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A Role-based intranet : Overcoming information overload?Lundberg, Anders, Kuu, Teresa January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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E-post : Dess stresspåverkan i arbetet och hur den kan hanterasBergström, Robin, Olsson, Philip, Åkesson, Eric January 2010 (has links)
<p>E-post har blivit en vanlig teknik för kommunikation och information inom arbetslivet såväl som privatlivet. Den här uppsatsen handlar om e-post och syftar till att undersöka hur det påverkar individer inom arbetslivet. Uppsatsen syftar också till att undersöka vad det är som kan utlösa e-poststress och vad som kan göras för att förebygga det. För att kunna undersöka detta har en enkätundersökning gjorts inom olika organisationer. Resultatet från enkäten har sedan analyserats och jämförts med tidigare forskning och teorier. Uppsatsens resultat visar att 21,1 % av respondenterna i vår undersökning känner att e-post är en bidragande faktor till stress. I analysdelen har vi tagit fram en tabell som visar att de som inte har tillräckligt med tid spenderar 2 timmar och 11 minuter per dag medan de som har tillräckligt med tid spenderar 1 timme och 47 minuter. Analysdelen presenterar också vad det är som kan utlösa e-poststress samt hur det kan förebyggas utifrån vår undersökning. I slutet av uppsatsen dras slutsatser utifrån vårt resultat och vår analys samt en diskussion över hur studien har gått.</p> / <p>E-mail has become a useful and almost indispensible communication tool for people at workplaces and in their private life. This thesis intends to examine how e-mail affects individuals work. It also refers to examine what kind of factors that can contribute to e-mail stress and how you can help prevent it. We have made a questionnaire study to help us investigate this in different organizations. We have then analyzed the data from the survey and compared it to previous studies and theories. We show in this thesis result that 21.1 % of the respondents find e-mail to be a contributing factor for stress. We present in this chapter a table where you can see that the ones who does not have enough time for email spend 2 hours and 11 minutes with email while the ones who do have enough time only spend 1 hour and 47 minutes. We also present what the cause might be and how it can be avoided with data from our survey. In the end of the thesis we draw a conclusion from our result and analysis as well as a discussion of how the study went.</p>
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Hur mottages budskapet om etiska arbetsförhållanden? : En studie med programmet SweatshopCheung, Sylvia, Eek, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Samhället vi lever i idag är stark betonat av konsumtion. (Svensson, 2015) Genom konsumtion uttrycker man sin identitet och image. (Bengtsson & Östberg, 2011) Inte minst när det gäller klädkonsumtion. Den massiva konsumtionen av kläder har lett till negativa effekter, inte bara på miljön utan också hos människorna som gör denna konsumtion möjlig; nämligen textilarbetarna. (Klein, 2000) I en tid då fokus ligger på att värna om miljön faller dessa arbetares livsöden i skymundan. Aftonbladet har sänt ett program under namnet Sweatshop för att återigen belysa problemet. Med hjälp av programmet vill de väcka frågan angående etiska arbetsförhållanden för textilarbetare bland människor – främst ungdomar. Syftet med studien ämnar undersöka hur ungdomar tar till sig meddelandet om etiska arbetsförhållanden i form av mediekanalen Sweatshop. Studien stärks av teorier som berör bland annat kommunikationsteori, hantering av information och retorik. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av fyra stycken fokusgrupper med deltagare i åldrarna 16–19 år. Fokusgrupperna syftade till att ta reda på ungdomars generella inställning till mode och textilbranschen före och efter att de sett programmet Sweatshop, samt deras tankar om programmet som förmedlare av budskapet. Slutsatsen av studien är att Sweatshop som program är ett bra sätt att förmedla budskapet på och det gav ungdomarna en bättre förståelse för arbetsförhållandena i tredje världen. Problemen som dök upp var dock att programmet inte verkar komma fram till ungdomarna och att de flesta av dem kände att de inte kan göra någonting åt problemet. / Today’s society has a strong emphasis on consumption. We express our identity and image through consumption, especially when it comes to our clothes. The massive consumption of clothing has affected not only the environment but also the people that make this consumption possible; the textile workers. In a time when the focus seems to lie on protecting the environment, the lives of these textile workers are sidelined. Aftonbladet broadcasted a web-based series called Sweatshop to shed some light on this problem. By broadcasting the series, they want to raise the awareness about ethical working conditions for textile workers among people in general and young people in particular. This study aims to examine how young people embrace the message of ethical working conditions in the form of Sweatshop. The study is strengthened by theories that concern communication theory, information management and rhetoric. The analysis was conducted by four focus groups with participants in ages from 16-19. The aim of the focus groups was to find out young people's general attitude toward fashion and the textile industry. A discussion took place before and after they watched Sweatshop and the study examined their thoughts on the series as a mediator of the message. The conclusion of the study is that Sweatshop is a great way to convey the message. It gave the young people a better understanding of the working conditions in factories in Third World countries. However, some problems with the series occurred. The series did not seem to have reached the young people. Most of the participants felt as if there was nothing they could do about the problem after watching the series.
