaí (SP); with respect to P. parasitica, the genotypes from Morretes (PR), Jaboticabal (SP), and LE13P2 (IAC) were the least affected. The Sul- Brasil variety and the genotype from Livramento (BA) had been highly susceptible to both pathogens, having symptoms that culminated with the death of plants. The in vitro efficiency of the fungicides in the inhibition of the mycelial growth of N. haematococca and P. parasitica was evaluated. At 100 ppm, only prochloraz inhibited totally the mycelial growth of N. haematococca and no product inhibited over 82 % the growth of P. parasitica. Prochloraz, thiabendazole, thiram+thiabendazole, carbendazim, triflumizole, and captan controlled eradicatively the soil infested by N. haematococca, inhibiting the incidence of the disease in plants which were six weeks old. The same was observed for the products kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb, mancozeb, cymoxanil+maneb, and copper oxychloride for P. parasitica. The tested fungicides in curative treatment inhibited the development of the disease with better results when applied two days after the inoculation, compared to seven days. Prochloraz and carbendazim were outstanding for preventing the death of plants inoculated with N. haematococca. Kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb, and cymoxanil+maneb showed similar efficiency and were superior to fosetyl-Al in the control of P. parasitica.

Epidemiologia do cancro cítrico (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) em laranja 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis) sob condições de controle químico e cultural / Epidemiology of citrus canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) on ‘Pêra’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) under chemical and cultural control

Franklin Behlau 07 July 2006 (has links)
O cancro cítrico, causado pela bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, é uma das doenças mais importantes da citricultura. O estudo do efeito de medidas alternativas de controle para o manejo desta doença assume grande importância tanto para áreas citrícolas onde a erradicação de plantas não é a principal medida de controle do cancro cítrico, como no Estado do Paraná, como para regiões onde a prática da erradicação vem sendo adotada como principal medida de controle da doença, como no Estado de São Paulo. Instalado em pomar citrícola do município de Ourizona, na região Noroeste do Estado do Paraná, este trabalho buscou estudar o progresso dessa importante doença em campo sob condições de proteção química das plantas, utilizando produto cúprico; e cultural, por meio de quebra-vento. Além disso, importantes informações relacionadas ao efeito de cada tratamento sobre a produção das plantas de laranja ‘Pêra’ também foram obtidas. Enquanto a aplicação de cobre apresentou efeito significativo na redução dos níveis de cancro cítrico, o emprego de quebra-vento pouco ou nada contribuiu para o controle da doença. Após 29 avaliações mensais, plantas submetidas à aplicação de bactericida cúprico apresentaram valores médios de AUDPC* de incidência da doença nas folhas de cerca de 20 %, nível 44 % inferior ao observado para as plantas não protegidas quimicamente. O mesmo comportamento foi observado para a severidade da doença. Após 18 avaliações mensais foi possível observar que plantas submetidas à aplicação de produto cúprico apresentaram em média folhas com níveis de AUDPC* de severidade 37 % menores do que plantas não protegidas quimicamente. Em 2004, quando os níveis da doença foram relativamente elevados, plantas submetidas ao controle químico apresentaram produção 54 % superior àquelas não tratadas. Em 2005, quando os níveis de cancro foram menores, não foi observada diferença na produtividade entre os tratamentos. Nas duas safras, plantas tratadas com bactericida apresentaram menor incidência da doença em frutos e maior proporção de frutos colhidos em relação a carga total da planta (colhidos + caídos). Dos modelos testados, o logístico foi o mais adequado para descrever o progresso temporal do cancro cítrico nos dois anos estudados para todos os tratamentos. Nas duas safras estudadas a proporção de frutos colhidos foi a variável que apresentou função de dano com maior coeficiente de determinação (R2) quando relacionada aos níveis de incidência e severidade de cancro cítrico observados. / Citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, is one of the most important diseases to citrus production. The effect of alternative measures of citrus canker control is very important to areas where plant eradication is the most important measure of control, as in Sao Paulo State, as well as to areas where eradication is not a major component of canker control, as in Parana State. This work aimed to study the progress of citrus canker in field conditions under chemical control, by using copper sprays; and cultural control, by using windbreak. Field plots were installed in a citrus orchard of ‘Pêra’ sweet orange located in Ourizona county, northwest of Parana State, Brazil. Information regarding the effect of each treatment alone or in combination was assessed. Whereas copper sprays showed significant effect on reducing citrus canker levels, windbreak did not contribute significantly to disease control. After 29 monthly assessments, plants submitted to copper sprays showed values of AUDPC* of citrus canker incidence near to 20 %. This disease level was 44 % lower than that observed to plants not protected with copper compound. The same pattern was observed to disease severity. After 18 monthly assessments, plants sprayed with copper showed values of AUDPC* of disease severity 37 % lower than that observed to plants of the check plots. In 2004, when the citrus canker level was higher, plants treated with copper yielded 54 % more than that not sprayed. In 2005, when the citrus canker level was lower, no significant difference was observed between treatments. In both seasons, plants sprayed with copper showed lower citrus canker incidence on fruits and higher rate of harvested fruits. Among the temporal models tested, the logistic was the most appropriate to describe citrus canker incidence over time in both years studied to all treatments. In both harvests the rate of harvested fruits was the variable that showed the higher coefficient of determination (R2) when related to citrus canker incidence and severity levels.

