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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A metodologia LMS para modelagem matemática de cartas de referência de valores dinamométricos para avaliação de membros superiores / LMS methodology for mathematical modelling of reference cards of dynamometric values for evaluation of upper limbs

Trotta, Juliano de 31 August 2016 (has links)
As Doenças Osteomusculares Relacionadas ao Trabalho (DORT) são as patologias que demandam atenção das empresas do setor industrial devido à alta incidência de absenteísmo e pela prevalência nos afastamentos previdenciários, sendo os membros superiores o segmento corporal mais atingido. A mensuração da força muscular através da dinamometria é um dos métodos para estimar a capacidade funcional de um indivíduo, porém as tabelas internacionais de valores dinamométricos que são utilizadas como parâmetros de normalidade são conflitantes com a população do setor industrial brasileiro. Neste contexto, percebe-se a necessidade de criar um padrão de normatização específico para o setor da indústria eletromecânica que auxilie a medicina ocupacional na percepção de aptidão para execução de uma atividade laboral, prevenindo o aparecimento de DORT. O objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver valores de normalidade nos exames de dinamometria palmar e escapular através do método de cartas percentílicas, que atendessem a população brasileira do setor industrial, correlacionando com as variáveis: faixa etária, sexo e lado de dominância, para servir de apoio na decisão de aptidão profissional. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e transversal com 2902 funcionários saudáveis entre 16 e 63 anos, a partir de banco de dados de empresas do setor eletromecânico da região metropolitana de Curitiba. Os dados foram analisados a partir da estatística descritiva com medidas de posição e dispersão e cartas de referência foram elaboradas a partir do método LMS (Least Median Square), sendo L transformação “BoxCox”, M mediana e S coeficiente de variação. Os resultados mostraram que as medianas de dinamometrias palmares desta pesquisa estão abaixo dos estudos internacionais e que as curvas percentílicas formadas pelos valores das dinamometrias desta amostragem apresentam um valor progressivo com a idade. Para o gênero masculino, a metodologia permitiu a formatação de gráficos de que apontam intervalos normalidade de acordo com cada idade. Conclui-se assim, que os valores dinamométricos palmares e escapulares encontrados hoje na literatura internacional não se aplicam para a população do setor eletromecânico nacional. O método de cartas percentílicas relacionadas com a idade e gênero permitiu formatar uma modelagem matemática com gráficos de normalidade, de fácil empregabilidade, que quando relacionado ao grau de risco ergonômico do posto de trabalho auxilia o raciocínio médico quanto a aptidão para assumir uma determinada atividade laboral. Como proposta futura, sugere-se a continuidade de estudos com esta mesma metodologia para o gênero feminino e a associação de outros métodos tecnológicos sensíveis à detecção e prevenção de doenças osteoarticulares relacionadas ou não, com o trabalho, como a termografia / The Musculoskeletal Diseases related to work (WRMD) are the pathologies that require attention of companies in the industrial sector due to high incidence of absenteeism and the prevalence in through INSS, and the upper limbs the most affected body part. The measurement of muscular strength by grip strength is one of the methods to measure the functional capacity a person, but international tables dynamometric values that are used as normal parameters are conflicting with the population of the Brazilian industrial sector. In this context, we see the need to create a specific standards model for the electromechanical industry sector to assist occupational medicine to check the capability to execute a labor activity, preventing from DORT. The aim of this study is to develop normal values for palmar grip strength and scapular tests by percentile cards method that met the Brazilian population in the industrial sector, correlating to the variables: age, gender and hand dominance, to provide support in the fitness professional decision. A retrospective, descriptive cross-sectional study was made with 2902 healthy employees between 16 and 63 years from database of electromechanical companies of the Curitiba metropolitan area. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with position and dispersion measurements and reference cards have been elaborated from the LMS method (Least Median Square), where L is transformation "BoxCox", M is median and S is coefficient of variation. The results showed that the median grip dinamometric of this research are below international studies and that percentílicas curves formed by the values of dinamometrias this sample have a progressive value with age. This methodology for the male gender allowed the formatting charts that show normal ranges according to each age. It was concluded that the dynamometric values grip and scapular found today in the international literature are contradictory when applied to the population of the national electromechanical industry. Percentile cards method related to age and gender, it was possible to format a mathematical modeling with normal graphics, easy usage, when related to the degree of ergonomic risk of working location aids medical thinking as the ability to take a certain labor activity. As a future proposal, it is suggested to continue their studies with the same methodology for the female gender and the association of other technological methods sensitive to the detection and prevention of osteoarticular diseases related or not with work, as thermography.

