Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bolivia""
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There will be signs along the way to guide you a study of abandonment in American society today /Wall, Olivia. January 2009 (has links)
Honors Project--Smith College, Northampton, Mass., 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 24-25).
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Innocents Abroad: The Love Story of Mark Twain and Olivia LangdonPack, Dallan M. 12 1900 (has links)
Innocents Abroad, a musical for the stage, deals with events in the life of Mark Twain, 1867-1869, particularly his courtship of Olivia Langdon and his efforts to establish himself as a writer. It emphasizes his struggle to be true to his individuality and outspoken honesty while trying to win "Livy," the product of the society he satirized and often condemned. The book, based on actual events, contains much of Twain's humor and wisdom. The vocal score is written in a contemporary style, for various vocal combinations, including full chorus and includes piano accompaniments and chord symbols for guitar and bass.
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Becoming a Creatrix: Women’s Religious Roles in W. B. Yeats and Olivia ShakespearChilds, Elaine Kathyryn 01 May 2010 (has links)
This project is the biography of a symbol: that of the holy woman motif in William Butler Yeats’s oeuvre. For most of Yeats’s writing life, beautiful women have a place of spurious privilege in his spiritual imagination because they have an intrinsic connection with the divine otherworld. In chapters on Yeats’s beauty-worship in his long fin de siecle, Olivia Shakespear’s critique of that beauty-worship in her fiction, and the role of A Vision in The Winding Stair and Other Poems, I argue that Yeats revised the holy woman motif from a limited and limiting goddess or helpmeet role in his youthful work to a full-fledged religious meaning-maker--a Creatrix--in the last decade of his career.
I include a study of Olivia Shakespear’s fiction in this project because each of her seven fictional works critiques what she saw as the male tendency from which Yeats’s symbology sprang: the tendency to feign worship of a beautiful woman while simultaneously limiting her ability to be a Creatrix. However, the transformation that Yeats’s system underwent between the 1925 and 1937 versions of A Vision enabled the poet to create a model of religious identity that does not require the erasure of the self and its human desires and therefore makes space in his pantheon for the Creatrix.
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Pengar, makt och arbete : En undersökning om modern arbetarlitteraturBarker, Hannah January 2022 (has links)
This essay is an explorative essay of the essence of modern working-class literature. By using Magnus Nilsson's adaption of Lars Furudal's original theory of working-class literature - working class literature for, from and about workers - three novels were examined. These were Pengar på fickan by Asta Olivia Nordenhof, Dagarna, dagarna, dagarna by Tone Schunnesson and Jag for ner till bror by Karin Smirnoff. By examining these three modern novels with Nilssons adaption of Furulands definition of working-class literature the essay's aim is to explore if they can be categorized as modern working-class literature. The answer to the essay's question was ambiugos and can most easily be summarized as: both yes and no. The study found that none of the above novels could easily be categorized as working-class literature according to Furuland’s definition, as none of the novels meets all three criteria. Then again, according to Nilsson’s definition, at least two of the works can be placed within intersections of Furuland’s critera, and thus they can be defined as modern working class literature. However, it is clear, both from the study and Nilsson’s own reasoning, that whether a novel is working-class literature or not is complicated. There is no obvious definition, and as the present day is constantly evolving, it is difficult to draw clear lines about the definition of modern working-class literature.