Seletividade de agrotóxicos utilizados na cultura do pessegueiro ao predador Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) / Side-effects of pesticides used in peach orchards to Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)

Castilhos, Rodolfo Vargas 08 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:07:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_rodolfo_vargas_castilhos.pdf: 378851 bytes, checksum: 0d6e42041b0313486f844bb4e5027f75 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-08 / In peach crops, the chemical control is the most used method in pest management, however, in sustainable production systems such as the Integrated Peach Production (IPP), alternative methods based on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) are commended. The natural enemies preservation is one of the most important practices on IPM, so, the use of pesticides that are selective to these organisms should be encouraged, in order to enable the chemical and biological control association. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the side effects of sixteen pesticides used in conventional and integrated peach production on larvae and adults of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), under laboratory bioassays (25±1oC temperature, 70±10% relative humidity, and 14h photophase), using the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC) standard methodology. The larval and adults bioassays consisted on the exposure of the insects to a fresh dry pesticide film applied on glass plates. In the larval bioassays, the duration time of each development stage, the mortality, the fecundity and fertility of survival adults were evaluated. In the adults bioassays, it was evaluated the cumulative mortality at 24, 72 and 120 hours after the residual exposure of the insects. The pesticides were classified according to the total toxic effect for the larval stage, and according to the mortality rate for adults, in harmless (<30%), slightly harmful (30-79%), moderately harmful (80-99%) and harmful (>99%), in conformity to IOBC recommendation. For the pesticides [commercial product (active ingredient - % of active ingredient in spray water) evaluated, it follows that: the fungicides Amistar 500 WG (azoxystrobine 0.016), Cuprozeb (mancozeb and cooper oxichloride 0.140 and 0.096), Dodex 450 SC (dodina 0.126), Folpan Agricur 500 WP (folpete 0.200), Manzate 800 (mancozeb 0.256) and Orthocide 500 (captan 0.192); the insecticides Assist (mineral oil 1 2.420) and Oppa (mineral oil 2 1.920); the insecticide/acaricide Vertimec 18 CE (abamectin 0.002) and the herbicide Roundup (gliphosate 1.440) are harmless to larvae and adults of C. externa. The fungicide Folicur 200 EC (tebuconazole 0.320) is slightly harmful for larvae and harmless for adults of C. externa. The insecticide Decis 25 EC (deltametrin 0.002) is moderately harmful and slightly harmful to larvae and adults of the predator, respectively. The herbicide Gramoxone (paraquat dichloride 0.300) is harmful to larvae and harmless to adults, and the insecticide Agritoato 400 (dimetoate 0.160), Imidam 500 WP (fosmet 0.160) e Malathion 500 EC (malathiona 0.240) are harmful to larvae and adults of C. externa. The fecundity and fertility of emerged adults when larvae were exposed to the chemical residuals are not