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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Challenges in the Eco-tourism Industry in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

Bengtsson, Hanna, Folkeryd, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
Ett visst ansvar medföljer den omfattande inverkan som turism har på den globala omgivningen. Effekterna industrin genererar utökas kontinuerligt på grund av den rådande befolkningstillväxten, globaliseringen och det medföljande ekonomiska välståndet. För en långsiktig hållbar utveckling av ekoturism industrin krävs det att de existerande utmaningarna uppmärksammas, vilket är nödvändigt, framför allt i länder vars primära inkomstkälla utgörs av turism. Följande fältstudie är grundad på ett teoretiskt ramverk som har sitt ursprung från problematiken gällande om det är möjligt att föra en framgångsfull eko-turism industri utan att generera negativa konsekvenser. Studien är kvalitativ och utgörs av semistruktureradeoch informativa intervjuer tillsammans med observationer utförda i Costa Rica, men främsti orten Santa Teresa beläget i Costa Rica. Fältstudien syftar till att studera eko-turism samt att undersöka vilka förutsättningar det finns för en turist att resa hållbart i Santa Teresa. Vidare, avser studien till att identifiera de brister som försvårar turistens möjligheter till hållbart resande. För att ta reda på detta var studiens främsta fokus att studera enligt Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST), industrins två viktigaste faktorer, turisternas beteende och Santa Teresas hållbara erbjudande. Studiens resultat avser att bidra med information som kan stärka industrin och bidra till en positiv och hållbar utveckling. Resultatet av fältstudien identifierade en diskrepans mellan turisternas förutsättningar till att resa hållbart och TheInternational Ecotourism Society (TIES) kriterier för att resa som en eko-turist. Bristfälliga faktorer som identifierades, tolkades bero på en ineffektiv infrastruktur, vilket i sin kan vara ett resultat av den snabbt ökande tillkomsten av turister till orten. Den rådande situationen har resulterat i att arbetet med turismens konsekvenser har stagnerat på grund av otillräckliga resurser. Bland den identifierade komplexitet av industrin, kunde fältstudien identifiera en vilja bland industrins involverade aktörer att föra hållbara beslut men vilka begränsas av en otillräcklig infrastruktur. För att möjliggöra en hållbar utveckling av ekoturism i Santa Teresa behövs industrins negativa faktorer uppmärksammas och åtgärdas. / A certain responsibility is accompanying the substantial impact which the tourism industry is generating. The impacts are constantly expanding due to the growing population, globalization, and economic welfare. An emerging discussion about the challenges to develop sustainable tourism is not only important but also imperative, especially in countries which are dependent on tourism as their main source of income. This field study is founded on the theoretical framework of eco-tourism which is built on the debate regarding if the eco-tourism industry can be sustainable. The data collected is based on qualitative methods, using mainly semi-structured and informative interviews along with observations in Costa Rica in the village of Santa Teresa. The purpose of the field study was to investigate eco-tourism and the tourists’ opportunities to travel sustainable in Santa Teresa. Specifically, the study strived toidentify attributes that are hindering the eco-tourists from traveling sustainably. The main study object were, according to the Costa Rican Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST), the industry's main factors, the sustainable behaviour of the tourist and the strong infrastructure of the host country. The findings of the field study aim to contribute with relevant information on how to locally improve practices to reach a sustainable development of eco-tourism in Santa Teresa. The result revealed a shortage in adequate opportunities for the tourist to travel sustainable according The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) criteria for being an eco-tourist. Factors were identified to be insufficient infrastructure, due to thesuddenly emerging influx of tourists as well as the Costa Rican governments stagnation and inability to approach the subsequent consequences. Even though, indications also showed a willingness to improve the industry. In order to assure a sustainable development in Santa Teresa, and further Costa Rica, such negative attributes need to be addressed in order to handle the intangible and tangible tourism in this ongoing growing context.

