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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Umsetzungsbedingungen für eine europäische Gleichstellungsstrategie im post-kommunistischen Kontext : Gender Mainstreaming in Estland / The implementation of a European equal opportunities strategy in a post-communist context : gender mainstreaming in Estonia

Kuhl, Mara January 2007 (has links)
Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist die Umsetzung der europäischen, gleichstellungspolitischen Strategie Gender Mainstreaming (GM) in der Ministerialverwaltung des neuen EU-Mitgliedslands Estland. GM hat die Umsetzung der Gleichstellung von Männern und Frauen zum Ziel und wird als eine Querschnittsaufgabe mit Instrumenten der Verwaltungsmodernisierung (Folgenabschätzung, Wissensmanagement, u.a.) umgesetzt. Wie diese Strategie in der Ministerialverwaltung als ausführendes Organ der Regierung aufgenommen, übersetzt und umgesetzt wird in einem Land, das viele Jahrzehnte dem kommunistischen Gleichheitspostulat unterworfen war und als Staatsneugründung seine nationale Verwaltung erst aufbauen musste, wird in der Arbeit beschrieben und analysiert. Die Dissertation ist in vier Teile gegliedert: in Teil I wird in den Untersuchungsgegenstand und die Methode der Arbeit eingeführt. Teil II beschreibt die gesellschaftlich-politischen und administrativen Rahmenbedingungen im Fallbeispiel Estland. Teil III widmet sich dem Untersuchungsgegenstand „Umsetzung von GM in der estnischen Ministerialverwaltung“. Der IV. Teil beschließt die Arbeit mit der Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen den Rahmenbedingungen und der Umsetzung. Teil I beginnt mit der Darstellung des Forschungskonzepts, das sich aus Elementen der Verwaltungswissenschaft und der Forschung zu staatlichen Strukturen für Gleichstellungspolitik, einem Zweig der politikwissenschaftlichen Geschlechterforschung, zusammensetzt. Damit wird für die Untersuchung von GM erstmals systematisch die Verwaltungswissenschaft herangezogen. Die Arbeit wird methodisch und theoretisch als explorativ-explanative Single Case Studie verortet, die sich an neo-institutionalistischen Ansätzen orientiert. Teil II der Arbeit führt in das Fallbeispiel Estland ein: Es werden drei identifizierte Interpretationsmuster dargestellt anhand derer in Estland die Vergangenheit als besetzte Nation und die Gegenwart als demokratischer Staat (re )konstruiert werden und die das estnische, kollektive Selbstverständnis prägen. Anschließend werden die gesellschaftlichen und administrativen Rahmenbedingungen und Einflussfaktoren beschrieben, die für die Umsetzung von Querschnittsreformen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung und für die Umsetzung von Gleichstellungspolitik von Bedeutung sind. Die Forschungsergebnisse in Teil II zeigen über die empirischen Befunde hinaus, dass Estland nicht immer eindeutig in klassische politikwissenschaftliche Kategorien einzuordnen ist. Sowohl die Transitionssituation des Landes als auch die an westlichen Demokratien ausgerichteten Untersuchungskriterien sind für diesen Befund ursächlich. Teil III der Arbeit widmet sich dem Untersuchungsgegenstand GM. Nach grundlegenden Informationen zu dieser Verwaltungsmodernisierungsstrategie folgt die Darstellung der Umsetzung in der estnischen Ministerialverwaltung. In Teil IV der Dissertation werden die in Teil II beschriebenen Variablen auf die Umsetzung von GM (Teil III) bezogen. Die Analyse erfolgt anhand von Kriterien, die sich aus der Auswertung internationaler GM-Implementierungserfahrungen ergeben. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass das post-kommunistisch geprägte, gesellschaftliche Klima besondere Legitimitätsprobleme für eine an Gleichheit orientierte staatliche Politik schafft. Dies kann die schwache zivilgesellschaftliche gleichstellungspolitische Lobby nur sehr begrenzt beeinflussen. Die strukturellen Bedingungen der estnischen Ministerialverwaltung mit ihrer geringen Koordinationsfähigkeit und politischen Steuerbarkeit machen eine effektive Umsetzung von Querschnittsreformen allgemein schwierig. Als produktiv für die Umsetzung hat sich der hohe Grad der fachlichen Professionalität und Politikversiertheit der kleinen, gleichstellungspolitischen Elite in der Ministerialverwaltung herauskristallisiert. Über Kooperationen mit internationalen Akteuren und estnischen zivilgesellschaftlichen Kräften sowie einzelnen interessierten Personen in der Verwaltung treibt sie die Umsetzung von GM voran. Sie nutzte die EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen um politischen Handlungsdruck für die Verwaltungsmodernisierung durch GM aufzubauen. Nachdem dieser seit dem Beitritt nicht aufrecht erhalten werden kann, zeichnet sich eine neue Umsetzungsstrategie ab. Es wird zukünftig nicht mehr vor allem an den normativen und kognitiven Strukturen in der Verwaltung, also den