Análise cinético-funcional comparativa no procedimento de exodontia via fórceps convencional (utilizando empunhadura reversa) e ergofórceps

Garcia, Luciane Tomasi Dalmolin 26 September 2013 (has links)
A ergonomia aplicada à atividade odontológica visa racionalizar os procedimentos, evitando fadigas e desgastes desnecessários aos profissionais, ao mesmo tempo em que oferece segurança e conforto ao paciente. A exodontia, dentre os diversos procedimentos cirúrgicos, é considerada aquele que ocasiona maior desgaste e fadiga ao cirurgião-dentista. Visando minimizar essas dificuldades, Pece e Naressi (1995) desenvolveram uma sistemática exodôntica diferenciada/ergonômica e respectivo instrumento, um fórceps (Ergofórceps). Este trabalho tem por objetivo comparar cinético-funcionalmente a atividade de exodontia quando realizada com fórceps convencional e com fórceps ergonômico. Para esta pesquisa, vinte voluntários do curso de odontologia da Universidade Federal do Paraná foram analisados durante a realização da atividade de exodontia via alveolar. Imagens fotográficas e filmagens serviram de base na aplicação das ferramentas ergonômicas RULA e Moore Garg (Strain Índex), além da aplicação de um questionário aos participantes. Estas ferramentas foram selecionadas por terem sido consideradas as mais adequadas para avaliar, de forma específica, os esforços realizados nos membros superiores. A empunhadura utilizada com o fórceps convencional foi a reversa, que apresenta vantagens biomecânicas sobre a tradicional. Os resultados obtidos com o método RULA com os voluntários que utilizaram o fórceps foram: 70% escore 5 (risco moderado) e 30% escore 6 (risco moderado). Já os voluntários que utilizaram o Ergofórceps foram: 70% escore 4 (baixo risco) e 30% escore 3 (baixo risco). Com o método Moore Garg as pontuações para os voluntários que utilizaram o fórceps foram: 30% escore foi 3 (duvidoso) e 70% escore 4,5 (duvidoso). Já os voluntários que utilizaram o Ergofórceps as pontuações foram: 90% o escore foi 1 (baixo risco) e em 10% foi 2 (baixo risco). Os resultados sugerem que o risco do desenvolvimento de lesões ocupacionais em dentistas é menor quando o profissional utiliza o Ergofórceps. / Ergonomics applied to the dental activity aims to rationalize the procedures, avoiding unnecessary fatigue to the professional, while still offering safety and comfort to the patient. The extraction, among the several surgical procedures, is considered to cause increased wear and fatigue. To minimize these difficulties, Pece and Naressi (1995) developed a systematic and differentiated extraction technique and the corresponding instrument, a forceps named Ergoforceps. This study aims to compare kinetically and functionally the activity of extraction with the conventional forceps and the ergonomic forceps. For this research, twenty volunteers from the dentistry course of UFPR were analyzed during the activity of alveolar extraction. Photographic images and footage formed the basis for the application of RULA and MOORE GARG (Strain Index) tools. A questionnaire was also applied to the volunteers. These ergonomic analysis tools were selected since they were considered the most suitable to assess the effort made by the upper limbs. The grip used with the conventional forceps was the reverse, which has biomechanical advantages over the traditional. The results obtained with the RULA method for the extraction forceps were: 70% score 5 (moderate risk) and 30% score 6 (moderate risk). In contrast, when the Ergoforceps was used: 70% score 4 (low risk) and 30% score 3 (low risk). With the Moore Garg tool, the score of the volunteers when using the extraction forceps were: 30% score 3 (doubtful) and 70% score 4.5 (doubtful). In contrast, when the Ergofórceps was used the score was: 90% score 1 (low risk) and 10% score 2 (low risk). The results suggest that systematic extraction undergone with the Ergoforceps has ergonomic advantages and reduces the risk of developing occupational injuries among dentists.

