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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diet, hormones and breast cancer : a case-control study in women / by Thomas Edward Rohan

Rohan, Thomas Edward January 1986 (has links)
Bibliography: v. 2, leaves [410]-464 / 2 v. : ill ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Community Medicine, 1986?

The development and testing of recipes for patients with chronic renal failure

Conradie, Nelene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Human Nutrition))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background Patients with chronic renal failure must deal not only with the disease itself, but also have to follow a strict dietary regimen. In South Africa there is currently a great demand for new and updated recipes based on the South African Renal Exchange Lists. The focus of this research was the development and testing of recipes commonly used by renal patients following a westernised diet. Objectives The main objectives of the study were to develop and test recipes that meet the nutritional requirements of patients with chronic renal failure. The secondary objectives were to determine the gender and racial differences in participants’ responses during consumer sensory testing. Methodology The study population consisted of patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis from Tygerberg Academic Hospital (TAH). Data was collected in three phases, using census sampling: Phase 1 included the development and adaptation of recipes to suit the renal diet. Phase 2 included the consumer sensory testing of the recipes by the dialysis patients, using the 9-point hedonic scale. Phase 3 included the rating of the recipes, the final nutritional analysis and allocation of renal exchanges to one portion of each recipe, as well as the final formatting of the recipe to make it more user-friendly for the renal patient. Results In total, 45 patients took part in the sensory evaluation of 30 recipes. Eighty percent of the subjects were coloured, 4% were white while 16% were black. Fifty-one percent (n=23) were female and 49% (n=22) were male. Of the 30 recipes that were evaluated for overall acceptance, appearance, smell, texture and taste, only 7 were deemed unacceptable. Recipes were unacceptable when less than 80% of the study participants gave a mean overall score of more than 6. Significant differences in the overall acceptability scores were found between the male and female subgroups for the Fish and Vegetable Pie (p=0.031), Chicken Pilaf (p=0.008) and Date Fingers (p=0.002). The females showed a greater preference for these two main meals while the males showed a greater preference for the Date Fingers. Significant differences were found between the black and westernised subgroups for the Rice Salad (p=0.006), Wheat and Mushroom Casserole (p=0.022), Curried Wheat Salad (p=0.043) and the Coconut Ice (p=0.005), with the westernised subgroup showing a greater preference for the dishes than the black subgroup. Conclusion The 23 recipes that were acceptable to the study participants are recommended for inclusion in the RenalSmart Software programme. These recipes are suitable for patients following a westernised diet. It is proposed that recipes suitable for the black and Indian population must be developed in future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond Pasiënte met chroniese nierversaking moet nie net slegs die siektetoestand hanteer nie, maar moet ook ‘n streng dieet regime volg. Daar is huidiglik in Suid-Afrika ‘n groot behoefte vir nuwe en opgedateerde resepte gebasseer op die Suid-Afrikaanse Nier Ruillyste. Die fokus van hierdie navorsing was om resepte te ontwikkel en te toets wat algemeen ingeneem word deur nierversaking pasiënte wat ‘n westerse dieet volg. Doelwitte Die hoof doelwitte van die studie was om resepte te identifiseer en te toets wat voldoen aan die nutrisionele behoeftes van nierpasiënte met kroniese nierversaking. Die sekondêre doelwitte was om geslag en ras verskille in die deelnemers se reaksies tydens verbruiker sensoriese evaluering te bepaal. Metodologie Die studie populasie het bestaan uit pasiënte met chroniese nierversaking op hemodialise en aaneenlopende ambulatoriese peritoneale dialise van Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal (TAH). Data was versamel in drie fases deur gebruik te maak van sensus steekproeftrekking: Fase 1 het die ontwikkeling en aanpassings van die resepte, om dit toepaslik te maak vir die nier dieet, ingesluit. Fase 2 het die verbruiker sensoriese evaluering van die resepte deur die dialise pasiënte, met behulp van die 9-punt hedoniese skaal, ingesluit. Fase 3 het die klassifisering van die resepte, die finale nutrisionele analise en die toekenning van nier ruile per porsie van elke resep, sowel as die finale formatering om die resep meer gebruikersvriendelik te maak vir die nierpasiënt, ingesluit. Resultate In totaal het 45 pasiënte aan die sensoriese evaluering van die 30 resepte deelgeneem. Tagtig persent van die deelnemers was kleurling, 4% was wit en 16% was swart. Een en vyftig persent (n=23) was vroulik en 49% (n=22) was manlik. Van die 30 resepte wat geevalueer is vir algehele aanvaarding, voorkoms, reuk, tekstuur en smaak, was slegs 7 onaanvaarbaar gevind. Resepte is as onaanvaarbaar beskou indien minder as 80% van die deelnemers ‘n gemiddelde algehele telling van meer as 6 gegee het. Beduidende verskille in die algehele aanvaarbaarheid tellings is gevind tussen die mans en vroue vir die Vis en Groente Pastei (p=0.031), Hoender Pilaf (p=0.008) en Dadelvingers (p=0.002). Die vrouens het ‘n groter voorkeur vir die twee hoofgeregte getoon terwyl die mans ‘n groter voorkeur vir die Dadelvingers getoon het. Beduidende verskille is gevind tussen die swart en westerse sub-groepe vir die Rysslaai (p=0.006), Koring en Sampioen Kasserol (o=0.022), Kerrie Koringslaai (p=0.043) en die Klapperys (p=0.005), met die westerse sub-groep wat ‘n groter voorkeur vir dié geregte toon as die swartes. Gevolgtrekking Die 23 resepte wat aanvaarbaar gevind is sal voorgestel word om ingesluit te word in die RenalSmart Sagteware program. Die resepte is toepaslik vir pasiënte wat ‘n westerse dieet volg. Daar word voorgestel dat resepte toepaslik vir die swart en Indiër populasie ontwikkel word in toekomstige navorsing.

