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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pattern of practice of radical radiation therapy for oropharyngeal cancers: a retrospective review from January 2009 to December 2012

Ramdas, Yastira January 2015 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Medicine in the branch of Radiation Oncology Johannesburg 2015 / Radiation therapy is a highly effective method of treating oropharyngeal carcinoma, either as a single modality treatment with concurrent chemotherapy or as an adjuvant treatment after surgical resection. There exists an association with human papillomavirus (HPV) and oropharyngeal cancer, dividing oropharyngeal carcinoma into HPV positive oropharyngeal carcinoma and HPV negative oropharyngeal carcinoma. Overall survival has been analysed in these two groups and have been shown to be 80-95% for HPV positive oropharyngeal carcinomas and 57-62% in HPV negative subgroup at 3 years respectively. This retrospective review was intended to analyse patient response to treatment, overall survival, local disease free survival and the difference between HPV positive oropharyngeal carcinoma and HPV negative oropharyngeal carcinoma at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital: Department of Radiation Oncology. Patients and methods A retrospective descriptive study was conducted on patients having received radical radiation therapy, with or without chemotherapy, from January 2009 to December 2012 with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma involving oropharyngeal sites only. The information obtained from records of forty-eight patients was captured on the prescribed data sheets designed for this study. Results Forty-eight eligible patients were accrued within this retrospective study. The median age of the patient group was 56 years (range 32-78) and comprised of 10 females and 38 males. The performance status was mainly Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) 1 (83%). The radiation therapy dose was within the range 60-70Gy, with majority patients completing 70 Gy (65%). Concurrent chemoradiation was given in 59% of patient group (28 patients). The most common site being the base of tongue (60%), followed by tonsil (36%), soft palate (2%) and posterior pharyngeal wall (2%). Eighty five percent of patients were stage IV oropharyngeal carcinoma. Only 6% of patients were tested for HPV-DNA PCR, and all were HPV positive. A total of 79% patients had a positive smoking history and 50% consumed alcohol regularly. Fifty six percent of patients tested negative for HIV, 14.6% tested positive for HIV and 29.3% had unknown HIV status. At the time of the analyses (March 2014) only 7 (15%) of patients were alive. The 2 year overall survival was 13%, the local disease free survival at 2 years was 59%. None of the prognostic factors were predictive of overall survival using univariate and multivariate analysis. Conclusion Majority of patients present in stage IV lesions with commonest sites of involvement being Base of Tongue. The local disease free survival of 2 years was 59% and the overall survival of 15%. There was no impact of prognostic factors studied on overall survival.

Escherichia coli, de la colonisation oropharyngée à l'infection pulmonaire : épidémiologie et physiopathologie / Escherichia col, from oropharyngeal colonization to respiratory tract infection : epidemiology, pathophysiology