Design de procedimentos e postos de trabalho: o uso da análise ergonômica e o método OCRA / Design procedures and working stations: the use of ergonomic analysis and the OCRA metthod

Silva, Fernando Partica da 25 November 2013 (has links)
O setor industrial é responsável por uma oferta considerável de postos de trabalho que exigem a realização de movimentos repetitivos, principalmente nos membros superiores, resultando em um número cada vez maior de Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos (LER) ou Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (DORT). A prevenção de LER/DORT, pode ser promovida pela aplicação de medidas de gestão e diagnóstico de situações de risco em condições reais de trabalho, com a utilização de ferramentas ergonômicas que avaliem integralmente os principais fatores de risco para a ocorrência de doenças musculoesqueléticas relacionadas ao trabalho. A presente pesquisa utilizou como ferramenta ergonômica, o Método OCRA, em uma indústria no setor metal-mecânico e teve como objetivo, o design de um posto de trabalho e dos seus respectivos procedimentos. A utilização do Check List OCRA possibilitou o mapeamento dos postos de trabalho no Setor Pintura e a caracterização do posto de trabalho com maior constrangimento musculoesquelético por movimentos repetitivos. O Índice OCRA permitiu a identificação e quantificação dos fatores de risco, a previsão de ocorrências de LER/DORT antes e após o reprojeto dos procedimentos e dos postos de trabalho Pintor I. A produtividade dos trabalhadores Pintor I foi mensurada, e observou-se que as melhorias ergonômicas proporcionadas pelo Método OCRA interferiram na produtividade dos trabalhadores. A utilização do Método OCRA e suas orientações para intervenções ergonômicas para o reprojeto de procedimentos e postos de trabalho, possibilitou uma diminuição do Índice OCRA de 15,36 para 2,03, o que correspondeu a um decréscimo de quatro vezes na probabilidade dos trabalhadores apresentarem doenças ocupacionais originadas por movimentos repetitivos. O reprojeto do posto de trabalho interferiu positivamente na produtividade dos trabalhadores, pois a diminuição das ações técnicas e as melhorias das condições posturais resultaram no decréscimo do consumo de tinta utilizado para a pintura das peças metálicas Perfil C; mensalmente, o reprojeto ergonômico, além de possibilitar melhores condições de trabalho, permitiu através dos ganhos de produtividade, economia mensal em mais de 145 kg de tinta para o posto de trabalho Pintor I, sem afetar a qualidade do procedimento. A aplicação do Método OCRA, método reconhecido e recomendado pelas normas internacionais ISO e EN, possibilitou a interface de um método ergonômico, no reprojeto de procedimentos e postos de trabalho, visando melhorias ergonômicas e ganhos de produtividade no posto de trabalho estudado. / The industrial sector is responsible for a high number of working stations which require a lot of repetitive actions, mainly of the upper limbs, resulting in an increasing number of Work Related Musculo Skeletal Disorders (WMSD). The prevention of WMSD, can be promoted by the application of management measures and diagnostic of risk situations in real working conditions, through the use of ergonomic tools to fully evaluate the main risk factors for the occurrence of WMSD. This study employed the OCRA Method as an ergonomic tool in a Metal-Mechanics sector industry and aimed to promote ergonomic improvements and verify the influence of productivity levels in a redesigned working station. The OCRA Check List enabled to map the Paint Sector Jobs and characterize the working station with the highest repetitive action musculoskeletal embarassment. The OCRA Index allowed to identify and quantify risk factors, and predict WMSD occurrences before and after the redesign of Painter I procedures and working stations. Painter I worker productivity was measured and it was observed that the ergonomic improvements provided by OCRA Method influenced the worker productivity. The use of OCRA Method and its guidelines for ergonomic interventions to the redesign of procedures and working stations, resulted in a reduction from to 15.36 to 2.03 in the OCRA Index, which corresponded to four times decrease in the probability of workers presenting occupational disease caused by repetitive actions. The working station redesign positively interfered in the work productivity since the reduction of technical actions and improvement of posture conditions resulted in decrease in consumption of paint used on the Profile C metallic parts; monthly, ergonomic redesign, besides creating better working conditions, enable through productivity gains, savings in more than 145 paint per month for the Painter I working station, without affecting the quality of the procedure. The OCRA Method application, a method recognized and recommended by the international standards ISO and EN, provided the interface of the ergonomic method to the redesign of procedures and working stations, aiming at ergonomic improvements and productivity gains in the workplace under study.

