Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonreflective"" "subject:"unreflective""
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The dissertation substantiates reflective learning as the conception and continuous education process. The application of the conception of mixed methods created possibilities to diagnose, to reflect and to point out models of reflection applied by future special education teachers during theoretical and practical studies as well as the factors influencing students’ self-reflection and their reflection on their activity and studies. The qualitative research was carried out by analysing unstructured written reflections presented by students, by applying the method of phenomenological hermeneutics to process the data. It was identified what internal and external as well as of what level factors make the strongest and the weakest impact upon the efficiency of reflective learning of students – special education teachers. The quantitative research disclosed general tendencies of students’ reflective learning at theoretical and practical studies by supplementing it with the results of the quantitative research. The significance of theoretical preparation was substantiated by the decrease of the fragmentation and inconsistence of applied methods of reflective learning. The latent structure of reflective learning was revealed, the model of reflective learning at university studies, based on theoretical and empirical data, was designed. The dimensions of the model should be treated in trends when improving the training and development process of special education teachers, modelling... [to full text] / Disertacijoje pagrindžiamas reflektyvus mokymasis kaip koncepcija ir tęstinis edukacinis procesas, transformatyvus ir įgalinantis studentus integruoti teoriją ir praktiką universitetinėse studijose. Mišrių metodų koncepcijos taikymas sudarė galimybes diagnozuoti, reflektuoti ir išryškinti būsimų specialiųjų pedagogų naudojamus reflektavimo modelius teorinių ir praktinių studijų metu bei veiksnius, darančius poveikį studentų savirefleksijai ir refleksijai apie veiklą bei studijas. Atliktas kokybinės edukacinės diagnostikos tyrimas, analizuojant studentų pateiktas nestruktūruotas refleksijas raštu, taikant fenomenologinės hermeneutikos duomenų apdorojimo metodą. Nustatyta, kokie išoriniai ir vidiniai bei kokio lygmens veiksniai daro stipriausią ir menkiausią įtaką studentų specialiųjų pedagogų reflektyvaus mokymosi veiksmingumui. Kiekybiniu tyrimu (apklausa raštu, naudojant uždaro tipo klausimyną), išryškintos bendrosios studentų reflektyvaus mokymosi tendencijos teorinėse ir praktinėse studijose, papildant kokybinio tyrimo rezultatus. Pagrįstas teorinio pasirengimo prasmingumas, mažinant taikomų reflektyvaus mokymosi metodų fragmentaciją ir nenuoseklumą. Atskleista reflektyvaus mokymosi latentinė struktūra, parengtas teoriniais ir empiriniais duomenimis grįstas universitetinių studijų reflektyvaus mokymosi modelis. Modelio dimensijos, traktuotinos kryptimis tobulinant specialiųjų pedagogų rengimo ir ugdymo procesą, modeliuojant profesinio ugdymo curriculum aukštojoje mokykloje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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The experience of teachers in distributed learning environments : implications for teaching practiceLemieux, Kimberly 09 August 2012 (has links)
This qualitative study used a narrative inquiry approach to conduct in-depth interviews of eight
distributed learning educators who designed and offered online English courses in British
Columbia during the 2011/12 school year. There were three research questions: (1) How do
teachers describe their professional experiences of teaching in a full time online environment?
(2) What are the enablers and inhibitors for online teacher development? (3) Do teachers feel
their teaching practice has changed over their career as online educators?
Findings were examined through the lens of Korthagen’s (2004) Onion Model. Six
themes that comprised this model, provided a framework for data analysis and insight into the
process by which teachers made sense of their lived experience. The findings revealed that
online educators valued their online experience because it removed the constraints of a regular
classroom. They expressed frustration with some aspects of the current model of online
education in BC because it prevented them from engaging in synchronous, highly connective
learning projects with their students. Recognition of the fact that online educators work in a
different milieu with a different set of environmental pressures is necessary to ensure the success
of distributed learning in BC.
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Grafinio dizaino mokymas kaip dailinio ugdymo proceso dalis popamokinėje veikloje / Graphic design training as a part of art education process in after-school activitiesPetravičius, Mindaugas 11 August 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas — teorinių prielaidų pagrindu sukurti grafinio dizaino mokymo kaip dailinio ugdymo proceso dalies modelį popamokinėje veikloje. Darbą sudaro įvadas, kuriame suformuluotas jo tikslas, apibūdinti uždaviniai, pagrįstas temos aktualumas, trys teorinės darbo dalys, susijusios su temos tikslu bei empirinio tyrimo dalis, kurioje pateikta praktinio grafinio dizaino mokymo modelio raiškos duomenų analizė. Darbas pabaigtas keturiomis teorinę ir empirinę jo dalį apibendrinančiomis išvadomis, literatūros sąrašu, santrauka anglų kalba (summary) ir priedais.
