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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validation of Biomarkers for the Revision of the CEN/TR 15522-2:2012 Method : A Statistical Study of Sampling, Discriminating Powers and Weathering of new Biomarkers for Comparative Analysis of Lighter Oils

Lundberg, Robert January 2019 (has links)
The revision of the CEN/TR 15522-2:2012 methodology contains new biomarkers to facilitate forensic fingerprinting of the variety of oil types that can be a part of different crimes and the purpose of this project is to validate the biomarkers of the new methodology. Biomarkers were validated by examining corresponding diagnostic ratios compatibility with the internationally used sampling cloth, discriminating power, correlation and simulated weathering sensibility through GC-SIM-MS analysis followed by statistical evaluation with t-tests, diagnostic power, Pearson correlation matrices and MS-PW plots respectively. Results based on most of the diagnostic ratios showed good compatibility with the internationally used sampling cloth, expected patterns of biodegradation and photo-oxidation except for observed photo-oxidation of hydro PAHs and that normative ratios and informative ratios with high diagnostic powers, but with strong correlations for some of the tested ratios, could be identified in diesel oils. Due to delimitations however such as the limited number of oils with similar origins that were analyzed the results should be regarded as guidelines that can be expanded.

Agir pour la reconnaissance du dommage écologique des marées noires : attachements, stratégies et justification. Cas de l'Amoco Cadiz et de l'Erika / To act for the acknowledgment of the ecological damages of oil spills : attachment, strategies and justifcation. The cases of Amoco Cadiz and Erika

Bouteloup, Claire 30 November 2015 (has links)
En quarante ans, la Bretagne a subi en moyenne un naufrage de pétrolier tous les cinq ans. A chaque marée noire, le dommage écologique génère des mobilisations massives, des controverses sur la scène publique et la remise en cause des dispositifs de régulation. Malgré son évidence sensible, ni le régime international d'indemnisation (FIPOL) ni le Droit national n'intègrent l'atteinte environnementale comme motif supplémentaire de responsabilité financière pour les opérateurs. Les dommages de la pollution sont pris en compte à travers, d'un côté, les préjudices économiques et matériels et, de l'autre, les dommages purs à la biodiversité, sous la forme d'actions de restauration des milieux naturels. Les critiques pointent la faiblesse de la dissuasion : les coûts d'une marée noire pour les acteurs du transport maritime pétrolier sont considérés dérisoires au vu des profits et donc peu incitatifs à des comportements plus prudents. Elles réclament également la reconnaissance des dommages écologiques par le Droit, qui ouvrirait la possibilité de conséquences juridiques et économiques concrètes aux faits de pollutions et l'indemnisation des atteintes à l'environnement.Cette recherche s'intéresse aux processus de changement vers la reconnaissance des dommages écologiques des marées noires. Il ne s'agit pas de questionner l'efficacité de la prise en compte des dégradations environnementales par le dispositif de gestion ou les voies juridiques susceptibles de soutenir son intégration dans le Droit - déjà largement explorées - mais d'étudier les réalités du dommage écologique et d'analyser les actions de changement mises en oeuvre par des acteurs pour susciter leur reconnaissance. Cette analyse est conduite à partir de deux cas d'étude, la marée noire de l'Amoco Cadiz (1978) et celle de l'Erika (1999).Nous explorons une voie alternative et élargie de compréhension des atteintes de la marée noire, en considérant que la marée noire endommage aussi des relations plurielles entre hommes et environnement. Grâce à la sociologie pragmatique développée par Thévenot dans L'action au pluriel (2006) nous montrons les réalités plurielles du dommage écologique en termes d'attachements d’hommes à des non humains, que ni la description des écologues, ni celle des attachements de type marchand ne parviennent à saisir. Par ailleurs, à partir d'une analyse stratégique de la gestion de l'environnement (Mermet et al., 2005), nous étudions la manière dont les acteurs élaborent l'action de changement et comment celle-ci porte le dommage écologique. Nous nous intéressons tout particulièrement à la manière dont les enjeux de l'action induisent certains choix de qualification du dommage au tribunal.La recherche propose ainsi de nouvelles connaissances sur le dommage écologique, qui pourraient en renouveler la définition (intérêt théorique). Questionner les atteintes aux attachements pourrait également ouvrir une voie intéressante pour soutenir de nouvelles formes de justification sur la scène publique et favoriser la reconnaissance juridique des dommages écologiques (intérêt opérationnel). Enfin, elle articule deux cadres de pensée jusque-là disjoints en sciences humaines et qui se révèlent complémentaires. En donnant à voir les réalités plurielles, individuelles et collectives, des dynamiques environnementales, cette recherche propose d'enrichir la compréhension de la mise en oeuvre d'une action de changement au-delà des analyses de l'action collective (Cefaï, 2007). / Over the last forty years, an oil tanker has sunk off the Brittany coast of France every five years on average. Each time, the ecological damage from the oil slick has mobilised huge numbers of people to volunteer and demonstrate, and generated public controversy and criticism of regulatory procedures. Although oil spills provoke evident impacts, neither the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds) nor French Law recognise environmental detriment as a motif for financial compensation by the operators. The damages and pollution are taken into account firstly as economic and material losses, and secondly in terms of damage to biodiversity requiring habitat restoration actions. Critics highlight the feeble deterrent and the lack of incentive for maritime oil transporters to reduce risks: in relation to their profits the costs of an oil slick to them is regarded as derisory. These critics also call for recognition of ecological damages by the law. This would allow environmental pollution to incur economic and juridical responsibilities, and for environmental harm to require compensation.This research project looks at change processes leading to the recognition of ecological damage from oil slicks. We do not add to the existing substantial debate over the efficiency or interest of integrating environmental concerns into conduct rules and the legal system, nor evaluate different methods for doing do. Instead we study the realities of ecological damage, and analyse actions for change implemented by different actors to provoke their recognition. This analysis is based on two case studies: the oil slicks from the Amoco Cadiz (1978) and the Erika (1999).We explore an alternative and wider approach to understanding the harm caused by an oil slick, by considering that it damages multiple relationships between man and the environment. Using the concept of pragmatic sociology (Thévenot, “L’action au pluriel”, 2006) we reveal the multiple realities of ecological damage in terms of the relations between humans and nonhumans. These relations cannot be described in purely commercial nor ecological terms. Using a strategic analysis of environmental management (Mermet et al., 2005), we study how actors elaborate an action for change and how the action represents environmental damage. We look particularly at how the challenge of the action leads to certain choices when qualifying the damage to the courts.Thus, the study proposes new information on ecological damage, allowing the definition to be renewed (theoretical interest). By examining ecological damage in terms of harm to human – nonhuman relations, it provides an interesting support for new forms of justification in the public arena, and promotes legal recognition of ecological damage (operational interest). Finally, the study brings together, and shows to be complementary, two conceptual frameworks hereto unarticulated in human sciences. The study reveals the multiple individual and collective realities of environmental dynamics, and thus allows a richer understanding of the implementation of an action for change than a standard analysis of collective action (Cefai, 2007).