Einstellungen und Fachkompetenzen des Verwaltungspersonals zu gleichstellungsorientierter Arbeit, angesetzt. Vielmehr sollen neue, gleichstellungsrelevante Wissensbestände durch Expertinnen und Experten und exponierte Persönlichkeiten in die Gesellschaft und die Verwaltung transportiert und damit grundlegende gesellschaftlich-normative Voraussetzungen für die Rezeptivität von GM verbessert werden. / The object of research is the implementation of the European equal opportunities policy ‘gender mainstreaming’ (GM), in the ministerial administration of the new European Union member state Estonia. GM is a transversal task that employs the instruments of administration modernisation (impact assessment, knowledge management and others), its aim is equal opportunities for men and women at all levels. This paper describes and analyses how GM strategy is received, interpreted and implemented by the ministerial administration, as executive body of government, in a country that has had to rebuild its national administration following years of subjugation to the communist egality postulate. The dissertation is divided into four parts. Part I introduces the research object and methodology. Part II describes the socio-political and administrative framework of the case example Estonia. Part III is devoted to the research object ‘Implementation of GM in the Estonian ministerial administration’. Part IV concludes the paper with an analysis of the correlations between the socio-political parameters and the implementation. Part I begins with the presentation of the research concept that comprises elements from Public Administration and research on state structures for equal opportunities policy, a field of gender studies in political science. This means that for the first time the science of public administration is being systematically applied to GM research. The research employs explorative/explanative single case study methods and theory in accordance with neo-institutionalism approaches. Part II introduces the case study Estonia describing three identified interpretation models on the basis of which Estonia is (re)-constructing its past as an occupied nation and the present day as a democratic state, and which characterise Estonian national identity. Finally, an account is given of the social and administrative parameters and the influencing factors significant for the implementation of both transversal reforms in public administration and equal opportunities policies. Research results in part II go beyond the empirical findings and show that Estonia cannot always be conclusively classified within standard political science categories. This is due both to the country’s transitional situation as well as to research criteria that are tailored to Western democracies. Part III is devoted to the research object GM. Key information on this modernisation strategy is followed by a report on its implementation in the Estonian ministerial administration. In part IV of the dissertation the variables described in part II are related to the implementation of GM (part III). This analysis is carried out on the basis of criteria resultant from the evaluation of international experience of GM implementation. The research shows that the social climate of the post-communist era generates specific legitimacy problems for a national policy based on equality, upon which the powerless equal opportunities lobby in civil society has only limited influence. The structural conditions in the Estonian ministerial administration, with their limited coordinating ability and political governance, render effective implementation of transversal reforms generally quite difficult. It has emerged that the small equal opportunities 'elite' in the ministerial administration with their high degree of professionalism and political experience is /the /crucial factor for the GM implementation process. Through cooperation with international players and powers within Estonian civil society, as well as interested individuals in the public administration, they are able to keep implementation of GM going. They used EU-membership negotiations to build political pressure to modernise the public administration with GM. Following EU-membership this could not be sustained and a new implementation strategy is now beginning to emerge. In future, efforts will no longer be concentrated mainly on the normative and cognitive structures in the administration, meaning the attitudes and professional competences of the administrative staff with regard to equal opportunities. Instead, the intention is to transport new corpuses of knowledge relevant to equal opportunities into society as a whole, and public administration in particular, by experts and persons in exposed positions. In this way the elite expects fundamental socio-normative preconditions for receptivity of GM to be influenced for the better.

