Spelling suggestions: "subject:"opensource"" "subject:"opensource""
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Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2013: Tagungsband – 16. und 17. März 2013Meier, Wilhelm, Berger, Uwe, Heik, Andreas, König, Harald, Kölbel, Cornelius, Loschwitz, Martin Gerhard, Wachtler, Axel, Findeisen, Ralph, Kubieziel, Jens, Seidel, Philipp, Luithardt, Wolfram, Gachet, Daniel, Schuler, Jean-Roland 04 April 2013 (has links)
Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage sind eine Veranstaltung rund um das Thema Open Source.
Im Jahr 2013 wurden 106 Vorträge und Workshops gehalten. Der Band enthält ausführliche Beiträge zu 11 Hauptvorträgen sowie Zusammenfassungen zu 95 weiteren Vorträgen.
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Införandet av öppen programvara inom kommuner - hinder och möjligheterJoakim, Nylund January 2022 (has links)
Öppen programvara innebär att källkoden är tillgänglig för vem som helst att använda, läsa, vidareutveckla och dela vidare. Fördelar som vanligen nämns med denna typ av programvara är minskade kostnader, möjligheten att undvika inlåsningseffekter samt ökad innovation. Inom svenska kommuner saknas det en samlad bild av kunskapen kring öppen programvara och hur utspridd användningen är. Yrkesgruppen upphandlare har en central roll i vilken typ av programvara som införs i organisationen. Syftet med studien är att besvara vilka hinder och möjligheter som påverkar upphandlare vid införandet av öppen programvara inom kommuner. För att uppnå angivet syfte besvaras frågeställningen: Vilka hinder och möjligheter påverkar upphandlare inom svenska kommuner i övervägandet av öppen programvara? Resultatet delas in i de tre faktorerna organisation, teknologi och omvärld. Viktiga organisatoriska faktorer är kommunikation inom kommunerna för ökad kunskap om öppen programvara samt storleken på kommunen. Teknologiska faktorer innefattar en utbredd oro kring informationssäkerheten hos öppen programvara och speciellt community-aspekten ses på med viss misstänksamhet. Öppen programvara anses även kunna motverka inlåsningseffekter. Påverkande omvärldsfaktorer handlar om kommunikation mellan kommuner, vikten av god konkurrens på leverantörsmarknaden och hur media och lagstiftning påverkar valet av programvara. / Open source systems (OSS) are systems where the source code is available for anyone to use, read, further develop and share. Often cited advantages include reduced costs, avoidance of lock-in effects and increased innovation. It is not clear however how much knowledge and usage there is of OSS in swedish municipalities. Within municipalities, procurement officers play a central role in what type of software that is introduced into the organisation. The aim of the study is therefore to answer what obstacles and opportunities that affect procurement officers when introducing OSS in municipalities. The research question to answer the purpose is: What obstacles and opportunities affect procurement officers in swedish municipalities in their consideration of OSS? The results show that important organisational factors are communication inside the municipalities to increase knowledge about OSS and the size of the municipality. Technological factors show a widespread concern regarding the information security in OSS and especially the community aspect is shown scepticism. OSS is also seen to counteract lock-in effects. Influential environmental factors include communication between municipalities, the importance of good vendor market competition and how media and legislation in the public sector affects the choice of software.
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Enabling Network-Aware Cloud Networked Robots with Robot Operating System : A machine learning-based approachNordlund, Fredrik Hans January 2015 (has links)
During the recent years, a new area called Cloud Networked Robotics (CNR) has evolved from conventional robotics, thanks to the increasing availability of cheap robot systems and steady improvements in the area of cloud computing. Cloud networked robots refers to robots with the ability to offload computation heavy modules to a cloud, in order to make use of storage, scalable computation power, and other functionalities enabled by a cloud such as shared knowledge between robots on a global level. However, these cloud robots face a problem with reachability and QoS of crucial modules that are offloaded to the cloud, when operating in unstable network environments. Under such conditions, the robots might lose the connection to the cloud at any moment; in worst case, leaving the robots “brain-dead”. This thesis project proposes a machine learning-based network aware framework for a cloud robot, that can choose the most efficient module placement based on location, task, and the network condition. The proposed solution was implemented upon a cloud robot prototype based on the TurtleBot 2 robot development kit, running Robot Operating System (ROS). A continuous experiment was conducted where the cloud robot was ordered to execute a simple task in the laboratory corridor under various network conditions. The proposed solution was evaluated by comparing the results