Desenvolvimento de modelo langrangiano de partículas considerando os efeitos do vento e espanhamento de manchas de óleo

Garção, Henery Ferreira 31 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:04:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Henery Ferreira Garcao.pdf: 1679065 bytes, checksum: 8e3210947a7d17cb14363973810da116 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-31 / A modelagem computacional é uma importante ferramenta para estimar a trajetória e destino final de manchas de óleo em diferentes condições ambientais, visto a complexidade dos processos que atuam nesse poluente. O presente trabalho concentrou os esforços no desenvolvimento de um modelo lagrangiano de trajetória de partículas que simule o movimento de manchas de óleo em ambiente marinho. O modelo utilizado é o Modelo Lagrangiano de Partículas com Deslocamento Aleatório (MLPDA), que é baseado na equação de Langevin. Em princípio, o algoritmo da advecção da mancha de óleo devido ao vento é implementado no MLPDA, visto sua importância ao deslocamento das partículas. É considerado que 3% da velocidade do vento a 10 metros de altura permite uma boa representação da deriva de manchas de óleo em ambiente marinho. Os testes para este algoritmo apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. Posteriormente, é implementado um algoritmo que representa o processo físico de espalhamento do óleo, conhecido também por espalhamento mecânico, que é definido como o movimento horizontal devido às forças gravitacionais, viscosas e inerciais. No presente estudo, esse processo é fundamentando nas equações definidas por Lehr et al. (1984), onde os resultados dos testes mostraram que as partículas espalham conforme exposto por esse mesmo autor e são influenciadas até cerca de 100 h de simulação. Ainda neste estudo, é avaliado o módulo de cálculo de área implementado no MLPDA. É advertido que malhas grosseiras podem resultar em áreas superestimadas, sendo aconselhável o uso de malhas mais refinadas para o cálculo dessas áreas. Por fim, três cenários de simulação de um derrame hipotético de óleo na Baía do Espírito Santo, no interior do Porto de Tubarão, são conduzidos para ilustrar uma aplicação do modelo desenvolvido. As simulações expõem que há grandes diferenças entre os resultados obtidos, principalmente entre o cenário que desconsidera o vento e os outros dois com a consideração desta forçante. O primeiro cenário, as partículas tenderam a permanecer na Baía do Espírito Santo, enquanto para os demais cenários as partículas caminharam para os canais do sistema estuarino da Grande Vitória (Canal da Passagem e Canal de Acesso aos Portos). / The computational modeling is an important tool to predict the trajectory and fate of the slick oil in different environmental conditions, since the complexity of processes involving oil spill. Thus, the present study has concentrated efforts on developing of a particle tracking lagrangian model that simulate the oil slick movement in the marine environment. The model used is Lagrangian Particles Random Walk Model (MLPDA), that it is based on the Langevin equation. First, the algorithm of the advection of the oil slick due to wind is implemented in the Random Walk Particle Lagrangian Model (MLPDA), seen its importance to the displacement of particles. It is considered that 3% of the wind velocity at 10 meters height allows a good representation of the drift of the slicks. The tests for this algorithm presented satisfactory results. Posteriorly, is implemented an algorithm that represents the physical process of spreading, also known as mechanic spreading, that is defined as the horizontal movement due to gravitational, viscous and inertial forces. In the present study, this process is based on the equations defined by Lehr et al. (1984), where the results of the tests showed that the particles spread as shown by this author and they are influenced up to 100 hours of simulation. In addition, it is evaluate the module for calculation the area implemented in MLPDA. It is adverted that very coarse grid may result in overrated areas, being advisable to use fine grid for calculation of these areas. Finally, three scenarios of simulation of a hypothetic oil spill at the Espírito Santo Bay, in the Tubarão Port, are conducted to illustrate an application of the model development. The simulations show large differences among the results obtained, mainly among the scenario that neglect the wind and the other two with the consideration of this forcing. The first scenario, the particles tended to remain at the Espírito Santo Bay, while other scenarios the particles walked to the channels of the Great Vitória estuarine system (Passage Channel and Access Channel to Ports).