Funktionsvarierades möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden : Arbetsgivares attityd till att anställa arbetssökande med olika funktionsvariationer – inom handel och kontor

Eriksson, Edit, Kronberg, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
Studien avsåg att undersöka funktionsvarierades möjligheter att få en anställning på den svenska arbetsmarknaden baserat på arbetsgivares attityder till att anställa arbetssökande med funktionsvariation inom handel och kontor. Studien genomfördes som en enkätstudie och riktades till arbetsgivare där chefers och annan rekryterande personals attityd till att anställa arbetssökande utifrån tolv typer av funktionsvariationer undersöktes. I enkäten deltog 57 personer varav 30 från kontorsbranschen och 27 från handel. Resultaten indikerade att arbetsgivare generellt hade en negativ attityd till att anställa arbetssökande med funktionsvariationer. Störst sannolikhet att bli anställd hade arbetssökande med “hörselnedsättning” medan arbetssökande med “svåra besvär med dyslexi och/eller dyskalkyli” hade lägst sannolikhet att bli anställd. Studiens slutsats var att arbetssökande med funktionsvariationer hade sämre möjligheter att få en anställning jämfört med arbetssökande utan funktionsvariationer inom branscherna handel och kontor, när andra variabler som kön, ålder och utbildning inte kunde påverka arbetsgivarnas attityder. / The study aimed to investigate disabled persons opportunities to get a job in the Swedish labor market based on employers' attitudes to employing persons with disabilities in trade and offices. The study was a questionnaire study and was aimed towards employers’ attitudes to hiring persons based on twelve types of disabilities. The survey was attended by 57 people, of whom 30 came from the office industry and 27 from trade. Results showed that employers generally had a negative attitude towards hiring persons with disabilities. Persons with "hearing impairment" had the highest probability of being employed, while persons with "severe problems with dyslexia and/or dyscalculia" had the lowest probability of being employed. The conclusion of the study was that people with disabilities had inferior opportunities to persons without disabilities in the industries trade and offices, when other variables such as gender, age and education could not influence employers' attitudes.


Childs, Davinah Sharnese January 2017 (has links)
Increasing the number of students of color in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields is critical for America’s economic, technological and scientific advancement, yet many are less likely to enter or persist. National efforts to decrease racial differences in STEM have been ongoing but their outcomes have not markedly broadened participation. Under-examined is the role of students’ STEM-specific identities, such as their math identity, on their STEM outcomes. Qualitative findings suggest learning mathematics is a racialized form of experience where students’ math identities and educational opportunities are shaped by race-based narratives of math ability. However, this hypothesis has not been tested with rigorous empirical evidence. Moreover, the role of students’ learning opportunities on actual outcomes is unclear. Using data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS: 09), this study examines the role of math identity and other math attitudes in racial differences in four STEM-related outcomes: advanced math course enrollment, math behavioral and emotional engagement, and STEM career aspiration. Guided by a sociological perspective, I also examine the degree to which students’ school-contexts effect their outcomes and experiences. Lastly, drawing from intersectionality theory, I offer insight into how the inclusion of race and gender interactions change model results. The findings suggest that there are racial differences in mathematics identity, behavioral and emotional engagement, and school characteristics. However, math identity was not a significant predictor of math course enrollment and had little impact on the other outcome variables when student background and school characteristics are considered. The findings also illustrate how learning opportunities are allocated in ways that mirror the race-based hierarchy of math ability. I conclude by describing the study’s implications for policy and future research. / Urban Education

Från rekrytering till karriär inom revisionsbyråer : En kvalitativ studie gällande jämställdhet inom revisionsyrket

