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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Forward Osmosis Application in Manufacturing Industries: A Short Review

Haupt, Anita, Lerch, André 13 December 2018 (has links)
Forward osmosis (FO) is a membrane technology that uses the osmotic pressure difference to treat two fluids at a time giving the opportunity for an energy-efficient water and wastewater treatment. Various applications are possible; one of them is the application in industrial water management. In this review paper, the basic principle of FO is explained and the state-of-the-art regarding FO application in manufacturing industries is described. Examples of FO application were found for food and beverage industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, coal processing, micro algae cultivation, textile industry, pulp and paper industry, electronic industry, and car manufacturing. FO publications were also found about heavy metal elimination and cooling water treatment. However, so far FO was applied in lab-scale experiments only. The up-scaling on pilot- or full-scale will be the essential next step. Long-term fouling behavior, membrane cleaning methods, and operation procedures are essential points that need to be further investigated. Moreover, energetic and economic evaluations need to be performed before full-scale FO can be implemented in industries.

Elaboración de un modelo matemático que permita el análisis de la eficacia de la ósmosis Inversa en el proceso de eliminación de plomo, hierro y manganeso en fuentes de abastecimiento de agua para consumo humano en la cuenca alta del río Guadalquivir en Bolivia y su aporte al crecimiento de la oferta de agua y la disponibilidad sostenible de agua potable a largo plazo