Pour un projet sociétal libanais. L’environnement durable, une nouvelle citoyenneté ? / Sustainable development. A new Lebanese social project ?

Tarabay, Rima 03 October 2011 (has links)
Petit Etat du Proche-Orient, situé entre la Syrie et Israël, le Liban, 10 452 km2, s’étend sur 225 km de côtes méditerranéennes et s’élargit jusqu’à 50 kilomètres à l’intérieur des terres. Sa diversité religieuse et culturelle est forte de 17 ou 18 communautés qui cohabitent bon gré mal gré. Ancrée et exprimée dans un contexte géographique de contrastes et de morcellement, cette pluralité religieuse et culturelle a connu une histoire contemporaine particulièrement sanglante. Le système politique confessionnel mis en place à la naissance du pays a interdit la construction d’une identité libanaise au bénéfice tout relatif d’un communautarisme primaire. Alors que la plupart des messages politiques ont échoué à proposer un projet sociétal commun, nous posons l’hypothèse que l’environnement durable offrirait l’embryon d’un contrat social autour duquel pourraient se regrouper les communautés. Durant l’été 2006, à la suite des bombardements de la station d’électricité deJiyeh au Sud Liban, une marée noire toucha la plupart des régions, chrétiennes et musulmanes. La pollution et la dégradation de l’environnement, longtemps restées de l’ordre du virtuel, acquièrent dès lors une dimension concrète. D’autres dégradations, récurrentes dans la vie quotidienne des Libanais, sévissent depuis de nombreuses décennies :l’accumulation des déchets, la déforestation, la pollution de l’air et de l’eau n’épargnent aucune région, aucune communauté. Alors même que la mémoire de l’histoire et la politique divisent les Libanais, ces communautés qui ont échoué jusqu’à présent à édifier une nation seraient-elles capables de préserver un territoire en voie de détérioration ? La mémoire géographique collective pourrait être un moteur de construction d’un présent autour du développement durable. La jeune génération, au centre de la problématique de cette thèse du fait qu’elle participe à la recherche de ce tronc écologique commun, est enquêtée par un questionnaire, soumis à 1 434 élèves d’écoles publiques et privées, L’objectif est de mesurer son degré de sensibilisation aux questions de l’environnement et de la pollution de cet environnement, puis de proposer un programme d’éducation qui prenne en compte les indicateurs psychologiques, sources et référents essentiels pour tout programme éducatif dédié à la sensibilisation à l’environnement. Les résultats du traitement des données d’une part, le projet applicatif de village écologique type, entamé en parallèle de cette recherche d’autre part, ont validé notre hypothèse de départ et les conclusions de ce travail estompent l’utopie qui pouvait se rattacher à une telle hypothèse. Le territoire est un ! / Lebanon is a Small country situated between Syria and Israel, it’s surface of 10 452km2 with 225 km of Mediterranean coastline and an average of 50 km of width inland. It is acountry of cultural and religious diversity with 18 religious communities fated to coexisttogether in a geographical environment that is as diverse and full of contrast. Its contemporaryhistory has been particularly violent with a fifteen year civil war dominating the country’simage and reputation. The confessional political system based on power-sharing between thecommunities institutionalised the sectarian divisions and prevented the emergence of aLebanese national identity. While most party political programmes emphasise the separateidentities and fails to suggest a common social project, we propose that an issue likesustainable environment could be the basis of a social contract, which will federate and bringtogether the interests of the various communities. Environmental pollution and degradationbecame a concrete reality in the summer of 2006, after the Israeli bombardment of the powerplant at Jiyeh in south Lebanon. The Oil Spill resulting from that spread all over the regionand did not spare any community. While history memory and politics divide the Lebanesealong communal lines, will these communities who failed to build a nation be capable to savea deteriorated environment? This common Geographical collective memory and the instinct topreserve it could be the engine to build a future based on sustainable development. The newgeneration is at the centre of this research. Analysis of the results of the 1434 questionnairesdistributed to primary students in both public and private school is the tool to measure thesensitivity of the young generation towards the issues of environment and pollution. One ofthe objectives of this study is to develop and implement an awareness raising program ofenvironmental education in schools. The program would be elaborated taking intoconsideration key psychological indicators. The results of the survey and the ecologicalvillage project which was started in parallel with the thesis have validated the hypothesis andthe findings of this work. In spite of the Utopian charachter of the hypothesis it is clearlydemonstrated here that while the people are many, the territory is one!