Siekiant darbo tikslo, suformuluoti keturi tyrimo uždaviniai, kurių kiekvienas aptariamas atskiroje darbo dalyje. Pirmasis uždavinys: apibūdinti meninio ugdymo ypatumus popamokinėje veikloje. Siekiant šio ir antrojo uždavinio — atskleisti vizualinės ir semantinės grafinio dizaino kalbos ugdomąjį potencialą — išanalizuoti švietimo įstatymų dokumentai, mokslinė, pedagoginė literatūra. Kitam uždaviniui, teorinio grafinio dizaino mokymo modelio sudarymui, panaudotos mokslininkų rekomendacijos meninio ugdymo veiklą paremti ne santykiu su jau esamu meno kūriniu, o pedagoginiu poveikiu kūrybinio proceso metu. Taip pat rekomenduojama grafinio dizaino modelio praktinei raiškai naudoti aktyvaus mokymosi metodus: mokymąsi per patirtį, reflektyvų ugdymą, o taip pat skirti nuolatinį dėmesį pedagogo kompetencijų ugdymui.
Siekiant ketvirto uždavinio — ištirti grafinio dizaino mokymo modelio, sudarytą teorinio tyrimo pagrindu, raišką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this thesis was to create a research based theoretical model for the graphic design training as a part of the art education process in the after-school activities. The thesis consists of introduction where the purpose of the thesis is formulated, the methods of the research are determined, the relevance of the subject is reasoned, three theoretical parts directly connected with the purpose of the thesis ant the part of empiric research consisting of the analysis of the practical data of graphic design training model implementation. The thesis is concluded with the four findings that summarises the theoretical and empirical parts, the list of literature resources and the annexes.
In order to achieve the above mentioned purpose, four goals were formulated and each of them separately discussed. The first goal was to describe the art training distinctive features in the after-school activities. This goal as well as the second ¬– to reveal visual and semantic potential of the graphic design – was achieved through analysis of the legislation and scientific literature resources. The subsequent goal was to create a theoretical graphic design training model and it was achieved using scientific recommendations to base art training not on the relation to the already existing art work but on the pedagogical influence during the creation process. For the realization of the model active training methods, reflective practise are recommended to be applied and pedagogical... [to full text]
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Reflective awareness in dreams following loss and traumaLee, Ming-Ni Unknown Date
No description available.
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Lärares lärande genom handledning : Lärares uppfattningar av handledda gruppsamtal som ett medel i lärande och utveckling av sin professionDahlqvist, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Den här artikelns syfte är att undersöka lärares uppfattningar av handledda gruppsamtal som medel i lärares professionsutveckling. Studien är kvalitativ och tar utgångspunkt teoretiskt och metodologiskt i fenomenografin. Nio lärare har intervjuats på en grundskola i Jönköpings kommun, 2011. I resultaten framkommer att frågandet har en central roll i handledningssamtalet vilket möjliggör fördjupad reflektion med perspektivvidgning som leder till ett förändrat tankesätt hos lärare. Undervisningen utvecklas och anpassas till eleverna, som en följd av handledningen. / The purpose of this article is to investigateteachers´ perceptions of supervised groups as means of teacher professionaldevelopment. The study is qualitative, basing theoretically and methodologicallyin phenomenography. Nine teachers were interviewed at an elementary school inJönköping municipality, 2011. The results show that questioning has a centralrole in the supervised discussions enabling deeper reflection with perspectivedilation leading to a changed mindset among teachers. The teaching evolves andadapts to the particular students as a result of counseling.
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The effect of talk and instructional mode on enhancing secondary English students’ interpretation of, response to, and appreciation for short fictionNickerson, Warren Thor 29 September 2006 (has links)
Reading practices in high school English language arts should lead students to write richer, more developed responses to literature. Teacher-led, reflective, and performance-based instructional modes were combined with either talk or writing to produce six activities for enhancing response. A repeated measures design varied the order of the six learning activities for three classes (n=44) in a Midwest suburban high school. Later written responses were scored for interpretation, response, and appreciation. Pearson correlations revealed the task and criteria were reliable. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) found that for interpretation and response, talking led to higher achievement. Conversely, writing was nearly superior to talk for appreciation. Practice and feedback may be more significant than instructional condition for raising the quality of response.
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Postural stability changes in the elderly with cataract simulation and refractive blur.Anand, Vijay, Buckley, John G., Scally, Andy J., Elliott, David B. January 2003 (has links)
PURPOSE. To determine the influence of cataractous and refractive blur on postural stability and limb-load asymmetry (LLA) and to establish how postural stability changes with the spatial frequency and contrast of the visual stimulus.
