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Rakentamisen työturvallisuuteen suhtautuminen toimijoiden kokemuksinaErkkilä-Häkkinen, S. (Sirpa) 21 November 2016 (has links)
Occupational safety in the construction industry has improved during the past few years with the help of target setting. Still, the accident frequency rate is doubled compared to other industrial sectors. The aim of this study is to clarify the mind-set of the actors in the building and construction trade towards occupational safety. Furthermore, identifying the factors affecting occupational accidents and the possibility of their prevention are investigated. There have been ample studies conducted on occupational safety and attitudes towards it, whereas research into construction safety perceptions has been scarce.
The research is a Mixed Method Case Study in which the data consist of three cases. Case 1: Interviews of the workers (n=10) severely injured in falling from heights at the construction sites. Case 2: Interviews of construction professionals (n=20). Case 3: A two-phase (before and after) questionnaire to construction students in a HSEQ Training Park (Rudus) in Espoo (n=128) and in Northern Finland, Oulu (n=44).
On the basis of this study it can be stated that the actors in the building and construction business consider occupational safety a matter of the utmost importance. On the other hand, while deemed desirable, workplace safety issues also create a great deal of cognitive dissonance. The mind-set for occupational safety is challenging. The actors in the construction industry demand investments in occupational safety but also flexibility. The conflicts are caused by the requirements for efficiency, high quality, and safety in construction, yet, for which there are, limited resources available. Safety measures are defied because of schedules, for instance, and risks may be ignored. Accidents are regarded as self-inflicted. According to the professionals, the construction business has been polarized into the companies that either pay attention to or neglect occupational safety and educated versus uneducated workers. Qualified workforce with a high standard of training is desired in the recruiting process. Investing in health and safety education is considered crucial at an early stage.
Safety is realizing the importance of adopting effective health and safety management systems to eliminate work-related hazards and taking a positive approach to providing specialized training and education programs that improve the skills and experience of the workforce. Young people may lack an overall understanding of the dangers of their line of work. The injured workers assessed the risks through their subjective experiences. Although the reasons for occupational injuries are multi-causal in nature, employee mind-sets are often associated with exposure to worksite hazards.
The visits to the HSEQ Training Parks improve the students’ understanding of occupational safety, and particularly those who had more experience in the building trade than their fellow students. However, first-year students and those less experienced became disconcerted and their uncertainty levels increased. The visits should consequently be target-oriented, well designed and carried out in a timely manner. The HSEQ Training Parks should utilize trauma survivors as experiential educators in providing valuable, practical information about workplace injuries and their prevention. / Tiivistelmä
Työturvallisuus rakentamisessa on parantunut asetettujen tavoitteiden avulla, silti tapaturmataajuus on kaksinkertainen muihin teollisuusaloihin verrattuna. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten alan toimijat suhtautuvat työturvallisuuteen. Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat tapaturmiin ja voidaanko niihin vaikuttaa? Työturvallisuutta ja asennetta on tutkittu, mutta suhtautumista työturvallisuuteen rakentamisessa ei.
Tapaustutkimus (Case Study) sisältää kolme Tapausta, joita on lähestytty monimenetelmällä. Tutkimukseen haastateltiin putoamistapaturmissa vakavasti loukkaantuneita (n=10) ja alan asiantuntijoita (n=20). Lisäksi kerättiin kaksivaiheiset kyselyt opiskelijoilta Rudus (n=128) ja Pohjois-Suomen (n=44) Turvapuistoissa.
Tutkimuksen perusteella voi todeta toimijoiden pitävän työturvallisuutta tärkeänä ja tavoiteltavana asiana. Suhtautuminen on kuitenkin ristiriitaista. Loukkaantuneiden mielestä työturvallisuus lähtee turvallisen työskentelyn mahdollistamisesta. Siihen tulee panostaa ja myös antaa mahdollisuus joustaa. Haasteita aiheuttavat vaatimukset tehokkaasta, laadukkaasta ja turvallisesta rakentamisesta, johon ei ole riittävästi resursseja. Turvallisuutta uhmataan mm. kiireen vuoksi, eikä riskeihin välttämättä puututa. Asiantuntijat kokevat turvallisuuden olevan yksilölähtöistä. He näkevät alan polarisoituneen turvallisuudesta huolehtiviin ja sitä laiminlyöviin yrityksiin sekä koulutettuihin ja kouluttamattomiin työntekijöihin. Alalle kaivataankin lisää pätevyyksiä. Turvallisuuskasvatukseen tulee panostaa yhä nuorempana, kuten aiemminkin on todettu.
