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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sinal filogenético e conservação filogenética de nicho : integrando métodos aos conceitos ecológicos

Debastiani, Vanderlei Julio January 2016 (has links)
Compreender os fatores que afetam a distribuição das espécies tem sido um dos principais objetivos dos ecólogos. Atualmente, sabe-se que os processos ecológicos e evolutivos moldam a dinâmica de especiação e extinção de espécies, e determinam a distribuição e abundância das mesmas. Ao longo dos últimos anos, tem havido um aumento no número de estudos que utilizam informação filogenética para explicar as dinâmicas populacionais e as distribuições de espécies, e que buscam identificar os mecanismos responsáveis pela montagem das comunidades. Interações das espécies, sejam elas intraespecífica, interespecífica ou com o ambiente, ocorrem baseadas nas diferenças e semelhanças fenotípicas. Essas variações fenotípicas tem origem na evolução das espécies, e com isso espera-se que as espécies proximamente relacionadas tendam a ser ecologicamente mais semelhantes entre si do que as espécies distantemente relacionadas. Esta concepção tem dado origem a um conceito importante, com implicações para estudos tanto ecológicos quanto evolutivos: o conceito de conservação filogenética de nicho, isto é, quando as espécies relacionadas mantêm seus nichos ancestrais ao longo do tempo evolutivo. Esse padrão tem importância para diversas áreas de ecologia, permitindo a ligação das espécies aos processos ecológicos e auxiliando na maior compreensão da ecologia evolutiva das diferentes linhagens. Devido à sua importância, é fundamental o desenvolvimento de métodos estatísticos adequados para quantificar esses padrões e inferir os processos que o subjazem. Atualmente, os métodos utilizados para inferir conservação filogenética de nicho são, em sua maioria, incompatíveis com determinados conceitos ecológicos e não abrangem todos os tipos de dados e esse fato explica uma visão incompleta dos processos presentes nas comunidades e conflitante com o objetivo de muitos estudos ecológicos e conservacionistas que buscam vincular as espécies aos processos ecológicos e evolutivos. Desta forma, o principal objetivo desta tese é propor novos métodos para quantificar o sinal filogenético que integrem diferentes aspectos do conceito de nicho ecológico. Apresentamos aqui os novos métodos em detalhes e avaliamos suas propriedades estatísticas (erro tipo I e poder estatístico) por meio de dados simulados. No capítulo 1, nós propomos um método para medir sinal filogenético utilizando o teste de Mantel, incorporando modelos evolutivos para testar hipóteses específicas da evolução dos atributos. No capítulo 2, descrevemos um conjunto de funções e um novo pacote estatístico para explorar os padrões filogenéticos no nível de metacomunidade. Este pacote permite explorar a distribuição de linhagens filogenéticas através de gradientes ecológicos, a análise de sinal filogenético no nível da metacomunidade e explorar a associação entre clados e gradientes ecológicos. No capítulo 3, investigamos a relação entre sinal filogenético dos atributos com os padrões de coocorrência das espécies nos níveis da comunidade. Esta abordagem permite testar se espécies filogeneticamente relacionadas que coocorrem expressam as suas dimensões de nicho com maior semelhança do que seria esperado por modelos neutros de evolução. Por fim, testamos as propriedades estatísticas destes métodos em relação dois modelos nulos, que incorporam diferentes aspectos da estrutura da comunidade e evolução dos atributos das espécies. Os três capítulos representam diferentes trabalhos que se interconectam no sentido de elucidar o conceito de sinal filogenético e conservação filogenética de nicho. / Understanding the factors that can affect species distributions has been a main goal of ecologists. Currently, it is known that evolutionary and ecological processes shape the speciation dynamics, species extinction and determine the distribution and abundance of species. Over the last years, there has been an increase in the number of studies using phylogenetic information to explain the dynamics of population, species distribution and identifying the mechanisms of community assembly. Species interactions – intraspecific, interspecific or with the environment – occur based on their phenotypic differences and similarities. As phenotypic variation has a basis in evolutionary history, it is expected that closely related species tend to be more ecologically similar to each other than distantly related ones. This notion has given rise to an important concept, with implications for both evolutionary and ecological studies: the concept of phylogenetic niche conservatism, that is, when related species maintain their ancestral niches over evolutionary time. This pattern is important for several areas of ecology, and allows to link species to ecological processes and to understand the evolutionary ecology of different lineages. Despite its importance, it is crucial the development of appropriate statistical method to measure this pattern and to infer the processes behind it. The methods currently available to infer phylogenetic niche conservatism are sometimes incompatible with some ecological concepts and do not cover all kind of data, this fact leads to an incomplete view of the process acting in the currents communities and conflict with the goal of many ecological and conservation studies that need to link species to ecological and evolutionary processes. The main goal of this dissertation is to propose novel methods to measure phylogenetic signal incorporating different aspects of ecological niche. We introduce novel methods in detail and evaluate its statistical properties (type I error and statistical power) by means of simulated data with known structure. In chapter 1 we propose a method to measure phylogenetic signal using the Mantel test, incorporating evolutionary model to test specific hypothesis of trait evolution. In chapter 2, we describe a set of function and a new statistical package for exploring the phylogenetic patterns at the metacommunity level. This package allows the exploration of distribution of phylogenetic lineages across ecological gradients, the analysis of phylogenetic signal at metacommunity level and to explore the association between clades and ecological gradients. In the chapter 3, we access the relationship between phylogenetic signal in traits and species co-occurrence patterns in the community levels. This approach allows one to test whether phylogenetic close related species cooccurring in metacommunities express their niche dimensions more similarly than would be expected by neutral expectation. We tested the statistical properties of these methods in relation to two null models, which incorporate these different aspects of the community structure and evolution of species traits. The three chapters represent different works that are interconnected in order to elucidate the concept of phylogenetic signal and phylogenetic niche conservatism.