Villena Martínez, Esteban Manuel 16 January 2023 (has links)
[ES] La alta cuenca del río Guadalquivir ubicada en el departamento de Tarija, Bolivia, alberga al municipio de la ciudad capital de Tarija; siendo la zona urbana más poblada del departamento. Durante las últimas décadas el departamento ha tenido grandes ingresos económicos, producto de la explotación hidrocarburífera, trayendo consigo un crecimiento poblacional e inmobiliario desproporcionado; originando un proceso de contaminación y degradación ambiental, producto de actividades antrópicas como la disposición de aguas residuales con poco o nulo proceso de tratamiento, desechos sólidos en las orillas del río, y sobreexplotación de áridos. En consecuencia, varias fuentes de abastecimiento de agua se encuentran paralizadas. Durante los últimos años, la problemática ambiental e hídrica ha sido objeto de un permanente debate, sin encontrar soluciones sostenibles en el corto plazo, ocasionando que la degradación ambiental permanezca activa con altos riesgos para la salud púbica. Siendo necesario conocer el estado actual de los recursos hídricos en la cuenca, se realizaron dos trabajos iniciales; se modeló el balance hídrico de la cuenca para establecer la disponibilidad de agua. Para este proceso se realizó una investigación de apoyo destinada a clasificar y determinar las propiedades de los suelos en la cuenca para lograr una menor incertidumbre en los resultados de la modelación hidrológica. Los resultados determinaron que existe un déficit de agua, principalmente en las épocas de estiaje. Un segundo estudio ha sido destinado a conocer la calidad del agua mediante un monitoreo de las principales fuentes de abastecimiento de agua potable. La investigación a las fuentes primarias de agua en la cuenca de estudio identificó la presencia de metales pesados tóxicos para la salud que exceden los límites permisibles para el agua potable. Se identificó plomo, manganeso y hierro presente en los embalses de San Jacinto y Huacata; mientras que el Pb excede en un 50% de lo establecido en la Normativa, el Mn y el Fe superan hasta 800% la norma actual. El trabajo estudia la ósmosis inversa (OI) para eliminar el Pb, Mn y Fe en distintas concentraciones. La principal contribución de esta investigación es el desarrollo y construcción de un modelo matemático novedoso basado en el modelo de concentración de polarización de Spiegler-Kedem. El modelo ha sido desarrollado utilizando diferentes concentraciones de Pb, Mn y Fe. La selección de las concentraciones se basa en construir un modelo que permita el diseño de instalaciones con alta conversión (>80%). Con ello será posible optimizar el proceso desde el punto de vista de eficiencia energética en futuros trabajos. El modelo incluye, además, un factor de ajuste de temperatura tipo Arrhenius que permite una predicción precisa del rendimiento del proceso. La experimentación se llevó a cabo en una planta piloto de OI utilizando una membrana compuesta de poliamida de configuración en espiral tipo ULP 2540 Marca Keensen de procedencia China. La validación del modelo se ajusta correctamente con un error relativo máximo entre los flujos experimental y teórico de 5,4%, 18% y 7.6% para el Pb, Mn y Fe respectivamente. Entre los principales beneficios del estudio, permite garantizar el rechazo de metales superior al 99%, incluso a bajas presiones, garantizando agua segura a la población de Tarija. Como un aporte final se propone un análisis de las partes interesadas en la cuenca, logrando identificar, clasificar y relacionar los diferentes actores con poder e interés en el proyecto. / [CA] L'alta conca del riu Guadalquivir ubicada en el departament de Tarija, Bolívia, alberga al municipi de la ciutat capital de Tarija; sent la zona urbana més poblada del departament. Durant les últimes dècades el departament ha tingut grans ingressos econòmics, producte de l'explotació hidrocarburífera, comportant un creixement poblacional i immobiliari desproporcionat; originant un procés de contaminació i degradació ambiental, producte d'activitats antròpiques com la disposició d'aigües residuals amb poc o nul procés de tractament, rebutjos sòlids a la vora del riu, i sobreexplotació d'àrids. En conseqüència, unes quantes fonts d'abastiment d'aigua es troben paralitzades. Durant els últims anys, la problemàtica ambiental i hídrica ha sigut objecte d'un permanent debat, sense trobar solucions sostenibles en el curt termini, ocasionant que la degradació ambiental romanga activa amb alts riscos per a la salut púbica. Sent necessari conéixer l'estat actual dels recursos hídrics en la conca, es van realitzar dos treballs inicials; es va modelar el balanç hídric de la conca per a establir la disponibilitat d'aigua. Per a este procés es va realitzar una investigació de suport destinada a classificar i determinar les propietats dels sòls en la conca per a aconseguir una menor incertesa en els resultats de la modelació hidrològica. Els resultats van determinar que hi ha un dèficit d'aigua, principalment en les èpoques d'estiatge. Un segon estudi ha sigut destinat a conéixer la qualitat de l'aigua per mitjà d'un monitoreo de les principals fonts d'abastiment d'aigua potable. La investigació a les fonts primàries d'aigua en la conca d'estudi va identificar la presència de metalls pesants tòxics per a la salut que excedixen els límits permissibles per a l'aigua potable. Es va identificar plom, manganés i ferro present en els embassaments de Sant Jacinto i Huacata; mentres que el Pb excedix en un 50% del que establix la Normativa, el Mn i el Fe superen fins a 800% la norma actual. El treball estudia l'osmosi inversa (OI) per a eliminar el Pb, Mn i Fe en distintes concentracions. La principal contribució d'esta investigació és el desenrotllament i construcció d'un model matemàtic nou basat en el model de concentració de polarització de Spiegler-Kedem. El model ha sigut desenrotllat utilitzant diferents concentracions de Pb, Mn i Fe. La selecció de les concentracions es basa a construir un model que permeta el disseny d'instal·lacions amb alta conversió (>80%). Amb això serà possible optimitzar el procés des del punt de vista d'eficiència energètica en futurs treballs. El model inclou, a més, un factor d'ajust de temperatura tipus Arrhenius que permet una predicció precisa del rendiment del procés. L'experimentació es va dur a terme en una planta pilot de OI utilitzant una membrana composta de poliamida de configuració en espiral tipus ULP 2540 Marca Keensen de procedència Xina. La validació del model s'ajusta correctament amb un error relatiu màxim entre els fluxos experimental i teòric de 5,4%, 18% i 7.6% per al Pb, Mn i Fe respectivament. Entre els principals beneficis de l'estudi, permet garantir el rebuig de metalls superior al 99%, inclús a baixes pressions, garantint aigua segura a la població de Tarija. Com una aportació final es proposa una anàlisi de les parts interessades en la conca, aconseguint identificar, classificar i relacionar els diferents actors de poder i interés en el projecte. / [EN] The upper basin of the Guadalquivir River located in the department of Tarija, Bolivia, houses the municipality of the capital city of Tarija; being the most populated urban area of the department. During the last decades the department has had great economic income, as a result of hydrocarbon exploitation, bringing with it a disproportionate population and real estate growth, originating a process of contamination and environmental degradation, product of anthropic activities such as the disposal of wastewater with little or no treatment process, solid waste on the banks of the river, and overexploitation of aggregates. Consequently, various sources of water supply are paralyzed. In recent years, environmental and water problems have been the subject of permanent debate, without finding sustainable solutions in the short term, causing environmental degradation to remain active with high risks to public health. Being necessary to know the current state of the water resources in the basin, two initial works were carried out; the water balance of the basin was modeled to establish the availability of water. For this process, a support investigation was carried out to classify and determine the properties of the soils in the basin to achieve less uncertainty in the results of the hydrological modeling. The results determined that there is a water deficit, mainly in the dry season. A second study has been designed to determine the quality of the water by monitoring the main sources of drinking water supply. The investigation of the primary water sources in the study basin identified the presence of toxic heavy metals for health that exceed the permissible limits for drinking water. Lead, manganese, and iron present in the San Jacinto and Huacata reservoirs were identified; while Pb exceeds by 50% what is established in the Regulation, Mn and Fe exceed up to 800% the current standard. The work studies reverse osmosis (RO) to eliminate Pb, Mn and Fe in different concentrations. The main contribution of this research is the development and construction of a novel mathematical model based on the Spiegler-Kedem concentration polarization model. The model has been developed using different concentrations of Pb, Mn and Fe. The selection of the concentrations is based on building a model that allows the design of installations with high conversion (>80%). With this it will be possible to optimize the process from the point of view of energy efficiency in future works. The model also includes an Arrhenius-type temperature adjustment factor that allows accurate prediction of process performance. The experimentation was carried out in a RO pilot plant using a ULP 2540 Keensen brand spiral configuration polyamide composite membrane from China. The model validation fits correctly with a maximum relative error between the experimental and theoretical fluxes of 5.4%, 18% and 7.6% for Pb, Mn and Fe respectively. Among the main benefits of the study, it allows to guarantee the rejection of metals higher than 99%, even at low pressures, guaranteeing safe water to the population of Tarija. As a final contribution, an analysis of the interested parties in the basin is proposed, managing to identify, classify and relate the different actors with power and interest in the project. / Villena Martínez, EM. (2022). Elaboración de un modelo matemático que permita el análisis de la eficacia de la ósmosis Inversa en el proceso de eliminación de plomo, hierro y manganeso en fuentes de abastecimiento de agua para consumo humano en la cuenca alta del río Guadalquivir en Bolivia y su aporte al crecimiento de la oferta de agua y la disponibilidad sostenible de agua potable a largo plazo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191412