Nutritional status of pregnant women (under 20 years of age) with special emphasis on iron and folic acid status

Tshitaudzi, Gilbert Tshimangadzo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Mnutr)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pregnancy and growth have been found to have a detrimental effect on the micronutrient status of adolescent girls. Dietary studies in adolescents have shown serious shortfalls in their dietary iron and folate intake. The competition for nutrients between the fetus and a pregnant adolescent may carry the risk of complications such as intrauterine growth retardation, pre-eclampsia, both maternal and fetal intrapartum mortality, the increased risk of birth injuries and low birth weight. The aim of the study was to assess the nutritional status of rural black, pregnant teenagers attending the antenatal clinic at Siloam Hospital in the Limpopo Province, with special emphasis on iron and folic acid intake, and evaluation of the newborn babies in terms of weight status and neural tube defects. The nutritional status was determined in 40 pregnant and 40 non-pregnant adolescent girls. The pregnant girls were selected during their first visit to the antenatal clinic, and the non-pregnant girls were selected from nearby schools. The demographic and dietary history questionnaires were used to collect information from the subjects. The dietary intake of the subjects was collected by the completion of a pre-tested quantified food frequency questionnaire. The anthropometric questionnaire was used to get information from the pregnant adolescents and the control group. The infant anthropometric measurements questionnaire provided information on the infant and the outcome of birth. Blood was collected from the pregnant adolescent girls and the control subjects. Anaemia was observed in 57.5% of the pregnant and 27.5% of the non-pregnant adolescents (haemoglobin <Il g/dl and <12 g/dl, respectively). The prevalence of low serum ferritin « 12 ug/L) and low transferrin saturation « 16%) was high in both the pregnant (30% and 60% respectively) and the non-pregnant adolescents (17% and 72.5% respectively). Iron deficiency was observed in 45% of the pregnant girls and 35% of the control subjects. The prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia in the pregnant girls (30%) and the control subjects (22.5%) was high. Low red blood cell folate in pregnant and non-pregnant girls was uncommon. Low serum vitamin BI2 was common in most of the pregnant girls. Analysis of the quantitative food frequency questionnaire (QFFQ) that was completed for 80 of the pregnant and non-pregnant girls showed that 55% had low dietary iron intakes «67% of the RDA) (p = 0.7307). Forty-five percent of the pregnant girls reported taking iron supplements. The QFFQ showed 20% of pregnant girls with low intake of folate (p = 0.0577). Forty-five percent of pregnant girls also reported taking folate supplements. Anthropometric measurements of pregnant girls and their dietary intake could not be correlated to the birth outcome. The social profile of the subjects did not seem to influence their iron and folate status and the outcome of pregnancy. The findings in this study showed that pregnant adolescents appeared to be similar to the non-pregnant adolescent girls socio-economically, anthropometric and nutritionally. We recommend that educational programmes targeted at adolescents and teenagers in the Siloam area should reach girls that could potentially fall pregnant. An educational programme must include: reproductive needs (avoidance of sex or safe sex); nutritional needs, especially targeted at improving nutritional status to meet future reproductive needs; early booking at the antenatal clinic and effective supplementation during pregnancy. The need to improve the dietary and nutrient intake of the adolescent girls should be addressed within the current framework of the Integrated Nutrition Programme (!NP). A food fortification programme with essential micronutrients such as iron, folic acid, zinc and Vitamin A to improve the micronutrient status should be promoted among the adolescent girls. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is bevind dat swangerskap en groei 'n nadelige effek het op die mikronutriëntstatus van vroulike adolessente. Dieetstudies in adolessente het ernstige tekortkominge in dieetyster- en folaatinnames getoon. Die kompetisie vir nutriente tussen die fetus en die swanger adolessent kan verantwoordelik wees vir komplikasies soos intra-uterine groeivertraging, preeklampsie, verhoogde mortaliteit van beide moeder en baba tydens kraam, 'n verhoogde risiko vir geboortebeserings en lae geboortegewig. Die doel van die studie was om die effek van voedingstatus by swart, swanger tieners by die voorgeboortekliniek in Siloam Hospital in die Limpopo-provinsie te bepaal, met spesifieke verwysing na die yster- en foliensuurinname, asook die evaluering van die pasgebore babas in terme van gewig en neurale buis defekte. Die voedingstatus van 40 swanger en 40 nie-swanger adolessente meisies IS bepaal. Die swanger meisies is ewekansig geselekteer gedurende die eerste besoek aan die voorgeboortekliniek , en die nie-swanger meisies is geselekteer by nabygeleë skole. Die demografiese en dieetgeskiedenisvraelyste is gebruik om inligting van die proefpersone in te samel. Voorafgetoetste gekwantifiseerde voedselfrekwensie vraelyste is gebruik om die voedselinname van proefpersone te bepaal. Antropometriese vraelyste is gebruik om antropometriese inligting van die swanger adolessente en die kontrole groep. Die antropometriese vraelys vir babas is gebruik om inligting ten opsigte van die baba aan te teken asook die verloop van die swangerskap. Bloedmonsters is van die swanger tieners en die kontrole groep ingesamel. Anemie is waargeneem by 57.5% van die swanger en 27.5% van die nie-swanger adolessente (hemoglobien <Il g/dl en <12 g/dl onderskeidelik). Die voorkoms van lae serum ferritien « 12 ugIL) en lae transferrienversadiging « 16%) was hoog by beide die swanger (30% en 60%) en die nie-swanger adolessente (17.5% en 72.5% onderskeidelik). Ystergebrek is in 45% van die swanger meisies en in 35% van die kontrole groep waargeneem. Die voorkoms van ystergebrekanemie in die swanger meisies (30%) en die kontrole groep (22.5%) was hoog. Lae rooibloedselfolaat by swanger en nie-swanger meisies is nie algemeen waargeneem nie. Lae serum vitamien B12 was algemeen by die meeste swanger meisies. Ontleding van die gekwantifiseerde voedselfrekwensievraelys (KVFV) wat vir 80 van die swanger en nie-swanger meisies voltooi is, het getoon dat 55% 'n lae dieetysterinname gehad het «67% van die ADT) (p=0.7307). Vyf-en- veertig persent van die swanger meisies het bevestig dat hulle ystersupplemente gebruik het. Die gekwantifiseerde voedselfrekwensievraelys (KVFV) het getoon dat 20% van die swanger meisies 'n lae folaatinname het (0.0577). Vyf-en-veertig persent van die swanger meisies het ook genoem dat hulle folaatsupplemente gebruik het. Die antropometriese metings van swanger meisies en dieetinname kon nie gekorreleer word met die verloop van die geboorte nie. Dit blyk dat die sosiale profiel van die meisies nie 'n effek op die yster- en folaatstatus en op die verloop van swangerskap gehad het nie. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie toon dat swanger en nie-swanger adolessente meisies sosio-ekonomies, antropometries en nutrisioneel dieselfde voorkom. Dit word aanbeveel dat voorligtingsprogramme vir adolessente en tieners in die Siloam-area meisies moet bereik wat moontlik swanger sal word. 'n Voorligtingprogram moet die volgende insluit: reproduktiewe behoeftes (vermyding van seks of veilige seks); voedingbehoeftes, veral geteiken om voedingstatus te verbeter om ten einde toekomstige voorplantingsbehoeftes te vervul; vroeë besoeke aan die voorgeboortekliniek en effektiewe supplementering gedurende swangerskap. Die behoefte om die dieet en nutriëntinname van adolessente meisies te verbeter moet binne die huidige raamwerk van die Geintegreerde Voedingsprogram aangespreek word. 'n Voedselfortfiseringsprogram met essensiële mikronutriënte soos yster, foliensuur, sink en vitamien A om die mikronutriëntstatus van adolessente meisies te verbeter, moet bevorder word.

