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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autonomy of Certified Nurse Assistants and Nursing Guidelines: A Comment on Verkaik (2011)

Hayden, Deanna Joan, Glenn, L. Lee 01 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Sjuksköterskors och undersköterskors uppfattningar om omvårdnadens innehåll och arbete : En intervjustudie

Hoffer, Elisabet, Björk, Veronica January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Omvårdnad är ett ord som kan ha flera olika betydelser, det kan vara ett verb som något man utövar eller en synonym med kunskap som något som erhålls. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva vad sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor ansåg inbegripas av begreppet omvårdnad och “god omvårdnad” samt vad för arbetsuppgifter de olika yrkeskategorierna utförde inom ramen för omvårdnad. Metod:Individuella intervjuer av tre sjuksköterskor och fyra undersköterskor. Innehållet analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Fem teman och 21 kategorier framkom. Resultat: Respondenterna uttryckte att den basala omvårdnaden hade en central roll inom begreppet omvårdnad. Vid diskussion om vad god omvårdnad innebar framhävde de flesta att ett gott bemötande var avgörande, att utföra arbetsuppgifter med omtanke och respekt. Att bedriva personcentrerad vård ansågs även ge god omvårdnad. Förutom basal omvårdnad och bemötande framkom det att medicinsk teknik var en stor del av arbetet inom omvårdnaden och att samarbete var en viktig del. Det rådde få meningsskiljaktigheter angående sjuksköterskans respektive undersköterskans arbetsuppgifter. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna och undersköterskorna som intervjuats har till stor del en samlad bild utav vad begreppet omvårdnad innebär. Det fokuserades mest på basal omvårdnad och gott bemötande vilket båda är två viktiga och centrala delar inom omvårdnaden. Att det inte fanns många meningsskiljaktigheter mellan undersköterskorna och sjuksköterskan kan ses som ett resultat av en tydlig arbetsfördelning. / Background: Nursing is a word that can have several meanings, it can be a verb or be synonymous with knowledge. Aim: The aim with this study was to describe what registered nurses (RN) and certified nursing assistant (CNA) perceived by the expressions nursing  and “qualitative nursing ” and what tasks at work these two different professions performed within the limits of nursing. Method: Qualitative interview study with individual interviews with three RN's and four CNA's. The content was analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Five themes and 21 categories arose. Results: The respondents expressed that the basal nursing care had a central role within the concept; nursing. At discussions about what good nursing meant, it was brought forth that a good interaction was decisive, to perform work related tasks with consideration and respect. To exercise person centered care was also considered to be good nursing. Besides basal nursing care and interactions it became apparent that medical technique is a big part of the job within nursing and that cooperation is an important part as well. There were few differences in opinions concerning RN respectively CNA job tasks. Conclusion: RN's and CNA's that were interviewed have the same general idea about what the concept nursing implies. It mainly focused on basal nursing care and good interactions, which were both considered as important parts within nursing. It can be seen that the lack of differences in opinion between CNA's and RN's is brought forth by a clear division of work between the two.

Professionnalisation des étudiants infirmiers et construction identitaire : une approche par les représentations du métier et sous l'angle de la catégorisation sociale inter IFSI / Professionalization of nursing students and identity building up : an approach based on representations of the profession and from the angle of cross-IFSI social categorization