Messika, Jonathan 28 September 2017 (has links)
La pneumonie acquise sous ventilation mécanique (PAVM) est la complication infectieuse principale des patients de réanimation. Le carrefour oropharyngé et sa colonisation semblent être l’une des clés de sa physiopathologie, et est la cible de leur prévention. Parmi les agents étiologiques des PAVM, Escherichia coli en est un prédominant. Cependant, le manque de données concernant son implication dans la colonisation oropharyngée, et dans les PAVM est criant. Cette thèse a pour objectif un abord multi-facettes de la PAVM à E. coli. Il s’agit d’abord d’actualiser les données épidémiologiques des PAVM, en plaçant les entérobactéries en général, et E. coli en particulier comme agent d’importance ; puis de décrire les caractéristiques génotypiques et phénotypiques des isolats d’E. coli responsables de colonisation ou d’infection respiratoire ; ensuite d’étudier la colonisation à bacilles à Gram négatif pathogènes dans différentes populations de gravités différentes ; et enfin de décrire les caractéristiques des isolats d’E. coli oropharyngés dans ces populations et de les comparer aux isolats rectaux concomitants.Ainsi, dans notre premier travail, nous confirmons l’importance des entérobactéries comme agents pathogènes de premier plan au cours des PAVM. Au sein des entérobactéries, nous mettons en évidence la place centrale d’E. coli en particulier en matière de résistance aux antibiotiques. La prédominance respiratoire des isolats d’E. coli de phylogroupe B2 a été confirmée dans un travail monocentrique mené dans notre service, et dans une cohorte nationale de patients de réanimation. De plus, le groupe B2 prédominait aussi au sein des prélèvements rectaux et oropharyngés. Nous avons confirmé la virulence extra-digestive des isolats en corrélant le contenu en facteur de virulence et la mortalité dans un modèle murin de pneumonie. Enfin, une large étude épidémiologique de la colonisation oropharyngée en général, et des caractéristiques d’isolats d’E. coli la composant en particulier, chez des patients de gravités différentes et chez des sujets sains est en cours.L’ensemble de ces données permettra une plus grande compréhension de la physiopathologie de survenue des PAVM, une meilleure connaissance de la population d’E. coli colonisant l’oropharynx et causant les PAVM. Ainsi, des mesures préventives ciblées pourraient être développées. / Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is the main infectious complication in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Its pathophysiology relies on oropharyngeal colonisation, and so does its prevention. Escherichia coli is one of its main responsible pathogen. Nevertheless, data on E. coli implication in this context is cruelly missing.We tend to a multi-facets approach of E. coli VAP. This thesis’ objectives are: to update current VAP epidemiology, with regard to enterobacteriaceae in general, and E. coli in particular; to describe phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of E. coli isolates responsible for respiratory colonization or infection; to study pathogenic Gram-negative bacilli oropharyngeal colonization in populations of various severity; and to describe phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of oropharyngeal E. coli isolates and compare them to their rectal counterpart.In our first work, we confirm the importance of enterobacteriaceae as first-line VAP pathogens. Among those, E. coli is of particular matter, with regard to antimicrobial resistance. Predominance of B2 phylogroup among E. coli respiratory isolates has been confirmed in a single-ICU study, and a wide national survey of ICU patients. Furthermore, B2 phylogroup has been shown to prevail in oropharyngeal and rectal E. coli isolates. Next, we confirmed extra-intestinal virulence with a correlation between virulence factor content and mortality in a mouse pneumonia model. Last, a large-scale epidemiological study of oropharyngeal colonization in general, and of E. coli characteristics which composes it, in patients of different severity and in healthy subjects is ongoing. This data will allow a deeper insight of VAP pathophysiology, a better knowledge of E. coli population of oropharyngeal colonization and causing VAP. Targeted preventive measures could therefore be evaluated.

A review of the multiple treatment approaches for oropharyngeal dysphagia and the effectiveness of intervention

Prather, Keith Williams 12 November 2010 (has links)
This master’s report collected the available literature regarding the multiple treatment approaches for oropharyngeal dysphagia and the efficacy of each approach in the remediation of swallowing deficits. A variety of traditional intervention techniques are described and their efficacy data is presented, as well as limitations and contraindications to intervention. Efficacy data for modern oropharyngeal dysphagia intervention techniques such as Vitalstim and E-stim is also presented, and the differences between the two techniques are discussed. Ethical decision-making in dysphagia treatment is also discussed. / text

Entwicklung von Prävalenz, Ursachen und Therapiemodalitäten von Oropharynxkarzinomen am Beispiel der Leipziger HNO-Universitätsklinik im Zeitraum von 1993 bis 2009