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Hetast av hundra: Vad gör en låt till enlistetta?Feniri, Marwah January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det utifrån det musikaliskainnehållet går att förstå och förklara viktiga aspekter som gör en låt till enlistetta. Valet av låtar, som utgör undersökningsmaterialet, baserades på att dessaskall ha legat etta på Billboard Hot-100, och att dessa skulle vara från olikatidsperioder: hela vägen från 80-talet och fram tills 2021. I denna studiebehandlas en tidsram på över 50 år. Från 80-talet valdes Olivia Newton-John -Physical, från 90-talet valdes Whitney Houston - I will always love you, från 00-talet valdes Kanye West- Golddigger, från 10-talet valdes Drake - God’s Planoch slutligen från 20-talet valdes BTS - Butter. En gemensam faktor dessa låtarhar, utöver att ha legat på första platsen på Billboard Hot-100, är att samtliga avlåtarna har legat etta på toppen i över tio veckor och de utvalda låtarna är fem avde endast 40 låtar som någonsin har åstadkommit det. Det finns otaliga analysersom kan utföras för att försöka att räkna ut framgången som låtarna har haft, menanalysen i denna studie fokuserar på de undersökta låtarnas uppbyggnad ochinnehåll. Studiens resultat visar att vissa övergripande mönster kan urskiljas. Entendens som iakttagits är att låtar som blir hits har någon säregen kvalitet somgör att de låter delvis likt tidigare låtar som har släppts men ändå jämförelsevisannorlunda. En annan viktig aspekt är att textinnehållet, för att en låt ska nåframgång och bli en listetta, bör fokusera på ämnet kärlek.
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Estudio del efecto del golpe de ariete en estaciones de bombeo, oleoductos, y los sistemas inherentes de prevención de fallas, para evitar daños ecológicosMolina, Norberto E. 16 July 2001 (has links)
El fenómeno de un transitorio en oleoductos
Ante un cambio en el régimen de operación en la instalación se generan ondas de presión, las cuales pueden originar la rotura de las cañerías del sistema y el consecuente derrame del fluido, causando perjuicios económicos y daño ecológico, posiblemente irreversible. El trabajo aquí desarrollado es de aplicación directa en estaciones de bombeo, oleoductos y acueductos, de características físicas variables. Se estudia en particular el efecto causado por el funcionamiento defectuoso o la operación incorrecta de válvulas, o bien la parada simultánea de una o más bombas de la estación de bombeo, durante el transporte a granel de petróleo crudo desde una estación marítima hacia el buque tanque. La utilización de métodos numéricos permite modelar la instalación física y simular el funcionamiento de las estaciones de embarque en su conjunto, encontrando, en forma aproximada, cuales serían los medios físicos a aplicar, o las condiciones de operación a observar, para evitar la rotura en alguna sección o tramo de la tubería de embarque, como así también la protección de los elementos contra posibles daños o roturas de las bombas o sistemas de control.
En el trabajo se incluyen las ecuaciones simplificadas de Michaud y Joukowsky acopladas a las de Saint Venant, y las condiciones de estabilidad numérica, implementándose el Método de las Características para la solución del sistema de las ecuaciones hiperbólicas. Se simula el efecto de un transitorio en las bombas, determinando la incidencia de la inercia de las masas en rotación y los efectos de la rugosidad en el flujo del fluido, así como el rozamiento entre el fluido y la tubería para diferentes condiciones físicas. Como complemento, se modela una válvula del tipo de ruptura, cuya característica son ocho pétalos actuando en la sección de corte, y en el caso particular de doble acción, sugiriéndose su instalación como medio de prevención efectiva ante una sobre presión en la línea de transporte de fluido a granel. Los algoritmos de cálculo están en código FORTRAN 90 para la simulación numérica, estableciéndose las condiciones de trabajo y de contorno físicas reales e implícitamente las de estabilidad del sistema. Para la simulación del movimiento del fluido en el tramo de instalación de las válvulas de regulación y de éstas en particular, las válvulas de pétalo y compensada, se utiliza la respuesta del movimiento generado por 'frames', utilizando Mathematica ®3.0 y 3D Studio ®4.0; la información posteriormente es procesada con Adobe Photoshop ®4.0 y Adobe Premier®4.2. / Transients in engineering systems: pipelines, valves and pumps. Waves of pressure are generated with changes in the operation regime of the system which can cause the breaking of the pipe and the consequent spilling of the fluid, causing economic and ecological damage, possibly irreversible. The work here presented is of direct application to pumping stations for water and oil pipelines with variable physical characteristics. The effects studied include those caused by faults or incorrect operation of valves and the sudden stoppage of the pumping station, during the transport of crude oil, from a coastal storage to a ship. The use of numerical methods allows modeling the physical installation and simulating the operation of the oil pumping stations as a whole, finding the physical constraints to apply, or the operational conditions to observe, in order to avoid damages to the system components, and also to study safety elements that could avoid damages