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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podpora začínajícího učitele na ZŠ Kunratice / Beginning Teacher Support at Elementary School Kunratice

Bartůňková, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The thesis called Beginning Teacher Support at Elementary School Kunratice explores how the chosen school supports the beginning teachers in the area of their professional development and what opportunities are provided to them by the school. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the beginning teacher profession and ways of supporting the beginning teachers, such as mentoring, pair teaching, professional portfolio, or personal plan of pedagogical development. The ways of supporting the beginning teachers are described first in general, and next with the focus on how such support is implemented at the elementary school Kunratice. The practical part investigates the contribution of specific ways of supporting the beginning teachers at the chosen school using qualitative research as well as analysis of the internal documents. Moreover, the practical part contains outcomes of the author's previous experience in the respective field. Key words Support, beginning teacher, elementary school Kunratice, mentoring, pair teaching, pedagogical portfolio, personal plan of pedagogical development

České ženy na cestě k emancipaci / Czech women on their way to emancipation

Horáková, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis "Czech women on their way to emancipation" is dealing with the changes of Czech society which took place during the 19th and 20th century and which are influencing the contemporary Czech society until today. This thesis is putting contemporary gender - topics in connection with political background, equal possibilities of men and women in the public and in the private sphere of life. The work is dealing with three main topics. The first is speaking about the historical development and traditional opinions on the role of women and men. The second topic is focussed on the period of the Czechoslovak socialist state and the third part is focussed on the Czech society of today.

Gender a management / Gender and management

Dragounová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on gender issues in management. The emphasis is puting on role of gender in management, on differences in harmonization of the working and family life for men and women and with respekt to difficult situations in career building for women, especially in matters of competence for the performance of this office. The thesis further focuses on the issues of equal opportunities for men and women to build their own career, gender inequalities and problems in relationships of families, households and careers. Part of the thesis also describes the public opinions on gender issues in management. The last chapter introduces the issue of managers free time. Keywords: gender, management, equal opportunities, labor market, unequality, career, family, free time.

Uplatnění žen na trhu práce a feministické hnutí / Success of women in the labour market and the feminist movement

Bosáková, Alice January 2013 (has links)
This thesis compares how during the 19th and 20th century developed the position of women in the labor market and include the influence of the feminist movement to apply to women in the work process. Thesis will focus on education, professional career and the area of women's wages.

Genderové a sociální nerovnosti v oblasti řízení lidí v organizacích / Gender and Social Inequalities in People Management in Organizations

Slabá, Gabriela January 2014 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis summarizes knowledge and findings concerning the issues of gender and social inequality with a focus on leadership in organizations. The target of the thesis is to found out if there are any different characteristics in the way males and females perform in management posts. The theoretical point of view is gender theory, through which tries to determine the causes and context of the unequal status men and women in society and in educational system to the labour market where women face a number of barriers that are causing the lower representation of women in management. Within the framework of the theory of organization and management or in the context of leadership styles looks for the optimal leadership style regardless of gender. Keywords equal opportunities, gender roles, gender stereotypes, labour market, leadership, management

Kompetensutvecklingsinsatser : Hur kan de genomföras för att få positiva effekter på individ, grupp- och organisationsnivå? / Skills Initiatives : How can they be implemented to have positive effects on the individual, group- and organizational level?

Bergqvist, Gisela, Asslani, Antigona January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna forskningsöversikt var att undersöka vad aktuell forskning säger om hur en kompetensutveckling kan införas i en organisation för att få resultat/effekter för medarbetare på individ, grupp- och organisationsnivå. Detta utifrån den föränderliga värld vi lever i idag där organisationer står inför ständiga förändringar. Forskningsöversikten gjordes utefter 10 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultaten visade att det är viktigt att inventera kompetensen i organisationen och göra en planering. Även kommunikation och reflektion sågs som framgångsfaktorer.

