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Skifferkulturens uppkomstUnderdal, Björn January 2019 (has links)
The Norrlandic Slate Culture was a hunter-gatherer culture that emerged in northern Sweden during the transition from the late Mesolithic to the early Neolithic, c. 4200 BC. This paper deals with the Slate Culture’s relation to its neighbouring, contemporary cultures in Norway and Finland, and examines three types of typical finds related to the Slate Culture: enclosures of fire-cracked stones (Swe. skärvstensvall), petroglyphs and slate objects. The conclusion is that the Slate culture found inspiration to these phenomena from its neighbouring cultures and turned them into something of their own.
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På gränsen - om gränsland och gränsvarelser : En undersökande analys av natursynen i Andrea Lundgrens Glupahungern / On the verge - lands and creatures of the border : An analysis of how nature is viewed in the novel Glupahungern by Andrea LundgrenLeo, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
This is an ecocritical analysis of the novel Glupahungern by Andrea Lundgren. I investigate how nature is viewed by looking at two things. First, I look at two functions in the novel. I analyze the function of characters that seem to be in between the human side and the animal side. I call them creatures of the border. I also analyze the function of places that can be seen as borderlands. Places between nature and society. Second, I do a small comparison between Glupahungern and the novel Hjortronlandet by Sara Lidman since they both are written by authors from the north of Sweden and the novels also takes place in the northern parts. Through this comparison I find similarities between the novel and how nature is viewed in them and I come to the conclusion that the place has an impact on the view of nature. Keywords: Nature, Border, Ecocriticism, View on nature, Northern Sweden
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Sustained Asymmetries: Norrland and sustainable development as envisioned by the ecological modernization and environmental justice discoursesDiehl, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
The gap between rural and urban is widening in ways that reward urban lifestyles and undermine the interests of rural communities. The asymmetrical power relation between rural and urban is relevant in a Swedish context where Norrland, Sweden's northernmost region, is experiencing outmigration and cutbacks in welfare services all the while urban centers in southern Sweden attract innovation, economic capital and an inflow of young, educated people. This study examines what perceptions of Norrland that are dominating the Swedish media landscape and by doing so aims to investigate how power relations between urban and rural are constructed in the sustainability discourses ecological modernization and the environmental justice framework. The study is based on a discourse analysis of printed articles in the national press and TT news agency over a 10 to 12 years time span. In addition to discourse analysis, a theoretical framework concerning visions of sustainability and urban/rural divisions are applied. The result suggest that the material primarily articulate Norrland as a natural resource base for economic profit and as a site for realizing ideas inherent to the ecological modernization discourse. Resistance against Norrland as a site for production and exploitation are embedded in the environmental justice discourse and shed light on the socially unequal and geographically uneven patterns of injustice. Read more
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Sjötransporter och regional omvandling : Regleringen av den norrländska vintersjöfarten 1940-1975Eriksson, Martin January 2006 (has links)
This licentiate thesis investigates the decision-making process behind the regulation of winter shipping along the coast of the northern part of Sweden, the Norrland region, in the period 1940-1975. The licentiate thesis examines two aspects of this decision-making process. First, how the regulations in the field of winter shipping were designed in the period. Second, this work examines the underlying factors behind this regulatory outcome on the premise that the regulatory design in the field was the result of an interaction between the regulating actors in the government and their political and economic institutional context. As for the first issue, it is demonstrated that the period 1940-1975 was characterised by a regulatory ambition to expand winter shipping along the coast of Norrland. This meant that the government made substantial investments in ice-breakers during the period, which gradually expanded the shipping season until the target of year-round shipping even to the northernmost ports was established in the first part of the 1970s. Accordingly, those dues for ice-breaker services proposed by several committees that investigated the issue were never introduced. Instead, government-led ice-breaking has served to compensate Norrland as a peripheral region for its relatively high transport costs. Regarding the second issue, it is showed that the decision-making process was influenced by developments at different policy levels of the government hierarchy. In the period 1940-1964, when a public authority within the maritime sector emerged and was consolidated, developments at the maritime sector level affected the decision-making process to a large extent. In turn, the period after 1964 witnessed a change in government policy towards the Norrland region as a more interventionist regional and