significatively affected by anyone of them. Female adults are less susceptible to chemicals when compared to male adults. / Na cultura do pessegueiro, a utilização do controle químico se constitui na tática mais adotada no manejo dos insetos-praga, porém, nos sistemas de produção sustentáveis como o de Produção Integrada de Pêssego (PIP), medidas alternativas de controle, fundamentadas no Manejo Integrado de Pragas (MIP), são preconizadas. A preservação dos inimigos naturais de insetos-praga é uma das práticas de maior importância no MIP, devendo ser incentivado o uso de agrotóxicos seletivos a estes organismos benéficos, a fim de se viabilizar a associação dos métodos de controle químico e biológico. Neste contexto, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a seletividade de dezesseis agrotóxicos utilizados na produção convencional e parte na produção integrada de pêssego sobre os estágios larval e adulto do predador Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), em bioensaios conduzidos em laboratório (temperatura de 25±1oC, umidade relativa de 70±10% e fotofase de 14 horas), utilizando-se metodologia padronizada pela International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC). Os bioensaios com larvas e adultos consistiram na exposição do inseto a resíduos secos dos agrotóxicos pulverizados sobre placas de vidro. Nos bioensaios com larvas foram avaliadas a duração dos estágios de desenvolvimento, a mortalidade, e as taxas de fecundidade e fertilidade dos adultos sobreviventes. Nos bioensaios com adultos, foi avaliada a mortalidade acumulada as 24, 72 e 120 horas após a exposição dos insetos aos resíduos dos agrotóxicos. Para o estágio larval, os agrotóxicos foram classificados em função do efeito total e para o estágio adulto os mesmos foram classificados em função da taxa de mortalidade em inócuos (<30%), levemente nocivos (30-79%), moderadamente nocivos (80-99%) e nocivos (>99%), conforme recomendação da IOBC. Para os agrotóxicos [produto comercial (ingrediente ativo - % de ingrediente ativo na calda)] avaliados, conclui-se que: os fungicidas Amistar 500 WG (azoxystrobina - 0,016), Cuprozeb (mancozebe e oxicloreto de cobre - 0,140 e 0,096), Dodex 450 SC (dodina - 0,126), Folpan Agricur 500 WP (folpete - 0,200), Manzate 800 (mancozebe - 0,256) e Orthocide 500 (captana - 0,192); os inseticidas Assist (óleo mineral 1 - 2,420) e Oppa (óleo mineral 2 - 1,920); o inseticida/acaricida Vertimec 18 CE (abamectina - 0,002) e o herbicida Roundup (glifosato - 1,440) são inócuos a larvas e adultos de C. externa. O fungicida Folicur 200 EC (tebuconazole - 0,320) é levemente nocivo para larvas e inócuo para adultos. O inseticida Decis 25 EC (deltametrina - 0,002) é moderadamente nocivo e levemente nocivo para larvas e adultos do predador, respectivamente. O herbicida Gramoxone (dicloreto de paraquate - 0,300) é nocivo para larvas e inócuo para adultos, e os inseticidas Agritoato 400 (dimetoato - 0,160), Imidam 500 WP (fosmete - 0,160) e Malathion 500 EC (malationa - 0,240) são nocivos para larvas e adultos de C. externa. A fecundidade e fertilidade de adultos emergidos de C. externa não são afetadas significativamente por nenhum agrotóxico quando larvas são expostas a resíduos dos mesmos. Fêmeas adultas são menos susceptíveis aos agrotóxicos quando comparado com machos adultos.