Non-random inter-specific encounters between Amazon understory forest birds : what are theyand how do they change / Encontra interespecífica não aleatória entre aves de sub-bosque amazônico: qual elas são e como elas mudam?

Poitevin, Caroline Myriam January 2016 (has links)
Os bandos mistos de aves são agregações sociais complexas estáveis durante o tempo e espaço. Até hoje, a estrutura social dessas espécies foi descrita a partir de estudos subjetivos de campo ou a partir de compilações do número e intensidade das interações a nível de todo o grupo, sem considerar as interações par-a-par individualmente. Nossos objetivos foram buscar evidências de associações não-randômicas entre pares de espécies de aves, delimitar os grupos a partir das espécies com as associações mais fortes e verificar se há diferenças na estrutura social entre os habitat de floresta primária e secundária. Utilizamos dados de ocorrência das espécies coletados a partir de redes de neblina e gravação de vocalizações para identificar pares de espécies que foram co-detectadas mais frequentemente do que o esperado a partir do modelo nulo e compararamos a força dessa interação entre as florestas tropicais primária e secundária Amazônicas. Nós também utilizamos as associações par-a-par para construir as redes de interação social e suas mudanças entre os tipos de habitat. Nós encontramos muitas interações positivas fortes entre as espécies, mas nenhuma evidência de repulsão. As análises das redes de interação revelaram vários grupos de espécies que corroboram com grupos ecológios descritos na literatura. Além disso, tanto a estrutura da rede de interação como a força da interação se alteraram drasticamente com a perturbação do habitat, com formação de algumas associações novas, mas uma tendência geral para quebra de associações entre as espécies. Nossos resultados mostram que as interações sociais entre essas aves podem ser fortemente afetados pela degradação do habitat, sugerindo que a estabilidade das interações desenvolvida entre espécies é ameaçada pelos distúrbios causados pelo homem. / Inter-specific associations of birds are complex social phenomena, frequently detected and often stable over time and space. So far, the social structure of these associations has been largely deduced from subjective assessments in the field or by counting the number of inter-specific encounters at the whole-group level, without considering changes to individual pairwise interactions. Here, we look for evidence of non-random association between pairs of bird species, delimit groups of more strongly associated species and examine differences in social structure between old growth and secondary forest habitat. We used records of bird species detection from mist-netting capture and from acoustic recordings to identify pairwise associations that were detected more frequently than expected under a null distribution, and compared the strength of these associations between old-growth and secondary forest Amazonian tropical forest. We also used the pairwise strength associations to visualize the social network structure and its changes between habitat types. We found many strongly positive interactions between species, but no evidence of repulsion. Network analyses revealed several modules of species that broadly agree with the subjective groupings described in the ornithological literature. Furthermore, both network structure and association strength changed drastically with habitat disturbance, with the formation of a few new associations but a general trend towards the breaking of associations between species. Our results show that social grouping in birds is real and may be strongly affected by habitat degradation, suggesting that the stability of the associations is threatened by anthropogenic disturbance.