Barraud, Catherine 11 June 2013 (has links)
Le processus de professionnalisation des infirmières en France semble se baser préférentiellement sur une professionnalisation par les savoirs et les activités. La professionnalisation des individus par la construction d'une identité professionnelle est peu interrogée. Adoptant un regard psychosocial, nous nous proposons dans ce travail d'appréhender le développement identitaire professionnel des étudiants infirmiers. La construction de l’identité professionnelle des étudiants infirmiers s’appuie d’une part sur l'élaboration et l'évolution des représentations socioprofessionnelles de la profession infirmière et d’autre part, dans les relations intergroupales et sur le processus de catégorisation sociale qu'adoptent les étudiants infirmiers tout au long de leur formation. Réalisée dans quatre Instituts de Formation de la région Aquitaine auprès d’étudiants en début et en fin de formation, l’enquête allie méthode quantitative et méthode qualitative en deux séquences : des entretiens de groupe restreint et naturel ont été effectués en début et en fin d’année scolaire ; un questionnaire a été administré en milieu d’année scolaire aux promotions dans leur totalité. Les résultats montrent une différence et une évolution dans les représentations socioprofessionnelles qu’ont les étudiants de leur future profession. Une distinction est repérée non seulement selon l’année de formation mais aussi selon l’IFSI d’origine. La catégorisation sociale inter IFSI montre une évolution dans les modalités de catégorisation selon les IFSI et peu de corrélation avec les années de formation. / The professionalization process of nurses in France seems to be preferentially based on knowledge and activities. The professionalization of individuals through the building up of a professional identity is hardly taken into account. In this study, we suggest to examine the professional identity development of nursing students from a psychosocial viewpoint. The building up of nursing students’ professional identity rests on the elaboration and development of socio-professional representations of the nursing profession on the one hand, and of cross-group relationships and the process of social categorization embraced by nursing students through their training on the other. Conducted among beginning and advanced students in four Training Institutes of the Aquitaine Region, this two-stage survey combines quantitative and qualitative methods: small, spontaneous group interviews were conducted at the beginning and end of the school year; the full student body was also given a questionnaire halfway through the school year. The results indicate differences and changes in the students’socio-professional representations of their future profession. Differences were observed not only depending on training level but also depending on the students’ home IFSI (Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers - Nursing Assistant Training Institute). The cross-ISFI social categorization reveals changes in categorization methods depending on the IFSI, and little correlation with training levels.

"Agravos à saúde de auxiliares de enfermagem resultantes da exposição ocupacional aos riscos físicos " / "Nurse assistants' health aggravation as a result of occupational exposure to physical risks"

