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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

sEMG biofeedback as a tool to improve oral motor control and functional swallowing in school age children with cerebral palsy: a case series

Necus, Emma Faye January 2011 (has links)
The number of children with complex medical needs has risen in recent years, due to the increase in medical technology and subsequent increased survival rate of premature infants. This has led to an increasing number of children with complex neurological conditions, such as Cerebral Palsy, being seen by speech-language therapists to address their complex feeding and communication needs in schools (Arvedson 2008). Surface electromyography (sEMG) has been successfully used as a tool to facilitate therapy in adult dysphagia rehabilitation (Huckabee & Cannito 1999), and has been used in studies of dysarthric speech in children with Cerebral Palsy (Marchant, Mc Auliffe & Huckabee 2007). This case series report examines the effect of oral motor control therapy with sEMG biofeedback to increase motor control and inhibit increased muscle tone. Three participants aged 6, 16, and 18 were selected from the population of Kimi Ora Special School. Each of the three participants were offered sixty, twice daily treatment sessions of 30 minutes each focusing on active relaxation, and reducing duration of return to reset after recruitment of the masseter and submental muscles using sEMG biofeedback. After each session each participant was fed a prescribed amount of thin fluid and a range of food textures to encourage generalization of increased control of the submental and masseter muscles during eating and drinking. One participant was withdrawn after 42 sessions, and two participants completed all 60 sessions. Results showed variable improvement in feeding skills, with a notable improvement in anterior food loss. All participants were able to participate fully in the treatment and made significant gains in their ability to control their muscles during treatment sessions which was reflected in the reduction of sEMG amplitudes. This study demonstrated that oral motor control therapy with sEMG is a viable treatment tool, which warrants further larger scale research into its effectiveness.

The Role of the Speech Language Pathologist in Concussion Management: A Survey Analysis

Johnston, Elise 06 September 2018 (has links)
Primary objective. The goals of this project were to review the current literature regarding the role of the speech-language pathologist (SLP) in concussion management and to conduct a survey of SLPs with experience in concussion care to determine their current practices and perspectives. Design and methods. An online survey consisting of 41 questions was emailed to SLPs throughout the U.S. and Canada. Responses were anonymously collected from 60 SLPs, and the responses were analyzed. Results and conclusions. Results showed that SLPs who work in concussion care are generally knowledgeable and confident despite how recently concussion has become part of SLP practice. There has been improvement in the types of assessment tools used in concussion cases, but there is a need for more sensitive instruments. Findings point to the need for increased availability of concussion training for SLPs and the need for continued research into current clinical practices.

A relação entre gesto e linguagem : refletindo sobre o fazer fonoaudiologico / The relationship between gestures and language: reflexion on speech therapy activities