Filtrato dinamika Jėrubaičių sąvartyne / Landfill leachate dynamic in Jėrubaičiai

Simaitis, Donatas 16 June 2010 (has links)
Vienu iš pagrindiniu geologinės aplinkos teršėju yra laikomi sąvartynai. Todėl daugelyje šalių jie yra inventorizuojami ir tiriami, prognozuojamas jų poveikis gamtinei aplinkai. Lietuvai sąvartynų poveikio aplinkai problema taip pat labai aktuali. Todėl imtasi konkrečių priemonių informacijos apie sąvartynus kaupimui ir jų taršos mąsto įvertinimo. Tuo tikslu buvo atliekama ir iki šiol tebevykdoma sąvartynų inventorizacija. Kai kuriuose sąvartynuose buvo vykdomi įvairaus detalumo geologiniai-hidrogeologiniai tyrimai. Šiame darbe analizuojama Jerubaičių sąvartyno filtrato dinamika. Pateikiama sąvartyne susikaupusio filtrato judėjimo schema. Bei jo valymas atvirkštinės osmozės būdu. Tiriamas filtrato kiekio kitimas keičiantis meteorologinėm sąlygom, analizuojamas laikotarpis nuo 2008.05.15 iki 2008.12.31. Tiriamas laikotarpis, nuo gegužės 15 iki sausio 1, apima visus metų laikus bei atspindi tipines Lietuvos meteorologinės sąlygos. Darbe tiriama filtrato susidarymo priklausomybė sąvartyne nuo atvežamų šiukšlių kiekio ir meteorologinių sąlygų. Duomenys pateikiami grafiškai juos apdorojus, duomenų statistiniam apdorojimui panaudota programa STATISTICA. / Landfill is considered as one of the main geo-environmental polluters. Therefore, in most countries they are inventoried, analyzed and forecast their impact for the natural environment. Lithuania landfill’s environmental problem is also relevant. Consequently, there are taken appropriate actions about landfills and their accumulation of pollution assessment. This was done and it is still ongoing landfill inventory. In some landfills there were carried out a wide range of detail geological-hydrogeological researches. This document analyzes Jėrubaičiai landfill leachate dynamics. There is available landfill leachate accumulated movement scheme and its cleaning by reverse osmosis method. This analysis shows leachate flow dynamics in different meteorological conditions. Research period was from 2008.05.15 to 2008.12.31. Selected research period is covering all seasons and represents Lithuanian meteorological conditions. In this document explored formation of leachate dependency from incoming garbage amount and weather conditions. Research data are represented graphically; program STATISTICA was used for statistical data processing.

Optimal scheduling, design, operation and control of reverse osmosis desalination : prediction of RO membrane performance under different design and operating conditions, synthesis of RO networks using MINLP optimization framework involving fouling, boron removal, variable seawater temperature and variable fresh water demand

Sassi, Kamal M. January 2012 (has links)
An accurate model for RO process has significant importance in the simulation and optimization proposes. A steady state model of RO process is developed based on solution diffusion theory to describe the permeation through membrane and thin film approach is used to describe the concentration polarization. The model is validated against the operation data reported in the literature. For the sake of clear understanding of the interaction of feed temperature and salinity on the design and operation of RO based desalination systems, simultaneous optimization of design and operation of RO network is investigated based on two-stage RO superstructure via MINLP approach. Different cases with several feed concentrations and seasonal variation of seawater temperature are presented. Also, the possibility of flexible scheduling in terms of the number of membrane modules required in operation in high and low temperature seasons is investigated A simultaneous modelling and optimization method for RO system including boron removal is then presented. A superstructure of the RO network is developed based on double pass RO network (two-stage seawater pass and one-stage brackish water pass). The MINLP problem based on the superstructure is used to find out an optimal RO network which will minimize the total annualized cost while fulfilling a given boron content limit. The effect of pH on boron rejection is investigated at deferent seawater temperatures. The optimal operation policy of RO system is then studied in this work considering variations in freshwater demand and with changing seawater temperature throughout the day. A storage tank is added to the RO layout to provide additional operational flexibility and to ensure the availability of freshwater at all times. Two optimization problems are solved incorporating two seawater temperature profiles, representing summer and winter seasons. The possibility of flexible scheduling of cleaning and maintenance of membrane modules is investigated. Then, the optimal design and operation of RO process is studied in the presence of membrane fouling and including several operational variations such as variable seawater temperature. The cleaning schedule of single stage RO process is formulated as MINLP problem using spiral wound modules. NNs based correlation has been developed based on the actual fouling data which can be used for estimating the permeability decline factors. The correlation based on actual data to predict the annual seawater temperature profile is also incorporated in the model. The proposed optimization procedure identified simultaneously the optimal maintenance schedule of RO network including its design parameters and operating policy. The steady state model of RO process is used to study the sensitivity of different operating and design parameters on the plant performance. A non-linear optimization problem is formulated to minimize specific energy consumption at fixed product flow rate and quality while optimizing the design and operating parameters. Then the MINLP formulation is used to find the optimal designs of RO layout for brackish water desalination. A variable fouling profile along the membrane stages is introduced to see how the network design and operation of the RO system are to be adjusted Finally, a preliminary control strategy for RO process is developed based on PID control algorithm and a first order transfer function (presented in the Appendix).