to the system. The calculation method proposed by Allievi is used, coupled with Saint Venat's equations and the simplified equations of Michaud and Joukowsky. The Method of Characteristics is also implemented for the solution of the system of the hyperbolic equations, with due consideration of the stability limits. The effect of the water hammer on the pumps is simulated, determining the incidence of the polar moment inertia of the rotating masses and of surface roughness on the flow, as well as the friction between the fluid and the pipe for different physical conditions. In addition, an eight-petal check valve is modeled, of the double-acting type, and its installation is recommended as a means of preventing spillage of fluid in case of a pipe break. The calculation algorithms for the numerical simulations are written in FORTRAN 90 Code and Mathematica ®3.0 Code, using as databases the technical specifications for the different types of valves and pumps and the installation data mentioned above. For the numerical simulation, the operating and boundary conditions are set as per the physical system, and system stability conditions are also included. For the flow simulation in the system section containing the regulation valves, and in particular the petal and compensated valves, the output of the generated motions of frames is used, applying Mathematica ®3.0, Corel ®7.0 and 3D Studio ®4.0. Later on the digital information is processed with Adobe Photoshop ®4.0 and Adobe Premier®4.2.
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Framing Female Leadership in a Television DramaClark, Shanoiya S 01 January 2019 (has links)
Stereotypes play a vital role in the perception of gender roles in American society. This concept is illustrated through low representation of female leadership in the U.S. Women are overrepresented in roles that are communal, which causes backlash when they display agentic traits (Arnold & Loughlin, 2019). Olivia Pope, the main character in the television series Scandal, was a leader who displayed an agentic leadership style and was revered for doing so. Agentic leadership traits are competitiveness, independence, and assertiveness (Arnold & Loughlin, 2019). This study analyzes how Olivia Pope was framed and the potential impact of those frames. Using frame analysis, Olivia Pope’s character in each episode of the television series Scandalwas analyzed. The analysis revealed that Olivia Pope’s character was framed using themes such as power, reverence, fixer, conflicted, sexualized and dysfunctional family dynamics. The framing of a character as rare as Olivia Pope is significant. Though Olivia Pope’s character is based on the life of an African-American woman who owned her own crisis management firm, many viewers would have never known this type of woman existed without the development of this show. Oliva Pope is a complicated character whose role in American television is progressive and has the power to expand its viewers’ perception of leadership.
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För en etisk utsägelseposition : ethos och persona i Asta Olivia Nordenhof Penge på lommenKalin, Martin January 2022 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks den känsla av författarnärvaro som präglar Asta Olivia Nordenhofs roman Penge på lommen. Genom att undersöka hur Nordenhofs ethos och persona förhåller sig till bokens berättartekniker, samt hur detta samverkar med berättarpåträngningar, är det möjligt att visa hur författaren, genom en paus i narrativet, förmedlar sin egen röst och sammansmälter sin litterära persona med sitt ethos. Detta resultat kontextualiseras genom att beskriva Nordenhofs litterära samtid i Danmark. Därigenom skapar uppsatsen förståelse för vilka etiska dimensioner som ryms i romanens berättartekniker, i synnerhet blickens ökande och minskande distans till romankaraktärerna. Avslutningsvis diskuteras författarnävaron utifrån blickens etiska aspekter.
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The Work of Art: Honoring the Overlooked in Northeastern American Nature Poetry of the Long Nineteenth CenturyPollak, Zoë Elena January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation works against the longstanding literary critical premise that aesthetics and ethics are at odds. I challenge this notion by foregrounding the verse of four nineteenth-century-born and Northeastern-based poets who unapologetically prioritize aesthetic perception and experience in their writing. These poets—Frederick Goddard Tuckerman, Emily Dickinson, Olivia Ward Bush, and William Stanley Braithwaite—were well aware of the criticism politicians, social reformers, educators, business proponents, and even other writers leveled against the functional and ethical utility of poetry in an era when transatlantic industrial revolutions and innovations in manufacturing and transportation technology contributed to a national ethos that celebrated progress and productivity in the most concrete terms. These developments, coupled with moral and political divisions over slavery and the economic and psychic strain of a nationwide war that brought life’s precariousness into relief, spurred citizens to contemplate their sense of purpose in contexts ranging from the vocational to the existential. Writers and poets in particular faced continual pressures to defend the practical value of their work.
