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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decomposição de grupos de dualidade de Poincaré, obstruções sing e invariantes cohomológicos /

Cavalcanti, Maria Paula dos Santos. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Ermínia de Lourdes Campello Fanti / Banca: Denise de Mattos / Banca: Maria Gorete Carreira Andrade / Resumo: O obejtivo principal deste trabalho é estudar as obstruções "sing" que desempenham papel importante nas demonstrações de certos resultados sobre decomposição de grupos que satisfazem certas hipóteses de dualidade apresentados em [16] e [17], em particular, sobre decomposição de um grupo G adapatada a uma família S de subgrupos de G com (G,S) um par de dualidade de Poincaré. Alguns invariantes cohomológicos e certos resultados envolvendo tais invariantes, decomposição de grupos e/ou grupos e pares de dualidade são também apresentados. / Abstract: The main objective of this work to study the obstructions "sing" which play an important role in demonstrating certain results on the splittings of groups that satisfy certain hypotheses of duality presented in [16] and [17], in particular, the decomposition of a group G adapted to a family S of subgroups of G with (G,S) a Poincaré duality pair. Some cohomological invariants and certain results involving such invariants, a splittings of groups and/or groups and pairs of duality are also presented. / Mestre

Efeitos da baixa liquidez em posições compradas em relação às posições vendidas sobre o desempenho de fundos long short em situação de crise sistêmica (2008)

Carvalho, Luís Renato 28 May 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Luis Renato Carvalho (luis.renato@hotmail.com) on 2013-08-30T14:30:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Trabalho final - Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças - Luis Renato de Carvalho.pdf: 2040201 bytes, checksum: 2c57abeb59c78a8119b34d55c5e1521f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vitor Souza (vitor.souza@fgv.br) on 2013-09-23T15:14:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Trabalho final - Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças - Luis Renato de Carvalho.pdf: 2040201 bytes, checksum: 2c57abeb59c78a8119b34d55c5e1521f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-21T17:02:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Trabalho final - Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças - Luis Renato de Carvalho.pdf: 2040201 bytes, checksum: 2c57abeb59c78a8119b34d55c5e1521f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-28 / Diversos estudos sobre investimentos em Ações e Fundos de Investimentos no Brasil, mais especificamente sobre Fundos Multimercados Long-Short, focam em sua neutralidade em relação ao Ibovespa bem como na performance de seus gestores e de suas respectivas estratégias, como Penna (2007) e Gomes e Cresto (2010). Com ênfase na comparação entre a liquidez da posição comprada e a da posição vendida em ações, foi verificado o comportamento de fundos long-short em situações normais e de crise, do período que vai de 2007 a 2009. Foram encontrados fortes indícios de que houve perda maior em momentos de estresse por parte de fundos que carregavam ações menos líquidas em suas carteiras na posição comprada em relação a posição vendida, apesar do número reduzido de fundos estudados e também de ter sido utilizado periodicidade mensal. Encontrou-se um retorno médio em 2008 de 11,1% para uma carteira formada por fundos com ações mais líquidas na posição comprada do que na posição vendida e 5,4% para uma carteira com posição inversa. Uma análise de risco-retorno feita com o Índice de Sharpe (IS) corrobora o estudo, pois a carteira composta por fundos com posição mais líquida na posição vendida apresentou IS de -1,5368, bem inferior ao IS de -0,3374 da carteira de posição inversa (mais líquida na posição comprada). Foi também utilizado o Modelo Índice, como em Bodie, Kane e Marcus (2005), para verificar se esses fundos, separados em carteiras divididas entre mais líquidos na posição comprada do que na posição vendida e vice-versa, tinham desempenho melhor que o mercado (IBOVESPA) de maneira sistemática (alpha=α) e a exposição dessas carteiras ao risco de mercado (Beta = β), além do Modelo de Fatores. As regressões realizadas para os modelos citados encontram coeficientes e respectivas inferências estatísticas que respaldam a hipótese acima, apesar de baixo número de observações utilizado. / Several studies on investments in stocks and investment funds in Brazil, more specifically on Multimarket Funds Long-Short, focus on their neutrality in relation to the Bovespa Index and the performance of their managers and their respective strategies, as Penna (2007) and Gomes and Cresto (2010). With emphasis on the comparison between the liquidity of the long position and the short position in stocks, was verified the behavior of the long-short funds under normal situations and crisis, in the period between 2007 and 2009. There was found strong evidence that loss was greater during stressful times by funds that carried less liquid stocks in their portfolios in the long position in relation to the short position, despite the reduced number of funds studied and was also used monthly periodicity. It was found an average return of 11.1% in 2008 in a portfolio of funds with more liquid stocks in the long position than in the short position and 5.4% for a portfolio with inverse position. An analysis of risk-return made with the Sharpe Ratio (IS) supports the study, because the portfolio of funds with liquid position in the short position presented IS of -1.5368, lower than IS of -0,3374 for the portfolio of inverse position (more liquid at the long position). The Index Model, as in Bodie, Kane and Marcus (2005), was also used to verify that these funds, divided into separate portfolios: more liquid on the long position than the short position and vice versa, had better performance than the market (Bovespa Index) in a systematic way (alpha = α) and exposure of these portfolios to market risk (Beta = β), and the Multifactor Model. The regressions, performed for the models mentioned before, found coefficients and their statistical inferences that support the above hypothesis, despite the low number of observations used.

