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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La qualité de la formation professionnelle continue en ses formes et ses usages : instruments de contrôle ou de régulation du marché de la formation ? Etat multiforme de la question / The quality of adults’ vocational training, a regulation tool of the training market? : a multifaceted report on the matter

Possoz, Didier 05 December 2011 (has links)
La qualité de la formation professionnelle continue pose de multiples questions. Pour les traiter, nous les abordons sous l’angle du modèle économique de la servuction, rencontre d’acteurs co-producteurs de la formation. Le système est caractérisé par une pluralité d’enjeux et de pilotes ; chacun d’eux, malgré des modalités institutionnelles de concertation, développe ses politiques spécifiques et élabore ses propres normes, marquant ainsi son territoire d’action. De leurs côtés, des organismes de formation créent leurs labels de la qualité pour mieux affirmer leur identité face à leurs partenaires et concurrents et asseoir leur légitimité à intervenir. Les signes de la qualité prolifèrent donc sur le marché de la certification, chacun portant une conception singulière de la formation et des critères de sa qualité. Quelle valeur leur accorder ? Un accord est-il possible sur la qualité de la formation et son évaluation ? En nous appuyant sur les théories des conventions et de la régulation, nous construisons un cadre d’intelligibilité des concepts de qualité, normalisation et certification mis en œuvre aux niveaux macro-économique et microsocial. Nous interrogeons la catégorie de marché de la formation, eu égard aux caractéristiques de l’acte de formation. Nous étudions les pratiques d’institutions chargées de la gouvernance du système, d’entreprises et de bénéficiaires sur ce qui fonde la qualité de la formation de leur point de vue. Nous analysons les raisons pour lesquelles les normes élaborées par consensus entre professionnels du secteur ne font pas l’unanimité et étudions les propositions portées par des réseaux d’organismes, dont les Greta de l’Education nationale. / The quality in adults’ vocational training raises many questions. To treat them, we address the perspective of the economic model of servuction, and meet actors co-producers of the training. The system is characterized by a number of issues and drivers, each of them, despite the institutional arrangements for consultation, develops specific policies and develops its own standards, marking its territory for action. For their part, training organizations create their own quality labels to better assert their identity against their partners and competitors and establish their legitimacy to intervene. As a result, signs of quality are proliferating in the market for certification, each with a unique design of training and criteria for quality. What value are they? Is it possible to reach an agreement on the quality of training and its way of being assessed? Using the theories of conventions and regulation, we build a framework of intelligibility of quality concepts, standardization and certification implemented at the macro-economic and micro-social. We question the category of the training market, given the characteristics of the act of training. We study the practices of institutions on governance of the system, companies and recipients based on what a quality of training is according to them. We analyze the reasons why the standards developed by consensus among industry professionals are not unanimously accepted and we study the proposals made by networks of organizations, including Greta of French National Education.

L'appropriation et la mise en oeuvre des principes de flexibilité de la pédagogie universelle en contexte universitaire québécois : mieux comprendre le passage d'un paradigme de normalisation à un paradigme de dénormalisation

Desmarais, Marie-Élaine January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Továrna JAWA v Týnci nad Sázavou v dobách socialistického experimentu - Továrna, lidé a motocykly v době tzv. normalizace a ekonomické transformace (1968 - 1995) / JAWA factory in Týnec nad Sázavou at the time of socialist experiment - Factory, people and motorcycles at the time of so-called nationalization and economic transformation (1968 - 1995)

Bárta, Karel January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this disertation is to capture the era of so-called normalisation during the 1970s and 1980s of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia. Even though the economic transformation in the 1990s is covered, the normalisation is in this case the primary investigated period. The main focus is on the largest producer and exporter of czechoslovak motorcycles - a company called JAWA with the main production plant located in Tynec nad Sazavou - Brodce. In addition to the motorcycle production in Tynec nad Sazavou the work looks at Czechoslovakia and its role as a power of the motorcycle sport during socialism and other aspects such as the role of motorcycles during the normalisation period in Czechoslovakia or the outline of the historical development of JAWA in the post-war years and its growth on the international scale before nationalization of the enterprise. The disertation also covers other aspects during the researched era such as the impact of the factory on the lives of the citizens and employees in the region, relations to the company and the brand JAWA or researching economical situation of the factory during the normalisation period and economical transformation. The main resources used for this work were interviews with current and previous employees of JAWA in Tynec nad Sazavou, who...