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Jätterättegångar och rättssäkerhetGagula, Jurica January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Essays in Information Disclosure and Processing BehaviorLeung, Tsz Kin 18 September 2018 (has links)
Le résumé en français n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur. / This paper studies firms’ disclosure decisions of product information in a duopoly setting, as well as the welfare implication of compulsory disclosure policy. I show that there is a problem of externality between the two firms: even if disclosure weakens price competition in the market and increases total industry profits, a firm could have incentive not to disclose product information because it decreases his market share. As a result, regulatory policy could increase total industry profits as it could rectify the problem of externality. Therefore, despite more information allows consumers to make a better choice between different alternatives, it might backfire as it could increase the average price in the market. I also present simple conditions on when providing more information could harm consumers, and when it will improve consumer welfare. This paper studies the information processing behavior of a decision maker (DM) who has limited information processing ability. More specifically, the DM can process only a subset of all available information. Before taking an action, he chooses whether to process or ignore signals about the state of the world which he receives sequentially. I show that at the optimum, the DM processes only signals which are strong enough, but will process a weaker signal if it confirms his existing strong belief or if it supports a much more desirable state of the world. This explains some phenomena which have been well documented in the psychology literature, such as preference for strong signals, confirmation bias for individuals with strong prior and wishful thinking. Moreover, I analyze how the Internet, and in general changes in information structures, affects the processing behavior of the DM. The results shed light on different issues in the information era, including polarization and media strategy. This paper studies experimentally whether confirmation bias arises when individuals are exposed to information overload, or equivalently have limited ability to perfectly update their belief with all available information. In our experiment, subjects have to form beliefs as they navigate a sequence of signals within a limited period of time. We compare belief formation under two settings, where the treatment setting imposes a larger information/cognitive load than the control setting. We find that subjects in the treatment setting exhibit a stronger confirmation bias than those in the control setting. Upon receiving a belief-challenging signal, subjects in the treatment group update their belief less than those in the control group. In contrast, upon receiving a belief-confirming signal, subjects update similarly in both settings. As a result, subjects in the treatment setting are also less likely to switch sides: once they believe that one state is more probable than another, they are less likely to switch even if they receive enough belief-challenging signals. Not only do these results show that the limited ability of information processing plays a role in the formation of confirmation bias, they also improve our understanding on the impact of information overload, for example on polarization.
