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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'acte juridique en droit des personnes et de la famille / The legal act in the law of persons and family

Maumont, Bertrand 16 September 2015 (has links)
En dépit du rôle croissant concédé aux volontés individuelles en droit des personneset de la famille, les phénomènes de volonté saisis par cette branche du droit pâtissent d’uneconstruction juridique lacunaire. Les liens avec la théorie de l’acte juridique sont peuexplorés ou n’apparaissent qu’ à travers le prisme déformant de l’approche institutionnelleet légaliste qui est généralement adoptée.En rupture avec le mythe de l’autonomie du droit des personnes et de la famille, cettethèse entend démontrer l’apport de cette branche du droit à la théorie générale de l’actejuridique.Il est possible de dépasser les spécificités apparentes des phénomènes de volontérencontrés en recourant à une théorie moderne de l’acte juridique. Fondée sur un principede causalité décrivant le lien permanent entre les volontés et des données objectives,façonnée par un ensemble de « techniques », la théorie générale peut être tantôtperfectionnée, tantôt enrichie, sous l’influence du droit des personnes et de la famille.De tout ceci, il résulte que le droit commun des contrats a vocation à s’appliquer, aumoins subsidiairement, dans le cadre des techniques « initiales », analogues à cellesconsacrées par la théorie du contrat. Quant aux techniques « intégrées » qui révèlent lesréelles originalités de l’acte juridique personnel ou familial, elles ne dérogent pas à lathéorie générale et sont même susceptibles de tirer profit de la transversalité de cettedernière. En tout cas, se dessine un droit spécialisé de l’acte juridique qui mériterait d’êtreconçu comme tel aussi bien par la doctrine que par les praticiens. / Despite the increasing role granted to individual intent in the law of personsand family, the phenomena of intent as grasped by this body of law suffer from a deficientlegal construct. The links with the theory of the legal act are little explored or emerge onlythrough the distorting prism of the institutional and legalistic approach which is generallyadopted.Breaking with the myth of the autonomy of the law of persons and family, this thesiswill seek to demonstrate the contribution made by this branch of law to the general theoryof the legal act.It is possible to go beyond the apparent specificity of the phenomena of intent byusing a modern theory of the legal act. Based on a principle of causality describing thepermanent link between intent and objective data, shaped by a set of "techniques", thegeneral theory is sometimes improved, sometimes enhanced under the influence of the lawof persons and family.From all this, it follows that the common law of contract is intended to apply, atleast alternatively, in the context of “initial” techniques, similar to those enshrined in thetheory of contract. As for "integrated" techniques, which show the real distinctiveness of thepersonal or family legal act, they do not derogate from the general theory and are evenlikely to benefit from its transversality. In any case, a specialised law emerges from thelegal act that ought to be conceived as such both by doctrine and practitioners.

Statens kontroll eller individens frihet : En ideologianalys av statens och individens roll rörande Sveriges och Portugals narkotikalagstiftningar

Semberg, Johan January 2010 (has links)
The European Union has created a common plan regarding narcotics use and abuse within the European member states. The aim here is to reduce the supply and demand for drugs among the citizens of the Union. However, the opinions on how to achieve these goals greatly differ among member states. The range of attitudes varies from the strictly restrictive attitudes of countries such as Sweden, to the complete decriminalization of personal possession of all narcotic substances in Portugal. The purpose of this paper is therefore to study the underlying attitudes and approaches that these two countries have, and hopefully to give some light to how come there is this big difference in legal frameworks regarding a rather delicate political question. A review and analyze of the current proposition for each country regarding drug policies is the method for the paper. By interpreting the content and quoting parts of these two propositions an ideology analysis is made. The theory chapter consists of the two different philosophies of Rousseau’s theory on the social contract and the general will, as well as objectivism. These theories are used in order to make a distinction in the empirical research between attitudes towards the states’ as well as the individuals’ role in the drug policies of Sweden and Portugal. A model with the most important features of these theories is constructed and works as a base for the analysis. Overall, the results from the empirical research show that while both countries initially share the same general value towards the narcotics situation, Sweden devotes their policies more frequently towards the Rousseauian values up until the point of treating drug addicts, where they change directions and instead argue in a more objectivistic manner. On the contrary, Portugal reason in a more individualistic and objectivistic way, but change ideological paths into Rousseauianism when starting to set up aims for the treatment of addicts and offenders.

