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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role Overload: Examining the Definition and Measurement of a Common Work Stressor

Becker, Sean January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Iron Metabolism: a series of publications on various aspects of iron metabolism.

Bothwell, T. H. 10 1900 (has links)
Presented for the degree of Doctor of Science of University of the Uiituatersrand. October, 1964. / ffiy interest in iron metabolism was initially aroused in 1948 by a young patient with idiopathic haemochromatosis who was admitted to Professor Elliott*© ward while I was serving my medical internship, With the support of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research it was possible to carry out radioisotopic studies on this patient and over the next four years a number of other subjects with the same disease ware investigated. As the study continued, attention was also directed to the siderosis which is so common in adult Bantu, and to the Iron overload which results from the administration of repeated blood transfusions to subjects with refractory anaemias. / IT2018

Association of chylothorax with early fluid overload in neonates after cardiac surgery

Brandewie, Katie 02 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Årsrapporters förändring över tid : Ett svenskt perspektiv

Bradley, Henrik, Andersson-Jit, David January 2016 (has links)
Årsrapporter producerade av bolag anses vara det traditionella sättet att kommunicera mellan publika aktiebolag och dess intressenter. Enligt tidigare forskning i andra länder har dock årsrapporters storlek och struktur förändrats. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur årsrapporters storlek och struktur har förändrats över en 11-årsperiod (2004-2014) i svenska noterade bolag, samt hitta motiven till varför årsrapporterna har förändrats. Väsentliga teorier valdes för att få en bättre förståelse avseende området, men även som möjliga motiv för förändrade årsrapporter. En innehållsanalys på de största noterade svenska bolagen mätt i omsättning år 2015 gjordes för att skapa en kartläggning av deras årsrapporter. Vi utgick från flera parametrar för att få en bild av förändringen, t.ex. sidantal, bilder och ord. Delar som vanligtvis ingår i årsrapporter kartlagdes även för att få en inblick i hur delarna har förändrats över tidsperioden. Studien visar på att årsrapporter i svenska noterade bolag generellt har ökat i storlek och att strukturen har förändrats från 2004 till 2014. Hållbarhetsredovisningen är den del i årsrapporter som procentuellt har ökat mest av alla delar. Vidare finner vi motiv och orsaker som kan vara påverkande faktorer för varför förändringen har sett ut som den gör. Införandet av IFRS 2005, Finanskrisen 2007-2008 samt teorierna information overload, impression management och legitimitetsteorin används för att nå resultatet. / Annual reports produced by companies are considered to be the traditional medium between limited companies and its stakeholders. However, according to previous research made in other countries, annual report size and structure has changed during the last decades. This essay aims to examine how annual reports size and structure has changed over an eleven year period (2004-2014) in Swedish listed companies, and to find the causes/reasons to why the annual reports has changed. Essential theories were mainly chosen to better understand the area, but also as possible motives for changed annual reports. A content analysis on the 25 biggest listed Swedish companies measured in revenue year 2015 was made to map how the change have looked for the companies. We started from several parameters to get a picture of the change, for example from number of pages, pictures and words. Parts that is usually included (e.g. management report, sustainable report, CEO/Chairman’s letter) in annual reports was mapped so that we could get an insight in how the parts had changed over the time period. The study shows that annual reports of Swedish listed companies generally have increased in size and that the structure has changed from 2004 to 2014. The sustainable reporting is the part of the annual reports that increased the most in percent of all the parts. Furthermore, we find motives and causes that can be seen as affecting factors to why the changes looks the way it does. The introduction of IFRS 2005, the financial crisis 2007-2008 and the theories information overload, impression management and legitimacy theory are used to reach the result of the study.

Reducing Cognitive Load Using Hypervariate Display

Garrabrants, William 01 January 2008 (has links)
This research examined the application of hypervariate display principles to human-computer interfaces with the intent of reducing the cognitive load placed on the operator during high-intensity activity. This research extended the existing body of knowledge relevant to reducing the cognitive load using human-computer interfaces. Existing research has explored the application of techniques that, when used in isolation, contribute to a computer operator's understanding of the data or efficiency in execution of tasks. This research studied the collaborative use of proven display techniques to improve a computer operator's ability to understand large amounts of data more rapidly and react to that data more effectively. These techniques, including the display of multiple variables in a single window, use of preattentive factors in the display, and the severing of geospatial dependencies on data significantly contributed to the reduction of cognitive burdens placed on a user in environments that are typically overwhelming. Experiments performed on 18 volunteer participants conclusively proved that the hypervariate display improved the participants' ability to handle increased workload, comprehend complex situations quickly and completely, and efficiently respond to the situation in an effective manner. This research has significant value and broad application to user communities where computers are used to control high-intensity operations such as military and law enforcement environments.

SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THIS INTERVIEW I HAVE MANAGED FOUR EMAILS : A qualitative study of email management for information workers

Forsman, Kristoffer, Horned, Arvid January 2019 (has links)
As a result of the rapid development of technology and the implementation of it in work environments, productivity and profit can increase for an organization. Email has led to much shorter ways of communication but there are also less positive aspects of technology. Technostress, information overload and email overload are all three effects of this new ubiquitous digital era. We ask how individual information workers manage and reply to incoming email, to extend our knowledge regarding the effects of email overload on information workers, and to identify their coping strategies in their work life context. This knowledge can be used by practitioners, designers and researchers to develop email as a service further. By conducting nine qualitative interviews with information workers employed in three different organization, we found that balance in email management is important to utilize the full potential of the service, and it would be useful for individuals, as well as organizations, to establish clear rules regarding email use both within work hours, as well as on leisure time.

Världen med notifikationer : En studie om individers upplevda känslor kring notifikationer på sociala medier

Aggeland, Christoffer, Olsson, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Sociala medier har ökat lavinartat sedan internet nådde människors hem under  90-talet. Enbart det sociala mediet Facebook har  243 miljoner användare i Europa. Sociala medier har även blivit ett primärt val för de flesta användare för interaktion med varandra. I en värld där informationsflödet och varje relation är konstant uppmärksammades en brist i hur sociala medier interagerar med användaren. För att undersöka hur individer upplever notifikationerna i sociala medier användes grundaffekterna av Silvan Tomkins som kompletterades via en litteraturstudie. Notifikationer på sociala medier undersöktes sedan kvalitativt med hjälp av  tester och  användare i fokusgruppsmiljö. Denna studie resulterade i ett antal definierade känslor  som  individer upplever av notifikationer  samt  åsikter kring redan befintlig funktionalitet och förslag till riktlinjer ur ett användarcentrerat perspektiv. / Social media has increased exponentially since the Internet reached people's homes during the 90's. The social media Facebook alone has 243 million users in Europe, social media also became a primary choice for most users to interact with each other. In a  world where the information flow and each relationship are constant, a flaw emerged in how the social media interacts with the user. To investigate how individuals experience notifications in social media, affect theory by Silvan Tomkins was used and then supplemented by a literature review. The notifications were then examined qualitatively  using tests and  with the help of users in a focus group setting. This study resulted in  a defined set of emotions that individuals experience of notifications as well as  opinions  about  existing  functionality  and  proposed guidelines from a user-centered perspective.

Promoting Thought Continuity While Performing Online Research

He, Yun January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia type III (CDA III) : diagnostics, genetics and morbidity

Liljeholm, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemias (CDA) are rare hereditary hemolytic disorders with large bi- to multi-nucleated erythroblasts in the bone marrow. Hemolysis is negative in a direct antiglobulin test (DAT). Based on morphology and clinical picture, three major forms of CDAs, type I, II, and III have been defined. CDA III, dominantly inherited, constitutes the rarest type with a majority of cases belonging to a family in Västerbotten, Sweden. The genetic background of CDA I and CDA II has been linked to mutations in CDAN1 and SEC23B respectively. The mutation of CDA III has been linked to 15q22 in earlier studies. In this project we have defined the causative genetic lesion in two families with CDA III. The novel mutation KIF23 c.2747C>G (p.P916R) was shown to segregate with CDA III in the Swedish and American CDA III families and was absent in 356 healthy controls. KIF23 encodes mitotic kinesin-like protein 1 (MKLP1), which plays a central role in the last step of cytokinesis. RNAi-based knock-down and rescue experiments demonstrated that the p.P916R mutation causes cytokinesis failure in HeLa cells, resulting in increasing number of bi-nuclear cells, consistent with appearance of large multinucleated erythroblasts in CDA III patients. We conclude that CDA III is caused by a mutation in KIF23, encoding MKLP1, a conserved mitotic kinesin crucial for cytokinesis. Flow cytometry with eosin-5´-maleimide (EMA), anti-CD55 and anti-CD59 is commonly used when investigating non-autoimmune hemolytic anemias. Reduced fluorescence of EMA, typically detected in hereditary spherocytosis, is also seen in CDA II, while reduction of CD55 and CD59 characterizes paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). We studied the flow cytometric profile of EMA, CD55, and CD59 on erythrocytes in CDA III. We found no abnormality of the erythrocyte membrane in CDA III and concluded that standard flow cytometry cannot be used to discriminate between CDA III and normal controls. In CDA I and CDA II a majority of patients, including those who are not transfusion dependent, suffer from iron overload, which, according to earlier studies, is not the case in CDA III. We found that individuals of the Västerbotten CDA III family carry mutations in the hemochromatosis (HFE) gene. Three CDA III patients with heterozygous or compound HFE mutations need treatment with phlebotomy due to iron overload. One of them carries heterozygous H63D mutation, which is not reported to lead to iron overload by itself in otherwise healthy individuals. We propose that molecular genetic testing of the HFE gene is indicated in all patients with CDA, including CDA III.

A Role-based intranet : Overcoming information overload?

Lundberg, Anders, Kuu, Teresa January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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