Spanish and Greek subjects in contact : Greek as a heritage language in Chile

Giannakou, Aretousa January 2018 (has links)
The present study aims to capture linguistic variation in subject distribution of two typologically similar languages, Greek and Chilean Spanish, considering adult monolingual and bilingual speakers of Greek as a heritage/minority language in Chile. The focus is on null and overt third-person subjects in topic-continuity and topic-shift contexts. Such structures involve the interface between syntax and discourse/pragmatics, a vulnerable domain in bilingualism. Previous research has shown overextension of the scope of the overt subject pronoun in contexts where null subjects are discursively expected (e.g. Tsimpli, Sorace, Heycock & Filiaci 2004). The Interface Hypothesis (IH) (Sorace 2011) was formulated to account for such findings, which obtain even in pairs of two null subject languages (Sorace, Serratrice, Filiaci & Baldo 2009). The key question as to the language-contact effects on subject distribution in pairs of two null subject languages requires further exploration while the combination of Greek and Spanish has been so far understudied. The IH is evaluated with new empirical data from a bilingual situation not studied before. Data from oral narratives and aural pronominal anaphora resolution were elicited from monolinguals and three types of bilinguals, namely first-generation immigrants, heritage speakers and L2 speakers of Greek residing in Chile. The monolingual data revealed differences in the use and interpretation of overt subject pronouns between Greek and Chilean Spanish. The crosslinguistic difference lies in the strong deictic properties of the Greek pronoun compared to its Spanish counterpart; hence differences obtain because of the relative strength of the two pronominal forms. No overextension of the scope of overt pronouns was found in bilinguals, against predictions stemming from the Interface Hypothesis. This may relate to the typological similarity between Greek and Spanish as well as to the nature of the Greek pronoun, which makes its use relatively categorical. Such findings lend support to the Representational account (Tsimpli et al. 2004). On the contrary, null subjects gave rise to optionality presumably due to their complexity, which demands higher degrees of computational efficiency. The Vulnerability Hypothesis (Prada Pérez 2018) may also account for the findings.

Análise quantitativa, sobreposição de nicho e coocorrência de moscas-das-frutas (Diptera: Tephritidae) em três pomares adjacentes / Quantitative analysis, niche overlap and co-occurrence of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) on three adjacent orchards