Predicting removal efficiency of reverse osmosis membranes with respect to emerging substances of concern using a discriminant function analysis

Unknown Date (has links)
This paper presents the results of the spike tests performed in the alternative water supply pilot testing program for the City of Pembroke Pines. It establishes the effectiveness of a protocol that can be used to gain further insight on the rejection capacities of RO membranes. An in-depth study of the molecular descriptors affecting rejection by RO membranes is presented and used in the development of a discriminant function analysis. This analysis proved to be an effective way to predict the passage of Emerging Substances of Concern (ESOCs) through RO membrane. Further, a principal component (PC) analysis was performed to determine which factors accounted the largest variation in RO permeability. Additionally, this paper defines the groundwork for a discriminant analysis model that, if further developed, could serve as an important tool to predict the rejection capabilities of RO treatment when handling with ESOCs. / by Fernando J. Pleitez Herrera. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Técnicas analíticas para autópsia de membranas de osmose reversa. / Analytical techniques for the autopsy of reverse osmosis membranes.

Costa, Thiago Ranzani da 17 November 2011 (has links)
Sistemas de membranas filtrantes, principalmente os de osmose reversa, estão sendo cada vez mais utilizados em diversos seguimentos de empresas (farmacêutica, tratamento de água, alimentícia e química), devido à diminuição do preço dos elementos filtrantes e da alta qualidade do produto obtido. Apesar do preço dos elementos de osmose reversa terem caído nos últimos tempos, a substituição destes continua sendo o fator mais dispendioso de um sistema de osmose reversa. A autópsia de membranas é uma técnica utilizada para investigar a causa que levou à colmatação de um elemento, contribuindo no melhoramento do pré-tratamento da água de alimentação e consequentemente aumentando a vida útil dos elementos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo incrementar a técnica de autópsia de membranas de osmose reversa através da análise da volatilização dos principais compostos inorgânicos presentes nestas membranas, modificação na metodologia de quantificação de açúcares e proteínas, comparação de diferentes técnicas de remoção do material depositado sobre as membranas e análise da distribuição de biofilmes sobre elementos colmatados de osmose reversa. A análise dos resultados mostrou que dentre os inorgânicos, ocorreu volatilização completa do cloreto de amônio e pequena variação no composto cloreto férrico; a quantificação de proteínas e açúcares, através da fortificação das amostras, apresentou valores diferentes quando comparados com os valores obtidos diretamente da curva padrão, devido à diferença de inclinação entre as retas de fortificação e padrão; os resultados também mostraram que a trituração foi mais eficiente na remoção do material aderido quando comparado com a raspagem e a sonicação e a distribuição de biofilmes se mostrou uniforme nos dois elementos analisados. / Filter membrane systems, especially reverse osmosis, are being increasingly used in various business segments (pharmaceutical, water treatment, food and chemical) due to decrease in the price of the filter elements and high quality product. Although the price of reverse osmosis elements have fallen in recent times, the replacement of the part remains more expensive a reverse osmosis system. The autopsy of membranes is a technique used to investigate the cause that led to clogging of one factor contributing to the improvement of pre-treatment of water feeding and consequently increasing the life of the elements. This study aimed to improve the technique of autopsy reverse osmosis membranes by examining the volatilization of major inorganic compounds present in these membranes, modification the methodology for quantification of sugars and proteins, comparison of different techniques for removal of material deposited on the membranes and distribution analysis of biofilms on elements obscured reverse osmosis. The results showed that among the Inorganic volatilization was full of ammonium chloride and small variation in the compound ferric chloride, the quantification of proteins and sugars, by fortifying the samples showed different values when compared with values obtained directly the standard curve due to the difference in slope between the lines of and fortification standard, the results also showed that the blending was more efficient in removing adhered material when compared with the scraping and sonication and distribution of biofilms showed uniform the two elements analyzed.