Lautenschläger, Katrin 03 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Karzinome des Oropharynx zählen zu Karzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs und zeigen in den letzten Jahrzehnten weltweit eine ansteigende Inzidenz. Die Hauptrisikofaktoren, die zur Entstehung von Oropharynxkarzinomen führen sind Alkohol- und Tabakkonsum. In den letzten Jahren wurde zunehmend über eine Infektion der Rachenschleimhaut mit Hochrisiko-HPV als weiterer Risikofaktor diskutiert. Durch die Einführung multimodaler Therapiekonzepte konnte das Überleben von Patienten, die an einem Oropharynxkarzinom erkranken deutlich verbessert werden. Trotzdem sind die Therapieerfolge insbesondere bei lokal fortgeschrittenen Karzinomen noch unbefriedigt, so dass auch im Hinblick auf die posttherapeutische Lebensqualität nach weiteren Therapiestrategien gesucht wird. Bei der folgenden Arbeit handelt es sich um eine retrospektive Untersuchung der im Zeitraum von 1993 bis 2009 an der Universitätsklinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde Leipzig behandelten Oropharynxkarzinome. Die klinischen Daten wurden durch Analyse der Patientenakten gewonnen und in eine klinikinterne Access-Datenbank eingepflegt. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgte mittels SPSS. Ziel der Arbeit war die Beurteilung der Entwicklung von Prävalenz, Risikofaktoren, Therapiemodalitäten und der Ergebnisse der Behandlung. Über den untersuchten Zeitraum kam es zu einem kontinuierlichen Anstieg der Prävalenz der Oropharynxkarzinome, wie er laut Literatur auch weltweit festzustellen ist. Im hier untersuchten Patientenkollektiv lassen sich über den untersuchten Zeitraum hinsichtlich der Risikofaktoren Alkohol und Tabak keine Veränderungen im Konsum feststellen. Dies lässt eine Zunahme der HPV-induzierten Oropharynxkarzinome vermuten. Allerdings lässt sich diese Vermutung mit den zugrundeliegenden Daten nicht sicher beweisen, da bis 2010 keine routinemäßige HPV-Diagnostik durchgeführt wurde. Weiterhin zeigt sich etwa ab dem Jahre 2002 eine Veränderung in den angewandten Therapien mit einer Zunahme multimodaler Therapieansätze insbesondere in der postoperativen adjuvanten Situation. Diese Veränderung führt insbesondere bei den fortgeschrittenen Oropharynxkarzinomen zu einer Verbesserung der Überlebensraten ab dem Jahr 2005. Einen weiteren prognostischen Faktor stellt der Alkohol- und Tabakkonsum zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose dar. So zeigen Patienten mit starkem Alkohol- und Tabakkonsum zum Diagnosezeitpunkt ein schlechteres Überleben als Patienten ohne oder mit geringem Alkohol- oder Tabakkonsum. Inwieweit eine Tabak- bzw. Alkoholkarenz ab dem Zeitpunkt der Diagnose das Überleben der Patienten beeinflusst, kann mit den untersuchten Daten nicht belegt werden. Auch eine Aussage über die posttherapeutische Lebensqualität ist auf Grundlage der untersuchten Daten nicht möglich. Insgesamt konnten in der Arbeit verschiedene Änderungen des therapeutischen Standardvorgehens in Hinblick auf die Ergebnisqualität herausgearbeitet werden. Als zentrale Erkenntnis stellte sich die Hinzuziehung der additiven Cisplatingabe zur postoperativen Radiotherapie als wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor in der verbesserten Therapie des Oropharynxkarzinoms heraus.

Pathogenesis and control of infection associated with the oropharynx and the polyvinyl chloride endotracheal tube

McGovern, James Gerard January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Análise de fatores prognósticos clínicos e histopatológicos em pacientes portadores de carcinoma epidermóide da orofaringe submetidos à radioterapia isolada ou associada à quimioterapia sistêmica / Analysis of clinical and histopathological prognostic factors in patients with oropharynx squamous carcinoma submitted to radiotherapy alone or in combination with systemic chemotherapy