A metodologia LMS para modelagem matemática de cartas de referência de valores dinamométricos para avaliação de membros superiores / LMS methodology for mathematical modelling of reference cards of dynamometric values for evaluation of upper limbs

Trotta, Juliano de 31 August 2016 (has links)
As Doenças Osteomusculares Relacionadas ao Trabalho (DORT) são as patologias que demandam atenção das empresas do setor industrial devido à alta incidência de absenteísmo e pela prevalência nos afastamentos previdenciários, sendo os membros superiores o segmento corporal mais atingido. A mensuração da força muscular através da dinamometria é um dos métodos para estimar a capacidade funcional de um indivíduo, porém as tabelas internacionais de valores dinamométricos que são utilizadas como parâmetros de normalidade são conflitantes com a população do setor industrial brasileiro. Neste contexto, percebe-se a necessidade de criar um padrão de normatização específico para o setor da indústria eletromecânica que auxilie a medicina ocupacional na percepção de aptidão para execução de uma atividade laboral, prevenindo o aparecimento de DORT. O objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver valores de normalidade nos exames de dinamometria palmar e escapular através do método de cartas percentílicas, que atendessem a população brasileira do setor industrial, correlacionando com as variáveis: faixa etária, sexo e lado de dominância, para servir de apoio na decisão de aptidão profissional. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e transversal com 2902 funcionários saudáveis entre 16 e 63 anos, a partir de banco de dados de empresas do setor eletromecânico da região metropolitana de Curitiba. Os dados foram analisados a partir da estatística descritiva com medidas de posição e dispersão e cartas de referência foram elaboradas a partir do método LMS (Least Median Square), sendo L transformação “BoxCox”, M mediana e S coeficiente de variação. Os resultados mostraram que as medianas de dinamometrias palmares desta pesquisa estão abaixo dos estudos internacionais e que as curvas percentílicas formadas pelos valores das dinamometrias desta amostragem apresentam um valor progressivo com a idade. Para o gênero masculino, a metodologia permitiu a formatação de gráficos de que apontam intervalos normalidade de acordo com cada idade. Conclui-se assim, que os valores dinamométricos palmares e escapulares encontrados hoje na literatura internacional não se aplicam para a população do setor eletromecânico nacional. O método de cartas percentílicas relacionadas com a idade e gênero permitiu formatar uma modelagem matemática com gráficos de normalidade, de fácil empregabilidade, que quando relacionado ao grau de risco ergonômico do posto de trabalho auxilia o raciocínio médico quanto a aptidão para assumir uma determinada atividade laboral. Como proposta futura, sugere-se a continuidade de estudos com esta mesma metodologia para o gênero feminino e a associação de outros métodos tecnológicos sensíveis à detecção e prevenção de doenças osteoarticulares relacionadas ou não, com o trabalho, como a termografia / The Musculoskeletal Diseases related to work (WRMD) are the pathologies that require attention of companies in the industrial sector due to high incidence of absenteeism and the prevalence in through INSS, and the upper limbs the most affected body part. The measurement of muscular strength by grip strength is one of the methods to measure the functional capacity a person, but international tables dynamometric values that are used as normal parameters are conflicting with the population of the Brazilian industrial sector. In this context, we see the need to create a specific standards model for the electromechanical industry sector to assist occupational medicine to check the capability to execute a labor activity, preventing from DORT. The aim of this study is to develop normal values for palmar grip strength and scapular tests by percentile cards method that met the Brazilian population in the industrial sector, correlating to the variables: age, gender and hand dominance, to provide support in the fitness professional decision. A retrospective, descriptive cross-sectional study was made with 2902 healthy employees between 16 and 63 years from database of electromechanical companies of the Curitiba metropolitan area. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with position and dispersion measurements and reference cards have been elaborated from the LMS method (Least Median Square), where L is transformation "BoxCox", M is median and S is coefficient of variation. The results showed that the median grip dinamometric of this research are below international studies and that percentílicas curves formed by the values of dinamometrias this sample have a progressive value with age. This methodology for the male gender allowed the formatting charts that show normal ranges according to each age. It was concluded that the dynamometric values grip and scapular found today in the international literature are contradictory when applied to the population of the national electromechanical industry. Percentile cards method related to age and gender, it was possible to format a mathematical modeling with normal graphics, easy usage, when related to the degree of ergonomic risk of working location aids medical thinking as the ability to take a certain labor activity. As a future proposal, it is suggested to continue their studies with the same methodology for the female gender and the association of other technological methods sensitive to the detection and prevention of osteoarticular diseases related or not with work, as thermography.