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Dietary iron overload. the generation of reactive oxygen species and hepatocarcinogenesis in experimental rats (Part 1)Asare, G. A. January 2003 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand In fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Johannesburg, 2003 / Dietary iron (Fe) overload, originally referred to as Bantu Visceral Siderosis, is an Reloading condition that is still prevalent in rural populations of sub-Saharan Africa. The better known Fe loading disease, hereditary haemochromatosis (HFI) is frequently complicated by hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and, in rare instances this occurs in the absence of cirrhosis. The latter, together with recent evidence that dietary Fe overload in the Black African carries an increased risk for HCC, suggests that excessive hepatic iron may itself be carcinogenic. The aim of the study was to determine if Fe alone could induce HCC in experimental rat models and, if so, to investigate possible mechanisms of hepatocarcinogenesis. 360 Wistar albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided into 6 groups. The first group, the control animals, was designated C group. Groups 2-6 were Fe-fed alone or in combination with other chemicals: group 2 Fe alone (Fe group), group 3 (Fe + V) vitamins A & E supplementation [50 mg all trans-retinol (vitamin A) and 500 mg a-tocopherol (vitamin E) per kg diet], group 4 (Fe - V) received a diet totally devoid of vitamins A & E, group 5 (Fe + ASA) received 20 mg aspirin (ASA) per day, group 6 (Fe + Cu) received 300 mg/kg diet of copper sulphate (CuS04) supplementation for 12 months followed by 3% copper hydroxide carbonate [CuC03»Cu(0H)2] / IT2018
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Dietary iron overload. the generation of reactive oxygen species and hepatocarcinogenesis in experimental rats models. (Part 2)Asare, G. A. January 2003 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand In fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Johannesburg, 2003 / Dietary iron (Fe) overload, originally referred to as Bantu Visceral Siderosis, is an Fe- loading condition that is still prevalent in rural populations of sub-Saharan Africa. The better known Fe loading disease, hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) is frequently complicated by hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and, in rare instances this occurs in the absence of cirrhosis. The latter, together with recent evidence that dietary Fe overload in the Black African carries an increased risk for HCC, suggests that excessive hepatic iron may itself be carcinogenic. The aim of the study was to determine if Fe alone could induce HCC in experimental rat models and, if so, to investigate possible mechanisms of hepatocarcinogenesis. 360 Wistar albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided into 6 groups. The first group, the control animals, was designated C group. Groups 2 - 6 were Fe-fed alone or in combination with other chemicals: group 2 Fe alone (Fe group), group 3 (Fe + V) vitamins A & E supplementation [50 mg all trans-retinol (vitamin A) and 500 mg a-tocopherol (vitamin E) per kg diet], group 4 (Fe - V) received a diet totally devoid of vitamins A & E, group 5 (Fe + ASA) received 20 mg aspirin (ASA) per day, group 6 (Fe + Cu) received 300 mg/kg diet of copper sulphate (CuS04) supplementation for 12 months / IT2018
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"Trajetória e sobrecarga emocional da família de crianças autistas: relatos maternos". / Trajectory and emotional overload of the family of autistic children: maternal reportsFavero, Maria Angela Bravo 14 March 2005 (has links)
Alterações significativas são introduzidas no ciclo de vida familiar quando emerge a condição especial de uma doença crônica em um dos membros da família. Um fator importante a ser considerado é o enfrentamento familiar diante do adoecimento de uma criança, especialmente de mães mediante uma condição peculiar do filho. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi investigar a sobrecarga emocional (estresse e depressão) em mães de crianças com autismo, verificar a relação dessa sobrecarga com a avaliação da qualidade de vida e conhecer as principais dificuldades decorrentes da demanda de cuidados com o filho e os modos de enfrentamento. As participantes da pesquisa foram 20 mães de crianças com autismo, vinculadas a duas instituições de atendimento. No encontro com cada participante foi realizada uma entrevista com roteiro semi-estruturado e aplicação assistida dos instrumentos de avaliação padronizados: Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp (ISSL), Escala de Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas (EMEP), Inventário Beck de Depressão e Escala de Qualidade de Vida (WHOQOL-Bref), complementados por um questionário de identificação do perfil sociodemográfico e cultural. As entrevistas foram realizadas nas dependências da instituição e/ou na casa da participante e a aplicação dos instrumentos foi iniciada mediante a leitura e assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. As entrevistas foram gravadas em áudio, posteriormente transcritas e submetidas à análise de conteúdo temática. Para a verificação estatística das relações existentes entre as variáveis do estudo foi utilizada correlação não-paramétrica. Os resultados indicaram que, em média, a idade das entrevistadas foi 40 anos e dos filhos 11 anos, as famílias envolvidas no estudo tinham baixa renda e se constituíam de dois ou três filhos. Enquanto 25% das mães completaram o ensino superior, outros 25% não completaram o ensino fundamental. Apenas duas participantes passam algum dos períodos fora de casa por motivo de trabalho remunerado e contam com o auxílio de uma funcionária para o cuidado com a criança autista. Os resultados obtidos nas avaliações indicam que 65% das mães apresentaram estresse. Com relação aos sintomas depressivos, uma participante apresentou disforia e duas mães apresentaram depressão. A