Eissa, George, Deaibes, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Jämställdhet är ett omdiskuterat och aktuellt ämne som påverkar flera verksamheters utfall. Den svenska revisionsbranschen genomgår en successiv förändring och flera kvinnliga revisorer börjar klättra i organisationshierarkin vilket minskar den manliga dominansen. Idag rekryteras nästintill lika många kvinnliga som manliga revisorer och könsfördelningen bland revisionsassistenter är jämn. Ledningspositionerna i organisationshierarkin är däremot mansdominerade vilket har skapat en vertikal könssegregering i revisionsbranschen. Syftet med studien är att förklara vilka aspekter som påverkar kvinnors och mäns karriärmöjligheter i den svenska revisionsbransch utifrån social role theory. Följande frågeställningar har därmed framställts:  i Vad påverkar könsfördelningen på de högre uppsatta positionerna?  ii Hur upplever kvinnliga och manliga revisorer sina förutsättningar för karriärutveckling?  Den teoretiska referensramen presenterar revisionsbranschens organisationsstruktur och vilka faktorer som påverkar revisorernas karriärmöjligheter. Studien utgår ifrån SRT för att förstå kvinnor och mäns olika könsroller i samhället. Studien undersöktes genom en kvalitativ ansats i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. 14 respondenter intervjuades, sju kvinnliga och sju manliga revisorer för att erhålla en bredare förståelse utifrån båda könsperspektiven.  Studiens slutsats förklarar att det fortfarande förekommer negativa normer och beteenden i revisionsbranschen dock inte i samma utsträckning som förr. Förutsättningarna för att lyckas karriärmässigt är densamma för revisorerna, oavsett kön. Däremot är män och kvinnors livsprioriteringar olika vilket förklarar den vertikala könssegregeringen i revisionsbranschen. Kvinnor tenderar att prioritera familjeansvaret i större omfattning vilket resulterar i att män kan avancera mer effektivt på arbetsplatsen. / Gender equality is a discussed and topical topic that affects the outcome of several businesses. The Swedish auditing industry is undergoing a gradual change and several female auditors are starting to climb the organizational hierarchy, which reduces male dominance. Today, almost as many female as male auditors are recruited and the gender distribution among audit assistants is even. The management positions in the organizational hierarchy, on the other hand, are male dominated, which has generated a vertical gender segregation in the auditing industry. The purpose of the study is to explain which aspects affect women’s and men’s career opportunities in the Swedish auditing industry based on social role theory. The following research questions has been formulated:  i What affects the gender distribution in the higher positions?  ii How do female and male auditors experience their opportunities for career development?  The theoretical reference framework presents the organizational structure of the auditing industry as well as the factors that influence auditors’ career opportunities. The study is based on social role theory and serves as a foundational explanation for women’s and men’s various gender roles. This was investigated through a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews. 14 respondents, seven female and seven male auditors have been interviewed to obtain a broader understanding from both gender perspectives.  The study’s conclusion indicates that negative norms and behaviors still exist in the auditing industry, however, the norms have changed and no longer have the same effect on auditors’ career opportunities as before. The conditions for the auditors to develop career-wise are the same regardless of gender. On the other hand, men’s and women’s life priorities are different, which explains the vertical gender segregation in the auditing industry. Women tend to prioritize family responsibilities to a greater extent, which results in men being able to advance more efficiently in the industry.

Silence in the sexual agenda of a UK probation service

Beckett-Wrighton, Clare January 2012 (has links)
No / The purpose of this paper is to interrogate ways in which sex and sexual orientation are excluded from the agenda of work relationships in one probation service. The research was conducted through conversational interviews with members of a team responsible both for supervision of colleagues and for development of supervisory practice. Straight and lesbian officers responded to a perceived lack of skills to effectively “work with” sexuality issues. Responses lead to discussion of the discursive “silence” of sex, and to the specific positioning of lesbian identity. Specifically, it critiques approaches to supervision that do not explicitly value lesbian experience. This small study does not include the voices of black or gay male officers. It also does not explore the experience of bisexuality. The finding of this research can be used to support development of good supervisory practice. The paper sheds light on day to day interactions that “silence” experience of sexual orientation. The paper draws on original research interrogating both lesbian and straight experience. In so doing it sheds light on both discursive practices of a sexual agenda and practice issues in supervision.

Gender Disparities in Early Childhood Learning Opportunities and Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries:

Rey-Guerra, Catalina January 2024 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Eric Dearing / Despite global efforts toward improving gender equity in education, gender-based disparities in learning opportunities and academic outcomes are still prevalent. Many gender differences in learning and academic outcomes begin emerging early in life, even before children start formal schooling. Both theory and empirical evidence point toward children’s exposure to gender-differentiated treatment from caregivers that arises from gendered stereotypes, expectations, and cultural norms. As young children’s brains have evolved to detect the subtlest nuances in their environments, even small gender differences in learning experiences could have lasting consequences in their developmental trajectories and later-life outcomes. In turn, understanding gender disparities in early learning opportunities is critical to catalyzing young girls’ and boys’ positive learning trajectories from early on. A major challenge for the field, however, has been the very limited attention given to these issues in low- and- middle-income countries (LMICs), where about 90% of the world’s children live. The present dissertation consists of three empirical papers focused on young children in LMICs, providing significant contributions to the cumulative knowledge on gender differences in early learning. Respectively, the three papers: (1) provide a thorough accounting of gender disparities across and within 71 countries, (2) uncover specific caregiving mechanisms that help explain these gender disparities in early learning outcomes across and within countries, and (3) delve into the perceptions and meaning makings of mothers and fathers about gendered parenting practices at the local level. By so doing, this dissertation pushes forward our understanding of gender disparities in early learning opportunities and development across multiple ecological levels. The results may help inform global policy and practice aimed at gender equity, a matter of social justice that has proven to affect the social fabric, economic vitality, and political stability of nations. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2024. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Counseling, Developmental and Educational Psychology.