Electronic Data Capture for Injury and Illness Surveillance : A usability study

Karlsson, David January 2013 (has links)
Despite the development of injury surveillance systems for use at large multi sportsevents (Junge 2008), their implementation is still methodologically and practicallychallenging. Edouard (2013) and Engebretsen (2013) have pointed out that thecontext of athletics championships feature unique constraints, such as a limiteddata-collection window and large amounts of data to be recorded and rapidlyvalidated. To manage these logistical issues, Electronic Data Capture (EDC) methodshave been proposed (Bjorneboe 2009, Alonso 2012, Edouard 2013). EDC systemshave successfully been used for surveillance during multi-sport events Derman et al(2013) and its potential for surveillance studies during athletics championships istherefore interesting. The focus for surveillance during athletics championships hasthis far been on injury and illness data collected from team medical staff in directassociation to the competitions. But the most common injury and illness problems inathletics are overuse syndromes (Alonso 2009, Edouard 2012, Jacobsson 2013) andknowledge of risk factors associated to these problems is also relevant in associationto championships. A desirable next step to extend the surveillance routines istherefore to include also pre-participation risk factors. For surveillance of overusesyndromes, online systems for athlete self-report of data on pain and othersymptoms have been reported superior to reports from coaches (Shiff 2010). EDCsystems have also been applied for athlete self-report of exposure and injury data inathletics and other individual sports and have been found to be well accepted with agood efficiency (Jacobsson 2013, Clarsen 2013). There are thus reasons forinvestigating EDC system use by both athletes and team medical staff during athleticchampionships.This thesis used a cross-sectional design to collect qualitative data from athletes andteam medical staff using interviews and “think-aloud” usability evaluation methods(Ericsson 1993; Kuusela 2000). It was performed over 3 days during the 2013European Athletics Indoor Championships in Gothenburg, Sweden. Online EDCsystems for collection of data from athletes and team medical staff, respectively,were prepared for the study. The system for use by team medical staff was intendedto collect data on injuries and illnesses sustained during the championship and thesystem for athletes to collect data on risk factors.This study does not provide a solution in how an EDC effort should be implementedduring athletics championships. It does however points towards usability factorsthat needs to be taken into consideration if taking such an approach.

The immediate effect of myofascial trigger point dry needling of four shoulder girdle muscles on the 100m lap- times of asymptomatic competitive swimmers in Bloemfontein

Schmidt-Kinsman, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements fo the Master's Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / Background Competitive swimming, as with most other sports that are participated in at more than a recreational level, involves a substantial amount of training. Training excessively results in the overuse of muscles. The overuse of muscles commonly causes the production of myofascial trigger points (MFTPs) within the overworked muscles. The presence of MFTPs is a condition known as myofascial pain syndrome (MPS). Myofascial trigger points may be active or latent. Either way, they produce a wide range of effects. This study focuses on the effect of reduced muscle strength. Muscle strength is essential to athletes as it determines performance. Swimmers with MFTPs will not perform at their full ability. Dry needling is an effective form of treatment for MFTPs as it produces immediate relief from the effects of MFTPs. There is not enough information on the immediate effects of dry needling on athlete performance. Since dry needling brings about the immediate relief of MFTPs, this study aims to restore a swimmer’s muscle power and hence improvement of their swimming performance post-intervention. Aim The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effect of dry needling common myofascial trigger points (MFTP) found in four muscles of the shoulder girdle on competitive swimmers’ 100m freestyle lap-times. Methods The design was a pre-test post-test quasi-experimental study. Thirty five competitive swimmers between the ages of 16 and 30 years old participated in this study. Each participant underwent one assessment. Participants’ lap-times were taken using a Sportline Econosport Stopwatch. The pre- and post-intervention lap-times were compared to each other using statistical analysis. The intervention for the purpose of the study was trigger point dry needling. Myofascial trigger points were assessed using manual palpation and the Myofascial Diagnostic Scale (MDS). Results The median lap time was slightly longer post intervention (0:01:16.10) than pre-intervention (0:01:16.03), and was highly statistically significant (p=0.001). The results of the study were inconclusive, however, as there were too many confounding variables (for example, fatigue due to repeatedly swimming laps, swimmers of a lower caliber and hence quicker fatigue rate being included in the study)which negated the effect of dry needling and so the poorer performance of the participants post-intervention could not be attributed entirely to the intervention. A small number of participant’s lap-times decreased post-intervention i.e. they performed better post-intervention. These individualswere predominantly sprint-swimmers. Conclusion Dry needling negatively affects immediate lap-time performance. Future studies should reduce the number of variables affecting the study, for example, having a sprinter versus long-distance swimmer group, testing the outcome of dry needling after the swimmer has had sufficient time (for example, a day) to rest post-intervention. / M