from the continuous experiment with measurements taken from the same robot, with all modules placed locally, doing the same task. The results show that the proposed framework can potentially decrease the battery consumption by 10% while improving the efficiency of the task by 2.4 seconds (2.8%). However, there is an inherent bottleneck in the proposed solution where each new robot would need 2 months to accumulate enough data for the training set, in order to show good performance. The proposed solution can potentially benefit the area of CNR if connected and integrated with a shared-knowledge platform which can enable new robots to skip the training phase, by downloading the existing knowledge from the cloud. / Under de senaste åren har ett nytt forskningsområde kallat Cloud Networked Robotics (CNR) växt fram inom den konventionella robottekniken, tack vare den ökade tillgången på billiga robotsystem och stadiga framsteg inom området cloud computing. Molnrobotar syftar på robotar med förmågan att flytta resurstunga moduler till ett moln för att ta del av lagringskapaciteten, den skalbara processorkraften och andra tjänster som ett moln kan tillhandahålla, t.ex. en kunskapsdatabas för robotar över hela världen. Det finns dock ett problem med dessa sorters robotar gällande nåbarhet och QoS för kritiska moduler placerade på ett moln, när dessa robotar verkar i instabila nätverksmiljöer. I ett sådant scenario kan robotarna när som helst förlora anslutningen till molnet, vilket i värsta fall lämnar robotarna hjärndöda. Den här rapporten föreslår en maskininlärningsbaserad nätverksmedveten ramverkslösning för en molnrobot, som kan välja de mest effektiva modulplaceringarna baserat på robotens position, den givna uppgiften och de rådande nätverksförhållanderna. Ramverkslösningen implementerades på en molnrobotsprototyp, baserad på ett robot development kit kallat TurtleBot 2, som använder sig av ett middleware som heter Robot Operating System (ROS). Ett fortskridande experiment utfördes där molnroboten fick i uppgift att utföra ett enkelt uppdrag i laboratoriets korridor, under varierande nätverksförhållanden. Ramverkslösningen utvärderades genom att jämföra resultaten från det fortskridrande experimentet med mätningar som gjordes med samma robot som utförde samma uppgift, fast med alla moduler placerade lokalt på roboten. Resultaten visar att den föreslagna ramverkslösningen kan potentiellt minska batterikonsumptionen med 10%, samtidigt som tiden för att utföra en uppgift kan minskas med 2.4 sekunder (2.8%). Däremot uppstår en flaskhals i framtagna lösningen där varje ny robot kräver 2 månader för att samla ihop nog med data för att maskinilärningsalgoritmen ska visa bra prestanda. Den förlsagna lösningen kan dock vara fördelaktig för CNR om man integrerar den med en kunskapsdatabas för robotar, som kan möjliggöra för varje ny robot att kringå den 2 månader långa träningsperioden, genom att ladda ner existerande kunskap från molnet.
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Konzeptionierung und Realisierung eines zielgruppenübergreifenden Maker-Buchs zur Laser-InterferometrieKlompmaker, Stefan 21 June 2019 (has links)
Der Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines zielgruppenübergreifenden Buch-Konzeptes im Open-Source-Gedanken und die kritische Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile des Konzeptes.
Den Ausgangszustand dieser Arbeit bilden drei zielgruppenspezifische Konzepte (Maker-Konzept, schulisches Konzept, wirtschaftliches Konzept), die kritisch bewertet werden. Sowohl das Maker-Konzept als auch das schulische und das wirtschaftliche Konzept weisen Stärken und Schwächen auf. Die besondere Neuerung und ein Hauptpunkt des Konzeptes ist die Verwendung von LEGO®-Bausteinen für den Aufbau eines Michelson-Interferometers. Das Interferometer erweist sich dadurch als geeignetes Experiment zur Nachwuchsförderung im Bereich der Optik und Photonik. Die positiven Resultate hinsichtlich der Nachwuchsförderung werden zusätzlich durch den Einsatz von Open-Source-Ansätzen, wie z. B. das Veröffentlichen von Bau- und Justageanleitungen, verstärkt. Schwächen offenbart die Divergenz der Konzepte. Es werden unterschiedliche Aufbauten des Michelson-Interferometers verwendet und an verschiedene Zielgruppen adressiert.
Ein Lösungsansatz zur Zusammenführung der verschiedenen Konzepte und Zielgruppen ist das zielgruppenübergreifende Buch-Konzept. Unter Beachtung des Open-Source-Gedanken und der verschiedenen Zielgruppen wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein Buch konzipiert, welches die Lösung der Forschungsfrage darstellen soll: „Ist es möglich, ein Konzept zu entwickeln, welches mehrere Zielgruppen anspricht und gleichzeitig dem Open-Source-Gedanken folgt?“ Hierfür wird der Aufbau des Michelson-Interferometers dahingehend geändert, dass er den Ansprüchen mehrerer Zielgruppen genügt und zudem durch die einheitliche Verwendung von LEGO®-Bausteinen eine einfache Aufbauweise besitzt. Darüber hinaus wird das Buch-Konzept mit einem didaktischen Grundkonzept zur Bild- und Textgestaltung versehen, um eine verständliche, strukturierte und gleichzeitig anschauliche Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zu garantieren.
