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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A longitudinal study to explore and examine the potential and impact of an e-coaching programme on the learning and self-efficacy of female entrepreneurs in the north west of England

Hunt, Carianne January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this longitudinal study was to examine the potential of coaching to develop female entrepreneurs' self-efficacy through learning and development. This was achieved by firstly conducting a needs analysis, which explored the potential of an e-coaching programme for female entrepreneurs in the North West of England. Secondly, implementing an e-coaching programme called TEC (Tailored E-Coaching) for female entrepreneurs in the North West of England and exploring the impact of the programme, specifically examining female entrepreneurs' learning development with regard to entrepreneurial self efficacy, general entrepreneurial attitudes and locus of control, compared to a control group who did not receive the coaching intervention. The study consisted of two stages, with two time points in stage two (pre and post programme). A mixed method approach was used, whereby qualitative and quantitative data were collected. The main barriers faced by female entrepreneurs appear to be based on access to funding and finance, balancing domestic responsibilities and work, a lack of human capital, a lack of social capital and lack of confidence. Women often dismiss entrepreneurial endeavours because they believe that they do not have the required skills (Wilson, Kickul and Marlino, 2007). In addition, they do not appear to be accessing the support that is currently available, particularly when compared with male entrepreneurs (Stranger, 2004; Fielden et al, 2003). However, there is limited empirical research examining female entrepreneurs' requirement regarding business support provision. One form of professional one-to-one support that may have the potential to overcome these barriers to entrepreneurial activity is coaching. Longitudinal empirical research examining the effectiveness of coaching and the learning processes in coaching relationships is scarce, with an absence of research using control groups (Smither and London, 2003). Thirty women were involved in stage one of the study. In stage two of the study, sixty female entrepreneurs (coachees and coaches) commenced a coaching relationship for six months and twenty six female entrepreneurs signed up to a control group (those not receiving the coaching intervention). The aim of the coaching programme was primarily to use instant messaging for the majority of coaching meetings. The relationship lasted approximately six months (2006-2007). Qualitative data was analysed using content analysis and quantitative questionnaire data was analysed using paired sample t-tests. The study found that coachees' learning development resulted in increased levels of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and general entrepreneurial attitudes in a range ofkey areas and increased internality regarding locus of control. In contrast, the control group did not show any increase in entrepreneurial self-efficacy and showed a decrease in general entrepreneurial attitudes. Coaches developed their coachees through a range of learning processes, for example, enactive mastery and the clarification of business goals, vicarious experience through shared experiences and verbal persuasion through validation. The study found that online coaching has a variety of advantages, e.g. convenience, ease of access, and time to reflect on information.

Education through instant messaging : A content analysis in an online coaching project

Hulkko, Annelie, Jansson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
In this master’s thesis a model for transcription analysis for a one-to-one Relationship ofInquiry were constructed and presented. The model was modified from the model fortranscript analysis in Community of Inquiry. The original three presences from Community ofInquiry, teaching, cognitive and social presence, were chosen to be adapted to Relationship ofInquiry together with a fourth presence, emotional presence. In this study the online coachingproject Math coach were used for the construction and testing of the model.A total of 60 conversations ranging over more than 3000 message units were in this thesisanalysed to test the model. From the data collected it was seen that the coaches and thecoachees had an almost 50-50 share of the message units. Furthermore the presences in thedata collected where distributed so that the most units where coded to cognitive presence, thenin descending order: teaching, emotional, and social presence. In this master’s thesis themodel for transcript analysis is presented and the results are discussed. / I denna examinationsrapport konstrueras och presenteras en modell för transkriptionsanalysför en-till-en samtal i ”Relationship of Inquiry”. Modellen modifierades från den existerandemodellen för transkriptionsanalys i ”Community of Inquiry”. De tre ursprungliga elementenfrån ”Community of Inquiry”, lärarelementet, kognitiva elementet och sociala elementet,anpassades till ”Relationship of Inquiry” tillsammans med ett fjärde element, emotionellaelementet. I denna studie användes projektet Mattecoach på Nätet för konstruktion ochtestning av modellen.Totalt var det 60 konversationer på mer än 3000 meddelanden som analyserades för att testamodellen. Från de data som insamlades kunde det ses att coacherna och eleverna hade ennästan 50-50 fördelning av meddelanden mellan sig. Vidare var elementen fördelade så att deflesta meddelanden som kodades tillhörde det kognitiva elementet, sen följde de i sjunkandeordning: lärarelementet, emotionella elementet och sociala elementet. I detta arbete såkommer modellen för transkriberings analys att presenteras och resultaten att diskuteras.

