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Resisting Mediatization and Watching ‘Boredom’: An Empirical Study of Users of Uninformative Live-streaming in ChinaZhiying, Mo January 2020 (has links)
Little is known about ‘uninformative live-streaming’, a new genre of online streaming media that has become a new trend in China. In these real-time streams, streamers would not interact and communicate with viewers and not perform in front of cameras. The content is about uninterrupted trivial everyday activities, such as sleeping and studying for several hours. This thesis aims to obtain a comprehensive understanding of this media and to explore what motivates users to continuously watch it. This research employed qualitative methods of online observation and semi-structured in-depth interviews to collect empirical data, through the cases of study-stream and sleep-stream. The concept of media life by Mark Deuze provides a general theoretical context of mediatized lifeworld. Based on Uses and Gratifications Theory and Compensatory Internet Use Theory, I described and explained the prominent features of uninformative live-streaming and examined the user motivation for it. The research results show that this authentic, less-interactive, and non-narrative live-streaming creates an undisturbed media environment, in which users can escape media distraction and media overload. The prominent user motivations for uninformative live streams are self-discipline and self-management, and compensation for the real-life deficiency of ‘non-social companion’. These findings offer new insight into user motivation and help to expand and improve related theories.
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Kvalita zveřejňovaných informací v závěrkách společností sestavených v souladu s IAS/IFRS vzhledem k relevanci informací pro rozhodování uživatelůPoskočilová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the range and relevance of the published information in the notes of the financial statements prepared in accordance with IAS/IFRS. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part presents a literature review, which defines the issue of disclosures. It describes the main areas which form the disclosure overload problem and its vision of solutions from the perspective of financial organizations and academia. The second part quantifies the range of disclosure of information in the financial statements of Czech and German companies using the unweighted disclosure index. Furthermore, a questionnaire survey is carried out among external users of financial statements. Based on that a modified weighted disclosure index is compiled and evaluated.
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Cluster Set Loading in the Back Squat: Kinetic and Kinematic ImplicationsWagle, John P., Cunanan, Aaron J., Carroll, Kevin M., Sams, Matt L., Wetmore, Alex, Bingham, Garett E., Taber, Christopher B., DeWeese, Brad H., Sato, Kimitake, Stuart, Charles A., Stone, Michael H. 20 June 2018 (has links)
This study examined the kinetic and kinematic differences between accentuated eccentric loading (AEL) and cluster sets in trained male subjects (age = 26.1 ± 4.1 years, height = 183.5 ± 4.3 cm, body mass = 92.5 ± 10.5 kg, and back squat to body mass ratio = 1.8 ± 0.3). Four load condition sessions consisted of traditionally loaded (TL) “straight sets,” TL cluster (TLC) sets, AEL cluster (AEC) sets, and AEL “straight sets” where only the first repetition had eccentric overload (AEL1). An interrepetition rest interval of 30 seconds was prescribed for both TLC and AEC. Concentric intensity for all load conditions was 80% 1 repetition maximum (1RM). Accentuated eccentric loading was applied to repetitions using weight releasers with total eccentric load equivalent to 105% of concentric 1RM. Traditionally loaded cluster had statistically greater concentric outputs than TL. Furthermore, statistically greater eccentric and concentric outputs were observed during AEC compared with TL with the exception of peak power. Statistically greater concentric characteristics were observed in TLC compared with AEL1, but statistically greater eccentric outputs were observed in AEL1. In the 2 cluster set conditions, statistically greater concentric rate of force development (RFDCON) (d = 0.470, p < 0.001) and average velocity (vavg) (d = 0.560, p < 0.001) in TLC compared with AEC were observed. However, statistically greater eccentric work (WECC) (d = 2.096, p < 0.001) and eccentric RFD (RFDECC) (d = 0.424, p < 0.001) were observed in AEC compared with TLC. Overall, eccentric overload demonstrated efficacy as a means of increasing eccentric work and RFD, but not as a means of potentiating concentric output. Finally, interrepetition rest seems to have the largest influence on concentric power output and RFD.
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Implementing Eccentric Resistance Training—Part 1: A Brief Review of Existing MethodsSuchomel, Timothy J., Wagle, John P., Douglas, Jamie, Taber, Christopher B., Harden, Mellissa, Gregory Haff, G., Stone, Michael H. 24 June 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this review was to provide a physiological rationale for the use of eccentric resistance training and to provide an overview of the most commonly prescribed eccentric training methods. Based on the existing literature, there is a strong physiological rationale for the incorporation of eccentric training into a training program for an individual seeking to maximize muscle size, strength, and power. Specific adaptations may include an increase in muscle cross-sectional area, force output, and fiber shortening velocities, all of which have the potential to benefit power production characteristics. Tempo eccentric training, flywheel inertial training, accentuated eccentric loading, and plyometric training are commonly implemented in applied contexts. These methods tend to involve different force absorption characteristics and thus, overload the muscle or musculotendinous unit in different ways during lengthening actions. For this reason, they may produce different magnitudes of improvement in hypertrophy, strength, and power. The constraints to which they are implemented can have a marked effect on the characteristics of force absorption and therefore, could affect the nature of the adaptive response. However, the versatility of the constraints when prescribing these methods mean that they can be effectively implemented to induce these adaptations within a variety of populations.