Avaliação de eficácia da sanitização de um sistema de purificação de água. Esterilização de artigos médicos, dissipação residual do óxido de etileno e uso da proteína verde fluorescente (GFP) como inidicador de controle do processo / Evaluation of effectiveness of the sanitization of a water purification system. Sterilization of medical devices, residual dissipation of ethylene oxide and the use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as an indicator of process control

Fabio Nunes Dias 22 August 2007 (has links)
A água exerce papel fundamental nas diferentes fases do processo de fabricação de artigos para saúde (médico-hospitalares, farmacêuticos, e clínicos), exigindo elevado grau de pureza, que certifique a sua inocuidade. Portanto, se faz necessário maior controle dos sistemas de purificação de água e suas etapas de tratamento, onde a formação de biofilmes pode contaminar os artigos para saúde e, consequentemente, causar injúria a pacientes submetidos à aplicação dos mesmos. Embora os artigos médicos sejam esterilizados por óxido de etileno (ETO), seu processo de manufatura deve prever o mínimo acréscimo possível de contaminantes. Considerando que a água purificada e a esterilização dos artigos para saúde são fatores determinantes para o sucesso de sua aplicação, este trabalho foi dividido em duas partes distintas. A primeira parte aborda o controle das etapas de purificação da água, que é destinada à lavagem de componentes termoplásticos, que são utilizados na fabricação de artigos para saúde. Os níveis máximos de carga microbiana (expressos em ciclos de log10 UFC/100mL) encontrados ao longo do sistema de purificação de água foram: 3,48 log10 na água de entrada; 3,57 log10 nos filtros multimeios; 3,75 log10 nos abrandadores; 4,97 log10 no filtro de carvão ativado; 2,53 log10 na osmose reversa; 2,70 log10 no tanque de estocagem e distribuição; 2,56 log10 na lâmpada ultravioleta; 2,53 log10 nos filtros 0,05 µm; 1,98 log10 nos pontos de uso. Flavimonas oryzihabitans e Micrococcus luteus foram as bactérias Gram-negativa e Grampositiva, respectivamente, isoladas e identificadas com maior freqüência na água, em diferentes estágios do sistema, inclusive após a passagem dessa através das membranas de osmose reversa. A segunda parte do estudo teve como objetivo determinar o tempo de aeração necessário para que os oxigenadores de sangue e conjuntos de tubos de PVC, após esterilização por ETO, permaneçam em aeração, para dissipação dos resíduos de ETO. Avaliou-se também a potencialidade da proteína verde fluorescente (GFP) como biossensor no processo de esterilização. O processo de esterilização destes artigos médicos foi monitorado com indicadores biológicos Bacillus atrophaeus, proteína verde fluorescente (GFP) e controles de temperatura, pressão e umidade em ciclos de 2 h (ciclo curto), 4 h (meio ciclo) e 8 h (ciclo longo). As curvas de dissipação, determinadas por cromatografia gasosa, confirmaram níveis residuais menores que 25 ppm para ETO e etileno cloridrina (EC); e inferiores a 250 ppm para etileno glicol (EG), ao final do processo de esterilização para os oxigenadores; e, após 221 horas de aeração, para os conjuntos de tubos de PVC. Nos ciclos de esterilização, as reduções na intensidade de fluorescência da GFP ocorreram em função do tempo de exposição ao ETO; enquanto germinação de esporos e/ou crescimento de B. atrophaeus não foi observado. / The water exerts important paper in different phases of critical items manufacture in the health care units, pharmaceutical industries, hospitals and clinics, becoming necessary a rigorous control of the water purification systems, storage and distribution, in order to prevent biofilms formation and cross-contamination between devices and patients, who are submitted to critical articles and parenteral solution application. The sterilization of critical devices by ethylene oxide (ETO) should predict minimum addition of possible contaminants and residues. Considering that the purified water and the sterilization are crucial factors for medical devices, this work was divided in two parts. The first part evaluated continuously the stages of the system for the purification of the water, which purity level is critical and determines the quality of the washing of thermoplastic components used in the manufacture of critical items. The maximum levels of heterotrophic load (log10 UFC/100mL) found throughout the water purification system were: 3.48 log10 in the water inlet; 3.57 log10 in the multimedium filters; 3.75 log10 in the softeners; 4.97 log10 in the activated carbon filter; 2.53 log10 in the reverse osmosis; 2.70 log10 in the tank of storage and distribution; 2.56 log10 in the UV lamp; 2.53 log10 in the 0.05µm filters; 1.98 log10 in the consumption points. Flavimonas oryzihabitans and Micrococcus luteus were the main Gram-negative and Grampositive bacteria, respectively found in the purified water after reverse osmosis. The second part of this study had as objective the determination of the needed aeration time for blood oxygenators and sets of PVC tubing must be kept in aeration room for dissipation of ETO residues; and also evaluated the possibility of GFP as biosensor. ETO is used as in a mixture (10% ETO and 90% CO2). Residual levels of ETO and its derivatives, ethylene chloridrin (ECH) and ethylene glycol (EG), which remain in these devices, must be controlled to prevent serious injuries to the patients. The sterilization process of the oxygenators and sets of PVC tubing was monitored with Bacillus atrophaeus and fluorescent green protein (GFP). The temperature, pressure and humidity were controlled in the sterilization cycles of 2 h (short cycle), 4 h (half cycle) and 8 h (long cycle). The dissipation curves of the residues were determined by gaseous chromatography and the residual concentrations were lower than 25 ppm of ETO and ECH and lower than 250 ppm of EG immediately after the sterilization processes for oxygenators and after 221 hours of aeration for the sets of PVC tubing. Reductions in the fluorescence intensity of GFP were observed as a function of the exposition time to the ETO. No growth of B. atrophaeus spores was observed after cycles.