industrial policy than earlier was implemented. This meant that the decision-making process to a larger extent was influenced by factors originating from a macro policy level. During the decision-making process, actors at both the maritime sector level and the macro level emphasized the importance of government-regulated winter shipping for the regional industrialization of the Norrland region in terms that reflected the aims and interests of their policy levels. In this respect, actors in the maritime sector pointed to the role of winter shipping as a trade policy instrument while actors who represented the interests of regional development policy and industrial policy considered the expansion of winter shipping as crucial in achieving the general ambition to create a geographically egalitarian welfare state, characterised by high levels of growth and low unemployment. Read more
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Från den västerbottniska frostmyren till den socialpolitiska hetluften: Astrid Väring : konservativ författare i Folkhemmets SverigeEdlund, Karin January 2003 (has links)
<p>The dissertation takes as its starting-point the dichotomies between origin and modernity, periphery and centre. This is particularly the case in Astrid Väring’s novels Frosten (1926) and Vintermyren (1927), in which the author pays tribute to the homestead and the rural community in contrast to the industrial community, whilst her novels also express an ambivalent attitude towards modernity. Astrid Väring bases her works on a Norrland literary tradition, which often stood in opposition to the central power despite being dependent on it. In this respect, a similarity with postcolonialism is evident.</p><p>Access to a wealth of archive material, which has not previously been used in literary scholastic research, has resulted in a natural combination of a biographical method and socio-literary reading. When analysing the novels, the same external circumstances that had signifi cance for the author when the work was drafted, for example economic, social and political conditions, have therefore been taken into account.</p><p>With reference to the novel Katinka (1942), the view of popular literature during the 1940s is dealt with. The pejorative view, prevalent in those days, is compared with a contemporary understanding of it. Today, neither the canon nor popular literature stand out as particularly homogeneous categories. Katinka was written at the start of the Second World War. A comparison is made in the dissertation between Vilhelm Moberg’s Rid i natt! (Ride this Night) (1941) and Katinka in order to ascertain the novels’ attitude towards the offi cial Swedish position of neutrality. In Ride this Night rebellion against the enemy is encouraged, in Katinka a cautious, wait and see attitude is urged.</p><p>I som här inträden… (1944) is a novel with a purpose. In this novel Astrid Väring directs a harsh attack against the mental health care at Swedish mental hospitals. The dissertation contains a genre discussion concerning the various genres related to the novel with a purpose, for example roman à thèse. It can be concluded that theoretical work concerning the novel with a purpose is rare. But, when the issue pursued in the novel is no longer relevant, the novel with a purpose is often destined to be forgotten. Furthermore, Astrid Väring had the bad luck of falling in the shadow of Sara Lidman’s modernistic West-Bothnian accounts of the 1950s, which contributed to the fact that her entire works quickly fell into oblivion. This dissertation is the fi rst scholastic work on Astrid Väring’s works.</p> Read more
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Sjötransporter och regional omvandling : Regleringen av den norrländska vintersjöfarten 1940-1975Eriksson, Martin January 2006 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis investigates the decision-making process behind the regulation of winter shipping along the coast of the northern part of Sweden, the Norrland region, in the period 1940-1975. The licentiate thesis examines two aspects of this decision-making process. First, how the regulations in the field of winter shipping were designed in the period. Second, this work examines the underlying factors behind this regulatory outcome on the premise that the regulatory design in the field was the result of an interaction between the regulating actors in the government and their political and economic institutional context.</p><p>As for the first issue, it is demonstrated that the period 1940-1975 was characterised by a regulatory ambition to expand winter shipping along the coast of Norrland. This meant that the government made substantial investments in ice-breakers during the period, which gradually expanded the shipping season until the target of year-round shipping even to the northernmost ports was established in the first part of the 1970s. Accordingly, those dues for ice-breaker services proposed by several committees that investigated the issue were never introduced. Instead, government-led ice-breaking has served to compensate Norrland as a peripheral region for its relatively high transport costs.</p><p>Regarding the second issue, it is showed that the decision-making process was influenced by developments at different policy levels of the government hierarchy. In the period 1940-1964, when a public authority within the maritime sector emerged and was consolidated, developments at the maritime sector level affected the decision-making process to a large extent. In turn, the period after 1964 witnessed a change in government policy towards the Norrland region as a more interventionist regional and industrial policy than earlier was implemented. This meant that the decision-making process to a larger extent was influenced by factors originating from a macro policy level.