Local financial development and economic growth in Vietnam

Tran, Tuan Viet 26 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Oportunidades e desafios da geração de energia elétrica através de resíduos de cana no Estado de São Paulo / Opportunities and challenges of electric power generation through sugarcane bagasse in São Paulo State.

Brumer, Eduardo 11 April 2014 (has links)
O Brasil passa por um momento de crescimento e de destaque em investimentos no cenário mundial, o que requer o aumento de sua capacidade instalada de geração de energia elétrica. O país sempre foi um exemplo em termos de sustentabilidade neste setor, com as fontes renováveis, lideradas pelas hidrelétricas, respondendo por aproximadamente 80% da geração anual. Entre 2005 e 2008, entretanto, o país iniciou uma fase de investimentos em termelétricas, fontes altamente nocivas e poluentes para o meio-ambiente. A partir de 2009, os investimentos foram focados em usinas eólicas e grandes hidrelétricas com reservatórios reduzidos, fontes intermitentes que aumentam a volatilidade do sistema elétrico e o risco de problemas por falta temporária de energia. Dentro deste contexto, existe uma alternativa que pode oferecer benefícios nos mais diversos sentidos: os resíduos de cana-de-açúcar. Além de terem sua maior participação no período seco contam com o benefício da localização próxima aos grandes centros de consumo de energia elétrica. Enquanto o IPEA divulgou um plano em 2012 no qual aproximadamente 16 GWmédios poderiam ser adicionados ao sistema elétrico, através dos resíduos desta fonte, diversos autores estimam este valor em 8 GW médios. Apesar de todos os benefícios oferecidos pela fonte, os usineiros tem vendido pouca energia nos leilões para o mercado cativo e também não tem aproveitado as oportunidades de um mercado livre especial (ou incentivado) ainda reduzido. Nesta dissertação estudamos os benefícios e o potencial existente desta fonte para confirmar o baixo aproveitamento na matriz elétrica. Além disso, estudamos os possíveis entraves para o maior desenvolvimento desta fonte, partindo de todas as possíveis alternativas mencionadas pelos usineiros e chegando a quais são os reais motivos do fraco desempenho em comercialização. Com estes entraves mapeados conseguimos sugerir possíveis alternativas que os diversos agentes do setor elétrico podem adotar para conseguir melhorar o desempenho da fonte no setor elétrico. Uma das principais conclusões desta dissertação é que deve existir um interesse coletivo no desenvolvimento desta fonte para que ela possa ter sucesso. Governo, em suas diversas esferas, usineiros e agentes profissionais do setor elétrico devem atuar em união para conseguir reduzir os investimentos necessários, melhorando os preços com o mesmo retorno. Com melhores preços e possibilidade de melhores resultados em leilões, é possível aproveitar as já existentes linhas de financiamento do BNDES para investir nestas transformações e substituições de caldeiras e turbinas. Além disso, é mostrado que não é necessário criar subsídios cruzados ou soluções mais complexas para desenvolver o setor. / Brazil is passing through a moment of growth and is a country highlighted for investments around the world, which requires increases in its installed capacity of electric power. The country has always been an example in terms of sustainability in this sector, with the renewables, led by hydropower, accounting for approximately 80% of annual generation. Between 2005 and 2008, however, the country began a phase of investments in thermo power plants, fountains and highly harmful pollutants for the environment. Since 2009, investments were focused on wind power plants and large hydroelectric with low reservoirs, intermittent sources that increase the volatility of the electrical system and the risk of problems due to temporary power outages. Within this context, there is an alternative that can offer benefits in several ways: waste of sugarcane. Besides having their greater participation in the dry season can be in operations at any time and still have the benefit of the location close to major electricity consumption centers. While IPEA announced a plan in 2012 in which approximately 16 average GW could be added to the electrical system, through waste from this source, several authors estimate this value on 8 average GW. Despite all the benefits offered by the source, the mill owners have sold just a small amount of energy at auctions to the captive market and also had not taken advantage of the opportunities of a special free market (or encouraged) further reduced. In this thesis we study the benefits and the existing potential of the source to confirm the low share in the energy matrix. Furthermore, we studied the possible barriers to the further development of this source, starting in all possible alternatives mentioned by mill owners and reaching what are the real reasons for the poor performance in energy trading. Once these barriers were mapped we could suggest possible alternatives that the different stakeholders of the power sectors can adopt to improve market performance in the electricity industry. One of the main conclusions of this work is that there must be a collective interest in developing this source so she can succeed. Governments, in their various dimensions, mill owners and professional agents in the electricity sector must work in unity to successfully reduce the necessary investments, improving the sale prices with the same expected returns. With the best prices and the possibility of better results in auctions, it is possible to leverage existing financing lines of BNDES, to invest in these transformation and replacement of boilers and turbines. Furthermore, it is shown that it is not necessary to create cross-sector subsidies or more complex solutions to develop the source in the sector.