The association between glycaemic control and lifestyle habits in adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus attending selected private health care practices in Thabazimbi, Limpopo Province.

Carstens, Maryke 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: Intensive lifestyle intervention in people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is associated with weight loss, significant reductions in HbA1c% and a reduction in cardiovascular disease risk factors. Small towns unfortunately experience a deficit of dieticians, thus limiting access to lifestyle intervention. Furthermore, a limited number of South African studies have evaluated the effect of dietary habits, anthropometric status, activity level (AL) and dietician-led medical nutrition therapy (MNT) on glycaemic control in patients with T2DM. This study thus aimed to identify the association between glycaemic control and lifestyle habits in adults with T2DM living in Thabazimbi. The role of the dietician with regard to optimal glycaemic control was also investigated with great interest. Methods: Individuals (>18 years) with T2DM who had a recent HbA1c test result and no acute infection/illness were included in the study over a 7 month recruitment period. Weight, height and waist circumference were measured, AL and dietetic contact evaluated, and dietary habits assessed by means of a structured questionnaire. Six home-measured post-prandial glucose (PPG) measurements and HbA1c% were used to evaluate glycaemic control. Results: A total of 62 (59.7% males) patients were included. The mean age was 60.13 ±10.85 years and mean T2DM disease duration was 121 ±96.56 months. Only 6.45% of participants had a normal Body Mass Index classification. Most (90.32%) participants had a substantially increased waist circumference (WC). Half of the participants had a sedentary/low AL, whilst 48.39% had an active/moderately active AL. Almost all (95%) participants indicated it was necessary for persons with DM to consult a dietician for MNT, however only 63% of participants actually consulted one. Mean dietary compliance was 74.53 ±10.93%. The average HbA1c% and PPG of participants were respectively 7.50 ±1.62% and 8.90 ±3.21mmol/l. A significant negative association (r=-0.31; p=0.02) was found between HbA1c% and percentage dietary compliance. The number of dietetic sessions completed and average PPG were also significantly [(r=0.40; p=0.001), (r=-0.34; p=0.01)] associated with percentage dietary compliance. In turn PPG had a significant positive (r=0.30; p=0.02) association with DM disease duration. Both the good HbA1c and good PPG control groups had significantly (p=0.01, p=0.04) better dietary habits than the poor HbA1c and PPG control groups. When compared to the poor PPG group, the good PPG group made significantly (p=0.04) better dietary decisions with regard to the main meal’s carbohydrate quality and quantity. Body Mass Index, WC, AL and extent of dietetic contact didn’t play a significant role in the glycaemic classification (good vs. poor) of participants. Conclusion: The longer T2DM is present, the worse PPG control becomes. Optimal dietary habits play a significant positive role in both the long- and short term glycaemic control of people with T2DM in Thabazimbi. The choice and portion size of the main meal’s carbohydrates has been identified to be the most important dietary role-player in the glycaemic control of this study population. This study also shows that if individuals with DM spend enough time with a dietician, it could potentially contribute to better dietary compliance and subsequent better glycaemic control. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Intensiewe leefstyl intervensie onder diegene met Tipe 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) word geassosieer met gewigsverlies, beduidende verlaging in HbA1c% asook ’n vermindering in verskeie kardiovaskulêre-siekte risiko faktore. Plattelandse dorpies beleef egter ’n tekort aan dieetkundiges, wat gevolglik toegang tot leefstyl intervensie beperk. Daar is ook ’n beperkte hoeveelheid Suid-Afrikaanse studies wat die impak van eetgewoontes, antropometriese status, aktiwiteitsvlak en dieetkundige-begeleide dieetterapie op glisemiese beheer in T2DM pasiënte evalueer. Die doel van die studie was dus om die verband tussen glisemiese beheer en leefstyl gewoontes in volwassenes met T2DM in Thabazimbi te bepaal. Die rol van die dieetkundige met betrekking tot optimale glisemiese beheer was ook met groot belangstelling nagevors. Metodes: Diegene (>18 jaar) met T2DM wat oor ’n onlangse HbA1c toets uitslag beskik het en nie enige akute siektes/infeksie gehad het nie, is oor ’n 7 maande werwingsperiode ingesluit. Gewig, lengte en middel-omtrek was gemeet, aktiwiteitsvlak en dieetkundig-kontak bepaal, en eetgewoontes geassesseer m.b.v. ’n gestruktueerde vraelys. Ses tuis-bepaalde na-ete bloedsuiker lesings en HbA1c% was gebruik om glisemiese beheer te evalueer. Resultate: Twee-en-sestig (59.7% mans) pasiënte het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die gemiddelde ouderdom was 60.13 ±10.85 jaar en die gemiddelde T2DM duurte 121 ±96.56 maande. Slegs 6.45% van die deelnemers het ’n gesonde Liggaam-Massa-Indeks gehad. Meeste (90.32%) deelnemers se middel-omtrek was ook ruimskoots verhoog. Die helfte van die deelnemers het ’n passiewe/lae aktiwiteitsvlak gehad, terwyl 48.39% ’n aktief/matig-aktiewe aktiwiteitsvlak gerapporteer het. Amper al (95%) die deelnemers het aangedui dat mense met T2DM ’n dieetkundige moet raadpleeg vir dieetterapie. Slegs 63% van die deelnemers het egter werklik ’n dieetkundige vir diabetes dieetterapie geraadpleeg. Gemiddelde dieet-gehoorsaamheid was 74.53 ±10.93% en die gemiddelde HbA1c % en na-ete bloedsuiker vlakke van deelnemers was onderskeidelik 7.50 ±1.62% en 8.90 ±3.21mmol/l. Daar was ’n beduidende negatiewe verband (r=-0.31; p=0.02) tussen HbA1c % en persentasie dieet-gehoorsaamheid. ’n Beduidende verband was ook tussen persentasie dieet-gehoorsaamheid en die hoeveelheid voltooide dieetterapie sessies (r=0.40; p=0.001) asook die gemiddelde na-ete bloedglukose vlak (r=-0.34; p=0.01) geïdentifiseer. Na-ete bloedglukose het ook ’n beduidende positiewe (r=0.30; p=0.02) verband met die duurte van diabetes getoon. Beide die goeie HbA1c en goeie na-ete glukose groepe het beduidend (p=0.01, p=0.04) beter eetgewoontes as die swak HbA1c en swak na-ete glukose groepe gehad. Die goeie na-ete glukose groep het veral beduidend (p=0.04) beter dieet keuses m.b.t die hoofmaal se koolhidraat kwaliteit en kwantiteit gemaak. Lengte-Massa-Indeks, middel-omtrek, aktiwiteitsvlak en die mate van dieetkundige kontak het nie ’n beduidende rol in die glisemiese klassifikasie (goed teenoor swak) van deelnemers gespeel nie. Gevolgtrekking: Na-ete bloedsuiker beheer word al hoe slegter hoe langer T2DM teenwoordig is. Optimale eetgewoontes speel ’n beduidende positiewe rol in beide die lang- en kort-termyn glisemiese beheer van mense met T2DM in Thabazimbi. Die keuse en porsie grootte van die hoofmaal se koolhidrate blyk die belangrikste dieet rolspeler in die glisemiese beheer van die studie populasie te wees. Die studie dui ook aan dat as mense met T2DM genoeg tyd saam met ’n dieetkundige deurbring, dit moontlik kan bydra tot beter dieet-gehoorsaamheid en gevolglik beter glisemiese beheer.