Employee perspectives on individualized pay : Attitudes and fairness perceptions

Stråberg, Teresia January 2010 (has links)
The use of various types of individualized pay setting has increased dramatically in Sweden. In order for individualized pay to work as an incentive, the pay system has to be perceived as fair. This thesis focuses on the various subjective perceptions that arise in relation to individualized pay setting, since such perceptions may have consequences for employee attitudes and behavior. Using survey data from Swedish human service workers (Study I and II) as well as other public employees (Study III), the general aim was to shed more light on employees’ pay attitudes and fairness perceptions in connection with individualized pay setting. Study I examined some of the explanatory factors behind employee pay attitudes. The results showed that perceiving a clear connection between work results and pay, and perceiving a sound working climate, were both related to more positive attitudes towards the pay distribution process. Study II examined factors potentially associated with pay-related justice perceptions. The results demonstrated that perceptions of having sufficient feedback, proper information on pay criteria, gender equality, and lower workloads were connected with more favorable views of pay justice. Pay justice perceptions, in turn, appeared only to be marginally connected with employees’ work-related attitudes and behavior. Study III investigated whether women’s and men’s perceptions of the individualized pay-setting process differed. The results showed that both genders had a similar awareness of the organizational policies and goals. The women, however, reported much lower levels of pay-related gender equality than the men and perceived that men, overall, benefited more from individualized pay setting. In conclusion, employees’ perceptions of a well-functioning working climate, apparent links between work effort and pay, as well as perceived equal opportunities contribute to individualized pay systems being viewed as more fair.

Revisionspliktens avskaffande : En jämförelse mellan en liten och en stor revisionsbyrå / Removal of audit requirement : a comparative study between large and small auditing firm

Erngren, Nicklas, Larsson, Annica, Wahlgren, Mariah January 2013 (has links)
Revisionspliktens avskaffande -En jämförelse mellan en liten och en stor revisionsbyrå Datum: 15 januari 2013 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi/redovisning, 15 ECTS Institution: Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling, HST Författare: Nicklas Erngren Annica Larsson Mariah Wahlgren Titel: Revisionspliktens avskaffande -En jämförelse mellan en liten och en stor revisionsbyrå Handledare: Angelina Sundström Nyckelord: revisionsplikt, revision, revisionsbyrå, revisor, små företag, framtidsmöjligheter Frågeställning: Hur har revisionsbyråerna förändrats genom revisionspliktens avskaffande? Hur har storleken på revisionsbyråerna inverkat på tjänsternas utbud? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva skillnader och likheter i hur revisionsbyråerna förändrat sitt utbud av tjänster och vilka andra förändringar de gjort efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten för små företag. För att uppnå syftet och besvara forskningsfrågorna har två revisionsbyråer studerats. Metod: För att besvara forskningsfrågorna och uppfylla syftet har två gruppintervjuer gjorts med Lars Lönnkvist och Barbro Andersson på Revisorsknuten och Sara Keyser och Magnus Hallberg på PwC i Nyköping. Intervjuerna gick ut på att ta reda på vad respektive revisionsbyrå gjort för förändringar av sitt utbud efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten. I analysdelen har sedan svaren ställts mot varandra för att se vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan den stora(PwC) och den lilla (Revisorsknuten) revisionsbyrån. Slutsats: Studien visar att det finns likheter i de förändringar som gjorts bland annat ett större fokus på redovisningstjänster än tidigare. Båda revisionsbyråerna har haft hand om redovisning tidigare men har nu gått över till att marknadsföra dem tydligare. Det finns även skillnader i byråernas förändringar av tjänster, där PwC satsar på helhetslösningar som ska vara lätt tillgängliga och ha tydliga priser så har Revisorsknuten satsat mer på att bjuda ut den kunskap byrån besitter till företag som behöver kvalificerade medarbetare fort. / Removal of audit requirement –a comparative study between large and small auditing firm Date: January 15th 2013 Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration/Accounting, 15 ECTS Institution: School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen University Authors: Nicklas Erngren Annica Larsson Mariah Wahlgren Title: Removal of audit requirement –a comparative study between large and small auditing firm Tutor: Angelina Sundström Keywords: mandatory auditing, auditing, auditing firm, auditor, small business, future opportunities Research questions: How has the audit firms changed after the removal of the audit requirement? How has the size of the audit firm affected the content of their services? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the differences and similarities in how audit firms handling their services and what other changes they made after the removal of the audit requirement. To achieve the purpose and answer the research questions, two audit firms have been studied. Method: The empirical data has been collected through two group interviews with Lars Lönnkvist and Barbro Andersson at Revisorsknuten and Sara Keyser and Magnus Hallberg at PwC in Nyköping. The purpose of the interviews was to find out how each firm had changed their services after removal of the audit requirement. The result from the interviews was then set against each other in the analysis chapter to find out similarities and differences between the large (PwC) and the small (Revisorsknuten) auditing firm. Conclusion: The study shows that there are similarities in the changes that have been made. Both auditing firms have made greater focus on accounting services than before. They have both had accounting services in the past but they are now marketing themselves better than before. There are also differences in the changes the firms have made. Where PwC is investing in a complete customer solutions that are easily accessible and have clear and easy to understand rates. Revisorsknuten have a plan to offer their expertise to other companies in need of qualified employees quickly.