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ATR Prevents Ca<sup>2+</sup> Overload-Induced Necrotic Cell Death Through Phosphorylation-Mediated Inactivation of PARP1 Without DNA Damage SignalingLi, Zhengke, Wang-Heaton, Hui, Cartwright, Brian M., Makinwa, Yetunde, Hilton, Benjamin A., Musich, Phillip R., Shkriabai, Nikolozi, Kvaratskhelia, Mamuka, Guan, Shengheng, Chen, Qian, Yu, Xiaochun, Zou, Yue 01 May 2021 (has links)
Hyperactivation of PARP1 is known to be a major cause of necrotic cell death by depleting NAD+/ATP pools during Ca2+ overload which is associated with many ischemic diseases. However, little is known about how PARP1 hyperactivity is regulated during calcium overload. In this study we show that ATR kinase, well known for its role in DNA damage responses, suppresses ionomycin, glutamate, or quinolinic acid-induced necrotic death of cells including SH-SY5Y neuronal cells. We found that the inhibition of necrosis requires the kinase activity of ATR. Specifically, ATR binds to and phosphorylates PARP1 at Ser179 after the ionophore treatments. This site-specific phosphorylation inactivates PARP1, inhibiting ionophore-induced necrosis. Strikingly, all of this occurs in the absence of detectable DNA damage and signaling up to 8 hours after ionophore treatment. Furthermore, little AIF was released from mitochondria/cytoplasm for nuclear import, supporting the necrotic type of cell death in the early period of the treatments. Our results reveal a novel ATR-mediated anti-necrotic mechanism in the cellular stress response to calcium influx without DNA damage signaling.
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Effects of Frontline Employee Role Overload on Customer Responses and Sales Performance: Moderator and MediatorsJha, Subhash, Balaji, M. S., Yavas, Ugur, Babakus, Emin 01 January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: Using the basic framework of the service profit chain, this study aims to develop an integrated model that explains the relationships among role overload (RO), customer orientation (CO), service interaction quality (IQ), customer satisfaction (CS) and sales performance. Design/methodology/approach: A large-scale survey of 872 customers and 530 frontline employees across 50 branches of a major retail bank in New Zealand serves as the study setting. Findings: The results indicate that RO has a significant negative effect on IQ. Nevertheless, CO mitigates the negative outcome of RO on IQ. IQ fully mediates the relationship between RO and CS. Additionally, the effect of IQ on branch sales is fully mediated by CS. Research limitations/implications: The cross-sectional nature of the current survey does not permit causal inferences. Thus, future studies should adopt longitudinal designs. Also, future studies should explore the roles of other variables (e.g. job crafting, work-related self-efficacy) as possible moderators. Practical implications: Results suggest that service managers should create a balance between the role requirements and organizational resources to mitigate the adverse effects of employee RO. To enhance IQ and CS, bank managers should coach employees about work overload and train them in CO while prioritizing the tasks. Originality/value: Empirical research pertaining to employee–customer interaction through a nested framework accommodating data from customers, employees and firm performance is scarce. This study fills in the void.
