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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilização da bola suíça na assistência ao parto em serviços públicos do município de São Paulo / The use of the Swiss Ball during labor at public obstetric services in São Paulo

Lia Mota e Silva 31 May 2010 (has links)
A bola suíça vem sendo usada para promover a posição vertical, a movimentação da mulher e a mobilidade pélvica durante o trabalho de parto. Seu emprego na atenção obstétrica requer elucidações mais precisas sobre sua aplicação. Este estudo descritivo teve como objetivo caracterizar o uso da bola suíça na assistência à mulher, durante o trabalho de parto e foi realizado em 35 maternidades públicas do Município de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista, pelo uso de um formulário estruturado, realizado com uma enfermeira de cada instituição pública. Os resultados demonstraram que a bola é empregada em 100% dos Centros de Parto Normal e em 40,9% dos Centros Obstétricos. Dentre as profissionais entrevistadas, 88,6% tinham conhecimento do uso da bola em parturientes. Quanto à utilização da bola: 77,5% das enfermeiras orientam a mulher a permanecer uma hora fazendo exercícios; 34,8% indicam a bola para auxiliar na descida e no encaixe da apresentação fetal; 37,8% afirmam que a existência de uma intercorrência obstétrica é a principal causa para contraindicar; 87,1% orientam o uso da bola associado à outra prática não farmacológica e dentre estas; 54,6% vinculadas ao banho de aspersão; 32,9% relataram como maior benefício o auxílio na descida e no encaixe da apresentação fetal e 67,7% consideram a experiência da bola como boa na perspectiva das parturientes. Todas as enfermeiras realizam algum tipo de higienização da bola. Quanto aos movimentos e posições orientadas às parturientes no uso da bola, as respostas foram: 36,5% referem-se à posição sentada com apoio; 31,8% aos movimentos de propulsão (abaixa e levanta); 30,5%, aos movimentos rotatórios com o quadril e 1,2%, às posições ajoelhada e apoiada com o tronco sobre a bola. Apenas um serviço dispunha de protocolo para utilizar a bola suíça. Concluiu-se que as diretrizes para o uso da bola suíça como instrumento de incentivo à mobilidade e prática de conforto durante o trabalho de parto não estão bem estabelecidas, embora seu uso seja prevalente em ambientes voltados à normalidade do parto e nascimento, como os Centros de Parto Normal. / The Swiss ball has been used to promote the vertical position, the movement of women and pelvic mobility during labor. Its use in obstetric care requires more accurate elucidation concerning its application. This descriptive study aimed to characterize the use of Swiss ball in care for women during labor. It was carried out in 35 public hospitals in São Paulo. These data were obtained through interviews, performed with nurses at public maternity services using a structured form. The results showed that the ball is used in 100% at the Normal Birth Centers and 40.9% at a hospital, in a conventional birth unity. Among the professionals interviewed 88.6% knew about the use of the ball in labor care. Regarding the use of the ball: 77.5% of nurses used to recommend the woman to have exercises during one hour, 34.8% indicated the ball to help fetal presentation descent into the maternal pelvis, 37.8% related the existence of a obstetric complications is the main cause to contraindicate its use, 87.1% oriented use of the ball associated with other non-pharmacological practice and among these, 54.6% with shower bath, 32.9% reported as the greatest benefit the aid in fetal presentation descent into the maternal pelvis and 67.7% considered the experience of the ball as good from the womens perspective. All the nurses performed some cleaning process at the ball surface. About the movements and positions suggested to the mothers in the use of the ball, the answers were: 36.5% refer to a sitting position with support, 31.8% on the movement of propulsion (up and down), 30.5% to rotational movements with the pelvis and 1.2% to kneeling position and supported with the trunk on the ball. Only one service had a protocol for using the Swiss ball. It is concluded that the guidelines for using the Swiss ball as a tool to encourage mobility and practice of comfort during labor are not well established, although its use is prevalent in environments targeted the childbirth as natural process, such as the Birth Centers.

Fatores associados à cesariana de mulheres acompanhadas por enfermeiras obstétricas em um serviço de pré-natal / Factors associated with cesarean section in women accompanied by nurse-midwives in a prenatal care service.

