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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Interruptions and Information Overload on Decision-Making Performance in Knowledge-Work

Laker, Lauren F. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Overloaded? Examining Predictors of Work-Family Conflict Through Role Overload

Brasdovich, Lisa J. 27 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Sensory : Designing an Ai-Powered Interactive Artefact for Managing Sensory Overload Experiences

Trăistar, Bianca January 2023 (has links)
This project aims to explore how interactive technological artefacts can support young adults with sensory overload in their experiences. It intends to investigate the potential of carefully designing technologies tailored to the user's sensory needs of managing and reflecting on the sensory experience, and understanding their patterns. The project adopted an iterative design process and applied several methods with an emphasis on designing meaningful user experiences. The project conducted user research with people experiencing sensory overload to understand the experiential aspects of trying to manage the negative experiences it entails. The final design consists of two prototypes. The first one was a Role Prototype created with Figma and took the form of a mHealth app powered by Artificial Intelligence for detecting patterns in the user’s data and documenting sensory experiences through journaling. The second one is an Implementation prototype in the form of a tangible electronic prototype created by using Arduino Nano BLE 33 Sense and sensors for recognising biometric data and environmental cues. Additionally, technological exploration was undertaken through sketching in hardware. This led to delving into how Machine Learning and gas sensors can be combined in order to create a scent-detecting sensor. The results suggest that the design concept provides the user with valuable tools to manage their overwhelming sensory experiences. Lastly, the results indicate that a sensory experience prediction component would be a valuable feature for people who need to manage sensory overload.


Lee, Soojin January 2019 (has links)
I examine how managers mitigate the side effects of the overly complicated performance evaluation system in the context of a high-end retail industry. The standard performance evaluation system in the industry has evolved to include multiple performance measures. The detailed measures can incentivize employees to perform multiple performance-relevant activities, but they inevitably increase the complexity of the performance evaluation system. The complexity increases the risk of information overload of the employees, decreasing judgment quality and potentially decreasing their performance. Drawing on psychology literature, I postulate two factors moderating the relationship between information overload and performance: 1) disaggregated feedback provides detailed information on each category of performance measures and compensate for each performance measure rather than for overall performance level; 2) feedforward informs employees about how their actions affect their compensation. Both factors mitigate the negative performance effect of information overload by clarifying causality embedded in the complex performance evaluation system to employees. I conduct two field experiments that implement the disaggregated feedback and the feedforward policies for sales outlets of a high-end retail firm, respectively, and examine whether the policies mitigate information overload problem and improve performance. I find that the treatment group exhibits improvement in performance, suggesting that disaggregated feedback and the feedforward reduce information overload. / Business Administration/Accounting

Email i den moderna organisationen : en empirisk studie av emailvanor i en verksamhet

Erlingsson, Viktor, Danielsson, Alexander January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns negativa konsekvenser av att använda sig för mycket av email istället för av andra typer av kommunikation inom organisationen.</p><p>Det skickas stora mängder email varje dag inom organisationer, men många organisationer saknar policy för att styra denna kommunikation. Därför genomförs denna undersökning av emailvanor och hur email upplevs på Sörman Information AB.</p><p>För att besvara syftet har en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod använts. Vi har genomfört tio intervjuer på en av avdelningarna på fallföretaget Sörman Information AB.</p><p>Undersökningen har visat att email är den vanligaste kommunikationsvägen för arbetsrelaterad kommunikation mellan anställda på det undersökta företaget.</p><p>Slutsatsen blir därmed att email till viss del har negativa konsekvenser för en organisation men de flesta problem går att minimera genom att behandla email på rätt sätt. Som ett hjälpmedel för detta har vi utformat ett utkast till en emailpolicy.</p> / <p>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibility of negative consequences caused by over use of email instead of other means of communication in an organization.</p><p>A very large amount of emails are sent every day within organizations. Most organizations lack a proper email policy to govern this communication. Hence this study is conducted to investigate the email habits and the general perception of email use of the employees at Sörman Information AB.</p><p>The investigation has shown that email is the most preferred choice of communication regarding work related communication between colleagues within the studied organization. T</p><p>hus the conclusion is that email to some degree can cause negative consequences for an organization. However most of these problems can be minimized by correct email use. As a complementing tool for this we have developed a first draft of an email policy.</p>

