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Analýza nástrojů pro ověření přístupnosti internetových stránek dle amerického zákona Sekce 508 / Accessibility evaluation tools analysis according to U.S. law Section 508Novák, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is a comparison of tools used for web page accessibility evaluation, mainly their ability to find an accessibility issues defined in US law Section 508 paragraph § 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications. A new web page created for the tool analysis, which contains accessibility issues described in paragraph § 1194.22, has been used to evaluate how many issues the tool can find. Based on the analysis results every tool is scored and the final ranks are decided. The results of the analysis and the final ranks are the main outcome of this thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis describes accessibility in detail and introduces the main dissabilities affecting their ability to use computers. A detailed description of all Section 508 rules is present as well. It consists of translation of every rule into czech language, short description of the rule's meaning and points when the rule is met. The practical part describes the test web page, analysis proces and results in detail.
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Indução da ovulação com hcg e acetato de deslorelina altera o perfil proteico do líquido folicular de éguasSantos, Gabriel de Oliveira January 2014 (has links)
O líquido folicular é o microambiente do oócito durante sua maturação in vivo que é, em parte constituído por exsudato do soro sanguíneo e por substâncias produzidas localmente, que estão relacionados com a atividade metabólica das células ovarianas. Tais substâncias podem ser essenciais para a proliferação e diferenciação das células somáticas bem como na maturação e posterior fertilização de um oócito competente. A busca por biomarcadores capazes de predizer a saúde de um folículo ou a capacidade do oócito em se tornar um embrião saudável é objeto de estudo na medicina reprodutiva humana e veterinária. Para tanto é essencial o conhecimento a nível molecular dos constituintes do liquido folicular e suas funções. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o perfil proteico do líquido folicular de éguas submetidas à indução de ovulação, com dois diferentes protocolos usuais na prática clínica, utilizando eletroforese bidimensional em gel de poliacrilamida. Para tanto 19 amostras de liquido folicular de éguas que tiveram sua ovulação induzida por dois diferentes protocolos (1000UI hCG IV, Grupo H, ou 1000UI hCG IV + 1,5mg de acetato de deslorelina IM, Grupo H + G) foram submetidos a eletroforese 2D e posterior análise dos géis no PDQuest. Os valores de proteína total foram significativamente diferente nos Grupo H e Grupo H+G, 63,97 ± 6,97 e 73,07 ± 6,42, respectivamente. O número máximo de spots em um mesmo gel foi de 157 e o mínimo de 34, com média de 90 spots para o Grupo H e 83 spots para o Grupo H+G. Os 19 géis foram avaliados e a porcentagem máxima de spots relacionados foi de 52% e a mínima de 0%. Com média de 37,8% de similaridade entre spots para o Grupo H e 22% para o Grupo H+G. Estes resultados são de grande importância devido à escassez de trabalhos com proteômica de liquido folicular de éguas induzidas a ovulação e demonstram que a associação entre hCG e acetato de deslorelina aumenta a concentração de proteínas no líquido folicular em folículos pré-ovulatórios (>35 mm). / Follicular fluid is the oocyte microenvironment during its in vivo maturation. It is partly composed by blood serum exudate, and also by locally produced substances, related to ovarian cells metabolic activity. These substances may be essential for somatic cells proliferation and differentiation, as well as on the oocyte maturation and fertilization. The search for biomarkers able to predict oocyte ability to grow into a healthy embryo are targets on human and veterinary reproductive medicine. It is essential to know the components of follicular fluid and their functions. The aim of the present study was to evaluate protein profile of the follicular fluid in mares with inducted ovulation, in two different protocols, using 2D electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. 19 follicular fluid samples from mares in which ovulation induction was performed with two different protocols (1000UI hCG IV or 1000UI hCG IV + 1,5mg deslorelin acetate IM), submitted to 2D electrophoresis, and gel analysis on PDQuest. Total protein values were significantly different in Group H and Group H+G, 63,97 ± 6,97 and 73,07 ± 6,42, respectively. The highest number of spots on a same gel was 157 and the minimum was 34, with a mean of 90 spots to Group H and 83 spots for Group H+G. All of the19 gels were evaluated according to MasterGel and the highest percent of related spots was 52% and the lowest, 0%, with mean similarity between spots 37,8% to Group H and 22% to Group H+G. These results are of great importance, due to lack of works on follicular fluid proteomics using fluid from mares with induced ovulation, and demonstrate that the association hCG + deslorelin acetate increase proteins concentration on pre-ovulatory follicles fluid.
