Spelling suggestions: "subject:"numerical simulationlation"" "subject:"numerical motionsimulation""
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In Situ Preconcentration by AC Electrokinetics for Rapid and Sensitive Nanoparticle DetectionYang, Kai 01 August 2011 (has links)
Reducing cost and time is a major concern in clinical diagnostics. Current molecular diagnostics are multi-step processes that usually take at least several hours or even days to complete multiple reagents delivery, incubations and several washing processes. This highly labor-intensive work and lack of automation could result in reduced reliability and low efficiency. The Laboratory-on-a-chip (LOC), taking advantage of the merger and development of microfluidics and biosensor technology, has shown promise towards a solution for performing analytical tests in a self-contained and compact unit, enabling earlier and decentralized testing. However, challenges are to integrate the fluid regulatory elements on a single platform and to detect target analytes with high sensitivity and selectivity.
The goal of this research work is to develop an AC electrokinetic (ACEK) flow through concentrator for in-situ concentration of biomolecules and develop a comprehensive understanding of effects of ACEK flow on the biomolecule transport (in-situ concentration) and their impact on electronic biosensing mechanism and performance, achieving automation and miniaturization. ACEK is a new and promising technique to manipulate micro/bio-fluids and particles. It has many advantages over other techniques for its low applied voltage, portability and compatibility for integration into lab-on-a-chip devices. Numerical study on preconcentration system design in this work has provided an optimization rule for various biosensor designs using ACEK technique. And the microfluidic immunoassay lab-chip designed based on ACET effect has showed promising prospect for accelerated diagnostics. With optimized design of channel geometry, electrode patterns, and properly selected operation condition (ac frequency and voltage), the preconcentration system greatly reduced the reaction time to several minutes instead of several hours, and improved sensitivity of the assay. With the design of immunoassay lab-chip, one can quantitatively study the effect of ACET micropumping and mixing on molecular level binding. Improved sensors with single-chip form factor as a general platform could have a significant impact on a wide-range of biochemical detection and disease diagnostics including pathogen/virus detection, whole blood analysis, immune-screening, gene expression, as well as home land security.
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Present and early star formation : a study on rotational and thermal propertiesJappsen, Anne-Katharina January 2005 (has links)
We investigate the rotational and thermal properties of star-forming molecular
clouds using hydrodynamic simulations. Stars form from molecular cloud cores by gravoturbulent fragmentation. Understanding the angular momentum and the thermal evolution of cloud cores thus plays a fundamental role in
completing the theoretical picture of star formation. This is true not only for
current star formation as observed in regions like the Orion nebula or the
ρ-Ophiuchi molecular cloud but also for the formation of stars of the
first or second generation in the universe.
In this thesis we show how the angular momentum of prestellar and protostellar
cores evolves and compare our results with observed quantities. The specific
angular momentum of prestellar cores in our models agree remarkably well with
observations of cloud cores. Some prestellar cores go into collapse to build
up stars and stellar systems. The resulting protostellar objects have specific
angular momenta that fall into the range of observed binaries.
We find that
collapse induced by gravoturbulent fragmentation is accompanied by a
substantial loss of specific angular momentum. This eases the "angular
momentum problem" in star formation even in the absence of magnetic fields.
The distribution of stellar masses at birth (the initial mass function, IMF) is another aspect that any theory of star
formation must explain. We focus on the influence of the
thermodynamic properties of star-forming gas and address this issue by
studying the effects of a piecewise polytropic equation of state on the
formation of stellar clusters. We increase the polytropic exponent γ
from a value below unity to a value above unity at a certain critical
density. The change of the thermodynamic state at the critical density selects
a characteristic mass scale for fragmentation, which we relate to the peak of
the IMF observed in the solar neighborhood. Our investigation generally
supports the idea that the distribution of stellar masses depends mainly on
the thermodynamic state of the gas.
A common assumption is that
the chemical evolution of the star-forming gas can be decoupled from its dynamical evolution, with the former never affecting the latter. Although justified in some circumstances, this assumption is not true in every case. In
particular, in low-metallicity gas the timescales for reaching the chemical
equilibrium are comparable or larger than the dynamical timescales.
In this thesis we take a first approach to combine a chemical
network with a hydrodynamical code in order to study the influence of low
levels of metal enrichment on the cooling and collapse of ionized gas in small protogalactic halos.