Personalomsättning i säljande organisationer : En kvalitativ studie om chefens roll utifrån dimensioner av person-environment fit och role stress

Daniels, Eric, Persson, Mikael January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att belysa chefens roll i förhållande till personalomsättning inom en säljande organisation, utifrån dimensioner av person-environment fit och role stress.   Metod: Utifrån studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod använts. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet har analyserats och redovisats med hjälp av well-grounded theory.   Resultat &amp; slutsats: Denna studie visar på chefers förståelse för vikten av att personer de anställer ska passa in i yrket och organisationen. De rekryterar främst efter personlighet och möjlighet att passa in i gruppen. Chefernas synsätt skiljer sig gällande överbelastning och stress. Det är svårt med gränsdragningen mellan privatliv och yrkesroll.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En intressant utgångspunkt för framtida forskning kan vara att jämföra om chefers uppfattning av de dimensioner vi undersökt överensstämmer med hur de anställda upplever dem.   Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien belyser dimensioner som påvisats ha samband med personalomsättning. Vi bidrar med chefens roll utifrån dessa, till skillnad från tidigare forskning som utgått från anställdas perspektiv.   Nyckelord: Personalomsättning, person-job fit, person-organization fit, role overload. / Aim: The aim of this study is to highlight the manager’s role related to turnover within a selling organization, by dimensions of person-environment fit and role stress.   Method: A qualitative method has been used, based on the aim of this study. Data has been collected through semi structured interviews. The empirical data has been analyzed and presented using the well-grounded theory.   Result &amp; Conclusions: This study shows the managers understanding of the importance to hire people which fit both the job and the organization. They mainly hire people based on their personality and how they fit within the group. However, their vision is different regarding the role overload and stress. Managers have a hard time to draw a line between the private life and work.   Suggestions for future research: An interesting starting-point for future research could be to compare if the managers perception of our dimensions is consistent with the perceptions of the employees.   Contribution of the thesis: This study highlights dimensions, which have a significant relation to employee turnover. Our contribution is the manager’s perspective of these dimensions, compared to prior research, which has the employee’s perspective.   Key words: Employee turnover, person-job fit, person-organization fit, role overload.

Smarta telefoner -ett digitalt koppel? : En fallstudie om Information Overload i organisationer / Smartphones and Information Overload in organizations