Mielezrski, Gleidyane Novais Lopes 26 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo o conhecimento dos padrões sazonais de abundância e o potencial para associações positivas e negativas entre espécies do gênero Anastrepha e Ceratitis capitata. As coletas foram realizadas na estação experimental do Polo Regional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico dos Agronegócios do Leste Paulista/Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (PRDTALP/APTA), em Monte Alegre do Sul, SP, Brasil. As moscas-das-frutas foram coletadas em armadilhas tipo McPhail contendo torula, em pomares de goiaba (Psidium guajava), nêspera (Eriobotrya japonica) e pêssego (Prunus persica), de janeiro de 2002 a janeiro de 2004. Em cada pomar, foram instaladas três armadilhas, cujo atrativo alimentar era substituído semanalmente. Os espécimes de Anastrepha e C. capitata foram sexados, contados, etiquetados e fixados em etanol 70%. A identificação específica de Anastrepha foi feita, exclusivamente, nos caracteres morfológicos das fêmeas. As comunidades de moscas-das-frutas foram caracterizadas por parâmetros faunísticos (dominância, abundância, frequência e constância), índices de diversidade (H\'), riqueza e equitabilidade (E). A influência dos pomares na flutuação populacional das espécies predominantes foi avaliada pelos índices fisiográficos. Com base em modelos nulos, foram estudadas, pela primeira vez no Brasil, a sobreposição de nicho e a coocorrência de populações de mocas-das-frutas. Em 106 coletas, nos três pomares, foram obtidos 25.872 espécimes de Ceratitis capitata (21.252 fêmeas e 4.620 machos) e 89.958 do gênero Anastrepha (48.042 fêmeas e 41.916 machos). Treze espécies de Anastrepha foram capturadas no pomar de goiaba, 19 no de nêspera e seis no de pêssego, além de C. capitata. As espécies predominantes, portanto, classificadas como super nos quatro parâmetros quantitativos, foram A. fraterculus (Wiedemann), A. sororcula Zucchi, A. bistrigata Bezzi, A. obliqua (Macquart) e C. capitata (Wiedemann). Houve diferença significativa quanto ao índice fisiográfico e umidade relativa apenas para A. bistrigata e C. capitata no pomar de goiaba e para A. fraterculus, A. bistrigata e C. capitata, no pomar de nêspera. No pomar de pêssego, não houve diferença significativa para as espécies estudadas. Anastrepha fraterculus foi a espécie mais representativa nos pomares de goiaba e de nêspera e C. capitata, no pomar de pêssego. As características da comunidade (diversidade, riqueza e equitabilidade) sofreram alterações de ano para ano. Além dos fatores climáticos e da disponibilidade hospedeira, a competição interespecífica também interferiu na dinâmica populacional de moscas-das-frutas. Ceratitis capitata e A. pseudoparallela ocorreram com pouca ou nenhuma frequência, respectivamente, com as espécies de Anastrepha nos pomares de goiaba e nêspera. No entanto, no pomar de pêssego, C. capitata ocorreu em agregações significativas com algumas espécies de Anastrepha. Anastrepha fraterculus não foi fortemente influenciada por fatores interespecíficos na estação experimental em Monte Alegre do Sul, SP, Brasil. / The main objective of this study was to know the seasonal patterns of abundance and the potential for positive and negative associations among fruit fly species belong to Anastrepha and Ceratitis capitata. The collecting sites were at experimental station of the Polo Regional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico dos Agronegócios do Leste Paulista/Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (PRDTALP/APTA), in Monte Alegre do Sul, SP, Brazil. Fruit flies were collected in McPhail-type traps baited with torula hung in trees of guava (Psidium guajava), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) and peach (Prunus persica), from January 2002 to January 2004. Three traps were distributed in each orchard, and the bait was replaced weekly. Specimens of Anastrepha and C. capitata were sexed, quantified, labeled, and conserved in 70% ethanol. The identification of Anastrepha species was based exclusively on females. Communities of fruit flies were characterized by faunal indices such as dominance, abundance, frequency and constancy, diversity (H\'), richness and evenness (E). The influence of orchards on the population dynamics of the dominant fruit fly species was estimated by physiographic indices. Based on null models, the niche overlap and co-occurrence of population of fruit flies were studied, for the first time in Brazil. From 106 collections, were obtained 25,872 specimens of Ceratitis capitata (21,252 females and 4,620 males) and 89,958 of the genus Anastrepha (48,042 females and 41,916 males). Thirteen species of Anastrepha were collected in guava, 19 in loquat, and 6 in peach orchard. The predominant species, classified as a super on the four quantitative parameters, were A. fraterculus (Wiedemann), A. sororcula Zucchi, A. bistrigata Bezzi, A. obliqua (Macquart) and C. capitata (Wiedemann). There were significant differences in the physiographic index and humidity only to A. bistrigata and C. capitata in guava orchard and A. fraterculus, A. bistrigata and C. capitata in loquat orchard. In the peach orchard, there was no significant difference for the species studied. Anastrepha fraterculus was the most significant species in the orchards of guava and loquat, and C. capitata was the most significant species in peach orchard. The community characteristics (diversity, richness and evenness) changed from year to year. Further on climatic factors and host availability, interspecific competition also interfered with the population dynamics of fruit flies. Ceratitis capitata and A. pseudoparallela showed little or no frequency, respectively, together other Anastrepha species in guava and loquat orchards. However, in the peach orchard, C. capitata occurred in significant aggregations with some species of Anastrepha. Anastrepha fraterculus was not strongly influenced by interspecific factors at the experimental station in Monte Alegre do Sul, SP, Brazil.