A inserção da Guiné-Bissau na União Econômica e Monetária Oeste Africana (UEMOA) : limites e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico do país (1997-2013)

Rodrigues, Julio January 2016 (has links)
Um dos aspectos mais importantes da nova realidade internacional é a tendência à formação de blocos regionais. A criação dos blocos ao redor do mundo representa uma estratégia de promoção do desenvolvimento para os países da periferia e, sobretudo, para os Estados africanos que são caracterizados por uma história peculiar de marginalização, países com pobreza e miséria dramáticas, ciclos de instabilidades política e militar, sequelas de séculos de explorações promovida por diversas potências. Como forma de resolver parte dos problemas que afetam o continente, os dirigentes africanos acreditam na integração econômica e política como uma das alternativas. Tratando-se dos países do oeste africano, a integração possibilita uma coordenação conjunta na solução dos problemas internos da região e nos desafios da globalização. O objetivo desta tese é de analisar a inserção da Guiné-Bissau na UEMOA. Neste sentido, o trabalho se propõe responder duas perguntas: em que medida a UEMOA pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento econômico e social guineense e quais são as vantagens e as desvantagens da Guiné-Bissau na UEMOA. Ele parte da hipótese de que a referida união é bastante útil para o país lusófono na medida em que oferece um enorme suporte na sua política monetária e fiscal, sem falar na abertura de novos mercados, embora o ciclo da instabilidade política tenha se constituído num dos principais obstáculos para o desempenho guineense no bloco. Ressalta-se que o presente trabalho foi construído com base nas consultas de diversas obras bibliográficas, e também, durante a construção desta tese, viajamos para o referido país que constitui objeto do nosso estudo, onde obtivemos alguns dados primários através do contato que tivemos com diversos dirigentes do país ligado ao tema. Entretanto, conclui-se que a inserção da Guiné na UEMOA aconteceu de forma precipitada sem que houvesse estudos aprofundados. Embora o país, por um lado, tenha alcançado um dos objetivos que é de estabilizar os preços ou controlar a inflação, assim como encontrou, na união, uma importante fonte de financiamento, o BOAD (Banque Ouést Africaine de Dévelopment), para desenvolver, reabilitar e modernizar as suas infraestruturas. Por outro lado, o desempenho guineense naquele bloco tem sido afetado pelo ciclo de instabilidades que tem dificultado a elaboração de uma estratégia que permitiria a obtenção de ganhos, seja por via do comércio internacional ou pela captação do investimento estrangeiro; com isso, o país se tornou dependente dos seus parceiros do bloco. / One of the most important aspects of the new international reality is the tendency to form regional blocks. The creation of blocks around the world is a development promotion strategy for the periphery countries and, especially to the African states, which are characterized by a peculiar history of marginalization, countries with dramatic poverty and misery, cycles of political and military instabilities, consequences of centuries of explorations promoted by many colonial powers. As a way to solve part of problems that affect the continent, African leaders, believe in economic and political integration as one of the alternatives. Concerning West African countries, the integration enables to joint coordination in solving the internal problems of the region and the challenges of globalization. This thesis aims to analyze the inclusion of Guinea-Bissau in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). Thus, the work aims to answer two questions: to what extent WAEMU can contribute to economic and social development of Guinea-Bissau, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of Guinea-Bissau in the WAEMU. It starts from the assumption that such union is very useful for the Portuguese-speaking country, once it offers a huge support in its monetary and fiscal policy, not to mention the opening of new markets, although the cycle of political instability has been one of the main obstacles to Guinea-Bissau performance in the block. It is noteworthy that this work was done in the basis of research in various literature works, and during the construction of this thesis, we traveled to the country, which is the object of our study, where we obtained some primary data through the contact we had with several leaders of the country related to the subject. However, it is concluded that the inclusion of Guinea - Bissau in WAEMU happened rashly without in depth studies. Although the country on one hand, has achieved one of its goals to stabilize prices and control inflation, as found in union an important source of funding, the BOAD (Banque Ouest Africaine de Development) to develop, rehabilitate and modernize its infrastructure. On the other hand, the performance of Guinea-Bissau in the block has been affected by the instabilities cycle that has hampered the development of a strategy that would allow the development gains, either through international trade or through the capture of foreign investment; with this, the country became dependent on its partners in the block.