Metabolic Activities and Diversity of Microbial Communities Associated with Anaerobic Degradation

Perry, Verlin 17 December 2014 (has links)
Sulfate- and Fe(III)-reducing, and methanogenic prokaryotes (SRP, FRP, MGP) are key players in metabolic pathways involved in anaerobic biodegradation processes. Understanding the metabolic activity of these microbes in environments can enhance microbe-mediated processes such as oil spill bioremediation and methane biogas production. In this study, anaerobic microbial activities in Deepwater Horizon oil spill-impacted salt marsh sediments, and in methanogenic coal bed production water enrichment cultures amended with trace elements (TE), were elucidated by employing an approach combining methods in molecular biology and geochemistry. In situ metabolic activity of SRP, FRP and MGP were monitored seasonally and metabolically-active communities were identified in oil-impacted sediments using quantitative real time Reverse Transcription -PCR and clone library analysis of key functional genes: Dissimilatory (bi)sulfite reductase (dsrAB), Geobactereceae-specific citrate synthase (gltA), methyl coenzyme M reductase (mcrA), and benzyl succinate synthase (bssA). In situ application of montmorillonite clay was assessed for its potential at accelerating PHC degradation by stimulating microbial activities. Levels of dsrA, gltA and bssA transcripts suggested that PHC-oxidizing SRP are more active in summer while FRP are more active in winter, indicating their activities linked to the seasonal changes of redox potential and vegetation. BssA gene expression peaked in winter, and was highest at more highly oil-impacted sites. Expression of all genes was higher in clay-amended sites. bssA transcript level and Fe(II) production were highest in clay-amended microcosm. Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) levels were lower in oil and clay-amended microcosm incubation than one with oil only amendment, suggesting enhanced TPH degradation by clay amendment. Pyrosequencing analysis 16S rRNA gene in clay-amended microcosms demonstrated the highest percentage abundance of groups closely related to known anaerobic aromatic degraders. Levels of mcrA transcripts correlated with methane production rates in TE-amended coal bed production water enrichments. The findings of the present study clearly support the advantage of gene expression analyses for estimating microbial activity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first in situ study which employs key functional gene markers as molecular proxies for metabolic activity and diversity assessments in anaerobic oil-contaminated salt marsh sediment and also elucidates clay-enhanced in situ TPH degradation.

Caracteriza??o batim?trica e fisicooceanogr?fica do canal de acesso ao porto de Cabedelo/PB: uma an?lise ambiental ao derrame de ?leo