Utvecklingssamtal i arbetslivet / The conversation about developmental opportunities in the organization in worklife

Armbäck, Alexander, Bihorac, Samir January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to gain knowledge about the conversation about developmental opportunities in the organization, and how a company uses it. The focus was on four different themes, purpose of the conversation about developmental opportunities in the organization, planning, execution and content, feedback. The sample consisted of six people, three employees and three managers of the company. The interviews were conducted by an interview guide, one for the employees and one for the managers. The results of the interviews showed that the conversation about developmental opportunities in the organization was used by managers to make all employees to strive in the same direction, an opportunity for employees to reconcile how their work performance is perceived by their managers, the use of a preparation model differs between managers and feedback was important. In the discussion, the authors analysed the four themes and compared them to previous research. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att få kunskap om vad utvecklingssamtal innehåller och hur ett företag använder det. Fokus låg på fyra teman, syfte med utvecklingssamtal, planering, genomförande och innehåll, återkoppling och uppföljning. Urvalet bestod av sex personer, tre medarbetare och tre chefer på ett företag. Intervjuerna genomfördes utifrån en intervjuguide för cheferna och en för medarbetarna. Intervjuerna var baserade på de fyra teman som författarna fokuserar på. Resultatet från intervjuerna visade att utvecklingssamtal används från chefernas sida för att alla skall sträva åt samma håll, en möjlighet för medarbetarna att stämma av hur deras arbetsinsats upplevs, utvecklingssamtalen upplevs ömsesidiga, användning av en förberedelsemall skiljer sig cheferna emellan och att uppföljning av utvecklingssamtal är viktigt. I diskussionen gjordes en djupgående analys av de fyra teman och jämfördes med tidigare forskning.

I changed my mind : A study of product returns; how they can be managed to create opportunitites and lower costs

Lenart, Annika January 2008 (has links)
“I changed my mind” is a case study aimed at investigating returns. Returns are often negative occurrences and can be seen as the last “block” in a supply chain. However, what this study shows is that a return is a great source for customer profiling and can lead to an increase in market shares if managed correctly. Many companies go about investigating satisfied customers and what aspects these customers are satisfied with. Instead this research focuses on finding out what dissatisfied customer feel and why they decided to return a specific product. Investigations are also made concerning the internal processes to manage product returns and if they can be improved at the case company (thereby lowering costs). This study shows how interrelated the supply chain is and illustrates how product returns can be lowered by changing the input in the supply chain. Reputation is a fragile thing and can be hurt from mismanagement related to returns and therefore I feel that it is important to study this phenomenon which is not often brought into light but nonetheless exits in almost every company (that offers returnable products). Enjoy your reading and see how your company can prevent your customers from changing their minds.

Role of transportation in employment outcomes of the disadvantaged

Yi, Chang, Ph. D. 10 April 2012 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the relationship between accessibility to job opportunities, travel mode choices and employment outcomes of the disadvantaged. In past research examining the impact of accessibility on employment outcomes of the underprivileged, it has been an implicit assumption that a poor individual's employment status is directly connected to accessibility to transport modes and job opportunities. This dissertation challenges such a fundamental assumption and argues that due to unique travel needs of the poor, a high level of access to transportation means or job accessibility provided by a given travel mode does not automatically determine the choice of that particular travel mode. What is missing in the existing literature is examination of how accessibility affects travel mode choices for low-income individuals, and how travel mode preferences subsequently influence their employment outcomes. The objective of this dissertation is to shed new light on current understanding of the relationship between transportation and employment of the disadvantaged. The study focuses on explaining what factors influence low-income individuals in their choice of a transportation mode, and more importantly, how modal preferences, along with job accessibility, affect employment of the poor. Household travel survey data from the San Francisco Bay Area and the Atlanta Metropolitan Region were used to examine this interrelationship. The research findings show that higher modal and job accessibility do not always determine the choice of a particular travel mode, defying the assumption of the previous studies. What is important for enhancing one's employment is whether or not a low-income person has regular access to cars and an individual circumstance allows the poor to utilize existing automobiles rather than the efficiency of highway network. In terms of public transportation, higher job accessibility by transit network is associated with better employment outcomes for transit users. Nonetheless, when transit riders had to access transit systems by walking, job accessibility did not have meaningful impact on employment. It is important to note that the impact that job accessibility by transit has on employment is found only in a transit-friendly Bay Area. Policy implication from this dissertation is discussed. / text