Lecy dos Santos Merighe 05 July 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Nas últimas décadas, as taxas de cesarianas vêm aumentando significativamente em todo o mundo, com índices excessivamente superiores aos 15% recomendados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Nos diversos países, as taxas são variáveis, bem como nas diferentes regiões brasileiras. Na região Sudeste, as taxas atingem 58,2%, e na região Norte, são de 41,8%. Objetivos: 1. Verificar a prevalência e as indicações de cesarianas de gestantes atendidas em um serviço de pré-natal de baixo risco; 2. Verificar a associação das cesarianas com as variáveis sociodemográficas e obstétricas. Método: estudo transversal realizado no Amparo Maternal, maternidade filantrópica de São Paulo, cujo atendimento é feito exclusivamente pelo Sistema Único de Saúde às mulheres de baixo risco obstétrico. O atendimento pré-natal é de responsabilidade de enfermeiras obstétricas e, no parto, a assistência obstétrica é conduzida por obstetrizes/enfermeiras obstétricas, e a atuação médica ocorre na assistência aos partos cirúrgicos e intercorrências. Os dados foram obtidos de prontuários de seguimento de pré-natal e da internação para o parto de 264 mulheres. No estudo, foram incluídas as mulheres matriculadas no pré-natal em 2011 e que deram à luz na mesma instituição. As indicações da cesariana foram classificadas em: fetais, materno-fetais e maternas. A análise descritiva dos dados sociodemográficos e obstétricos foi feita, e para indicar a associação entre o tipo de parto e as variáveis maternas foi calculada a razão de prevalência com intervalo de confiança de 95%. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: A prevalência de cesariana foi de 28,4%; as indicações fetais (44,0%) foram as mais frequentes, seguidas das maternas (33,3%) e das materno-fetais (22,7%). A cesariana atual apresentou associação com: cesariana prévia (RP=6,07; IC95%: 2,96-12,46); obesidade (RP=2,07; IC95%: 1,31-3,27); idade gestacional de 41 semanas (RP=1,57; IC95%: 1,00-2,47); colo impérvio na internação (RP=8,16; IC95%: 3,45-19,31); dilatação cervical 1 a 4 cm (RP=3,03; IC95%: 1,27-7,24); apresentação pélvica/córmica (RP=3,36; IC95%: 2,32-4,87); peso ao nascer 4.000g (RP=1,90; IC95%: 1,03-3,52). Ter idade inferior a 20 anos (RP=0,49; IC95%: 0,26-0,92) e ter recebido infusão de ocitocina (RP=0,29; IC95%: 0,20-0,44) foram fatores de proteção para a cesariana na gestação atual. Conclusões: Tratando-se de mulheres de baixo risco, a prevalência de cesariana foi superior ao limite recomendado pela OMS, e os fatores associados correspondem aos encontrados nas literaturas nacional e internacional. / Introduction: In recent decades, cesarean rates have increased significantly worldwide, with rates excessively above the 15% recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Rates vary across countries and in the different regions of Brazil. In southeastern rates reach 58.2%, while the in north is 41.8%. Objectives: 1. Check the prevalence and indications for cesarean sections of pregnant women attending an antenatal low risk; 2. Check the association of cesarean sections with sociodemographic and obstetric variables. Methods: cross-sectional study in Amparo Maternal, philanthropic maternity hospital in São Paulo, whose service is provided exclusively by the Health System to women at low obstetric risk. The prenatal care is the responsibility of nurse-midwives, childbirth, obstetric care is conducted by nurse-midwives and medical action occurs in cesarean section and complications. The data were obtained from medical records tracking prenatal and hospitalizations of 264 women. The study included women enrolled in prenatal care in 2011 and who gave birth at the same institution. The indications for cesarean section were classified as fetal, maternal-fetal and maternal. The data analysis were made of sociodemographic and obstetric and to identify the association between mode of delivery and maternal variables was calculated prevalence ratio with a confidence interval of 95%. The project was approved by the Ethics in Research. Results: The prevalence of cesarean section was 28.4%; fetal indications (44.0%) were the most frequent, followed by maternal (33.3%) and maternal-fetal (22.7%). The actual cesarean section was associated with cesarean section in a previous pregnancy (PR = 6.07, 95% CI: 2.96, 12.46), obesity (PR = 2.07, 95% CI: 1.31, 3.27), 41 weeks gestational age (PR = 1.57, 95% CI: 1.00, 2.47); impervious lap at admission (PR = 8.16, 95% CI: 3.45, 19.31) dilation 1 to 4 cm (PR = 3.03, 95% CI: 1.27, 7.24); mal presentations (PR = 3.36, 95% CI: 2.32, 4.87); birthweight 4.000g (RP = 1.90, 95% CI: 1.03, 3.52). Aged less than 20 years (PR = 0.49, 95% CI: 0.26, 0.92) and having received oxytocin infusion (PR = 0.29, 95% CI: 0.20, 0.44) were factors protection for caesarean section in the current pregnancy. Conclusions: The prevalence of cesarean section in low risk women higher than the limit recommended by WHO and the indications were strictly medical. The risk factors correspond to those found in the national and international literature.