Fraz?o, Luciana de Sousa 30 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LucianaSF_DISSERT.pdf: 4631139 bytes, checksum: 00137f0bba4f12c4fb23f7fee30c065d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-30 / The State of Para?ba is one of the most dynamic states of Brazil, strategically located in the northeast, is notable for the excellent potential for integration of different transportation modes forming the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Alagoas. The dynamic that occurs with port activity causes changes in the space where it is installed. And the elements of this space are always more than suffering direct or indirect influences as the flow in the port is expanded. Therefore, this region became subject to the accidental spillage of oil, because it presents a heavy traffic of ships of various sizes that can run aground or collide with oil causing accidental events. The study of geomorphological and sedimentological compositions of seafloor becomes important as more is known about the relationships between these parameters and associated fauna, and can identify their preferred habitats. The database background, acoustically collected along the proposed study area, is a wealth of information, which were duly examined, cataloged and made available. Such information can serve as an important tool, providing a geomorphological survey of the sedimentary area studied, and come to subsidize, in a flexible, future decision making. With the study area Port of Cabedelo, Para?ba - Brazil, this research aimed to evaluate the influence of the tidal surface and background in modeling the seabed, including the acquisition of information about the location of submerged rocky bodies and the depth of these bodies may turn out to be natural traps for the trapping of oil in case of leaks, and obtain the relationship between types of bed and the hydrodynamic conditions present in the region. In this context, for this study were collected bathymetric data (depth) and physical oceanographic (height of water column, water temperature, intensity and direction of currents, waves and turbidity), meteorological (rainfall, air temperature, humidity, winds and barometric pressure) of the access channel to the Port of Cabedelo / PB and its basin evolution (where the cruise ships dock), and includes tools of remote sensing (Landsat 7 ETM +, 2001), so that images and the results are integrated into Geographic Information Systems and used in the elaboration of measures aimed at environmental protection areas under the influence of this scale facilities, serving as a grant to prepare a contingency plan in case of oil spills in the region. The main findings highlight the techniques of using hydroacoustic data acquisition together bathymetric surveys of high and low frequency. From there, five were prepared in bathymetric pattern of Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation - DHN, with the depth in meters, on a scale of 1:2500 (Channel and Basin Evolution of Access to Port of Cabedelo), where there is a large extent possible beachrocks that hinder the movement of vessels in the port area, which can cause collisions, running aground and leaking oil. From the scatter diagram of the vectors of currents, it can be seen as the tidal stream and undergoes a channeling effect caused by the bidirectional effect of the tide (ebb and flood) in the basin of the Port of Cabedelo evolution in NW-direction SE and the highest speed of the currents occurs at low tide. The characterization weather for the period from 28/02 to 04/07/2010 values was within the expected average for the region of study. The multidisciplinary integration of products (digital maps and remote sensing images), proved to be efficient for the characterization of underwater geomorphological study area, reaching the aim to discriminate and enhance submerged structures, previously not visible in the images / O Estado da Para?ba ? um dos estados mais din?micos do Brasil, estrategicamente localizado na regi?o nordeste, se destaca pelo excelente potencial para integra??o dos diversos modais de transporte formado com os Estados do Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco e Alagoas e por abrigar o Porto de Cabedelo. A din?mica que ocorre com a atividade portu?ria provoca mudan?as no espa?o onde ele ? instalado. E os elementos que comp?em esse espa?o passam ent?o a sofrer sempre mais influ?ncias diretas ou indiretas ? medida que o fluxo no porto ? ampliado. Logo, essa regi?o tornou-se pass?vel ao derramamento acidental de ?leo, por apresentar um intenso tr?fego de navios de diversos portes que podem encalhar ou colidir ocasionando eventos acidentais com ?leo. O estudo das composi??es geomorfol?gicas e sedimentol?gicas do fundo oce?nico tornam-se importantes ? medida que se conhece mais a respeito de rela??es entre estes par?metros e a fauna associada, sendo poss?vel identificar seus habitats preferenciais. O banco de dados de fundo, acusticamente coletados ao longo da ?rea do estudo proposto, constitui um grande acervo de informa??es, que foram devidamente analisadas, catalogadas e disponibilizadas. Tais informa??es podem servir como uma importante ferramenta, proporcionando um levantamento geomorfol?gico da ?rea estudada, e vir a subsidiar, de forma ?gil, futuras tomadas de decis?o. Tendo como ?rea de estudo Porto de Cabedelo, Para?ba - Brasil, esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a influ?ncia das correntes de mar?s superficiais e de fundo na modelagem do leito marinho, incluindo a aquisi??o de informa??es sobre a localiza??o de corpos rochosos submersos e a profundidade desses corpos que podem vir a se tornar armadilhas naturais para o aprisionamento de ?leo em casos de vazamentos, al?m de obter a rela??o entre tipos de leito e as condi??es hidrodin?micas atuais na regi?o. Nesse contexto, para este trabalho, foram coletados dados batim?tricos (profundidade) e f?sico-oceanogr?ficos (altura de coluna d ?gua, temperatura da ?gua, intensidade e dire??o das correntes, ondas e turbidez), meteorol?gicos (precipita??o pluviom?trica, temperatura do ar, umidade do ar, ventos e press?o barom?trica) do canal de acesso ao Porto de Cabedelo/PB e sua bacia de evolu??o (local onde os navios atracam), incluindo ainda ferramentas do Sensoriamento Remoto (imagens Landsat 7 ETM+, 2001), para que as imagens e os resultados obtidos sejam integrados em Sistemas de Informa??o Geogr?fica e utilizados na elabora??o de medidas que visem ? prote??o ambiental de ?reas sob influ?ncia de instala??es desse porte, servindo como subs?dio para elabora??o de um plano de conting?ncia em casos de derrames de ?leo na regi?o. Como principais resultados destacam-se as t?cnicas de aquisi??o de dados hidroac?sticos utilizando em conjunto levantamentos batim?tricos de alta e baixa frequ?ncia. A partir disso, foram elaboradas cinco cartas batim?tricas no padr?o da Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navega??o - DHN, apresentando a profundidade em metros, na escala de 1:2.500 (Bacia de Evolu??o e Canal de Acesso ao Porto de Cabedelo), onde observa-se em grande extens?o poss?veis arenitos praiais que dificultam a movimenta??o das embarca??es na ?rea do porto, podendo provocar colis?es, encalhe e vazamentos de ?leo. A partir do digrama de dispers?o dos vetores de correntes, pode-se observar como a corrente de mar? sofre uma canaliza??o e com sentido bidirecional provocado pelo efeito da mar? (vazante e enchente) na bacia de evolu??o do Porto de Cabedelo, no sentido NW-SE e que a maior velocidade das correntes ocorre na baixa-mar. A caracteriza??o meteorol?gica referente ao per?odo de 28/02 a 04/07/2010 apresentou valores dentro das m?dias esperadas para a regi?o de estudo. A integra??o de produtos multidados (mapas digitais e imagens de sensores remotos), mostrou-se eficiente para a caracteriza??o geomorfol?gica submersa da ?rea estudada, alcan?ando o intuito de discriminar e real?ar estruturas submersas, antes n?o percept?veis nas imagens