Comportamento de fungicida em plantas de soja submetidas a diferentes regimes hídricos e horários de aplicação / Performance of fungicide in soybean plants under different water regimes and times of application

Stefanello, Marlon Tagliapietra 21 February 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The climatic factors, especially water deficit, cause changes in biochemical and morphophysiological aspects in soybean plants, which consequently affect the performance of fungicide applications on leaves and pathogenicity of fungi. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of fungicide in soybean under different water regimes and times of application. For this purpose two experiments were conducted, one in the greenhouse and one on the field, both in Itaara RS, Brazil. The experimental design in greenhouse was composed by completely randomized design with four replications in a factorial (2x6x5), which factors were composed, factor 01: two water regimes (50-60% of the field capacity and 90-100% of the field capacity); factor 02: five times of application (04:00 a.m., 09:00 a.m., 14:00 p.m., 18:00 p.m., 23:00 p.m.) and a control without fungicide applying; factor 03: four time periods between the fungicide application and simulated rain (0, 30, 60 and 120 ) plus a control with no rain. Fungicide comprising the active ingredients Trifloxystrobin + Prothioconazole (70.0 + 60.0 g ha-1 a.i.) was used with the addition of Aureo® at a dose of 0.375 l ha-1 c.p. The parameters evaluated were the number of days until the first pustule preview of asian rust, the severity of Phakopsora pachyrhizi and Cercospora kikuchii in leaves, incidence of C. kikuchii in grain, relative chlorophyll content, stomatal density, trichome density, concentration of hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxidation, yield and grain weight. The experimental design in the field was composed by randomized blocks with split plots. The experiment consisted of two factors (6x5). The first factor was composed of the application time (04:00 a.m., 09:00 a.m., 14:00 p.m., 18:00 p.m., 23:00 p.m.) and a control without fungicide applying. The second factor was composed of the time periods between the fungicide application and simulated rain (0, 30, 60 and 120 ) plus a control with no rain. The parameters evaluated were the severity of the asian rust, the relative chlorophyll content stratified in three thirds of the canopy, area under the disease progress curve, yield and hundred grain weight. The results indicate that the penetration of fungicide is faster in leaflets in sunlight. It finds that the application of fungicides in plants under water deficit provides the greatest number of days until the first pustule preview. The simulated rainfall has a greater effect on the removal of fungicide applications made at night. The fungicide application in leaflets made at 09:00 am provides the greatest number of days until the first pustule preview. Soybean plants in water deficit develop strategies to reduce the loss of water, which affects the pathogenicity of Phakopsora pachyrhizi and Cercospora kikuchii. / Os fatores climáticos, em especial o déficit hídrico, provocam alterações nos aspectos morfofisiológicos e bioquímicos nas plantas de soja, que consequentemente, afetam o comportamento de aplicações fungicidas foliares e a patogenicidade de fungos. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o comportamento de fungicida em plantas de soja submetidas a diferentes regimes hídricos e horários de aplicação. Para isso foram conduzidos dois experimentos, sendo um em casa de vegetação e outro à campo, ambos no município de Itaara RS. Em casa de vegetação foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições, em arranjo trifatorial (2x6x5), cujos fatores foram, fator 01: dois regimes hídricos (50-60% da capacidade de campo e 90-100% da capacidade de campo); fator 02: cinco horários de aplicação (04:00, 09:00, 14:00, 18:00, 23:00 horas), além de um testemunha sem aplicação; fator 03: quatro intervalos de tempo entre a aplicação de fungicida e a aplicação de chuva simulada (0, 30, 60 e 120 min) mais uma testemunha sem chuva. Foi utilizado o fungicida composto pelos ingredientes ativos Trifloxistrobina + Protioconazol (70,0 + 60,0 g i.a.ha-1) com adição de Aureo® na dose de 0,375 L p.c ha-1. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o tempo decorrido entre a aplicação e o surgimento da primeira pústula de ferrugem asiática, a severidade de Phakopsora pachyrhizi e Cercospora kikuchii em folhas, incidência de C. kikuchii em grãos, teor relativo de clorofila, densidade estomática, densidade de tricomas, concentração de peróxido de hidrogênio e peroxidação lipídica, produtividade e a massa de grão. À campo foi utilizado o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas. O experimento constituiu-se de dois fatores (6x5). O primeiro fator foi composto pelos horários de aplicação (04:00, 09:00, 14:00, 18:00, 23:00 horas), e uma testemunha sem aplicação de fungicida. O segundo fator foi composto pelos intervalos de tempo entre a aplicação de fungicidas e a simulação de chuva (2, 30, 60 e 120 min), mais uma testemunha sem chuva. Os parâmetros avaliados foram a severidade de ferrugem asiática e o teor relativo de clorofila estratificados nos três terço do dossel, área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença, produtividade e massa de 100 grãos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a penetração de fungicida é mais rápida em trifólios sob luz solar. Verifica-se que a aplicação de fungicida em plantas sob déficit hídrico proporciona o maior número de dias para o aparecimento da primeira pústula. A simulação de chuva tem maior efeito na remoção de fungicidas em aplicações realizadas à noite. A aplicação de fungicida em trifólios realizada às 09:00 horas proporciona o maior número de dias para o aparecimento da primeira pústula. As plantas de soja em déficit hídrico desenvolvem estratégias para reduzir a perda de água, o que afeta a patogenicidade de Phakopsora pachyrhizi e Cercospora kikuchii.

Management of Sclerotinia stem rot of soybean and diversity of Pythium irregulare in Ohio

Huzar Novakowiski, Jaqueline January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Destination of Isotopic Nitrogen Fertilizer Under Varying Herbicide Regimes in a Mid-Rotation Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Plantation in the Piedmont of Virginia, USA