Rezende, Marina Pereira 29 December 2003 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral identificar os agravos à saúde de auxiliares de enfermagem provenientes da exposição a riscos físicos; sendo os específicos, investigar se os auxiliares de enfermagem identificam os agentes propiciadores de risco físico no ambiente de trabalho hospitalar; identificar os problemas de saúde que os acometem os auxiliares de enfermagem e identificar, dentre os problemas de saúde que os acometem, aqueles que podem ser resultantes da exposição aos riscos físicos. Trata-se de um estudo seccional, não-experimental, de caráter descritivo, com análise quantitativa de dados, coletados através de entrevista estruturada com a utilização de um questionário. Constituíram-se sujeitos do estudo 85 auxiliares de enfermagem.As alterações de saúde mencionadas por esses trabalhadores foram codificadas de acordo com Classificação Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos entrevistados pertence ao sexo feminino (82,3%); 41,2% eram casados e 35,3% solteiros; 40% trabalhavam 36 horas semanais e 29,4% dos trabalhadores possuíam outro emprego. Em relação às informações acerca da identificação do risco ocupacional físico apenas 30,6% possuía informações corretas. 51,8% dos auxiliares de enfermagem mencionaram já ter sofrido acidentes de trabalho e 81,58% os identificaram aos riscos biológicos. Em relação às alterações de saúde, os auxiliares de enfermagem apresentaram dorsalgia não especificada e dor lombar baixa (21,57%); cefaléia (13,73%); rinite alérgica inespecífica, sinusite crônica não especificada, amigdalite aguda não especificada, afecções respiratórias devido a agentes não especificados; hipertensão secundária não especificada (8,82); mialgia e dor em membro (5,9%); dentre outras. Entre essas queixas evidenciou-se que algumas podem ter acontecido em decorrência dos agentes de risco físico, tais como; hipertensão, estresse, transtorno de ansiedade relacionado ao ruído; hemorragia não classificada a outra parte, que podem ser provenientes das radiações ionizantes; história pessoal de alergias a drogas, medicamentos e substâncias não especificadas, excesso de exercícios e movimentos rigorosos ou repetitivos, advindas do excessivo calor; cefaléia, proveniente da iluminação inadequada, dentre outras. Apesar dos agentes de risco físico estarem presentes no ambiente de trabalho hospitalar, onde atuam os auxiliares de enfermagem, esses não conseguem, em sua maioria identificá-los; Evidenciou-se que os sujeitos do presente estudo relatarem fazer uso de alguns Equipamentos de Proteção Individual, com certa freqüência; entretanto confundiram algumas medidas de prevenção aos riscos físicos com tais equipamentos. No contexto estudado, evidenciou-se que os auxiliares de enfermagem, apresentam dificuldade na identificação dos riscos ocupacionais físicos, mesmo trabalhando em ambientes onde tais riscos estão presentes. Estratégias foram propostas no sentido de minimizar os problemas levantados. / The present study has as objective to identify the nurse assistants' health aggravation as a result of occupational exposure to physical risks that were identified by the nursing professional. It relates to a descriptive research with quantitative analysis of data, collected through structured interview by using a questionnaire. Seventy nurse assistants were the subjects of this study. The health alterations mentioned by those workers were codified according to the International Classification of Diseases and Problems Related to Health (1993). The results revealed that most of the interviewees are female (81.4%); 37.1% were married and the same percentile applies to the bachelors; 42.86% worked 36 weekly hours and 30% of the workers had another job. In relation to the information concerning the identification of the physical occupational risk, only 31.4% had correct information. Regarding the occurrence of Work Accident, 54.3% of nurse assistants said they had already had those accidents and 81.58% identified them to the biological risks. In relation to health alterations, the nurse assistants presented non specific backache and low lumbar pain (19.80%); migraine (12.09%); non specific secondary hypertension (7.7%); myalgia and painful member (5.49%); non specific allergic rhinitis (4.39%) and equal percentile to non specific nuisance of intervertebral disk, stress and personal history of allergies to medicines and non specific substances, among others. Among those alterations, it was evidenced that some might have happened due to the physical risk agents, such as hypertension, stress, anxiety related to the noise; non classified bleeding that may come from ionizing radiations; personal history of allergies to medicines and non specific substances, exhaustion due to an intense effort and excessive heat; migraine originated from inadequate illumination, among others. Even though some physical risk agents were present in the working hospital atmosphere where the nurse assistants work, those assistants, most of the times, cannot identify them; It was evidenced that the subjects of the present study report to be using some Individual Protection Equipments with a certain frequency; though they confused some prevention procedures to physical risks with such equipments. In the studied context, it was evidenced that the nurse assistant had difficulty identifying the physical occupational risks; even working in an atmosphere where such risks are present. Strategies were proposed in the sense of minimizing the aroused problems.

"Agravos à saúde de auxiliares de enfermagem resultantes da exposição ocupacional aos riscos físicos " / "Nurse assistants' health aggravation as a result of occupational exposure to physical risks"