Hammarskjöld, Madeleine, Jakobsson, Maria January 2015 (has links)
In the digitized world many organizations experience a large flow of information. To sort and manage all the information can be difficult. Individuals may experience a phenomenon called ”Information Overload”, due to the fact that the information flow is too extensive. There are various reasons why individuals are affected by this phenomenon. One reason may be due to the individual´s personality, another reason could also be the increased use of smartphones. The use of smartphones has had the effect that individuals are online and available even during therir leisure time. The extended use of smartphones has led to that it is possible that individuals are experiencing an increasing stress. In this study, we will investigate individuals experience of ”Information Overload” that may be associated with organizations use of smartphones. / Informationsmängden har i och med internet ökat drastiskt. Tidigare kunde det vara ett problem med att hitta användbar och relevant information. Numera är problemet det motsatta. Det kan leda till att individer utsätts för mer information än vad de kan hantera. Denna kraftiga expansion av information skulle kunna resultera i ett så kallat informationsöverflöd för individen. Det råder dock delade meningar hos forskarna om vad detta fenomen innebär och vilka orsakerna kan vara till uppkomsten av informationsöverflöd (Information Overload). För att undersöka om detta är ett utbrett problem inom organisationer inleddes undersökningen med en intervju med en chef och en informationsansvarig inom en utvald organisation. Intervjun genomfördes för att utreda organisationens policys och regler gällande informationsflödet och användandet av den smarta telefonen. Därefter utfördes en enkätundersökning med en grupp utvalda mellanchefer inom organisationen. Undersökningens syfte var att undersöka hur individer uppfattar och hanterar informationsflöden. Samt om den smarta telefonen påverkar individer genom att den bidrar till ett utökat informationsöverflöde. Enkätfrågorna utgick från Eppler och Mengis (2004) konceptuella ramverk om orsaker och symptom. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om individer upplever någon form av In-formation Overload på grund av det utökade användandet av smarta telefoner, samt hur individer påverkas av den tillgänglighet som den smarta telefonen bidrar till. Studien har utgått från Eppler och Mengis (2004) konceptuella ramverk för att studera fenomenet Information Overload. Detta ramverk utgår från fem orsaker, personliga faktorer, informationens beskaffenhet, IT, organisationens design och arbetsuppgiftens karaktär. Dessa orsaker kan var för sig eller tillsammans bidra till att Information Overload uppstår, vilket vidare leder till att individerna drabbas av olika symptom. Resultatet i undersökningen visade att majoriteten av individerna upplevde ett flertal symptom i samband med det utökade användandet av smarta telefoner, symptom som kan härledas till Information Overload. De symptom som tydligast framkom var stress, trötthet samt koncentrationssvårigheter. Det framkom även att den smarta telefonen via sin storlek och funktioner är en bidragande faktor till en utökad tillgänglighet. En tillgänglighet som bidrar till att gränsen mellan arbetstid och ledig tid allt mer suddats ut. Detta kan ses som en bidragande orsak till att individer känner symptom som är kopplade till Information Overload.

Email i den moderna organisationen : en empirisk studie av emailvanor i en verksamhet

Erlingsson, Viktor, Danielsson, Alexander January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns negativa konsekvenser av att använda sig för mycket av email istället för av andra typer av kommunikation inom organisationen. Det skickas stora mängder email varje dag inom organisationer, men många organisationer saknar policy för att styra denna kommunikation. Därför genomförs denna undersökning av emailvanor och hur email upplevs på Sörman Information AB. För att besvara syftet har en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod använts. Vi har genomfört tio intervjuer på en av avdelningarna på fallföretaget Sörman Information AB. Undersökningen har visat att email är den vanligaste kommunikationsvägen för arbetsrelaterad kommunikation mellan anställda på det undersökta företaget. Slutsatsen blir därmed att email till viss del har negativa konsekvenser för en organisation men de flesta problem går att minimera genom att behandla email på rätt sätt. Som ett hjälpmedel för detta har vi utformat ett utkast till en emailpolicy. / The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibility of negative consequences caused by over use of email instead of other means of communication in an organization. A very large amount of emails are sent every day within organizations. Most organizations lack a proper email policy to govern this communication. Hence this study is conducted to investigate the email habits and the general perception of email use of the employees at Sörman Information AB. The investigation has shown that email is the most preferred choice of communication regarding work related communication between colleagues within the studied organization. T hus the conclusion is that email to some degree can cause negative consequences for an organization. However most of these problems can be minimized by correct email use. As a complementing tool for this we have developed a first draft of an email policy.

"Alla har för mycket e-post, så är det." : En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer hanterar informationsöverbelastning