Charged Particle Transport and Confinement Along Null Magnetic Curves and in Various Other Nonuniform Field Configurations for Applications in Antihydrogen Production

Lane, Ryan A. 05 1900 (has links)
Comparisons between measurements of the ground-state hyperfine structure and gravitational acceleration of hydrogen and antihydrogen could provide a test of fundamental physical theories such as CPT (charge conjugation, parity, time-reversal) and gravitational symmetries. Currently, antihydrogen traps are based on Malmberg-Penning traps. The number of antiprotons in Malmberg-Penning traps with sufficiently low energy to be suitable for trappable antihydrogen production may be reduced by the electrostatic space charge of the positrons and/or collisions among antiprotons. Alternative trap designs may be needed for future antihydrogen experiments. A computational tool is developed to simulate charged particle motion in customizable magnetic fields generated by combinations of current loops and current lines. The tool is used to examine charged particle confinement in two systems consisting of dual, levitated current loops. The loops are coaxial and arranged to produce a magnetic null curve. Conditions leading to confinement in the system are quantified and confinement modes near the null curve and encircling one or both loops are identified. Furthermore, the tool is used to examine and quantify charged particle motion parallel to the null curve in the large radius limit of the dual, levitated current loops. An alternative to new trap designs is to identify the effects of the positron space in existing traps and to find modes of operation where the space charge is beneficial. Techniques are developed to apply the Boltzmann density relation along curved magnetic field lines. Equilibrium electrostatic potential profiles for a positron plasma are computed by solving Poisson's equation using a finite-difference method. Equilibria are computed in a model Penning trap with an axially varying magnetic field. Also, equilibria are computed for a positron plasma in a model of the ALPHA trap. Electric potential wells are found to form self-consistently. The technique is expanded to compute equilibria for a two-species plasma with an antiproton plasma confined by the positron space charge. The two-species equilibria are used to estimate timescales associated with three-body recombination, losses due to collisions between antiprotons, and temperature equilibration. An equilibrium where the three-body recombination rate is the smallest is identified.

Further Investigation on Null and Interior Field Methods for Laplace¡¦s Equation with Very Small Circular Holes

Lin, I-Sheng 12 August 2011 (has links)
The error analysis is made for the simple annular domain with the circular boundaries having the same origin. The error bounds are derived, and the optimal convergence rates can be archived. For circular domains with circular boundaries, the same convergence rates can be achieved by strict proof. Moreover, the NFM algorithms and its conservative schemes can be applied to very small holes, which are difficult for other numerical methods to handle. Both the NFM and the collocation Trefftz method(CTM) are used for very small circular holes, the CTM is superior to the NFM in accuracy and stability.

The Collocation Trefftz Method for Laplace's Equation on Annular Shaped Domains, Circular and Elliptic Boundaries