Moteru galimybes siekti karjeros svietime / Women‘s opportunities to achieve the caree in Education

Bursova, Daivina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe analizuojamos moterų galimybės švietime. Empirinio tyrimo pagalba siekiama atsakyti į klausimus: ar karjeros galimybes įtakoja asmens lytis? Ar švietimas laikomas specifine sritimi, kurioje moterims sudarytos labiau (menkiau) palankios galimybės siekti karjeros? Tyrimą aktualizuoja pastaruoju metu itin opus lygių lyčių galimybių klausimas. Nors tarptautiniai ir teisės aktai deklaruoja lygias lyčių galimybes, visgi Lietuvoje išlieka lyčių atskirties problema. Nežiūrint į tai, kad moterų išsilavinimo rodikliai didesni, labai aukšto išsilavinimo moterys retai pasiekia mokslo aukštumų. Taip pat egzistuoja profesinių veiklos sričių skirstymas į tradiciškai moteriškas ir vyriškas. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti, kaip moterys vertina galimybes švietime, identifikuoti svarbiausias problemas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad mažiau nei pusė rezpondenčių laiko, kad moterys turi vienodas galimybes siekti karjeros visose srityse. Tai rodo gana didelius socialinės atskirties rodiklius, moterų skeptišką požiūrį į savo galimybes ar nepasitikėjimą savo jėgomis. Beveik ketvirtadalis respondenčių darbe patyrusios diskriminaciją dėl lyties. Respondenčių dauguma (60 proc.) švietimą išskiria kaip labiau ar labiausiai palankią moterų karjerai realizuoti. Beveik pusė respondenčių nurodė egzistuojant tradiciškai moteriškas ir vyriškas profesijas, prie pirmųjų dažniausiai priskiriamas švietimas, prie antrųjų - politika. Tokia padėtis neabejotinai sąlygoja būtinybę visuomenėje optimizuoti lyčių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper is conserned with women‘s opportunities in the education. With the help of empirical research it is tried to answer the question if the sex of a person effects caree opportunities. Also, there is a question if education is more or less beneficial sphere for women to achieve caree. The problem of equal rights for both sexes is very urgent nowadays. Although international legitimate acts regulate equal rights for both sexes, it is still a problem in Lithuania. Despite the fact that education of women is better, those with the highest results do not achieve the top of caree in science. There is also a devision between male and female jobs. The aim of the research is to reveal how women evaluate their opportunities in Education ,also, to identify the most urgent problems. The results of the research show that less than half of respondents think that women have the same opportunities for caree prospects in every sphere of life. It can be proved by social separation mark, female sceptical attitude towards caree prospects and self – inconfidence. Almost ¼ of respondents experienced descrimination at work. The majority of respondents 60 per cent assume than education is more beneficial sphere for them. Half of the respondents assume that there is a devision between male and female professions. The most female sphere is education and the most male sphere is politics , according to the respondents. This situation causes necessity to optimise realisation of equal rights... [to full text]