Město Tábor v období tzv. pražského jara a v počátcích normalizace (1968-1970) / The Town Tábor in the era of the "Prague's spring" and in the beginning of normalisation (1968-1970)

Rozkydalová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
The paper primarily aims to depict the cultural life in the district city of Tábor against a background of the 1968 - 1970 historical events. The author describes, against the historical background, the individual cultural events and the life of the city, as well as the influence of political events which had the result that the city, and indeed the entire country, returned to the era preceding the "golden sixties". Employing the method of oral history, the author has interviewed narrators who had a proactive relationship to the cultural events in the city. Their testimonies were used as a basis for selecting topics which illustrate the cultural movement in the late 1960s as a period of liberalisation ending with normalisation which suppressed the cultural development of the city; the author especially invokes those events which were irreconcilable with the subsequent political developments in the country. The paper also refers to other resources which outline the atmosphere of the era, namely resources provided by the political authorities of the city and the Tábor City Chronicle. Using the testimonies provided by the narrators and the archival resources, the author has endeavoured to paint the most accurate picture of the atmosphere surrounding the events happening in the city in the said period....

Československá sídliště pozdního socialismu: ideologie, praxe a kritika / Czechoslovak Housing Estates in the Late Socialism: Ideology, Practice, and Criticism

Sirisornpattapon, Ponpassorn January 2019 (has links)
Czechoslovak housing estates built in the last two decades of state-socialism can be viewed as a socialist spatial entity with its own uniqueness and local characteristics specific to the circumstances of socialist Czechoslovakia during the "normalisation" era. These housing estates appeared from the beginning of the 1970s in big cities such as in Prague and Bratislava provided a new kind of living space for the residents. The ideas behind the creation of these estates were not only related to their physical appearance which shows the direct connection to modernist architecture, but also the aspiration of socialist ideologues to make a positive change in the name of socialist modernisation. Although the post-war socialist centralization of the Czechoslovak state and architectural practice endorses the notion of collective endeavour, the construction of housing estates for all as a part of the "building of socialism" program was attacked by contemporary critiques as providing the premises for the citizens' retreat into the private sphere. These estates could be argued to have caused a psychological impact and worked to shape a new lifestyle and mentality of the residents whose lives epitomized the main theme of normalisation-era: the quiet lives away from politics. Different poles of criticism to...

Etude terminologique et phraséologique multilingue (anglais, français, arabe) des textes de l'Organisation des Nations Unies sur le commerce électronique / Multilingual Terminological and Phraseological Study (English, French, Arabic) of the United Nations texts on electronic commerce

Zermane, Aymene 02 December 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de recherche est d’étudier la terminologie et la phraséologie multilingue (anglais, français, arabe) des textes de l’Organisation des Nations Unies sur le commerce électronique. Cette étude s’intéresse aux modes d’adaptation de la terminologie du commerce électronique dans la langue arabe. Dans la partie théorique, nous avons défini le domaine du commerce électronique, ses différents modèles et les différences et les liens qu’il a avec le business électronique et l’économie du savoir. L’objectif était d’établir l’arbre de domaine qui facilitera la compréhension de son système conceptuel. Par la suite, nous avons abordé les fondements et les théories de la terminologie et de la phraséologie, ainsi que les principes théoriques et pratiques de la linguistique de corpus. La finalité de cette étape était d’arriver à choisir la méthodologie d’analyse appliquée aux données recueillies du corpus de travail tiré du « Corpus Multilingue des Nations Unies ». Dans le volet pratique, nous avons analysé dans ce travail les problématiques suivantes: les modes de création lexicaux et sémantiques dont dispose la langue arabe pour adapter les nouveaux termes et les intégrer dans ses systèmes de nomination et de communication. Ensuite, nous avons procédé au traitement de la phraséologie et les différentes formes d’unités phraséologiques. À travers cette étude, nous avons attiré l’attention la question de la normalisation en terminologie. Dans une perspective d’enrichissement du contenu de la langue arabe sur le web, nous avons travaillé sur la localisation en arabe d’une ontologie d’une liste de termes du commerce électronique. / This research is a multilingual study (English, French and Arabic) of the terminology and phraseology of the texts of the United Nations on e-commerce. This research focuses on the modes of adaptation of e-commerce terminology and phraseology into Arabic. In the theoretical part, we have defined the field of electronic commerce, its various models and the links and differences it has with the electronic business and the knowledge economy. The goal was to establish the domain tree that will facilitate the understanding of its conceptual system. Subsequently, we addressed the fundamentals and the theories of terminology and phraseology. We have also presented the theory and the practice of corpus linguistics principles. The purpose of this step was to choose the analysis methodology applied to the data of the corpus of extracted from the "United Nations multilingual Corpora”. In the practical part, we analyzed the following issues: how the Arabic language applies its lexical and semantic resources to adapt the new terms and integrate them into its grammatical and syntactic systems. Then we proceeded to the treatment of the phraseology and the different forms of phraseological units. Through this study, we have drawn attention the issue of standardization in terminology. Aiming to enrich the content of the Arabic language on the web, we worked on the localization of an ontology into Arabic of a list of e-commerce terms.