Our initial conditions represent protogalaxies forming within a fossil HII
region -- a previously ionized HII region which has not yet had time to
cool and recombine.
We show that in these regions, H<sub>2</sub> is the dominant and most effective
coolant, and that it is the amount of H<sub>2</sub> formed that controls whether or not the gas can collapse and form stars. For metallicities Z <= 10<sup>-3</sup> Z<sub>sun</sub>, metal line cooling alters the
density and temperature evolution of the gas by less than 1% compared to the
metal-free case at densities below 1 cm<sup>-3</sup> and temperatures above 2000 K.
We also find that an external ultraviolet background delays or suppresses
the cooling and collapse of the gas regardless of whether it is metal-enriched
or not. Finally, we study the dependence of this process on redshift
and mass of the dark matter halo. / Sterne sind fundamentale Bestandteile des Kosmos. Sie entstehen im Inneren von turbulenten
Molekülwolken, die aus molekularem Wasserstoffgas und Staub bestehen. Durch konvergente
Strömungen in der turbulenten Wolke bilden sich lokale Dichtemaxima, die kollabieren, falls
die zum Zentrum der Wolke gerichtete Schwerkraft über die nach außen gerichteten
Druckkräfte dominiert. Dies ist der Fall, wenn die Masse des Gases einen kritischen Wert
überschreitet, der Jeansmasse genannt wird. Die Jeansmasse hängt von der Dichte und der
Temperatur des Gases ab und fällt im isothermen Fall mit steigender Dichte stetig ab, so dass
während des Kontraktionsprozesses immer kleinere Teilmassen instabil werden. Es kommt
zur Fragmentierung der Molekülwolke zu protostellaren Kernen, den direkten Vorläufern der
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die zeitliche Entwicklung des Drehimpulses der
protostellaren Kerne und der Einfluss der thermischen Eigenschaften des Gases mit Hilfe von
dreidimensionalen hydrodynamischen Simulationen untersucht. Hierbei konzentrieren wir uns
auf zwei fundamentale Probleme, die jede Theorie der Sternentstehung lösen muss: das
"Drehimpulsproblem" und die Massenverteilung der Sterne (IMF). Die thermischen
Eigenschaften des Gases sind nicht nur von Bedeutung für die derzeitige Sternentstehung in
beobachtbaren Regionen wie z.B. der Orionnebel oder die ρ-Ophiuchi Molekülwolke,
sondern auch für die Entstehung von Sternen der ersten und zweiten Generation im frühen
Wir betrachten die Entwicklung des spezifischen Drehimpulses von protostellaren Kernen
und vergleichen unsere Resultate mit beobachteten Werten. Wir finden eine gute
Übereinstimmung zwischen den spezifischen Drehimpulsen der protostellaren Kerne in
unserem Model und denen der beobachteten Kerne in Molekülwolken. In unseren
Simulationen geht der gravitative Kollaps mit einem Verlust an spezifischem Drehimpuls
einher. Somit kann das Drehimpulsproblem der Sternentstehung auch ohne Betrachtung der
Magnetfelder entschärft werden.
Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des Einflusses der
thermodynamischen Eigenschaften des Gases auf die Massenverteilung der Sterne, die aus
diesem Gas entstehen. Wir verwenden eine stückweise polytrope Zustandgleichung, die die
Temperatur-Dichte-Beziehung genauer beschreibt. Wir zeigen, dass Veränderungen in der
Zustandgleichung bei einer bestimmten Dichte einen direkten Einfluss auf die
charakteristische Massenskala der Fragmentierung haben und somit den Scheitelpunkt der
Sternmassenverteilung in der solaren Umgebung bestimmen.