Avaliação de um sistema de dessalinização de água salobra em escala piloto

Bovaroti , Tatiane 12 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2018-07-31T12:05:01Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Tatiane Bovaroti.pdf: 1677408 bytes, checksum: 74791391260b47b48abc127d7af4af68 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-31T12:05:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Tatiane Bovaroti.pdf: 1677408 bytes, checksum: 74791391260b47b48abc127d7af4af68 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-12 / Preocupados com a intrusão de água do mar, escassez e má qualidade das reservas de água doce no mundo, diversos países têm estudado e proposto sistemas de alta tecnologia que sejam viáveis para a dessalinização de água salobra ou salina. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar a eficiência de um sistema de ultrafiltração (UF) como pré-tratamento, seguido de abrandamento e osmose reversa (OR) para a dessalinização de água salobra em escala piloto, instalado no balneário de Praia de Leste, litoral do estado do Paraná. Para a obtenção da água salobra foi realizada a mistura da água do rio das Pombas com a água do mar até a concentração de 1500 (± 100) mg. L-1 de sólidos dissolvidos totais (SDT). O sistema foi projetado para a produção de 1 m3.h-1 de água doce (permeado da OR) e operou por aproximadamente 3h por dia durante vinte dias não consecutivos. Analisaram-se amostras de nove pontos de coleta durante a primeira (A), segunda (B) e terceira (C) hora de operação. Para a avaliação da qualidade da água os parâmetros analisados foram: SDT, condutividade elétrica, pH, temperatura, cor aparente, turbidez, alcalinidade total, dureza total, cálcio, cloreto, sulfato, coliformes totais e E.coli. Para avaliação da eficiência do sistema, calculou-se a taxa de recuperação e o fluxo de filtração, bem como a leitura de outros parâmetros operacionais como a pressão osmótica. O sistema de UF apresentou remoção média de 95,1% de turbidez e de 98,6% de cor aparente na água salobra. Constatou-se ausência de coliformes totais e E.coli no permeado. Houve variação quanto à remoção de dureza total e cálcio pelo abrandador devido ao tempo de regeneração do sistema. O sistema de OR obteve remoção média de 99,4% de SDT e a maior taxa de recuperação global (UF e OR) foi de 57,4%. / Concerned about the intrusion of sea water, scarcity and poor quality of freshwater reserves in the world, several countries have studied and proposed high technology systems that are feasible for the desalination of brackish or saline water. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of an ultrafiltration (UF) system as a pretreatment, followed by slowing and reverse osmosis (RO) for pilot scale saline water desalination, installed in Praia de Leste – coast of the state of Paraná. To obtain the brackish water, the water of the Pombas River was mixed with sea water up to the concentration of 1500 (± 100) mg. L-1 total dissolved solids (TDS). The system was designed to produce 1 m3.h-1 of freshwater (permeate from the RO) and was operated by approximately 3 hours per day during twenty non-consecutive days. Samples from nine collection points were analyzed during the first (A), second (B) and third (C) hours of operation. In order to evaluate the water quality, the parameters evaluated were: TDS, electric conductivity, pH, temperature, apparent color, turbidity, total alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, chloride, sulfate, total coliforms and E.coli. To evaluate the efficiency of the system, the recovery rate and the filtration flow were calculated, as well as the reading of other operational parameters such as osmotic pressure. It was found absence of total coliforms and E. coli in the permeate. There was variation regarding to the removal of total hardness and calcium by the softener due to the regeneration time of the system. The RO system obtained an average of 99.4% of the TDS removal and the highest overall (UF and RO) recovery rate was 57.4%.

Estabiliza??o de mol?culas bioativas presentes em suco de camucamu (Myrciaria d?bia (H.B.K) Mc Vaugh) pela integra??o dos processos de osmose inversa, evapora??o osm?tica e atomiza??o / Stabilization of bioactive molecules present in camucamu juice by means of interaction among the processes of reverse osmosis, osmotic evaporation and atomization