Pedruzzi, Paola Andrea Galbiatti 13 June 2007 (has links)
A extensão anatômica do tumor é o fator mais importante na avaliação do prognóstico e planejamento do tratamento dos carcinomas epidermóides da cabeça e do pescoço. Além do TNM, outros parâmetros relacionados ao paciente e ao tumor auxiliam na avaliação do prognóstico. Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar fatores prognósticos demográficos, clínicos, tumorais e histopatológicos, associados à sobrevida e resposta ao tratamento no carcinoma da orofaringe. Trata-se de uma análise de 361 pacientes, submetidos à radioterapia exclusiva ou associada à quimioterapia, de 1990 a 2001, no Hospital A. C. Camargo (São Paulo) e Hospital Erasto Gaertner (Curitiba, Paraná). Entre as variáveis estudadas, encontra-se a gravidade dos sintomas, avaliada conforme o modelo de Piccirillo e Pugliano. Foram analisados os sistemas de estadiamento de Berg, TANIS 3, TANIS 4, Hart, Kiricuta e Hall, que são modificações do TNM feitas a partir do reagrupando das categorias T e N, com a finalidade de melhorar a avaliação do prognóstico. A análise estatística utilizou o método de Kaplan-Meier e o modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox. Os principais resultados foram que a maioria dos tumores era da tonsila (47%) ou base da língua (28%), estádios clínicos III (13%) e IV (80%). A radioterapia exclusiva foi empregada em 73% dos casos. Houve resposta ao tratamento em 65% dos casos e 80% dos pacientes foram a óbito pela doença. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 24 meses, e as variáveis significativas na avaliação da sobrevida global, que aos 5 anos foi de 18%, foram: idade em anos ( 45: 13%; 46 55: 23%; 56 65: 19%; 66 75: 12%; > 75: 7%) (p = 0,0425); índice de Zubrod (1: 24%; 2: 8%; 3: 0%) (p < 0,001); emagrecimento (presente: 13%; ausente: 29%) (p = 0,0022); comorbidades (presentes: 11%; ausentes: 26%) (p < 0,001); estádio de Piccirillo (local: 31%, extra-local: 15%; regional: 14%) (p< 0,001); estádio de Pugliano (nenhum: 44%; leve: 15%; moderado: 13%; severo: 12%) (p< 0,001); envolvimento de partes moles (ausente: 21%; espaço carotídeo: 4%; espaço mastigatório: 0%) (p < 0,001); mobilidade dos linfonodos (móveis: 15%; semi-fixos: 12%; fixos: 6%) (p = 0,0300); dose de RT (< 60 Gy: 3%; 60 a 69Gy: 14%; 70 Gy: 22%) (p < 0,001). Todos os sistemas de estadiamento foram significativos na análise da sobrevida (p < 0,001) e na população estudada, destacaram-se o TANIS 3, Hart e Berg. A resposta ao tratamento foi melhor nos tumores do palato mole e exofíticos (p =0,022). A análise multivariada mostrou como fatores independentes: o índice de Zubrod, o estádio de gravidade dos sintomas de Pugliano, a presença de comorbidades, o estadiamento de Berg e a dose da radioterapia. Observou-se que a combinação de fatores clínicos, tais como sintomatologia, estado geral, emagrecimento e comorbidades, resulta num estádio de gravidade clínica de grande relevância, podendo ser associada aos dados morfológicos do TNM, para uma melhor avaliação do prognóstico do carcinoma da orofaringe / The size of a tumor is the most important anatomic factor for assessing the prognosis and planning the treatment of head and neck tumors.. In addition to TNM, other factors contribute to the assessment of the prognosis, such as symptoms, comorbidities, macroscopic and microscopic features of the tumor, among others. The objective of this study was to identify demographic, clinical, tumoral and histopathological prognostic factors associated with patient survival and treatment response. We reviewed 361 medical records of patients with oropharynx squamous carcinoma, admitted to the Hospital A. C. Camargo and Hospital Erasto Gaertner, submitted to radiotherapy alone or in combination with chemotherapy, from 1990 to 2001. Among the variables we studied, the severity of the symptoms was assessed according to Piccirillos and Puglianos staging systems. We also analyzed the staging systems developed by Berg, TANIS 3, TANIS 4, Hart, Kiricuta and Hall, which are TNM modifications based upon the regrouping of the T and N categories, aiming to improve the prognosis assessment. As for the statistical analysis, we used the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox model. The main results were the following: most tumors were sited at the tonsil (47%) or base of the tongue (28%), at clinical stage III (13%) or IV (80%). Radiotherapy alone was used in 73% of the cases. Treatment response was achieved by 65% of the patients, mortality was seen in 80% of the cases. The average follow-up time was of 24 months, and the significant variables in the assessment of overall survival, which was of 17.6 % at 5 years, were the following: age in years ( 45: 13%; 46 55: 23%; 56 65: 19%; 66 75: 12%; > 75: 7%) (p = 0.0425); Zubrod scale (1: 24%; 2: 8%; 3: 0%) (p < 0.001); weight loss (present: 13%; absent: 29%) (p = 0.0022); comorbidities (present: 11%; absent: 26%) (p = 0.0006); Piccirillos staging (local: 31%; extra-local: 15%; regional: 14%) (p< 0.001); Puglianos staging (none: 44%; mild: 15%; moderate: 13%; severe: 12%) (p < 0.001); involvement of soft areas (absent: 21%; carotid area: 4%; masticatory area: 0%) (p < 0.001); lymph node mobility (movable: 15%; semifixed: 12%; fixed: 6%) (p = 0.03); RT doses (< 60 Gy: 3%; 60 a 69Gy: 14%; 70 Gy: 22%) (p < 0,001). All the staging systems were significant for survival analysis (p < 0.001), and the ones that stood out were TANIS 3, Hart and Berg. Treatment response was better in the soft palate and exophytic tumors (p = 0.022). The multivariate analysis showed, as independent factors, the Zubrod scale, Puglianos clinical severity staging system, comorbidities, Bergs staging and the radiotherapy dose. We have come to the conclusion that the combination of clinical factors, such as symptomatology, the patients general condition, weight loss and comorbidities, leads to a highly relevant stage of clinical severity. As far as the prognosis assessment of oropharynx carcinoma is concerned, such factors may be associated with the TNM morphological features

Programa terapêutico fonoaudiológico ambulatorial para disfagia orofaríngea em adultos e idosos / Outpatient speech therapy program for oropharyngeal dysphagia in adults and elderly.

