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Mining the obscured OB star population in CarinaSmith, Michael January 2017 (has links)
Massive OB stars are very influential objects in the ecology of galaxies like our own. Current catalogues of Galactic OB stars are heavily biased towards bright (g < 13) objects, only typically including fainter objects when found in prominent star clusters (Garmany et al., 1982; Reed, 2003; Maíz-Apellániz et al., 2004). Exploitation of the VST Photometric Hα Survey (VPHAS+) allows us to build a robust catalogue of photometrically-selected OB stars across the entire Southern Galactic plane, both within clusters and in the field, down to ~20th magnitude in g. For the first time, a complete accounting of the OB star runaway phenomenon becomes possible. Along with making the primary selection using VPHAS+ colours, I have performed Markov-Chain Monte Carlo fitting of the spectral energy distributions of the selected stars by combining VPHAS+ u, g, r, i with published J, H, K photometry. This gives rough constraints on effective temperature and distance, whilst delivering much more precise reddening parameters A0 and RV - allowing us to build a much richer picture of how extinction and extinction laws vary across the Galactic Plane. My thesis begins with a description of the method of photometric selection of OB star candidates and its validation across a 2 square degree field including the well- known young massive star cluster Westerlund 2 (Mohr-Smith et al., 2015)1. Following on from this I present spectroscopy with AAOmega of 283 candidates identified by our method, which confirms that ~ 94% of the sample are the expected O and early B stars. I then develop this method further and apply it to a Galactic Plane strip of 42 square-degrees that runs from the Carina Arm tangent region to the much studied massive cluster in NGC 3603. A new aspect I attend to in this expansion of method is tightening up the uniform photometric calibration of the data, paying particular attention to the always-challenging u band. This leads to a new and reliable catalogue of 5915 OB stars. As well as increasing the numbers of identified massive stars in this large region of the sky by nearly an order of magnitude, a more complete picture of massive star formation in the Carina Arm has emerged. I have found a broad over-density of O stars around the highly luminous cluster NGC 3603 and have uncovered two new candidate OB clusters/associations. I have also paired up the ionization sources of a number of HII regions catalogued by the RMS survey. It is also shown that the OB star scale- height can serve as a roughly standard ruler, leading to the result that the OB star layer shows the onset of warping at RG ~ 10kpc. My results confirm that this entire region requires a non-standard (3.5 < RV < 4.0) reddening law for distances greater than ~2kpc. The methods developed in this study are ready to roll out across the rest of the VPHAS+ footprint that has been observed to date. This extension will take in a strip ~ ±2 degrees across the entire Southern Galactic mid-plane (a sky area of over 700 square degrees), within which we expect to find the majority of massive OB stars. This will result in the largest catalogue of Galactic OB stars to date.
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Modelling of supersonic top lance and the heat-up stage of the CAS-OB processKärnä, A. (Aki) 13 November 2018 (has links)
The CAS-OB (composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling - oxygen blowing) process is used in secondary steelmaking to adjust the composition and temperature of the steel melt. The steel melt can be heated by oxidizing aluminium in process which feeds aluminium particles and oxygen to the melt surface. Oxygen is in fed by a top lance, which is an important part of many metallurgical processes and is typically used to deliver oxygen to steel melt surface by supersonic blowing.
Because observing and measuring the metallurgical processes is challenging due to the high temperature, numerical models predicting the processes are especially important. In this thesis, both top lances and the heat-up stage of the CAS-OB process were studied, and numerical models were constructed.
CFD (computational fluid dynamics) were used to study top lances. A turbulence model was adjusted for supersonic flows with experimental data from literature. The CAS-OB process model involves chemical reactions and fluid flows. In order to keep the computation times reasonable, a full fluid flow calculation is not included in the model but is calculated in advance. Heat and mass transfer correlations are calculated with CFD, and the results are then used in the process simulation model. Chemical reactions are calculated based on the law of mass action and thermodynamics.