Philosophical-Methodological Problems of Economics: Project of Economic Phenomenology / Filosoficko-metodologické problémy ekonomie: projekt ekonomické fenomenologie

Svoboda, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
In recent years, the economic approach to human behavior has been challenged by contributions of cognitive science. Thus two methodological strands in economics disagree with each other: the objectivistic approach favors the methods of natural science; the subjectivistic approach takes the teleological structure of human action as its cornerstone. It is argued that the position of the latter has been undermined and often degraded to a mere instrumentalist tool because it builds upon the primitive version of the teleological structure. Its deeper realist analysis is needed, which is the task for economic phenomenology: it identifies invariant pragmatic structures of human action, with various degrees of their anonymity. If the economic approach is founded on those structures adequately, then both rational choice theory and bounded rationality theories become compatible, as they differ in their degrees of anonymity only; they both belong to the body of the (subjectivistic) economic approach to human behavior. Economic phenomenology also offers a solution to the phenomenon of inconsistency of human action which is documented by cognitive sciences as a proof of human irrationality. The thesis shows that once the decision maker's description of the choice is allowed, inconsistency may disappear. Consistency is a matter of thinking, not acting. Therefore, a conceptual analysis of human thinking is needed. An example of the analysis is presented. It concentrates on the phenomenon of Self and works up the concept of the horizontality of Self. With this concept, inconsistency of human action is derived as a natural characteristic of our being-in-the-world. Inconsistency of human action is a pragmatic structure of human action, which even allows the decision maker some intentional control.

The relationship between facilitation, computer software and the learner in teaching a computer-integrated lesson : an experimental design

Williams, Anthony Marlon 10 July 2009 (has links)
The aim of the research was to investigate the relationship between facilitation, computer software and the learner in teaching a computer-integrated lesson. South Africa has recently changed their education system from that of content-based to that of outcomes-based. With these changes came the introduction of e-Education. The Government e-Education goal is that every South African learner in the general and further education and training bands will be ICT (Information and Communication Technology) capable by 2013. Educators are expected to facilitate these classes without having being trained as facilitators in a computer environment. Most educators’ follow an instructivist mode of teaching and the researcher decided to do a case study at a school in the Western Cape to investigate the role of an educator in a computer environment. The researcher also wrote the computer-mediated software for the educator to use in his lesson. The software was written for a lesson on Physical Science which was not the field of study of the educator. The educator, however, is a computer technician. These issues raised questions as to what the methodology of teaching of this educator would be, how would the learners interact with the facilitator and the content and to what degree learning would take place with regards to transfer of skills and knowledge. From the literature survey the researcher compiled a checklist of what the role of an educator in a computer environment should be whereby the educator was assessed. A questionnaire was compiled whereby the learners evaluated the software that was used for this computer integrated lesson. The learners had to write a pre- and post-test to determine whether content was transferred in this lesson and they were asked to perform a practical experiment to determine their skills. This dissertation shows how good facilitation, coupled with pedagogically well-designed software and good learner participation leads to a successful learning community. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Prostitution : Legitimt yrke eller förtryckande verksamhet?

Semberg, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Trafficking in human beings and prostitution is an increasing occurrence within the EU. However, vast differences in legal frameworks regarding prostitution can be detected among member states.The Netherlands is an example where prostitution is regarded a legal activity. In other member states legal standings toward prostitution remain ambivalent, where Sweden here serves an example. Finally, Lithuania is among member states where prostitution is considered illegal.The purpose of this paper is therefore to study underlying attitudes and approaches that these three countries have in this rather delicate political question. By interpreting the content and quoting parts of propositions, an ideology analysis is constructed.The theory chapter consists of Rousseau’s theories, Objectivism, Radical Feminist Theory, and Sex-positive Feminist Theory. A model with the most important features of these theories is constructed and works as a base for the analysis.The general results suggest that the Government of Lithuania consistently uses arguments pending towards Radical Feminist Theory and Rousseauan values, with catholic morality as an additional important feature in the argumentation against prostitution. The Government of Sweden also views prostitution with predominantly Rousseauan and Radical Feminist theories. The Government of the Netherlands arguments greatly differ from these viewpoints. Instead, individualistic and sex-positive arguments remain dominant here.

Ontwikkeling van 'n reflekterende span met 'n ekosistemiese benadering tot gesinsterapie

Nel, Jacoba Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Besorgdheid het in die gemeenskap bestaan oar die toenemende getalle kinders wat binne die stedelike konteks van Pretoria op straat leef en werk. Hierdie navorsing is onderneem om die behoeftes van die kinders aan te spreek en om alternatiewe wyses te vind om met hulle te werk. 'n Konteks is geskep sodat na hulle stemme geluister kon word. nag 'n alternatief tot "tradisionele" vorme van gesinsterapie bruikbaar is, op sekere voorwaardes, soos aangedui in hoofstuk vier. Sleutelwoorde: reflekterende span; "straatkinders"; ekosistemiese benadering; ekologie; epistemologie; konstruktivisme; objektivisme; kubernetika; sisteemteorie; mikro-, meso- en makrosisteme; sirkulere en liniere punktuasie Ekosistemiese beginsels is aanvanklik benut, maar was nie vir die span wat saamgewerk het, betekenisvol nie. 'n Gevallestudie-ontwerp was nuttig om die ontwikkeling en "opleiding" van die span wat sou saamwerk, te beskryf, asook die benutting van ekosistemiese beginsels tydens dienste aan die "straatkinders" en hulle gesinne by ltumeleng. Die navorsing het aangedui dat 'n ekosistemiese benadering tot gesinsterapie as / The community showed concern about the increasing number of children living and working on the streets within the urban context of Pretoria. This researchwas undertaken to address the needs of these children and to find alternative ways of working with them. A context was created so that their voices could be heard. Ecosystemic principles were initially used, but were not meaningful to the team who worked together. A case study design proved useful in developing and "training" of the team who would be working together, as well as applying ecosystemic principles while making services available to the "street children" and their families in ltumeleng. The research indicated that an ecosystemic approach to family therapy could be used as an alternative to "traditional" forms of family therapy, subject to certain conditions, as stipulated in Chapter Four. / Social Work / M.A. (Sosiale Wetenskappe (Geestesgesondheid))

