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Open Platform Semi-Passive Ultra High Frenquency Radio Frequency IdentiLi, Tzu Hao 20 June 2011 (has links)
Radio frequency identi cation (RFID) is a rapidly emerging technology that enables au-
tomatic remote identi cation of objects. Passive and semi-passive RFID systems can be
distinguished from other forms of wireless systems, because the RFID tags (transponders)
communicate by way of backscatter. In addition, passive tags derive their energy from
the RF energy emitted by the reader. RFID technology can provide a fully automated
data capture and analysis system.
Compared to a passive RFID system, an open platform semi-passive UHF RFID
tag can provide identi cation, security, low-power (compared to a wireless sensor net-
work(WSN)), medium range and medium processing speed. However, the eld of semi-
passive RFID is still under development, and has yet there are no open development
platforms available.
This thesis develops a prototype of a semi-passive UHF RFID tag that is compatible
with the leading UHF RFID standard EPCglobal Gen 2 Class 1. I alsot has the
I2C and analog digital converter(ADC) interface, which allows the additional of external
analog and digital sensors. The sensor data can be read by microcontroller and stored at
memory. Standard reader can get sensor data by sending QUERY and READ command
to tag.
Test results of our open platform semi-passive UHF RFID tag demonstrated that it
can achieve a read rate above 50% when an open platform semi-passive UHF RFID tag
is placed four meters from the reader antenna and the reader output power is set to 21
dBm. In addition, the proposed semi-passive open platform RFID tag consumes very
little power (4.9 mA in 2V with system frequency set to 8MHz).
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Data hiding and detection in Office Open XML (OOXML) documentsRaffay, Mohammad Ali 01 March 2011 (has links)
With the rapid development and popularity of information technology, criminals and mischievous computer users are given avenues to commit crimes and malicious activities. One of the commonly used tactics, called steganography, is to hide information under a cover media so that except participants, no one else knows the existence of such information. Many techniques have been proposed for hiding data in images, videos and audios, but there is not much research devoted to data hiding in the popular MS Office documents which have recently adopted Office Open XML (OOXML) format.
In this research, we first focus on identifying several data hiding techniques for OOXML documents. Then, we design and develop a fast detection algorithm based on the unique internal structure of OOXML documents, which contains multiple XML files, by using multi-XML query technique. Experimental results show the proposed detection algorithm outperforms the traditional one in terms of detection speed and completeness, where performance is the key to success of detecting hidden data in OOXML documents due to the fact that millions of documents are generated and transferred over the internet every day. / UOIT
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Spatial Valuation of Open Space Externalities in Baltimore County, MarylandGurung, Kushal 14 March 2013 (has links)
Different open space types are assumed to be valued in different ways by the public. This thesis analyzes four spatially explicit hedonic models of Baltimore County, Maryland to examine the effect of six different open spaces types on house value using 2007 sales data. The first model analyzes open space value using proximity measures of open spaces, while the other three models use percent area measures of open space at different neighborhood distance. Marginal monetary values of the open spaces are estimated. Additional eight hedonic models, four urban and four rural, are used to analyze the differences and similarities between the value placed on open space by urban dwellers and rural dwellers.
Among the open space types under study, storm water retention area is found to have the most prevalent influence on house value and in most instants this influence is found to be negative. Differences and similarities in urban and rural perspective on open space value are also discussed. Proximity to lakes without improvements has positive effect on house prices for both rural and urban area. Golf course area in urban neighborhood has negative influence on house prices, whereas in rural area its influence is seen to be positive.
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Open Platform Semi-Passive Ultra High Frenquency Radio Frequency IdentiLi, Tzu Hao 20 June 2011 (has links)
Radio frequency identi cation (RFID) is a rapidly emerging technology that enables au-
tomatic remote identi cation of objects. Passive and semi-passive RFID systems can be
distinguished from other forms of wireless systems, because the RFID tags (transponders)
communicate by way of backscatter. In addition, passive tags derive their energy from
the RF energy emitted by the reader. RFID technology can provide a fully automated
data capture and analysis system.
Compared to a passive RFID system, an open platform semi-passive UHF RFID
tag can provide identi cation, security, low-power (compared to a wireless sensor net-
work(WSN)), medium range and medium processing speed. However, the eld of semi-
passive RFID is still under development, and has yet there are no open development
platforms available.
This thesis develops a prototype of a semi-passive UHF RFID tag that is compatible
with the leading UHF RFID standard EPCglobal Gen 2 Class 1. I alsot has the
I2C and analog digital converter(ADC) interface, which allows the additional of external
analog and digital sensors. The sensor data can be read by microcontroller and stored at
memory. Standard reader can get sensor data by sending QUERY and READ command
to tag.
Test results of our open platform semi-passive UHF RFID tag demonstrated that it
can achieve a read rate above 50% when an open platform semi-passive UHF RFID tag
is placed four meters from the reader antenna and the reader output power is set to 21
dBm. In addition, the proposed semi-passive open platform RFID tag consumes very
little power (4.9 mA in 2V with system frequency set to 8MHz).