Baltrušaitienė-Šablinskienė, Irma 07 September 2010 (has links)
Profesinio orientavimo klausimai yra plačiai aptarti mokslinėje literatūroje ir yra nemažai atlikta tyrimų šioje srityje, tačiau profesinio pasirinkimo galimybės mokyklose, vykdant profesinį orientavimą, nėra plačiai akcentuojamos. Darbe keliama hipotezė: Profesinio orientavimo veikla gimnazijose vykdoma, naudojamos įvairios formos, tačiau įvertinant mokinių profesinio pasirinkimo galimybes, teigtina, kad ši veikla nėra pakankama, kryptinga ir nuosekli. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti I-IV gimnazinių klasių mokinių profesinio pasirinkimo galimybes mokykloje. Tikslui pasiekti keliami uždaviniai: teoriniu lygmeniu išanalizuoti ir aptarti psichologinę, pedagoginę, vadybinę, metodinę ir kt. literatūrą nagrinėjamu klausimu; išsiaiškinti I-IV gimnazinių klasių mokinių nuomonę dėl profesinio pasirinkimo galimybių mokykloje; išsiaiškinti I-IV gimnazinių klasių mokinių tėvų požiūrį į jų vaikų profesinio pasirinkimo galimybes mokykloje; išsiaiškinti I-IV gimnazinių klasių vadovų, minėtose klasėse dėstančių pedagogų nuomonę dėl gimnazistų profesinio pasirinkimo galimybių mokykloje. Tyrimo objektas: I–IV gimnazinių klasių mokinių profesinio pasirinkimo galimybės mokykloje. Apklausa buvo vykdoma Radviliškio miesto Vaižganto ir Lizdeikos bei Radviliškio rajono Baisogalos ir Šeduvos gimnazijose. Dalyvavo 199 mokiniai, 83 pedagogai bei 70 mokinių tėvų. Darbe naudoti šie metodai: dokumentų turinio analizė, mokslinės literatūros analizė, anketinės apklausos – mokinių, pedagogų ir tėvų nuomonei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of professional choise is highly discussed in science literature. Much research was made in this sphere. The opportunities of professional choise in schools aren‘t highly emphasised though. The hypothesis was raised: The activity of professional orientation is carried out in schools and different forms are used. Although, by evaluating the opportunities in choosing profession it is asserted this activity isn‘t sufficient, successive and purposeful. The aim of investigation is : to research the professional choise of Ist – IVth Gymnasium forms in schools. Some goals were raised to reach this aim: to analyse and discuss psychological, pedagogical, management and other literature in theoretical way, to clarify the students‘ opinion on the possibilities of profession choise in school, to clarify the opinion of parents‘ attitude towards opportunities of profession choise, to clarify the opinion of headmasters‘, teachers‘ about the possibilities of professional choise in schools. The object of investigation: Ist – IVth forms students of Gymnasiums opportunity of professional choise in school. The survey was done in Radviliškis Vaižgantas and Lizdeika Gymnasiums, and in Baisogala and Šeduva Gymnasiums in Radviliškis region. 199 students, 83 teachers and 70 parents participated in this investigation. These methods were used: the analysis of documents, the analysis of science literature, questionnaire survey - the opinion of students, teachers and parents... [to full text]

Lietuvos žiniasklaidos formuojamas moters vadovės įvaizdis ir realybė / The image of female leader formed by Lithuanian mass media and the reality

Adomavičiūtė, Kristina 22 February 2010 (has links)
Tik XX a. viduryje pradėtos kelti idėjos apie moterų ir vyrų lygias galimybes darbo rinkoje, todėl moterų vadovavimas yra naujas reiškinys visuomenėje ir ekonomikoje. Nors sukurta pakankama teisinė bazė, garantuojanti de jure lygias moterų ir vyrų galimybes darbo rinkoje, tačiau de facto moterys siekdamos karjeros vis dar susiduria su daugybe kliūčių (vyraujantys stereotipai, šeimos ir darbo derinimo klausimai, realus lygių galimybių neužtikrinimas ir pan.). Tokiu atveju svarbų vaidmenį atlieka žiniasklaida, kaip tarpininkė tarp vadovų ir visuomenės, daranti įtaką tam tikro moters-vadovės įvaizdžio formavimui. Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas ir lyginamas realus (faktais, tyrimais, statistiniais duomenimis pagrįstas) ir žiniasklaidos formuojamas moters vadovės įvaizdis Lietuvoje, pateikiamos minėtos analizės išvados. Darbo dėstomoji dalis susideda iš trijų pagrindinių skyrių. Pirmajame aptariamas statistinis moters vadovės portretas, galimybės užimti vadovaujančias pareigas, visuomenėje vyraujantys stereotipai, nelygių galimybių darbo rinkoje klausimai, šeimos ir darbo derinimo sunkumai bei moterų ir vyrų kaip vadovų palyginimas. Antrasis darbo dalies skyrius yra skirtas dviejuose skirtingo pobūdžio spausdintinės žiniasklaidos leidiniuose pateikiamo moters vadovės įvaizdžio analizei ir palyginimui. Trečiajame skyriuje siekiama apibūdinti žiniasklaidos įtaką visuomenės nuomonės formavimui, taip pat, atsakyti į klausimą – ar žiniasklaidos formuojamas moters vadovės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The ideas of men and women having equal opportunities on labour market emerged only in the middle of the 20th century, therefore, female leadership is a new social and economical phenomenon. Although a sufficient legal base securing equal de jure opportunities for women and men in the labour market has been developed, in reality (de facto) career women still encounter many barriers (prevailing stereotypes, family and work combination issues, real insecurity of equal opportunities, etc.). In this case the mass media assumes the main role as a medium between leaders and society, influencing formation of a certain female leader image. The Master’s final paper analyzes and compares the real female leader image (based on the facts, research and statistics) and the one created by the mass media in Lithuania, including the conclusions of the aforesaid analysis. The main part of the paper consists of three main chapters. The first chapter includes the discussion on the statistic female leader portrait, opportunities of taking the leader position, prevailing social stereotypes, issues on unequal opportunities on labour market, family and work combination difficulties and the comparison of men and women in the role of the leader. The second chapter of the paper concentrates on the analysis and comparison of the female leader image provided by two different printed publications. The purpose of the third chapter is to describe the influence of the mass media upon the formation of... [to full text]