Empreendedorismo por oportunidade : objeto de aprendizagem com proposta metodológica, desenvolvida à luz da neurociência, para melhorar a performance na capacidade de identificar oportunidades de negócios

Nunes, Walter Cezar January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, propondo uma metodologia auxiliar para a disciplina de empreendedorismo originou-se de uma análise mais aprofundada ocorrida dentro da universidade, onde se questiona a falta de efetividade dos conteúdos programáticos e metodologias empregadas na educação empreendedora. De um modo geral as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), formam mais futuros empregados que empregadores. Várias instituições oferecem inúmeros cursos e disciplinas de empreendedorismo ou afins, mas continuam colocando no mercado cada vez mais jovens que irão competir à um posto de trabalho por não conseguirem ver o empreendedorismo como opção de carreira. Uma possível resposta estaria associada por fatores identificados em estudos recentes que afirmam que é de suma importância entender melhor como funciona o cérebro dos empreendedores para que se possa oferecer metodologias mais assertivas. Para muitos autores o processo de descoberta de oportunidades de negócios é uma das principais características do comportamento empreendedor e entender como este processo ocorre no cérebro dele abriria novas perspectivas. Esta pesquisa, desenvolvida a partir de dois experimentos, busca contribuir no âmbito universitário com uma proposta metodológica, desenvolvida à luz da neurociência, para a disciplina de Empreendedorismo. No primeiro experimento, denominado de teste piloto, com o objetivo de verificar possíveis padrões nos clusters neurais dos empreendedores, quando identificam uma oportunidade, foi realizado o Mapeamento Cognitivo Cerebral com o uso de eletroencefalograma em 14 indivíduos do sexo masculino, sendo sete “empreendedores estabelecidos” e sete não empreendedores. Os resultados dos testes mostraram que os mapas neurais dos empreendedores sugeriram que as áreas frontais direita e esquerda dos cérebros foram acionadas tanto no momento de descoberta de oportunidades quanto no momento de propensão a assumir riscos, enquanto os não empreendedores mostraram organizações neurais bem distintas durante os dois momentos. Este resultado aliado a outros estudos realizados por pesquisadores de empreendedorismo levou ao segundo experimento: o desenvolvimento de uma proposta metodológica auxiliar, que melhorasse a performance de alunos no processo de identificação de oportunidades de negócios. Esta proposta metodológica, cerne deste estudo, foi apresentada em um objeto de aprendizagem denominado: MADE-PERFIO, Módulo Auxiliar para Disciplina de Empreendedorismo-Performance na Identificação de Oportunidades, um curso de 40 horas, direcionado para melhorar a performance do aluno na identificação de oportunidades. A pesquisa sobre a efetividade da metodologia oferecida através do Módulo foi feita com 45 professores de graduações e de pós graduações e com 50 alunos de pós graduação de diversas faculdades e universidades maranhenses. Através de um curso de capacitação os professores puderam acessar o objeto de aprendizagem, testar a metodologia proposta e desenvolver suas performances cujos resultados foram extremamente encorajadores. Em média, os professores submetidos à nova metodologia melhoraram em 21% suas capacidades em identificarem oportunidades de negócios. Com relação à metodologia apresentada através do MADE-PERFIO, 45% classificaram com o conceito “ótimo” e 40% com o conceito “muito bom”. A metodologia foi apresentada aos alunos no formato de Módulo Auxiliar, pois todos declararam já ter tido contato com a disciplina de Empreendedorismo, mas ainda não haviam empreendido. A pesquisa com os alunos mostrou um acréscimo médio de 23% em