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Réification des propriétés visuelles pour les tâches de composition / Reification of visual properties for composition tasksJalal, Ghita 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les graphistes utilisent des propriétés visuelles comme la couleur, la police de caractères typographiques, la taille ou la position pour construire et communiquer leurs concepts visuels. La plupart des outils numériques de composition considèrent les propriétés visuelles comme simples attributs. Ces propriétés sont accessibles, quand l’objet est sélectionné,via des boîtes de dialogue, sans êtres considérées comme objets indépendants dans l’interface. Cette thèse porte sur la réification des propriétés visuelles des objets graphiques pour les tâches de composition.Je soutiens l’importance de créer des outils de composition qui permettent de manipuler les propriétés visuelles directement, sans passer par des menus ou des boîtes de dialogue.La manipulation des propriétés visuelles dépend de la perception des propriétés, de l’expertise de l’utilisateur et de leur représentations sur l’interface.Elle dépend également des outils existants pour manipuler les propriétés visuelles dans le contexte de travail. Les outils numériques de composition utilisent principalement des boîtes de dialogue. Certains travaux de recherche soutiennent l’importance de faire évoluer les boîtes de dialogues, et proposent des boîtes de dialogues plus interactives. D’autres travaux proposent de nouvelles manières de représenter et de manipuler les propriétés visuelles.Les graphistes préfèrent les outils qui agissent directement sur les propriétés visuelles. Ils adaptent ces propriétés, pour les utiliser comme outils leur permettant de compléter des tâches comme l’alignement et l’espacement.Les artistes et les designers travaillent en développant leurs propres représentations des espaces de couleur. Ils manipulent chaque couleur, dans le contexte des autres couleurs utilisées dans le même document.Leurs choix de couleur dépendent également d’autres propriétés visuelles comme la texture, la matière, ou la luminosité. En créant leurs mise en page, les graphistes établissent des liens entre les propriétés spatiales comme la position, la taille, et la superposition des éléments graphiques. Ils créent des règles pour définir comment ces liens évoluent dans un même document, ou entre différents documents.Deux groupes d’outils proposent des exemples de la réification des propriétés visuelles pour des tâches de composition. Deux études avec des designers présentent différentes utilisations envisagées pour ces outils.Chaque utilisateur présente des exemples de projets spécifiques dans lesquels ces outils faciliteront leurs tâches de composition, et comment ils leur permettront d’obtenir les rendus recherchés. / In this dissertation, I argue that visual composition tools should reify visual properties— that is, create them into first-class, interactive objects that designers can manipulate, directly in the document. Artists and designers use visual properties such as color, typography,size, and position to create novel composition concepts. Most visual composition tools treat graphical elements as objects— but not their visual properties. The latter are simply attributes of graphical elements, usually accessible on demand, through property sheets or dialog boxes, rather than as independen tinteractive objects.I begin with an introduction, where I outline the dissertation and summarise the main contributions.Then, I present a conceptual overview, where I argue that perception, expertise, theories and existing representations of visual properties affect how designers manipulate them in their work. In the related worksection, I identify the main approaches visual composition tools propose to manipulate visual properties.I explain the advantages and limitations of these approaches.I present a comparative structured observation study (Chapter 4) where graphic designers perform visual composition tasks in Adobe Illustrator. Designers preferred tools that provide direct access to visual properties.They use these visual properties to complete visual composition tasks such as alignment and distribution.I then present two interview studies (Chapter5, Chapter 6) that examined artists’ and designers’practices as they manipulate color and create layouts in their projects. Artists and designers create personal color representations. They manipulate each color in the context of its surrounding graphical elements,and combine it with other visual properties such as texture. As they create their layouts, designers establish links among visual properties such as size,position, and layering of graphical elements. They define rules for how these properties change in space,across instances of the same composition, or in time,across related compositions.Based on these observations, two groups of prototypes (Chapter 7) demonstrate how we can reify visual properties into first-class graphical objects. ColorPartner supports creating personal representations of the color manipulation process. Color Revealer permits creating informative color representations of how a process evolves. Palette Explorer supports manipulatingvisual properties of color swatches, such as size, position and layering, in the context of surrounding colors. Color Compositor supports manipulating the combination of colors and textures. Linkify supports linking visual properties directly in the documentand defining rules for how these links evolve as the content changes. Contextify supports creating rules that define how visual properties change across instances of a composition. In two follow up studies,designers explain how they intend to use these tools in their current projects..I conclude with a summary of the contributions(Chapter 8) and a discussions of the limitations and future work.