Oil-spill monitoring in Indonesia / L'observation de la nappe de pétrole à la mer d'Indonésie

Gunadharma Gautama, Budhi 01 December 2017 (has links)
L'Indonésie, l’une de plus grands archipels, a été menacé avec la pollution provenant de la marée noire. Le gouvernement d’Indonésie en coopération avec le gouvernement Français a développé un système d'observation de l'océan par satellite afin de supporter de développement durable. Ce système est intégré dans les systèmes d'océanographie opérationnelle dans le cadre du projet de développement des infrastructures de l'océanographie spatiale (INDESO). Le contexte de cette thèse est dans le cadre du projet INDESO notamment dans applications d’INDESO pour suivre des déversements de pétrole dans les mers d’Indonésie. Dans ce contexte,cette thèse propose de nouvelles méthodologies et analyses. Cette thèse comportait deux contributions principales. La première contribution est sur la récupération des paramètres de dérive des déversements d'hydrocarbures à partir d'une analyse conjointe des observations SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) et des résultats d'un modèle de transport de déversement de pétrole. Dans cette première partie, nous estimons les paramètres de dérive de pétrole. On a exploité un modèle de transport de déversement de pétrole lagrangien,de sorte que la dérive simulée de déversement d'hydrocarbures modèles puisse correspondre à l'observation de satellite. Pour confirmer l'origine du déversement de pétrole détecté à une date donnée par une observation de SAR, nous avons effectué des simulations avec différentes dates de début de fuite, duré de fuite et différentes valeurs de pondération deux facteurs dominants i.e. vent et courant. Nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode pour l'assimilation de ces paramètres de fuite de pétrole à comparer avec d'une détection dérivée d'un déversement d'hydrocarbures. Nous avons appliqué la méthodologie proposée sur le plus grand accident en Indonésie, l'accident de Montara. La deuxième contribution est l'évaluation globale du risque de déversement d'hydrocarbures en Indonésie. Nous sommes concentrés sur la zone de gestion des pêches de l'Indonésie. Dans cette analyse, nous avons proposé une méthodologie qui considère le déversement de pétrole, qui a des sources différentes et leurs impacts à l'environnement, mais aussi sur les perspectives sociales et économiques. Pour l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité des zones marines protégées, nous avons également exploité le modèle de 2D lagrangien. L'accent mis sur les zones de gestion des pêches (FMA) afin de fournir une analyse synoptique sur l'ensemble du territoire maritime d’Indonésie. Chaque FMA présente les caractéristiques spécifiques des paramètres environnementaux etsocio-économiques. Nous avons évalué le risque de déversement d'hydrocarbures dans chaque zone de gestion sur la base de tous ces facteurs. Le résultat de cette étude peut être utilisé dans la planification d'une action pour réduire les impacts négatifs du déversement d'hydrocarbures. / Indonesia as the biggest archipelago has a major threat coming from oil spill. Due to the increasing concerns of environment protection for sustainable development, the government of Indonesia in cooperation with government of France developed an ocean observation system with one of its pilot applications is oil spills monitoring. This system is integrated in the operational oceanography systems within the project of Infrastructure Development of Space Oceanography (INDESO). The context of this thesis is in the frame of INDESO project particularly in the monitoring of oil spill in the Indonesian seas. Within the context above, this thesis propose new methodologies and analyses. This thesis involved two main contributions. The first contribution addressed the retrieval of oil spill drift parameters from a joint analysis of SAR observations of an oil spill and of outputs of a Lagrangian oil spill transport model. In this first part, we estimate oil spill drift parameters. The proposed framework exploited a Lagrangian oil spill transport model such that the simulated oil spill drift could match a SAR-based observation of an oil spill. In the considered 2D Lagrangian model there were two dominant factors, i.e. wind and surface current. To confirm the origin of the oil spill detected on a given date through a SAR observation, we performed simulations with various leakage starting dates, leakage durations, and different values of wind and current weighing coefficients. We developed a novel framework for the assimilation of these oil leakage parameters from a SAR-derived detection of an oil spill. We applied the proposed methodology on the most famous oil spill accident in Indonesia, the Montara case. The second contribution was the global assessment of oil spill risk inIndonesia. We focused on the 11 Indonesia Fisheries Management Area to support the sustainability development of marine and fisheries. In this analysis we proposed methodology that considered the oil spillfrom different source and their impacts not only to the environment, but also from social and economic perspectives. For the assessment of vulnerability of Marine Protected Areas to oil spill pollution, we also exploited the oil spill trajectory model. The focus was given to Fisheries Management Areas as a means to provide synoptic analysis over theentire Indonesian maritime territory. Using different information from many institutional reports, we collected and analyzed the potential source of oil spill in each FMA. Each FMA has specific characteristics in terms environmental and socioeconomic features. We assessed the oil spill risk in each FMA based on all these factors. The result of this study can be used in the mitigation planning to reduce the negative impacts of oil spill.