A enfermeira e a atenção pré-natal em São José do Rio Preto - SP / The Nurse and Prenatal Care in São José do Rio Preto

Ana Maria Neves Finochio Sabino 14 January 2008 (has links)
Resumo SABINO, A. M. N. F. A enfermeira e a atenção pré-natal em São José do Rio Preto - SP. 2007. 126 f. Tese (Doutorado em Enfermagem) - Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Ribeirão Preto, 2007. A assistência pré-natal pode não evitar as principais complicações do parto e puerpério, causas importantes de mortalidade materna (MM). Mas a atenção qualificada neste período poderá alterar e favorecer o prognóstico materno prevenindo tais causas. Este estudo buscou conhecer a realidade da assistência a gestante, realizada pelas enfermeiras nas unidades básicas de saúde (UBS) de São José do Rio Preto-SP. Objetivos: caracterizar o perfil profissional e descrever as atividades da assistência pré-natal prestada pelas enfermeiras as gestantes subsidiadas pelo Protocolo de Enfermagem na Atenção Básica à Saúde da Mulher. Metodologia: estudo descritivo com abordagem quanti-qualitativa, realizado em unidades de atenção básica do município. A população estudada foi composta por 21 enfermeiras, entrevistadas e acompanhadas através de observação sistemática e dois gestores de saúde do município que tiveram suas entrevistas gravadas. Os dados quantitativos foram submetidos à análise descritiva, sendo apresentados na forma de freqüência absoluta e percentual. Os dados qualitativos foram utilizados para nos auxiliar na compreensão das questões que envolvem a organização e a política municipal na assistência pré-natal, optamos pela análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: a idade média das enfermeiras foi de 34 anos, 47,6% são casadas ou vivem em parceria fixa, 57,2% tem filhos; 57% está formada há menos de 10 anos apresentando em média de 74 meses de experiência na assistência pré-natal; com carga horária média semanal de trabalho de 40 horas e três (14,3%) tem mais de um emprego; 97,0% concluíram pós-graduação lato sensu, mas nenhuma cursou Enfermagem Obstétrica. As atividades realizadas com maior freqüência na assistência pré-natal foram acolhimento 95,2%, solicitação de exames laboratoriais; ações educativas, ora realizadas individualmente 61,9%, ora em grupo 81,0%. As enfermeiras relataram ainda enfrentar dificuldades em uma série de atividades relacionadas à assistência, as que exigem conhecimentos (saber), identificando fatores de risco 26,3%, bem como as que necessitam de habilidades práticas (saber-fazer), exame físico obstétrico 36,8%. Referiram ainda que a carga horária na graduação em enfermagem foi insuficiente para subsidiar a assistência pré-natal, tanto no aspecto teórico como prático. Conclusões: de acordo com o preconizado pelas políticas internacionais sobre o atendimento qualificado ao ciclo gravídico puerperal, a realidade desvenda a insuficiência de enfermeiras qualificadas. O modelo de atenção é centrado apenas em um profissional não privilegiando a equipe multiprofissional e a qualificação para o trabalho. Apontando, portanto, para a necessidade de investimentos na formação profissional do enfermeiro e reorganização da assistência, para que se possa realmente modificar a realidade da atenção materna em São José do Rio Preto. / Prenatal care may not prevent the major complications of childbirth and puerperium, which are the leading causes of maternal mortality. However, a qualified attention over this period could change and even favor maternal prognosis, thus avoiding such causes. This study sought to know the reality of medical care given to the pregnant woman by the nurses at Basic Health Units (BHU) in São José do Rio Preto (SJRP), São Paulo State, Brazil. Obejctives: To characterize nursing professional profile and to describe the activities of prenatal care given by the nurses to the pregnant women based on the Woman\'s Primary Health Care Nursing Protocol. Methodology: This is a descriptive study with a quanti-qualitative approach carried out at the county basic health units. The study population comprised 21 nurses and two county health managers who were interviewed e followed-up through a systematic observation. The interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze quantitative data of the study population. Results are expressed as percentage and absolute frequency. Qualitative data were analyzed employing the content analysis, highlighting three thematic categories: the protocol: as it was planned and implanted; nurses\' performance at the BHUs; and political space. Results: The mean age of the nurses was 34 years; 47.6% are married or live with a steady partner; 57.2% have children; 57% are graduated at least for 10 years, with an average of 74-month\'s experience in prenatal care; all participants worked full time, i.e., an average of forty hours per week; 97.0% post graduated in a lato sensu postgraduate programme, but none of them have attended Obstetrical Nursing courses. The most frequently performed activities in prenatal care were as follows: user embracement (95.2%); laboratory analyses as requested, and educational actions, at present performed either individually (61.9%) or in groups (81.0%). The nurses reported they have to deal with difficulties in a series of activities related to prenatal care, specially those ones requiring practical knowledge, identifying obstetrical risk factors (26.3%), as well as the ones requiring practical skills (know-how), and obstetrical physical exam (36.8%). Furthermore, they reported yet that the nursing graduation teaching load was insufficient to support prenatal care both theoretically and practically, as well as the lack of professional training in hospital service protocols. Conclusions: The results of this study have highlighted that the nurses are not fully trained to develop prenatal care according to the Ministry of Health and the Municipal Health and Hygiene Secretariat of SJRP protocols. Thus, this study points out the need to invest in nursing professional training and in the reorganization of the prenatal care in order to actually change the reality of maternal care in São José do Rio Preto.