análise do enfrentamento permitiu verificar que 45% das participantes utilizaram estratégias predominantemente focalizadas em práticas de cultos religiosos e pensamento fantasioso e 35% das mães utilizaram estratégias focalizadas no problema. O aspecto melhor pontuado referente à qualidade de vida foi o domínio físico, ao passo que o domínio meio ambiente foi o menos pontuado. Considerando as inúmeras possibilidades de reflexão, a análise da entrevista semi-estruturada permitiu a discussão de alguns temas: a trajetória da família na busca de compreender o problema da criança, constituindo um movimento de peregrinação por hospitais e profissionais de saúde; o luto enfrentado pela família e as dificuldades de lidar com a condição da criança; as mudanças na dinâmica familiar e a sobrecarga emocional materna que culminou num processo de racionalização do sofrimento; o desamparo sentido pelos pais no que se refere às perspectivas futuras de cuidado com o filho. / Significant changes are made in a familys life cycle when one of the family members acquires the special condition of a chronic illness. One important factor to be taken into consideration is how the family faces a childs sickening, especially how mothers face their childs special condition. This study aimed to examine the emotional overload (stress and depression) on the mothers of children with autism, to verify how this overload relates to the quality of life evaluation and to get to know the main difficulties that result from the childs care demands and coping modes. Research participants were 20 mothers of children with autism, who attended two care institutions. During meetings with each participant, a semi-structured interview was held and the following standardized evaluation instruments were applied: Lipps Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults (LSSI), Problem Coping Modes Scale (EMEP), Beck Depression Inventory and the Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL-Bref), complemented by a questionnaire to identify the participants sociodemographic and cultural profile. Interviews were accomplished at the institution and/or at the participants house. The application of the instruments started by reading and signing the Consent Terms. Interviews were audio-taped, transcribed and submitted to thematic content analysis. Nonparametric correlation was used to statistically verify the existing relations between the study variables. The results indicated an average age of 40 years for the interviewees and 11 for the children, families had low income and had two or three children. While 25% of the mothers had finished higher education, another 25% had not finished basic education. Only two participants spent part of the day outside their homes due to paid work and mentioned help from an employee to take care of the autistic child. Evaluation results indicated that 65% of the mothers displayed stress. With respect to depressive symptoms, one participant presented dysphoria and two mothers demonstrated depression. The coping analysis revealed that 45% of the participants used strategies that mainly focused on religious practices and fantastic thoughts, while 35% of the mothers used problem-focused strategies. What quality of life is concerned, the physical domain received the highest grade and the environment domain the lowest. Considering the innumerable possibilities of reflection, analysis of the semistructured interview permitted the discussion about some themes: the family trajectory in the attempt to understand the childs problem, constituting a pilgrimage movement through hospitals and health professionals; the mourning faced by the family and the difficulties to deal with the childs condition; the changes in family dynamics and the emotional overload of mother which culminated in the rationalization process of suffering; the helplessness parents feel with respect to the future perspectives of care for the child.
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Consequences of communicating climate science online : the effects on young people's reactions to climate sciencePassmore, Phillip Scott January 2017 (has links)
This thesis reveals the potential pitfalls of relying on the Internet to communicate serious environmental issues. This exploratory research examines the consequences of aspects of the information society focusing on the effects of the Internet upon three reactions to climate communication: public understanding, perception of risk and support for climate change mitigation. It examines the implications of the rise of the information society on young people’s (18-25 year olds) consumption of media and climate science information. The information society literature emerged before the Internet, but predicted the increasing access to information that has arisen in the past two decades and its significant impacts on society and communication. An analytical framework is developed focusing on the sharing of information and the consequences of both misleading information and competition for the user’s attention. To explore the impact of the Internet upon public perception of risks posed by and their understanding of climate change, this research uses a mixed methodological approach. The qualitative approach of focus groups has been selected to establish how young people use the Internet and whether they share and actively engage with climate change information online. A quantitative approach of the experimental method has critically examined the impact of junk information (climate sceptic material) and information overload (competition for users’ attention) on reactions to climate science. The original contribution to knowledge of this thesis was the key finding that the lack of engagement with climate science online poses a more serious issue than the risk of climate sceptic information being virally shared. Simply having the information accessible is not enough when there is so much competition for users’ attention and the ease with which they can filter out climate change information.