What makes the four poets in this dissertation unparalleled, I suggest, is the way they challenge readers to revise and expand their understanding of the aesthetic by devoting poetic attention to unsettling and unsightly products and processes in the natural world. Moldering plant matter, heaps of manure, broom-ravaged spiderwebs, and fragments of driftwood; the kinds of waste and remains normally deemed indecorous for nineteenth-century verse become vibrant and arresting in the work of these poets. Yet while each poet approaches humble and neglected phenomena as worthy of aesthetic treatment, they do so without idealizing the unpalatable and disregarded subjects they portray in verse. The attention they devote to the abject—a witnessing they extrapolate from literal to human nature—is, as I show over the course of this dissertation, an ethical and political act.
In addition to upholding the unsettling and unglamorous qualities of the natural subjects they honor, these poets also abstain from sentimentalizing the elements of lived experience that inform their writing, and refuse to downplay the often demanding process of poetic composition itself. While this dissertation’s insistence on regarding aspects of nature that nineteenth-century poetry has traditionally neglected is, in part, an ecocritical intervention, my project is also a call to dignify the artistic labors that reframe overlooked natural phenomena as worthy of aesthetic attention. To portray writing as work is to regard the craft as just as substantial and legitimate a pursuit as occupations whose effects are more straightforwardly measurable in practical terms.
Indeed, each poet in this dissertation insists upon depicting poetic making as a labor that requires the same dexterity as the construction of an architectural structure and that has as dramatic and far-reaching effects as military and legislative developments. Far from posing an escapist diversion from the social and civic realities of their day, I argue, these poets frame aesthetic creation and experience as fundamental to human nature, especially during wartime and periods of political upheaval.
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Hacia Cervantes : confluence of the “Byzantine” and the chivalric literary traditions in the QuijoteMeierhoffer, Lynn Vaulx 22 June 2011 (has links)
Miguel de Cervantes’s novel El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha Part One (1605) and Part Two (1615) has delighted readers for centuries. The literary criticism analyzing just this one product of Cervantes’s literary genius is voluminous. In particular, the novel’s structure has received significant scrutiny, and discussions
regarding its unity, or lack thereof, abound. This debate rages today with Cervantine experts still espousing various theories.
Puzzling over this quandary and asking why a truly convincing explanation regarding the structure has not emerged, we arrive at a partial answer. We believe that there is unity in the Quijote and that Cervantes created a unified work by ingeniously taking full advantage of the elements of both the “Byzantine” and the chivalric literary traditions, combining them in a harmonizing synthesis. Moreover, he resolved the problem of unity within variety by establishing thematic consistency throughout.
The purpose of our study is to explore the confluence of the “Byzantine” and chivalric literary traditions in works that precede Cervantes and to examine how Cervantes innovatively worked with this element in the Quijote of 1605. We present a panoramic view of works written between the thirteenth and the mid-sixteenth centuries, which reveal writers’ efforts to combine, consciously or unconsciously, the various characteristics of the “Byzantine” and chivalric literary traditions. For this project, we look at six representative works written in Spanish or Italian that represent significant antecedents to the Quijote and Cervantes’s unique method of synthesizing the traditions: Libro de Apolonio, Libro del caballero Zifar, Orlando innamorato, Orlando furioso, Palmerín de Olivia, Los amores de Clareo y Florisea y los trabajos de la sin ventura Isea. We investigate each author’s approach at coupling the two traditions and determine his/her degree of success in merging them artistically to produce a coherent whole.
Our analysis reveals that not only does Cervantes systematically integrate the two literary traditions in his parody, but he also skillfully devises a way to unify thematically the delightful variety in his work. To wit, Cervantes embraces the theme of literature (fiction) and life (reality) and explores the need for distinguishing judiciously between them. / text
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