Utilization of partogram among nurses and midwives in Rwamagana health facilities in the eastern province of Rwanda

Bazirete, Oliva January 2014 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / The present study examined the extent of utilization of partogram among nurses and midwives in Rwamagana health facilities located in the eastern province of Rwanda. The study specifically sought to; assess knowledge and use of partogram among nurses and midwives in Rwamagana health facilities, to identify the challenges facing nurses and midwives with regards to the utilization of partogram in the health facilities and to determine factors influencing the use of partogram among nurses and midwives in Rwamagana health facilities. Patricia Benner’s model of nursing practice was used to guide this study

Ruído em sala de parto = mensuração dos níveis e humanização da assistência / Noise in the delivery room : measurement of the levels and humanization of assistance

Sanfelice, Clara Fróes de Oliveira 07 December 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Antonieta Keiko Kakuda Shimo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T15:10:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sanfelice_ClaraFroesdeOliveira_M.pdf: 2441381 bytes, checksum: 28198db5d3bb9994aa4ed11dccb9420a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de ruído em sala de parto durante o processo de nascimento em duas maternidades públicas do interior do Estado de São Paulo, sendo uma com atividades de ensino (H1), segundo o tipo de parto. Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo e observacional. Utilizou-se o decibelímetro para registrar os níveis de pressão sonora em decibéis (dB) que permaneceu ligado durante o momento do parto e também um formulário do tipo checklist para anotação de variáveis (tempo de duração, número de pessoas em sala, valor máximo, médio e mínimo do ruído). A coleta de dados segue as normas da NBR 10-151 e foi realizada de agosto de 2010 a janeiro de 2011. O tamanho amostral foi constituído de 34 partos para o H1 e 45 para o H2. Utilizou-se o teste de Kolmogorv-Smiinov para avaliar a aderência das variáveis à distribuição normal. Os níveis de ruídos foram comparados segundo o hospital, utilizando-se o teste de Mann-Whiteney, e o tipo de parto, empregando-se o teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: O nível de ruído médio global foi de 64dB; sendo 61,2dB para o H1 e 65,3dB para o H2. O parto vaginal sem analgesia obteve ruído médio de 66,9dB, seguindo-se de 63dB para o parto vaginal com analgesia e 61,8dB para a cesárea. O número de pessoas em sala foi superior no hospital de ensino (p=0,0008) e para o parto cesáreo (p=<0,0001). Conclusão: o nível de ruído médio global foi de 64dB, superior a todos valores recomendados pelas normas regulamentadoras atuais, nacionais e internacionais, em ambas as instituições e para todos os tipos de parto, representando um fator preocupante para todos profissionais envolvidos diretamente à assistência ao parto / Abstract: Objective: To assess the noise level in the delivery room during the birth process in two public hospitals in the state of Sao Paulo, one of them a teaching hospital (H1), considering the type of delivery. Methodology: This is exploratory, descriptive and observational. We used a decibel meter to record the sound pressure in decibels(dB) that remained on during the time of delivery and also form a kind of check list for an notation variables (duration, number of people in the room, maximum, average and minimum noise). Data collection follows the standards of ISO10-151 and was conducted from august 2010 to January 2011. We used the test-Kolmogorv Smiinov to asses adherence to the normal distribution of variables. The noise levels were compared according to the hospital using the Mann-Whiteney and compared according to type of delivery employing the Kruskal-Wallis. Results: The average overall noise level was 64 dB, from 61.2 dB to 65.3 dB for H1 and H2. A vaginal delivery without analgesia had average noise of 66.9 dB, followed by a 63 dB for vaginal delivery with analgesia and 61.8 dB for CS. The number of people in the room was higher in the teaching hospital (p=0,0008) and cesarean delivery (p=<0,0001). Conclusion: The average overall was 64 dB, superior to all recommended values by current regulatory standards, national and international in both institutions and all types of current delivery, representing a concern for all professionals directly involved in maternity care / Mestrado / Enfermagem e Trabalho / Mestre em Enfermagem