The results were validated with industrial measurements. The CAS-OB heat-up stage model can be used in its current state in process development, and in the future for online control of the process. The CFD model for the top lance can be applied to a lance in any other process. / Tiivistelmä
CAS-OB-prosessia (composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling - oxygen blowing) käytetään teräksen valmistuksessa sulan teräksen koostumuksen ja lämpötilan säätämiseen. Terässulaa voidaan tarvittaessa lämmittää syöttämällä alumiinikappaleita ja happea sulan pinnalle. Hapen syöttö tapahtuu yliäänilanssilla, jota käytetään monissa metallurgisissa prosesseissa, yleensä toimittamaan happea sulan pinnalle yliäänisellä puhalluksella.
Metallurgisten prosessien havainnointi ja mittaaminen ovat haastavia korkeiden lämpötilojen vuoksi, joten numeeriset mallit ovat erityisen tärkeitä prosessien ennustamisessa. Tässä työssä on tutkittu yliäänilansseja ja CAS-OB-prosessin lämmitysvaihetta ja luotu niille numeeriset mallit.
Yliäänilanssien tutkimiseen käytettiin numeerista virtauslaskentaa (CFD, computational fluid dynamics). Lanssien mallinnusta varten olemassa olevaa turbulenssimallia muokattiin paremmin yliäänivirtausta kuvaavaksi kirjallisuudesta löytyvän mittaustiedon perusteella. CAS-OB-prosessimallissa huomioidaan virtaus ja kemialliset reaktiot. Koska laskenta-ajat haluttiin pitää käytännöllisinä, virtauslaskentaa ei suoriteta mallissa, vaan se tehdään etukäteen. Aineen- ja lämmönsiirtokertoimet lasketaan CFD-laskennalla, ja tuloksia käytetään prosessimallissa. Kemialliset reaktiot lasketaan perustuen massavaikutuksen lakiin ja termodynamiikkaan.
CAS-OB-mallin tulokset on validoitu terästehtaalla tehtyjen kokeiden perusteella. Mallia voidaan käyttää nykyisessä muodossaan prosessin kehityksessä ja tulevaisuudessa myös prosessin ohjauksessa. Yliäänilanssin CFD-mallia voidaan soveltaa myös muihin metallurgisiin prosesseihin.
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Modelling of slag emulsification and slag reduction in CAS-OB processSulasalmi, P. (Petri) 22 November 2016 (has links)
Composition Adjustment by Sealed argon bubbling – Oxygen Blowing (CAS-OB) process is a ladle treatment process that was developed for chemical heating and alloying of steel. The main stages of the process are heating, (possible) alloying and reduction of slag. The CAS-OB process aims for homogenization and control of the composition and temperature of steel.
In this dissertation, a mathematical reaction model was developed for the slag reduction stage of the CAS-OB process. Slag reduction is carried out by applying vigorous bottom stirring from porous plugs at the bottom of the ladle. Due to the bottom stirring a circular steel flow is induced which disrupts top slag layer and due to shear stress at the steel-slag interface small slag droplets are detached. This induces an immense increase in the interfacial area between steel and slag which provides favourable conditions for the reduction reactions. In order to model reduction reactions, a sub-model for describing the interfacial area was needed. For this the slag droplet formation was studied using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and based on these studies, a sub-model for droplet formation was developed. The model for the reduction stage of the CAS-OB process takes into account not only the reaction during the reduction but also the heat transfer between the phases, ladle and surroundings.
The reduction stage model was validated using validation data obtained from the CAS-OB station of the SSAB Raahe steel plant in Finland. It was concluded that the model was able to predict steel and slag compositions as well as the steel temperature very well. / Tiivistelmä
CAS-OB -prosessi on sulametallurgiassa käytettävä senkkakäsittelyprosessi, joka on kehitetty teräksen kemialliseen lämmittäseen ja seostukseen. CAS-OB-prosessin pääprosessivaiheet ovat lämmitysvaihe, mahdollinen seostusvaihe ja kuonan pelkistysvaihe. CAS-OB -prosessilla tavoitellaan teräksen koostumuksen homogenisointiin ja lämpötilan kontrollointiin.
Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin matemaattinen reaktiomalli CAS-OB -prosessin kuonan pelkistysvaiheen kuvaamiseen. Kuonan pelkistys tapahtuu senkan pohjassa olevien huuhtelutiilien avulla suoritettavan voimakkaan kaasuhuuhtelun avulla. Pohjahuuhtelu aiheuttaa kiertävän teräsvirtauksen senkassa. Teräsvirtaus irrottaa teräksen päällä olevasta kuonakerroksesta pisaroita ja kuonan ja teräksen välinen reaktiopinta-ala kasvaa voimakkaasti. Tämä tarjoaa suotuisat olosuhteet pelkistysreaktiolle senkassa. Pelkistysreaktioiden mallintamiseksi tässä työssä kehitettiin CFD-simulaatioiden avulla alimalli, jonka avulla voidaan kuvata teräksen ja kuonan välisen pinta-alan suuruutta. Pelkistysvaiheen mallissa huomioidaan reaktioiden lisäksi myös systeemissä tapahtuva lämmösiirto.
Pelkistysmalli validoitiin mittausdatalla, joka hankittiin SSAB Raahen terässulaton CAS-OB -asemalla järjestetyssä validointikampanjassa. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että malli kykenee hyvin ennustamaan teräksen ja kuonan koostumuksen sekä teräksen lämpötilan.
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Direct-To-Consumer Advertising of Genetic Tests Expands the Role of Obstetrician-GynecologistsGill, Carrie F. 07 October 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Interdisciplinary study of human remains from the Early Iron Age cemetery at Zagorje ob Savi (Slovenia)Nicholls, Rebecca A., Buckberry, Jo, Cresnar, M., Armit, Ian, Mason, P., Koon, Hannah E.C. 11 December 2024 (has links)
Yes / This paper presents the results of interdisciplinary investigations of human remains, discovered in 2011 at the Early Iron Age cemetery at Zagorje ob Savi (Cesta Borisa l(jdrica) in Slovenia. The present study is a part of a larger isotopic and osteological investigation of Bronze/Iron Age (14th-4th centuries BC) skeletal assemblages from Croatia and Slovenia. The osteological analysis of the six individuals uncovered on this site indicates that they represent the remains of two adult males, two adult females and two infants of unknown sex. The results of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis on the bone and dentine collagen extracted from these six individuals is strongly indicative of a terrestrial based diet, including animal-based protein (meat and/or dairy) and a mix of C3 and C4 plants.
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Oscillatory Ca<sup>2+</sup> signaling in glucose-stimulated murine pancreatic β-cells : Modulation by amino acids, glucagon, caffeine and ryanodineAhmed, Meftun January 2001 (has links)
<p>Oscillations in cytoplasmic Ca<sup>2+</sup> concentration ([Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub>i</sub>) is the key signal in glucose-stimulated β-cells governing pulsatile insulin release. The glucose response of mouse β-cells is often manifested as slow oscillations and rapid transients of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub>. In the present study, microfluorometric technique was used to evaluate the role of amino acids, glucagon, ryanodine and caffeine on the generation and maintenance of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations and transients in individual murine β-cells and isolated mouse pancreatic islets. The amino acids glycine, alanine and arginine, at around their physiological concentrations, transformed the glucose-induced slow oscillations of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> in isolated mouse β-cells into sustained elevation. Increased Ca<sup>2+</sup> entry promoted the reappearance of the slow [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations. The [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations were more resistant to amino acid transformation in intact islets, supporting the idea that cellular interactions are important for maintaining the oscillatory activity. Individual rat β-cells responded to glucose stimulation with slow [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations due to periodic entry of Ca<sup>2+</sup> as well as with transients evoked by mobilization of intracellular stores. The [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations in rat β-cells had a slightly lower frequency than those in mouse β-cells and were more easily transformed into sustained elevation in the presence of glucagon or caffeine. The transients of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> were more common in rat than in mouse β-cells and often appeared in synchrony also in cells lacking physical contact. Depolarization enhanced the generation of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> transients. In accordance with the idea that β-cells