Some formal characteristics of parallel speech in Kambera

Asplund, Leif January 2017 (has links)
In all languages of the eastern Indonesian island of Sumba, parallel speech is used in ritual contexts. In this study, some characteristics of parallel speech in Kambera are investigated. In the analysis of the structural types of couplets, the units of parallel speech, all the couplets found in Kapita (1987), and some additional materials, even from other Sumbanese languages, are used. In the rest of the investigation, only a sample of 100 couplets, here loosely defined as parallel speech units, in Kapita (1987) of the most common type is used, and the investigation is limited to formal (non-semantic) features which connect the two lines. The features investigated are number of syllables, words, and stresses and syntactic structure. In the discussion part, the question if the existence of non-parallel lines incorporating parallel pairs should be recognized and other questions are discussed. The conclusion summarizes the results about the different varieties of couplets and the formal connection between the two lines in them. / I alla språk på den östindonesiska ön Sumba användsparallellt tal i rituella sammanhang. I denna studie undersöks några egenskaperav parallellt tal i Kambera. I analysen av kupletters (enheter för parallellttal) strukturtyper används alla kupletter som finns i Kapita (1987) och en delannat material, även från andra sumbanesiska språk. I resten av undersökningenanvänds endast ett urval av 100 kupletter, här löst definierade som parallellatalenheter, i Kapita (1987) av den vanligaste typen, och undersökningen ärbegränsad till formella (icke-semantiska) drag som förbinder de två raderna. Dedrag som undersökts är antalet stavelser, ord och betoningar och syntaktiskstruktur. I diskussionsdelen diskuteras bl a om existensen av icke-parallellarader som inkorporerar parallella par bör erkännas. Slutsatserna summerarresultaten om de olika typerna av kupletter och den formella kopplingen mellande två raderna i dem.

Pratiques de bullying et adhésions normatives dans quelques classes d’école et de collège en Italie / School Bullying and Compliance with Norms and Values in some Primary and Secondary Italian School Classes