A Study of the Educational Opportunities of Yellowstone National Park

Reedy, Eugenia 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to present both the educational and the geographical opportunities of Yellowstone National Park which is a region that provides inspiring areas of observation and experiences for American children.

Occupational Opportunities for the Woman College Graduate in Specialized Business Fields

Long, Ruth 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the opportunities in the business world for the woman college graduate. Attention has been given to the general status of women workers, the training given by colleges in business administration, and the opportunities for the employment and advancement in the business world.


Roldsgaard, Kasper Vilstrup 07 July 2014 (has links)
PURPOSE:! The! purpose! is! to! explore! the! basic! assumptions! for! innovating! the! Danish! railway! operator¿s! historic! business!model!in! an! unprecedented! institutional!crisis.!! METHOD:! A! management! survey! collects! 22,729! responses! from! 368! managers! (80%!of!the!managers!in!the!Danish!railways!with!average!seniority!of!15! years)! to! explore! these! basic! assumptions! to! specify! the! areas! of! leadership! that! have! a! significant! impact! on! facilitating! innovation! of! business!models!in!times!of!crisis.! RESULTS:! Successful!leadership!in!a!crisis!depends!on! the!articulation!of! the!basic! assumptions!and!challenges!for!the!development!of!the!current!business! model.! It! is! not! enough! to! make! goals! for! the! future,! as! the! related! challenges! should! also! be! articulated.! A! core! task! for! strengthening! the! development! in! the! railway! sector! is! to! prioritize! new! infrastructure! projects! to! innovate! the! existing! railway! operations! gradually,! rather! than!starting!new!business!ventures.! ORIGINALITY/VALUE:! Management!studies!in! times!of!crisis!are!rare.!Furthermore,! the!causes! of!the!institutional!crisis!in!the!Danish!railway!sector!have!until!now!not! been! studied! from! a! management! perspective! based! on! the! managers¿! understanding! of! the! factors! affecting! the! innovation! management! of! a! business! model! in! crisis.! The! doctoral! thesis! identifies! some! emerging! areas! of! cognitive! leadership! that! have! not! yet! received! sufficient! attention! in! the! literature! on! business! models,! but! nonetheless! the! company!managers!believe! that! the!areas!of!cognitive!leadership!have!a! significant! impact! on! the! survival! of! the! organization! and! its! future! success.! / Roldsgaard, KV. (2014). AN EMPIRICAL STUDY TO REVIEW BUSINESS MODEL THEORY IN THE DANISH RAILWAY SECTOR [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/38615

Blockchain research, practice and policy: Applications, benefits, limitations, emerging research themes and research agenda

Hughes, L., Dwivedi, Y.K., Misra, S.K., Rana, Nripendra P., Raghavan, V., Akella, V. 25 October 2019 (has links)
Yes / The blockchain has received significant attention from technology focussed researchers, highlighting its perceived impact and emerging disruption potential, but has been slow to engender any significant momentum within the Information Systems (IS) and Information Management (IM) literature. This study approaches the subject through an IS/IM lens developing the key themes from the blockchain based research via a comprehensive review. This analysis of the body of literature highlights that although few commercial grade blockchain applications currently exist, the technology demonstrates significant potential to benefit a number of industry wide use cases. This study expands on this point articulating through each of the key themes to develop a detailed narrative on the numerous potential blockchain applications and future direction of the technology, whilst discussing the many barriers to adoption. The study asserts that blockchain technology has the potential to contribute to a number of the UN Sustainability Development Goals and engender widespread change within a number of established industries and practices.

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