Zia, Juliana 02 September 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Ivone Panhoca, Maria de Lurdes Zanolli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T03:32:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Zia_Juliana_M.pdf: 453743 bytes, checksum: a3f9df2fe00b38841f34460513f326d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Linguagem, aqui, é a esfera simbólica que "sustenta" e torna possível o exercício da vida em sociedade, possibilitando a estruturação das relações sociais, desta forma, a linguagem é o que faz dos indivíduos ¿seres sociais¿. E o gesto, nesta concepção teórica, é compreendido como uma esfera simbólica, como unidade sígnica, que participa das relações sócio-interativas humanas, fazendo parte do processo maior de construção do conhecimento. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi analisar a gestualidade de uma criança com atraso de linguagem nas relações interativo-lingüísticas no contexto da terapia fonoaudiológica em grupo. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de observação participante, realizado por meio do método qualitativo, utilizando-se como diretriz teórico-metodológica os pressupostos da abordagem histórico-cultural. O estudo enfocou uma das cinco crianças que formavam um grupo terapêutico fonoaudiológico, todos do sexo masculino, com hipótese diagnóstica de atraso de linguagem, na faixa etária de 5 a 8 anos de idade. As cinco crianças foram trabalhadas em grupo durante oito meses, em sessões semanais de uma hora e meia de duração, totalizando 23 sessões terapêuticas. O material coletado foi composto de aproximadamente 34 horas de vídeo-tapes e 500 páginas de transcrições, além dos relatórios semanais das sessões. A análise de dados foi realizada por meio da análise microgenética. Este tipo de interpretação de dados é realizado por meio da análise detalhada dos recortes que refletem ações, fatos e processos dos episódios interativos ocorridos em um determinado contexto, representados aqui, na terapia fonoaudiológica em grupo. O objeto de estudo eleito foi o desenvolvimento da língua(gem), entendido como um processo dinâmico na relação do sujeito com ela, ou seja, a ¿língua em atividade¿. Esta forma de tratar os dados permite uma análise mais completa e detalhada dos processos de desenvolvimento. Adotou-se, portanto, uma posição desenvolvimental. Através da análise qualitativa dos dados, observou-se o que a interpretação e atribuição de sentidos aos gestos produzidos pela criança, por parte dos outros membros do grupo, viabilizaram sua inserção no grupo terapêutico, possibilitando que ela fosse interpretada e conseguisse interpretar, constituindo-se, assim, como sujeito daquele grupo. Concluiu-se que o fato de o gesto ser acolhido / significado naquele determinado contexto lingüístico-interativo favoreceu a (re) construção da linguagem da criança e, acima de tudo, a (re) construção da sua identidade / Abstract: Language, in this case, is the symbolic sphere that ¿sustains¿ and makes possible the exercise of life in society, providing structure in social relationships. Therefore, language is what makes individuals ¿social beings¿. And gesture, in this theoretical conception, is comprehended as a symbolic sphere, as a signal unit, that participates in human social-interactive relationships, as well as in the major process of knowledge building. The general objective of this work was to analyze gestures of a child with language delay in interactive-linguistic relationships under the context of group phonoaudiologicall therapy. This is a case study of participant observation, performed by means of the qualitative method, utilizing presuppositions as the theoretical-methodological guideline of the historical-cultural approach. The study focused on one of the five children who completed a phonoaudiological therapeutic group, all of them being males, with diagnostic hypothesis of language delay, in the age group between 5 and 8 years old. The five children were studied in group during eight months, in week sessions of one and a half hours of duration, totalizing 23 therapeutic sessions. The collected material was compounded of nearly 34 hours of videotapes and 500 pages of transcriptions, in addition to week reports of the sessions. The data analysis was performed by means of the microgenetic analysis. This kind of data interpretation is accomplished through the detailed analysis of cuttings that reflects actions, facts and processes of interactive episodes occurred in a certain context, represented in this case by the group phonoaudiological therapy. The selected object of study was the development of the language, understood as a dynamic process in its relationship with the subject, i.e. the ¿language in activity¿. This form of treating the data allows a more whole and detailed analysis of development processes. Therefore, a developmental position was adopted. Through the data qualitative analysis, it was observed that the interpretation and attribution of feelings to gestures produced by the child, through other members of the group, viabilized their insertion in the therapeutic group, allowing that they were interpreted and able to interpret, constituting this way as the subject of that group. The conclusion is that the fact of the gesture being received / signified in that determined linguistic-interactive context favored the (re) building of the child¿s language and, above all, the (re) building of their identity / Mestrado / Saude da Criança e do Adolescente / Mestre em Saude da Criança e do Adolescente

Intervenção da fonoaudiologia educacional no ensino fundamental : efeitos no trabalho de letramento / Speech and language therapy in educational settings : effects on children's literacy

Jordão, Linda Boghossian, 1986- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Adriana Lia Friszman de Laplane / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T04:12:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jordao_LindaBoghossian_M.pdf: 20684428 bytes, checksum: 613e5801cd4fe29e55225489f0394f85 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Tomando como ponto de partida as dificuldades de leitura e escrita observadas em uma sala de aula de 4ª. Série do ensino fundamental, a pesquisa teve como objetivos desenvolver uma proposta de intervenção em sala de aula, com base na perspectiva do Letramento e com enfoque nas práticas de leitura e escrita, e discutir as possibilidades de contribuição da Fonoaudiologia na escola. Foi utilizada uma abordagem qualitativa com caráter de pesquisa-ação, com a finalidade de produzir mudanças no meio pesquisado. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola estadual de ensino fundamental da cidade de Campinas, por uma equipe interdisciplinar de pesquisadoras e professoras. A proposta de intervenção foi desenvolvida em parceria com a professora de sala, por meio de um projeto temático, em que os alunos produziram um filme. O projeto temático permitiu integrar conhecimentos de diferentes tipos e agregou o trabalho de professores, alunos e pesquisadores. Os resultados mostraram que os alunos participantes se engajaram de forma ativa nas atividades propostas durante o projeto de intervenção e que o seu desempenho em leitura e escrita melhorou, assim como o comportamento da turma estudada. A pesquisa propiciou a reflexão sobre o papel da Fonoaudiologia como interlocutora da equipe escolar. Concluiu-se que o fonoaudiólogo pode somar esforços com os professores e contribuir com os conhecimentos que a sua disciplina integra para propiciar a compreensão do processo de letramento e melhorar o desempenho dos alunos na aprendizagem escolar / Abstract: As a starting point the reading and writing difficulties observed in a 4th Grade classroom, the research aimed to develop a proposal on classroom intervention, based on the literacy perspective and focused on reading and writing practices, and discuss the possibilities of the contribution of Speech and Language Pathology at schooL It was used a qualitative approach focusing collaborative action-research in order to produce changes in the environment studied. The survey was conducted in a public Junior High School in the city of Campinas, by an interdisciplinary team of researchers and teachers. The intervention proposal was developed in partnership with the classroom teacher through a thematic project, in which the students produced a film. The thematic project allowed integrating different kinds of knowledge and added value to the work of the teachers, students and researchers. The results showed that the students participated in an active way in the activities proposed during the intervention and their performance in reading and writing have improved, as well as the behavior of the group studied. The research led to a reflection regarding the role of the Speech Therapy as the spokesperson of the school staff. It was concluded that the Speech and Language Pathologist can join and add forces with the teachers and contribute to the knowledge that their discipline provides to offer an understanding of the process of Literacy and to improve student performance in school learning / Mestrado / Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação / Mestra em Saúde, Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação

Avaliação de linguagem infantil em situação naturalística e contexto grupal / Assessment of child language in naturalistic group context

Zerbeto, Amanda Brait, 1988- 12 October 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Cecilia Guarnieri Batista / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T17:38:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Zerbeto_AmandaBrait_M.pdf: 785442 bytes, checksum: 19d72a3f0132d6216c11548fc3ed143f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Na Clínica Fonoaudiológica, a avaliação de linguagem é o processo que permite ao fonoaudiólogo caracterizar e analisar a linguagem da criança, e que fornece subsídios para a conduta a ser adotada pelo profissional. A abordagem sócio interacionista de aquisição de linguagem considera a linguagem como a atividade pela qual o sujeito constrói seu conhecimento de mundo. Linguagem e conhecimento do mundo passam pela mediação do outro, o interlocutor, com destaque para a relação dialógica no acesso ao simbólico. Dessa concepção de linguagem decorrem propostas de avaliação em contextos que permitam a observação dos diferentes aspectos da linguagem. Constituem exemplo disso as situações naturalísticas, preferencialmente em grupo, em que se propicia a interação da criança com diferentes interlocutores (adulto e crianças), e com atividades apropriadas à faixa etária das crianças - tipicamente situações de brincadeira. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever aspectos e contribuições de uma proposta de avaliação de linguagem em situação naturalística e em grupo, de crianças entre 1:9 e 3:0 anos (projeto aprovado pelo CEP - Unicamp, protocolo 399/2011). Participaram do estudo nove crianças, avaliadas em três grupos de três participantes (um grupo com crianças sem queixas de linguagem e dois grupos composto por crianças encaminhadas com queixas de alterações de linguagem). Para cada grupo foram realizados quatro encontros videogravados, com duração entre 30 e 60 minutos cada, em que foram oferecidos brinquedos variados, sob a coordenação da pesquisadora. A partir dos dados coletados, foram elaborados relatórios individuais de avaliação da linguagem, com foco nos seguintes aspectos: pragmático-discursivo, semântico-lexical e fonético-fonológico. Constatou-se que produção oral das crianças se ampliou ao longo das sessões, ampliando as possibilidades de análise de diferentes aspectos da linguagem. Dentre estes, tiveram destaque os aspectos pragmático-discursivos, particularmente relevantes no caso das crianças com diagnósticos de alterações neurológicas e com pouca produção oral. As condutas sugeridas abrangeram desde sugestões educacionais (ex: matricular a criança na escola) até atendimentos por equipe interdisciplinar. O grupo se caracterizou como uma situação rica para a observação de linguagem. Entre os exemplos observados, podem ser citadas as interações com a pesquisadora, relacionadas à exploração de objetos e as interações entre crianças, com característica de partilha ou cooperação. Foram também observados exemplos de disputa de brinquedos, que, em alguns casos, constituíram o principal indicador do uso intencional da linguagem. O planejamento de quatro sessões de avaliação proporcionou maior familiaridade com a situação e permitiu mais oportunidades de observação dos diferentes aspectos da linguagem do que teria sido possível com um número reduzido de sessões. A avaliação de linguagem em situação naturalística e em contexto grupal contemplou os aspectos destacados pela abordagem sócio-interacionista. A adoção dessa proposta trouxe informações significativas para a definição da conduta a ser adotada nos diferentes casos encaminhados para avaliação fonoaudiológica / Abstract: Language assessment in the field of Speech Pathology is the process which aims the characterization of language and which gives support to professional decisions. Social interactionist theory of language acquisition claims that language is the activity by which the subject constructs its knowledge of the world. Language and knowledge of the world depend on the mediation of significant people, with focus on the dialogical relationship in the access to the symbolic world. This conception of language leads to assessment practices in contexts which allow the observation of different aspects of language. One example are naturalistic contexts, notably group situations, which propitiate the interaction of the child with different interlocutors (adult and children), and with activities appropriate to their age - typically play situations. In this sense, the objective of the present study was to describe aspects and contributions of a proposal of language assessment in group naturalistic situation, for children 1yr9mo - 3 years old (project approved by CEP - Ethical Committee - Unicamp, protocol 399/2011). The participants were nine children, assessed in three groups of three participants (one group with children without language problems and two groups with children referred to language assessment). Each group participated in four filmed 30 to 60 minute sessions, in which different toys were offered by the researcher. Individual reports of language assessment were elaborated, with focus on pragmatic-discursive, semantic-lexical and phoneticphonological aspects of language. It was observed that the oral production of the children was increased along the sessions, amplifying the possibilities of analysis of different aspects of language. It was possible to point out the pragmatic-discursive aspects of language, particularly relevant in the case of children with diagnoses of neurological alterations and with a no fluent and scarce oral production. The definitions after the assessment included an array of conducts, including educational practices (e.g. to enroll the child in the preschool) and treatment by interdisciplinary teams. The group situation provided a rich situation for the observation of language. The examples included instances of interaction with the researcher related to the exploration of objects and of cooperative interactions among children. Instances of competition for toys were, in some cases, the main indicator of the intentional use of language. The plan of four sessions of assessment lead to a greater familiarity with the situation and allowed more opportunities of observation of the different aspects of language than would be possible with a reduced number of sessions. The assessment of language in a naturalistic situation and in a group context comprised the aspects which are emphasized by the social interactionist theory. It also provided meaningful information to the definition of the conduct to be adopted in the different cases which were referred to Speech Pathology diagnosis / Mestrado / Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação / Mestra em Saúde, Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação

Long-Term Recovery in Aphasia

Goodman, Mara Lee, Goodman, Mara Lee January 2016 (has links)
Language recovery was examined in 108 individuals with aphasia in the chronic phase of recovery who participated in various forms of aphasia treatment over extended periods of time. The Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) was administered at multiple time points and Aphasia Quotient (AQ) scores were used as a measure of language performance over time. As a group, the cohort showed an improvement of +6.52 AQ points, yielding an average rate of change of +4.07 AQ points per year. The rate of change was greatest at earlier times post onset (between three months and two years), and improvement was greatest for individuals with aphasia in the moderate severity range. Age, sex, and fluency did not have a significant effect on recovery. Education level had marginal predictive value in the direction of those with less education showing greater rate of improvement. These results suggest that language recovery continues during the chronic stage for individuals who are involved in some form of rehabilitation activity, especially in individuals with aphasia of moderate severity.

Perspectives of working-age adults with aphasia regarding social participation

Souchon, Nadia Marie De La Vahisse 27 February 2020 (has links)
Background: Working-age adults with aphasia experience difficulties in social participation, specifically the ability to fulfil social roles and reintegrate into communities. Literature regarding social participation of people with aphasia (PWA) is predominantly based on high income countries limiting generalizability of findings. Investigation of PWA’s perspectives on social participation in lower-middle-income countries such as South Africa is warranted. Objective: To describe the perspectives of working-age adults with aphasia regarding social participation within the first two years post-incident. Method: Semi-structured interviews were used to obtain the perspectives of 10 working-age adults (mild to moderate aphasia), using pictorial and written supports, and supported conversation techniques. Data were coded and thematically analysed to identify common themes amongst participants’ perspectives of social participation. Results: Five main themes and two sub-themes were identified. Participants’ perspectives of social participation align with previous qualitative studies regarding perspectives of working-age adults with aphasia, specifically their preference for re-engagement in meaningful activities. Participants described preference for specific 2 communication partners, specifically close friends and family. Reduced social participation was apparent due to difficulties in returning to work. The rehabilitation process was identified as an area of social engagement, specifically participants’ relationships with their speech-language therapist. Faith-related activities were the primary contexts that involved other community members. Conclusion: Successful social participation was dependent on the perceived value and the supportive nature of social activities rather than the quantity of activities. Rehabilitation should facilitate and optimise PWA’s communicative functioning within valued areas of social participation, enhancing person-centred care. Keywords: Social participation; aphasia; mild-moderate aphasia; stroke; lower-middle-income countries; working-age adults; A-FROM; ICF; speech-language therapy; person-centred care. / Dissertation (MA) University of Pretoria 2020. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / MA (Speech-language pathology) / Unrestricted

I Spy Language: Finding Language Opportunities in Everyday Activities

Matthias, Kristine C. 01 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Verb Phrase Analysis of Preschooler Narratives: A Pilot Study

Render, M., Smith, J., Perrine, L., Kirk, S., Proctor-Williams, Kerry 17 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Acoustic Stapedius Reflex Measurements

Feeney, M. Patrick, Schairer, Kim 10 October 2014 (has links)
Book Summary: Packed with new research, relevant case studies, and today’s best practices, the Seventh Edition has been extensively revised and updated throughout and features six all-new chapters, updated research, a streamlined table of contents, and new online teaching and learning resources to save you time and help your students succeed.

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