Um ein möglichst positives Resultat im Sinne der Forschungsfrage und dadurch auch einen größtmöglichen Erfolg des Buch-Konzeptes zu gewährleisten, wird das Buch-Konzept in dieser Arbeit selbstkritisch reflektiert, sodass wissenschaftlich begründet geschlossen werden darf: Das Buch trägt zur Nachwuchsgewinnung und –förderung im Bereich der Optik und Photonik bei und wird der Förderidee der zu Grunde liegenden Förderungen des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung gerecht.
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A Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Library for Cartesian MeshesJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation introduces FARCOM (Fortran Adaptive Refiner for Cartesian Orthogonal Meshes), a new general library for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) based on an unstructured hexahedral mesh framework. As a result of the underlying unstructured formulation, the refinement and coarsening operators of the library operate on a single-cell basis and perform in-situ replacement of old mesh elements. This approach allows for h-refinement without the memory and computational expense of calculating masked coarse grid cells, as is done in traditional patch-based AMR approaches, and enables unstructured flow solvers to have access to the automated domain generation capabilities usually only found in tree AMR formulations.
The library is written to let the user determine where to refine and coarsen through custom refinement selector functions for static mesh generation and dynamic mesh refinement, and can handle smooth fields (such as level sets) or localized markers (e.g. density gradients). The library was parallelized with the use of the Zoltan graph-partitioning library, which provides interfaces to both a graph partitioner (PT-Scotch) and a partitioner based on Hilbert space-filling curves. The partitioned adjacency graph, mesh data, and solution variable data is then packed and distributed across all MPI ranks in the simulation, which then regenerate the mesh, generate domain decomposition ghost cells, and create communication caches.
Scalability runs were performed using a Leveque wave propagation scheme for solving the Euler equations. The results of simulations on up to 1536 cores indicate that the parallel performance is highly dependent on the graph partitioner being used, and differences between the partitioners were analyzed. FARCOM is found to have better performance if each MPI rank has more than 60,000 cells. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Aerospace Engineering 2019
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Can Developer Data Predict Vulnerabilities? : Examining Developer and Vulnerability Correlation in the Kibana ProjectLövgren, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Open-source software is often chosen with the expectation of increased security. The transparency and peer review process of open development offer advantages in terms of more secure code. However, developing secure code remains a challenging task that requires more than just expertise. Even with adequate knowledge, human errors can occur, leading to mistakes and overlooked issues that may result in exploitable vulnerabilities. It is reasonable to assume that not all developers introduce bugs or vulnerabilities randomly since each developer brings unique experience and knowledge to the development process. The objective of this thesis is to investigate a method for identifying high-risk developers who are more likely to introduce vulnerabilities or bugs, which can be used to predict potential locations of bugs or vulnerabilities in the source code based on the developer who wrote the code. Metrics related to developers’ code churn, code complexity, bug association, and experience were collected during a case study of the open- source project Kibana. The findings provide empirical evidence suggesting that developers that write code with higher complexity and have a greater project activity pose a higher risk of introducing vulnerabilities and bugs. Developers who have introduced vulnerabilities also tend to exhibit higher code churn, code complexity, and bug association compared to those who have not introduced a vulnerability. However, the metrics employed in this study were not sufficiently discriminative for identifying developers with a higher risk of introducing vulnerabilities or bugs per commit. Nevertheless, the results of this study serve as a foundation for further research in this area exploring the topic further. / Programvara med öppen källkod väljs ofta med förväntningar om ökad säkerhet. Transparensen och peer review-processen erbjuder fördelar i form av säkrare kod. Men att utveckla säker kod är fortfarande en utmanande uppgift som kräver mer än bara expertis. Även med tillräcklig kunskap kan mänskliga fel uppstå, vilket leder till misstag och förbisedda problem som kan resultera i exploaterbara sårbarheter. Det är rimligt att anta att inte alla utvecklare introducerar buggar eller sårbarheter slumpmässigt, eftersom varje utvecklare tar med sig unik erfarenhet och kunskap till utvecklingsprocessen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att identifiera en metod att identifiera högriskutvecklare som är mer benägna att introducera sårbarheter eller buggar, vilket kan användas för att förutsäga potentiella platser för buggar eller sårbarheter i källkoden baserat på utvecklaren som skrev koden. Mätvärden relaterade till utvecklarnas omsättning av kod, kodkomplexitet, buggassociation och erfarenhet samlades in under en fallstudie av det öppna källkodsprojektet Kibana. Fynden ger empiriska bevis som tyder på att utvecklare med högre kodkomplexitetsmått och större projektaktivitet utgör en högre risk för att introducera sårbarheter och buggar. Utvecklare som har introducerat sårbarheter tenderar också att uppvisa högre omsättning av kod, kodkomplexitet och buggassociation jämfört med de som inte har introducerat en sårbarhet. De mätvärden som användes i denna studie var dock inte tillräckligt diskriminerande för att identifiera utvecklare med en högre risk att introducera sårbarheter eller buggar per commit. Ändå fungerar resultaten av denna studie som en grund för vidare studier inom detta område.