Marina Pereira Rezende 29 December 2003 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral identificar os agravos à saúde de auxiliares de enfermagem provenientes da exposição a riscos físicos; sendo os específicos, investigar se os auxiliares de enfermagem identificam os agentes propiciadores de risco físico no ambiente de trabalho hospitalar; identificar os problemas de saúde que os acometem os auxiliares de enfermagem e identificar, dentre os problemas de saúde que os acometem, aqueles que podem ser resultantes da exposição aos riscos físicos. Trata-se de um estudo seccional, não-experimental, de caráter descritivo, com análise quantitativa de dados, coletados através de entrevista estruturada com a utilização de um questionário. Constituíram-se sujeitos do estudo 85 auxiliares de enfermagem.As alterações de saúde mencionadas por esses trabalhadores foram codificadas de acordo com Classificação Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos entrevistados pertence ao sexo feminino (82,3%); 41,2% eram casados e 35,3% solteiros; 40% trabalhavam 36 horas semanais e 29,4% dos trabalhadores possuíam outro emprego. Em relação às informações acerca da identificação do risco ocupacional físico apenas 30,6% possuía informações corretas. 51,8% dos auxiliares de enfermagem mencionaram já ter sofrido acidentes de trabalho e 81,58% os identificaram aos riscos biológicos. Em relação às alterações de saúde, os auxiliares de enfermagem apresentaram dorsalgia não especificada e dor lombar baixa (21,57%); cefaléia (13,73%); rinite alérgica inespecífica, sinusite crônica não especificada, amigdalite aguda não especificada, afecções respiratórias devido a agentes não especificados; hipertensão secundária não especificada (8,82); mialgia e dor em membro (5,9%); dentre outras. Entre essas queixas evidenciou-se que algumas podem ter acontecido em decorrência dos agentes de risco físico, tais como; hipertensão, estresse, transtorno de ansiedade relacionado ao ruído; hemorragia não classificada a outra parte, que podem ser provenientes das radiações ionizantes; história pessoal de alergias a drogas, medicamentos e substâncias não especificadas, excesso de exercícios e movimentos rigorosos ou repetitivos, advindas do excessivo calor; cefaléia, proveniente da iluminação inadequada, dentre outras. Apesar dos agentes de risco físico estarem presentes no ambiente de trabalho hospitalar, onde atuam os auxiliares de enfermagem, esses não conseguem, em sua maioria identificá-los; Evidenciou-se que os sujeitos do presente estudo relatarem fazer uso de alguns Equipamentos de Proteção Individual, com certa freqüência; entretanto confundiram algumas medidas de prevenção aos riscos físicos com tais equipamentos. No contexto estudado, evidenciou-se que os auxiliares de enfermagem, apresentam dificuldade na identificação dos riscos ocupacionais físicos, mesmo trabalhando em ambientes onde tais riscos estão presentes. Estratégias foram propostas no sentido de minimizar os problemas levantados. / The present study has as objective to identify the nurse assistants' health aggravation as a result of occupational exposure to physical risks that were identified by the nursing professional. It relates to a descriptive research with quantitative analysis of data, collected through structured interview by using a questionnaire. Seventy nurse assistants were the subjects of this study. The health alterations mentioned by those workers were codified according to the International Classification of Diseases and Problems Related to Health (1993). The results revealed that most of the interviewees are female (81.4%); 37.1% were married and the same percentile applies to the bachelors; 42.86% worked 36 weekly hours and 30% of the workers had another job. In relation to the information concerning the identification of the physical occupational risk, only 31.4% had correct information. Regarding the occurrence of Work Accident, 54.3% of nurse assistants said they had already had those accidents and 81.58% identified them to the biological risks. In relation to health alterations, the nurse assistants presented non specific backache and low lumbar pain (19.80%); migraine (12.09%); non specific secondary hypertension (7.7%); myalgia and painful member (5.49%); non specific allergic rhinitis (4.39%) and equal percentile to non specific nuisance of intervertebral disk, stress and personal history of allergies to medicines and non specific substances, among others. Among those alterations, it was evidenced that some might have happened due to the physical risk agents, such as hypertension, stress, anxiety related to the noise; non classified bleeding that may come from ionizing radiations; personal history of allergies to medicines and non specific substances, exhaustion due to an intense effort and excessive heat; migraine originated from inadequate illumination, among others. Even though some physical risk agents were present in the working hospital atmosphere where the nurse assistants work, those assistants, most of the times, cannot identify them; It was evidenced that the subjects of the present study report to be using some Individual Protection Equipments with a certain frequency; though they confused some prevention procedures to physical risks with such equipments. In the studied context, it was evidenced that the nurse assistant had difficulty identifying the physical occupational risks; even working in an atmosphere where such risks are present. Strategies were proposed in the sense of minimizing the aroused problems.