Online coaching as a Relationship of Inquiry : Exploring one-to-one online education

Stenbom, Stefan January 2015 (has links)
In educational development, much focus is put on the use of computers and other digital tools to enhance teaching and learning. One of the most used digital communication forms is one-to-one communication using text, images, and video. One-to-one communication for educational purposes has, however, so far received only modest attention in research. The purpose of this thesis is to explore inquiry-based one-to-one online education. An additional purpose is to explore opportunities and limitations with the Community of Inquiry framework, one of the most used models for analysis of online learning, when analyzing one-to-one online education. A particular interest is put on the role of emotions in the analyses. The empirical case used in the thesis is the Math Coach program who employs one-to-one education for k-12 students in mathematics via chat and a shared digital whiteboard. The thesis consists of an introduction and four papers. First, in Paper I online coaching is defined, explained, and discussed through a review of previous research and a study of the establishment and operation of the Math Coach program. Secondly, the Community of Inquiry framework is adapted for use in one-to-one settings forming the Relationship of Inquiry framework. Paper II initiates the adaption using a survey study, Paper III evaluates the role of emotions in the framework, and Paper IV consolidates the Relationship of Inquiry framework with a comprehensive description of its components and a transcript coding procedure. The findings indicate that inquiry-based one-to-one online education can be explored utilizing Online coaching as a Relationship of Inquiry. Online coaching is theoretically grounded in collaborative constructivism, critical thinking, and proximal development. It is defined as an inquiry-based learning activity where a person gets support on a specific subject matter from a more knowledgeable person using the Internet. The Relationship of Inquiry is a conceptual connection that is built between two persons that engage in a critical discourse in order resolve an educational issue. Central for the framework is the elements of cognitive presence, teaching presence, social presence, and emotional presence. Emotional presence is especially examined and confirmed as a critical interdependent element of the framework. / En stor del av det utvecklingsarbete som idag bedrivs inom utbildningsväsendet handlar om hur datorer och annan digital teknik kan användas för att förbättra undervisning och lärande. Digital kommunikation mellan två individer – en-till-en-kommunikation – i form av text, bilder och video har fått stort genomslag i samhället, men det finns begränsat med forskning om dess användning och användbarhet i utbildningssammanhang. Det primära syftet med denna avhandling är att utforska nätbaserad en-till-en-utbildning. Ett ytterligare syfte är att undersöka möjligheter och begränsningar med användandet av ramverket "Community of Inquiry" vid analys av nätbaserad utbildning. I avhandlingen studeras särskilt den emotionella dimensionen av ramverket. Som studieobjekt används Mattecoach på nätet, en verksamhet där grundskole- och gymnasieelever får stöd – coachas – i sina matematikstudier genom att chatta med lärarstudenter via textmeddelanden och en delad digital skrivtavla. Avhandlingen är skriven på engelska och består av en inledning och fyra vetenskapliga artiklar. I artikel I definieras, förklaras och diskuteras läraktiviteten nätcoachning. I artikel II introduceras ramverket "Relationship of Inquiry". Detta bygger på ''Community of Inquiry'', som är ett väletablerat hjälpmedel för att analysera kommunikation inom större grupper, men har anpassats för en-till-en-kommunikation. I artikel III utvecklas ramverket vidare genom att speciellt studera den emotionella aspekten av lärande. I artikel IV bekräftas ramverket genom en fullständig beskrivning av dess ingående delar och en transkriptionsanalys. Studien indikerar att nätbaserad en-till-en-utbildning kan utforskas utifrån läraktiviteten nätcoachning och ramverket ''Relationship of Inquiry'' (Online coaching as a Relationship of Inquiry). Nätcoachning definieras som en undersökande läraktivitet där en person via Internet får stöd i sin kunskapsutveckling från en annan individ som är mer kunnig inom området. Dess teoretiska grund bygger på kollaborativ konstruktivism, kritiskt tänkande och proximal utveckling. I avhandlingen studeras den relation som bildas mellan coach och elev som genom en kritisk och reflekterande dialog löser elevens matematikproblem. Ramverket är uppbyggt kring fyra delar: det kognitiva elementet, lärarelementet, det sociala elementet samt det emotionella elementet. Det emotionella elementet har särskilt studerats och visade sig vara ett viktigt element. – / <p>QC 20150513</p>

Persuasive features in online health coaching: A case study of coaching provider Lifted / Persuasiva funktioner i online hälsocoaching: En fallstudie av hälsocoaching företag Lifted