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The Making of Laborer Subjectivity and Knowledge in the Information Industry:Gender Dimensions of Free and Open Source DevelopmentOh, Yeon Ju 07 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Uncovering Signal : Simplifying Forensic Investigations of the Signal Application / Signals Svaghet : Underlättande av forensiska undersökningar av chatapplikationen SignalLiljekvist, Erika, Hedlund, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
The increasing availability of easy-to-use end-to-end encrypted messaging applications has made it possible for more people to conduct their conversations privately. This is something that criminals have taken advantage of and it has proven to make digital forensic investigations more difficult as methods of decrypting the data are needed. In this thesis, data from iOS and Windows devices is extracted and analysed, with focus on the application Signal. Even though other operating systems are compatible with the Signal application, such as Android, it is outside the scope of this thesis. The results of this thesis provide access to data stored in the encrypted application Signalwithout the need for expensive analysis tools. This is done by developing and publishing the first open-source script for decryption and parsing of the Signal database. The script is available for anyone at https://github.com/decryptSignal/decryptSignal.
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Oceanographic Instrument SimulatorChen, Amy 01 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) established the Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (FOCE) experiment to study the long-term effects of decreased ocean pH levels by developing in-situ platforms [1]. Deep FOCE (dpFOCE) was the first platform, which was deployed in 950 meters of water in Monterey Bay. After the conclusion of dpFOCE, MBARI developed an open source shallow water FOCE (swFOCE) platform located at around 250 meter of water to facilitate worldwide shallow water experiments on FOCE [1][2]. A shallow water platform can be more ubiquitous than a deep-water platform as shallow water instruments are less expensive (as it does not have to be designed to withstand the pressure at deep ocean depths) and more easily deployed (they can be deployed right along the coast).
The swFOCE experiment is an open source platform, and MBARI has made the plans available online to anyone interested in studying shallow water carbon enrichment. There is a gateway node what is connected to four sensor nodes within the swFOCE. In order to test the sensor node individually, an idea of designing an Oceanographic Instrument Simulator is purposed. The Oceanographic instrument simulator (OIS), described in this paper provides the means for MBARI engineers to test the swFOCE platform without attaching the numerous and expensive oceanographic instruments. The Oceanographic Instrument Simulator simulates the various scientific instruments that could be deployed in an actual experiment.
The Oceanographic Instrument Simulator (OIS) system includes the designed circuit board, Arduino Due and an SD Card shield. The designed circuit board will be connected to a computer through a USB cable, and be connected to MBARI’s swFOCE sensor node through a serial connection. When a query is given from the sensor node, the Arduino Due will parse the data given from the sensor node, search through the pre-installed data in the SD card and return the appropriate data back to the sensor node. A user can also manually set up the input current through a computer terminal window to control the simulated signals from the PCB.
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Programming Language Fragmentation and Developer Productivity: An Empirical StudyKrein, Jonathan L. 10 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In an effort to increase both the quality of software applications and the efficiency with which applications can be written, developers often incorporate multiple programming languages into software projects. Although language specialization arguably introduces benefits, the total impact of the resulting language fragmentation (working concurrently in multiple programming languages) on developer performance is unclear. For instance, developers may solve problems more efficiently when they have multiple language paradigms at their disposal. However, the overhead of maintaining efficiency in more than one language may outweigh those benefits. This thesis represents a first step toward understanding the relationship between language fragmentation and programmer productivity. We address that relationship within two different contexts: 1) the individual developer, and 2) the overall project. Using a data-centered approach, we 1) develop metrics for measuring productivity and language fragmentation, 2) select data suitable for calculating the needed metrics, 3) develop and validate statistical models that isolate the correlation between language fragmentation and individual programmer productivity, 4) develop additional methods to mitigate threats to validity within the developer context, and 5) explore limitations that need to be addressed in future work for effective analysis of language fragmentation within the project context using the SourceForge data set. Finally, we demonstrate that within the open source software development community, SourceForge, language fragmentation is negatively correlated with individual programmer productivity.
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