Hnutí na obranu lidských práv v Československu a na Ukrajině na konci sedmdesátých let 20. století / Human rights movement in Czechoslovakia and in Ukraine in the end of 1970s

Mokryk, Radomyr January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of the human rights movement in Ukraine and Czechoslovakia after signing the final act of the conference on security and cooperation in Europe in Helsinki 1975. The thesis is an attempt of a comparative analysis of these two human rights movements in the late 1970s, based on two concrete groups: Ukrainian Helsinki Group and Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Prosecuted. The research focuses on the comparison of the social context for the dissent activity, the historical circumstances and the activities of the human rights groups. The thesis traces the main tendencies and topics in the activities of both groups. Particular attention is paid to the life stories of the actors of human rights movement and efforts to explore some common features in biographies of these personalities. Key words: Human rights; Helsinki movement; dissent; opposition; Soviet Union; Normalization; Czechoslovakia

Contingence de la normalisation comptable pour les banques islamiques entre le légitime et le légal : une étude des convergences comptables des IFAS vers les IAS/IFRS. / Contingency of accounting standards-setting process for Islamic banks between legitimacy and legality : a study of the convergence of IFAS to IAS/IFRS.

Rezgui, Hichem 09 December 2014 (has links)
La finance islamique connaît depuis trois décennies une croissance soutenue. La problématique de recherche consiste à vérifier si l’existence de normes de comptabilité financière spécifiques aux institutions financières islamiques peut être un obstacle à l’objectif d’harmonisation comptable internationale entrepris depuis une quarantaine d’années avec la création de l’IASC. Une première phase de recherche normative suggère que les valeurs comptables issues d’une morale « islamique » seraient incompatibles avec les valeurs comptables portées par les normes internationales d’information financière (IAS/IFRS). Cependant, une deuxième phase descriptive et comparative confirme la convergence des normes comptables islamiques (IFAS) vers les IAS/IFRS illustrant un comportement « schizophrénique » du normalisateur comptable islamique (AAOIFI). En effet, cet organisme érige des normes conformes à la jurisprudence islamique pour les règles comptables de présentation mais qui convergent vers les IAS/IFRS pour les règles d’évaluation, mettant, alors, en relief la fonction « communication relationnelle » des données comptables. Afin d’étudier les facteurs de cette convergence, nous adoptons, dans une troisième phase explicative, une double approche théorique (Sociologie néo-institutionnelle et théorie de la dichotomie sacré-profane) et nous réalisons des entretiens avec les membres de deux comités opérationnels de l’AAOIFI : le comité Charia et le comité comptable (AASB). Ainsi, la convergence comptable s’expliquerait par le mimétisme des banques islamiques et de l’AAOIFI qui adoptent les mêmes réflexions et comportements que les banques classiques et le normalisateur comptable international (IASB). De même, des « luttes professionnelles » entre les deux comités opérationnels de l’AAOIFI aboutissent à la domination des membres du comité comptable plus influencés par une « culture IFRS » orientant, alors, certains choix de normalisation vers un renforcement de la convergence des IFAS vers les IAS-IFRS. De ce fait, des conflits entre « juridictions » professionnelles aux frontières mal définies permettent l’établissement d’une échelle de pouvoir et facilitent l’agissement d’effets mimétiques, coercitifs et normatifs. / Islamic finance has grown steadily for three decades now. The research question consists inchecking whether the existence of specific standards of financial accounting for Islamicfinancial institutions can be a hindrance to the goal of international accounting harmonization undertaken over the last forty years with the creation of the IASC. A first normative phase of research suggests that accounting values resulting from Islamic moral are incompatible with the accounting values of International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS / IFRS). However, a second descriptive and comparative phase confirms the convergence of