Étude du comportement des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) lors du déversement accidentel d'hydrocarbures en eaux continentales / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons behavior study during accidental oil spill in continental waters

Pimsee, Pranudda 17 July 2014 (has links)
L’application de la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau et l’obligation de surveillance de la qualité de l'eau pour la consommation humaine et les activités industrielles entraînent une forte demande pour des systèmes d’évaluation et de suivi de la qualité de l’eau. Le projet de recherche MIGR'HYCAR (http://www.migrhycar.com) a donc été mis en place pour répondre à un besoin opérationnel et à un défaut d'outils d'aide à la décision adaptés face aux déversements d'hydrocarbures en eaux continentales (rivières, lacs et estuaires) qui représentent plus de 50% des déversements accidentels en France. Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de ce projet et a pour but l’étude du comportement des nappes d'hydrocarbures en milieu contrôlé pour les eaux continentales. A cet effet, il propose une approche expérimentale à l’échelle laboratoire pour étudier les phénomènes agissant sur une nappe d'hydrocarbures déversée : dissolution, étalement, évaporation et volatilisation. Les données expérimentales réunis ont permis de constituer une base de données de référence, qui servira de support aux outils de modélisation mathématique de dérive de nappe d'hydrocarbures développés dans le cadre de ce projet. / The application of the European Water Framework Directive on water quality for human consumption and industrial activities creates a need for water quality assessment and monitoring systems. The MIGR'HYCAR research project (http://www.migrhycar.com) was initiated to provide decisional tools for risks connected to oil spills in continental waters (rivers, lakes and estuaries), which represent more than 50% of accidental spills in France. This work joins within the framework of this project and aims at the study of the behavior of hydrocarbons in a controlled environment for continental waters. For that purpose, the work proposes an experimental approach at laboratory scale to study the phenomena acting in oil spill: dissolution, spreading, evaporation and volatilization. The experimental data allowed establishing a reference database, which will serve as support in tools of oil spill modeling within the framework of this project.