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Acciones de promoción en el mercado de vino peruano de baja gama en relación a la intención de compra en supermercados en Lima Metropolitana / Promotional actions in the Peruvian low-end wine market in relation to the purchase intention in supermarkets in Metropolitan LimaLópez Cáceres, Maribel Luz, Mendoza Cuellar, Hector Jose 07 July 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación se centra en las promociones de venta de la categoría vitivinícola peruana y busca determinar el grado de importancia de la variedad percibida y real dentro de las acciones de promoción monetarias como las rebajas de precio y los descuentos frente a la intención de compra en los supermercados de Lima Metropolitana, donde actualmente el sector está siendo impulsado. Se profundizó en la sobrecarga de información causada por la gran variedad del vino mostrada en el estante, donde se determinó que las promociones de venta son un fuerte atractivo para que los jóvenes tomen una decisión frente a la góndola y realicen la compra final. Sin embargo, los beneficios de las acciones de promoción no serían percibidos por la complejidad frente a la elección. Asimismo, se determinaron hallazgos importantes como los hábitos de un consumidor joven, al cual no se le brinda la suficiente importancia dentro de la categoría. / This research focus on the sales promotion in order to the low-quality wine context. It searches to find the importance grade of the perceived and the real variety within the price reductions and the discounts against the purchase decision in the supermarkets of Metropolitan Lima, where actually the category is being driven. The study deepens in the overload information caused by the huge variety of the wine and the attributes that it has as a hedonic product, where the sales promotion are attractive for the young consumer in front of the display to take it to the final purchase. However, it the benefits are not perceived from the consumers because of the complexity versus the choice when they are looking at the display. Likewise, important findings were determined as the habits of a young consumer, who is not given sufficient importance within the category of wine. / Trabajo de investigación
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"Alla mail som kommer in ska studsa ut igen" – En studie av hur technostress creators påverkar projekt- och produktionsledare inom mediebranschenLjungquist, Astrid, Horneij, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för hur technostress yttrar sig hos projekt- och produktionsledare inom olika områden i mediebranschen. Detta genom att undersöka vilka technostress creators (techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity och techno-uncertainty) som påverkar denna yrkesgrupp, samt hur anställda hantera dessa. I genomförandet av studien har två kvalitativa- och en kvantitativ metod tillämpats. Den kvalitativa datainsamlingen utgjordes av en fokusgruppsdiskussion samt enskilda intervjuer med projekt- och produktionsledare verksamma i Malmö. Den kvantitativa undersökningen gjordes i form av en enkät som skickades både till projekt- ochproduktionsledare inom mediebranschen i Malmö, samt till Nätverket Pirayas medlemmar.Studien visar att projekt- och produktionsledare inom mediebranschen framförallt upplevertechno-overload samt techno-invasion. Insamlade data tyder också på att den medieteknik som främst ligger till grund för detta är e-post och mobiltelefoner. Tillsammans möjliggör de en hög arbetsbelastning som informanterna och respondenterna upplever som svår att hinna med under kontorstid. Därtill innebär medieteknikens mobilitet – och därmed arbetets tillgänglighet utanför kontoret – att informanterna och respondenterna tidvis har svårt att hålla isär arbetsliv och privatliv. Utlåtande från informanterna och respondenterna tyder emellertid på att förekomsten av techno-complexity, techno-insecurity och techno-uncertainty är låg hos projekt- och produktionsledare inom mediebranschen. / This study aims to examine whether project- and production managers within different areas of the media industry experience technostress due to any of the five technostress creators:techno-overload, techno-invasion, techno-complexity, techno-insecurity and techno-uncertainty. Furthermore, the study examines how employees handle the effects of these. In the study, both qualitative and quantitative methods have been applied. The qualitative data collection includes a focus group discussion as well as individual interviews with project- and production managers operating in Malmö. The quantitative data collection was conducted in the form of a survey sent to both project- and production managers in the media industry in Malmö and to Nätverket Piraya’s members. The results show that project- and production managers in the media industry mostly experience techno-overload and techno-invasion. The collected data indicate that information communication technologies (ICT) such as email and mobile phones are the main reason for this. Together, they enable a workload that is difficult for the respondents to keep up with and finish during office hours. The mobility of these ICT’s also allows the respondents to work outside the office, making it difficult for many to separate work and personal life. The study also shows that the presence of techno-complexity, techno-insecurity och techno-uncertainty is low among the respondents.
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Influence of technostress on academic performance of university medicine students in peru during the covid-19 pandemicAlvarez-Risco, Aldo, Del-Aguila-Arcentales, Shyla, Yáñez, Jaime A., Rosen, Marc A., Mejia, Christian R. 02 August 2021 (has links)
The current study aims to validate and apply an instrument to assess the relationship between communication overload, social overload, technostress, exhaustion and academic performance. We performed a cross-sectional, analytical study of 2286 university medical students to assess the influence of technostress as a mediator of social media overload, communication overload and mental exhaustion and its detrimental effect on the academic performance of university students in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research model was validated using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to establish the influence of variables on the model. Communication and social overload were found to positively influence technostress by correlations of 0.284 and 0.557, respectively. Technostress positively influenced exhaustion by 0.898, while exhaustion negatively influenced academic performance by-0.439. Bootstrapping demonstrated that the path coefficients of the research model were statistically significant. The research outcomes may help university managers understand students’ technostress and develop strategies to improve the balanced use of technology for their daily academic activities. / Revisión por pares
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The Role of Different User Interfaces When Reducing Choice Overload : A study on the effects of single-list, grid and multi-list user interfaces on users’ experience.Sedkowska, Justyna, Chouhan, Mihir January 2022 (has links)
A common belief is that the larger the variety of options, the better. However, humans have a limited cognitive capacity, which can lead to people experiencing choice overload (Iyengar and Lepper, 2000). Limiting the number of options to reduce choice overload is not a feasible solution. While there have been studies in regards to minimising choice overload with a help of recommender systems, aspects of how the choice set is presented in the user interface received little attention. This study aimed to investigate three commonly used user interfaces (UI); a single-list, a grid and a multi-list. An online experiment was conducted to answer the research questions. Results from this study imply that the single-list UI performed the worst across chosen measures, and was most likely to cause choice overload among participants. Multi-list and grid UI reported better performance and were less likely to cause choice overload among participants.
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