Sporto organizacinės ir valdymo sistemos tobulinimo galimybės Prienų ir Jonavos rajonuose / Opportunities of sports systems management and organizational development in Prienai and Jonava regions

Kubilius, Adomas 21 June 2012 (has links)
Raktiniai žodžiai: sporto sistema, valdymas ir organizavimas, tobulinimas, Prienų rajonas, Jonavos rajonas. Darbo objektas. Sporto organizacinės ir valdymo sistemos tobulinimo galimybės Prienų ir Jonavos rajonuose. Darbo problema: kokios yra galimos sporto sistemos valdymo ir organizavimo tobulinimo galimybės lyginant Prienų ir Jonavos rajonų sporto sistemas? Darbo tikslas: ištirti sporto organizacinės ir valdymo sistemos tobulinimo galimybes ir jas palyginti Prienų ir Jonavos rajonuose. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti sporto sistemos pasaulyje ir Lietuvoje formavimosi, administravimo ir tobulinimo teorinę analizę. 2. Atlikti sporto sistemos valdymo ir organizavimo tobulinimo galimybių analizę Prienų rajone. 3. Atlikti sporto sistemos valdymo ir organizavimo tobulinimo galimybių analizę Jonavos rajone. 4. Palyginti sporto sistemų valdymo ir organizavimo tobulinimo galimybes Prienų ir Jonavos rajonuose. Darbo metodai: 1. Mokslo literatūros analizė. 2. Lyginamoji analizė. 3. Interviu. Išvados. 1. Sporto sistema yra reikšminga kiekvienos valstybės veiklos sritis, įtakojanti visuomenės kūno kultūrą, skatinanti ekonominių ir socialinių veiksnių vystymąsi. Sporto sistema turi būti administruojama taip, kad teiktų ne tik teorinę, bet ir praktinę naudą. Lietuvos Respublikos vykdoma kūno kultūros ir sporto sistemos politika bei strategija atitinka jai keliamus reikalavimus, tačiau joje visuomet galimi ir reikalingi pokyčiai, kurie užtikrintų visapusišką sporto sistemos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Opportunities of sports systems management and organizational development in Prienai and Jonava regions Key words: sports system, management and organization development, opportunities, Prienai, Jonava. Object of this Paper: Opportunities of sports system management and organization development in Prienai and Jonava districts. Problem of this Paper: what are possible opportunities of sports systems management and organizational development in Prienai and Jonava districts? Aim of this Paper: to investigate opportunities of management and organization development of sports systems and to compare them within Prienai and Jonava districts. Tasks of this Paper: 1st – to perform theoretical analysis about essence of Lithuanian and world sport systems formation, administration and improvement, sport systems influence to society and its improvement needs. 2nd – to perform opportunities of sport system management and organization development in Prienai district. 3rd - to perform opportunities of sport system management and organization development in Jonava district. 4th – to compare opportunities of sport system management and organization development in Prienai and Jonava districts. Working methods: 1. Analytical Review of Literature 2. Comparative analysis. 3. Interview. Conclusions. 1. Sport system is important sphere in each state activities affecting physical culture of society, promoting development of economic and social factors. Sports system must be managed in the... [to full text]

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