Gestão de riscos de derramamento de hidrocarbonetos na zona costeira - o caso do Porto de Santos, São Paulo

Silva, Marina Carrato Galuzzi da January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Herlander da Mata Fernandes Lima / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia, 2017. / Na qualidade de maior porto da América Latina, o Porto de Santos vem sendo submetido à contínua expansão de suas atividades. A dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o contexto nacional e internacional no que concerne à política, planos e programas de ação para proteção marítima e zona costeira contra o derramamento de hidrocarbonetos (oil spill) e derivados como subsídio para propor uma ferramenta de gestão integrada de riscos de derramamento de hidrocarbonetos e derivados (HD) na zona costeira como consequência da atividade portuária. A metodologia contempla a revisão bibliográfica e síntese do estado atual do conhecimento, inventariação das atividades portuárias, uso de métodos quantitativos e qualitativos (aplicação de questionário semi-estruturado) para avaliação do risco, identificação dos fatores que determinaram o risco, avaliação dos paradigmas do risco (Perigo-Exposição-Vulnerabilidade) e quantificação do risco. O estudo permitiu caracterizar a evolução temporal e a distribuição espacial de acidentes envolvendo o derramamento de HD, identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso de uma ferramenta para gestão de riscos de derramamento de HD e avaliar o risco de derramamento de HD na zona costeira do Porto de Santos/SP. / As the largest in all Latin America, the Port of Santos keeps in continuous expansion of it¿s activities. The dissertation has the objective to analyze the national and international context in regards to legislation, plans and action programs in high seas and the coastal zone of protection against hydrocarbons and derivatives spills (oil spill) as subsidy to purpose a management tool of risks of hydrocarbons and derivatives (HD) spill in the coastal zone, as consequences of port activity. The methodology contemplates the literature review, sinthesys of the current state of knowledge and inventory of port activities, resorting to quantitative and qualitative methods (application of a semi-structured questionnaire) of risk evaluation, identification of the factors that determined the risk, evaluation of the risk paradigms (Danger-Exposure-Vulnerability) and risk¿s quantification. The study permitted to identify a temporal development and spatial distribution of accidents involving the HD spills, the critical factors of success for a management tool of risks of hydrocarbons and derivatives spills in the marine area and evaluate the risk of HD spillage in the coastal zone of the Port of Santos / SP.

Mapa de vulnerabilidade ambiental ao óleo e cartas SAO: trecho Praia Grande - Ilha Comprida, litoral paulista

Romero, Ágata Fernandes [UNESP] 22 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-05-22Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:43:28Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 romero_af_dr_rcla.pdf: 17670184 bytes, checksum: 06d42107402ca20faf754bc99cbfe1ea (MD5) / Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) / Este trabalho apresenta Mapas de Vulnerabilidade Ambiental ao Óleo simulando um vazamento de óleo no fundeadouro do Porto de Santos, próximo ao litoral de Praia Grande. Foram também elaboradas Cartas de Sensibilidade Ambiental ao Óleo (SAO) para o trecho do litoral paulista entre os municípios de Praia Grande e Cananéia. A metodologia utilizada para elaboração das Cartas SAO é baseada nas normas do Ministério do Meio Ambiente e para a elaboração dos Mapas de Vulnerabilidade foi utilizado o modelo SIMAP, desenvolvido pela empresa ASA, capaz de representar a mancha de óleo na superfície do mar, na linha de costa e na coluna d’água. A área apresenta trechos com intenso uso turístico, principalmente nos meses de verão e áreas com ambientes naturais preservados, com destaque à presença do sistema estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape e Unidades de Conservação, que conferem à área grande importância ecológica. As Carta SAO foram geradas nas escalas tática (1:150.000) e operacional (1:50.000 e 1:25.000) e os Mapas de Vulnerabilidade foram gerados em escalas entre 1:100.000 e 1:750.000, de forma a abranger toda a área da mancha de óleo. Os resultados confirmam a necessidade de avançar na abordagem da sensibilidade da costa ao óleo, incorporando às cartas SAO informações sobre a probabilidade das áreas serem atingidas, estimativas do tempo de contato na costa e informações sobre a área da mancha que tem potencial tóxico à biota. / This paper shows the Environmental Vulnerability Maps a simulated oil spill in the anchorage of the Santos port, close to Praia Grande shore. ESI Maps for the São Paulo shore between the municipalities of Praia Grande and Cananéia were also built. The methodology used to build ESI Maps is based on the Ministry of the Environment rules and for the construction of the Vulnerability charts used the SIMAP model, developed by the ASA. This is capable of modeling the oil spill on the surface of the sea, in the coast line and in the water column. The whole area shows intense tourist use, especially during the summer and areas with preserved natural environments include the presence of the estuarine-lagoon system of Cananéia-Iguape and Conservation Units that give the area great ecological importance. ESI Maps were generated in the tatic range (1:150.000) and operational (1:50.000 and 1:25.000) and the vulnerability maps were generated using 1:100.000 and 1:750.000 scales, to cover the entire area of oil stain. The results confirm the sensitivity of the coast to oil, use of the information above has been incorporated in the ESI Maps to estimate shore contact lead time and of the oil spill and this toxicity potential on the environment.

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