Alves, Irina Claudia Fernandes 28 October 2015 (has links)
INTRODUCÃO: O objetivo da reabilitação em disfagia orofaríngea é estabilizar o aspecto nutricional e eliminar os riscos de aspiração laringotraqueal e consequentes complicações associadas. Um estudo sistemático que permita estabelecer o processo de reabilitação fonoaudiológica da disfagia orofaríngea, bem estruturado com base e em evidências e demonstração dos indicadores de qualidade, ainda se faz necessário para nortear a atuação clínica. O objetivo da pesquisa foi a aplicação da primeira fase de um ensaio clínico, onde o PTFDO foi avaliado em seu efeito terapêutico. A medida de efeito adotada foi a manifestação da alteração funcional considerada como mudança benéfica positiva (segurança para deglutição do alimento, por via oral, após a aplicação do tratamento). MÉTODO: Este foi um estudo longitudinal de efeito de tratamento, determinado por medidas comparativas entre pré e pós teste. A população alvo do estudo alvo foram pacientes adultos, encaminhados ao Ambulatório de Disfagia, HCFMUSP, para avaliação e tratamento fonoaudiológico. O período de seleção dos participantes foi de 24 meses, sendo avaliados para elegibilidade todos os pacientes encaminhados pelas equipes médicas do Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Para avaliação clínica fonoaudiológica da deglutição foram aplicados protocolos clínicos padronizados, PARD e PITA. Após a avaliação inicial, foram compostos 3 grupos de alocação, com base no padrão funcional da deglutição. A alocação dos participantes foi realizada com base na classificação do paciente segundo a Escala Funcional ASHA NOMS. Todos os participantes, independente do grupo de alocação, realizaram o mesmo programa terapêutico, composto por número de sessões fechadas, com técnicas especificas, bem como sua frequência e intensidade. As técnicas realizadas nas sessões presenciais, também foram repetidas diariamente pelos participantes. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos de acordo com os critérios pré-estabelecidos um total de 138 participantes. Nos três grupos existe uma redução significativa dos sinais para disfagia, tendo em comum no pós tratamento a presença de deglutições múltiplas em todos os grupos CONCLUSÃO: Os dados obtidos demonstram efetividade na reabilitação da disfagia orofaríngea por meio da terapia tradicional, utilizando sessões presenciais e orientações em casa, num período de quatro semanas / INTRODUCTION: The aim of rehabilitation in oropharyngeal dysphagia is to stabilize the nutritional aspect and eliminate the risk of tracheal aspiration and subsequent complications associated. A systematic study to establish the process of voice rehabilitation of oropharyngeal dysphagia, well structured and based on evidence and statement of quality indicators are still needed to guide clinical practice. The research objective was the implementation of the first phase of a clinical trial where the PTFDO was valued at its therapeutic effect. The adopted measure of effect was the manifestation of the functional alteration considered positive beneficial change (for food safety swallowing orally, after application of the treatment). METHODS: This was a longitudinal study of treatment effect, determined by comparative measurements between pre and post test. The target study target population been adult patients referred to the Clinic of Dysphagia, HCFMUSP for evaluation and speech therapy. The period of selection of participants was 24 months, being evaluated for eligibility all patients referred by medical personnel of the Central Institute of the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo. For clinical examination of swallowing were applied standardized clinical protocols, PARD and PITA. After the initial assessment, it was made 3 allocation groups, based on functional pattern of swallowing. The allocation of participants was based on patients\' classification according to Functional Scale ASHA NOMS. All participants, regardless of the allocation group, underwent the same treatment program, consisting of number of closed sessions, with specific techniques as well as their frequency and intensity. The techniques used in classroom sessions were also repeated daily by the participants. RESULTS: We included according to pre-established criteria a total of 138 participants. In all three groups there is a significant reduction in the signs for dysphagia, in common post treatment the presence of multiple swallows in all CONCLUSION groups: The data demonstrate effectiveness in the rehabilitation of oropharyngeal dysphagia through traditional therapy using classroom sessions and guidelines at home, over a four week period