Piuhola, Petriina January 2017 (has links)
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research typically studies behavior change by measuring behavior outcomes, but this is not always feasible nor the only way to study persuasive technologies. Understanding how users interact with and integrate persuasive systems into their daily lives can also guide the evaluation of such systems. Often times, theories about behavior change in persuasive systems lack contextual specificity, which is why this study explores the online courses of Lifted to understand behavior change within the context of online health coaching. Four coaches and eight users were interviewed about their interactions and perceptions of Lifted’s online health coaching platform to help understand which features of the course platform support user retention. Key features identified as persuasive were those that supported personalization, sense of community or users’ commitment to the course. In the future the identified themes and features can tentatively guide the development and design of online health coaching platforms. / Forskning inom människa-dator interaktion (MDI) brukar fokusera på beteendeförändring genom att mäta utfallet av ett beteende. Detta är inte alltid möjligt att tillämpa eller det enda sättet att studera persuasiva teknologier. Att förstå hur användaren interagerar med persuasiva system och integrerar dem i sina vardagliga liv kan också styra utvärdering av sådana system. De flesta beteendeteorier är inte kontextspecifika, vilket är ett skäl till varför den här studien utforskar onlinekurser av Lifted för att förstå beteendeförändring i kontexten av online hälsocoaching. Fyra tränade och åtta användare intervjuades om deras interaktioner och uppfattning av Lifteds hälsocoaching för att förstå vad de är på plattformen som gör att användarna återvänder. Nyckelfunktioner som identifierades som persuasiva var sådana som stödde personifiering, gemenskapen eller användarnas engagemang i kursen. De identifierade funktionerna kan komma till användning vid utvecklingen av hälsocoachingplattformar.

Utveckling och förbättring av en interaktiv e-lärandetjänst för matematik : En studie om hur matematikstudier via en internet-baserad interaktiv e-lärandetjänst kan förbättras / Development and Improvement of an Interactive E-learning Service for Mathematics : A Study about how Studies in Mathematics via an Internet-based Interactive E-learning Service can be Improved.

Cronelöv, Joakim, Nilsson, Michael January 2016 (has links)
Senaste tidens debatt om de ständigt sjunkande matematikkunskaperna hos svenska elever i kombination med den lärarbrist som vuxit fram i den svenska skolan har skapat ett utrymme för diskussion kring och behov av alternativa lärandeformer. Idag utnyttjar ungdomar internet i allt större utsträckning och det är troligtvis där som nya plattformar för lärande har störst potential att lyckas. Den här studien är inriktad på interaktivt e-lärande. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att förbättra förutsättningarna för elevers studier i matematik då de använder en interaktiv e-lärandetjänst. För att åstadkomma detta identifierades tre viktiga aspekter i syfte att mäta hur den digitala studiemiljön i den interaktiva e-lärandetjänsten upplevs. Efter detta togs en metod fram och användes för att förbättra den digitala studiemiljön utifrån de tre aspekterna. Rapporten beskriver hur en interaktiv e-lärandetjänst kan vidareutvecklas genom utvärdering och implementering av ny programvara. Den tjänst som har utvecklats är den svenska interaktiva e-lärandetjänsten Mattecoach på nätet. Utifrån resultaten som erhölls från utvärderingen togs förbättringsförslag fram och implementerades varpå en ny utvärdering följde. I den här studien lyckades vi hitta ett antal förbättringspunkter vilka vi sedemera implementerade en större del av. Resultatet från studien indikerar att dessa förbättringar bidrog till en bättre studiemiljö samt att ett gångbart sätt att utveckla en interaktiv elärandetjänst är att undersöka olika aspekter (tidsaspekt, coachningsaspekt, programvaruaspekt) med syfte att utvärdera tjänsten, och därefter utveckla tjänsten genom att förbättra dessa aspekter med utgångspunkt i teorier om lärande och användares önskemål. / Recent debate about the ever decreasing mathematics skills of Swedish students combined with the shortage of mathematics teachers in the Swedish school system have created the need for alternative forms of learning. Today the number of young people who use the internet is at an all time high and it is probably on the internet that new platforms for learning have the greatest potential to succeed. This study focuses on interactive e-learning. The overall objective of the study presented in this thesis is to improve the conditions for students studying mathematics using an interactive e-learning service. To accomplish this, three important aspects were identified in order to measure how the digital learning environment of the interactive e-learning service is experienced. After that, a method is developed in order to improve the digital learning environment, based on the three aspects. The report describes how an interactive e-learning service can be further improved through assessment and implementation of new software. The service that has been assessed and improved is the Swedish interactive e-learning service Mattecoach på nätet. Based on results obtained from surveys and interviews, potential ways to improve the service were found and parts of those improvements were implemented. In order to assess the improvements made, a second evaluation was conducted. In this study, we managed to find a number of improvement points of which we later on implemented a big part of. The result from the study indicates that these improvements contributed to a better study environment and that a viable way to develop an interactive elearning service is to examine different aspects (time aspect, coaching aspect, software aspect) with the aim to evaluate the service, and then develop the service by improving these aspects based on theories of learning and users preferences.

The Nature of Elementary Science Teachers' Experiences with Synchronous Online, Asynchronous Online and Face-to-Face Coaching

Gilbert, Amanda Marie January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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