Comparative morphometric study of obstetrical adaptations in primate skeleton including fetal stage / 胎児期を含めた形態比較から探る霊長類骨格における出産適応

Kawada, Mikaze 26 September 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第24181号 / 理博第4872号 / 新制||理||1697(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 中務 真人, 教授 森 哲, 准教授 森本 直記 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

The Development of an Electronic Dashboard to Promote Obstetric Emergency Clinical Readiness in Amhara, Ethiopia

Dougherty, Kylie Kelleher January 2023 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Maternal mortality remains a persistent public health concern in Sub-Saharan African countries such as Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Ministry of Health has made it a priority to improve maternal health outcomes within the country. Health information technology (HIT) solutions are a flexible and low-cost method for improving health outcomes and have been proven beneficial in low-to-middle income countries, like Ethiopia. The aims of this dissertation were: (a) to characterize the use of HIT usability evaluations in Africa; (b) to quantify facility clinical readiness for obstetric emergencies; (c) to explore the obstetric emergency supply chain dynamics and information flow; (d) to create a visualization dashboard to monitor obstetric emergency readiness; and (e) to evaluate the usability of the dashboard. METHODS: This dissertation comprised six studies with a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods: (1) a scoping review of the literature to identify the types and timing of HIT evaluations occurring in Africa; (2) a prospective, cross-sectional, facility-level comparison of obstetric emergency clinical readiness in Amhara, Ethiopia as measured by the Signal Functions and Clinical Cascades methods; (3) qualitative semi-structured interviews to gain an understanding of the current supply chain in the region, communication flow, and the current barriers and facilitators to success; (4) a case study summarizing the process for the development of the dashboard prototype through integrating existing technology, current literature, and qualitative interview findings; (5) user-centered design sessions with individuals who interact with the obstetric emergency supply chain to create an electronic dashboard prototype to monitor facility readiness to manage obstetric emergencies; and (6) expert review of the dashboard including sessions with a domain expert and information visualization experts and a heuristic usability evaluation with human-computer interaction experts to evaluate and improve the ease of use and usefulness of the prototype. RESULTS: The scoping review found that many usability evaluations in Africa lacked theoretical frameworks to support their work, and that most studies occurred later in the development process when the HIT was close to implementation in practice. The quantitative analysis of facility readiness found that many facilities were missing critical supplies for managing obstetric emergencies and identified a 29.6% discrepancy between the Signal Function tracer items and the Clinical Cascades readiness classifications indicating that the former, which is recommended by the World Health Organization, overestimates facility readiness. The qualitative interviews identified several locations within the current obstetric emergency supply chain where barriers such as bridging the gap of data availability between facilities and regional hubs could be addressed to improve overall facility-level readiness and pointed towards a dashboard as a potential solution. Once a prototype dashboard was developed, user-centered design sessions refined the terminology and colors that should be used throughout the dashboard screens and identified critical graphics and data elements that users believed should be included. Following domain and visualization expert review and iterative refinement of the dashboard, human-computer interaction experts rated the dashboards highly usable. CONCLUSIONS: Dashboards are a novel method for promoting facility-level readiness to manage obstetric emergencies. By exploring the existing supply chain and including targeted end-users and experts in the design process the author was able to tailor the dashboard to meet user needs, fit into the existing integrated pharmaceutical logistics system, and ensure that it follows best practices. Consequently, these studies contribute to strategies to address maternal mortality in Ethiopia.