Islamic Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) to IAS / IFRS illustrating a "schizophrenic" behavior of the Islamic accounting standard-setting body (AAOIFI). Indeed, this organization sets up standards in compliance with Islamic jurisprudence for accounting presentation rules but that are converged with IAS / IFRS for valuation rules, while highlighting the "relational communication" of accounting data. To study the factors of this convergence, we take in a third explanatory phase, a dual theoretical approach (neo-institutional sociology and theory of sacred-profane dichotomy) and perform some interviews with members of two operational committees of AAOIFI: the Shariah Board and the Accounting Board (AASB). Thus, the accounting convergence is explained by the mimicry of Islamic banks and Islamic accounting standard-setting body that adopt the same thoughts and behaviors than conventional banks and the International Financial Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Similarly, "professional struggles" between the two operational committees of AAOIFI lead to the domination of the accounting committee members that are more influenced by an "IFRS culture" while directing some decisions of standard-setting process towards greater convergence of IFAS to the IASIFRS.Thus, conflicts between professional jurisdictions with ill-defined borders allow theestablishment of a scale of power and facilitate the conduct of mimetic, coercive andnormative isomorphism.

"Zítřek často mívá pro nás barvy naděje…" Týdeník Zítřek a jeho společenská role v počátečním období normalizace (říjen 1968 - duben 1969) / The Zítřek Journal and Its Social Role in Initial Period of The Normalization in Czechoslovakia (October 1968 - April 1969)

Zejdová, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation is dedicated to the weekly magazine Zítřek published by the Czechoslovak Socialist Party and to the historical period of the years 1968 - 1969. The study presents social and political context, the formation of the civil society, and the role of the weekly Zítřek in the following period. The study is focused on the origins of this weekly magazine Zítřek, its short duration, the long discussion about its stopping, and on its next course, as well. The weekly magazine Zítřek was established as a pro-reform magazine and that is the reason why the study is focused particularly on the press relationships, the history of the Czechoslovak Socialist Party, and its publishing house Melantrich. The study contains interviews with contemporary witnesses, Mrs. Sylva Daníčková and Mr. Aleš Fuchs, as well. In one part the study selects and evaluates articles published by Zítřek. The study is from a methodical view focused on the archive research and historical documents, the method of oral - history in the case of interviews with contemporary witness, and the method of content analysis.

Papírová agora: Samizdatový časopis Vokno a provinční český underground v historické a sociální perspektivě / Paper Agora: The Samizdat Periodical Vokno and the Provincial Czech Underground in Historical and Social Perspective

Tharp, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Dissertation Abstract Paper Agora: The Samizdat Periodical Vokno and the Provincial Czech Underground in Historical and Social Perspective Martin Tharp, Department of Historical Sociology. The present work takes as its central subject a Czech samizdat publication, the magazine Vokno, primarily during its years of illegal operation, i.e. from 1979 until 1990, considered within the wider context of civil and cultural resistance to the oppressive social order of European state socialism. It treats Vokno as an instance of social action amid state forces inimical towards it, discussing the interplay and interaction of oppositional practice and the forces it opposes, both of state authority and more subtle ones of state cultural hegemony. It is argued that Vokno formed an attempt at a "counterculture" in the late 20th-century sense of an impulsive critique of a regimented modernity, yet within its immediate conditions was necessitated to assume three specific forms: as an aesthetic sub/counterculture, as a social network with differing levels of involvement and connections (whether to established intellectual dissent or to other social strata), and finally as a conscious oppositional social movement.

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