Mancuso, Charlotte 19 March 2010 (has links)
L’étude du harcèlement systématique entre pairs à l’école (school bullying) est-il éclairé par l’approfondissement de la relation aux normes qu’entretiennent les jeunes acteurs ? Quels sont les éléments clé aidant l’identification et la compréhension du phénomène ?A partir d’une redéfinition du bullying insistant sur les apports croisés de chaque protagoniste sur la scène des dynamiques indésirables, le travail propose une étude située du problème. Chaque acte et chaque initiative de type bullying sont ainsi analysés dans le cadre de la situation spécifique qu’ils dessinent et dont ils relèvent à la fois. Pour cela, l’attention est portée sur les attributions de sens et sur la perception réciproque d’adhésions normatives mises en avant par les élèves concernés. Quatre classes scolaires italiennes sont analysées dans leurs dynamiques relationnelles et conflictuelles ; du point de vue de leur organisation, de l’ordre et de la discipline ; en termes d’investissements axiologiques opérés par les jeunes et leur entourage et encouragés par les enseignants. / School bullying: does the study of peer harassment in schools delve deeper into the relationships of young people with rules and values? What are the key factors that can help to better identify and understand the phenomenon ? The work starts from a re-definition of school bullying based on the cross contribution of each character acting in the educational scene where the undesirable dynamics take place to propose a local analysis of the problem. Each school bullying initiative is analysed in the context of the specific situation that it create and from which it raises. Attention is also brought to the attribution of meanings as well as to the reciprocal perception of the compliance with the rules by students. Four Italian classrooms are examined taking into account the dynamics of their relationships and conflicts; their organization, rules and discipline; the axiological investments made by young people and promoted by their teachers.

Facteurs de pérennisation d'un réseau de formation par les pairs : le cas des Réseaux d'Echanges Réciproques de Savoirs / Long-term factors of a peer learning network : the case of reciprocal knowledge exchanges networks

Le Boucher, Caroline 14 December 2015 (has links)
L’innovation sociale résiste mal à l'épreuve du temps. Quand la plupart des expériences s’épuisent et disparaissent rapidement, certaines parviennent à se pérenniser. Le cas des réseaux de formation entre pairs pose encore d’autres questions. Qu’il s’agisse de réseaux d'apprentissage, de communautés de pratiques, de dispositifs collaboratifs, de Massives Open Online Courses (MOOCs), de groupes d'entraide mutuelle ou de formations par les pairs, ils sont particulièrement soumis à des transformations en fonction des besoins, des actualisations de contenu ou des engagements : quelles sont les caractéristiques particulières de ces dispositifs ? Quelles logiques les acteurs mettent-ils en oeuvre pour les inscrire dans la durée ? Peut-on dégager de leur analyse des facteurs de pérennisation ?C'est principalement à ces questions que cette thèse apporte des éléments de réponse, en prenant appuis sur le cas des Réseaux d’Echanges Réciproques de Savoirs (RERS). Elle présente successivement : une approche sociohistorique des différentes formes de coformation depuis le 19ème siècle ; une revue de la littérature dans le domaine ; un cadre théorique principalement appuyé sur la sociologie des organisations et l’approche sociotechnique ; la méthodologie principalement inspirée de la théorie ancrée ; les résultats les plus pertinents.Ce que cette recherche montre est l’importance des convergences de valeurs, conceptions, récits, aspirations, types d'organisation et outils qui fondent identité du collectif d’acteur engagés qui combinent ces éléments dans des formes locales d’appropriation qui permettent une réinvention du sens des actions et des pratiques. / Social innovation stands up with difficulty to the test of time. While most experiments run down and disappear quickly, some of them perpetuate. The case of knowledge exchanges networks between peers raises other questions. Whether in the case of learning networks, of communities of practice, of collaborative devices, of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), of mutual help groups or fo training by peers, these networks are particularly subject to change according to needs, according to content updating or to commitments. How are these devices characterized? What are their actors’ logics in order to make them perpetuate? Can we bring to light, from their analysis, some factors of perpetuation? Our doctoral thesis tries to provides some answers to these questions, through the example of knowledge exchanges networks. We present research studies about peer training after having described their different forms since the 19th century, in a socio-historical perspective. Based on a methodology inspired from grounded theory, this thesis articulates research studies from the organisational sociology with the socio-technical approach of training. The case of knowledge exchanges networks brings to light the role of shared values, of conceptions, of narratives, of expectations, of types of organisation and of tools that forge a national identity, combined with local forms of appropriation of these components that allow to reinvent the sense of actions and practices.