Stress Reactions of Division-I Track Athletes

Skarda, Laura Elizabeth 01 January 2012 (has links)
Problem: Track and field athletes, along with cross-country athletes have multiple and back to back seasons, creating overuse injuries. Stress fractures or stress reactions to the bone are the overuse injuries focused on in this study and literature review. There is a lack of information in the literature regarding stress reactions. Purpose: The goal of the study is to understand more information about stress reactions to bone and possibly increase the knowledge of health care professionals. Methods: Three case studies were examined through pre-existing medical chart notes and athletic trainer's notes regarding the stress reactions. A literature review was also performed to provide further information about stress fractures and stress reactions. Conclusions: There are multiple risk factors for stress injuries. All three of the athletes in the case studies are female, which is found to be a risk factor. Many risk factors need more studies to provide support. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was obtained in all three case studies where there was found to be a stress reaction. These three females also had a recent increase in activity level and had similar symptoms to each other and what is found in the literature.

An ergonomic intervention : the effect of a chair and computer screen height adjustment on musculoskeletal pain and sitting comfort in office workers

Van Vledder, Nicole 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aims: To assess the effect of a vertical height adjustment of the chair and visual display unit (VDU) on work related upper quadrant musculoskeletal pain (WRUQMP) and sitting comfort in computer users. The upper quadrant refers to the occiput, cervical and upper thoracic spine including the clavicles and scapulae. Methods: An N=1 study was conducted using the ABC design whereby an ergonomic workstation adjustment, of VDU and chair height, was compared to the subject’s usual workstation settings. Pain and sitting comfort were measured using visual analogue scales (VAS). The subject was assessed over the four week phases as she performed her typical VDU work. The results were compiled and tabulated. Results: Both the mean and variance in pain intensity decreased after the workstation intervention. A deterioration was noted in sitting comfort. Conclusion: The vertical height adjustment of the chair and VDU may have contributed to a decrease in WRUQMP in this subject. This safe, economical workstation intervention may be a practical management option for the computer user suffering from WRUQMP. Further research into the measurement of comfort whilst sitting at a computer workstation, is recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doelwitte: Om die effek te bepaal van n vertikale aanpassing van die stoel en beeldskerm van rekenaargebruikers op werksverwandte boonste kwadrant muskuloskeletale pyn en sitgemak. Die boonste kwadrant verwys na die oksiput, servikale en boonste torakale werwelkolom en sluit ook die klavikel en skapula in. Methode: Die N=1 studie is onderneem met gebruik van die ABC ontwerp in terme waarvan n ergonomiese aanpassing van stoel en beeldskerm vergelyk is met die normale gebruik van die deelnemer. Pyn en sitgemak is gemeet deur die gebruik van die Visueel analoogskaal. Die interwensies is ge-evalueer oor vierweekfases tydens normale rekenaar gebruik van die deelnemer. Die resultate is saamgestel en getabuleer. Uitkoms: Beide die gemiddelde en veranderlike pynintensiteit het verminder nadat die werkstasie aangepas is. Geen verbetering in sitgemak is opgemerk nie. Gevolgtrekking: Die vertikale hoogte-aanpassing van die stoel en beeldskerm het moontlik bygedra tot die verminderde pynvlakke in hierdie deelnemer. Hierdie veilige, ekonomiese verstelling is moontlik n praktiese beheeropsie vir rekenaargebruikers wat werksverwandte boonste kwadrant muskuloskeletale pyn verduur. Verder studie in die meet en waarneming van sitgemak tydens rekenaarwerk is nodig.