Des Weiteren sind die thermodynamischen Eigenschaften des Gases auch für die
Sternentstehung im frühen Universum von Bedeutung. Das primordiale Gas, aus dem die
ersten Sterne gebildet wurden, enthält keine Metalle (Elemente schwerer als H oder He), da
diese erst durch Kernreaktionen in Sternen gebildet werden. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir
den Einfluss einer geringen Metallizität auf das Kühlungs- und Kollapsverhalten von Gas, aus
welchem die zweite Generation von Sternen entstanden ist. Dieses Gas ist anfänglich heiß und
ionisiert und befindet sich in kleinen protogalaktischen Halos aus dunkler Materie. Unsere
hydrodynamischen Simulationen, die auch ein adäquates chemisches Netzwerk beinhalten,
zeigen, dass die Temperatur- und Dichteentwicklung des Gases während der Anfangsphase
des Kollapses durch eine geringe Metallizität im Gas kaum beeinflusst wird. Wir stellen
weiterhin fest, dass externe ultraviolette Strahlung den Kühlprozess des Gases ohne
Metallizität und des Gases mit geringer Metallizität gleichermaßen verzögert oder sogar
verhindert. Außerdem untersuchen wir den Einfluss der Rotverschiebung und der Masse des
Halos aus dunkler Materie auf die Kühlung und den Kollaps des Gases.
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A Numerical Forced Convection Heat Transfer Analysis Of Nanofluids Considering Performance CriteriaKirez, Oguz 01 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
A nanofluid is a new heat transfer fluid produced by mixing a base fluid and solid nano sized particles. This fluid has great potential in heat transfer applications, because of its increased thermal conductivity and even increased Nusselt number due to higher thermal conductivity, Brownian motion of nanoparticles, and other various effects on heat transfer phenomenon.
In this work, the first aim is to predict convective heat transfer of nanofluids. A numerical code is created and run to obtain results in a pipe with two different boundary conditions, constant wall temperature and constant wall heat flux. The results for laminar flow for thermally developing region in a pipe are obtained for Al2O3/water nanofluid with different volumetric fraction and particle sizes with local temperature dependent conductivity approach. Various effects that influence nanofluid heat transfer enhancement are investigated. As a result, a better heat transfer performance is obtained for all cases, compared to pure water. The important parameters that have impact on nanofluid heat transfer are particle diameter of the nanoparticles, nanoparticle volumetric fraction, Peclet number, and viscous dissipation.
Next, a heat transfer performance evaluation methodology is proposed considering increased pumping power of nanofluids. Two different criteria are selected for two boundary conditions at constant pumping power. These are heat transfer rate ratio of the nanofluid and the base fluid for constant wall temperature boundary condition and difference between wall temperature of the pipe at the exit and inlet mean temperature of the fluid ratio for constant wall heat flux case. Three important parameters that influence the heat transfer performance of nanofluids are extracted from a parametric study. Lastly, optimum particle size and volumetric fraction values are obtained depending on Graetz number, Nusselt number, heat transfer fluid temperature, and nanofluid type.
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A Numerical Forced Convection Heat Transfer Analysis Of Nanofluids Considering Performance CriteriaKirez, Oguz 01 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
A nanofluid is a new heat transfer fluid produced by mixing a base fluid and solid nano sized particles. This fluid has great potential in heat transfer applications, because of its increased thermal conductivity and even increased Nusselt number due to higher thermal conductivity, Brownian motion of nanoparticles, and other various effects on heat transfer phenomenon.
In this work, the first aim is to predict convective heat transfer of nanofluids. A numerical code is created and run to obtain results in a pipe with two different boundary conditions, constant wall temperature and constant wall heat flux. The results for laminar flow for thermally developing region in a pipe are obtained for Al2O3/water nanofluid with different volumetric fraction and particle sizes with local temperature dependent conductivity approach. Various effects that influence nanofluid heat transfer enhancement are investigated. As a result, a better heat transfer performance is obtained for all cases, compared to pure water. The important parameters that have impact on nanofluid heat transfer are particle diameter of the nanoparticles, nanoparticle volumetric fraction, Peclet number, and viscous dissipation.
Next, a heat transfer performance evaluation methodology is proposed considering increased pumping power of nanofluids. Two different criteria are selected for two boundary conditions at constant pumping power. These are heat transfer rate ratio of the nanofluid and the base fluid for constant wall temperature boundary condition and difference between wall temperature of the pipe at the exit and inlet mean temperature of the fluid ratio for constant wall heat flux case. Three important parameters that influence the heat transfer performance of nanofluids are extracted from a parametric study. Lastly, optimum particle size and volumetric fraction values are obtained depending on Graetz number, Nusselt number, heat transfer fluid temperature, and nanofluid type.