</p><p>During the decision-making process, actors at both the maritime sector level and the macro level emphasized the importance of government-regulated winter shipping for the regional industrialization of the Norrland region in terms that reflected the aims and interests of their policy levels. In this respect, actors in the maritime sector pointed to the role of winter shipping as a trade policy instrument while actors who represented the interests of regional development policy and industrial policy considered the expansion of winter shipping as crucial in achieving the general ambition to create a geographically egalitarian welfare state, characterised by high levels of growth and low unemployment.</p> Read more
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Glesbygdernas demografiska problem och möjliga strategier mot avfolkning : D-uppsats i samhällsgeografiPadel, Sören January 2008 (has links)
<p>Europas befolkning blir allt äldre och bosättningen koncentreras i ökande omfång till ett begränsat antal tillväxtregioner. Den här koncentrationsprocessen drabbar Norrlands inlandskommuner särskild hårt, eftersom glesbygdens unga flyttar av utbildningsskäl till större regioner, utan att återvända efter utbildningen, då det fattas ett yrkesmässigt perspektiv. Om några decennier kommer mer än halva Sveriges befolkning att leva i ett av de tre storstadsområdena. Även de mindre storstäderna och andra tillväxtområden emotser en befolkningsökning. Befolkningen i hela Sverige och så även i alla tillväxtområden blir i genomsnitt litet äldre, men beroendekvoten förblir där nästan konstant, eftersom dessa regioner attraherar unga människor som tillbringar sitt yrkesliv där. De bildar dessutom familjer och deras barn är morgondagens befolkning i arbetsför ålder. Däremot drabbas de glesbygdskommuner, som pga. av sitt läge inte kan ingå i större lokala arbetsmarknader, av överåldring och en jämnt minskande andel befolkning i arbetsför ålder. Utvecklingen kan bli så drastiskt att befolkningen i arbetsför ålder inte ens räcker för att göra jobben i vård och omsorg, inte att tala om andra arbeten.</p><p>Krafterna bakom koncentrationen är mycket starka och har en utpräglad egendynamik. En tillväxtregion attraherar kompetens och köpkraft, dessa faktorer attraherar allt mer företag som i sin tur producerar kompetens och köpkraft osv. Tvärtom är det i avfolkningsregioner, där minskande köpkraft och en minskade arbetskraftpotential leder till minskande företags-etableringar och så till ytterligare förminskade köpkraft och kompetens, osv. Utvecklingen kan för några kommuner betyda, att de om några decennier inte längre kan bestå, eftersom det fattas personal och finansiella medel för att upprätthålla det offentliga livet. Samtidigt lider tillväxtregioner under många problem som t.ex. bostadsbrist och trafikinfarkter.</p><p>För att kunna bromsa utvecklingen i avfolkningsregioner behöver kommunerna där att gå nya vägar. I och med att klimatförändringarna drabbas länderna i klassiska turistområden och i och med att energi blir allt dyrare, finns nya chanser för Norrlands glesbygder. Om de lyckas att överta marknadsandelar inom turism och att utveckla kluster inom området förnyelsebara energier, kan det kanske vara möjligt att neutraliserar avflyttningen bland unga och bilda en ny, stabil befolkningsstruktur, om än med en mindre befolkningsstorlek än på 1960-talet. Utvecklingen bör ackompanjeras av stöd till småskalig och diversifierat jordbruk samt koordinering av turism och skogsbruk. Det är möjligtvis en väg för att mildra koncentrationens negativa konsekvenser i tillväxtregioner och för att förhindra uppståendet av ”ödekommuner”.</p> Read more
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Förändringen av den demografiska strukturen iavflyttningskommuner : tre exempelPadel, Sören January 2007 (has links)
<p>Som alla andra i-länder möts även Sverige av enorma demografiska förändringar. Vilever allt längre, får allt mindre barn och koncentrerar oss mer och mer till någracentra, medan stora delar av landet drabbas av avfolkning. Dessa processer har iVästeuropa liknande skepnader. Men i motsats till länder som Italien, Tjeckien ellerTyskland föll TFR först for några år sen under reproduktionsnivån, så att nedgångenav födelsetalet är i dagens Sverige inte än så dramatiskt som t.ex. i Tyskland, därantalet födelser under den sista 40 årena halverades. Å andra sidan drabbas Sverigehårdare av befolkningskoncentrationen än mindre och/eller tätbefolkade länder,eftersom den redan dyra infrastrukturen (kostnader per person) blir nu ännu dyrare,när redan glesbefolkade kommuner förlorar en stor del av sin befolkning genomavflyttning och minskade födelser medan storstadsområden nästan kollaberar i följdav bostadsbrist och andra infrastrukturella problem. Men de glesbefolkadeavflyttningskommunerna som ligger långt från storstadsområden får allt störreproblem av upprätthålla (dvs. finansiera) den offentliga servicen inom helakommunen.Å andra sidan lever vi inta bara allt längre, utan bibehåller allt längre vår hälsa.Dessutom är pensionerna i Sverige liksom arbetande människor för kommunernaskattebetalare, då pensionerna beskattas liksom lön med kommunalt skatt. Även ompensionerna är mindre än arbetsinkomsterna, så är friska pensionerar urskatteperspektiv en tillgång för kommunerna på liknande sätt som arbetstagare. Förstnär vårdbehovet kräver resurser ändras ekvationen. Om avflyttningskommunernaalltså lyckas med att deras ”gamla” invånare återvänder efter ett arbetsliv i storstan,kan konsekvenserna av minskade befolkningstal och överåldring minskas reellt.</p> Read more