The prevalence of obstructed labour among pregnant women at a selected hospital, west Wollega, Ethiopia

Kip, Johannes Pieter 06 1900 (has links)
Obstructed labour contributes significantly to the morbidity and mortality among both mothers and babies in Ethiopia nationwide, and also in the West-Wollega region where this study was conducted. The researcher used a retrospective hospital based review of maternity files to quantify the problem of obstructed labour in the selected hospital. The findings revealed that maternal and perinatal mortality due to obstructed labour amounted to 1.4% and 7.5% respectively. Most of these complications could be prevented by proper antenatal care and careful attentive monitoring during delivery with proper use of the partogram which will indicate the occurrence of complications in good time when successful and life saving interventions are still available. The findings clearly show that poor documentation in general and very sporadic usage of the partogram in particular contributes significantly to the complications for mother and child. Re-introduction of proper documentation and careful use of the partogram are advocated / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Akušerinių paslaugų kokybės vertinimas akušeriniuose stacionaruose pacienčių ir jų partnerių požiūriu / The assessment of service quality in the obstetrical in-patient clinics: attitudes of patients and their partners

Ivonaitis, Albinas 14 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Aim of the study – to assess the attitudes of patients and their partners to the quality of service in the secondary and tertiary obstetrical in-patient clinics. Objectives: 1) to evaluate the attitudes of patients to the quality of obstetrical care services; 2) to compare the quality of services among secondary and tertiary obstetrical clinics; 3) to determine the factors influencing the satisfaction with obstetrical care services; 4) to evaluate the attitudes of patients’ partners to the quality of obstetrical care services. Methods: The anonymous survey of parturient women (patients) and their partners (participants in childbirth) was performed in different obstetrical clinics since 1st January to 30th December 2004. The survey was conducted in the secondary care obstetrical in-patient Silutė (level A) and Panevezys (level B) clinics and also in the tertiary care Kaunas obstetrical in-patient clinic (Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine). The number of participants was following: in Silute; 304 parturient women and 145 their partners, in Panevezys 416 and 253 and in Kaunas 256 and 111 respectively. Response rate varied between 73% and 96%. The difference between categorical variable was assessed using chi-square (χ²) test. Correlation analysis was performed using Spearman coefficient of rank correlation. Results: Majority of respondents were satisfied with childbirth (91% ) and postnatal care (95%). The satisfaction with quality of services was not related... [to full text]

The prevalence of obstructed labour among pregnant women at a selected hospital, west Wollega, Ethiopia

Kip, Johannes Pieter 06 1900 (has links)
Obstructed labour contributes significantly to the morbidity and mortality among both mothers and babies in Ethiopia nationwide, and also in the West-Wollega region where this study was conducted. The researcher used a retrospective hospital based review of maternity files to quantify the problem of obstructed labour in the selected hospital. The findings revealed that maternal and perinatal mortality due to obstructed labour amounted to 1.4% and 7.5% respectively. Most of these complications could be prevented by proper antenatal care and careful attentive monitoring during delivery with proper use of the partogram which will indicate the occurrence of complications in good time when successful and life saving interventions are still available. The findings clearly show that poor documentation in general and very sporadic usage of the partogram in particular contributes significantly to the complications for mother and child. Re-introduction of proper documentation and careful use of the partogram are advocated / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

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