Wu, Sin-Rong 19 August 2011 (has links)
The collocation Trefftz method (CTM) proposed in [36] is employed to annular shaped domains, and new error analysis is made to yield the optimal convergence rates. This popular method is then applied to the special case: the Dirichlet problems on circular domains with circular holes, and comparisons are made with the null field method (NFM) proposed , and new interior field method (IFM) proposed in [35], to find out that both errors and condition numbers are smaller. Recently, for circular domains with circular holes, the null fields method (NFM) is proposed by Chen and his groups. In NFM, the fundamental solutions (FS) with the source nodes Q outside of the solution domains are used in the Green formulas, and the FS are replaced by their series expansions. The Fourier expansions of the known or the unknown Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on the circular boundaries are chosen, so that the explicit discrete equations can be easily obtained by means of orthogonality of Fourier functions. The NFM has been applied to elliptic equations and eigenvalue problems in circular domains with multiple holes, reported in many papers; here we cite those for Laplace¡¦s equation only (see [18, 19, 20]). For the boundary integral equation (BIE) of the first kind, the trigonometric functions are used in Arnold [4, 5], and error analysis is made for infinite smooth solutions, to derive the exponential convergence rates. In Cheng¡¦s Dissertation [21, 22], for BIE of the first kind, the source nodes are located outside of the solution domain, the linear combination of fundamental solutions are used, and error analysis is made only for circular domains. This fact implies that not only can the CTM be applied to arbitrary domains, but also a better numerical performance is provided. Since the algorithms of the CTM is simple and its programming is easy, the CTM is strongly recommended to replace the NFM for circular domains with circular holes in engineering problems.

Upper Estimates for Banach Spaces

Freeman, Daniel B. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
We study the relationship of dominance for sequences and trees in Banach spaces. In the context of sequences, we prove that domination of weakly null sequences is a uniform property. More precisely, if $(v_i)$ is a normalized basic sequence and $X$ is a Banach space such that every normalized weakly null sequence in $X$ has a subsequence that is dominated by $(v_i)$, then there exists a uniform constant $C\geq1$ such that every normalized weakly null sequence in $X$ has a subsequence that is $C$-dominated by $(v_i)$. We prove as well that if $V=(v_i)_{i=1}^\infty$ satisfies some general conditions, then a Banach space $X$ with separable dual has subsequential $V$ upper tree estimates if and only if it embeds into a Banach space with a shrinking FDD which satisfies subsequential $V$ upper block estimates. We apply this theorem to Tsirelson spaces to prove that for all countable ordinals $\alpha$ there exists a Banach space $X$ with Szlenk index at most $\omega^{\alpha \omega +1}$ which is universal for all Banach spaces with Szlenk index at most $\omega^{\alpha\omega}$.

Cyberspace or Face-to-Face: The Teachable Moment and Changing Reference Mediums

Desai, Christina M., Graves, Stephanie J. 03 1900 (has links)
This is a pre-print of an article that is accepted for publication in RUSQ Spring or Summer of 2008. / This article considers the teaching role of reference librarians by studying the teachable moment in reference transactions, and usersâ response to that instruction. An empirical study of instruction was conducted in both virtual and traditional reference milieus, examining three services: IM (Instant Messaging), chat, and face-to-face reference. The authors used the same criteria in separate studies of all three to determine if librarians provided analogous levels of instruction and what factors influenced the likelihood of instruction. Methodology employed transcript analysis, observation, and patron surveys. Findings indicated that patrons wanted instruction in their reference transactions, regardless of medium, and librarians provided it. However, instructional techniques used by librarians in virtual reference differ somewhat from those used at the reference desk. The authors conclude that reference transactions, in any medium, represent the patronsâ point-of-need, thereby presenting the ideal teachable moment.

Kvadratūrinių formulių liekamųjų narių įverčiai ir jų analizė / Error estimates of quadrature formulas and their analysis

Leščiauskienė, Vaiva 06 June 2006 (has links)
In this paper the problems of finding error estimates of quadrature formulas are discussed. A method proposed by K.Plukas was tested. One of the most important tests was the one determining the error estimates that are too optimistic. The results have shown that there are 1/8 of such error estimates and that there is no visible pattern when they occur. The second very important test was the one that shows how many iterations are needed to get the estimate of integral. After comparing the results to the ones produced by method of T.O.Espelid it was obvious that method of K.Plukas produced results even when method of T.O.Espelid was not able to. Comparison of these results have also shown that method of K.Plukas is not always as effective as method of T.O.Coteda, i.e. in many cases method of K.Plukas produced the result after more iterations than method of T.O.Coteda.

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