suas capacidades de identificarem oportunidades e 65% deles classificaram como “excelente” a relevância do conteúdo. / This research, which proposes an auxiliary method for the entrepreneurship subject, was originated from a more deeply analysis made within the university, where it is argued about the lack of effectiveness in the program contents and methods used in the entrepreneurial education. In general, the higher level educational institutions (IES - Instituições de Ensino Superior) produce more future employees than employers. Several institutions may offer countless entrepreneurial and other related courses and subjects but continue increasingly placing in the labor market the youngsters who will try to find a job instead of starting some entrepreneurship as a career. A possible answer would be associated to factors identified in recent studies that claim to be of utmost importance to better understand how the entrepreneurs' brains work in order to offer more assertive methodologies. For many authors the process of business opportunities discovery is one of the main characteristics of the entrepreneur behavior and new perspectives could be open by understanding how this process works in the brain. The research, developed from two experiments, seeks to contribute in the university field with a methodological proposition to the subject of Entrepreneurship developed by the light of neuroscience. In the first experiment, called pilot test, which had the aim to check eventual standards in the entrepreneurs' neural clusters when they identify an opportunity, it was provided a Cognitive Brain Mapping by using electroencephalogram in 14 male individuals: seven were "established entrepreneurs" and seven were non-entrepreneurs. The test results showed that the entrepreneurs' neural maps suggested that the right front and the left front areas of the brain were set in motion both at the moment the opportunities were discovered and at the moment of taking risks, while non-entrepreneurs showed neural organizations much different in both moments. This result, combined to other studies made by entrepreneurship researchers, led to a second experiment: the development of an auxiliary methodological proposal that could improve the students' performance in the process of identification of business opportunities. This methodological proposal, main objective of this study, was presented in a learning issue called MADE-PERFIO, Módulo Auxiliar para Disciplina de Empeendedorismo-Performance na Identificação de Oportunidades (Auxiliary Module for the Entrepreneurship-Performance Subject to identify Opportunities), a 40-hour course designed to improve the student performance in the opportunities identification process. Research studies on the effectiveness of methodology offered through the Module was made with 45 graduation and post-graduation teachers and with 50 post-graduation students from several colleges and universities of Maranhão. Teachers, by means of a qualification course, had the chance to access the learning object, to test the proposed methodology and develop its performance whose results were thoroughly encouraging.Teachers submitted to the new technology improved in 21% their abilities in the business opportunity identification. With respect to the methodology presented through MADE-PERFIO, 45% considered the concept as "excellent" and 40% as "very good". The methodology was presented to the students in an Auxiliary Module format, since all of them pointed that they had contact with Entrepreneurship course but none had good understanding. Research studies with the students showed an average increase of 23% in their opportunities identification abilities and 65% considered "excellent" on the content of the material showed by MADE-PERFIO.

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