Turvallisuus on ymmärrystä ja suhtautuminen osa ammattitaitoa, mikä kehittyy kokemuksen myötä. Nuorilla ei ole kokonaisvaltaista ymmärrystä alan vaaroista. Vaikka tapaturmien syyt ovat multikausaalisia, on yksilön suhtautumisella suuri merkitys tapaturmiin. Turvapuistovierailut lisäsivät opiskelijoiden ymmärrystä työturvallisuudesta. Vierailuilla oli vaikutusta opiskelijoihin, joilla oli kokemusta rakentamisesta. Opintojen alussa olevia vierailu hämmensi ja lisäsi epävarmuutta. Turvapuistovierailun tulee olla tavoitteellinen, hyvin suunniteltu ja toteutettu – oikea-aikaisesti. Puistoissa tulee hyödyntää todellisia kokemuksia työtapaturmista ja loukkaantuneet ovat itse valmiita kertomaan kokemuksiaan ja toimimaan kokemusasiantuntijoina.
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Työhyvinvoinnin ja työympäristön kokonaisvaltainen kehittäminen – tuloksia osallistuvista tutkimus- ja kehittämisprojekteista sekä asiantuntijahaastatteluistaSinisammal, J. (Janne) 30 November 2011 (has links)
Working life has entered a new era characterised by turbulence and continuous change. Employees are experiencing feelings of incompleteness, uncertainty over their future, and rapid changes in the direction and rhythm of work as companies are executing simultaneous change processes. On the other hand, as a result of an ageing population, there is an increasing need to motivate employees into postponing their retirement. The current developments emphasise the significance of well-being at work. Well-being at work includes health and safety, risk management in the work environment, the usability of tools, the psycho-social aspects influencing work community, change management, and any other factors that can have an effect on the well-being experienced by employees.
This doctoral dissertation analyses well-being at work through four viewpoints, published in separate scientific articles. Three of the viewpoints sought answers via processes in which employees and end-users participated significantly. The fourth viewpoint was approached by interviewing experts in the field of well-being. In this research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the analyses of the data.
According to this research, the main factors influencing well-being at work include the employee, the working community, the work itself, leadership and management, and external factors. The management should strive towards balancing these factors via active and open communication. The results show how personnel participation in the development of performance indicators promotes the integration of safety aspects into a natural part of industrial production activities. Employee participation facilitates the acceptance of performance indicators, acts as training, and improves information flow within a company.
The results of this doctoral dissertation can be beneficial for both public and private sectors, especially for small and medium sized companies. Managers should be able to identify all relevant external and internal change processes, contemplate their impact on well-being at work, and change their management styles accordingly. / Tiivistelmä
Käynnissä oleva työelämän murros merkitsee jatkuvaa muutosta, asioiden keskeneräisyyttä, epävarmuutta tulevasta, toiminnan suunnan ja rytmin nopeita vaihteluja, erilaisten muutosprosessien samanaikaisuutta ja työyhteisöjen perustehtävien muuttumista. Toisaalta väestön ikääntyessä työvoiman haluun ja kykyyn jatkaa työelämässä nykyistä pitempään kiinnitetään yhä enenevässä määrin huomiota. Molemmat kehityskulut korostavat työhyvinvoinnin merkitystä. Työhyvinvointi sisältää työterveyden ja -turvallisuuden, työympäristön riskienhallinnan ja työvälineiden käytettävyyden, työyhteisön psykososiaaliset tekijät, muutoksen hallinnan ja muut tekijät, jotka voivat vaikuttaa työntekijöiden kokemaan hyvinvointiin tai pahoinvointiin työssä.
Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tavoitteena on neljän esimerkin avulla tutkia työhyvinvointia. Kolmeen näkökulmaan haettiin vastauksia prosessilla, johon työpaikkojen henkilöstö ja/tai loppukäyttäjät osallistuivat merkittävästi. Neljättä näkökulmaa lähestyttiin asiantuntijahaastatteluiden avulla. Tutkimusaineiston analyysissä on käytetty sekä kvalitatiivisia että kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä.
Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan työhyvinvoinnin keskeiset osatekijät ovat työntekijä, lähityöyhteisö, työ, johtaminen ja työyhteisön ulkopuoliset tekijät. Johdon tulisi osata tasapainottaa nämä työhyvinvointiin liittyvät tekijät. Väitöskirjan tulosten mukaan suorituskykymittareiden rakentaminen henkilöstön yhdessä toteuttamana hankkeena auttaa liittämään työturvallisuusasiat luontevaksi osaksi teollisuuden tuotantotoimintaa. Henkilöstön osallistuminen suorituskykymittareiden rakentamiseen helpottaa käyttöönottoa, toimii koulutuksena ja parantaa tiedonkulkua yrityksen sisällä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset ovat hyödynnettävissä sekä yksityisellä että julkisella sektorilla, erityisesti pienillä ja keskisuurilla työpaikoilla. Johdon tulisi hahmottaa työyhteisössä käynnissä olevat sisäiset ja ulkoiset muutosprosessit, pohtia niiden vaikutusta työhyvinvointiin ja tarpeen mukaan muuttaa johtamiskäytäntöjä.
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Řízení systému BOZP a PO v centrále společnosti UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s. / Management of Occupational safety and health and fire protection in the headquarters of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.Hromada, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of health and safety at work and fire protection, focusing on the management system for the company UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia a.s. The first part of the thesis is focused on defining of the related legislative regulations in are of OSH and FP in the Czech Republic, on related terms, analytics methods used in this area and on the specifics of Open Space offices. The second concentrates on the basic information about the company itself and to the analysis of processes and established procedures dealing with OSH and fire protection in the company. The aim is to map management practices in OSH and FP management, uncovering any shortcomings and proposal for acceptable corrective action. There were used internal company guidelines together with the data from the investigation carried out on a sample of 100 employees for the purposes of this thesis.
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Avaliação de riscos de acidentes ocupacionais na usina de triagem e compostagem de resíduos sólidos em Turvolândia MG / Evaluation of occupational accident risks at the solid waste sorting and composting plant of Turvolândia, Minas GeraisRennó, Virgílio Morais 17 December 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-17 / Brazil is among the six countries with the highest indices of fatal occupational accidents. One of the social rights of Brazilian workers, established in the 1988 Constitution, is the right to the reduction of work accident risks by virtue of health, hygiene and security norms. So, it is necessary to know the environmental risks of the various workplaces with the purpose of guaranteeing the most fundamental human right the right to life. This paper analyzes the occupational risks of the employees of a waste and composting plant in Turvolândia, a town of 4,608 inhabitants in the south of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from August 2008 to August 2009. Analyses of residues handled in the selection site determined the chemical composition of the organic matter and the possible microbiological risks of the samples. The gravimetric characteristics of the material was assessed by separating paper and cardboard, metal, plastic, glass, organic matter and refuse. The levels of noise, illumination, humidity and temperature were measured in the work setting. The workers use of PPE (personal protection equipment) and posture adequation were observed during work. The physical arrangement of the facilities, and the protective and conservative conditions of the equipment were analyzed concerning mechanical risks, and likewise the storing conditions of the processed material and of the security system against fire. The qualification and quantification of occupational risks were done by means of check lists, with technical parameters, tables and calculations, according with Iida (2006), NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health USA), the Regulatory Norms (NRs) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, and the Ergonomic Analysis of Labor . It was found out that the Sorting and Composting Plant did not meet labor norms, being classified as environmental risk of level 3 , according with the National Classification of Economic Activities established by NR-4, what means high risk of the workers contamination by chemical and biological agents, in addition to their exposure to ergonomic, mechanical and physical risks. It was also noted that the workers did not use the PPE recommended for the type of work they were doing, according with the Ministry of Labor and Employment regulatory rules for labor safety. As a result of the analyses, a Risk Map of the business was drawn, based on the appendix IV of the NR-5, identifying the different production sectors. The Risk Map was made available as a contribution to the programs for occupational accident reduction in that workplace under the responsibility of the municipal public power. / O Brasil encontra-se entre os seis países com os maiores índices de acidentes ocupacionais de ocorrências fatais. Um dos direitos sociais dos trabalhadores brasileiros instituídos pela Constituição da República de 1988 é o direito à redução dos riscos decorrentes do trabalho, por meio de normas de saúde, higiene e segurança. Nesse contexto, faz-se necessário conhecer os riscos ambientais que incidem sobre os mais variados ambientes laborais e apontar soluções visando à tutela desse direito fundamental do ser humano que é o direito à vida. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os riscos ocupacionais a que estavam expostos os trabalhadores na usina de triagem e compostagem de resíduos sólidos em Turvolândia MG, município com 4.608 habitantes, no sul de Minas Gerais, no período entre agosto de 2008 e agosto de 2009. Através de análises dos resíduos manipulados no centro de triagem, foram determinados os componentes químicos da matéria orgânica e os possíveis riscos microbiológicos relativos às amostras analisadas. Foram realizadas caracterizações gravimétricas do material mediante a separação de papéis e papelões, metais, plásticos, vidros, matéria orgânica e rejeitos. Foram medidos os níveis de ruído, iluminação, umidade e temperatura no ambiente laboral, bem como foram observadas a utilização de EPIs e a adequação postural por parte dos trabalhadores ao longo de suas jornadas de trabalho. Em relação à avaliação dos riscos mecânicos, foram analisados o arranjo físico das instalações, as condições de proteção dos equipamentos e seu estado de conservação. Foram analisadas as condições de armazenamento dos materiais processados e dos sistemas de segurança contra incêndios. A qualificação e quantificação dos riscos ocupacionais foram feitas por meio de check lists, através das quais aplicaram-se parâmetros técnicos, tabelas e cálculos, conforme recomendado por Iida (2005), NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health USA) e pelas Normas Regulamentadoras (NRs) do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. Foi aplicada também a Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho . Constatou-se que a Usina de Triagem e Compostagem não atendia às normas trabalhistas e enquadrava-se como grau 3 de risco ambiental conforme a Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas instituída pela NR-4, portanto, possuindo alto risco de contaminação dos trabalhadores por agentes químicos e biológicos, além da exposição a riscos ergonômicos, mecânicos e físicos. Foi constatado, também, que os operários não utilizavam os EPIs recomendados para o tipo de trabalho desenvolvido, conforme estabelecem as normas regulamentadoras de segurança do trabalho do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. Como resultado das análises, foi confeccionado o Mapa de Riscos do empreendimento, com base no anexo IV da NR-5, identificando os diferentes setores de produção. O Mapa de Riscos foi disponibilizado como subsídio aos programas de redução dos acidentes ocupacionais naquele ambiente de trabalho sob a responsabilidade do poder público municipal.
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Keeping the Tree Care Industry Safe when Management is not PresentAshcraft, Adrienne D.D. 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Stavebně technologický projekt výstavby centrální nabíjecí stanice v Púchově / Construction-technological project for the construction of a central charging station in PúchovStopka, Peter January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the construction of a construction technological project for the construction of the Central Charging Station in Púchov. The building is located in the industrial area of Púchov and in the area of Continental Matador Rubber. In the thesis is elaborated technical report for building technological project, co-ordination situation of construction with wider transport routes, time and financial object plan, study of the realization of the main technological stages, construction site design, design of main building machines and mechanisms, time schedule of main building, securing material resources for the monolithic part of the building. In the thesis are made, technological rules for drilled pilots and ceiling structure above the first overground floor. Technological regulations follow control and test plans. Other assignments that have been made in this work, such as the occupational safety and health plan, the design and comparison of cranes and the item budget.
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Příprava a realizace auditu BOZP / Preparation and implementation of an OHS auditNiče, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with preparation and implementation of an OHS audit in the industrial enterprise. In the theoretical part, contemporary trends in OHS are described and then attention is kept to the occupational safety, including injury rate in Czech republic and new requirements for occupational health and safety management system according to standard ČSN ISO 45001:2018. In the practical part, company FORTEX – AGS, a.s. is introduced, especially department of transport and mechanization, where was safety audit executed. Then there is assessed occupational health and safety management systém introduced, first by analyzing this system and then by internal audit OHS, in which were requirements new standard ČSN ISO 45001:2018 accounted. At the last part, recommendations are proposed to improvement of occupational health and safety management system and obtaining certificate ČSN ISO 45001:2018.
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Audit BOZP v těžké laboratoři C1 / Health and Safety Audit in Heavy Laboratory C1Zavřel, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with OSH management and related audit. The research handles the requirements of national and international health and safety legislation. The risk analysis and its evaluation are performed. Corrective action is proposed in justified cases.
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Bezpečnost a hygiena práce ve stavebnictví / Safety and hygiene of work in the construction industryKrischková, Radka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesisis to defineand clarify the concepts of safety and hygiene at work in building industry. The theoretical part explains the issue of hygiene in the building industry. Second part of theoretical part is devoted to safety of work. The thesis is dividend this way to secure that practical part, which deals with securing of safety and hygiene at work in building companies, is fluently continued by theoretical part.
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Bezpečnostní audit v průmyslovém podniku / Safety audit of the industrial enterpisesMartanová, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is a basic overview of system safety audit in the industrial enterprises with the application and evaluation of methodology of self audit in an industrial enterprises processed according to the Self-Audit Handbook for SMEs designed for small to medium-sized enterprises and to recommend measures to improve the occupational safety and health system.
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