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ジスルフィド結合を介して構成的に形成される小胞体ストレスセンサーATF6多量体の解析古場, 玲 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第22291号 / 理博第4605号 / 新制||理||1660(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 森 和俊, 教授 高田 彰二, 教授 平野 丈夫 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Att bygga ett spa med komponenter i LitElement och ReactJS : En analys av skillnad i svarstid och applikationskod mellan Shadow DOM och Virtual DOM / To build a spa with components in LitElement and ReactJS : An analysis of difference in response time and application code between Shadow DOM and Virtual DOMOrtner, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker skillnader i svarstid mellan komponentbaserade SinglePage Applications i ReactJS och i LitElement. LitElement bygger på webbkomponenter som använder sig av Shadow DOM. ReactJS använder sig istället av Virtual DOM. Problemet är att virtual DOM kan orsaka en stor kostnad i beräkningskraft vid utveckling av större projekt. För att undersöka hur denna kostnad i beräkningskraft påverkar svarstiden för ReactJS i jämförelse medLitElement utförs ett experiment i en kontrollerad miljö. Resultatet blev att LitElement har en säkerställd lägre svarstid än ReactJS. Slutsatsen som drogs var att anledningen till denna skillnad i svarstid beror på kostnad i beräkningskraft förReactJS vid uppdatering av data . Vidare testning av detta fenomen, exempelvis fler mätserier eller funktioner skulle kunna vara ett framtida arbete. Andra framtida arbeten för att bredda denna studie kan även vara att undersöka skillnad vid användning av mobila enheter, applikationerna i kombination med databas ,mätning av utvecklingstid och mätning av användarupplevelse
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Změny v obsahu proteinů gliadinové frakce u čtyř odrůd pšenice při různých teplotách a stresu suchem. / Changes in gliadin content in four varieties of wheat at different temperatures and drought stress.Cigánková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an influence of increasing temperature and water shortage on the content of gliadin proteins in four varieties of wheat: Bohemia, Pannonia, Tobak and RGT Reform. Samples were cultivated at 26, 29, 32, 35, 39 and 41 ° C. Due to the lack of culture samples at 41 ° C, these samples were not used for our experiment. Cultivation took place during flowering with sufficient moisture (with soil moisture higher than 70%) or under drought stress (with humidity below 30%). The A-PAGE method was used to separate gliadin fractions. Quantification was performed by computer densitometry. Significant influence of water availability on gluten protein content was found. The lack of moisture in the stress environment caused a relative increase in gliadin fractions compared to conventional conditions, especially in the Pannonia and RGT Reform varieties. The Pannonia and RGT Reform varieties responded most to the temperature, while Bohemia. The Tobak variety responded to the temperature in interaction with water scarcity. Due to the rising temperature, virtually all gliadin fractions in the Pannonia and RGT Reform varieties increased. The effect of drought often manifests itself in interaction with the influence of temperature. The most dramatic effect was the drought in interaction with temperature in the Tobak variety, where the gliadin content increased. In general, the temperature and drought were most affected by -gliadin fractions of all four varieties of wheat.
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Změny v obsahu gliadinových frakcí bílkovin u dvou genotypů ozimé pšenice s rozdílnou délkou vegetační doby v závislosti na dusíkatém hnojení v interakci se suchem. / Changes in the content of gliadin protein fractions in two genotypes of winter wheat with different lengths of vegetation time depending on nitrogen fertilization with drought interaction.Francová, Marie January 2019 (has links)
In this diploma thesis the influence of the nitrogen fertilization and drought on the change in the content of gliadin protein fractions in two genotypes of winter wheat Avenue and Tobac was studied. These two genotypes differ in vegetation time length. Half of the plants were fertilized using nitrogen fertilizer at 200 kg N/ha. One third of the plants were cultured under the conditions of early drought (in bloom season), other one third was grown under the conditions of of late drought (grain filling season), and last third was grown under the conditions of natural irrigation. Individual gliadin fractions were separated by using A-PAGE method and their content quantified by computer densitometry. Our results have shown increase in gliadin fractions content after nitrogen fertilization. Early drought itself caused significant increase in the levels of -gliadin fractions in Tobac genotype. Early and late drought in combination with nitrogen fertilization increased levels of gliadin fractions in Tobac genotype. Early drought in combination with nitrogen fertilization had no effect on Avenue genotype, except of -gliadin fractions which decreased significantly. Late drought in combination with nitrogen fertilization caused significant increase in gliadin content in Avenue genotype. The highest increase in gliadin content was observed in fraction -5 of the Tobac variety during interaction nitrogen fertilization with late drought.