The Cost of Treating Human Papillomavirus-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer

Houston, Karla Smalley 01 January 2019 (has links)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection contributing to 70% of oropharyngeal cancers in the United States. The incidence of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancers is greater in Kentucky's population than in any other state. Research has demonstrated the cost of treating oropharyngeal cancer on a national level, but little information exists as to state-specific costs. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine radiation therapy costs for treating HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer in Kentucky in relation to age, gender, race, and insurance. A theory by Aday and Andersen was applied to explain the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Cluster sampling was used to randomly select 130 de-identified men and women age 40-65 years who had been diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer. The data were collected from an existing database. The study used descriptive analysis with correlational, longitudinal data to examine the relationship of categorical and continuous variables. The mean cost for radiation therapy treatment was $123,629.14 (SD= $58,697.36). The multiple regression indicated that the null hypothesis was accepted showing that the independent variables were not statistically significant predictors of the z Score of Cost Difference [F (4,122) = 0.972, p = 0.425]. The results showed no significant independent predictor variables (p > 0.05); gender [t (127) = -0.943, p = 0.348], race [t (127) = 1.378, p = 0.171], insurance type [t (127) = -1.512, p = 0.133], and age group [t (127) = -0.230, p = 0.818]). The results may contribute to positive social change in the development of cancer prevention strategies and policies.

Incidens av orofaryngeal dysfagi hos nyinsjuknade strokepatienter

Thomasson, Sofia, Wäppling, Sanna January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dysfagi innebär avvikelser i den normala sväljningsfunktionen och är en vanlig funktionsnedsättning till följd av stroke. Tidigare studier har påvisat att incidensen av dysfagi i det akuta skedet efter stroke är 41-68 %. Kliniskt sett upplevs incidensen ha minskat de senaste tio åren.  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var därför att (1) undersöka den nuvarande incidensen av orofaryngeal dysfagi hos nyinsjuknade strokepatienter, (2) undersöka hur många av deltagarna som upplever svårigheter att äta och svälja samt bedöms lida av dysfagi enligt vårdpersonal.  Metod: Sextiotre patienter inkluderades i studien, av dessa fick 42,9 % diagnosen stroke. Samtliga deltagare genomgick en dysfagibedömning inom tre dygn efter inskrivning på vårdavdelning. Denna bestod av testerna the Standardized Swallowing Assessment – Svensk översättning (SSA-S) och sväljkapacitetstest (SCT). Deltagare som inte klarade kriterierna i dessa bedömdes lida av orofaryngeal dysfagi.  Resultat: Totalt bedömdes 24 deltagare lida av orofaryngeal dysfagi. I diagnosgruppen stroke var incidensen 48,1 %. Det fanns noteringar om dysfagi i patientjournal hos 20,8 % av deltagarna som enligt testledare bedömdes lida av orofaryngeal dysfagi. Vidare upplevde 29,2 % av samtliga deltagare med orofaryngeal dysfagi samt 30,8 % i diagnosgruppen stroke svårigheter att äta eller svälja.  Slutsatser: Studien indikerar på att incidensen av orofaryngeal dysfagi hos nyinsjuknade strokepatienter inte har minskat i jämförelse med tidigare studier. Däremot tycks det finnas en låg medvetenhet om befintliga ät- och sväljningssvårigheter hos såväl patienter som vårdpersonal. / Background: Dysphagia involves abnormalities in the normal swallowing function, and is a common impairment following stroke. Previous studies have shown that the incidence of dysphagia in the acute phase after stroke is 41-68 %. Clinically interprets that the incidence has declined over the past decade.  Aim: The purpose of this study was to (1) examine the current incidence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in recent-onset stroke patients, (2) investigate how many of the participants who experience difficulty eating and swallowing, and how many is believed to suffer from dysphagia according to healthcare professionals.  Method: Sixty-three patients were enrolled in the study, of whom 42,9 % were diagnosed with stroke. All participants underwent a bedside assessment of swallowing function within three days after enrollment in the nursing ward. The assessment consisted of the Standardized Swallowing Assessment - Swedish translation (SSA-S) and swallowing capacity test (SCT). Participants who did not pass the criteria of these two tests suffered from oropharyngeal dysphagia.  Results: Totally, 24 participants suffered from oropharyngeal dysphagia. The incidence in the stroke group was 48,1 %. There were notes about dysphagia in medical records in 20,8 % of the participants who were judged to suffer from oropharyngeal dysphagia by the test managers. Furthermore 29,2 % of all participants with oropharyngeal dysphagia and 30,8 % in the stroke group experienced difficulty eating or swallowing.  Conclusions: This study indicates that the incidence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in recent-onset stroke patients has not decreased in comparison with previous studies. In contrast, it appears to be a low awareness of existing eating and swallowing difficulties for both patients and healthcare professionals.