Development Finance Institutions’ Effect on The Fund Manager’s Investment Decisions : Balancing Financial Performance Goals and Development Impact Objectives

Adolfssson, Alexander, Åström, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) have played a crucial role in moving socially responsibility considerations up on the private equity industry’s agenda. DFIs add a development impact criterion to traditional financial performance goals in the investment industry and play a catalytic role by mobilizing other investors. The gap in research regarding DFIs implications and significance in the investment community from a SRI perspective is evident. The development impact objective introduced by the DFIs is examined to understand its effects on fund managers’ decision-making and if it exists a trade-off between this objective and financial performance. An understanding of how DFIs control fund managers to act in accordance to their objective as well as how they determine compensation schemes to incentivize them to pursue high return on investments, is discussed in relation to the agency theory. Furthermore, stakeholder/shareholder consideration is examined in relation to the subject. The aim of this study is to examine how the behavior of fund managers is affected by the involvement of a DFI investor and try to add to the understanding of their significance as institutional investors in developing markets. Previous studies have been more focused on determining the financial performance of socially responsible investments by using very similar quantitative data collection methods. This thesis undertakes an in-depth approach with the purpose to understand the fund manager’s drives as well as how a DFI involvement affects the behavior and decision-making process.   This thesis undertook a qualitative research strategy and semi-structured interviews were used as the tool to understand the fund managers’ personals beliefs and perceptions of how the relationship with DFIs affect them. The selection criteria for the fund managers was that they needed to work in a fund in which a DFIs has invested. We also included DFI investors in order to understand their point of view. The interview was recorded, transcribed and later divided into themes in accordance with the thematic approach, following six steps. Our findings show that Development Finance Institutions plays an important role in emerging markets and affect fund manager behavior to a certain extent. They did not perceive a trade-off between financial performance goals and development impact objectives. We conclude that DFIs increase fund manager focus on ESG/SEE elements in the investment process. DFIs requirements and reporting obligations is used as a tool to ensure that the fund manager act in accordance to DFI objective. The fund managers were neither willing to sacrifice commercial return in favor of development impact. Lastly, the interest among the DFIs and commercial investors is fairly similar, hence reducing the conflict of interest between investors.

Ontwikkeling van 'n reflekterende span met 'n ekosistemiese benadering tot gesinsterapie

Nel, Jacoba Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Besorgdheid het in die gemeenskap bestaan oar die toenemende getalle kinders wat binne die stedelike konteks van Pretoria op straat leef en werk. Hierdie navorsing is onderneem om die behoeftes van die kinders aan te spreek en om alternatiewe wyses te vind om met hulle te werk. 'n Konteks is geskep sodat na hulle stemme geluister kon word. nag 'n alternatief tot "tradisionele" vorme van gesinsterapie bruikbaar is, op sekere voorwaardes, soos aangedui in hoofstuk vier. Sleutelwoorde: reflekterende span; "straatkinders"; ekosistemiese benadering; ekologie; epistemologie; konstruktivisme; objektivisme; kubernetika; sisteemteorie; mikro-, meso- en makrosisteme; sirkulere en liniere punktuasie Ekosistemiese beginsels is aanvanklik benut, maar was nie vir die span wat saamgewerk het, betekenisvol nie. 'n Gevallestudie-ontwerp was nuttig om die ontwikkeling en "opleiding" van die span wat sou saamwerk, te beskryf, asook die benutting van ekosistemiese beginsels tydens dienste aan die "straatkinders" en hulle gesinne by ltumeleng. Die navorsing het aangedui dat 'n ekosistemiese benadering tot gesinsterapie as / The community showed concern about the increasing number of children living and working on the streets within the urban context of Pretoria. This researchwas undertaken to address the needs of these children and to find alternative ways of working with them. A context was created so that their voices could be heard. Ecosystemic principles were initially used, but were not meaningful to the team who worked together. A case study design proved useful in developing and "training" of the team who would be working together, as well as applying ecosystemic principles while making services available to the "street children" and their families in ltumeleng. The research indicated that an ecosystemic approach to family therapy could be used as an alternative to "traditional" forms of family therapy, subject to certain conditions, as stipulated in Chapter Four. / Social Work / M.A. (Sosiale Wetenskappe (Geestesgesondheid))

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