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A mathematical modeling of optimal vaccination strategies in epidemiologyLutendo, Nemaranzhe January 2010 (has links)
<p>We review a number of compartmental models in epidemiology which leads to a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations. We focus an SIR, SEIR and SIS epidemic models with and without vaccination. A threshold parameter R0 is identified which governs the spread of diseases, and this parameter is known as the basic reproductive number. The models have at least two equilibria, an endemic equilibrium and the disease-free equilibrium. We demonstrate that the disease will die out, if the basic reproductive number R0 < / 1. This is the case of a disease-free  / state, with no infection in the population. Otherwise the disease may become endemic if the basic reproductive number R0 is bigger than unity. Furthermore, stability analysis for both endemic  / and disease-free steady states are investigated and we also give some numerical simulations. The second part of this dissertation deals with optimal vaccination strategy in epidemiology. We  / use optimal control technique on vaccination to minimize the impact of the disease. Hereby we mean minimizing the spread of the disease in the population, while also minimizing the effort on  / vaccination roll-out. We do this optimization for the cases of SIR and SEIR models, and show how optimal strategies can be obtained which minimize the damage caused by the infectious  / disease. Finally, we describe the numerical simulations using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method.  / These are the most useful references: [G. Zaman, Y.H Kang, II. H. Jung. BioSystems 93,  / (2008), 240 &minus / 249], [K. Hattaf, N. Yousfi. The Journal of Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol. 1(8), (2008), 383 &minus / 390.], [Lenhart, J.T. Workman. Optimal Control and Applied to Biological Models.  / Chapman and Hall/CRC, (2007).], [P. Van den Driessche, J. Watmough. Math. Biosci., 7,  / (2005)], and [J. Wu, G. R¨ / ost. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol 5(2), (2008), 389 &minus / 391].</p>
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Development and characterization of polymer- metallic powder feedstocks for micro-injection moldingKong, Xiangji 07 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Micro-Powder Injection Moulding (Micro-PIM) technology is one of the key technologies that permit to fit with the increasing demands for smaller parts associated to miniaturization and functionalization in different application fields. The thesis focuses first on the elaboration and characterization of polymer-powder mixtures based on 316L stainless steel powders, and then on the identification of physical and material parameters related to the sintering stage and to the numerical simulations of the sintering process. Mixtures formulation with new binder systems based on different polymeric components have been developed for 316L stainless steel powders (5 µm and 16 µm). The characterization of the resulting mixtures for each group is carried out using mixing torque tests and viscosity tests. The mixture associated to the formulation comprising polypropylene + paraffin wax + stearic acid is well adapted for both powders and has been retained in the subsequent tests, due to the low value of the mixing torque and shear viscosity. The critical powder volume loading with 316L stainless steel powder (5 µm) according to the retained formulation has been established to 68% using four different methods. Micro mono-material injection (with 316L stainless steel mélange) and bi-material injection (with 316L stainless steel mélange and Cu mélange) are properly investigated. Homogeneity tests are observed for mixtures before and after injection. A physical model well suited for sintering stage is proposed for the simulation of sintering stage. The identification of physical parameters associated to proposed model are defined from the sintering stages in considering 316L stainless steel (5 µm)mixtures with various powder volume loadings (62%, 64% and 66%). Beam-bending tests and free sintering tests and thermo-Mechanical-Analyses (TMA) have also investigated. Three sintering stages corresponding to heating rates at 5 °C/min, 10 °C/min and 15 °C/min are used during both beam-bending tests and free sintering tests. On basis of the results obtained from dilatometry measurements, the shear viscosity module G, the bulk viscosity module K and the sintering stress σs are identified using Matlab® software. Afterwards, the sintering model is implemented in the Abaqus® finite element code, and appropriate finite elements have been used for the support and micro-specimens, respectively. The physical material parameters resulting from the identification experiments are used to establish the proper 316L stainless steel mixture, in combination with G, K and σs parameters. Finally, the sintering stages up to 1200 °C with three heating rates (5 °C/min, 10 °C/min and 15 °C/min) are also simulated corresponding to the four micro-specimen types (powder volume loading of 62%, 64% and 66%). The simulated shrinkages and relative densities of the sintered micro-specimens are compared to the experimental results indicating a proper agreement
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Turbulent Mixing of Passive Scalars at High Schmidt NumberXu, Shuyi 13 January 2005 (has links)
A numerical study of fundamental aspects of turbulent mixing has been performed,with emphasis on the behavior of passive scalars of low molecular diffusivity (high Schmidt number Sc). Direct Numerical Simulation is used to simulate incompressible, stationary and isotropic turbulence carried out at high grid resolution. Data analyses are carried out by separate parallel codes using up to
1024^3 grid points for Taylor-scale Reynolds number (R_lambda) up to 390 and Sc up to 1024.Schmidt number of order 1000 is simulated using a double-precision parallel code in a turbulent flow at a low Reynolds number of R_lambda 8 to reduce computational cost to achievable level. The results on the scalar spectrum at high Schmidt numbers appear to have a k^{-1} scaling range.