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Selbst ist die Bibliothek...Hoffmann, Tracy 26 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Technische Universität Chemnitz setzt seit vielen Jahren auf den Einsatz von Open-Source-Software im gesamten Campus. Da liegt es nahe, dass auch die Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz auf frei verfügbaren Code zurückgreift. Die Möglichkeiten für Bibliotheken, Anwendungen und Dienstleistungen auf Open Source zu stützen, haben sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich verbessert, da zahlreiche spezielle Softwarelösungen für Bibliotheken entwickelt wurden.
Neben dem Katalog auf VuFind-Basis, dem ERMSystem Coral und weiteren im internen Bereich eingesetzten Speziallösungen wird seit April 2013 auch eine interaktive Standortkarte auf Grundlage von Open-Source-Code in der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz eingesetzt.
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Project Conifer: Open source academic library systemScott, Dan 23 September 2008 (has links)
An introduction to Project Conifer, the effort to bring the Evergreen open source library system from public libraries into Ontario's academic libraries. Dan Scott, project manager for Project Conifer, demonstrates the rationale behind the collaboration between Algoma University, Laurentian University, McMaster University, the Northern Ontario Health Integration Network (NOHIN), and the University of Windsor, and demonstrates the benefits Evergreen offers over our existing systems.
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ParaViewGeo: Open source visualization for geoscienceMaynard, Robert 23 September 2008 (has links)
Robert Maynard, lead developer for E2V0 (MIRARCO), describes ParaViewGeo - a version of ParaView that they have modified heavily to support data modelling and visualization in the mining and geoscience fields - as well as the open source development process used by E2V0.
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Choosing Free/Open Source Software : The strategic reasons for using Open Office in the municipalitiesMirza Aghaee, Naghmeh January 2009 (has links)
Open source software is becoming a credible and realistic alternative to proprietary software in municipalities. The aim of this thesis is to explore the strategies and logical issues that inspire and motivate municipalities to migrate into or integrate use of open source software. The research approach used in the study is an explorative, comparative case study performed in the three Swedish municipalities of Falköping, Alingsås and Kungälv, which considers implementation and use of OpenOffice in administration. The methodologies used in the case study were in-depth interviews with Chief Information Officers in the municipalities and document analysis. The interviews were combined with the tool of SWOTanalysis to further focus on the reasons for choosing OpenOffice as an application program. There is certainly not a unique strategy to migrate into or integrate use of Free/Open Source Software. Since each municipality is autonomous in the process of decision-making, various strategic planning or guidelines are use in different municipalities. In the municipalities of Alingsås and Kungälv the strategic planning is used for leading the processes of implementation of new software applications. However, in Falköping municipality, the procedures are guided by a set of guidelines. The lower Total Cost of Ownership and the Free/Open Source Software’s freedoms besides many other advantages, make the municipalities stimulated to migrate into use of OpenOffice suite. In contrast, there are some drawbacks and barriers, such as shortage of internal and external standardization and lack of user knowledge and familiarity, which demotivate the municipalities to take this decision. To lower costs of IT administration seems to be the most significant factor in motivating municipalities to migrate into use of OpenOffice. More research is needed in order to find out the consequences of implementation of OpenOffice in municipalities as well as to investigate if Total Cost of Ownership really is decreased by the use of Open Office.
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Living Lab - En öppen innovationsmiljöAndersson, Cristoffer, Christensson, Sebastian, Davidsson, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Living Lab är en öppen innovationsmiljö där innovationer samproduceras, testas och verifieras av användarna, tillsammans med företag och akademin i en kontext som representerar innovationens tänkta användningsområde. Genom samverkan kan olika värden skapas för företagen. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur Living Lab skapar värde för företag och vilka värden företag kan identifiera ur de användarcentrerade aktiviteterna. Uppsatsen karaktäriseras av en kvalitativ ansats och grundar sig i en explorativ undersökning med djupintervjuer där fyra företag ligger till grund för uppsatsens resultat. Uppsatsen har visat att Living Lab skapat värden för företag genom att de fått mer tilltalande produkter, identifierat nya användarkategorier och samordnat resurser med företag. Living Lab är därmed värdeskapande för företag genom stöd för utvärdering, ny- och vidareutveckling av innovationer. Samverkan mellan användare, företag och akademin öppnar upp för ett kunskapsutbyte vilket skapar värde för företag då kompetensutveckling äger rum och en djupare kunskap om användarna kan erhållas
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Utveckling av proprietär tillägg till öppen källkod / Development of proprietary add-ons for open source softwareMoussali, Marc, Svensson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Denna rapport visar hur ett företag kan gå tillväga för att sammanställa utvecklingen av proprietär tillägg till öppen källkod. Rapporten presenterar en strategi för hantering av extern källkod. Examensarbetet har utförts på Ericsson AB i Linköping och har gått ut på att sammanställa deras internutveckling av protokollavkodare till Wireshark. I rapporten presenteras hur ett program som licensierats under öppen källkod kan utvärderas. Vidare ges en kort introduktion till de legala grunderna för öppen källkod. Rapporten tar även upp de risker som kan associeras med öppen källkod. Examensarbetet resulterade praktiskt i ett system som sammanställde Ericssons internutveckling av proprietär tillägg till öppen källkod.
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