Neutral Hydrogen And Star Formation In Extremely Metal-Deficient Galaxies

Ekta, * 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Automated Kinematic Assembly Modeling

Dawari, Avinash 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this research is to bridge the gap between CAD modeling and kinematic analysis packages by extracting kinematic information directly from part genometries. It will relieve the designers from the tedious task of specifying assembly constraints and specifying redundant information for creating kinematic models. Automatic generation of kinematic assembly models is achieved by characterizing the lower kinematic pairs: cylindrical, spherical, prismatic, planar and revolute; from the geometries point of view. Based on characterization, the algorithms are developed to recognize these kinematic pairs from a pair of part genometries. The combinations of primitive genometric entities: vertices, edges and faces; forming point, line, arc and surface contacts are studied. The signature geometry is found to be associated with each type of joint. The contacts are analysed for restraining the relative motion between a pair of parts. Based on this, the form closure conditions are derived for surface, line, arc and point contacts for each type of joint. The algorithms are developed to automatically recognize these joints and to assemble them into a kinematic assembly model represented as a graph. The strength and novelty of the present procedure is that kinematic pairs can be recognized for conforming as well as non conforming genometries. A Visual Basic for Application (VBA) for Solid Works has been developed using Application Programming Interface (API) for user interaction. The part genometries can be in any 3D solid modeling neutral file format (.sat, .igs, etc) or some of the native formats of CAD softwares supported by Solid Works. The regions of interest can be directly identified through mouse pick on parts using Solid Works Graphical User Interface (GUI). The transformation matrices are derived automatically to position the parts relative to each other. The local interference between part geometries is also considered for checking the validity of the kinematic pair in the assembly. Assembly model is created and represented as a directed graph. The present implementation, built on the ACIS geometry kernel, imports the parts into SolidWorks, specifies the mating regions using a visual Basic interfaces and finally generates the kinematic assembly model as an ADAMS input file complete with part genometries, their mass properties, kinematic joints and their locations.

Fúze obchodních korporací a jejich vliv na finanční situaci / Mergers of Business Corporations and Their Influence on Financial Situation

Kubáňová, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with domestic mergers of business corporations realized between 2009 - 2012 and their influence on financial situation of chosen subjects. The first part of my paper describes basic theoretical aspects of mergers including their division and motives leading to the realization and their phases. The second chapter consists of trade-legal and accounting adjustment of mergers. Considering practical part, the main focus is on legal modification valid from 31. 12. 2011 to 1. 1. 2012. Following part of this thesis explains accounting solutions of mergers in example, where the immediate impact is shown on realization of the opening balance sheet. The fourth part is concerned with financial analysis, where the sources, users and relevant methods are mentioned. All analysis and results are submitted and described in the final part of my thesis.

Uniform companions for expansions of large differential fields

Solanki, Nikesh January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisation du système complexe de la publication scientifique / Modeling the complex system of scientific publication