have functionally active ryanodine receptors, it was found that ryanodine sometimes restored oscillatory activity abolished by caffeine. However, the IP3 receptors are the major Ca<sup>2+</sup> release channels both in β-cells from rats and mice. Single β-cells from ob/ob mice did not differ from those of lean controls with regard to frequency, amplitudes and half-widths of the slow [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> oscillations. Nevertheless, there was an excessive firing of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> transients in the β-cells from the ob/ob mice, which was suppressed by leptin at close to physiological concentrations. The enhanced firing of [Ca<sup>2+</sup>]<sub> i</sub> transients in ob/ob mouse β-cells may be due to the absence of leptin and mediated by activation of the phospholipase C signaling pathway.</p>
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Oscillatory Ca2+ signaling in glucose-stimulated murine pancreatic β-cells : Modulation by amino acids, glucagon, caffeine and ryanodineAhmed, Meftun January 2001 (has links)
Oscillations in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) is the key signal in glucose-stimulated β-cells governing pulsatile insulin release. The glucose response of mouse β-cells is often manifested as slow oscillations and rapid transients of [Ca2+] i. In the present study, microfluorometric technique was used to evaluate the role of amino acids, glucagon, ryanodine and caffeine on the generation and maintenance of [Ca2+] i oscillations and transients in individual murine β-cells and isolated mouse pancreatic islets. The amino acids glycine, alanine and arginine, at around their physiological concentrations, transformed the glucose-induced slow oscillations of [Ca2+] i in isolated mouse β-cells into sustained elevation. Increased Ca2+ entry promoted the reappearance of the slow [Ca2+] i oscillations. The [Ca2+] i oscillations were more resistant to amino acid transformation in intact islets, supporting the idea that cellular interactions are important for maintaining the oscillatory activity. Individual rat β-cells responded to glucose stimulation with slow [Ca2+] i oscillations due to periodic entry of Ca2+ as well as with transients evoked by mobilization of intracellular stores. The [Ca2+] i oscillations in rat β-cells had a slightly lower frequency than those in mouse β-cells and were more easily transformed into sustained elevation in the presence of glucagon or caffeine. The transients of [Ca2+] i were more common in rat than in mouse β-cells and often appeared in synchrony also in cells lacking physical contact. Depolarization enhanced the generation of [Ca2+] i transients. In accordance with the idea that β-cells have functionally active ryanodine receptors, it was found that ryanodine sometimes restored oscillatory activity abolished by caffeine. However, the IP3 receptors are the major Ca2+ release channels both in β-cells from rats and mice. Single β-cells from ob/ob mice did not differ from those of lean controls with regard to frequency, amplitudes and half-widths of the slow [Ca2+] i oscillations. Nevertheless, there was an excessive firing of [Ca2+] i transients in the β-cells from the ob/ob mice, which was suppressed by leptin at close to physiological concentrations. The enhanced firing of [Ca2+] i transients in ob/ob mouse β-cells may be due to the absence of leptin and mediated by activation of the phospholipase C signaling pathway.
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Der Leptinrezeptor im Modell primärer humaner HepatozytenLorz, Axel 11 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit beinhaltet Untersuchungen zu den unterschiedlichen Isoformen des Leptinrezeptors und dessen Regulation in primären humanen Hepatozyten. Leptin und der Leptinrezeptor nehmen in der Physiologie des menschlichen Energiehaushaltes eine wesentliche Funktion ein und sind an der Pathogenese der Adipositas mit Folgeerkrankungen wie der Entwicklung einer Fettleber beteiligt. Es wird erstmalig geprüft inwieweit das Modellsystem primärer humaner Hepatozyten für Analysen der Leptinrezeptor-Expression und der Abspaltung von löslichem Leptinrezeptor geeignet ist. Weiterhin werden untersucht, welchen Einfluss endokrine Regulatoren wie Dexamethason, Leptin und Glucagon auf die isoformspezifischen Rezeptormengen in primären Hepatozyten haben und wie der Rezeptor unter Apoptose reguliert ist, welche durch die lipotoxischen Effekte der freien Fettsäure Palmitat und den Apoptoseinduktor Staurosporin induziert wird. Hierdurch können Rückschlüsse auf eine möglicherweise veränderte Wirksamkeit des Leptins in der Leber gezogen werden.