Características morfológicas de vermes adultos machos e fêmeas de Schistosoma mansoni recuperados de camundongos desnutridos e deficientes em óxido nítrico / Morphological characteristics of male and female adult worms of Schistosoma mansoni recovered from undernourished mice deficient in nitric oxide

Bruno Barbosa Bezerra 18 November 2013 (has links)
Esquistossomose e desnutrição são graves problemas de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento. A esquistossomose provoca uma série de morbidades, que é influenciada, em grande maioria, pela natureza do estímulo à resposta imunológica e ao estado nutricional do hospedeiro. Durante a infecção esquistossomótica, a resposta imune produz citocinas que são liberadas e estimulam a produção de óxido nítrico. Numerosos estudos demonstraram que o estado nutricional e a resposta imune afetam as características fenotípicas dos vermes adultos. No entanto, se o óxido nítrico desempenha um papel neste fenômeno é desconhecido. Neste estudo, os camundongos do tipo selvagem (grupo controle) e camundongos knockout com deficiência na produção de óxido nítrico foram alimentados com uma dieta comercial (UNILAB) ou uma dieta básica regional, dieta com baixa concentração de proteína (7,87%). Por meio de um sistema digital de análise de imagem (Image Pro Plus, USA) e microscopia confocal, estudou-se a morfologia da ventosa oral, tegumento e o sistema reprodutor de vermes machos e fêmeas. Vermes machos e fêmeas recuperados de camundongos desnutridos com deficiência de oxido nítrico mostraram descamação do tegumento. A superfície dorsal de vermes desnutridos machos apresentaram tubérculos irregulares, distribuídos de forma desigual, e escassos. O sistema reprodutivo de vermes fêmeas desnutridas não demonstrou alterações morfológicas. No entanto, os machos deste grupo exibiram menor número de células no processo de diferenciação dentro dos lobos testiculares. Em conclusão, nossos resultados sugerem que a deficiência de produção de óxido nítrico não induz alterações morfológicas em nível do tegumento e do sistema reprodutor de vermes machos. Em contraste, a desnutrição é responsável por tais alterações morfológicas, principalmente no sistema reprodutivo e na ventosa oral. / Schistosomiasis and malnutrition are both serious public health concerns in developing countries. Schistosoma infection causes a range of morbidities, which is influenced to a large extent by the nature of the induced immune response and the nutritional status of the host. During the schistosomiasis infection, the immune response produces cytokines which are released by stimulating production of nitric oxide. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the nutritional status and the immune response affect the phenotypic characteristics of the adult worms. However, whether nitric oxide plays a role is unknown. In this study, wild type mice (control group) and Knockout mice deficient in nitric oxide production either fed a commercial diet (UNILAB) or a regional basic diet with low protein diet (7.87%). By means of a digital system for image analysis (Image Pro Plus, USA) and confocal microscopy, we studied the morphology of the oral sucker, tegument and reproductive system of male and female worms. Malnourished male and female worms showed sloughing of the tegument. The dorsal surface of male malnourished worms presented irregular tubercles, unevenly distributed, and scarce. The reproductive system of female worms malnourished showed no morphological changes. The reproductive system of malnourished female worms did not show morphological changes. However, male worms from this group displayed smaller number of cells in differentiation process within the testicular lobes. In conclusion, our results suggest that the deficiency of nitric oxide does not induce morphological changes at the level of the integument and the reproductive system of male worms. In contrast, malnutrition is responsible by such morphological changes, mainly in the reproductive system and oral sucker.

Efeitos da elevada ingestão de sacarose e da restrição no tempo de ingestão alimentar sobre parâmetros morfométricos, bioquímicos séricos e cardíacos de ratos

Galhardi, Cristiano Machado [UNESP] 08 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-02-08Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:03:22Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 galhardi_cm_dr_botfm.pdf: 637330 bytes, checksum: b34f8ee4fe9c7e5db5a586c6aa38d77c (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Estudos relacionados às conseqüências metabólicas da ingestão de dietas ricas em sacarose ou frutose ainda são limitados. Assim como os estudos que envolvem a restrição no número de refeições diárias. No presente trabalho foram utilizados 24 ratos machos wistar, de peso inicial médio de 222,69 l 16,49g, divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos AD, RT, ADS, RTS com seis ratos cada. O grupo AD foi considerado controle, recebendo dieta basal ad libitum. Os animais do grupo RT receberam a mesma quantidade de dieta ingerida pelo grupo AD, oferecida diariamente no período restrito de duas horas (9:00 às 11:00h). Os animais do grupo ADS receberam ração controle ad libitum e para beber, solução aquosa de sacarose 30% ad libitum. Ratos do grupo RTS foram tratados com a mesma quantidade de ração ingerida pelo grupo ADS, oferecida durante o tempo restrito de 2 horas diárias e solução aquosa de sacarose 30% ad libitum. Após 30 dias de tratamentos os animais foram sacrificados. O soro foi utilizado para determinação do perfil lipídico e marcadores do estresse oxidativo. Restrição no tempo de ingestão alimentar desenvolveu dislipidemia com elevação nos fatores de riscos para aterosclerose, elevação no estresse oxidativo, bem como, diminuição de marcadores de defesa antioxidantes. A elevação na atividade sérica da fosfatase alcalina sugere a existência de alteração hepática. O modelo de dieta rica em carboidratos apresentou característica fenotípica de síndrome metabólica, que foi confirmada pela dislipidemia, acompanhada de hipertrigliceridemia. A restrição no tempo de ingestão alimentar com dieta rica em carboidrato induziu dislipidemia, elevação na ALP sugerindo alteração hepática, bem como elevação nos marcadores de estresse oxidativo e diminuição nas defesas antioxidantes. / Not available.