Kovanis, Michail 02 October 2017 (has links)
Le système d’évaluation par les pairs est le gold standard de la publication scientifique. Ce système a deux objectifs: d’une part filtrer les articles scientifiques erronés ou non pertinents et d’autre part améliorer la qualité de ceux jugés dignes de publication. Le rôle des revues scientifiques et des rédacteurs en chef est de veiller à ce que des connaissances scientifiques valides soient diffusées auprès des scientifiques concernés et du public. Cependant, le système d’évaluation par les pairs a récemment été critiqué comme étant intenable sur le long terme, inefficace et cause de délais de publication des résultats scientifiques. Dans ce projet de doctorat, j’ai utilisé une modélisation par systèmes complexes pour étudier le comportement macroscopique des systèmes de publication et d’évaluation par les pairs. Dans un premier projet, j’ai modélisé des données empiriques provenant de diverses sources comme Pubmed et Publons pour évaluer la viabilité du système. Je montre que l’offre dépasse de 15% à 249% la demande d’évaluation par les pairs et, par conséquent, le système est durable en termes de volume. Cependant, 20% des chercheurs effectuent 69% à 94% des revues d’articles, ce qui souligne un déséquilibre significatif en termes d’efforts de la communauté scientifique. Les résultats ont permis de réfuter la croyance largement répandue selon laquelle la demande d’évaluation par les pairs dépasse largement l’offre mais ont montré que la majorité des chercheurs ne contribue pas réellement au processus. Dans mon deuxième projet, j’ai développé un modèle par agents à grande échelle qui imite le comportement du système classique d’évaluation par les pairs, et que j’ai calibré avec des données empiriques du domaine biomédical. En utilisant ce modèle comme base pour mon troisième projet, j’ai modélisé cinq systèmes alternatifs d’évaluation par les pairs et évalué leurs performances par rapport au système conventionnel en termes d’efficacité de la revue, de temps passé à évaluer des manuscrits et de diffusion de l’information scientifique. Dans mes simulations, les deux systèmes alternatifs dans lesquels les scientifiques partagent les commentaires sur leurs manuscrits rejetés avec les éditeurs du prochain journal auquel ils les soumettent ont des performances similaires au système classique en termes d’efficacité de la revue. Le temps total consacré par la communauté scientifique à l’évaluation des articles est cependant réduit d’environ 63%. En ce qui concerne la dissémination scientifique, le temps total de la première soumission jusqu’à la publication est diminué d’environ 47% et ces systèmes permettent de diffuser entre 10% et 36% plus d’informations scientifiques que le système conventionnel. Enfin, le modèle par agents développé peut être utilisé pour simuler d’autres systèmes d’évaluation par les pairs ou des interventions, pour ainsi déterminer les interventions ou modifications les plus prometteuses qui pourraient être ensuite testées par des études expérimentales en vie réelle. / The peer-review system is undoubtedly the gold standard of scientific publication. Peer review serves a two-fold purpose; to screen out of publication articles containing incorrect or irrelevant science and to improve the quality of the ones deemed suitable for publication. Moreover, the role of the scientific journals and editors is to ensure that valid scientific knowledge is disseminated to the appropriate target group of scientists and to the public. However, the peer review system has recently been criticized, in that it is unsustainable, inefficient and slows down publication. In this PhD thesis, I used complex-systems modeling to study the macroscopic behavior of the scientific publication and peer-review systems. In my first project, I modeled empirical data from various sources, such as Pubmed and Publons, to assess the sustainability of the system. I showed that the potential supply has been exceeding the demand for peer review by 15% to 249% and thus, the system is sustainable in terms of volume. However, 20% of researchers have been performing 69% to 94% of the annual reviews, which emphasizes a significant imbalance in terms of effort by the scientific community. The results provided evidence contrary to the widely-adopted, but untested belief, that the demand for peer review over-exceeds the supply, and they indicated that the majority of researchers do not contribute to the process. In my second project, I developed a large-scale agent-based model, which mimicked the behavior of the conventional peer-review system. This model was calibrated with empirical data from the biomedical domain. Using this model as a base for my third project, I developed and assessed the performance of five alternative peer-review systems by measuring peer-review efficiency, reviewer effort and scientific dissemination as compared to the conventional system. In my simulations, two alternative systems, in which scientists shared past reviews of their rejected manuscripts with the editors of the next journal to which they submitted, performed equally or sometimes better in terms of peer-review efficiency. They also each reduced the overall reviewer effort by ~63%. In terms of scientific dissemination, they decreased the median time from first submission until publication by ~47% and diffused on average 10% to 36% more scientific information (i.e., manuscript intrinsic quality x journal impact factor) than the conventional system. Finally, my agent-based model may be an approach to simulate alternative peer-review systems (or interventions), find those that are the most promising and aid decisions about which systems may be introduced into real-world trials.

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