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PPM : "Jag vet typ ingenting tragiskt men sant"Alp, Adnan, Persson, Elin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Det reformerade pensionssystemet som infördes på 90-talet består av tre delar; den allmänna pensionen, tjänstepension samt eventuellt privat pensionssparande. Till den allmänna pensionen avsätts 18,5 procent av individens inkomst varje år. 2,5 procent av dessa går till premiepensionen där individen själv väljer i vilka fonder de ska placeras. Det finns cirka 790 fonder att välja mellan i systemet. Om individen inte själv gör ett eget val placeras dennes premiepension i premiesparfonden vilken förvaltas av sjunde AP-fonden.</p><p> </p><p>Tidigare undersökningar har visat att engagemanget i premiepensionen är lågt. Det är relativt få individer som själv väljer i vilka fonder deras premiepension ska placeras. Undersökningarna har också visat att allmänhetens kunskaper om premiepensionssystemet som helhet är låga. PPM har bland annat till uppgift att informera allmänheten i frågor gällande premiepensionen och skapa engagemang samt kunskap bland spararna. Det är då av intresse att undersöka denna informationsverksamhet och engagemanget hos spararna. Uppsatsen syftar därmed till att utröna om aktiviteten i fondplaceringar skiljer sig mellan två grupper som är verksamma inom helt skilda yrkesområden, studera hur tillfredsställande PPM:s informationsverksamhet är utifrån hur de två undersökningsgrupperna upplever den samt få förståelse för vilken kunskap de båda grupperna anser sig ha och från vilka informationskällor kunskapen kommer.</p><p> </p><p>Genom att jämföra två grupper inom olika verksamhetsområden; anställda på ett tillverkningsföretag i Umeå och anställda vid Umeå Universitet på institutioner med ekonomisk inriktning undersöktes engagemanget hos de undersökta grupperna samt deras uppfattning kring PPM:s informationsverksamhet. Genom att utgå från teorier kring beslutsfattande och information genomfördes med hjälp av en enkätstudie den kvantitativa undersökningen som ligger till grund för denna uppsats. Utifrån de valda teorierna och med hjälp av statistiska verktyg analyserades enkätsvaren.</p><p> </p><p>Ett flertal av våra respondenter ser systemet som onödigt komplicerat och osäkert. Det upplevs också som att ett för stort ansvar läggs på den enskilda individen att själv förvalta sin premiepension efter bästa förmåga då kunskaperna för att kunna göra detta på ett optimalt sätt är varierande.</p><p> </p><p>Undersökningen visar att det finns skillnader mellan grupperna vad gäller upplevd informationsnivå och engagemang i premiepensionen. Aktiviteten det vill säga huruvida respondenterna själva valt fonder för sin premiepension är högre bland de anställda vid Umeå Universitets ekonomiinstitutioner än bland de på tillverkningsföretaget. Vad gäller den upplevda informationsnivån är den i genomsnitt lägre bland anställda på tillverkningsföretaget än anställda vid Umeå Universitet med ekonomisk inriktning.</p><p> </p><p>Det visade sig att PPM till viss del inte lyckats med att nå upp till sina uppsatta mål för informationsverksamheten för de undersökta populationerna. Detta eftersom en stor del av respondenterna inte ansåg sig vara tillräckligt informerade om premiepensionen. Det framgick även att flertalet av dem som upplever sig ha en högre informationsnivå i stor utsträckning fått sin kunskap från andra källor än PPM.</p>
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