Efeitos da elevada ingestão de sacarose e da restrição no tempo de ingestão alimentar sobre parâmetros morfométricos, bioquímicos séricos e cardíacos de ratos /

Galhardi, Cristiano Machado. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Ethel Lourenzi Barbosa Novelli / Banca: Marília Afonso Rabelo Buzalaf / Banca: Rodrigo Cardoso de Oliveira / Banca: Ana Angélica Henrique Fernandes / Banca: Regina Coeli de Miranda Burneiko / Resumo: Estudos relacionados às conseqüências metabólicas da ingestão de dietas ricas em sacarose ou frutose ainda são limitados. Assim como os estudos que envolvem a restrição no número de refeições diárias. No presente trabalho foram utilizados 24 ratos machos wistar, de peso inicial médio de 222,69 l 16,49g, divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos AD, RT, ADS, RTS com seis ratos cada. O grupo AD foi considerado controle, recebendo dieta basal ad libitum. Os animais do grupo RT receberam a mesma quantidade de dieta ingerida pelo grupo AD, oferecida diariamente no período restrito de duas horas (9:00 às 11:00h). Os animais do grupo ADS receberam ração controle ad libitum e para beber, solução aquosa de sacarose 30% ad libitum. Ratos do grupo RTS foram tratados com a mesma quantidade de ração ingerida pelo grupo ADS, oferecida durante o tempo restrito de 2 horas diárias e solução aquosa de sacarose 30% ad libitum. Após 30 dias de tratamentos os animais foram sacrificados. O soro foi utilizado para determinação do perfil lipídico e marcadores do estresse oxidativo. Restrição no tempo de ingestão alimentar desenvolveu dislipidemia com elevação nos fatores de riscos para aterosclerose, elevação no estresse oxidativo, bem como, diminuição de marcadores de defesa antioxidantes. A elevação na atividade sérica da fosfatase alcalina sugere a existência de alteração hepática. O modelo de dieta rica em carboidratos apresentou característica fenotípica de síndrome metabólica, que foi confirmada pela dislipidemia, acompanhada de hipertrigliceridemia. A restrição no tempo de ingestão alimentar com dieta rica em carboidrato induziu dislipidemia, elevação na ALP sugerindo alteração hepática, bem como elevação nos marcadores de estresse oxidativo e diminuição nas defesas antioxidantes. / Abstract: Not available. / Doutor

Características morfológicas de vermes adultos machos e fêmeas de Schistosoma mansoni recuperados de camundongos desnutridos e deficientes em óxido nítrico / Morphological characteristics of male and female adult worms of Schistosoma mansoni recovered from undernourished mice deficient in nitric oxide

Bruno Barbosa Bezerra 18 November 2013 (has links)
Esquistossomose e desnutrição são graves problemas de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento. A esquistossomose provoca uma série de morbidades, que é influenciada, em grande maioria, pela natureza do estímulo à resposta imunológica e ao estado nutricional do hospedeiro. Durante a infecção esquistossomótica, a resposta imune produz citocinas que são liberadas e estimulam a produção de óxido nítrico. Numerosos estudos demonstraram que o estado nutricional e a resposta imune afetam as características fenotípicas dos vermes adultos. No entanto, se o óxido nítrico desempenha um papel neste fenômeno é desconhecido. Neste estudo, os camundongos do tipo selvagem (grupo controle) e camundongos knockout com deficiência na produção de óxido nítrico foram alimentados com uma dieta comercial (UNILAB) ou uma dieta básica regional, dieta com baixa concentração de proteína (7,87%). Por meio de um sistema digital de análise de imagem (Image Pro Plus, USA) e microscopia confocal, estudou-se a morfologia da ventosa oral, tegumento e o sistema reprodutor de vermes machos e fêmeas. Vermes machos e fêmeas recuperados de camundongos desnutridos com deficiência de oxido nítrico mostraram descamação do tegumento. A superfície dorsal de vermes desnutridos machos apresentaram tubérculos irregulares, distribuídos de forma desigual, e escassos. O sistema reprodutivo de vermes fêmeas desnutridas não demonstrou alterações morfológicas. No entanto, os machos deste grupo exibiram menor número de células no processo de diferenciação dentro dos lobos testiculares. Em conclusão, nossos resultados sugerem que a deficiência de produção de óxido nítrico não induz alterações morfológicas em nível do tegumento e do sistema reprodutor de vermes machos. Em contraste, a desnutrição é responsável por tais alterações morfológicas, principalmente no sistema reprodutivo e na ventosa oral. / Schistosomiasis and malnutrition are both serious public health concerns in developing countries. Schistosoma infection causes a range of morbidities, which is influenced to a large extent by the nature of the induced immune response and the nutritional status of the host. During the schistosomiasis infection, the immune response produces cytokines which are released by stimulating production of nitric oxide. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the nutritional status and the immune response affect the phenotypic characteristics of the adult worms. However, whether nitric oxide plays a role is unknown. In this study, wild type mice (control group) and Knockout mice deficient in nitric oxide production either fed a commercial diet (UNILAB) or a regional basic diet with low protein diet (7.87%). By means of a digital system for image analysis (Image Pro Plus, USA) and confocal microscopy, we studied the morphology of the oral sucker, tegument and reproductive system of male and female worms. Malnourished male and female worms showed sloughing of the tegument. The dorsal surface of male malnourished worms presented irregular tubercles, unevenly distributed, and scarce. The reproductive system of female worms malnourished showed no morphological changes. The reproductive system of malnourished female worms did not show morphological changes. However, male worms from this group displayed smaller number of cells in differentiation process within the testicular lobes. In conclusion, our results suggest that the deficiency of nitric oxide does not induce morphological changes at the level of the integument and the reproductive system of male worms. In contrast, malnutrition is responsible by such morphological changes, mainly in the reproductive system and oral sucker.