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Religiösa konflikter i norra Hälsingland 1630-1800Wallenberg Bondesson, Maria January 2003 (has links)
This dissertation deals with religious conflict in a number of local communities of Sweden during early modern times, i.e. from 1630 to 1800. Religious conflict, in my understanding, comprises all kinds of conflicts in which the religious element is essential. The area of investigation in the dissertation is the northern part of the county of northern Hälsingland in northern Sweden. It is an area of particular interest in this context, since it featured a multitude of religious conflicts during early modern times. For the area and period of time under consideration here, the study of religious conflicts entails a study of three phenomena: major community conflicts in connection with outbreaks of witchcraze; major community conflicts during religious revivals; and minor conflicts, such as individual court cases involving witchcraft or blasphemy. The purpose of the dissertation is understand the pattern of such religious conflicts in northern Hälsingland in its local context. The local perspective is central and has also made me direct my interests towards the prelude to and aftermath of the conflicts in question. Particularly the latter has, to a large part, been neglected in earlier research. Theoretically the dissertation is inspired by the theoretical discussions of social scientist Walter Korpi. He maintains that identifying the distribution of power resources in society is essential to understanding conflict. This has proved to be a fruitful approach to the understanding of local, religious conflict in northern Hälsingland and I have been able interpret the witchcraze of the 1670s and the religious revivals in the latter part of the 18th century as the results of changes in power relations in the local community. The major community religious conflicts of northern Hälsingland – i.e. the conflicts during the witchcraze and the religious revivals -- were serious local traumas. The dissertation has also dealt with the aftermath of these conflicts, and the result does, among other things, emphasize the importance of honour in early modern society. Those accused during the witch trials of the 1670´s fought extensively for their right to attend communion together with the other members of their congregation -- a struggle to a large part due to the fact that taking part of the communion together with other honourable people could serve to restore their honour and reintegrate them in society. / <p>Sammanfattning på engelska med titeln: Religious conflicts in northern Hälsingland from 1630 to 1800</p> Read more
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Från den västerbottniska frostmyren till den socialpolitiska hetluften: Astrid Väring : konservativ författare i Folkhemmets SverigeEdlund, Karin January 2003 (has links)
The dissertation takes as its starting-point the dichotomies between origin and modernity, periphery and centre. This is particularly the case in Astrid Väring’s novels Frosten (1926) and Vintermyren (1927), in which the author pays tribute to the homestead and the rural community in contrast to the industrial community, whilst her novels also express an ambivalent attitude towards modernity. Astrid Väring bases her works on a Norrland literary tradition, which often stood in opposition to the central power despite being dependent on it. In this respect, a similarity with postcolonialism is evident. Access to a wealth of archive material, which has not previously been used in literary scholastic research, has resulted in a natural combination of a biographical method and socio-literary reading. When analysing the novels, the same external circumstances that had signifi cance for the author when the work was drafted, for example economic, social and political conditions, have therefore been taken into account. With reference to the novel Katinka (1942), the view of popular literature during the 1940s is dealt with. The pejorative view, prevalent in those days, is compared with a contemporary understanding of it. Today, neither the canon nor popular literature stand out as particularly homogeneous categories. Katinka was written at the start of the Second World War. A comparison is made in the dissertation between Vilhelm Moberg’s Rid i natt! (Ride this Night) (1941) and Katinka in order to ascertain the novels’ attitude towards the offi cial Swedish position of neutrality. In Ride this Night rebellion against the enemy is encouraged, in Katinka a cautious, wait and see attitude is urged. I som här inträden… (1944) is a novel with a purpose. In this novel Astrid Väring directs a harsh attack against the mental health care at Swedish mental hospitals. The dissertation contains a genre discussion concerning the various genres related to the novel with a purpose, for example roman à thèse. It can be concluded that theoretical work concerning the novel with a purpose is rare. But, when the issue pursued in the novel is no longer relevant, the novel with a purpose is often destined to be forgotten. Furthermore, Astrid Väring had the bad luck of falling in the shadow of Sara Lidman’s modernistic West-Bothnian accounts of the 1950s, which contributed to the fact that her entire works quickly fell into oblivion. This dissertation is the fi rst scholastic work on Astrid Väring’s works. Read more
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