Ledarskap inom äldreomsorgen - ur undersköterskors perspektiv

Usanovic, Britney Nicole January 2019 (has links)
Research within the subject of leadership has grown over the past 60 years with the common aim of finding certain styles of leadership which will lead to productive work teams and an effective organization. Research about leadership in a nursing home setting is limited and tends to highlight leadership from the leader’s perspective, eliminating staff's, in this case nurses', view on the topic. Simultaneously, the nurse turnover has reached an all-time high pointing to dysfunctional leadership or a lack thereof as an important contributing factor. The aim of this study is to high point nurses’ views on leadership, particularly its role in making well-functioning teams to lower the turnover and provide a better ground for an effective organization. The goal is to find styles of leadership that create work satisfaction, pride and motivation within teams. The study focuses on different ways in which a leader can contribute to these factors. After performing five qualitative interviews with nurses from two nursing homes in a small town in southern Sweden the results show that there is not one leadership style that does best in reaching the above factors. What determines the most suited style of leadership is the current situation and maturity of the team, where different situations and levels of maturity demand different things from the leader. The conclusion is that a leader must be flexible enough to adapt one’s leadership style to meet the needs of the organization and its employees. Furthermore, the results show that autonomy, good relations and shared goals within the team are important motivational factors. There is a lack of research focusing on the practical approaches to a flexible leadership, which is why further research within the field would be beneficial. Likewise, more extensive research on leadership in nursing homes is desired. This study may contribute to a better understanding of nurses’ views on leadership in a nursing home setting, providing important insights to social workers working or wanting to work within this setting.

Enhetschefers perspektiv på kompetensläget inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie av kompetensläget och eventuell kompetensbrist inom äldreomsorgen / Unit managers' perspective on the state of competence in municipal care for the elderly : A qualitative study of the competence situation and possible competence shortage in elderly care

Isaac, Oriama, Gashi, Ema January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding and to contribute with new knowledge on how unit managers in elderly care, manage the competence of assistant nurses. Furthermore, the study discusses what type of challenges assistant nurses might encounter. In their work, due to the increasing age. amongst residents in Sweden. Assistant nurses in Swedish elderly homes make a great effort to increase the quality of life for elderly people. However, in the long term unit managers in elder care will need to increase their amount of staff and also increase their unit of assistant nurses work competence. This is to give elderly people an even higher quality of care since the demands in healthcare are increasing in society and also people's life span is longer than before. Through semistructured qualitative interviews with eight unit managers in the elderly care field from the southern part of Sweden. We discovered that there are three types of competences unit managers define as an important source for working as an assistant nurse which are: language, technology and mental illness. Results show that unit managers have different ways to increase the competence of their staff, but it differs depending on what county they are in.

Det tror jag är väldigt stort och viktigt - praktiken... : En kvalitativ undersökning där tre omsorgsassistenter får beskriva sina uppfattningar från omvårdnadsutbildningen och deras första år i yrket.