Absence of human papillomavirus in fresh tissue of oral cavity and oropharynx cancer in patients from the northwest region of São Paulo, Brazil / Ausência do papilomavírus humano em tecido fresco de câncer de boca e orofaringe em pacientes da região noroeste de São Paulo, Brasil

Santos, Ingrid da Silva [UNESP] 02 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by INGRID DA SILVA SANTOS null (iingridsantos@hotmail.com) on 2017-06-26T03:09:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Mestrado_Repositório UNESP_INGRID DA SILVA SANTOS.pdf: 1875360 bytes, checksum: b760f2a2958eb68922d78501172c5f4e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-06-28T16:45:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_is_me_araca_par.pdf: 1437951 bytes, checksum: 9bb3ef4b8f15e4259996185982c7950e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-28T16:45:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_is_me_araca_par.pdf: 1437951 bytes, checksum: 9bb3ef4b8f15e4259996185982c7950e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-02 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM) / Evidências sugerem que o papilomavírus humano (HPV) está associado com um subgrupo de carcinomas de células escamosas da cabeça e pescoço (HNSCC). No entanto, a prevalência do HPV varia substancialmente dependendo do local anatômico e da região geográfica estudada. Aqui, nosso objetivo foi investigar a prevalência do HPV em amostras de tecido fresco de pacientes brasileiros com carcinoma de células escamosas (CEC) de boca e orofaringe combinando dois métodos confiáveis para a detecção do HPV. Foram recrutadas trinta e seis amostras de tecido fresco provenientes de CEC de boca (n= 27) e orofaringe (n= 9) para análises. As características sociodemográficas, estilo de vida e clinicopatológicas foram coletadas através dos prontuários. O DNA do HPV foi detectado por dois métodos: reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) em tempo real através de ensaio qualitativo de presença ou ausência do HPV-16, e testado para 37 genótipos usando Linear Array. A amplificação do gene β -globina funcionou como controle interno positivo para a análise do DNA em todas as amostras. O DNA do HPV não foi detectado em nenhum dos casos de amostras de tecido de pacientes com CEC em ambos os métodos utilizados. A ausência do HPV observada em nosso estudo pode sugerir que este não é um fator de risco prevalente nos CECs de boca e orofaringe nesta região geográfica. Os fatores de risco clássicos para o desenvolvimento desses tumores parecem ser ainda a principal causa nessa população brasileira. Investigações detalhadas do estilo de vida com maior amostragem precisam ser melhor exploradas para compreensão da baixa prevalência encontrada. / Evidence suggests that human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with a subgroup of squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (HNSCC). However, the prevalence of HPV varies substantially depending on the anatomical site and geographic region studied. Here, our goal was to investigate the prevalence of HPV in fresh tissue samples from Brazilian patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and oropharynx by combining two reliable methods for the detection of the HPV DNA. We recruited thirty-six fresh tissue samples from SCC of the oral cavity (n= 27) and oropharynx (n= 9) for analysis. The sociodemographic, lifestyle and clinicopathological characteristics were obtained from individual medical records. HPV DNA was detected by two methods: real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) through the qualitative assay of presence or absence for HPV-16, and tested for 37 genotypes by the Roche Linear Array. Amplification of the β-globin gene functioned as a positive internal control for DNA analysis in all samples. HPV DNA was detected in none of the tissue samples from patients with SCC in both methods. The absence of HPV observed in our study may suggest that this is not a prevalent risk factor in SCC of the oral cavity and oropharynx in this geographical region. The classic risk factors for the development of these tumors seem to be still the main cause in this Brazilian population. Detailed investigations of lifestyle with larger sample needs to be better explored to understand the low prevalence found. / FAPEAM: 120/2015

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