METHODS. Thirteen elderly subjects (mean age, 70.76 ± 4.14 [SD] years) with no history of falls and normal vision were recruited. Postural stability was determined as the root mean square [RMS] of the center of pressure (COP) signal in the anterior¿posterior (A-P) and medial¿lateral directions and LLA was determined as the ratio of the average body weight placed on the more-loaded limb to the less-loaded limb, recorded during a 30-second period. Data were collected under normal standing conditions and with somatosensory system input disrupted. Measurements were repeated with four visual targets with high (8 cyc/deg) or low (2 cyc/deg) spatial frequency and high (Weber contrast, 95%) or low (Weber contrast, 25%) contrast. Postural stability was measured under conditions of binocular refractive blur of 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 D and with cataract simulation. The data were analyzed in a population-averaged linear model.
RESULTS. The cataract simulation caused significant increases in postural instability equivalent to that caused by 8-D blur conditions, and its effect was greater when the input from the somatosensory system was disrupted. High spatial frequency targets increased postural instability. Refractive blur, cataract simulation, or eye closure had no effect on LLA.
CONCLUSIONS. Findings indicate that cataractous and refractive blur increase postural instability, and show why the elderly, many of whom have poor vision along with musculoskeletal and central nervous system degeneration, are at greater risk of falling. Findings also highlight that changes in contrast sensitivity rather than resolution changes are responsible for increasing postural instability. Providing low spatial frequency information in certain environments may be useful in maintaining postural stability. Correcting visual impairment caused by uncorrected refractive error and cataracts could be a useful intervention strategy to help prevent falls and fall-related injuries in the elderly.
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Narrative Exploration of Therapeutic Relationships in Recreation Therapy Through a Self-Reflective Case Review ProcessBriscoe, Carrie Lynn January 2012 (has links)
This narrative inquiry explores therapeutic relationships in the practice of recreation therapy. Narratives were generated in Recreation Therapy’s self-reflective case review process at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre—a process developed to support team engagement in reflections on their therapeutic relationships. In total, three self-reflective case reviews were explored, and for each case review, four layers of analysis occurred. The first two layers used narrative analysis to restory reflections of the case review leader (layer one) and then reflections within the recreation therapy team (layer two). The third and fourth layers used analysis of narrative to explore theoretical ideas from person-centred care emerging inductively in the text (layer three), and then to restory the previous narratives using a relational theory lens (layer four). Exploration revealed the self-reflective case review process also strengthens therapeutic relationships within the recreation therapy team. In the recreation therapists’ narratives we hear relational notions of connection, disconnection, reconnection, mutuality, mutual empathy, authenticity, vulnerability, and support. This study engaged recreation therapists in an act of critical pedagogy as they engaged in critical self-reflection by exploring across layers of narrative that story their therapeutic relationships. The self-reflective case review process creates opportunity for the recreation therapy team to recognize, identify and name their experiences within therapeutic relationships, and to find their voices in the medical context of a hospital setting. When engaging in self-reflective processes, recreation therapy moves further away from treating individuals as objects, shifting practice toward connection and mutuality in therapeutic relationships.
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The effect of talk and instructional mode on enhancing secondary English students’ interpretation of, response to, and appreciation for short fictionNickerson, Warren Thor 29 September 2006 (has links)
Reading practices in high school English language arts should lead students to write richer, more developed responses to literature. Teacher-led, reflective, and performance-based instructional modes were combined with either talk or writing to produce six activities for enhancing response. A repeated measures design varied the order of the six learning activities for three classes (n=44) in a Midwest suburban high school. Later written responses were scored for interpretation, response, and appreciation. Pearson correlations revealed the task and criteria were reliable. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) found that for interpretation and response, talking led to higher achievement. Conversely, writing was nearly superior to talk for appreciation. Practice and feedback may be more significant than instructional condition for raising the quality of response.
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Reflective awareness in dreams following loss and traumaLee, Ming-Ni 11 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to explore (a) the relationships between dream reflective awareness and different types of impactful dreams, (b) the relationships between waking reflective awareness and dream reflective awareness following loss and trauma, and (c) the self-transformative potential of reflective awareness within dreams. We conducted a 2 (loss/trauma experiences) X 3 (timeframe: within the preceding 6 months, within the preceding 6-24 months, within the preceding 3-7 years) cross-sectional study to examine reflective awareness within impactful dreams and the changes in subsequent waking reflective awareness. The major results suggested that (a) only transcendent dreams were highly related to explicit dream lucidity (i.e., lucid mindfulness); (b) a continuity between pre-dream waking mindfulness and intra-dream self-awareness was specific to mundane dreams; (c) the experiences of loss or trauma and the timeframe of such experiences both predicted depersonalization within dreams; and (d) depersonalization within dreams was predictive of subsequent decreases in waking mindfulness. In sum, the present study replicated prior studies of the self-transformative effects of impactful dreams, demonstrated the continuity between dreaming and waking reflective awareness, and clarified the ways in which reflective awareness within dreams may affect post-traumatic growth.
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