In the presence of a uniform mean scalar gradient, statistics of scalar gradients are observed to deviate substantially from Kolmogorov's hypothesis of local isotropy, with a skewness factor remaining at order unity as the Reynolds number increases.
However, this skewness decreases with
Schmidt number suggesting that local isotropy for scalars at high Schmidt number is a better
approximation. Intermittency exponents manifested by three types of
two-point statistics of energy and scalar dissipation, i.e., the two-point
correlator (chi(x)chi(x+r)), the second-order moment of local scalar dissipation (chi_r^2) and the variance of the
logarithmic local scalar dissipation sigma^2_{lnchi_r} are discussed.
Several basic issues in differential diffusion between two scalars of different molecular diffusivities transported by the same turbule
nt flow, the physical process of scalar spectral transfer and subgrid-scale transfer are also briefly addressed.
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Studies on Dynamics of Suction Piles during Their Lowering OperationsHuang, Liqing 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Suction piles are used for anchoring the mooring lines at the seafloor. One of the challenges of their installing is the occurrence of the heave resonance of the pile-cable system and possibly the heave induced pitch resonance during the lowering process. When the heave and/or pitch frequency of the vessel which operates the lowering of the pile matches the heave natural frequency of the pile-cable system, the heave resonance may occur, resulting in large heave oscillations of the pile and thus significantly increasing loads on the lowering cable and lowering devices. Furthermore, the large heave may resonantly induce the pitch of a pile. To predict and possibly mitigate the heave/pitch resonance of the pile-cable system during the lowering process, it is crucial to under the mechanism of heave induced pitch resonance and estimate the added-mass and damping coefficients of the pile-cable system accurately.
The model tests of the forced heave excitation of pile models were first conducted to investigate the added-mass coefficient for a pile model with different opening area ratios at its top cap at the Haynes Coastal Engineering Laboratory of Texas AandM University. In the model tests, it was observed that the resonant heave may occur if the heave excitation frequency matches the related heave natural frequency and the pitch resonance may be induced by the heave resonance.
The results of the following theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of the heave excitation of the pile-cable system are found to be consistent with the related measurements, which is helpful to further understand the physics of lowering a pile-cable system. The results of this study may be used to determine the magnitudes of total heave added-mass and damping coefficient of a pile and the heave natural frequency of the pile-cable system based upon its main characteristics. The heave induced resonant pitch is found to occur when 1) the pitch natural frequency is roughly equal to one half of the heave natural frequency and 2) the heave excitation frequency is approximately equal to the heave natural frequency. If only one of the two conditions is satisfied, no significant pitch resonance will occur. These results may have important implications to the operation of lowering offshore equipment to the seafloor in deep water.