Nygren, Ingegerd January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This essay is an investigation where I try to gain an increased knowledge of the three assistants’ (in the mentally disability profession) opinion about their education and their first years in their profession. I have also tried to answer the questions whether the course mentally disability/functional gives the students a good start in their profession, if there are any flaws or if something is missing in the course or if they can think of any improvements to make the course better.</p><p>This investigation is performed as a qualitative interview study where three women were interviewed about their education and their first years as assistants’ (in the mentally disability profession). All the interviewed women have been working in the care activity for two or three years since they graduated. The investigation shows that there is a great need for practical training for students on the mentally disability/functional disability course, since it leads to a better start in their profession. Since working as a assistant in the mentally disability is a profession which could be difficult to get accustomed to, the instructor plays an important role since the student really needs to learn how to take responsibility and participate as much as possible in the daily work which concerns mentally disabled people during their practical training.</p><p>Keyword: Vocational training, socialization* transition* that’s combine with care assistant, care nurse, practical nurse, secondary nurse, mental health and nurse assistant.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Denna uppsats är en undersökning där jag vill få en ökad förståelse kring tre omsorgsassistenters uppfattningar om utbildningen på omvårdnadsprogrammet och deras första tid i yrket. Jag har även försökt besvara frågorna om kursen utvecklingsstörning/funktionshinder ger studenterna en god start i yrket, om det finns några brister eller om något saknas samt om studenterna kan ge förslag på förbättringar som kan göra kursen bättre.</p><p>Denna undersökning är utförd som en kvalitativ intervjustudie där tre kvinnor intervjuas kring utbildningen och vidare ut i yrkeslivet. Samtliga av de intervjuade kvinnorna har arbetat i omsorgsverksamheten under två till tre år sedan slutförd utbildning. Undersökningen visar att det finns ett stort behov av praktik för studenter som väljer kursen med inriktningen utvecklingsstörning/funktionshinder, eftersom det leder till en god start i yrket. Då yrket som omsorgsassistent kan vara svårt att komma in i så har även handledaren en viktig roll, studenten behöver verkligen få lära sig att ta ansvar och delta så mycket som möjligt i det dagliga arbetet med utvecklingsstörda under sin praktik.</p><p>Nyckelord: Yrkesutbildning, socialization* transition* vilket kombinerats med care assistant, care nurse, practical nurse, secondary nurse, mental health och nurse assistant.</p>

Det tror jag är väldigt stort och viktigt - praktiken... : En kvalitativ undersökning där tre omsorgsassistenter får beskriva sina uppfattningar från omvårdnadsutbildningen och deras första år i yrket.

Nygren, Ingegerd January 2007 (has links)
Abstract This essay is an investigation where I try to gain an increased knowledge of the three assistants’ (in the mentally disability profession) opinion about their education and their first years in their profession. I have also tried to answer the questions whether the course mentally disability/functional gives the students a good start in their profession, if there are any flaws or if something is missing in the course or if they can think of any improvements to make the course better. This investigation is performed as a qualitative interview study where three women were interviewed about their education and their first years as assistants’ (in the mentally disability profession). All the interviewed women have been working in the care activity for two or three years since they graduated. The investigation shows that there is a great need for practical training for students on the mentally disability/functional disability course, since it leads to a better start in their profession. Since working as a assistant in the mentally disability is a profession which could be difficult to get accustomed to, the instructor plays an important role since the student really needs to learn how to take responsibility and participate as much as possible in the daily work which concerns mentally disabled people during their practical training. Keyword: Vocational training, socialization* transition* that’s combine with care assistant, care nurse, practical nurse, secondary nurse, mental health and nurse assistant. / Sammanfattning Denna uppsats är en undersökning där jag vill få en ökad förståelse kring tre omsorgsassistenters uppfattningar om utbildningen på omvårdnadsprogrammet och deras första tid i yrket. Jag har även försökt besvara frågorna om kursen utvecklingsstörning/funktionshinder ger studenterna en god start i yrket, om det finns några brister eller om något saknas samt om studenterna kan ge förslag på förbättringar som kan göra kursen bättre. Denna undersökning är utförd som en kvalitativ intervjustudie där tre kvinnor intervjuas kring utbildningen och vidare ut i yrkeslivet. Samtliga av de intervjuade kvinnorna har arbetat i omsorgsverksamheten under två till tre år sedan slutförd utbildning. Undersökningen visar att det finns ett stort behov av praktik för studenter som väljer kursen med inriktningen utvecklingsstörning/funktionshinder, eftersom det leder till en god start i yrket. Då yrket som omsorgsassistent kan vara svårt att komma in i så har även handledaren en viktig roll, studenten behöver verkligen få lära sig att ta ansvar och delta så mycket som möjligt i det dagliga arbetet med utvecklingsstörda under sin praktik. Nyckelord: Yrkesutbildning, socialization* transition* vilket kombinerats med care assistant, care nurse, practical nurse, secondary nurse, mental health och nurse assistant.

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