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Encapsulation of Genetically Modified Preadipocytes for Potential Treatment of Metabolic DisordersDiSilvestro, David Joel January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Strukturuntersuchungen an Proteinen der bakteriellen Stressantwort: NblA von Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 und Csp:ssDNA-Komplexe von Bacillus caldolyticus und Bacillus subtilisBienert, Ralf 11 December 2006 (has links)
Die meisten Cyanobakterien und Chloroplasten von Rotalgen verfügen über Phycobilisomen, große lichtsammelnde Multiproteinkomplexe, die an der cytoplasmatischen Seite der Thylakoidmembran gebunden vorliegen. Unter stickstofflimitierten Bedingungen werden die Phycobilisomen proteolytisch abgebaut. Dieser Prozess schützt vor Fotoschäden unter den gegebenen Stressbedingungen und liefert gleichzeitig einen großen Vorrat an Stickstoff enthaltenden Substanzen. Das Gen nblA, welches in allen Phycobilisomen enthaltenden Organismen vorkommt, kodiert für ein Polypeptid von ungefähr 7 kDa, das eine Schlüsselrolle im Abbau der Phycobilisomen einnimmt. Die Wirkungsweise von NblA dabei wird jedoch bisher kaum verstanden. Ein Selenomethioninderivat von NblA des filamentösen Cyanobakteriums Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 wurde in Escherichia coli rekombinant hergestellt, gereinigt und kristallisiert. Die Röntgenkristallstruktur von NblA wurde mithilfe der single-wavelength anomalous dispersion-Methode bis zu einer Auflösung von 1,8 Angstrom bestimmt. Das finale Modell verfügt über einen kristallographischen R-Wert von 18,2% und einen freien R-Wert von 21,7%. Das kleine NblA-Protein von 65 Aminosäuren besteht aus zwei alpha-Helices, die in einem ca. 37°-Winkel in einer antiparallelen, V-förmigen Anordnung zueinander stehen. Zwei dieser Monomere bilden die grundlegende strukturelle Einheit von NblA, ein vier-Helix-Bündel, bei dem sich die Spitzen der "Vs" auf der gleichen Seite des Dimers überlagern und über eine nicht-kristallographische zweizählige Achse miteinander verknüpft sind. Auf der Grundlage von Bindungsstudien und der Kenntnis der NblA-Struktur konnte ein Modell für die Bindung von NblA an die Phycobilisomenstruktur postuliert werden. / Cyanobacterial light harvesting complexes, the phycobilisomes, are proteolytically degraded when the organisms are starved for combined nitrogen, a process referred to as chlorosis or bleaching. Gene nblA, present in all phycobilisome-containing organisms, encodes a protein of about 7 kDa that plays a key role in phycobilisome degradation. To gain deeper insights into the mode of action of NblA in this degradation process the crystal structure of NblA was determined and a model of its binding to phycobilisomes was proposed. For this purpose, NblA from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 was produced as selenomethionine NblA derivative in Escherichia coli B834 (DE3), purified and crystalized. NblA crystals grew as long, but thin rods and belong to the monoclinic space group P2(1) with cell parameters of a = 43.2 A, b = 95.9 A, c = 104.8 A and Beta = 97.0°. They contain twelve NblA monomers in the asymmetric unit. The crystal structure with a resolution of 1.8 A was determined using the single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) technique and refined to final values for Rwork and Rfree of 0.182 and 0.217, respectively. The small NblA polypeptide of 65 amino acids consists of two alpha-helices which are assembled at a ~37° angle in an antiparallel, V-shaped arrangement. Two NblA monomers form the basic structural unit of NblA, a four-helix bundle with the tips of the V superimposing on the same side of a dimer. The dimer is formed by two molecules related by a non-crystallographic dyad axis. Based on the crystal structure presented here, pull-down experiments, and peptide scan data a model of binding of NblA to phycobilisomes was proposed. Considering the entire phycobilisome structure, NblA is predicted to bind via its amino acids Leu51 and Lys53 to the trimer-trimer interface of the phycobiliprotein hexamers.
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