Souza, Andr? Luis Rodrigues 06 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-04-27T13:51:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Andr? Luis R. de Souza.pdf: 1971622 bytes, checksum: 5237bc23d365c59e774d9f8776efabf1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-27T13:51:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Andr? Luis R. de Souza.pdf: 1971622 bytes, checksum: 5237bc23d365c59e774d9f8776efabf1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-06 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Camu-camu is a native fruit from the Amazonian region, cultivated in the margins of rivers, lakes and Amazonian creeks called igarap?s. It is known as one of the fruit with the highest content of vitamin C. Reverse osmosis is a membrane concentration process in which the applied pressure is higher than the juice osmotic pressure. Such process favors the solvent permeation from the region with the highest concentration to the one with the lowest. Osmotic evaporation is another membrane concentration process in which a porous hydrophobic membrane separates the solution that is going to be concentrated from a concentrate brine solution. Microencapsulation is the process in which an active agent is entrapped by means of a polymer cover. Such process promotes the release of these active agents under specific conditions. The aim of this work is to evaluate the use of membrane separation processes and microencapsulation for the processing of camu-camu fruits. The camu-camu pulp, which has been obtained through the depulping of camu-camu fruits, was first centrifuged, in order to decrease its suspended solids content, and clarified by microfiltration with polysulfone membranes. Six clarification processes have carried out at 2.5 bar transmembrane pressure and 45?C. The clarified juice was concentrated by reverse osmosis at 60 bar and 20 ?C. The avarage permeate flux has been of 11.3 L/hm2. The preconcentrated juice had 28.8?Brix and the concentration degree of the process was 3.8. The pre-concentrated juice has been concentrated by osmotic evaporation in a laboratorial system with polytetrafluoroethylene membrane. The process presented an average pemeate flux of 2.4 Kg/hm2. The soluble solids content of the concentrated juice was of 56.6 ?Brix, presenting a concentration degree of 1.98. The retentate fraction of the microfiltration process was microencapsulated in a spray dryer. Three encapsulation agents were evaluated: starch, maltodextrin and the mixture of both. The values presented for the physicochemical caracterization of the pre-concentrated and concentrated camu-camu juices indicate that there has been an increase both in the physical characteristics of the juice, such as soluble solids, total solids and acidity, and in the concentration of camu-camu bioactive compounds. The dehydrated camu-camu juice presented a high concentration of bioactive substances. Nevertheless, there has been no stability of such compounds during storage. Through the results obtained in the present work, it is possible to observe that the integration of membrane processes proved efficient in the concentration of camu-camu juice, with a final product of high nutritional value / O camu-camu ? um fruto nativo da regi?o amaz?nica, cultivado as margens de rios, lagos e igarap?s. ? reconhecido como um dos frutos com um dos maiores teores de vitamina C. Osmose inversa ? o processo de concentra??o por membranas onde a press?o aplicada ? maior que a press?o osm?tica do suco, favorecendo a permea??o do solvente da regi?o de maior concentra??o para regi?o de menor concentra??o. Evapora??o osm?tica ? um outro processo de concentra??o, onde uma membrana hidrof?bica porosa separa a solu??o que ser? concentrada e uma salmoura concentrada. A microencapsula??o ? o processo onde um agente ativo ? protegido por meio de uma cobertura de pol?meros, ocorrendo a libera??o desses agentes ativos em condi??es espec?ficas. O objetivo desta disserta??o foi avaliar o uso dos processos de separa??o com membranas e microencapsulamento para o processamento de suco de camu-camu. Os frutos de camu-camu foram despolpados, sendo o suco submetido a centrifuga??o, com o objetivo de reduzir os s?lidos em suspens?o, e posteriormente clarificado por microfiltra??o em um sistema de membranas de polissulfona. Foram realizados seis processos de clarifica??o a 2,5 bar e 45?C. O suco clarificado foi pr?-concentrado por osmose inversa a 60 bar e 20 ?C. O fluxo permeado m?dio foi de 11,3 L/hm2. O suco pr?-concentrado apresentou teor de s?lidos sol?veis de 28,8?Brix e grau de concentra??o de 3,8. O suco pr?-concentrado foi processado por evapora??o osm?tica em um sistema laboratorial constitu?do por membranas de politetrafluoretileno. O processo apresentou fluxo m?dio permeado de 2,4 kg/hm2. O teor de s?lidos sol?veis do suco concentrado foi de 56,6 ?Brix, apresentando um grau de concentra??o de 1,98. O processo de microencapsula??o da fra??o retida do suco de camucamu foi realizado em um spray dryer Buchi Modelo B-190. Foram realizados tr?s ensaios com tr?s formula??es diferentes: mistura entre amido e maltodextrina, somente amido e somente maltodextrina. Os valores apresentados para a caracteriza??o f?sico-qu?mica do suco de camu-camu pr?-concentrado e concentrado indicam que houve um aumento nos s?lidos sol?veis e totais e da acidez, bem como no teor das subst?ncias bioativas do camucamu. O suco de camu-camu desidratado apresentou alto teor de subst?ncias bioativas, onde a estabilidade desses compostos durante o per?odo de armazenamento n?o foi alcan?ada. Observa-se que a integra??o dos processos com membranas se mostrou eficaz na concentra??o do suco de camu-camu, obtendo um produto com alta qualidade nutricional.