Desenvolvimento de um protocolo de avaliação de fatores de risco extralaborais para a identificação de dor osteomuscular / Development of an extra work risk factor assessment protocol for musculoskeletal pain

Scandelari, Lília Inês Kühnl 31 October 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar um Protocolo de Avaliação de Fatores de Risco Extralaborais para dor osteomuscular por meio de uma pesquisa do tipo prospectiva, exploratória, realizada com os funcionários efetivos da Câmara Municipal de Curitiba. Metodologia: O estudo foi realizado em duas fases. Na primeira fase, foi elaborado e aplicado o Questionário de Atividades Laborais e Extralaborais que permitiu elencar os fatores laborais de maior risco para desenvolvimento de dor osteomuscular nesta população, além de investigar a presença dos fatores de risco extralaborais mais prevalentes na literatura. Na sequência, foi realizada a correlação entre as respostas do questionário com os dados referentes a dor osteomuscular relatada pelos funcionários no Censo de Ergonomia e elaborado o Diagrama de Causa e Efeito. As análises estatísticas foram efetuadas com o pacote estatístico GRAPHPAD PRISM e foi considerado um nível de significância de 5% (α = 0,05). Na segunda fase da pesquisa, foi desenvolvido o Protocolo de Avaliação de Riscos Extralaborais de LIKS, concebido a partir da estrutura do Questionário de Atividades Laborais e Extralaborais, priorizando os fatores de risco extralaborais, em formato de respostas objetivas, contendo uma escala quantitativa de risco para o desenvolvimento ou agravamento de dor osteomuscular. Resultados: Obteve-se, como causa potencial para a dor osteomuscular a idade acima de 40 anos (p=0,001) e posto de trabalho (p=0,008). Neste estudo, a atividade física e 6 horas de sono ou mais foram consideradas como fator de proteção e a insônia, o uso inadequado de computadores, tablets e celulares em casa e estresse pessoal foram considerados fatores de risco relativo. A avaliação dos quesitos gênero, ocupação, segunda ocupação, posição para dormir, formas de ir e vir ao trabalho e uso de vídeo games não mostrou significância estatística. Conclusões: Os fatores de risco extralaborais provavelmente interagem com o desenvolvimento de dores osteomusculares. Conhecer e obter mais informações do funcionário durante seu exame periódico é importante no processo saúde-doença. Priorizar as causas e fatores envolvidos nas queixas de dor osteomuscular são de suma importância para a prevenção, diagnóstico precoce e encaminhamentos adequados para o tratamento e promoção da saúde. / The aim of this study was to develop an Extra Work Risk Factor Assessment Protocol for musculoskeletal pain through a prospective and exploratory survey conducted with the permanent employees of the Town Hall of Curitiba. Methodology: The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, it was developed and implemented the Work and Extra Work Activities Questionnaire which permitted the determination of the labor factors of increased risk of developing musculoskeletal pain in this population, and to investigate the presence of the most prevalent extra work risk factors in the literature. Further, we made the correlation between the questionnaire answers with the data on musculoskeletal pain reported by employees in Ergonomics Census and the Cause and Effect Diagram was held. Statistical analyzes were performed with the statistical package GRAPHPAD PRISM and was considered a significance level of 5% (α = 0.05). In the second phase of the research, we developed the LIKS Extra Work Risk Assessment Protocol, designed from the structure of the Questionnaire of Work and Extra Work activities, prioritizing extra work risk factors, in the shape of objective responses, containing a quantitative scale of risk for the development or aggravation of the musculoskeletal pain. Results: It was obtained as a potential cause for musculoskeletal pain the age of 40 years (p = 0.001) and workstation (p = 0.008). In this study, physical activity and 6 hours of sleep or more were considered as a protective factor and insomnia, the inappropriate use of computers, tablets and mobile home and personal stress were considered relative risk factors. The evaluation of gender questions, occupation, second occupation, sleeping position, ways to go and come to work and video game use was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Extra work risk factors probably interact with the development of musculoskeletal pain. It is important to know and get more employee information during regular review is important in the health-disease process. Prioritize the causes and factors involved in musculoskeletal pain complaints are of paramount importance for the prevention, early diagnosis and referrals to appropriate treatment and health promotion.