Poulsen, Amanda, Nordén, Cassandra January 2019 (has links)
E-post är det vanligaste kommunikationsverktyget för att skicka och ta emot information på arbetet. Trots dess fördelar att snabbt och enkelt kunna utbyta information visar forskning att mängden e-postmeddelanden har ökat till den grad att det bidrar till informationsöverbelastning. E-postkommunikation förväntas utsätta individer, och särskilt chefer, för allt högre nivåer av informationsöverbelastning. Forskning visar att problemet inte handlar om hur chefer ska undvika information, utan om hur chefer kan hantera e-postkommunikation. Detta leder fram till studiens frågeställning: Hur upplever chefer informationsöverbelastning vid e-postkommunikation och vilka copingstrategier använder de? För att få en ökad förståelse för hur chefer hanterar informationsöverbelastning vid e-postkommunikation har vi använt en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Med hjälp av en tematisk analys har vi kunnat identifiera, analysera och upptäcka återkommande mönster av chefers upplevelse. Vi valde därefter att skapa teman av hur upplevelser kan förstås för att kunna beskriva vilka upplevelser som copingstrategier baseras på. De teman som vi har identifierat under den tematiska analysen är: mängd, alltid ansluten, avbrott och organisationsstöd. Tillsammans skapar de fyra temana en förståelse för hur chefer kan uppleva informationsöverbelastning vid e-postkommunikation och vilka copingstrategier de använder. Studien indikerar att det finns kontraster i chefers upplevelser. En upplevelse som kan upplevas som överbelastande för en chef behöver inte vara det för en annan chef. Detta pekar på att det inte finns en enskild copingstrategi för att hantera informationsöverbelastning vid e-postkommunikation. / Email is the most common communication tool for sending and receiving information at work. Despite emails advantages of being able to exchange information quickly and easily, research shows that the volume of emails has increased to the extent that it contributes to information overload. Email communication is expected to expose individuals, and especially managers, for even higher levels of information overload. Research shows that the problem is not about how managers could avoid information, but about how managers can handle email communication. This leads to the question: How do managers experience information overload within email communication and what coping strategies do they use? In order to gain an increased understanding of how managers handle information overload within email communication, we have used a qualitative research approach. With the use of a thematic analysis, we have been able to identify, analyze and detect recurring patterns of managers’ experiences. We then chose to create themes of how experiences can be understood to describe what experiences coping strategies are based on. The themes that we identified under the thematic analysis are: amount, always connected, interruption and organizational support. Together, the four themes create an understanding of how managers can experience information overload within email communication and that coping strategies they use. The study indicates that there are contrasts in managers experiences. An experience that one manager can perceive as overloading does not have to be overloading for another manager. This demonstrates that there is no single coping strategy for managing information overload within email communication.

Sobrecarga moderada de ferro em ratos: interação com frutanos e/ou fitato no metabolismo hepático e ósseo / Moderate iron overload in rats: interaction with fructans and/or phytate in hepatic and bone metabolism