A role for HSC70 in regulating antigen trafficking and presentation during macronutrient deprivation

Deffit, Sarah N. 02 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Globally, protein malnutrition remains problematic, adversely affecting several systems including the immune system. Although poorly understood, protein restriction severely disrupts host immunity and responses to infection. Induction of high-affinity, long-lasting immunity depends upon interactions between B and T lymphocytes. B lymphocytes exploit several pathways including endocytosis, macroautophagy, and chaperone-mediated autophagy to capture and deliver antigens to the endosomal network. Within the endosomal network antigens are processed and loaded onto major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules for display and recognition by T lymphocytes. To examine the effect of macronutrient malnutrition on MHC class II antigen presentation, we grew B lymphocytes in media containing amino acids, sugars and vitamins but lacking serum, which contains several types of macronutrients. Our studies show macronutrient stress amplified macroautophagy, favoring MHC class II presentation of cytoplasmic antigens targeted to autophagosomes. By contrast, macronutrient stress diminished MHC class II presentation of membrane antigens including the B cell receptor (BCR) and cytoplasmic proteins that utilize the chaperone-mediated autophagy pathway. The BCR plays a critical role in MHC class II antigen presentation, as it captures exogenous antigens leading to internalization and degradation within the endosomal network. While intracellular protease activity increased with macronutrient stress, endocytic trafficking and proteolytic turnover of the BCR was impaired. Addition of high molecular mass macronutrients restored endocytosis and antigen presentation, evidence of tightly regulated membrane trafficking dependent on macronutrient status. Cytosolic chaperone HSC70 has been shown to play a role in endocytosis, macroautophagy, chaperone-mediated autophagy and proteolysis by the proteasome, potentially connecting distinct routes of antigen presentation. Here, altering the abundance of HSC70 was sufficient to overcome the inhibitory effects of nutritional stress on BCR trafficking and antigen presentation suggesting macronutrient deprivation alters the availability of HSC70. Together, these results reveal a key role for macronutrient sensing in regulating immune recognition and the importance of HSC70 in modulating distinct membrane trafficking pathways during cellular stress. These results offer a new explanation for impaired immune responses in protein malnourished individuals.

Implications of Diet in Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Postprandial Changes in Circulating Monocytes and Endotoxemia

Venable, Andrea Henning 08 1900 (has links)
It is well established that continual consumption of a diet high in fat leads to the development of chronic conditions such as obesity, cardio metabolic syndrome, and atherosclerosis that are associated with high incidence of cardiovascular disease. Recent studies have identified endotoxin-derived inflammation as a major diving force for the development of these conditions. Our laboratory has recently demonstrated that consumption of a single high-fat meal results in acute postprandial endotoxemia and alters monocyte cell surface adhesion molecule expression and scavenger receptor CD36 expression. These collective projects describe our efforts to understand the physiological significance of these postprandial changes and if supplementation with spore-based probiotics are able to provide any form of protection against these responses that are associated with the onset of atherogenesis.

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