Desenvolvimento de um protocolo de avaliação de fatores de risco extralaborais para a identificação de dor osteomuscular / Development of an extra work risk factor assessment protocol for musculoskeletal pain

Scandelari, Lília Inês Kühnl 31 October 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar um Protocolo de Avaliação de Fatores de Risco Extralaborais para dor osteomuscular por meio de uma pesquisa do tipo prospectiva, exploratória, realizada com os funcionários efetivos da Câmara Municipal de Curitiba. Metodologia: O estudo foi realizado em duas fases. Na primeira fase, foi elaborado e aplicado o Questionário de Atividades Laborais e Extralaborais que permitiu elencar os fatores laborais de maior risco para desenvolvimento de dor osteomuscular nesta população, além de investigar a presença dos fatores de risco extralaborais mais prevalentes na literatura. Na sequência, foi realizada a correlação entre as respostas do questionário com os dados referentes a dor osteomuscular relatada pelos funcionários no Censo de Ergonomia e elaborado o Diagrama de Causa e Efeito. As análises estatísticas foram efetuadas com o pacote estatístico GRAPHPAD PRISM e foi considerado um nível de significância de 5% (α = 0,05). Na segunda fase da pesquisa, foi desenvolvido o Protocolo de Avaliação de Riscos Extralaborais de LIKS, concebido a partir da estrutura do Questionário de Atividades Laborais e Extralaborais, priorizando os fatores de risco extralaborais, em formato de respostas objetivas, contendo uma escala quantitativa de risco para o desenvolvimento ou agravamento de dor osteomuscular. Resultados: Obteve-se, como causa potencial para a dor osteomuscular a idade acima de 40 anos (p=0,001) e posto de trabalho (p=0,008). Neste estudo, a atividade física e 6 horas de sono ou mais foram consideradas como fator de proteção e a insônia, o uso inadequado de computadores, tablets e celulares em casa e estresse pessoal foram considerados fatores de risco relativo. A avaliação dos quesitos gênero, ocupação, segunda ocupação, posição para dormir, formas de ir e vir ao trabalho e uso de vídeo games não mostrou significância estatística. Conclusões: Os fatores de risco extralaborais provavelmente interagem com o desenvolvimento de dores osteomusculares. Conhecer e obter mais informações do funcionário durante seu exame periódico é importante no processo saúde-doença. Priorizar as causas e fatores envolvidos nas queixas de dor osteomuscular são de suma importância para a prevenção, diagnóstico precoce e encaminhamentos adequados para o tratamento e promoção da saúde. / The aim of this study was to develop an Extra Work Risk Factor Assessment Protocol for musculoskeletal pain through a prospective and exploratory survey conducted with the permanent employees of the Town Hall of Curitiba. Methodology: The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, it was developed and implemented the Work and Extra Work Activities Questionnaire which permitted the determination of the labor factors of increased risk of developing musculoskeletal pain in this population, and to investigate the presence of the most prevalent extra work risk factors in the literature. Further, we made the correlation between the questionnaire answers with the data on musculoskeletal pain reported by employees in Ergonomics Census and the Cause and Effect Diagram was held. Statistical analyzes were performed with the statistical package GRAPHPAD PRISM and was considered a significance level of 5% (α = 0.05). In the second phase of the research, we developed the LIKS Extra Work Risk Assessment Protocol, designed from the structure of the Questionnaire of Work and Extra Work activities, prioritizing extra work risk factors, in the shape of objective responses, containing a quantitative scale of risk for the development or aggravation of the musculoskeletal pain. Results: It was obtained as a potential cause for musculoskeletal pain the age of 40 years (p = 0.001) and workstation (p = 0.008). In this study, physical activity and 6 hours of sleep or more were considered as a protective factor and insomnia, the inappropriate use of computers, tablets and mobile home and personal stress were considered relative risk factors. The evaluation of gender questions, occupation, second occupation, sleeping position, ways to go and come to work and video game use was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Extra work risk factors probably interact with the development of musculoskeletal pain. It is important to know and get more employee information during regular review is important in the health-disease process. Prioritize the causes and factors involved in musculoskeletal pain complaints are of paramount importance for the prevention, early diagnosis and referrals to appropriate treatment and health promotion.

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