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Změny v obsahu gliadinových frakcí bílkovin u dvou genotypů ozimé pšenice s rozdílnou délkou vegetační doby v reakci na zvýšenou koncentraci oxidu uhličitého. / Changes in the content of gliadin protein fractions in two genotypes of winter wheat with different lengths of vegetation time in response to an elevated concentration of carbon dioxide.Janíčková, Vlasta January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an influence of elevated concentration of carbon dioxide (700 mol·mol-1) on the protein content of gliadin fraction in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) early var. Avenue and late var. Tobac. To separate gliadin, the A-PAGE method was used, proteins were quantified by computer densitometry. Signitificant influence of genotype on the gliadin fraction of the gluten proteins was found. Due to the increased concentration of CO2, the content of the gliadin fraction of the Avenue variety was reduced, while the content of the gliadin fraction of the Tobac variety increased. Effect of elevated CO2 concentration was at var. Avenue showed a significant difference in total content of gliadin fraction and fraction 1,2-gliadins. A significant difference was found in the var. Tobac only in the fraction 1,2-gliadin.
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Segmentace stránky ve webovém prohlížeči / Page Segmentation in a Web BrowserZubrik, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the web page segmentation in a web browser. The implementation of Box Clustering Segmentation (BCS) method in JavaScript using an automated browser was created. The actual implementation consists of two main steps, which are the box extraction (leaf DOM nodes) from the browser context and their subsequent clustering based on the similarity model defined in BCS. Main result of this thesis is a functional implementation of BCS method usable for web page segmentation. The evaluation of the functionality and accuracy of the implementation is based on a comparison with a reference implementation created in Java.
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Charakterizace specifických proteinů z vybraných živočišných produktů. / Characterization of specific proteins form selected animal products.Janhuba, Filip January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis is focused on study of specific protective proteins from animal products. Two different types of antimicrobial egg white proteins were studied in detail - antimicrobial protein ovotransferrin (conalbumin) and enzyme lysozyme. Ovotransferrin belongs to transferrin group of proteins and exhibits activities similar to milk protective protein lactoferrin. The main effects of ovotransferrin are antiviral, anticancer and immunomodulatory. Antimicrobial activity of ovotransferrin based on the possibility to bind iron is still a subject of interest. For comparison the second egg protein lysozyme (N-acetyl muramidglycan hydrolase) was used. Lysozyme is a hydrolytic enzyme which primary attack cell wall of bacteria. In the theoretical part of the thesis an overview of the specific antimicrobial proteins in selected animal products was introduced mainly focused on ovotransferrin and lysozyme. The experimental part of this work was focused on optimization of methods for the determination of antimicrobial activity, protein concentration and purity. For quantitative analysis of total proteins, optimized Hartree – Lowry spectrophotometric method was used. For the determination of molecular weight and purity SDS-PAGE was used and stained by Coomassie Brilliant Blue G250 and silver. In experimental part the real sample of egg white was compared with samples of lyophilized antimicrobial proteins and therapeutical pills supplied by industrial partner. Protein composition and purity of these preparative has been determined. Antimicrobial activity of ovotransferrin was studied on cultures of G+ bacterium Bacillus subtilis and for comparison on G– E. coli. Ovotransferrin showed antimicrobial effect only at very high concentrations of about 75 mg/ml (Bacillus subtilis) and 50 mg/ml (E coli) even with addition of high amount (100 mM) of hydrogen carbonate ions. The inhibitory effect was most evident in liquid media. On the other hand, lysozyme exhibited significant inhibitory activity from 0.3 mg/ml on gram positive bacteria. Inhibitory effect on E. coli was not observed. Another part of study was focused on isolation of ovotransferrin from egg white using gel permeation chromatography on Sephadex G100. As mobile phases 0.1 M phosphate buffer and 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer were tested. By SDS-PAGE the purity of ovotransferin comparing to standard was evaluated. Finally, the encapsulation of ovotransferrin and lysozyme was tested. Ovotransferrin and lysozyme was encapsulated into liposome and chitosan particles. Particles stability, distribution and average size distribution were studied by dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurement. The stability of particles in the model physiological conditions was studied too.
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