Cocato, Maria Lucia 06 October 2008 (has links)
O excesso de Fe no organismo gera espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) que são potencialmente tóxicas. Entretanto, a magnitude dos efeitos da exposição à moderada sobrecarga de Fe e da sua interação com facilitadores e/ou inibidores da absorção mineral não é conhecida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar esses efeitos e a sua interação com fruta nos e/ou fitato (facilitadores e inibidores da absorção de Fe, respectivamente) nos índices séricos do estado nutricional em Fe, no perfil dos lipídeos séricos e em parâmetros do metabolismo hepático e ósseo. Para o experimento foram utilizados 34 ratos machos Wistar, pesando inicialmente 49,3 ± 3,9g, alojados individualmente em gaiolas de aço semimetabólicas por 92 dias. Uma dieta AIN-93G (Dieta 1: Grupo Controle) e quatro dietas AIN93G modificadas foram usadas para o estudo, com as seguintes características: Dieta 2: sobrecarga moderada de ferro com 550mgFe/kg de ração (Grupo SBC); Dieta 3: sobrecarga moderada de ferro + 18% de farinha de yacon (Grupo SBC+FY); Dieta 4: sobrecarga moderada de ferro + 0,6% de fitato (Grupo SBC+FIT); Dieta 5: sobrecarga moderada de ferro + 18% de farinha de yacon + 0,6 % de fitato (Grupo SBC+FY+FIT). Os resultados demonstraram que a moderada sobrecarga de Fe ou a sua interação com farinha de yacon e/ou fitato não alterou os índices séricos do estado nutricional em Fe. Ocorreu aumento na atividade sérica da AST apenas no grupo SBC (p=0,055). Nos grupos SBC e SBC+FY houve diminuição na concentração do colesterol sérico (p=0,002) e, apenas no grupo SBC+FY+FIT, diminuição da concentração sérica do VLDL. No fígado, houve aumento significativo (p=0,002) da concentração de Fe não-heme nos grupos IO (+83%) e SBC+FIT (+117%) e, em todos os grupos SBC, na atividade da enzima GPx (p=0,000). A atividade da CAT foi menor (p=0,036) apenas para o grupo SBC+FY+FIT. Em todos os grupos SBC ocorreu significativo aumento nos depósitos de hemossiderina em torno das células de Kupffer (p=0,000). Houve aumento na apoptose em todos os grupos SBC, com os grupos SBC+FY e SBC+FY +FIT apresentando o maior número de corpúsculos apoptóticos/área (+405% e +342%, respectivamente) (p=0,000). Não houve alteração nos parâmetros relacionados ao metabolismo ósseo. No grupo SBC+FY houve significativo aumento na absorção aparente de Ca (p<0,05). Conclusões: A moderada sobrecarga de Fe não alterou os índices séricos do estado nutricional em Fe, mas resultou em alterações no tecido hepático e no perfil dos lipídeos séricos. Com exceção do perfil de lipídeos séricos, no qual apenas o fitato pareceu exercer efeito protetor, nos demais parâmetros avaliados a interação com farinha de yacon rica em fruta nos e/ou fitato reverteu parcial ou totalmente as alterações induzidas pela moderada sobrecarga de Fe. / Excess Fe in the organism generates potentially toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, the magnitude of the effects of a moderate Fe overload and its interaction with factors which inhibit or facilitate mineral absorption is not known. The aim of the present work was to evaluate such effects and their interaction with fructans and/or phytate (compounds which facilitate and inhibit Fe absorption, respectively) on serum iron status indices, on the profile of serum lipids and on hepatic and bone metabolism parameters. In the experiment, thirty-four male Wistar rats initially weighing 49,3 ± 3,9g were used. The rats were housed in individual stainless-steel wire-mesh cages for 92 days. An AIN-93G diet (Diet 1: Control Group) and four modified AIN-93G diets were used in the study. The modified diets presented the following formulations: Diet 2: moderate Fe overload with 550mgFe/kg diet (IO Group); Diet 3: moderate Fe overload + 18% yacon flour (IO-YF Group); Diet 4: moderate Fe verload + 0.6% phytate (IO-Phy Group); Diet 5: moderate Fe overload + 18% yacon flour + 0.6% phytate (IO-YF-Phy Group). The results demonstrated that a moderate Fe overload or its interaction with yacon flour and/or phytate did not alter the serum iron status indices. An increase in the serum AST activity was observed only in the IO group (p=0,055). In the IO and IO-YF groups, there was a reduction in the serum cholesterol concentration (p=0,002) and a reduction in the serum VLDL concentration was observed only in the IO-YF-Phy group. In the liver, there was a significant increase (p=0,002) in non-heme Fe concentration in the IO (+83%) and IO-Phy (+117%) groups. Also, GPx activity was significantly increased (p=0,000) in all IO groups. CAT activity was lower (p=0,036) only in the IO-YF-Phy group. A significant increase in hemosiderin deposition around Kupffer cells was observed in all IO groups (p=0,000). Apoptosis was increased in all IO groups, whereas the IO-YF and IO-YF-Phy groups showed the largest number of apoptotic bodies/area (+405% and +342%, respectively) (p=0,000). There was no alteration in the parameters related to bone metabolism. In the IO-YF group, there was a significant increase in Ca apparent absorption (p<0,05).Conclusions: The moderate Fe overload did not alter the serum iron status índices, but led to alterations in the hepatic tissue and in the profile of serum lipids. Except for the profile of serum lipids where only phytate seemed to have a protective effect, in the other evaluated parameters the interaction with yacon flour rich in fructans and/or phytate partially or totally reversed the alterations induced by the moderate Fe overload.

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