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Dissipative Strukturbildung bei exothermen GrenzflächenreaktionenPrasser, H.-M., Grahn, Alexander 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Der Bericht beschäftigt sich mit spontaner Grenzflächenkonvektion und -turbulenz beim Stoff- und Wärmeübergang an fluiden Phasengrenzen zwischen zwei nicht mischbaren Phasen. Solche Effekte sind von großer industrieller Bedeutung, da die erzielten Stoffübergangsraten um ein Vielfaches über den bei gewöhnlicher Diffusion auftretenden liegen. Zwei unterschiedliche Mechanismen sind der "Motor" für die Instabilitäten: Marangoni-Instabilität: Die Grenzflächenspannung ist eine Funktion der Temperatur und der Grenzflächenkonzentration des ausgetauschten Stoffes. Schwankungen der Temperatur und der Konzentration entlang der Phasengrenze führen folglich zu Grenzflächenspannungsgradienten. Grenzflächenspannungsgetriebene Instabilitäten äußern sich durch rollenförmige oder polygonale Konvektionszellen, Eruptionen oder Turbulenz an der Phasengrenze. Schwerkraftgetriebene Instabilität: Die Dichte ist ebenfalls eine Funktion der Temperatur und der Konzentration des gelösten Stoffes. Der Transport eines Stoffes über eine fluide Phasengrenze verändert die Zusammensetzung und die Dichte der angrenzenden Flüssigkeitsschichten, sodass instabile Dichteschichtungen auftreten können. Temperaturgradienten entstehen dabei durch Freisetzung von Reaktions- und/oder Lösungsenthalpie. Auftriebsbewegungen haben die Form von Thermiken (engl. plumes, thermals). Die Phänomene der Grenzflächenkonvektion werden in einer vertikalen Kapillarspaltgeometrie untersucht. Neben Stoffsystemen mit reaktivem Stoffübergang (Neutralisation von Karbonsäuren, Hydrolyse und Veresterung von Alkanoylhloriden) kamen auch solche mit reaktionsfreiem Stoffübergang (Karbonsäuren, Tensid) zur Anwendung. Die instabile Dichteschichtung, die durch den Konzentrationsgradienten infolge der Stoffdiffusion erzeugt wird, führt zu Auftriebskonvektion in Form von Thermiken. Die Anwesenheit einer exothermen Reaktion bewirkt eine Vergrößerung des Längenwachstums der Thermiken in der oberen Phase durch Aufprägung eines zusätzlich destabilisierenden Temperaturgradienten. In der unteren Phase kommt es dagegen zum Entstehen des doppeldiffusiven Fingerregimes bei Überlagerung des destabilisierenden Konzentrationsgradienten durch den stabilisierenden Temperaturgradienten. Beim Übergang eines Tensids konnten die für diese Stoffklasse charakteristischen Rollzellen, die durch Grenzflächenspannungsgradienten angetrieben werden, beobachtet werden. Diese Konvektionsstrukturen bleiben auf einen schmalen Bereich ober- und unterhalb der Phasengrenze beschränkt. Die Transportgleichungen für Impuls, Stoff und Wärme wurden in ihrer 2-dimensionalen Form in einen Rechenkode umgesetzt und der Übergang einer einzelnen Komponente simuliert. Die hydrodynamischen Bedingungen an der Phasengrenze wurden so formuliert, dass lokale Änderungen der Zusammensetzung und der Temperatur zu Grenzflächenspannungsgradienten führen und die Phasengrenze damit dem Marangonieffekt unterliegt. Die Stoffeigenschaften wurden mit Ausnahme der Dichte im Volumenkraftterm der Impulsgleichung als konstant angenommen, sodass dichtegetriebene Konvektionen simuliert werden können. Die verschiedenen Konvektionsformen werden durch die Simulation qualitativ gut wiedergegeben. Bei Marangonikonvektion kommt es zu einer Verschiebung des steilen Konzentrationsgradienten von der Phasengrenze in die Kerne der Phasen, was zum schnellen Absterben der Marangonikonvektion führt. Die Wiedergabe des Längenwachstums der Thermiken durch Simulation eines realen Stoffsystems ist zufriedenstellend. Ebenso gibt die Simulation eine realistische Abschätzung zu erwartender Stoffströme bei Anwesenheit hydrodynamischer Instabilitäten. Größere Abweichungen zwischen Simulation und Experiment sind jedoch bei der horizontalen Größenskala der Fingerstruktur festzustellen, die wahrscheinlich auf die Boussinesq-Approximation zurückzuführen sind.
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A numerical case study about bifurcations of a local attractor in a simple capsizing modelJulitz, David 07 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this article we investigate a pitchfork bifurcation of the local attractor of
a simple capsizing model proposed by Thompson. Although this is a very simple
system it has a very complicate dynamic. We try to reveal some properties of
this dynamic with modern numerical methods. For this reason we approximate
stable and unstable manifolds which connect the steady states to obtain a complete
understanding of the topology in the phase space. We also consider approximations
of the Lyapunov Exponents (resp. Floquet Exponents) which indicates the pitchfork
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