Avaliação de eficácia da sanitização de um sistema de purificação de água. Esterilização de artigos médicos, dissipação residual do óxido de etileno e uso da proteína verde fluorescente (GFP) como inidicador de controle do processo / Evaluation of effectiveness of the sanitization of a water purification system. Sterilization of medical devices, residual dissipation of ethylene oxide and the use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as an indicator of process control

Dias, Fabio Nunes 22 August 2007 (has links)
A água exerce papel fundamental nas diferentes fases do processo de fabricação de artigos para saúde (médico-hospitalares, farmacêuticos, e clínicos), exigindo elevado grau de pureza, que certifique a sua inocuidade. Portanto, se faz necessário maior controle dos sistemas de purificação de água e suas etapas de tratamento, onde a formação de biofilmes pode contaminar os artigos para saúde e, consequentemente, causar injúria a pacientes submetidos à aplicação dos mesmos. Embora os artigos médicos sejam esterilizados por óxido de etileno (ETO), seu processo de manufatura deve prever o mínimo acréscimo possível de contaminantes. Considerando que a água purificada e a esterilização dos artigos para saúde são fatores determinantes para o sucesso de sua aplicação, este trabalho foi dividido em duas partes distintas. A primeira parte aborda o controle das etapas de purificação da água, que é destinada à lavagem de componentes termoplásticos, que são utilizados na fabricação de artigos para saúde. Os níveis máximos de carga microbiana (expressos em ciclos de log10 UFC/100mL) encontrados ao longo do sistema de purificação de água foram: 3,48 log10 na água de entrada; 3,57 log10 nos filtros multimeios; 3,75 log10 nos abrandadores; 4,97 log10 no filtro de carvão ativado; 2,53 log10 na osmose reversa; 2,70 log10 no tanque de estocagem e distribuição; 2,56 log10 na lâmpada ultravioleta; 2,53 log10 nos filtros 0,05 µm; 1,98 log10 nos pontos de uso. Flavimonas oryzihabitans e Micrococcus luteus foram as bactérias Gram-negativa e Grampositiva, respectivamente, isoladas e identificadas com maior freqüência na água, em diferentes estágios do sistema, inclusive após a passagem dessa através das membranas de osmose reversa. A segunda parte do estudo teve como objetivo determinar o tempo de aeração necessário para que os oxigenadores de sangue e conjuntos de tubos de PVC, após esterilização por ETO, permaneçam em aeração, para dissipação dos resíduos de ETO. Avaliou-se também a potencialidade da proteína verde fluorescente (GFP) como biossensor no processo de esterilização. O processo de esterilização destes artigos médicos foi monitorado com indicadores biológicos Bacillus atrophaeus, proteína verde fluorescente (GFP) e controles de temperatura, pressão e umidade em ciclos de 2 h (ciclo curto), 4 h (meio ciclo) e 8 h (ciclo longo). As curvas de dissipação, determinadas por cromatografia gasosa, confirmaram níveis residuais menores que 25 ppm para ETO e etileno cloridrina (EC); e inferiores a 250 ppm para etileno glicol (EG), ao final do processo de esterilização para os oxigenadores; e, após 221 horas de aeração, para os conjuntos de tubos de PVC. Nos ciclos de esterilização, as reduções na intensidade de fluorescência da GFP ocorreram em função do tempo de exposição ao ETO; enquanto germinação de esporos e/ou crescimento de B. atrophaeus não foi observado. / The water exerts important paper in different phases of critical items manufacture in the health care units, pharmaceutical industries, hospitals and clinics, becoming necessary a rigorous control of the water purification systems, storage and distribution, in order to prevent biofilms formation and cross-contamination between devices and patients, who are submitted to critical articles and parenteral solution application. The sterilization of critical devices by ethylene oxide (ETO) should predict minimum addition of possible contaminants and residues. Considering that the purified water and the sterilization are crucial factors for medical devices, this work was divided in two parts. The first part evaluated continuously the stages of the system for the purification of the water, which purity level is critical and determines the quality of the washing of thermoplastic components used in the manufacture of critical items. The maximum levels of heterotrophic load (log10 UFC/100mL) found throughout the water purification system were: 3.48 log10 in the water inlet; 3.57 log10 in the multimedium filters; 3.75 log10 in the softeners; 4.97 log10 in the activated carbon filter; 2.53 log10 in the reverse osmosis; 2.70 log10 in the tank of storage and distribution; 2.56 log10 in the UV lamp; 2.53 log10 in the 0.05µm filters; 1.98 log10 in the consumption points. Flavimonas oryzihabitans and Micrococcus luteus were the main Gram-negative and Grampositive bacteria, respectively found in the purified water after reverse osmosis. The second part of this study had as objective the determination of the needed aeration time for blood oxygenators and sets of PVC tubing must be kept in aeration room for dissipation of ETO residues; and also evaluated the possibility of GFP as biosensor. ETO is used as in a mixture (10% ETO and 90% CO2). Residual levels of ETO and its derivatives, ethylene chloridrin (ECH) and ethylene glycol (EG), which remain in these devices, must be controlled to prevent serious injuries to the patients. The sterilization process of the oxygenators and sets of PVC tubing was monitored with Bacillus atrophaeus and fluorescent green protein (GFP). The temperature, pressure and humidity were controlled in the sterilization cycles of 2 h (short cycle), 4 h (half cycle) and 8 h (long cycle). The dissipation curves of the residues were determined by gaseous chromatography and the residual concentrations were lower than 25 ppm of ETO and ECH and lower than 250 ppm of EG immediately after the sterilization processes for oxygenators and after 221 hours of aeration for the sets of PVC tubing. Reductions in the fluorescence intensity of GFP were observed as a function of the exposition time to the ETO. No growth of B. atrophaeus spores was observed after cycles.

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