Van-Spanje, Megan 24 May 2023 (has links)
Mid-rotation fertilization and vegetation control are some of the most common silvicultural treatments in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations in the southeastern United States. Competing vegetation is commonly thought to sequester fertilizer nitrogen (N) and reduce the potential growth response to a mid-rotation fertilization treatment. This experiment aims to identify what proportion of applied N fertilizer is retained in the crop tree pine foliage, and the degree to which understory vegetation is competing for this resource. Our mid-rotation loblolly pine plantation received an application of 15N fertilization (urea 365 kg/ha, at 46% N by weight, i.e. 168 kg/ha of N) and a portion of plots received an understory vegetation control (basal spray application of triclopyr; 13.6% active ingredient) treatment either before fertilization or not at all. One-year post-fertilization, 15N contents within pine foliage, leaf fall/leaf litter, forest floor, and soil were measured, as was competing vegetation presence. There was significant variation in applied nitrogen acquisition among the different ecosystem components measured, with 0-15 cm soils retaining a majority at 32-37% added 15N. Differences in fertilizer N acquisition in pine foliage between plots with and without understory vegetation control was marginally significant (p = 0.06) with pine foliage in plots without understory vegetation capturing greater 15N (4.3% greater). Red maple (Acer rubrum) and oak species (Quercus spp.) were the most common competitors but neither had a uniquely pronounced effect on pine nitrogen sequestration. My data indicate that increasing competition reduces fertilizer N foliar concentrations in crop pine trees but at a modest rate and equally across species groups. An unrefined threshold determining when fertilizer N capture in crop pine trees was affected was found at 3.1 m2/ha of competing vegetation basal area. This site will continue to be monitored over time to assess fertilizer N retention in loblolly pine each year after fertilization and evaluate the fertilizer N capture within competing vegetation. / Master of Science / Some of the most prevalent management practices for mid-rotation (age 15, i.e., roughly halfway through a crop cycle) loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations in the southeastern United States are fertilization and vegetation control. Nitrogen (N) is consistently one of the most limiting factors to productivity. The addition of N via fertilization is therefore a common forestry practice. However, when a stand is fertilized, the added resource is partitioned and cycled throughout the ecosystem. It is presumed that the amount of fertilizer N obtained by crop trees in a plantation is dependent on the level of competing vegetation (i.e., weed-trees and shrubs) present on site. Controlling competing vegetation prior to fertilization may therefore be warranted under certain conditions. To date, the amount of competing vegetation where it begins to impact fertilizer uptake by the crop tree is unknown. This study aims to elucidate this competing vegetation threshold to better inform mid-rotation management of loblolly pine plantations. This study examined applied fertilizer N capture in ecosystem components with varying levels of understory vegetation, and found more fertilizer N in pine foliage when understory vegetation was completely removed prior to fertilization. No single understory hardwood weed species had a uniquely strong influence on crop tree productivity uptake. Plots that ranked in the upper third in competing vegetation presence did have significantly less foliar fertilizer N in the pine crop trees. Additional replication of this study would be necessary to determine a universal threshold of competing vegetation which would trigger the removal of competing vegetation prior to fertilization.

Phenology of hazelnut big bud mites in Canterbury and implications for management

Webber, J. D. January 2007 (has links)
Eriophyoid big bud mites are key pests of hazelnuts throughout the world, although little is known of the identity and impact of the species on New Zealand hazelnut crops. The key objectives of this study were to determine the species of mite present on New Zealand crops, explore a method of monitoring mite emergence from overwintering big buds, determine the phenology of mites in relation to tree phenology and weather, and identify the optimum timing for control measures. The presence of both Phytoptus avellanae (Nalepa 1889) (Acari: Phytoptidae) and Cecidophyopsis vermiformis (Nalepa 1889) (Acari: Eriophyidae) was confirmed, the latter species being a new record for New Zealand. Preliminary diagnostic DNA sequences were determined for both species. A sticky band technique was developed to monitor mite emergence from overwintering big buds, and mite emergence was found to occur between early and late spring. Mite emergence and movement occurred when daily temperatures were greater than 15 degrees C and when mean temperatures were greater than 9 degrees C, with mite emergence increasing with temperature. It proved difficult to relate the phenology of hazelnut to mite emergence, however, the development of new buds during mite emergence was a crucial factor in the infestation of new buds. An accumulated heat sum model (DD), started at Julian date 152 and using a lower threshold temperature of 6 degrees C, predicted the onset of emergence on two cultivars and at two sites as occurring at approximately 172 DD. A regression model based on leaf number, bud height, bud width, DD and Julian date provided a more satisfactory prediction of percent accumulated mite emergence. It is recommended both peak mite emergence and the appearance of hazelnut buds should be used to optimise the time to apply control measures. Therefore, a control should be applied before buds measure 0.5 x 0.5 mm (width x height), are enclosed within the axil, and have a rounded tip, or, when 50% accumulated mite emergence has occurred, which ever occurs first. A preliminary field experiment tested the application of sulphur (40 g/10 litres of 800 g/kg No Fungus Super Sulphur) at 2, 50 and 80% accumulated mite emergence. The greatest reduction in mite numbers was achieved with an application at approximately 50% emergence. Considerable variation in mite emergence occurred between years, therefore optimum timing of controls would need to be determined by monitoring mites, new buds and weather conditions each year. Field collection of mites also identified the presence of Typhlodromus doreenae Schicha (Acari: Phytoseiidae) which would warrant further study for inclusion in an integrated mite control programme.

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